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設定你的日程表Setting Your Schedule

[每日靈修] 9/7/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯

利用您的閒暇時間追求豐富的生活。閱讀是對時間的善用。奧古斯丁曾建議信徒應盡可能多地學習,因為一切的真理都是上帝的真理。其他可以豐富人生的興趣都在藝術領域。我也喜歡使用填字遊戲來使你的腦細胞(原文是「the little gray cells」)更加活躍,並擴展我的口語表達能力。





詩五七8 我的靈(原文作榮耀)啊,你當醒起!琴瑟啊,你們當醒起!我自己要極早醒起!
詩篇六三1 神啊,你是我的神,我要切切的尋求你,在乾旱疲乏無水之地,我渴想你;我的心切慕你。
詩篇五九16 但我要歌頌你的力量,早晨要高唱你的慈愛;因為你作過我的高臺,在我急難的日子作過我的避難所。

Setting Your Schedule

Use your leisure time for pursuits that are life-enriching. Reading is a valuable use of time. Augustine once advised believers to learn as many things as possible, since all truth is God’s truth. Other avocations that are enriching are in the area of the arts. I also enjoy working crossword puzzles to warm up the little gray cells and expand my vista of verbal expression.

Find ways to cheat the “sandman.” My habit has been to retire between 8 and 9 p.m. when possible and rise at 4 a.m. This has affected a wonderful revolution for my schedule. The early hours of the day are free from distractions and interruptions, a marvelous time for study, writing, and prayer.

Use driving time for learning. Driving a car is a mechanical function that allows the mind to be alert to more than what is happening on the roadway. The benefits of recordings can be put to great use during these times.

Finally, in most cases, a schedule is more liberating than restricting. Working with a schedule helps enormously to organize our use of time. The schedule should be a friend, not an enemy. It helps us find the rhythm for a God-glorifying, productive life.

Coram Deo
If you do not have a schedule, make one and use it for the rest of the week, then evaluate how it helped you redeem time. If you already have a schedule, take some time to review it and pray about your priorities.

Passages for Further Study
Psalm 57:8
Psalm 63:1
Psalm 59:16