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講員:林慈信(2020.3.19 講於馬來西亞檳城。2020.3.29 根據記錄稿增訂。
 (Webcast March 22, 2020, Penang, Malaysia.   Edited and revised from transcription of recording, March 31, 2020.)

As we live through the pandemic in various parts of the world, I would like to make some comments about our daily lives.  Many of us are experiencing(or have experienced, in China)  isolation and quarantine for most of the day.  Since we spend most of the hours of the day indoors, it is important that we live some kind of regular, disciplined lives.  Let there be some daily routine.  Make a schedule, especially for the morning.  Set aside time to study God’s Word, followed by prayer.  You may also want to set aside some morning hours, or some other quality time (when your concentration is at the peak) to do some additional study for your own growth.  Perhaps we might learn all over again, how to pray.  You may want to take the time to search your own hearts.  And then as we look out on the world, take time to show concern and mercy on others, albeit only online.  Straighten, or rebuild that community that is the Body of Christ.


I. 為什麼討論這題目
I.  Why Discuss This Topic?

“The Christian Faces Death”: why discuss this topic?  Why discuss it now?
[1] The first, most obvious reason is that sickness can, and does often lead to death.  Our lives are uncertain.  We do not know how and when it will end, especially during a pandemic.  Many Christians, especially Asians and particularly Chinese people, have a taboo and avoid discussing the topic of death directly.  Perhaps this taboo betrays our fear of death.

 [2] On the other hand, there are Christians are told a message of false hope, from various sources including the prosperity gospel.  Some people put  false hope in certain large gatherings, Christian or otherwise.  So on the one hand we fear death, and on the other we grope for what turns out to be false hope.

[3] Thirdly: Christians might fall into despair, and think there is nothing we can do.
The Bible doesn’t want us to fear death.  Jesus Christ came to “deliver all those who through dear of death were subject to lifelong slavery” (Hebrews 2:15). The Bible certainly does not give us false reasons for hope.  And the Bible certainly offers hope for those who despair.  The Bible is a realistic book, and our God is a realistic God.

Whatever teaching we provide for how to face death, we will not consider any alternative which compromises the sovereignty of God.  Our God is on the throne.  He is lord of life and death.  We hold on to this truth, and from this we draw some deductions as to how to face death.  By the way: we will not know how to face life, unless we know how to face death.  We must face death and our eternal destiny squarely; only then can we learn how to live with meaning and purpose at a moment like this.  (Perhaps you haven’t thought about this; perhaps for several years you have neglected these foundational principles.)

So why discuss this topic?  Because sickness can lead to death.  And the Bible gives us realistic answers to explain death, and to explain how to cope with and much more importantly, how to overcome death.

II. 死亡帶來的後果
II.  The Consequences of Death

What is death?  Why do people die?  And what are the consequences of this reality?
We must remind ourselves that the Christian view of death is not the same as in Buddhism or perhaps other Asian religions.  Death is not extinction; it is not as is said in Chinese, “like putting out a lamp.”  Death, physical death, is transition, from this phase of existence in this world, to another phase of existence.  Hebrews 9:27: “It is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment.”   Death is not the end of all things.

基督徒的死亡觀裡最重要的事實是:死亡是咒詛,是上帝對人類的咒詛。有時候,在基督教的圈子裡,會作出一種區分:一方面有『肉體的死』,另一方面是『屬靈的死』。但是根據《聖經》的教導,身體的死是真正的死亡。上帝清楚警告亞當和夏娃,吃分別善惡樹的果子必定導致死亡:『園中各樣樹上的果子,你可以隨意吃,只是分別善惡樹上的果子,你不可吃,因為你吃的日子必定死』(《創世記》2:16, 17)。我們肉身的死是上帝的咒詛(審判),肉身的死就帶我們面對永恆(上帝)這個層面。倘若人沒有被救贖,罪還沒有得到赦免,他面對的死,包括肉體的死和永恆的死。永恆的死,就是與生命的主宰隔絕,永遠在地獄裡;肉身的死,可能是與永活的上帝隔絕,但對信主耶穌的人,死亡是往永活的上帝那裡去!
[1] The most important thing about the Christian view of death is: death is a curse, it is God’s curse on mankind.   Sometimes Christians like to distinguish between physical death and spiritual death.  However, the Bible teaches that physical death is real death.
In the Garden of Eden, God clearly told Adam and Eve that the consequence of eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is death: “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” (Genesis 2:16, 17).  Our physical death is God’s curse (judgment).  When we physically die, we immediately face eternity and God’s judgment.  If a person is not saved, if his/her sins have not been forgiven, the death which he/she faces is both physical death and eternal death.  Eternal death means separation from the lord of life and spending eternity in hell.   So physical death may mean eternal separation from God;  but for those who have put their trust in Jesus Christ, death means going to heaven, where our living God is!

Because God has cursed mankind, each person must face the fact of death; and after death, we all have to face God’s judgment.  Dear friend, are you prepared to meet God?  Are you ready to face his judgment and your eternal destiny?

Is this news for despair?  Not at all!  As we shall see later, God has provided a solution for the problem of death.  The first result of death is God’s judgment, and man’s eternal separation from him.  There are only two destinies possible for men and women: heaven or hell.  (Are you getting restless?  Please be patient; there is good news to come.)

[2] The second consequence of death is futility and corruption in the natural realm.  Nature as we know it, the planet which we live in, is not functioning as it should, it is not functioning as it did before man sinned.  We can say that there is pandemic because the universe has been cursed by God, so it is subject to futility and corruption: “The creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it” (Romans 8:20).

Thus we see that because of one man Adam’s sin, we all became sinners (Romans 5:12), we must all face God’s judgment; even nature became futile and subject to corruption because of his sin.  We can say that viruses are part of God’s judgment (curse).  But it is God’s judgment on all mankind, because of sin.  Adam sinned; all mankind faces God’s judgment.  We have no privilege, no wisdom to know, which individual (other than Adam) has sinned to bring about God’s judgment.  We only know that because one man sinned, sin entered into the world, and along came judgment and death (Romans 5:12, 15-21).  At the same time, God cursed nature (Genesis 3:17-19).

[3] The fact of death brings a third consequence: just as one man sinned and death thus  came into the world, so death brings more sin.  Men and women commit sins of the heart, sins through the mouth, and sins in conduct.  Death brings more sin.

 [4] The fourth consequence of death is: suffering.  (The Lord willing, we will devote another session to suffering.)

 [5] The fifth consequence of death is corruption.  Not only does nature live in corruption, our bodies have become corrupt.  Therefore death brings about disease: death is the root cause.  Because of death, we grow old – aging, sickness and physical death are inevitable.  These are the content and meaning, as well as consequences, of God’s curse upon man’s sin.

Therefore, our lives are fleeting – they pass quickly.  This reminds of the psalm of the man of God Moses, Psalm 90.  Let us pause to consider the brevity of life.

III. 基督徒的生死觀『摩西之詩』的啟迪
III.  The Christian View of Life and Death: Psalm of Moses

 “Lord, you have been our dwelling place in all generations.  Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you have formed the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.”  (Psalm 90:1, 2)  The Lord is God, he is eternal.  The meaning of God’s eternity is: he created time, he rules over time.  Before there was ever time, he exists.

 “You return man to dust and say, ‘Return, O children of man!’  For a thousand years in our sight are but as yesterday when it is past, or as  watch in the night.  You sweep them away as with a flood; they are like a dream, like grass that is renewed in the morning: in the morning it flourishes and is renewed, in the evening it fades and withers.”  (Psalm 90:3-6)  God is eternal; in contrast with this fact, our lives are short and temporary.  God brings our lives to a close; we return to dust.  For God, a thousand years is like just one day or one night.  So as in a flood, we are all swept away.  Our lives are also like grass; it grows up quickly, and is cut down just as quickly.  Yes, life is short.  But not so with God: he is eternal.

In Psalm 90:7, 8  Moses explain why life is so short.  Why must we all die?  “For we are brought to an end by your anger; by your wrath we are dismayed.  You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your presence.”  Here the Bible gives us two reasons why we humans must all die: first, we are sinners, we all sin, and sin brings guilt and death.  The second reason is: because we sin, God pours out his wrath.  Sin brings God wrath and his judgment upon us.

Let me repeat: we cannot ask: who has sinned to bring about God’s judgment, plus war, famine, viruses, or other disasters?  (Other than: the one man Adam sinned.)  God does not tell us.  The Bible does not tell us.  So try not to ask these abstract questions which are detached from reality.  (The questions which the Bible doesn’t answer are abstract questions by definition.  The Bible is concrete; it tells us concrete things.)  What the Bible does say is: our sin results in God’s judgment, which is: our death.  This reminds us of Hebrews 9:27:  “It is appointed for man to die once, and after that judgment.”  We can only know so much, we also only need to know so much.  (The Bible tells us what we need to know; what we need to know, is how to become saved and live godly lives to the glory of God.)  Therefore, life is short, death is inevitable, all because Adam sinned; we sinned; and also because of God’s wrath and judgment.

我們繼續讀下去『我們經過的日子都在你震怒之下我們度盡的年歲好像一聲嘆息。我們一生的年日是七十歲,若是強壯可到八十歲;但其中所矜誇的不過是勞苦愁煩,轉眼成空,我們 便如飛而去。』(《詩篇》909-10)人生不僅是短暫的,死亡不僅是必然的。人生往往充滿這虛空和痛苦。我們一生充滿的只不過是勞苦和愁煩。
Let us read on: “For all our days pass away under your wrath; we bring our years to an end like a sigh.  The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away.”  (Psalm 90: 9, 10)  Life is not only short; not only is death inevitable.  Life is often filled with emptiness and suffering.  All our lives are filled with toil and labor.

Isn’t the Bible pessimistic!  Why do we say, then, that the Bible is realistic?  Because there is a way out.  The Bible directs us to fear God, to be a wise person and thus understand the mystery of life.  “Who considers the power of your anger, and your wrath according to the fear of you?  So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”  (Psalm 90:11, 12)  Death is not the end of all things, because in this life, God wants to teach us and make us wise.  God wants to give us grace to fear him.  We are to become wise and receive salvation and fear him; this is the way to penetrate the mystery of life and death.  The Bible, “the sacred writings … are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” (II Timothy 3:15)

In other words, God wants to rescue us from death, that is, to save us from sin and his judgment.  “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 3:23-24)  “To all who did receive him (Jesus Christ), who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”   (John 1:12)  When we put our trust in God’s Son, Jesus Christ, we will be liberated from the power of sin and death, and become God’s children.  Let us discuss this right away.

Those of us who have received God’s salvation, God wants us to fear him and be wise persons.  We need to know how to pray:  not self-centered prayers which only ask for blessing, not to treat God as a genie in a bottle.  Not, it’s not like this.  There is hope.  In this life, Christians have hope; the condition is, we must be God-centered in our prayers; we must care about the things which God cares about.  Of course we can lay before God our struggles, but we need to have an attitude of “trust and obey.”  See how Moses prays: “Return, O Lord!  How long?  Have pity on your servants!  Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.  Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, and for as many years as we have seen evil.  Let your work be shown to your servants, and your glorious power to their children.  Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of your hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!”  (Psalm 90:13-16)

Moses asks God for joy.  Not the kind of joy through escaping from suffering; rather, that in the midst of suffering, God will make us go through suffering with joy.

He prays that we may experience God’s love.  God’s love is not some sentiment which we manufacture, but a reality which we can experience in the midst of suffering and sorrow.
Moses prays that we can meet God and experience his glory.  Not a kind of mountain peak experience manufactured by emotions, but an experience of God’s power and glory in the midst of our pain and weakness.  Moses prays that God will manifest this on us: in our weakness, we can experience his strength, all because of Jesus Christ.

He also prays that God will come to bless the work of our hands.  The work of our hands is seeking first his kingdom and his righteousness (Matthew 6:33).  Only this way may we ask God to bless our work. All this is possible, and available because of Jesus Christ, and because the Holy Spirit is actively working in the Christian. Therefore, we put God as first in our lives, his glory and his kingdom is at the center.  Thus we are filled with joy, direction, meaning, dignity, glory, and hope.

換言之,那些被耶穌基督釋放,解決了死亡問題的人,就是那些知道,敬畏上帝的人才能明白人生的意義。我們可以作這種禱告,我們可以禱告,求上帝賜予喜樂:患難中的喜樂,走過患難時的喜樂;我們可以求上帝讓我們看到祂的榮耀,在我們軟弱的時候可以經歷祂的榮耀。可以求上帝給我們看到,我們手所作的工,為祂國度所作的工,有上帝所賜的福,必會有紮實而長久的果效。這些人,可以轉身回到這個充滿著災難的境況中,或在病毒的世界中,成為別人的祝福。提供盼望,分享憐憫,傳揚一個叫人得救,得智慧,得釋放的福音。藉我賜恩福 Make me a blessing
In other words, those who have been liberated by Jesus Christ, who have received the solution to the problem of death, those who know God and fear him, only they know the true meaning of life.   We can pray this kind of prayer, we can pray that God gives us joy: joy in suffering, joy as we go through suffering.  We can pray that God lets us see his glory, see his glory in the midst of our suffering.  We can ask  God to let us see that the work of our hands, work for his kingdom, is blessed by him, that they bear solid, long term fruit.  These people can turn around and go into this world, filled with disaster or viruses, and become a blessing for others.  They offer hope, they share compassion, they declare a gospel which saves and liberates people, and makes them wise.  “Make me a blessing!”

IV. 基督教信仰如何面對死亡:上帝與死亡
IV.  God and Death: How Christians Face Death

上帝定意要解決死亡的問題。祂是否只坐在天上,不關心我們人類的痛苦?他關心,他下來人間解決罪和死亡的問題。我們的立場是,要解決死亡和苦難等的問題,我們只接納那些不妥協上帝主權的方案。上帝非常關注死亡。首先,祂很現實地宣告了祂的咒詛。《創世記》第二章,祂告訴亞當夏娃:你吃那分別善惡樹的果子那日子,必定死 (16, 17)。亞當犯罪之後,上帝來施行審判:祂咒詛了蛇,咒詛女人,咒詛男人。咒詛男人的話裡,包括宣告大自然界會變成不正常。『地必為你(亞當)的緣故受咒詛;你必終身勞苦才能從地裡得吃的。地必給你長出荊棘和蒺藜來…』(《創世記》317-18
God is determined to solve the problem of death.  He doesn’t just sit up there in heaven, not concerned about mankind’s suffering.  He does care; he has come down to solve the problems of sin and death.  Our position is: in order to solve the problems of death and suffering, we only accept those solutions which do not compromise God’s sovereignty.  God is very concerned about death.  First he very realistically pronounced his curse.  In Genesis chapter 2 he told Adam and Eve, the day in which they eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, they shall die (v. 16, 17).  After Adam sinned God came to judge: he cursed the serpent, the woman, and the man.  And the curse upon Adam include the pronouncement that nature will become abnormal: “Cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you.”  (Genesis 3:17, 18)

But just as God cursed mankind and nature, he gave help, hope, and grace.

[1] First, he offered help.  He killed animals and made skirts from their skins for Adam and Eve to cover their shame (Genesis 3:21).  There was no shame before sin (Genesis 2:25), but now shame is part of human reality.   Shame exists because of man’s guilt.  God provided clothing for Adam and Eve to put on.  God also sent angels and a flame to guard the entrance to the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:22-24).   Because he does not want man, as sinners, to re-enter the garden,  possibly  eat of the tree of life, and perish forever.  God is compassionate.  He wants to help man, he wants to save man.

 [2] Second, God provided hope.  Just as God curses Eve, he gave hope.  He told the serpent: the seed of the woman shall bruise his head (Genesis 3:15).  In other words, God intimated that one day Jesus would come to defeat the power of sin, Satan and death.  Jesus Christ is a descendant of the woman (Galatians 4:4).  So just when God cursed mankind and nature, he began to unfold his plan of salvation.  He began to save.

 [3] Finally, he offered grace, saving grace.   Adam knew well that after he ate the forbidden fruit, he must die.  God’s judgment came, as forewarned.  But God also giave Adam faith to believe in his grace.  “So the man called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living” (Genesis 3:20).   He deserved to die, but now through faith he saw that life would go on.   Salvation will come, because the Savior will come.  All because God gave him faith (Ephesians 2:8, 9).

《創世記》第四章起,上帝繼續展示祂如何勝過死亡的咒詛和權勢。人沒有能力勝過死亡。上帝如何勝過?勝過死亡的方法,是透過死亡;換言之,要透過流血,獻祭,贖罪,人的罪才能被塗抹,被赦免。上帝不僅用動物的皮子作裙子給亞當夏娃穿;裙子和接下來的啟示讓人知道,解決罪的方法是透過代罪來贖罪 (substitutionary atonement)。必須有一個代替品,代替人死。到了出埃及時期,我們讀到『頭生者』的原則。生出來的第一個男子是屬上帝的,應該成為祭獻給上帝。上帝沒有要人把人獻為祭,所以總會有一個替代的祭(《創世記》第22章;《民數記》340-51)。上帝後來設立祭司,聖所,叫人能為自己的罪獻祭。
From Genesis chapter 4, God continues to unfold how he is to triumph over the curse and power of death.   Man has no power to overcome death.  How does God do it?  He overcomes death through death: in other words, through the shedding of blood, offering up a sacrifice, atoning for sin, only this way can man’s sin be blotted out and forgiven.  God not only provided clothing for Adam and Eve with the skins of animals; subsequent revelation shows that the way to overcome sin is through “substitutionary atonement.”  There must be a substitute that will die for man.  When time came for the exodus, we read about the principle of the “firstborn.”  The firstborn male belongs to God, he should be a sacrifice, offered to God.  Now God doesn’t want man to offer human sacrifice, so there will always be a substitute (Genesis chapter 22; Numbers 3:40-51).  Later God instituted the priesthood and the sanctuary, so that man could offer sin for his sins. 

Throughout Old Testament history, God revealed to man many times, to teach man: all these sacrifices are “types,” they point to Jesus Christ.  One day God himself will come to personally die as a sacrifice for our sin.  Jesus Christ came to personally die, thus resolving the problem of death and curse.  He also triumphed over death (I Corinthians 15:55-57; refer to the whole chapter as context).  If we put our trust in Jesus Christ, we will be spared condemnation, he will overcome death for us.  Not only is the problem of death solved; Jesus rose for the dead, for sinners.  His resurrection is a guarantee to us  that one day, we too will be raised, and put on a body which will never die (I Corinthians 15:35-44).

“In fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.  For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. 
For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive” (I Corinthians 15:20-22).  Paul continues to say that, one day we will receive a new body which cannot die, will not be corrupted, and have no same (I Corinthians 15:42-43).  When we face viruses, when we face human suffering, we must be clear: all this pain is the result of one man Adam’s sin.  And because of one man, Jesus Christ, we have hope by putting our trust in him.

V. 如何具體面對死亡
V. How to Concretely Face Death

Now concretely, how do we actually face death?

First, the most important thing is: you must put your trust in Jesus Christ.  He is the one, the only one,  who died to overcome death for sinners like us.  Dear friend, are you sure that you have trusted in Jesus as your savior?  Have you relied on him to die for your sin, to cleanse you, and to overcome death for you? If not, be absolutely clear about this.  Come to him today.  Receive him as your God, your Savior, the Lord of your life.

Next, for Christians.  Are you afraid of death?  I mean, really, in your heart, are you afraid to die?   The human death toll increases every day.  (As I write, the death toll in the US has passed 3,000.  March 31, 2020.  Experts project 100,000 deaths or more.)  As Christians, we have Jesus, we have the hope of resurrection.  We should be people not afraid to die.  Jesus came to “deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery” (Hebrews 2:15)!

This doesn’t mean that we don’t have anxiety.  We are all made of flesh and blood.   But through the faith which the Holy Spirit gives us, we can hold on to our Lord Jesus every moment, and hold on to the promise of God’s Word.  We can ask him to give us grace, that we may boldly face death.

至終,我們怕死,是因為我們缺乏信心。宗教改革傳統告訴我們,大部分的罪,歸根究底是『不信』(unbelief,缺乏真正的信心)。我們在心靈的深處,並不完全相信上帝已經為我們解決了死亡的問題,為我們勝過了死亡。我們告訴自己,我相信,但是心靈深處卻不沒有那個真的,活潑的信心。因為,我們若真的相信,我們會操練我們的信心:聖靈所賜的信心,不怕死,勇敢的在地上為基督作見證。保羅說:『我活著就是基督,我死了就有益處… 情願離世與基督同在,因為這是好的無比的』(《腓利比書》120, 23)。當然,一天仍然活著,是基督,是為基督(參:《加拉太書》220)。
At the end of the day, we fear death because we lack faith.  The Reformation tradition tells us, most of our sins, at their root, are due to unbelief (the lack of true faith).  Deep in our hearts, we don’t completely believe that God has solved the problem of death for us, that he has overcome death for us.  We tell ourselves, “I believe,” but in the depths of our souls, we don’t have that true, living, strong faith.  Because if we really believe, we would exercise that faith; the faith which the Holy Spirit gives is not afraid of death.  Faith lets us boldly witness for Christ in the world.  Paul says: “With full courage, now as always, Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. … My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better” (Philippians 1:20, 21, 23).  But, as long as we live, to live is Christ (Galatians 2:20).

The root sin in our hearts is unbelief (the lack of true faith).  You will object: Pastor, you can’t be real.  This isn’t a message for humans (perhaps for angels only).  How an this be?  Not to be afraid of death?  Just use our faith, and we will not be afraid to die? 

The hope you are talking about  sounds to me like just another empty message of hope.

Friend, it is true, it is difficult to have faith.  In fact, it is impossible, unless God gives us grace and strength.  However, everything is possible with God.  “I can do all things through him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13)  Faith is a gift from God.  We must ask God for faith; and through worship, repentance, meditation,  hold on to our ever living, almighty God.

Now onto practical application.  Let’s suppose that death is near.  You know that there are only a few days left to live.  Breathing has become difficult.  How do you prepare yourself to die?

About 300 years ago, Christians in England would prepare for death this way.  They would sing psalms in bed, they would pray and commit their family and loved ones to God.  Following their spirit, I prepared a prayer, originally intended for a brother to use before he dies.  Use this as a reference; feel free to share with other Christians.


Dear Lord, You are my Savior.  You are the light of the world, You are the light of my life.  I now commit my soul to You.
Thank You, my Heavenly Father, I have found my Savior.  You are the Lord of my life.
Thank you Lord, You are the Way of my life, every day, every year of my life.  You give sunlight, You give the dark clouds, You give the storm.  Lord, You give, You take away, blessed be Your Name.

Dear Lord, I commit my family to You.  Please be with my wife.  Give her the grace and the strength she needs every day, every moment.  Give her the faith she needs, so that she may live before You.  Once we part from one another, she will be left on earth; grant her the light she needs in her heart.  Grant her strength to take hold of Your promises.  She has You, Lord, to love her, support her, guide her.  You are her comfort, You will be her loving husband.

Give her enough faith to believe, and hold tightly to the promises from You.

Lord, I believe.  I commit my wife to you.  Help me in my unbelief.

Dear Lord, I commit to you the younger generation(s).  They are young, they need You to be their Wisdom.  According to Your promise, Lord, be their Father (and Grandfather).  They are growing in life’s journey, grant them discernment, O Lord, to know truth from falsehood.  Grant them wisdom to discern which friends they need.  Lord, if it be Your will, grant them spouses who love and fear You, that they may build Christian homes.  May You fulfil Your purpose in their lives.

Lord, I believe.  I commit the younger generation(s) to You.  Help me in my unbelief.

Lord, I commit to You all my brothers and sisters in Christ, pastors and elders.  Lord, continue to rule over Your church.  Continue to love Your church on earth.  I commit all my relatives and friends around me to You.  May You fulfil Your most wise and wonderful purpose in each life.

Lord, You are the light in my darkness, You are the dwelling place of my heart.  I want to serve You while I am still on earth.  I want to run home to be with You.  No matter where I am, O my soul, take hold of Your Lord.

Lord, I believe you.  Help me in my unbelief.  Thank You, Lord Jesus, for being my Savior. 

In the name of my Savior Jesus I pray, Amen.
Other than praying, these Puritans would also encourage their family members, and witness to God’ grace in their lives.  “Great is thy faithfulness!”

VI. 如何面對別人的死亡

那麼當我們的家人親友去世時我們該作什麼當然會有憂傷會彼此安慰。『笑有時;哀動有時』(《傳道書》34 )夜闌人靜時,在心靈深處,如何面對?
What about when our family member or a loved one dies?  What can we do?  Of course there will be grief and sorrow, and we do our best to comfort each other.  “A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn…” (Ecclesiastes 3:4) As darkness falls, at night, in the depth of your heart, how do you cope? The Bible and human experience both tell us, when loved ones depart, how people may possibly react.   Some people are so overcome by grief, they become depressed (my definition of depression here is: we become unable to function and work normally).   Some people may blame God and ask: why?  Why now?  Why is it he/she?  Why so fast?  Why with so much pain?

Or some would quarrel and argue with brothers and sisters.  As the deceased lie in the casket, family fight goes on.  Then there are other emotions, including denying that the loved one has died, etc.

These are all very human reactions.  But if we remain in these emotional states, they become a dead end street.  Yes, there is a time to weep.  But there is also a time to stop weeping. The best way to face death is to give thanks to God.  To thank God for the life which was lived.  Common grace has come to our loved one.  And if he/she is a believer, also salvation and eternal life.

You will object: Pastor, you are so cruel.  You don’t understand people at all!  How can we give thanks as we are grieving?   Well, may I ask you a question?  How DO you cope with death?  Are you in one of the above mentioned situations?  Has your way helped?  Is there a way out?  Has it brought you hope and joy?  Has it given you more insight and wisdom?
How about it?  Consider.  Try God’s way.  We invite you.  Come.

Let’s return to the psalm of Moses (Psalm 90, see above).  Let us ask God to give us a heart of wisdom, that we can see through the mystery of life and death (Psalm 90:12).  The author of Ecclesiastes, the wise one, concludes his book this way: “The end of the matter; all has been heard.  Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).

This is the most realistic philosophy of life: this is how to face life and death.  It is a living way, it brings you true hope, direction, meaning … and a mission for living.

The riddle of death isn’t just an academic subject for debate.  It is a reality which we all must face.  Death is happening right before our eyes every day, all over the world.   We heard about places where mass graves are dug for thousands to be buried together.  Unthinkable.  But for those of us who put our trust in Jesus Christ, there is a way out (I Corinthian 10:13).  The is hope.

Dear friend, are you willing to put your trust in Jesus?  He is the savior of sinners.  Believe in him, and he will overcome death for you.   If you are willing, let us pray right now:


Dear God.  This world is full of fear, anxiety and pain.  For me to put my trust in you is very difficult.   I admit, it is difficult to believe.  I also don’t understand all that I am thinking.  Please be gracious to me.  Have mercy on me.  God, please give me faith.  Open my eyes, and let me see the mystery of death.  Let me see how you have overcome sin and death for sinners through Jesus.
I confess that I am a sinner, and I live in a world filled with sin.  Please, I ask you to forgive my sin; give me faith to believe you as my savior.  Please cleanse me and become Lord of my life.  I want to receive direction from your Word, so I can fear you, live for you, and face death with you.
Lord, you have given me everyday responsibilities; I need to live, work, take care of my family.  Thank you for providing duties in this life.  Teach me how to live, how to die.  Because you have prepared a home for us in heaven.
Thank you, Lord, for giving all kinds of gifts to those who trust in you.  I believe.  Please help me in my unbelief.  I pray in reliance upon the name of Jesus, the savior of sinners.  Amen.
(Note: “To pray in the name of Jesus” means to rely on him and all he has done.  “Amen” means, “I sincerely mean this.”)