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 作者: Larry Ball     翻譯: 華客子

『唯獨因信而被稱義』是抗議宗(基督教新教)的一大重要教義。馬丁路德稱它是『教會站立或跌倒的教義』(doctrine by which the church stands or falls譯按:若教會堅守這教義真理教會便得堅立,教會若離棄這教義真理便會跌倒)。『因信稱義』的真理是指上帝將基督『主動與被動』的順服歸算給我們,將基督賺得的義歸算給我們;在此基礎上,上帝宣告我們為『義人』。我們被上帝稱義不是靠我們的好行為賺來的。這教義是我們在上帝裡盼望的基礎。The doctrine of justification by faith alone is one of the great doctrines of the Protestant Church.  Martin Luther called it the “doctrine by which the church stands or falls.”  Justification is the truth that God imputes to us the active and passive obedience of Christ.  God charges to our account the righteousness that Christ earned, and on this basis He declares us righteous.  It is not something we can earn or merit by our good works.  This doctrine is the foundation for our hope in God.

但是,在我做牧者多年的經驗中,我常常聽到人們錯誤地將『稱義』與『救贖』劃上等號。這或許是因為『稱義』的教義對他們來說太重要了,或許『稱義』的教義是唯一使他們有平安的教導,亦或許『稱義』是個備受攻擊的教義。無論如何,將『稱義』與『救贖』劃等號是錯誤的。However, it has been my experience over many years in the pastorate to hear people mistakenly equate justification with salvation.  Maybe it is because the doctrine of justification is so dear to them.  Maybe it is because the doctrine of justification is the only place where they found peace.  Maybe it is because the doctrine of justification is always under attack.  But it is a mistake to equate justification with salvation.

『稱義』只是救贖真理的一部份。上帝救贖的過程,始於永恆,在創世之先,終於聖徒得榮且永遠與上帝同在。大部份神學生在他們初接受神學裝備的時候便學到『救恩次序』(Ordo Salutis)這個神學名詞。『救恩次序』就暗示了救恩並不止於『稱義』。上帝救贖祂百姓的工作是有次序的(因此就是個過程)。這個救恩次序不但包括了『因信稱義』,也報告了『揀選』,『呼召』,『重生』,『納認為兒女』,『成聖』與『得榮』等上帝的工作。Justification is only one part of salvation.  Salvation is a process that begins in eternity before the foundation of the world and ends in glorification as the saints of God dwell with Him for evermore.  Most seminary students learn the term “ordo salutis” early in their training.  The “ordo salutis” gives us a hint that salvation is more than justification.  There is an order (and therefore a process) in the work of God as He saves His people.  This order not only includes justification, but it also includes such works of God as election, calling, regeneration, adoption, sanctification, and glorification.

『稱義』是上帝一次性的工作,它不是一個過程。但救贖卻是一個過程,它包括了過去,現在,與將來。救贖是基督徒一生會經歷的過程,保羅便是如此以過程討論救贖的概念。在以弗所書28節他說『你們得救了』(have been saved);在哥林多後書215節他說『正在被救贖』(are being saved);在羅馬書59節他說『將被救贖』(shall be saved)。是的,救贖是上帝在信徒的生命中所做的工作,且是經歷一段的時間而完成的。Justification is a one-time act of God and not a process.  Salvation is a process that happens over time and includes the past, the present, and the future. Paul uses the concept of salvation to refer to this process over the life of a Christian.  In Ephesians 2:8 he says we “have been saved.”  In 2 Corinthians 2:15 he says we “are being saved.”  In Romans 5:9 he says we “shall be saved.”  Indeed, salvation is the work of God in the life of a believer over a period of time.

了解『稱義』與『救贖』之間的根本區別,對每位信徒而言都應該是基本的。但是,對這二者的混淆已經對現代教會產生了有害的影響。因為對這二者的混淆,救贖常常定義成是 上帝『一次性』的作為;它傾向於貶低淡化信徒成聖的掙扎跟必要性….它傾向於將救贖的團體教會性質轉移到個人主義 (shift salvation from the corporate church to individualism);它也傾向於將建造上帝國度的這個焦點轉移到單單靈魂[得救]的層面而已。Understanding this basic distinction between justification and salvation should be rudimentary in the life of every believer.  However, because of this confusion, I believe it has had a deleterious effect on the modern church.  It tends to define salvation as a one-time act of God.  It tends to downplay the necessity and the struggle of sanctification.  It tends to leave us at the altar of our own personal experience.  It tends to shift salvation from the corporate church to individualism.  It tends to shift the focus of kingdom building to the arena of the soul only.

請別誤會我的意思。『稱義』是救贖真理中的一個重要部分。它是上帝賜給罪人平安的首要工作。稱義的基礎是上帝客觀的工作,而非基於基督徒任何的主觀經歷。稱義是基督徒生命中『一次性』發生的事件。稱義就好像國王戒指上的寶石[那般珍貴]。但是,稱義不是救贖。救贖是根植於稱義的一個過程,但是救贖絕不至於稱義而已。救贖是上帝的工作,祂為祂自己而恢復更新這個罪惡的世界。救贖從個人開始,進而得著家庭,乃至國家。救贖是上帝的工作,要將這世間一切的心意奪回,使其順服耶穌基督的主權之下。Now, dont get me wrong.  Justification is crucial in salvation.  It is the primary act of God that will give the sinner peace.  It depends on the objective work of God and not on any subjective experience in the Christian.  It is a one-time event in the life of a Christian.  It is the gem in the center of the king’s ring.  However, it is not salvation.  Salvation is a process that roots itself in justification, but it is much more than justification.  Salvation is the work of God to recover this sinful world for Himself.  It begins with the individual and moves onward to capture families and nations.  It is the work of God in bringing every thought in this world captive to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

『稱義』是一個充滿榮耀的教義,但它不是救贖。不要將這二者混淆了。Justification is a glorious doctrine, but so is salvation.  Do not confuse the two.

作者;萊利 保爾(Larry Ball)是美國長老會一位已經榮退的教導長老,他也是一位有執照的會計師。他住在田納西州的金斯堡市。 Larry E. Ball is an Honorably Retired Teaching Elder in the Presbyterian Church in America and a CPA. He lives in Kingsport, Tennessee.