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The Covenantal Hermeneutic

作者: Keith A. Mathison   譯者:誠之

Is the Sermon on the Mount directly applicable to Christians today? Is the Sabbath commandment still in effect? Should Christians baptize their infants? How we answer these and many other questions depends on the interpretive assumptions we have before we even open the Bible. We all come to the Bible with certain ideas about how it should be read, but herein lies the problem. If we bring these assumptionstoScripture, where did we get them in the first place? Are we deriving our assumptions from Scripture or bringing them in from the outside?
在我們談論我們用來解釋聖經的方法和原則時,我們所討論的就是詮釋學(hermeneutics)。我們每個人每天都在練習詮釋學,但我們通常都沒有意識到這一點。如果我們讀的是用我們自己的文化、自己的母語,以及在自己的時代所寫成的作品,我們通常不必再考慮詮釋的規則。例如,如果我們拿起一本以「很久以前......once upon a time)」開頭的書,我們就知道我們不應該像閱讀百科全書的文章那樣來閱讀它。我們會自動認識到這句開場白是表明這篇文章屬於「童話故事」的類型。我們也熟悉自己文化中對人、地、物的稱呼方式。如果我們讀到一個作者說他去過「大蘋果(the Big Apple)」,我們(美國人)就知道他指的是紐約市,而不是一個巨大的水果。紐約市就是作者用這個比喻的字面意思。
When we talk about the methods and principles we use to interpret the Bible, we are talking about hermeneutics. All of us practice hermeneutics every day, but we are usually unconscious of it. If we are reading works written in our own culture, in our own native language, and in our own time period, we usually don’t have to give a second thought to the rules of interpretation. If we pick up a book that begins with the words once upon a time . . . , for example, we know that we should not read it as we would read an encyclopedia article. We automatically recognize that opening line as an indicator that this writing belongs to the genre of “fairy tale.” We are also familiar with our own culture’s way of referring to people, places, and things. If we are reading an author who says he visited “the Big Apple,” we know he is referring to New York City and not a giant piece of fruit. New York City is what the author literally means by using this figure of speech.
But what happens when we pick up a book written thousands of years ago in a different language? If we were to see this book on a fragile papyrus scroll with the original letters of the ancient language in which it was written, we might stop and realize that we will have to do some work before we are prepared to read it. We will have to learn the language. We will have to learn something about the culture in which it was written. We will have to find out what genre of literature it is. When we see an ancient scroll, we recognize that it isn’t the same kind of thing as a modern novel. What if that ancient scroll has already been translated, however? What if it has been translated and published in a modern book format with nice leather covers? What if you grew up with that book and were somewhat familiar with the contents? Such familiarity could lull you into thinking that this book is to be read with the same cultural assumptions we bring to contemporary written works.
這些都是我們閱讀聖經時必須思考的一些問題。《聖經》是一本由眾多古代書卷集合而成的書籍,最初是用希伯來語、亞蘭語和希臘語寫成的。《舊約》聖經的書卷是由眾多的作者寫成的,他們生活在古近東世界,有自己的習俗和假設。《新約》聖經的書卷則是在羅馬帝國最鼎盛的時期寫成的。這些都不是我們現今生活的世界。如果我們不瞭解聖經中的書籍種類,就很容易誤認其文學體裁,從而導致歷史-語法釋經學(historical-grammatical hermeneutics)的誤用。我們可以忽略這些事情,因為我們的《聖經》已經從古文中翻譯出來了。我們的《聖經》也已經按照我們所繼承的某些釋經學體系來教導我們,我們也這樣來閱讀,其中有些體系比其他體系更忠實於原始文本。知道我們帶著其中的哪一種假設來閱讀聖經,以及為什麼這樣做是很重要的。
These are some of the issues we have to think about when we read the Bible. The Bible is a collection of ancient books, originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. The books of the Old Testament were written by numerous authors who lived in the ancient Near Eastern world with its own customs and assumptions. The books of the New Testament were written during the height of the Roman Empire. Those are not the worlds in which we have lived our lives. If we fail to understand the kind of books found in the Bible, we can easily misidentify genres, which leads to a misapplication of historical-grammatical hermeneutics. We can forget these things because our Bibles have already been translated out of the ancient languages. Our Bibles have also already been taught to us and read by us along the lines of certain hermeneutical systems we inherited, and some of these are more faithful to the text than others. Knowing which of these we bring to Scripture and why is important.
在過去的一個半世紀裏,有兩種釋經系統,即聖約神學(covenant theology)和時代論(dispensationalism),它們是福音派基督徒中占主導地位的選項。聖約神學在教會教父的著作中是以種子的形式出現的,但它在十六和十七世紀有了重大的發展。它是由於認識到聖經揭示了神以盟約的方式與祂的子民交往而得到發展的。它最基本的教導是:盟約(covenant)是立約雙方或多方之間的正式協議。具體的協議取決於各種因素。每種類型的盟約都涉及一方或雙方的義務。有些盟約還涉及正式的宣誓,有些涉及儀式,有些則有外在的記號。所有的盟約都會使立約當事人之間產生某種關係。
Over the last century and a half, two systems of interpretation, covenant theology and dispensationalism, have been the dominant alternatives among evangelical Christians. Covenant theology was in seed form in the writings of the church fathers, but it saw significant developments during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It grew out of a recognition that the Bible reveals God as dealing with His people by means of covenants. At its most basic, a covenant is a formal arrangement between two or more parties. The specific kind of arrangement depends on various factors. Every type of covenant involves obligations for one or both parties. Some covenants also involve formal oaths, some involve ritual ceremonies, and some have external signs. All covenants effect some kind of relationship between the parties.
聖約神學強調創世記一到三章對我們理解全本聖經的重要性。它強調人的墮落所引起的根本性改變。在墮落之前,神按照某種正式的安排與人建立關係的。聖約神學稱這種安排為「行為之約」(covenant of works)或「生命之約」(covenant of life)。墮落之後,為了拯救祂的子民,上帝建立了一種新的安排,盟約神學將它稱為「恩典之約」。當上帝為差遣彌賽亞(基督)做準備時,祂在整個救贖歷史中設立了各種盟約(如亞伯拉罕之約、摩西之約和大衛之約),所有這些盟約都為彌賽亞和新的約(new covenant)的到來奠定了基礎。所有這些盟約都是神在恩典之約(唯靠恩典,唯獨藉著基督的工作)下的總體救贖計劃的一部分(譯按:傳統的聖約神學會稱這些盟約是這個涵蓋一切的恩典之約在救贖歷史不同時期中的“施行或治理方式[administrations]”)。這裏強調的是更正教信徒(Protestant)堅持的事實,即墮落之後,罪人得救的唯一途徑是單單藉著對基督的信心。聖約神學只是宗教改革五大唯獨(five solas)的產物。
Covenant theology emphasizes the importance of Genesis 1–3 for our understanding of all of Scripture. It emphasizes the radical change caused by man’s fall. Before the fall, God related to man according to a certain formal arrangement. Covenant theology speaks of this as the “covenant of works” or “covenant of life.” After the fall, in order to save His people, God established a new arrangement, which covenant theology refers to as the “covenant of grace.” As God prepared for the sending of the Messiah, He established various covenants throughout redemptive history (e.g., the Abrahamic covenant, the Mosaic covenant, and the Davidic covenant), all of which laid the groundwork for the coming of the Messiah and the new covenant. All these covenants were parts of God’s redemptive plan under the one covenant of grace—the one overarching plan of salvation by grace alone through the work of Christ alone. The emphasis here is the Protestant insistence on the fact that after the fall, the only way for sinful man to be saved is by faith alone in Christ alone. Covenant theology is simply an outgrowth of the five solas of the Reformation.
一個多世紀以來,時代論一直是福音派中廣泛流行的釋經學體系(譯按:受到倪柝聲弟兄的「聚會所」(或『地方教會Local Church』)神學的影響,這種釋經理論也在華人教會中大行其道)。雖然它最著名的是其獨特的末世論觀點(譯按,即前千禧年論,許多華人教會教導的「災前被提」論),時代論最重要的元素是它區分了上帝的兩群不同的子民,即以色列和教會。
For more than a century, dispensationalism has been a widespread and popular hermeneutical system among evangelicals. Although it is best known for its distinctive eschatological views, dispensationalism’s most important element is its distinction between two separate peoples of God: Israel and the church.
由於理解到神對兩群不同的子民有兩個不同的計劃,所以時代論將救贖歷史分為幾個不同的時期或時代。在每一個時代中,神都在考驗人類。在每一個時代中,人都沒有通過考驗,因此開啟了新的時代。大多數時代論者認為有七個不同的時代。目前的時代,即教會時代,是獨一無二的,因為它是救贖歷史中的一個「括號」,在此期間,神把祂的注意力從以色列轉向了教會。時代論者聲稱他們的體系是建立在前後一貫的字面解釋方法(literal method of interpretation)之上的。實際上,這種說法本身是建立在一種非常武斷的字面定義上,而這種定義是有選擇地應用的,沒有考慮到這些古代書籍中的文學類型。
Because of its understanding that God has two distinct plans for two distinct peoples, dispensationalism divides redemptive history into several separate time periods or dispensations. During each of these dispensations, God tests humanity. In each of these dispensations, man fails the test and a new dispensation is inaugurated. Most dispensationalists believe that there are seven distinct dispensations. The present dispensation, the church age, is unique because it is a parenthesis in redemptive history during which God turns His attention from Israel to the church. Dispensationalists claim that their system alone rests on a consistently literal method of interpretation. In reality, the claim itself rests on a very arbitrary definition of literal that is applied selectively and fails to take into account the kind of literature found in these ancient books.
These hermeneutical systems affect the way we read and interpret Scripture. Covenant theology, for example, sees much more continuity across all of Scripture. It also rejects the idea that God has two separate peoples. Dispensationalism sees much more discontinuity, on the other hand. It argues that much of Scripture applies only to Israel and not to Christians today. This radically affects the way we read the Bible. It also affects the preaching of the Bible. I recall one of my dispensationalist seminary professors telling our class that when we preach from the Old Testament, we should be able to preach that sermon at a Jewish synagogue without anyone raising an eyebrow. That is only possible if we do not mention Jesus or the gospel. Is that the way the authors of the New Testament dealt with the Old Testament? Certainly not.
近幾十年來,一些對舊有的選擇不滿的浸信會神學家提出了其他的選擇,他們認為這些選擇提供了一條介於時代論和聖約神學之間的中間道路。例如,從20世紀80年代和90年代開始,一些時代論者開始倡導「漸進時代論」(progressive dispensationalism)。漸進式時代論比傳統的時代論更看重聖經的連續性。它認為各個時代是漸進發展的,推動著神的計劃。漸進時代論者繼續保持以色列和教會之間的區別,但這種區別不像傳統的時代論那樣激進。
In recent decades, a number of Baptist theologians who were dissatisfied with the older options have offered alternatives that they believe provide a middle way between dispensationalism and covenant theology. Beginning in the 1980s and 1990s, a number of dispensationalists, for example, began advocating “progressive dispensationalism.” Progressive dispensationalism sees more continuity in Scripture than traditional dispensationalism does. It sees the dispensations as progressively developing and advancing God’s plan. Progressive dispensationalists continue to maintain a distinction between Israel and the church, but the distinction is not as radical as one finds in traditional dispensationalism.
另一種在一些改革宗浸信會中發現的選擇是「新聖約神學」(New Covenant Theology)。顧名思義,新聖約神學強調的是新的約(new covenant)的嶄新性。支持者以重新評價十誡,特別是安息日的誡命而聞名。他們傾向於質疑或拒絕區分道德律、禮儀律和民事律的用處,特別是質疑安息日誡命是否是上帝永恆不變的道德律的一部分。在那些自稱為「新聖約神學家」的人中,仍然存在許多分歧。有些人否認墮落前有任何行為之約,而有些人則肯定這個教義。有些人否認基督的主動順服。有些人則肯定它。這個體系還在不斷的發展變化當中。
Another alternative that is found in some Reformed Baptist churches is New Covenant Theology. As the name implies, the emphasis is on the newness of the new covenant. Proponents are known for their reevaluation of the Ten Commandments, specifically the Sabbath commandment. They tend to question or reject the usefulness of the distinction between moral, ceremonial, and civil law and specifically question whether the Sabbath commandment is part of the eternal unchanging moral law of God. Many differences remain among those who call themselves “new covenant theologians.” Some deny any covenant of works before the fall, while others affirm it. Some deny Christ’s active obedience. Others affirm it. This system is still evolving.
「漸進聖約論」(Progressive Covenantalism)則是一種較新的觀點,已經開始贏得一些信徒。這種觀點與「新聖約神學」有一些相似之處,但其支持者明確地肯定了他們所說的神與亞當立的創造之約。他們也一致肯定了基督主動順服的必要性。根據這種觀點,聖經中的諸約逐步揭示了上帝的完整救贖計劃。他們在肯定神與以色列和教會立了不同的盟約的同時,也肯定神的子民只有一個。這種區別的主要意義在於漸進聖約論者肯定,神的舊盟約子民包含了信徒和非信徒,而神的新盟約子民只包含信徒。這就支撐了漸進聖約論者堅持信徒受洗(believers baptism)的基礎。
Progressive Covenantalism is a more recent view that has begun to gain some adherents. This view has some similarities with New Covenant Theology, but its proponents clearly affirm what they would call a creation covenant with Adam. They are also unanimous in affirming the necessity of Christ’s active obedience. According to this view, the covenants in Scripture progressively reveal God’s one plan of salvation. While affirming a covenantal distinction between Israel and the church, they affirm that there is only one people of God. The primary import of the distinction is the affirmation among Progressive Covenantalists that the old covenant people of God contained believers and unbelievers and the new covenant people of God contains only believers. This undergirds Progressive Covenantalism’s insistence on believer’s baptism.
The main question that must be kept in mind when examining these various hermeneutical systems is whether they derive their key principles from Scripture or are reading them into Scripture. We do not have the space to thoroughly examine each system on every disputed point. My goal is more modest—namely, to make readers more aware of the hermeneutical lenses through which they are reading Scripture.
Although we cannot thoroughly examine every disputed question, we must briefly look at one—the relationship between Israel and the church. Is dispensationalism’s radical distinction taken from Scripture or read into it? The New Testament answer would appear to be clear. In Romans 11:17–24, for example, Paul speaks of the people of God, Israel, as an olive tree from which unbelieving Jewish branches have been broken off, leaving only the true Israel. Believing gentile branches have been grafted into this already existing olive tree that is now the church. If unbelieving Jews repent and trust Christ, they can be grafted back into this olive tree. Note that there is only the one olive tree. If dispensationalism were true, Paul’s analogy would have to change dramatically. He would have to speak of God’s planting a new olive tree (the church) alongside the old olive tree (Israel). God would have to take believing Jewish branches from the Israel tree and believing branches from other gentile trees and graft those branches into the new church tree. As it stands, however, there is only one good tree—the true Israel. This is why Paul can say to the largely gentile church in Ephesus that they used to be separated from the commonwealth of Israel (Eph. 2:12) and to the largely gentile church in Galatia that if they are Christ’s, they are Abraham’s offspring (Gal. 3:16, 29). Any hermeneutical system that posits two separate peoples of God is bringing something foreign to the Bible.
The covenantal hermeneutic begins with the Scripture as it is given, recognizing the kind of book it is and emphasizing what it emphasizes. It recognizes the beautiful underlying continuity of the plan of God for His people while also recognizing the biblical development and distinctions within that plan. Most importantly, it recognizes and proclaims the one gospel of Jesus Christ and the one way of salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
馬蒂森博士(Keith A. Mathison)是位於佛羅裏達州桑福德的宗教改革聖經學院(Reformation Bible College)的系統神學教授。他是多本著作的作者,包括《主的晚餐》(The Lord's Supper)。

How do covenants structure redemptive history?

作者:貝爾徹(Richard Belcher  譯者:誠之
短片: https://youtu.be/Bk7kmj7bIBo
聖約如何架構救贖歷史?貝爾徹(Richard Belcher)博士解釋了聖約如何幫助我們理解上帝的救贖計劃。
How do covenants structure redemptive history? Dr. Richard Belcher unpacks how the covenants help us understand God’s plan for salvation.
Covenants are a complex topic, and there’s a lot we could say about covenant theology, but I think it’s helpful to understand how covenants give a structural unity to the message of Scripture. Covenants are like the architecture of a building, giving a structural framework for redemptive history. Now in explaining covenant theology, it’s helpful to understand that there are two overarching covenants in Scripture: there’s the covenant of works and the covenant of grace. These two covenants are very different from each other, but together they give a bi-covenantal framework that is foundational to the gospel.
The Covenant of Works

We’ll start with the covenant of works. When Adam disobeys God, the covenant of works formally comes to an end. However, it’s important to recognize that the requirement to perfectly keep the law of God does not come to an end. It is not removed. All of us are under the obligation to perfectly keep the law of God. The problem is we are not able to keep the law of God, and therefore we stand condemned by the law. Now Christ, the second Adam, came and perfectly kept the law of God, and through his death on the cross, he bore the condemnation, the covenant curse, that all of us stand under.
He took that upon himself so that God justifies sinners through the imputed righteousness of Christ for those who believe in him. So we could say that salvation in one sense is by works, not our works, but the works of Christ received by faith.
The Covenant of Grace

The covenant of grace is God’s response to the failure of Adam. To begin that process of salvation, God right there in the garden responded in a gracious way to Adam by providing him animal skins to clothe his nakedness, to cover up his shame and guilt. God also promised that there would be a coming redeemer who would do battle with the serpent and would have victory over the serpent. Many call this the first gospel there in Genesis 3:15. And even though the covenant curse made the mandate that God had given to Adam more difficult to fulfill, Adam responds in faith by naming his wife Eve. Eve means the mother of all living.
Redemptive History Unfolds in Covenants

The development and progress of redemptive history and God’s salvation is worked out in the various covenants of the Old Testament: the covenant with Noah, the covenant with Abraham, the covenant with Moses, the covenant with David. All of these are fulfilled by Jesus Christ. Each of these covenants that I’ve mentioned have their own distinctive emphasis, but together they represent the fullness of salvation that Christ initially brings to us in his first coming and completely fulfills in his second coming. Each of these covenants progress not by replacing the promises of the earlier covenants but by expanding upon those promises and building upon those promises. These covenants represent the fullness of our salvation fulfilled by Jesus Christ. There’s great unity in the overarching covenant of grace as God in redemptive history works out our salvation and ultimately the restoration of all creation in the new heavens and the new earth. Covenants are the structural framework for redemptive history, God’s method to bring about our full and complete salvation.
貝爾徹(Richard P. Belcher
Richard Belcher (Ph.D., Westminster Theological Seminary) is the John D. and Frances M. Gwin Professor of Old Testament at RTS Charlotte and the Academic Dean at both the Charlotte and Atlanta campuses. He is an ordained minister in the PCA and pastored an urban nondenominational church in Rochester, NY for ten years before pursuing the Ph.D.
貝爾徹(威斯敏斯特神學院博士)是夏洛特改革宗神學院(RTS Charlotte)的舊約教授(the John D. and Frances M. Gwin Professor of Old Testament),以及夏洛特和亞特蘭大校區的院長(Academic Dean)。他是PCA按立的牧師,在取得博士學位之前曾在紐約州羅切斯特市的一間無宗派城市教會牧會十年。

The Importance of the Covenant of Works

作者:范司寇(J. V. Fesko)譯者: 誠之:

在天特會議(Council of Trent)上,神學家們談到了上帝與亞當所立的第一個約;另一位羅馬天主教神學家卡塔里尼斯(Ambrogio Catharinus)認為,在亞當之約中,上帝將亞當的罪歸算給他的後代。同樣,新教徒如慈運理(Ulrich Zwingli)也解釋說,上帝和亞當立了約;加爾文(John Calvin)堅持認為,上帝所有的約都有聖禮的記號;他令人信服地指出,生命樹是生命的聖禮記號,這意味著上帝和亞當立了約。十六世紀其他的改革宗神學家,如烏爾西努(Zacharias Ursinus)、珀金斯(William Perkins)和羅洛克(Robert Rollock)等,也都呼應了這些主題,於是行為之約的教義就形成了。此教義不單單是改革宗或更正教的獨特現象,而是有大公教會的根基。
到了十七世紀,該教義繼續廣傳,在英國和歐洲大陸都有倡導者。它最早被編入阿爾馬(Armagh)大主教烏瑟(James Ussher)撰寫的《愛爾蘭信條》(the Irish Articles1615年),這為它被納入著名的《威斯敏斯特信仰標準》(Westminster Standards 1648年)奠定了基礎。但是,儘管行為之約很普遍,也廣受接納,但到了十八世紀初,人們對該教義的重要性的認識發生了變化。
這並不是說改革宗神學家們集體放棄了這一學說,而是說這一學說不再得到廣泛的接納。不過,十八、十九世紀仍有一批神學家,包括波士頓(Thomas Boston)、柯古洪(John Colquhoun)和一些參與18世紀初蘇格蘭「精髓爭議」(the Marrow Controversy)的神學家(the Marrow men)等,他們都在推廣該教義。在二十世紀,對該教義的分歧更加尖銳。批評者包括巴特(Karl Barth)、慕理(John Murray)和豪克摩(Herman Hoeksema);支持者包括凱波爾(Abraham Kuyper)、巴文克(Herman Bavinck)、魏司堅(Geerhardus Vos)和伯克富(Louis Berkhof)。

范司寇(J. V. Fesko
范司寇(阿伯丁大學博士)在傑克遜改革宗神學院(RTS Jackson)擔任系統神學和歷史神學教授。他自1998年起在正統長老會按立牧師,曾任教會植堂者、牧師,現在是教師。范司寇博士撰寫或編輯了二十多本書籍,包括Reforming Apologetics: Retrieving the Classic Reformed Approach to Defending the Faith, The Trinity and the Covenant of Redemption, Death in Adam, Life in Christ: The Doctrine of Imputation, Justification: Understanding the Classic Reformed Doctrine, The Covenant of Works: The Origins, Development, and Reception of the Doctrine (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020).

What We Can Learn from Reformation Worship and Liturgies

作者:傅格森(Sinclair Ferguson)譯者:誠之
Reformation Worship: Liturgies from the Past for the Present is a resource of almost unparalleled richness in its field, representing an immense labor of love on the part of its editors and translators. It gathers together liturgies crafted by some of the leading figures in the Protestant Reformation and employed by them to aid worship in a wide variety of places and churches.
We owe an immense debt of gratitude to those who have participated in this project. They would, I feel sure, tell us that the best way we can repay that debt is to read carefully, to assess biblically, and then to reach down into the first principles of worship variously expressed in these liturgies from the past, and apply them wisely and sensitively in our worship in the present. This can only lead to a new reformation of the worship of God the Trinity.
Such access to the Father through the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit can alone help the congregations of God’s people, in the place and time they occupy, to worship with renewed mind, transformed affections, and holy joy.
Importance of Worship
Reformation Worship is an important book for several reasons.
The first—so obvious that we might not underline it sufficiently—is that it gives impressive testimony to the way the reformers in various countries devoted so much attention to the subject of worship. They well understood that the rediscovery of the gospel and the reformation of worship were two sides of the same coin, because sung praise, confessions of sin and faith, prayer, and the reading and preaching of Scripture are but various aspects of the one ministry of the Word.
出於這個原因,改教家認為將教會崇拜禮儀視為應用聖經的一個重要方面。因此,崇拜服事的順序不能簡單地隨意拼湊。它可能屬於「無關緊要的事」(adiaphora;譯按:即聖經中沒有明確規定,可以按基督徒的良心自由選擇的事);但是「無關緊要的事」絕不能對聖經的一般教導無動於衷(正如威斯敏斯特神學後來明確指出的那樣,WCF 1.6)。
For that reason, the reformers regarded the liturgies that framed the church’s worship as being an important aspect of the application of Scripture. An order of service could not therefore be simply thrown together casually. It might belong to the adiaphora; but “things indifferent” are never to be treated with indifference to the general teaching of Scripture (as the Westminster Divines would later make clear, WCF 1.6).
約翰·加爾文(John Calvin)在1544年(當時他才30多歲)寫下了《改革教會的必要性》(The Necessity of Reforming the Church),清楚地表明福音的重新發現和崇拜變革之間的結合。他是為了準備在斯皮爾斯舉行的帝國議會而寫的,他為他的小冊子寫了一篇〈對皇帝查理五世的謙卑勸誡〉的序言,他在其中充分論證到:
The integration between gospel rediscovery and worship transformation was made clear by John Calvin, when, in 1544 (and still in his mid-30s), he wrote The Necessity of Reforming the Church. Penned in preparation for the Imperial Diet at Spires, he prefaced his tract with a “Humble Exhortation to the Emperor, Charles V,” in which he tellingly wrote:
If it be inquired, then, by what things chiefly the Christian religion has a standing existence amongst us and maintains its truth, it will be found that the following two not only occupy the principal place, but comprehend under them all the other parts, and consequently the whole substance of Christianity, [namely], a knowledge, first, of the mode in which God is duly worshiped; and, secondly, of the source from which salvation is to be obtained. When these are kept out of view, though we may glory in the name of Christians, our profession is empty and vain. . . . If any one is desirous of a clearer and more familiar illustration, I would say, that rule in the church, the pastoral office, and all other matters of order, resemble the body, whereas the doctrine which regulates the due worship of God, and points out the ground on which the consciences of men must rest their hope of salvation, is the soul which animates the body, renders it lively and active, and, in short, makes it not to be a dead and useless carcass.
As to what I have yet said, there is no controversy among the pious, or among men of right and sane mind.
What is immediately striking here is not only the combination of fundamentals—worship and gospel—but the fact that the former is given pride of place, perhaps because the first fruit of rightly understanding the gospel is true worship. It is that important.
For this reason, we ought not to devalue the contents of this book by treating them as a kind of liturgical archaeological dig, the concern only of those who are interested in antiquities or aesthetics. For these liturgies were crafted out of a passion for the glory of God.
And while this compilation is not formulated as a tract for the times, it carries an important and powerful message for the contemporary church.
Active Participation in Worship

The 16th-century reformers shared a deep underlying concern that late medieval worship had become a kind of spectator event. The congregation was largely passive.
「敬拜者」,如果可以這樣描述的話, 他們基本上是彌撒這齣戲劇的觀眾, 和唱詩班唱的歌詞的聽眾。會眾並不是神聖的崇拜儀式的參與者,而是旁觀者。
“Worshipers,” if they could be thus described, were essentially observers of the drama of the Mass, and listeners to the words of the choir. The service of divine worship was not an event in which the congregation were participants so much as spectators.
The “quality” of worship was therefore measured not by the holy joy of the worshipers but by the standard of the music, the excellence of the singing of the choir, the aesthetic impressiveness of the drama of the Mass, with its vestments, bells, incense—and, of course, its Latin. Worship was, for all practical purposes, done for you—vicariously.
All this the Reformation transformed into the active participation and understanding of the individual worshiper and the congregation, praying and singing (as well as listening to the Word and seeing and receiving the Sacraments), with both the mind and the spirit.
Asking Fundamental Questions

It’s tempting to think that such a reformation is needed again in an age when church consultants assess “the quality of morning worship” (a task one would have thought beyond the wit of anyone but its Divine Recipient). Is our gaze being set horizontally, more so than vertically, and has our desire ceased for the Isaiah-like or John-like experience of being laid prostrate and undone in hand-over-the-mouth adoration?
How different was Paul’s perspective on worship from ours:

If . . . an unbeliever or outsider enters, he is convicted . . . he is called to account . . . the secrets of his heart are disclosed and so, falling on his face, he will worship God and declare that God is really among you. (1 Cor. 14:24–25)
Whatever lacunae in the churches’ traditional liturgy that contemporary worship has rushed in to fill, the modern “worship revolution” has usually paid scant attention to this vision of worship. The kind of questions that drove the reformers do not drive us:
“How has God revealed to us what his pleasure is in worship?”
 “How can we work that out in practical terms in our own congregations, so that everything is done for the glory of God and the edification of the saints?”
如果我們不能提出這些基本問題,因而不探究聖經來尋找答案,我們對敬拜(也就是對神)的態度就有可能變成簡單的實用主義,甚至是相對輕率地模仿 「有效的方法」,甚至是在其他教會中看起來「很酷」的東西。
When we fail to ask these fundamental questions, and consequently do not probe Scripture to find answers, our approach to worship (that is, to God) will be in danger of becoming simply pragmatic, even a relatively thoughtless imitation of “what works,” or even seems “cool” in some other church.
舉個例子,很少有人注意到,即使是這樣一個表面上善意而純真的改變,從把我們所唱的詩篇和讚美詩的歌集上的歌詞印在大屏幕上播放,也很容易產生意想不到的效果。其結果非但沒有達到 「造就」的目的,反而往往是有害的。
To give one example, it is rarely noticed that even such an apparently well-meant and innocent change from having the words we sing printed in psalm- and hymn books to showing them on large screens can easily produce unanticipated effects. Rather than achieving the goal of “edification” the result is often to its detriment.
Thus, for instance, the young Christian sees only one verse of the hymn or song on the screen; the flow of the whole is lost; he, or she, does not know whether a psalm, a hymn, or a spiritual song is being sung. And, to boot, contemporary worshipers are unlikely to know virtually by heart—as their grandparents did—many of the 150 psalms, with both their praises and laments, plus many paraphrases of Scripture, and hundreds of other hymns written by men and women whose literary skills and theological acumen were, to say the least, impressive by comparison with ours.
And what young person today, taking a new interest in the Christian faith, in the worship he or she attends, learns by heart in a matter of weeks, almost effortlessly, a summary of the Christian faith such as the Apostles’ Creed, which enables him or her to state the fundamental truths of the gospel for the first time?
We’re all familiar with “Jeroboam the son of Nebat who caused Israel to sin.” But it is all too easy to forget that the Old Testament also introduces us to the sin of “Rehoboam, the son of Solomon” who, accepting the counsel of his peers rather than exploring the wisdom of the past, led Israel into disaster.
In such a culture the liturgies presented in this book may seem like a cold shower in the morning; but cold showers can be wonderfully reinvigorating. It is usually not the fault of the individual whose whole life has been a diet of popular music that he or she regards it as both the normal and the preferable.
But if perchance a classical music radio station is discovered, and an entry is made into the world of Bach and Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Handel, a new taste for richness and depth develops, and a world is discovered that is both more nourishing and more satisfying.
So it is with the old liturgies that give shape and flow and rhythm to our worship.
Let Us Worship God

This isn’t a plea for a wooden adopting, or a slavish imitation, of any or all older liturgies; nor is it an intimidating and metallic insistence that we should use them today “because the reformers used them.” That could—and almost certainly would—have a deadening effect on our worship. Most of us do not live on the continent of Europe, and none of us lives in the 16th century.
我們今天最需要的是在聖靈裏(in Spirit)以及在真理裏的敬拜(譯按:約四23的正確翻譯)。但古老的禮儀應該刺激我們仔細思考,並使我們問如何在今天應用他們的原則,以呼應他們三一神的、以基督為中心的、以聖經為依據的內容,使我們的敬拜,在我們的地方和時間,能呼應他們所表現的福音內容和節奏。
Our greatest need is for worship in Spirit as well as in truth today. But older liturgies should stimulate us to careful thought, and cause us to ask how we can apply their principles today in a way that echoes their Trinitarian, Christ-centered, biblically informed content, so that our worship, in our place and time, will echo the gospel content and rhythm they exhibit.
This is no easy task, and it requires wisdom, tact, sensitivity, and careful communication of principles and goals. But it’s also true that, at the end of the day, people tend to learn and to grow as much by experience as by verbal instructions. They need to sense and taste the help and the value of a better way. And since their appetite may have been blunted by a diet of modernity, it’s important to advance little by little.
Nor must we forget the Reformation keys: the centrality of Scripture and its exposition, the focus on Christ, the wonder of grace, the need for faith, the ministry of the Holy Spirit, the desire for the glory of God alone. For without these realities, at the end of the day, our worship may be ordered by the finest of liturgies and yet be stone-cold dead, lacking the holy power of the presence of God.
In my childhood, virtually every service of worship began with the same words: “Let us worship God.” One hears them rarely now. They have been ousted by various forms of words that functionally mean “Let us be comfortable” or “Let us welcome you.” Our welcome should indeed be warm and real.
But worship is drawing near to the Holy One; his presence effects a sense of solemn joy, and of densely humbling awe. It is this that creates our overwhelming sense of privilege that he welcomes us into his presence. For worship involves first and foremost God’s welcome of us, not our welcome of each other.
We need to return to this perspective of the Bible and the Reformation. This exceptional collection of liturgies points us in the right direction. In the hands of anyone who uses it well and wisely, it will surely be a benediction to the church.
編者注:這是《宗教改革的崇拜:來自過去、給當代的禮儀》(Reformation Worship: Liturgies from the Past for the Present),一書的序言,本書由Jonathan GibsonMark Earngey編輯(新成長出版社,2018)。

God's Covenant of Grace

作者:R.C. Sproul   
誠之譯自:The ESV Reformation Study Bible, Ligonier Ministry, 2005, p. 30



作者: R. C. Sproul    誠之譯自:
The Reformation Study Bible: English Standard Version (2015 Edition) (p. 37). Orlando, FL: Reformation Trust.

上帝是用「盟約」(covenant)這個基本架構來和祂的子民建立關係的。盟約通常被認為是一種合同(contract)。雖然盟約和合同之間肯定有一些相似之處,但也有重要的區別。兩者都是具有約束力的協議。合同是地位平等的雙方訂立的,雙方都有自由不去簽署。盟約同樣也是一種協議。然而,聖經中的盟約通常不是地位平等的雙方之間所訂立的。相反,它們遵循的是古代近東宗主-附庸條約(suzerain-vassal treaties)的常見模式。宗主-附庸條約(如赫人諸王之間的條約)是戰勝者和被征服者之間簽訂的。雙方之間沒有談判或討價還價的餘地。
這些盟約的第一部分內容是立約前言(preamble;也可譯為引子),它列出了立約的當事人。出埃及記二十章2節以「我是耶和華你的神」開頭。上帝是宗主,以色列百姓是附庸。第二部分內容是歷史序文(historical prologue)。這個段落列舉了宗主(或耶和華)所做的值得附庸效忠的事,比如帶領希伯來人離開埃及為奴之家。用神學的詞彙來說,這部分的內容是恩典。
新的約(new covenant),也就是恩典之約,是通過基督在十字架上所流的血來核准、確立的。此約的核心是上帝救贖的應許。上帝不僅應許要救贖所有信靠基督的人,而且用最神聖的誓言來印證並確認這個應許。我們所事奉和敬拜的是一位承諾要完全救贖我們的神。

Reformation Day

作者: Timothy George  譯者:誠之
 15171031日,這個所有聖徒的日子,大約是下午兩點鐘,馬丁路德拿著錘子,來到威登堡城堡教會(the Schlosskirche, Castle Church)的北門,把他的〈九十五條論綱〉釘在教堂的大門上,以抗議當時教會對贖罪券的教導和實踐。為紀念這個事件,成千上萬的基督徒至今仍慶祝這個象徵宗教改革開始的日子。例如在比森神學院,我們不慶祝萬聖節,而是舉行一個宗教改革的晚會。
It was around two o’clock in the afternoon on the eve of the Day of All Saints, October 31, 1517, when Martin Luther, hammer in hand, approached the main north door of the Schlosskirche (Castle Church) in Wittenberg and nailed up his Ninety-Five Theses protesting the abuse of indulgences in the teaching and practice of the church of his day. In remembrance of this event, millions of Christians still celebrate this day as the symbolic beginning of the Protestant Reformation. At Beeson Divinity School, for example, we do not celebrate Halloween on October 31. Instead we have a Reformation party.
但這個事件真的發生過嗎?一位天主教的學者Erwin Iserloh,把這個張貼論綱的故事,歸因給日後的傳說故事。他指出,這個故事最先是莫蘭頓(Philip Melancthon)在路德死後講出來的。其他研究路德的學者們,紛紛為這個威登堡釘錘的歷史性辯護。事實上,城堡教會的大門,的確被用來作為大學正式的公告板,經常被用來作為公佈像路德所作的這類公告,要大眾一起參與有關贖罪券的討論。
But did this event really happen? Erwin Iserloh, a Catholic Reformation scholar, attributed the story of the theses-posting to later myth-making. He pointed to the fact that the story was first told by Philip Melanchthon long after Luther’s death. Other Luther scholars rushed to defend the historicity of the hammer blows of Wittenberg. In fact, the door of the Castle Church did serve as the official university bulletin board and was regularly used for exactly the kind of announcement Luther made when he called for a public disputation on indulgences.
But whether the event happened at two o’clock in the afternoon, or at all, is not the point. Copies of Luther’s theses were soon distributed by humanist scholars all over Europe. Within just a few weeks, an obscure Augustinian monk in a backwater university town had become a household name and was the subject of chatter from Lisbon to Lithuania.
路德並沒有想要分裂教會,更不是要創立一個全新的教會。直到他生命結束前,他都認為自己還是一個忠心順服獨一、聖潔、大公、使徒教會的僕人。雖然路德聲明放棄他修士的誓言,並與一位還俗的修女凱瑟琳(Katarina von Bora)結了婚,他從來沒有忘記他接受過一個聖經博士的學位。他的天職是教導神的話,並把男男女女帶到聖經的主,也就是耶穌基督的面前。
It was not Luther’s intention to divide the Church, much less to start a brand new church. To the end of his life, he considered himself to be a faithful and obedient servant of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church. Though Luther renounced his monastic vows and married a former nun, Katarina von Bora, he never forgot that he had received a doctorate in Holy Scripture. His vocation was to teach the written Word of God and to point men and women to the Lord of Scripture, Jesus Christ.
在這個宗教改革紀念日中,我們應該記得馬丁路德是屬於全教會的,不是專屬於路德會和新教徒,有如阿奎那(Thomas Aquinas)對所有宗派忠心的信徒來說,是基督徒智慧的一個寶藏,不只是屬於道明會和羅馬天主教一樣。幾周之前(2009年),包約瑟(Franz-Josef Bode),北德Osnabrück的一位天主教的主教,當他在一個聯合崇拜中以路德為題講道時,也承認了這點。他說道,「路德如何徹底地把上帝放在中心,是很迷人的!」路德教導說,世上每個人在生命的每個時刻,都絕對地直面上帝(coram deo)——在上帝面前,與上帝面對面,接受祂的質問——這帶領他質問當時教會重大的錯誤,以為恩典和赦罪可以像市場的商品一樣進行買賣。「以基督、聖經和神真實可靠的話為我們的焦點,是今日羅馬天主教會所唯一需要強調的。」包約瑟說。這位主教的觀點受到第二次梵蒂岡會議後許多神學家的回應,路德的教導,特別是他對神的話的尊崇,在許多方面都受到讚賞,這在一個世紀以前是無法想像的。
On this Reformation Day, it is good to remember that Martin Luther belongs to the entire Church, not only to Lutherans and Protestants, just as Thomas Aquinas is a treasury of Christian wisdom for faithful believers of all denominations, not simply for Dominicans and Catholics. This point was recognized several weeks ago by Franz-Josef Bode, the Catholic Bishop of Osnabrück in northern Germany, when he preached on Luther at an ecumenical service. “It’s fascinating,” he said, “just how radically Luther puts God at the center.” Luther’s teaching that every human being at every moment of life stands absolutely coram deo ”before God, confronted face-to-face by God”led him to confront the major misunderstanding in the church of his day that grace and forgiveness of sins could be bought and sold like wares in the market. “The focus on Christ, the Bible and the authentic Word are things that we as the Catholic church today can only underline,” Bode said. The bishop’s views have been echoed by many other Catholic theologians since the Second Vatican Council as Luther’s teachings, especially his esteem for the Word of God, has come to be appreciated in a way that would have been unthinkable a century ago.
 2009年標誌著普世信義宗聯會(Lutheran World Federation)和天主教會所簽署的〈因信稱義聯合聲明〉(Joint Declaration of Justification)的第10周年。如同1997年的「福音派與天主教攜手運動」(Evangelicals and Catholics Together)所共同發表的「救恩的禮物」(The Gift of Salvation),這個因信稱義聯合聲明代表在某種程度上,天主教會和改教教會對信心這論題有了更為一致的看法(a convergence)。我們可以引用一句路德派最喜歡的話,信心的問題是教會存亡的關鍵。例如,聯合聲明主張:
The year 2009 marks the tenth anniversary of the Joint Declaration of Justification between the Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic Church. Like The Gift of Salvation statement issued by Evangelicals and Catholics Together in 1997, the Joint Declaration represents a measure of convergence between Catholic and Reformational understandings of that article of faith by which the Church either stands or falls, to quote a favorite Lutheran saying. For example, the Joint Declaration asserts, “We confess together: By grace alone, in faith in Christ’s saving work and not because of any merit on our part, we are accepted by God and receive the Holy Spirit, who renews our hearts while equipping and calling us to good works.”
For example, the Joint Declaration asserts, “We confess together: By grace alone, in faith in Christ’s saving work and not because of any merit on our part, we are accepted by God and receive the Holy Spirit, who renews our hearts while equipping and calling us to good works.”
但對稱義有更接近的看法並不等於在救恩論上所有的看法都達成了共識。聯合聲明的起草者被迫在文件之後加上了一個附錄,描述了一個未獲解決的差異:一個信徒同時既是義人又是罪人(simul iustus et peccator)。這是路德的觀念。稱義和成聖如何聯繫到基督徒的一生,仍然有待辯論。在這些問題和其他許多有關權柄和教會的問題上,向前走的方法不是去把這兩個傳統間仍存在的一些深層差異越描越黑,而是公開地承認其存在,並繼續以禱告,以及更深入地查考聖經,得到新鮮的亮光,共同來奮鬥。前進的道路是在認信上達成一致,而不是在妥協上達成一致。
But convergence on justification does not equal consensus on all aspects of the doctrine of salvation. The framers of the Joint Declaration itself were forced to add an annex to the document delineating unresolved differences on simul iustus et peccator , Luther’s idea that justified believers are at one and the same time sinful and righteous before God. How justification and sanctification are related in the life of the Christian still continues to be debated. On these and many other issues related to authority and ecclesiology, the way forward is not to smudge over deep differences that remain between the two traditions but to acknowledge them openly and to continue to struggle over them together in prayer and in fresh engagement with the Scriptures. The way forward is an ecumenism of conviction, not an ecumenism of accommodation.
幾年前,我的朋友樂馬可(Mark Noll)要我為他的書《宗教改革結束了嗎?》(Is the Reformation Over)寫一些話。我的回應是說,只有當它的目標完成了,宗教改革才算結束。事實上,在某種程度上,宗教改革是成功的,在羅馬教會內的改革,比一小部分新教世界的改革還要來得更大。路德神學中恩典的勝利,過去是——現在也是——對整個基督的身體的服事。路德不是沒有缺點,但是我們無法想像他會被封為聖人。(記得:simul iustus et peccator!)但是1933年卡爾巴特曾經問的一個關於路德的問題,仍然值得我們在這個宗教改革紀念日沉思:「基督教會的教師紀念路德最好的方式,除了聆聽他之外,還有更好的辦法嗎?」
Several years ago I was asked to endorse a book by my friend Mark Noll called Is the Reformation Over? I responded by saying that the Reformation is over only to the extent that it succeeded. In fact, in some measure, the Reformation has succeeded, and more within the Catholic Church than in certain sectors of the Protestant world. The triumph of grace in the theology of Luther was”and still is”in the service of the whole Body of Christ. Luther was not without his warts, and we can hardly imagine him canonized as a saint. (Remember: simul iustus et peccator !) But the question Karl Barth asked about him in 1933 is still worth pondering this Reformation Day: “What else was Luther than a teacher of the Christian church whom one can hardly celebrate in any other way but to listen to him?”
 Timothy George是三福德大學比森神學院(Beeson Divinity School of Samford University)的創校教務長。他是First Things雜誌編委會的成員,也是今日基督教雜誌的資深編輯。

Biblical History

摘自 IVP New Dictionary of Biblical Theology
作者: P. E. Satterthwait


以色列民對應許之地的奪取過程始於約書亞的率領(書一~十二)。經過了後來幾代人在這片土地上所遭遇的種種困難後(《士師記》,特別參見二6 ~三6),整個對應許之地的征服,在以色列的第二個君王,大衛,攻取耶路撒冷後,正式完成(撒下五610)。
先知書中記載了審判將至的警告,同時也包括對審判之後必要來臨之復興的預言:那裏講到上帝必會赦免祂那些願意回轉悔改的百姓(何二;耶卅一1820;比較申卅110;王上八4651);講到兩國必會合二為一,居住在被潔淨的土地上(賽十一1116;耶三18,卅111;結卅七1523,四八129),並且得著能力,以一種全新的方式順服上帝(耶卅一3134;結十一1621;番三913);講到耶路撒冷和聖殿必會被重建起來(賽五四;耶卅三113;結40 43),上帝必會再度居住在聖殿中(結四三14,四八3035);講到將來必有一位君王要從大衛的支派出來,以公平治理百姓(何三5;賽十一19;彌五15;耶廿三16;結卅七2428);講到將來萬國都要聚集到錫安,要認識以色列上帝的道(賽二14;耶三17);最後還講到,整個創造界必會恢復原貌,正如以西結在異象中所見到的那樣,有一條河從聖殿流出,讓死海的水得以活過來(四七12),或者像以賽亞在異象中見到的新天新地那樣(六五1725)。
眾使徒醫病,乃延續了耶穌對人醫治(徒三110,五1516,十四810,十九1112):兩者都象徵著一種「能夠傳染人」的新聖潔,而這種聖潔是向外發散的,不像《利未記》所描述的那樣,會經常受到罪的威脅的。與這種聖潔直接相關的一點,就是非猶太人,現在也歡迎他們加入教會了,他們也能領受聖靈的恩賜(徒十1 ~十一18;參見弗二1113);對非猶太人的接納與對舊約聖潔觀的更新,這兩者間的關聯,在彼得接見羅馬百夫長哥尼流之前所看到的異象那裏表達得最明確。上帝在彼得的異象裏宣佈,那些代表外邦人的不潔淨動物都是「潔淨的」(十131528)。保羅在寫給哥林多和以弗所那些摻入了外邦人的教會的書信時,把他們集體稱作「上帝的殿」(林前三1617;弗二1922;比較約二1922;彼前二48),這一稱呼,不禁讓人對舊約的聖殿有更含義深遠的認識:上帝居住在哥林多的基督徒裏(參見王上八1011),他們就是上帝治理萬國的居所(比較詩四七8),萬國要透過他們來到上帝面前(比較賽五六7)。
然而,到了《使徒行傳》結束時,耶穌差遣門徒,要他們為萬民施洗,使萬民成為門徒的任務,還遠遠沒有完成。後期的書信更談到,教會裏有人走偏,追隨錯誤的教導(提前一311;提後三19;猶3 4;啟二1462025),很像約書亞時代之後,轉向敬拜偶像的以色列民。顯然,新約即將結束時,教會的故事尚未結束,甚至那不可能是故事的結尾。