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活下來就是英雄面對濫殺槍手反恐專家教你保命 (Be a Hero: The Essential Survival Guide to Active-Shooter Events)
作者 約翰紀狄斯, 艾隆李斯
譯者 林添貴
出版社遠流    出版日期2018/02/24
好譯者難尋譯作百部且譯得快 <1>出版社稱讚效率高爲譯者辦經驗分享會哪個譯者不希望自己達到這個境界

對譯者林添貴先生抱著景仰觀摩的心態其實對任何一位出過譯作的譯者都是這樣看待哪怕只有一兩本來品賞其譯作。隨手挑了今年出版且題材好讀的(非政治經濟外交歷史類等批判類)。看到有一本是賽局理論方面的書,較感興趣,本來想就是那本了,結果上網搜資料的手,首先抓到這本《活下來就是英雄》。感謝博客來提供試閱。好些書都不(敢)給試閱了呀!英文原文,Google Books Amazon 起先都不給看,突發奇想用中譯內容回譯爲英文,一些關鍵字用對了,讓 Google 吐出了英文試讀頁面,包含完整的他序和作者自序。


實驗格式,如果造成閱讀不適,抱歉了。寫在箭頭 -> 之後的是建議的改譯。另外,用單個英文方括號[]指出的,是自己的筆記,並非中譯內容所加,用來觀察中譯如何處理一些詞彙,不一定認爲有誤,是未有定見。

讀過幾段清楚易懂的「他序」譯文之後,對譯者初步有了印象:好的方面是,文字非常簡練、順達,出版社不會在贅字上花冤枉錢,這是受歡迎的譯者的一個重要特色。不好的是,短短篇幅,問題不少,且都是容易看出,大多也是 decent translation 不該出的問題,令人對品質持很大的保留態度,換成硬一點的題材、深奧一點的原文(這篇完全不是),難道會比這個初步發現的結果更好嗎?



In Be a Hero, former SAS commando John Geddes and journalist and author Alun Rees offer a commonsense approach to the global epidemic of violent attacks on our society. The authors brilliantly outline in easy-to-understand yet comprehensive detail the threat of the active shooter and what steps should be taken to increase your chances of surviving an attack.
在《活下來就是英雄》這本書中特戰部隊退役戰士約翰 紀狄斯和作家艾隆 李斯就全球暴力攻擊成災提出一種常識性的反應對策。兩位作者高明的列出易於了解、卻又詳盡的說明,敘述激進槍手[active shooter]的威脅, 以及應該採取什麼步驟才能增加你在受到攻擊時存活的機率。

Although some folks in the military and law enforcement communities know how to react to an active shooter, the vast majority of people in the United States have never received this type of training. Now, thanks to John Geddes and Alun Rees, these principles can be readily understood by reading and understanding the guidelines presented in Be a Hero.
雖然某些軍中及執法機關的人知道如何回應槍擊事件[active shooter]但絕大多數民眾從來沒有接受過類似的訓練。拜約 紀狄斯和艾隆李斯之賜,現在我們可以藉由閱讀和演練書中的指示迅速了解這些原則。

An active shooter usually tries to kill as many people as possible and will not stop until taken down. The victims are often attacked well before the police are able to respond. This is an essential fact. You cannot afford to simply wait for the police to arrive to save the day. Steps that can save your life — and the lives of your family and your coworkers — can and should be learned ahead of time.
激進槍手[active shooter]通常企圖儘可能殺害越多人越好他在被撂倒[taken down]以前不會住手。但是在警察有所反應之前,受害者已經遭到攻擊。這是個事實,你無法坐等警察來拯救眾人生命,應該在事前就學習拯救自己、家人及同事的性命。

A child, a student, a worker, or someone just waiting for a train — anyone could be at risk of an attack from an active shooter. Be a Hero was not written to scare the reader but to inform and educate.

Following the attacks on 9/11, I was asked to create an active-shooter training program for a federal agency and spent the next several years training government employees, law enforcement personnel, and civilians. Although we all understood the dangers involved with the active shooter at that time, I am stunned at just how much these attacks have increased over the past decade.
In the United States alone, there is now an average of almost two active-shooter attacks every month, and these attacks have occurred in more than forty of the fifty states. Globally, including the attacks that take place in war zones, the number is in the tens of thousands.
九一一事件後我奉派替一個聯邦機關建立對付激進槍手的訓練計畫花了好幾年時間訓練政府員工、執法人員和平民百姓。儘管我們提防濫殺槍手[active shooter]所涉及的危險,

商榷:「提防」(understood)「濫殺槍手」「所涉及的危險」?at that time 「當時」重要意思沒出來,作者對比了911當時和其後十年。
我很震驚過去十年這類攻擊仍然層出不窮。光是在美國,每個月平均發生近兩次濫殺攻擊[active-shooter attacks]事件,全美五十州有超過四十州發生這類攻擊。以全球而言包括在戰爭區發生的攻擊件數竟超過一萬以上。

These attacks are not predictable, and in most cases the carnage took place in less than five minutes.

in most cases 「~通常」的意思被擋在中間的錯誤成語「禍起蕭牆」用掉了「五分鐘」這句讀不出來有正確意思「大多不到五分鐘」較像是「總是不到五分鐘」。
The FBI conducted a study of 160 active shooter incidents in which 486 innocent people were killed and another 557 wounded. In some of the attacks family members, former spouses, or coworkers were targeted; in others, it was just violent indiscriminate killing.


「有跡可循(尋)」是加詞,OK,引申were targeted字義。中文行文的指涉稍欠思考,是誰的家屬、前任配偶、同事?這裡才真正需要加詞 -> 有些攻擊事件,槍手設定目標攻擊家屬、前任配偶、同事。

隨機?如果地點挑選好,例如槍手去開除他的公司掃射,那就不能說是隨機。原文也無隨機。被字沒必要。-> 也有些案例純然是不分對象的暴力濫殺。
The FBI study revealed that in 21 of the 160 incidents, unarmed citizens — principals, teachers, and facility staff — bravely confronted the active shooter and disrupted the attacks.


顯然是看得太快看錯字翻譯快手容易出的問題 facility 錯看成 faculty 教授-> 工作人員、職員
Many of the active-shooter attacks happened in malls, schools, and businesses, but any place with a large gathering of people is a potential target.


many 不是 most,意思很不同,必須精確譯爲「很多、許多」,不是「大多、大部分」,前者是從具體實際數字角度來看,後者是比例,例如,100起濫殺如果有35起(約三分之一)發生在購物中心、學校、商家、公司裡,這數字已足以稱爲many,但顯然不能稱爲mostmost需要過半。

These studies point out how real this threat is to our society, and they also highlight the importance of training — not only for our first responders but for all citizens.


商榷不夠明確準確to 變成 in可能誤讀爲在社會裡有別的人事物受威脅 -> 研究指出這種攻擊對社會構成真確的威脅。
同時也凸顯出平常訓練的重要性 — — 不只是那些最先碰上危險必須即時反應的人

這個大誤譯不只是看錯字那種應是未查字典資料而誤解字義first responder 意思是最先媒體通俗用語「第一時間」獲報趕來現場處理事故或救援的「第一線」專業人員如警察、救護人員、救火隊等有別於第二、三線的急診室醫護人員或心理輔導員不是指剛好身處攻擊現場遭遇攻擊、可能傷亡的人。

As I always told my students, “Just imagine how you would feel, for the rest of your life, if an attack occurred that killed your family, friends, or coworkers, and you did not take the simple steps that could have saved those lives because you did not know what steps to take. Plan for the worst-case scenario and hope for the best.”
我經常告訴我的學生「假設發生攻擊你的家人、朋友或同事遇害只因為你不曉得該怎麼做你沒有採取可以拯救他們性命的簡單動作是不是會終身抱憾 所以要未雨綢繆做好準備。」

Plan for the worst and hope for the best. 是常見的說法原譯 worst/best 的對比一點都沒有了有點可惜不到位。這個hope for the best 因有前面的worst比較難處理否則一般就是字面意義。-> 要做最壞的打算未雨綢繆以求盡量避免/減少憾事。
I strongly believe that we all need to do our best to recognize and understand the threats we may face — and to remain vigilant, prepared, and ready to act if attacked. Be A Hero will better prepare you to survive the worst-case scenario.


recognize and understand 不同且有層次比如「解決問題的第一步是要承認(recognize)發生了問題」只寫「認識」失去了 recognize 的重點這不是像法律文字經常把兩三個同義字重疊使用的那種制式用語 -> 看清/看到並理解可能面對的威脅。
保持警覺、做好準備遇上攻擊時馬上可以應對。 《活下來就是英雄》可以幫助你遇上最惡劣狀況時增加生存機會。

Don Mann

Navy SEAT, Team SIX (retired)

曼恩Don Mann



[1] 富察 臉書

汪浩 聽說您的大作《冷戰中的兩面派》林添貴二個月就翻譯完了我一點也不會覺得驚奇哦。
因為《歷史的反叛》這本書林添貴在從台北飛往美國的飛機上讀完英文大概然後一週一章準時進稿到我的郵箱。最後,我 #只好提前出版啦。哈哈