感謝讚美上帝護理的大能与豐盛的供應。 本網誌內的所有資源純屬學習交流之用。


作者Steve Fuller  作者駱鴻銘

Maybe you have longed for healing, for a job, for a baby, or for a wife. You have faithfully and earnestly prayed for weeks and months — even years. But you are still sick, still unemployed, still childless, or still single.

And you are disappointed. In fact, you are disappointed by God.

For many years my wife and I longed for pregnancy. We longed and prayed. And longed and prayed some more. Couples we knew got pregnant — but we did not. And we felt deep disappointment. But God’s word calls us to live by faith. And faith means trusting all that God promises to be for us in Christ Jesus.

So then, what does God promise when we are disappointed?

You Lack No Good Thing

這些年來一直在幫助我的是詩篇第三十四篇10節的應許 「少壯獅子還缺食忍餓但尋求耶和華的甚麼好處都不缺。」這個應許是給那些尋求主在基督裏因信得生和想要更認識上帝的人。
One promise that’s helped me over the years is Psalm 34:10, “The young lions suffer want and hunger; but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.” This promise is for those who seek the Lord — those who are saved by faith in Christ and who are seeking to know him more.

God promises that those who seek him will lack no good thing. Which means, if something is good, God will give it to you.

Now that’s hard to swallow. After all, you are still sick, unemployed, childless, or single. So how is God fulfilling his promise to you?

The Greatest Good

What helped me understand this was to ask: What is the greatest good?

大衛說David says,
I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.” (Psalm 16:2)

亞薩說And Asaph,
Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. (Psalm 73:25)

而保羅說And Paul,
Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. (Philippians 3:8)

So the greatest good is God himself — knowing God in the person of Jesus Christ.

This is not just knowing about God. This is actually knowing God. This means to feel his glory, sense his love, experience his presence. When we experience God in this way, we are so full that we desire nothing else. God is the only all-satisfying good, which is why he is the greatest good.

What Makes Something Good?

So what does God mean when he promises we will lack no good thing?

Healing can be good, but so can lack of healing.

If God is our greatest good, then what makes something good is whether it brings us more of God. So being healed of a sickness can be good because it can bring us more of God by showing us his power, mercy, and goodness. But not being healed can also be good since it, too, can bring us more of God by drawing us even closer to him.

That’s what Paul experienced with his thorn in the flesh, “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

So if God chooses not to heal me, it’s because sickness will bring me even more of his all-satisfying presence than healing would have brought me. In that case, even though I’m lacking healing, I’m not lacking any good thing, because the sickness is how I will experience the most joy in God. Since God is my all-satisfying treasure, then what makes something good is whether it brings me more of God.

So when God promises that we will lack no good thing, he means we will lack nothing that would bring us more of God. We will have absolutely everything that will bring us more of God. So if you lack healing, or a job, or children, or a wife, you are not lacking any good thing because God has ordained your lack to bring you more of himself.

Why Am I Disappointed?

When I feel disappointed by God, it’s because at that moment there’s something I’m longing for more than him, whether it be healing, employment, a child, a wife. As good as healing, employment, children, and marriage might be, none of them will come close to satisfying me as much as God himself.

So when I’m disappointed by God, there’s a problem with my faith. I’m not trusting that God himself is who he says he is for me in Jesus. I’m not trusting in him as my all-satisfying treasure.

So what can I do? Here are eight steps I have personally found helpful in disappointment.

1. 帶著你的失望來到耶穌基督面前信靠祂會與你相會並改變你的心詩四十13
Come to Jesus Christ with your disappointment, trusting him to meet you and change your heart (Psalm 40:1–3).

2. 為你渴望其他事物勝過渴望上帝而認罪。懇求主藉著十字架饒恕你並領受完全赦罪的保證約壹一9
Confess that you are longing for something else more than him. Ask him to forgive you through the cross. Receive assurance of complete forgiveness (1 John 1:9).

3. 祈求聖靈的運行來改變你的心剛強你的信心讓你再次經歷耶穌基督是滿足你一切的珍寶約六35
Plead for the work of the Spirit to change your heart, strengthen your faith, and enable you once again to experience Jesus Christ as your all-satisfying treasure (John 6:35).

4. 既然聖靈是透過上帝的話來工作就要去尋找那些描述上帝的愛、能力和威嚴的經文和那些關於上帝是完全滿足你的珍寶的應許。用這些經文熱切地禱告,努力信靠祂 (加三5)。
Since the Spirit does his work through the word, find Scriptures describing God’s love, power, and majesty, and promises concerning God as your all-satisfying treasure. Pray earnestly over these Scriptures. Fight to trust them (Galatians 3:5).

5. 繼續用這些經文來禱告並信靠這些經文直到你感覺到聖靈正在改變你的心你也再次體驗到耶穌基督是你完全滿足的珍寶為止彼前一8
Continue praying over and trusting these Scriptures until you feel the Spirit changing your heart, and you once again experience Jesus Christ as your all-satisfying treasure (1 Peter 1:8).

6. 為上帝的應許禱告祂預旨的每一樣試煉都會帶領你在祂裏面得著更多的滿足林後四17。持續禱告,直到聖靈剛強你的信心,使你無論缺乏什麼,都會使你與上帝更親近,更多得著祂。
Pray over God’s promise that he will ordain every trial to bring you even more heart-satisfaction in him (2 Corinthians 4:17). Do this until the Spirit strengthens your faith that whatever you lack will bring you even more of God.

7. 也為上帝的應許來禱告求祂會顧念你一切所需健康、工作、金錢),用一種能使你更多得著祂的方式來引領你腓四1319太六33
Also pray over God’s promise that he will take care of everything else you need (health, work, money) in such a way that it will bring you even more of him (Philippians 4:13, 19; Matthew 6:33).

8. 持續為你渴望的其他事物醫治、工作、兒女、婚姻禱告但要努力繼續信靠耶穌作你完全滿足的珍寶詩四十三4
Steve Fuller is lead pastor of Grace Church Abu Dhabi and writes at Living by Faith. Continue to pray for the other things you desire (healing, employment, children, marriage), but fight to keep trusting in Jesus as your all-satisfying treasure (Psalm 43:4).