感謝讚美上帝護理的大能与豐盛的供應。 本網誌內的所有資源純屬學習交流之用。


理解邪惡的模式Comprehending the Pattern ofEvil

[每日靈修] 10/10/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯





創十一49 他們說:「來吧!我們要建造一座城和一座塔,塔頂通天,為要傳揚我們的名,免得我們分散在全地上。」 耶和華降臨,要看看世人所建造的城和塔。 耶和華說:「看哪,他們成為一樣的人民,都是一樣的言語,如今既做起這事來,以後他們所要做的事就沒有不成就的了。 我們下去,在那裏變亂他們的口音,使他們的言語彼此不通。」 於是耶和華使他們從那裏分散在全地上;他們就停工,不造那城了。因為耶和華在那裏變亂天下人的言語,使眾人分散在全地上,所以那城名叫巴別(就是變亂的意思)。

Comprehending the Pattern of Evil

After the flood, Noah and his family began to repopulate the earth. Noah’s descendants became hunters and builders. A new technology emerged to provide more stable and suitable shelter. Brick and mortar became the means by which whole cities could be built: “They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar. And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves”” (Gen. 11:3b-4).

Immediately after the flood, Noah erected an altar, a structure on which to offer the sacrifice of praise and worship. The building project at Babel was something else. Again, it was a reach of pretended autonomy, a stretch for heaven, an attempt to rip God down from His throne that man might make for himself a name. The result of this effort? This primitive scientific undertaking was chaos. The language of man was confused and communication gave way to babbling.

This pattern has not changed. The greater the technology, the greater the chaos. The more sophisticated the tools, the more sophisticated the violence.

Coram Deo
Are there spiritual “Babels” in your life that need to be torn down, such as an attempt to make a name for yourself? A project that takes precedence over God? An idol that is more important than God?

Passages for Further Study
Genesis 11:4–9

追溯罪惡的發展Tracing the Development of Sin

[每日靈修] 10/9/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯






創三45 蛇對女人說:「你們不一定死; 因為神知道,你們吃的日子眼睛就明亮了,你們便如神能知道善惡。」
創三2224 耶和華 神說:「那人已經與我們相似,能知道善惡;現在恐怕他伸手又摘生命樹的果子吃,就永遠活著。」 耶和華 神便打發他出伊甸園去,耕種他所自出之土。 於是把他趕出去了;又在伊甸園的東邊安設基路伯和四面轉動發火焰的劍,要把守生命樹的道路。

Tracing the Development of Sin

“You will be like God” (Gen. 3:5). This was the original temptation, the archetypal seduction aimed at our first parents by the Serpent. Created as vice-regents with dominion over the earth, Adam and Eve wanted more. They reached for autonomy, stretching greedy arms toward the throne of God, only to fall headlong into the abyss of evil.

Expulsion from Eden was their fate. They could not go back. Paradise was lost. An angel with a flaming sword stood guard at the gateway to the garden. This is the first reference in Scripture to a weapon of any sort. Before God gave the “power of the sword” to men, He gave it to the angel to patrol and guard the border west of Nod.

With the fall came a rapid expansion of sin. One son of Adam and Eve murdered his brother, introducing fratricide to human history. Then came Lamech, who celebrated warfare in his famous “sword song” (Genesis 4:23-24). Man used his nascent technology to turn the tools of farming into implements of war. The plowshare became a sword, and the call to subdue the earth was distorted into a conspiracy to conquer one’s brother. The means of production became the means of destruction, and human technology and scientific discovery were used not to honor God but to assault Him, by attacking His creation and His image-bearers.

Then God said no to the expansion of corruption and brought the flood, a storm of judgment upon the earth, a deluge to clean the planet.

Coram Deo
How is the first temptation, “You will be like God,” evident in temptations you have faced or are facing? What should be your response?

Passages for Further Study
Genesis 3:4–5
Genesis 3:22–24


聖經歸正教會 主日證道 10/07/2018, 呂沛淵牧師

前言: 使徒保羅在提前6:3-8論到假教師傳講不純正的教義與不合敬虔的道理,是壞了心術(不敬虔)、喪失了真理(傳異教)。他們是以敬虔為得利的門路,後果是不堪設想。保羅在此也警告一切想要發財的,貪財是萬惡之根,叫人沉淪滅亡。然後醒提摩太與眾信徒「但你這屬神的人」,是與世人截然不同的。真信徒應當追求純正與敬虔,逃避邪惡與貪心。

1. 想要發財的人

(1)「想要」是指有意、願意(3:8;門1:13),「想要發財wanting to be rich」是事奉瑪門、積攢財寶在地上的人(6:19-24),就是想要與世俗為友的人(4:4),貪愛世界的人(約壹2:15)。貪愛錢財的人永不知足,必定受罰(5:10;箴言28:20)

(2)「就陷在迷惑fall into temptation」陷在是指陷入、落入(10:36),迷惑是指試探(6:13;林前12:13;雅1:12)。「迷惑、試探」必使你落入惡者的網羅(3:7;提後2:28)

(4)「叫人沉在敗壞和滅亡中」沉在cause to sink into是指如船沉下淹沒(5:7),私慾叫人沉溺在徹底的毀滅淪亡中。對照「被刺透了」(6:10)

2. 貪財是萬惡之根

(1) 「貪財」是貪愛錢財(提後3:2;路16:14),是萬惡之根源,因為有貪心的就與拜偶像的一樣(5:5)。「有人貪戀錢財」,貪戀原意是longing for指極度渴望、羨慕,正面用法(3:1;來11:16)與負面用法(1:27)的強烈對照。



3. 但你這屬神的人

(1) 「屬神的人」是舊約用以稱呼摩西(33:1;書14:6;詩90:1)、撒母耳(撒上9:1)、大衛(12:24)、眾先知(王上17:18;王下4:7)。提摩太被稱為屬神的人,因為他是神的兒女,受託持守真道,要剛強為真道打美好的仗(1:186:20;提後2:1)。我們每一信徒也稱為是屬神的人,聖經裝備我們行各樣的善事(提後3:16-17),都要為榮耀神而行(林前10:31)

(2)「要逃避這些事」要不斷的逃避continue to flee上述傳異教、不敬虔、自高自大、貪愛錢財等等這些事。參考提後2:22;路3:7;林前6:1810:14,效法約瑟(39:12)

(3) 相反的,要「追求continue to pursue公義、敬虔、信心、愛心、忍耐、溫柔」,追求原意是一心追趕、竭力追求(提後2:22;羅12:13;林前14:1;帖前5:15;腓3:1214;彼前3:11)。正如要脫去舊人、穿上新人(4:20-24),我們要竭力逃避惡事、追求聖潔。

(4) 基督徒是屬神的子民,公義敬虔(1:11;提前3:164:7-86:5-6)是我們的準則職責;信心愛心(1:52:154:11;提後2:22;多2:2)是我們的內在靈命;忍耐溫柔(提後2:25;加523;西3:12;弗4:2)是在處境中的行為見證。 


1.「你要為真道打那美好的仗continue to fight the good fight of the faith」,打仗原意是運動員努力、軍人爭戰struggle,見4:10努力;西2:1盡心竭力;腓1:30;帖前2:2爭戰;來12:1奔跑。為真道打那美好仗,見1:18-19;提後4:7;林前9:25-27

2.「持定永生lay hold on the eternal life」,見1:16「得永生」;6:19「持定那真正的生命」。持定原意是拉住、拉手(14:31;來8:9),在此是指持守住,對照同義詞「得著lay hold of」,運動員得著所必得的錦標獎賞(林前9:24),竭力追求得著主已經得著我的(3:12)。所以,打美好仗,持定永生 = 操練敬虔,有今生來生的應許(4:18)

3. 「你為此被召into which you were called」,為此永生已經蒙了恩召(8:30;提後1:9;弗4:14;林前1:97:17-24;帖前2:125:24;帖後2:13-14),「也在許多見證人面前,已經作了那美好的見證confessed the good confession」,那美好的見證是指信仰告白基督是主(10:9-10;林前12:3;腓2:11),是包括提摩太的受洗、被按立、傳福音時的公開信仰告白。

4. 你我身為今日的提摩太,都是屬神的人,在「過去」,你已被召且作了那美好的見證;「將來」,你有那美好應許得冠冕;「現在」,你要打那美好的仗。你要向著標竿直跑,要得神在基督裡從上頭召我來得的獎賞(3:13-14)

1. 想要發財是甚麼意思? 想要發財的人是怎樣的人? 是陷落在怎樣的私慾裡?你想不想發財?
2. 貪財是萬惡之根,原因何在? 為何說貪心就是拜偶像呢? 拜偶像會帶來甚麼後果?
3. 「屬神的人」什麼意思? 聖經中用此名稱呼那些人? 保羅為何用此名稱呼提摩太? 你是否也是屬神的人? 有何經文證據?
4. 我們當逃避甚麼? 追求甚麼? 所當追求的六項,彼此之間的關聯為何? 如何從金三角來解釋?
5. 「為真道打仗」是甚麼意思? 為說是美好的仗? 「持定永生」所指為何? 與同義詞「得著」之間的關係,如何解釋?
6. 「為此永生已經被召」有哪些經文說到此事實? 你能根據這些經文來說明麼? 「作了那美好的見證」是指甚麼? 你的過去、將來如何? 現在你當作甚麼?

設定你的日程表Setting Your Schedule

[每日靈修] 9/7/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯

利用您的閒暇時間追求豐富的生活。閱讀是對時間的善用。奧古斯丁曾建議信徒應盡可能多地學習,因為一切的真理都是上帝的真理。其他可以豐富人生的興趣都在藝術領域。我也喜歡使用填字遊戲來使你的腦細胞(原文是「the little gray cells」)更加活躍,並擴展我的口語表達能力。





詩五七8 我的靈(原文作榮耀)啊,你當醒起!琴瑟啊,你們當醒起!我自己要極早醒起!
詩篇六三1 神啊,你是我的神,我要切切的尋求你,在乾旱疲乏無水之地,我渴想你;我的心切慕你。
詩篇五九16 但我要歌頌你的力量,早晨要高唱你的慈愛;因為你作過我的高臺,在我急難的日子作過我的避難所。

Setting Your Schedule

Use your leisure time for pursuits that are life-enriching. Reading is a valuable use of time. Augustine once advised believers to learn as many things as possible, since all truth is God’s truth. Other avocations that are enriching are in the area of the arts. I also enjoy working crossword puzzles to warm up the little gray cells and expand my vista of verbal expression.

Find ways to cheat the “sandman.” My habit has been to retire between 8 and 9 p.m. when possible and rise at 4 a.m. This has affected a wonderful revolution for my schedule. The early hours of the day are free from distractions and interruptions, a marvelous time for study, writing, and prayer.

Use driving time for learning. Driving a car is a mechanical function that allows the mind to be alert to more than what is happening on the roadway. The benefits of recordings can be put to great use during these times.

Finally, in most cases, a schedule is more liberating than restricting. Working with a schedule helps enormously to organize our use of time. The schedule should be a friend, not an enemy. It helps us find the rhythm for a God-glorifying, productive life.

Coram Deo
If you do not have a schedule, make one and use it for the rest of the week, then evaluate how it helped you redeem time. If you already have a schedule, take some time to review it and pray about your priorities.

Passages for Further Study
Psalm 57:8
Psalm 63:1
Psalm 59:16

提前完成任務Beating the Clock

[每日靈修]10/7/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯






賽廿六3 堅心倚賴你的,你必保守他十分平安,因為他倚靠你。
腓四8 弟兄們,我還有未盡的話:凡是真實的、可敬的、公義的、清潔的、可愛的、有美名的,若有什麼德行,若有什麼稱讚,這些事你們都要思念。
羅八5 因為隨從肉體的人體貼肉體的事,隨從聖靈的人體貼聖靈的事。

Beating the Clock

I have learned a few tricks to help me beat the clock. They may be helpful to you.

I realize that all my time is God’s time and all my time is my time by His delegation. God owns me and my time. Yet, He has given me a measure of time over which I am a steward. I can commit that time to work for other people, visit other people, etc., but it is time for which I must give an account.

Time can be redeemed by concentration and focus. One of the greatest wastes of time occurs in the human mind. Our hands may be busy but our minds idle. Likewise, our hands may be idle while our minds are busy. Woolgathering, daydreaming, and indulging in frivolous fantasy are ways in which thoughts may be wasted in real time. To focus our minds on the task at hand—with fierce concentration—makes for productive use of time.

The mind can redeem valuable time taken up by ordinary or mechanical functions. For example, the mechanics of taking a shower are not difficult. In this setting, the mind is free for problem solving, creative thinking, or the composition of themes. Many of my messages and lectures are germinated in the shower. When I used to play a lot of golf, I found that the time I had between shots was a great time for composing messages in my mind.

Coram Deo
Be conscious of where you focus your mind today. Try to redeem valuable time consumed by ordinary and mechanical functions by thinking of things of eternal value.

Passages for Further Study
Isaiah 26:3
Philippians 4:8
Romans 8:5

贖回你的時間RedeemingYour Time

[每日靈修] 10/6/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯

在時間面前,人人平等(Time is the great leveler)。它是按絕對平等主義的條件來分配的一種資源。每個活人每天都有相同數目的小時數。忙碌的人不會在一天二十四時之外獲得額外的獎勵。時鐘沒有偏待人。


已故的文斯隆巴迪(Vince Lombardi;譯按:著名的美式足球教練)說過這句格言:「我從未輸過一場比賽;我只是沒時間了。」(I never lost a game; I just ran out of time.)這個解釋讓我想到了體育界最具戲劇性的元素之一——與時間賽跑。在規定時間內最有效率的隊伍會是贏得比賽的隊伍。當然,在體育運動中,與平日生活不同,有呼叫暫停的規定。體育比賽中的時鐘可以暫時停止。但在現實生活中,沒有休息時間。


詩八九47 求你想念我的時候是何等的短少;你創造世人,要使他們歸何等的虛空呢?
何十12 你們要為自己栽種公義,就能收割慈愛。現今正是尋求耶和華的時候;你們要開墾荒地,等祂臨到,使公義如雨降在你們身上。
可十三33 你們要謹慎,警醒祈禱,因為你們不曉得那日期幾時來到。

Redeeming Your Time

Time is the great leveler. It is the one resource that is allocated in absolute egalitarian terms. Every living person has the same number of hours to use in every day. Busy people are not given a special bonus added on to the hours of the day. The clock plays no favorites.

We all have an equal measure of time in every day. Where we differ from one another is in how we redeem the time allotted. When something is redeemed, it is rescued or purchased from some negative condition. The basic negative condition we are concerned with is the condition of waste. To waste time is to spend it on that which has little or no value.

The late Vince Lombardi introduced the adage, “I never lost a game; I just ran out of time.” This explanation points me to one of the most dramatic elements of sports—the race against the clock. The team that is most productive in the allotted time is the team that wins the game. Of course, in sports, unlike life, there are provisions for calling timeout. The clock in a sports contest can be temporarily halted. But in real life, there are not timeouts.

Coram Deo
Ask God to reveal ways you can redeem time that is being wasted on things of little or no value.

Passages for Further Study
Psalm 89:47
Hosea 10:12
Mark 13:33