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The New Testament’s Use of the Old Testament: The Birth of Christ

作者Jeffrey A. Stivason   誠之譯自
Have you ever wondered why Matthew quotes Isaiah in the opening chapter of his Gospel?[1]  Perhaps you would say, "Of course not!  We already know why.  The quote substantiates the virgin conception and birth of Christ!"  Yes, but is that the only reason?  Again, you may claim, "Isn't that reason enough?"  To which I might be tempted to cry, "Uncle!"  But let me take a stab at pressing our understanding a bit further.
We need to travel back in time to the day when Isaiah confronted King Ahaz on the highway to Fuller's Field.[2]  On that day, King Ahaz was in trouble.  He had not only refused to join forces with Damascus and Israel against the rising power of Assyria, it was worse, he had sought an alliance with Assyria!  Now, Damascus and Israel were coming to teach him a lesson.  But Isaiah the prophet met King Ahaz to tell him that there was another way.  He did not have to side with Damascus and Israel nor did he have to side with Assyria. He was the Son of David.  He was in the line and lineage of the man after God's own heart.  God would protect him and preserve him from all three!  What is more, God would give him a sign confirming His word.  God invited him to ask for a sign in the highest heavens or the depths of Sheol; ask anything!  But he didn't.  Ahaz claimed piety for his reason; he would not tempt God.  But the raison d'être was a bit different.
Second Kings 16:7 records the awful truth.  Here is the text.  “So Ahaz sent messengers to Tiglath-Peleser king of Assyria, saying, ‘I am your servant and your son; come up and deliver me from the hand of the king of Aram and from the hand of the king of Israel, who are rising up against me!”  Did you see that?  The Son of David postured himself as the son of Tiglath Pileser, king of Assyria!  Ahaz needed no sign from his heavenly Father because he had forsaken the family of God!  He was petitioning for adoption into the family of Assyria.
因此,一如所料,以賽亞嚴厲地作出回應。他提醒亞哈斯不要忘了他的身份。以賽亞說到:「大衛家啊,你們當聽!你們使人厭煩豈算小事,還要使我的神厭煩嗎? 」(賽七13)除了這個斥責之外,以賽亞也宣告上帝將要賜下祂自己的兆頭。倘若亞哈斯不願意作忠心的兒子,那麼祂就會自己差遣一位忠心的兒子。上帝會差遣祂自己的兒子,由童女所生,作為拯救的兆頭。舞台的布幕就此落下,我們直到馬太福音的第一章才又再次看見這個故事的線索。
And so, as you might expect, Isaiah responded sternly.  He reminded this man of his identity, “Listen now, O house of David!  Is it too slight a thing for you to try the patience of men, that you will try the patience of my God as well?”  Along with that rebuke Isaiah announced that God would give His own sign.  If Ahaz would not be a faithful son then He would send a faithful son.  God would send His own Son born of a virgin as a sign of deliverance.  Here the curtain drops on history and we don’t pick up the thread of the story again until we open up to the first chapter of Matthew’s gospel.
And when we turn to Matthew's Gospel we find that he begins with a genealogy.  Why?  For a very simple reason, he, under the Spirit’s superintendence, provided the genealogy in order to establish Jesus as a son of David.  Just read the genealogy.  It’s all about David!  He’s mentioned no less than five times.  What is more, the genealogy is divided up into three sections of fourteen generations each with David as the focal point.  David is everywhere present in the genealogy and for good reason.  Matthew is telling us that Jesus is the son of David.
但還不止如此。馬太不要我們錯過這個事實,即這位耶穌不僅僅是大衛的後裔,祂更是上帝的兒子。路加在他的宣稱裏也同樣清楚地表明了這點。在路加福音一章32節裏,天使向馬利亞宣告說,她將要懷胎生子,「祂要為大,稱為至高者的兒子;主神要把祂祖大衛的位給祂。 祂要作雅各家的王,直到永遠;祂的國也沒有窮盡。」 耶穌就是那應許之子,祂的國永無窮盡,而且祂會坐在大衛的王位上,直到永永遠遠。
But that's not all.  This Jesus is not only the Son of David, Matthew does not want us to miss the fact that He is also the Son of God.  Luke is just as pronounced in his claim.  In Luke 1:32, the angel announced this to Mary about her soon to be conceived Son, “He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.”   Jesus is the promised Son whose kingdom would have no end and He would sit on the throne of David forever.
Brothers and sisters, Ahaz failed to see the love and fatherly care of God.  He refused to be counted as a son.  But I have good news.  Though Ahaz is long dead and buried in his tomb, Jesus Christ,  continues to sit on the throne at the right hand of the Father in glory.  He is high and lifted up and the train of His robe fills the temple.  Beloved, this Son, Immanuel, is more than able to deliver you from your sin and give you comfort and peace.
Jeffrey A. Stivason 1955年起就擔任福音執事事奉主。他曾擔任教會植堂者,現在是賓州匹茲堡郊區吉伯松尼亞市的恩典改革宗長老教會的牧師。他也從費城西敏神學院獲得系統神學的哲學博士,現任真理之地(Place for Truth)的執行編輯。
[1] Matthew 1:23
[2] Isaiah 7
Jeffrey A. Stivason has been serving the Lord as a minister of the gospel since 1995.  He was church planter and now pastor of Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church in Gibsonia, PA. He also holds a Ph.D. in systematic theology from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, PA.  Jeff is the Managing Editor for Place for Truth.


作者Andy Schreiber   誠之譯自
華腓德(Benjamin B. Warfield)將支持嬰兒洗禮的論點總結如下:
Benjamin B. Warfield sums up the argument in favor of infant baptism as follows:
 “The argument in a nutshell is simply this: God established his Church in the days of Abraham and put children into it. They must remain there until He puts them out. He has nowhere put them out. They are still then members of His church and as such entitled to its ordinances. Among these ordinances is baptism, which standing in similar place in the New Dispensation to circumcision in the Old, is like it to be given to children.” (The Works of Benjamin B. Warfield, Vol. IX, p.408)
The first thing that Warfield points out is that “God has established his church in the days of Abraham and put children into it.” And so the starting point and key to understanding his argument is a right understanding of the church and the covenant of grace.
在他的《基督與聖約神學》一書中,韋內瑪(Cornelius Venema)用了一整章的篇幅來論述聖約神學和嬰兒洗禮中的實踐。在這一章中,他與華腓德對這一主題的討論進行了互動(引用了上述引用的聲明),對聖約神學進行了簡要的概述,然後展示了這一觀點如何適用於嬰兒洗禮。他在那裏寫道:
In his book, Christ & Covenant Theology, Cornelius Venema includes an entire chapter dealing with Covenant Theology and the practice in infant baptism. In this chapter, he interacts with Warfield’s treatment of the subject (citing the statement quoted above), providing a brief overview of Covenant theology, and then showing how this view applies to infant baptism. There he writes,
「正如華腓德正確地認為,改革宗給信徒及其子女施洗的做法,主要是基於對聖經中恩典之約教義的理解。在十六世紀宗教改革家的主要著作中,以及在宗教改革傳統的偉大認信象徵中,反復突出的一個論點就是聖約的論點。兒童和成年信徒一樣,要接受洗禮,因為他們屬於在基督裏的盟約團體」。p. 258
“The Reformed practice of baptizing believers and their children, as Warfield rightly maintained, is largely based upon an understanding of the biblical doctrine of the covenant of grace. In the principal writings of the Reformers of the sixteenth century, and in the great confessional symbols of the Reformed tradition, the one argument for paedobaptism that repeatedly stands out is the covenant argument. Children, like adult believers, are to be baptized because they belong to the covenant community in Christ.” (p.258).
Venema then goes on to flesh out the covenant argument in what he himself calls “a series of steps, moving from the more general and basic elements of covenant theology to its specific implications regarding the proper recipients of Christian baptism” (Ibid).
He points out that one of the most important elements of Reformed covenant theology is that there is “one covenant of grace throughout redemptive history” (p.270), the same in substance, but differing in how it is administered. The Westminster Confession of Faith puts it this way:
“This covenant was differently administered in the time of the law, and in the time of the gospel: under the law, it was administered by promises, prophecies, sacrifices, circumcision, the paschal lamb, and other types and ordinances delivered to the people of the Jews, all foresignifying Christ to come; which were, for that time, sufficient and efficacious, through the operation of the Spirit, to instruct and build up the elect in faith in the promised Messiah, by whom they had full remission of sins, and eternal salvation; and is called the old testament.” (16.5)
Another way of saying this would be to say that there has always been one way of salvation, whether in the Old Testament or in the New. In Galatians 3:7-9, Paul writes,
“Know then that it is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham. And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, “In you shall all the nations be blessed.” So then, those who are of faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith.” (ESV)
那些「以信為本」的人(即那些單單信靠基督得救的人)「是亞伯拉罕的子孫」(第7節)。 所有舊約的聖徒都是因著對基督的信心,靠著恩典得救的(弗二8-9),就像我們今天一樣。他們的信心期盼尚未到來的基督;而我們的信心則回顧已經到來的基督。
Those who are “of faith” (i.e. those who trust in Christ alone for salvation) “are the sons of Abraham” (v.7).  All of the Old Testament saints were saved by grace through faith in Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8-9), just as we are today. Their faith looked forward to the Christ who was yet to come; while our faith looks back to the Christ who has already come.
And God’s covenant with Abraham included even his infant offspring, who were also to receive the sign and seal of that administration of the covenant of grace, that is, the sacrament of circumcision. Genesis 17:9-12 says,
“And God said to Abraham, “As for you, you shall keep my covenant, you and your offspring after you throughout their generations. This is my covenant, which you shall keep, between me and you and your offspring after you: Every male among you shall be circumcised. You shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and you. He who is eight days old among you shall be circumcised. . . .” (ESV)
當你考慮到舊約中耶和華明令要將約的記號和印記(即割禮)施行在嬰兒(8天大的男嬰!)的事實,許多反對嬰兒洗禮的論點就開始在自身的重壓下崩潰了。正如加爾文所言:「因為他們[即批判嬰兒洗禮的人]用以指責嬰兒洗禮的理由,同樣也可適用於割禮。」 (《基督教要義》,4.16.9)。
When you consider the fact that the sign and seal of the covenant (i.e. circumcision) was explicitly commanded by the Lord to be applied to infants (8-day-old male children!) in the Old Testament, many of the arguments against infant baptism begin to crumble under their own weight. As Calvin puts it, “For what will they [i.e. critics of infant baptism] bring forward to impugn infant baptism that may not be turned back against circumcision?” (Institutes of the Christian Religion, 4.16.9).
That is why John Murray writes the following:
“If infants are excluded now, it cannot be too strongly emphasised [sic] that this change implies a complete reversal of the earlier divinely instituted practice. So we must ask: do we find any hint or intimation of such reversal in either the Old or the New Testament? More pointedly, does the New Testament revoke or does it provide any intimation of revoking so expressly authorised [sic] a principle as that of the inclusion of infants in the covenant and their participation in the covenant sign and seal?” (Christian Baptism, p.49)
Do we find any hint of such a reversal? No, we do not. And so Murray concludes by saying,
“In the absence of such evidence of repeal we conclude that the administering of the sign and seal of the covenant to the infant seed of believers is still in operation and has perpetual divine warrant. In other words, the command to administer the sign to infants has not been revoked: therefore it is still in force.” (Christian Baptism, p.50)
In other words, the burden of proof actually rests upon those who reject infant baptism, not on those who affirm it. There would actually need to be an explicit prohibition in Scripture forbidding us from baptizing infants, rather than an explicit command telling us to do so.

New Covenant Promise

作者Peter Y. Lee  誠之編譯自:”Jeremiah, in A Biblical Theological Introduction to the Old Testament: New Covenant Promise, pp. 294-96
耶利米把神在西奈山與以色列先祖所立的舊約,和新約作了對比。「舊的約」雖然是一個完好的約,卻是不穩定的,因為其效用取決於以色列人是否遵行(耶卅一32[18]。這個新的約在內容上與舊的約沒有什麼不同,因為舊的約和新的約的律法幾乎是完全相同的。因此,新的約比舊的約更美,並不是因為新的約沒有律法,從而使得反律法主義的生活形態能言之成理。它和舊的約的道德律法是一樣的。它們之間的差異在於百姓內心的更新轉化,好叫他們如今可以效法主所賜的良善律法。這是一個有重大意義的問題。若摩西之約的軟弱無力乃是肇因於它乃是取決於一群頑梗硬心百姓的順服,因此,若他們只是回到同一個盟約協議(covenantal arrangement)中,這種榮耀的恢復究竟有什麼好處呢?若這種協議曾經失敗,它就必定會重蹈覆轍,因為根本的問題並沒有得到解決。一個新的約是必要的;「新的約」是必要的。新的約之所以比舊的約更美,是因為它解決了舊約秩序所沒有對付、無法對付、也未曾想要對付的一些爭議。
18. 希伯來書第八章對新舊約之間的關係提供了聖靈默示的評論。請注意,在第八章8節中,希伯來書的作者說神指責「他們」(見《新譯本》),指的是舊約群體的成員;他沒有說神指責「它」(即舊的約)。(譯按:「因為他們不恆心守我的約」,9節)


Did Jesus live by faith (in his Covenant of Works)?

作者Mark Jones2014915   誠之譯自
"The Just [One] Shall Live by Faith"
The top men here at the Alliance are not happy with me. I posted my piece on the covenant of works on a day that does not maximize top viewing. My apologies. It will never happen again. Here is my penance: a "Part Deux" to the previous post.
Did Jesus, like Adam, live by faith? Did Jesus, like Adam, depend upon the Holy Spirit in order to obey the law of God?
These are questions that deserve answers.
Some who like to speak of Adam and Jesus being "placed under a covenant of works" (as I do) need to reckon with the Scriptural evidence that Jesus received help from God in many forms. His obedience was just that: his obedience. But even though the obedience rendered were his acts, the power/assistance came from God (this is the "act-power" distinction).
I am in the middle of writing a book called "Knowing Jesus," which will document in more detail the fact that Jesus did in indeed live by faith in the power of the Spirit as he perfectly obeyed the law in our place.
Reformed theologians have generally - as far as I am aware - not had trouble positing that Jesus lived by faith and depended upon the Holy Spirit to obey the will of the Father.
Brothers, we are not Lutherans (well, I am not).
正如巴文克所指出的,羅馬天主教和路德宗的神學家「在某種意義上是一致的,他們都把耶穌的人性提升到為其設定的界限之上,並把耶穌的人性發展和祂的降卑狀態都消融成僅僅是作作樣子」(譯按:RD,III.6,#357, p. 257)。換句話說,他們不認為聖靈的作用和基督的信心生活具有真正的地位。
As Bavinck notes, both Roman Catholic and Lutheran theologians "agree in the sense that both elevate the human nature above the boundaries set for it and dissolve into mere appearance both the human development of Jesus and the state of his humiliation." In other words, they don't really have any place for the role of the Spirit and Christ's life of faith.
On the other hand, however, Goodwin, Owen, Turretin, Bavinck, Vos, and countless other Reformed theologians all affirmed that we may speak of Jesus living by faith during his ministry on earth before he moved to the realm of sight in heaven.
巴文克聲稱,對亞當和基督來說,信心 「無非是緊緊抓住上帝的話語和應許的行動」。他補充說,改革宗神學家為這樣的觀點辯護:耶穌是地上的朝聖客,「不是一個全面的認識者」,「祂是憑著信心和盼望而行,而不是憑著眼見」。耶穌的信心由知識、同意和信賴組成的(見特瑞金,第十三論題,第12問)。
Bavinck claimed that faith for Adam and Christ was "nothing other than the act of clinging to the word and promises of God." He adds that Reformed theologians have defended the view that Jesus was a pilgrim on earth, "not a comprehensive knower," and "that he walked by faith and hope, not by sight." Jesus' faith consisted of knowledge, assent, and trust (see Turretin, 13th topic, 12th question).
此外古德溫在他那篇精彩的論文「基督出發」Christ Set Forth的開場白是這樣說的
Moreover, Goodwin opened up his remarkable treatise, "Christ Set Forth," with the following words:
"That Christ lived by faith as well as we do...in some sense he had a faith for justification like us."
However, he did not rely on another's righteousness like we do, according to Goodwin. He did not have a mediator for himself as we do.
There are important Christological, soteriological, exegetical, and pastoral reasons why we must affirm this truth. I don't intend to get into all of them now. But even a casual reading of the Scriptures leaves us with little option but to ascribe faith (and hope) to the man, Christ Jesus (see Hebrews and the Psalms). After all, whatever grace we receive from Christ, he must possess it preeminently in himself, including faith ("he is the pioneer").
However, something else needs to be considered, namely: Christ's graces.
Jesus was and is the man of the Spirit, par excellence. Christ's obedience - all of it - was done in the power of the Spirit. Thus, the Holy Spirit is the "immediate operator of all divine acts of the Son himself, even on his own human nature. Whatever the Son of God wrought in, by, or upon the human nature, he did it by the Holy Ghost, who is his Spirit" (Owen).
So, according to Owen:
Christ's human nature was "sanctified, and filled with grace according to the measure of its receptivity." The Holy Spirit endowed Jesus with all grace. Why is this so crucial?
「因為即便靈魂、心智、意志、情感的自然能力,是受造成純潔、無罪、無玷污的,——它們不能以其他方式被上帝立即創造出來,——然而,這還不足以使任何有理性的受造物向上帝而活;就連全然聖潔的耶穌基督也不行。(譯按:意思是耶穌也必須倚靠聖靈的恩典)」(誠之按:《聖靈論》,book II, chapter 4
"For let the natural faculties of the soul, mind, will, and affections, be created pure, innocent, undefiled, - as they cannot be otherwise created immediately by God, - yet there is not enough to enable any rational creature to live to God; much less was it all that was in Jesus Christ."
This is true for Adam; this is true for Christ. The parallel stands between the two. Their obedience was not "naked" obedience, as if their natural faculties were sufficient because they were sinless. No!
As Bavinck notes,
"At this point it is important to note that this activity of the Holy Spirit with respect to Christ's human nature absolutely does not stand by itself. Though it began with the conception, it did not stop there. It continued throughout his entire life, even right into the state of exaltation. Generally speaking, the necessity of this activity can be inferred already from the fact that the Holy Spirit is the author of all creaturely life and specifically of the religious-ethical life in humans. The true human who bears God's image is inconceivable even for a moment without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.... If humans in general cannot have communion with God except by the Holy Spirit, then this applies even more powerfully to Christ's human nature."
So, did Adam earn or merit the indwelling of the Holy Spirit? Or was it a superadded gift? Was God gracious to Adam by giving him the Holy Spirit to assist him in his obedience?
回到亞當的行為之約,我們可以肯定亞當是被置於行為之約之下。我們可以正確地認為,亞當必須完全順服神,才能(ex pacto,按照約定) 「賺取」或「配得[merit]」他的獎賞。但在我看來,這並不意味著,我們也不能肯定神在通過賜給亞當聖靈來幫助他(即額外附加的恩賜),好叫亞當能在他順服的生活中享受與神的交通的這件事上,是滿有恩典的。
Returning to the covenant of works for Adam, we can affirm that Adam was placed under a covenant of works. We may rightly argue that Adam had to perfectly obey God in order to "earn" or "merit" (ex pacto) his reward. But that does not mean, it seems to me, that we cannot also affirm that God was gracious in assisting Adam (i.e., superadded gift) by giving him the Holy Spirit so that Adam could enjoy communion with God in the context of his obedient life.
The Second Adam, Jesus Christ, possessed the Spirit in greater measure and was, as far as I am concerned, the greatest believer who ever lived.
Thus, Vos, in contrasting Paul's writings with Hebrews, remarks: "while in these other writings Christ is the object of faith, the One towards whom the sinner's trust is directed, here the Saviour is described as himself exercising faith, in fact as the one perfect, ideal believer."
Pastor Mark Jones plans to get back to writing "Knowing Jesus," because he needs a big contract to pay for a new pair of soccer boots, skinny jeans, and Lagavulin (all to be enjoyed at once, somehow).


Some thoughts on the Mosaic Covenant

作者Scott SwainRTS, Orlando 系統神學教授帖子最後有他的三個聖約神學教學影片
我讀完了Mark Jones最近關於行為之約的兩個帖子(見這裏和這裏),很有收穫;一直以來,我從他對這個題目的其他著作裏也獲益良多。在論到行為之約(上帝與亞當在伊甸園裏所立的約)和摩西之約(上帝在西奈山與以色列人所立的約)之間的關係時,神學上的清晰以及對歷史的認知都是非常必要的。誠然,按照我的看法,要正確地把摩西之約放在上帝開展祂聖約治理的過程中,是聖約神學裏最困難、也最複雜的挑戰。如同Anthony Burges曾經觀察到的,這是一個「有學問的人」也會發現自己像「亞伯拉罕的公羊,兩角扣在稠密的小樹中」的地方。由於這些議題本身的複雜性,我們必須避免一些簡化的解釋。
I have read with profit Mark Jones's recent posts on the covenant of works (see here and here), having benefited from his other writings on this topic as well. Such theological clarity and historical awareness are much to be appreciated when it comes to the relationship between the covenant of works, made with Adam in the Garden, and the Mosaic Covenant, made with Israel at Sinai. Indeed, in my opinion, properly locating the Mosaic Covenant within God's unfolding covenantal economy presents the most difficult and complex challenge in covenant theology. As Anthony Burgess once observed, it is a place where many "learned men" have found themselves "like Abraham's Ram, hung in a bush of briars and brambles by the head." Given the intrinsic complexity of the issues, simplistic explanations are to be eschewed.
Though simplistic explanations of this topic are not desirable, there is a need, especially among those responsible for ministering the Word of God to the people of God on a weekly basis, to summarize complex issues in a simple, though not simplistic, way. With this in mind, I want to briefly sketch three points for thinking about the place of the Mosaic Covenant within God's unfolding plan for his people. I suggest that, taken together, these three points provide an orientation to this complex topic that is biblically, theologically, and pastorally satisfying.
(1)The Mosaic Covenant is an administration of the covenant of grace. I realize that folks on both sides of contemporary "republication" debates would affirm this point, so some qualification is in order. In saying that the Mosaic Covenant is an administration of the covenant of grace, I am affirming that the Mosaic administration, in form and structure, fits the pattern exhibited in other administrations of the covenant of grace (e.g., Abrahamic, Davidic, New covenants) and that, in form and structure,  it does not follow the pattern exhibited in the covenant of works.
The covenant between Yahweh and Israel at Sinai is a covenant between redeemer and redeemed. God's gracious act of deliverance provides the redemptive foundation of the commands he issues to Israel and of the allegiance he requires from Israel (Exod 19.4; 20.2). Indeed, because the events of the exodus mark the fulfillment of God's promise, made under self-maledictory oath in Genesis 15.7-21, we should understand Israel's "pledge of allegiance" to Yahweh in Exodus 19.8 and 24.3, not as evidence that the Mosaic Covenant is a different type of covenant from the Abrahamic Covenant, but rather as evidence that the Mosaic Covenant is the realization of the Abrahamic Covenant. The one who promised to be God to Abraham and his descendants (Gen 17.7, 8) at last has brought "his people" into being (see Exod 1.7; 6.7): and as he has pledged to be their God, so they now pledge to be his people. The Sinai arrangement is not a different type of covenant from that of Abraham. It is the fulfillment and goal of the Abrahamic Covenant: the covenant relationship initiated through unilateral promise to the patriarchs is now realized in bilateral commitment between redeemer and his redeemed people.
(2) The Mosaic Covenant is a temporal administration of the covenant of grace in relation to Christ. While the Mosaic Covenant is the initial fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant, Israel's "I do" in relation to Yahweh her husband, it is not the final fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant. The Mosaic Covenant was a temporary administration of the covenant of grace, destined to be made obsolete (Heb 8.13). The Law was one of God's good gifts, but it was a gift destined for replacement by God's greater gift in and through Jesus Christ (John 1.16-17), the gift of the New Covenant. As the initial fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant, the Mosaic Covenant thus bears a temporary, shadowy relationship to the New Covenant, which is the final, everlasting fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant (Col 2.17).
(3) The Mosaic Covenant is a weak administration of the covenant of grace in relation to the flesh. The reason that the Mosaic Covenant was only a temporary administration of the covenant of grace is related to its status as a weak administration of the covenant of grace. Where does its "fault" lie (Heb 8.7-8)? Not in its structure and form, I contend (see above). The weakness of the Mosaic Covenant lies in one of its parties: the Mosaic Covenant was "weakened by the flesh" (Rom 8.3). Because the Mosaic Covenant was written on tablets of stone and not on hearts of flesh, it was ultimately only capable of exposing and condemning the treachery of God's fallen human covenant partners. It was a ministry of death leading to death (see 2 Cor 3-4).
This of course is not to ignore Old Testament teaching that the Spirit was operative under the Mosaic Covenant (Isa 63.10-11; Haggai 2.5): contrary to Dispensationalist schematizations, the contrast between the Spirit's work under the Old and New Covenants is relative, not absolute. Nevertheless, the Old Testament also teaches us that, relative to God's work in the New Covenant, God's people were largely deprived of the grace required to receive and respond to the (gracious) Mosaic Covenant in a manner that was pleasing to God (Deut 29.4; cf. 30.1-10) and therefore that they were doomed to fall under that covenant's curse from the beginning (Deut 31.27 with 21.18-23).
And indeed we must confess that God's law--in all of its covenantal forms--is destined to function this way in relation to fallen human beings: only in Christ, where the law's death-dealing sentence is realized, can the law have its proper function of instructing the redeemed, who are raised in and with Christ through the Spirit to fulfill God's law (Gal 2.19; Rom 8.4ff).
As noted above, it is only taken together that these three points may function as an effective summary of biblical teaching about the Mosaic Covenant. Denying any one of them, however, leads to serious problems.
Denying the first point, in my judgment, damages biblical preaching. If we do not see the Mosaic Covenant as an administration of the covenant of grace, then we will be tempted to read the Old Testament as one long story of Israel's failure to be the one they were never commissioned to be: the Second Adam (Rom 5.12-21). And, thus, we will fail to appreciate how Israel functions as an (to be sure, often negative) example of what it means to live in union with Christ within the covenant of grace (see 1 Cor 10.1-5; Heb 3.7-4.11), depriving ourselves of a significant dimension of Old Testament teaching (2 Tim 3.16-17).  
Denying the second point amounts to Judaizing. Though few Christians would commit this mistake today, many of Paul's chief opponents in the apostolic era were those who welcomed the inclusion of Gentiles within the people of God as a sign that the latter days had dawned but who failed to appreciate the terms of Gentile inclusion because they believed that the Mosaic Covenant provided the ultimate rather than the penultimate administration for realizing the promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Paul's argument in Galatians 3-4 is largely concerned with refuting this error.
Denying the third point leads to legalism. Affirming the first point without affirming the third point can lead to serious theological and pastoral problems, and those of us not convinced by "republication" arguments need to acknowledge this fact. If all we do is affirm how good God's law is, how it functions as a means of gratitude for God's redeemed people, and so forth, and if we fail to acknowledge and expound the anthropological predicament of Adam's children before God's good law, then we are setting people up either for failure or self-deception in relation to the law. We must be clear: "Those who are in the flesh cannot please God" (Rom 8.8).
此外,我們必須明確說明,上帝解決這個困境的方法不是一個完全以恩典為架構的盟約。上帝對這個問題的解決方案是祂兒子的道成肉身、受死和高升,以及將復活的基督的靈澆灌下來:「律法既因肉體軟弱,有所不能行的,上帝就差遣自己的兒子,成為罪身的形狀,作了贖罪祭,在肉體中定了罪案, 使律法的義成就在我們這不隨從肉體、只隨從聖靈的人身上。」(羅八34)恩典之約——在其所有的施行方式中——是因為其中保,才成為恩典之約的。
Moreover, we must be clear that God's solution to this predicament is not a graciously structured covenant. God's solution to this problem is the incarnation, death, and exaltation of his Son, and the outpouring of the Spirit of the risen Christ: "For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit" (Rom 8.3-4). The covenant of grace--in any and every one of its administrations--is only a covenant of grace because of the mediator of the covenant of grace.
Postscript: I realize that this topic is a source of heated controversy in Reformed and Presbyterian churches today, and I count as brothers and ministers in good standing folks on both sides of the debate. Given the complexity of this issue, as well as the diversity exhibited historically across the Reformed tradition on this topic, I do hope it is an issue that can be debated with clarity and charity by those who have learned from God's law in Christ to beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks (Isa 2.2-4).
Teaching Women to Teach
Covenant Theology as the Interpretive Backdrop of Scripture
Lesson 1/3 https://youtu.be/Z9HBfZiy5Tk
Lesson 2/3 https://youtu.be/61NU8_wr5tE
Lesson 3/3 https://youtu.be/EBxR2X7XwB8

Step by Step: Divine Guidance for Ordinary Christians (Resources for Christian Lives),  P&R, 1999  By James C. Petty   
作者Raymond Cannata 牧師Redeemer Presbyterian Church of New Orleans  誠之獲作者授權翻譯
「神對我一生的旨意是什麼?」作為跟從耶穌的人,我們渴望有一個清楚的答案,這也是本書討論的起點。雖然在某種程度上,答案是清楚的:「神的旨意就是要你們成為聖潔」(帖前四3),但是要把這麼廣泛、概括性的陳述,應用在我們生活具體實際的決定時,卻是極具挑戰的,甚至會令我們感到困惑。我們在一些重大決定,諸如與誰結婚,上什麼大學,從事哪個行業,或者加入什麼樣的教會,如何得到神的引導呢?還有每天的閑雜瑣事,諸如選擇襯衫,打什麼領帶,在哪裡享用午餐,以及怎樣利用我的修閑時間,又怎麼說呢?我們如何讓聖經中所顯明的神的旨意和日常生活中的決定,發生關聯呢?本書就是為了回答這些問題的。作者將本書的十八章分成四部分:神的引導的應許,認識神的引導,經歷神的引導,以及尋求神的引導。前三個部分將「引導的神學」(the theology of guidance)加以展開(11頁),而第四部分是個案研究,說明如何運用七個步驟做出明智的決定。
20世紀最普遍的觀點認為:「神對每個基督徒的人生有一個具體明確的計劃。神的引導就包括認清那個計劃」(29頁)。這個計劃是通過仔細觀察「環境、屬靈的感動、內在的聲音、個人心思的平安,以及他人之勸戒的組合」(30)來辨識的。雖然神主權的旨意必然包括我們生活的細節,這個觀點的提倡者「嵌入一個隱藏的前提──如果有這樣的計劃,神要我們知道它,也會啟示給那些尋求的人,[而且]神對每個人生命中主權的計劃,是為了給個人作為引導的來源與模式」(30-31頁)。我們可以知道這個計劃,如果「我們的日常生活狀況……與內在聖靈的感動以及神的話一致的話」(31頁,引述F. B. 邁爾)。
「神的引導和神的計劃」是第四章的標題,它對準聖經上神的眷護(Gods providence)的教義。
作者引用古典改革宗神學對神的旨意的兩個面向的區分:神的計劃──或祂「定旨的旨意」(decretive will),與神的誡命──或祂「誡命的旨意」(preceptive will)(56頁,參考查爾斯•賀治)。聖經常常使用「神的旨意」這個詞,提到祂主權的計劃。涵蓋的經文包括弗一511;雅四15;羅十五32;與彼前三17。對信徒而言,神的主權的真理是令人鼓舞的,因為它向我們保證:(1)「神確實對你的生命中有一個特定的計劃,(2)你人生的每個事件和選擇,都不可抗拒地、且主權地在每個細節中實現出來(59頁),也就是說,你不可能錯過它!「對在基督裏的人來說,只有一個計劃,就是計劃A」(59)。沒有計劃B。作者考察了聖經對神的主權的教導,論證神對環境(太十2931;創五十20)、好人,義人、歹人和政客(箴廿一1;羅九17;徒二23),以及救恩與審判(弗一5;約十五16;約六3739;羅八28-30)的掌管。
第六章 察驗「神的引導和『神對個人的旨意』」。此概念在一般基督徒的教導上,是被當作「『神完美的旨意』或『神旨意的中心』或『神特定的旨意』」(96頁)。如果神的道德旨意被視為一個圓靶,「神對個人的旨意則被視為圓靶的中心。那是我們在神的引導所要發現(擊中)的「旨意」。如果我們偏離圓靶的正中,但仍擊中圓靶的目標區域,我們並沒有犯罪──但是我們錯過了神為我們所預備的最好的」(97頁)。
神的眷護(Gods Providence)的教義在第十章「神的眷護:神引導的左手」再度被提出。本章是有用的,不僅在重新強調神的主權對生活事物的掌管,而且特別在幫助信徒找出在神眷護的範圍中,更多的影響我們決策的主觀因素上,有很大的助益,而這些主觀因素要受聖經中神啟示的旨意所衡量。「本著智慧尋求神的引導的方法──而不是設法保護我們的生活免受印象、預感、異夢和環境的影響──允許我們充分地享受它們。我們使用它們作為神對我們的眷護,而不作為啟示或屬靈的引導。關鍵的差異是不把它們作為神引導的手段。它們應該被作為它們本來所是的來看待,即:神眷護的工作」(173-174頁)。換句話說,異常的情境、個人的感覺、印象和異夢,既不應該盲目跟從,也不該完全忽視。相反地,「我們應該衡量這些材料,正如我們也會衡量任何從朋友,新聞報告或者一通電話,所得來的想法一樣。」(174頁)並且我們衡量一切的標準是神在祂的話語中所啟示的旨意。
如果神是透過智慧的方式引導我們,我們應該關心的下一步便是「如何變得有智慧」(第十一章)。得到智慧的過程,神為我們規劃了五個步驟。「要變得有智慧,我們必須:(1) 認識神,被祂改造, (2) 立志越來越分別為聖給神,(3) 殷勤、持之以恆地尋求智慧,(4) 從智慧人那裏學習,並且(5) 參與神要我們每天不斷要作的決定」(186頁)。這些步驟主要是從箴言書中發展出來的,與此同時,也與耶穌基督的智慧息息相關(林前一30;西二2)。