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《简明神学》Concise Theology: AGuide to Historic Christian Beliefs

巴刻(J. I. Packer)著/張麟至译,更新传道会,2007年。


第一部分 神是创造者
 Section One: God revealed as Creator

1 圣经的启示——圣经是神的话
Revelation - Scripture is the Word of God

2 圣经的解释——基督徒能明白神的话
Interpretation - Christians can understand the Word of God

3 普遍启示——神的实存人尽皆知

4 罪疚——普遍启示的果效

5 内在的见证——圣灵在人心证实圣经
Inward Witness - Scripture is authenticated by the Holy Spirit

6 圣经乃权柄——神藉着圣经统管其子民
Authority - God governs His people through Scripture

7 认识神——信心使人真认识神

8 创造——神造物主

11 神的超越性——神的本质是属灵的
Transcendence - God's nature is spiritual

12 神的无所不知——神看见并知道万事
13 神的主权——神掌权

14 神的全能——神是无所不在、无所不能的

15 神的预定——神有其目的

16 三位一体——同一本体,三个位格

18 神的良善——神就是爱

19 神的智慧——神双重的旨意是合一的

22 神蹟——神显示祂的同在和能力
Miracles - God shows His presence and power

23 神的荣耀——荣耀彰显使人将荣耀归衪

24 拜偶像——神要求全然的效忠

25 天使——神使用超然的办事者

28 人性——神按神的形像造人

29 人类——人有身体与灵魂、并两种性别

第二部分 神是救赎者

32 无能——堕落的人是自由又是被捆绑的
Inability - Fallen human beings are both free and enslaved

33 恩约——神将罪人带入恩约中

35 律法的功用——道德律有三重目的
Law in Action - God's moral law has three purposes

36 良心——神教导并洁淨人心
Conscience - God teaches and cleanses the heart

37 敬拜——神所赐的一种仪礼模式
Worship - God gives a liturgical pattern

38 先知——神差遣使者宣告衪的旨意
Prophets - God sent messengers to declare His will

39 道成肉身——神差遣衪的儿子来拯救我们
Incarnation - God sent His Son, to save us

40 主的神人二性——耶稣基督是完全的人
Two Natures - Jesus Christ is fully human

41 耶稣为童女所生——耶稣基督的出生是神蹟
Virgin Birth - Jesus Christ was born by miracle

42 耶稣是教师——耶稣基督宣告了神的国与神的家
Teacher - Jesus Christ proclaimed God's kingdom and family

43 耶稣的无罪——耶稣基督完全没有罪汙
Sinlessness - Jesus Christ was entirely free from sin

44 耶稣的顺服——耶稣基督实现了父神救赎的旨意
Obedience - Jesus Christ fulfilled His Father's redemptive will

45 耶稣的召命——耶稣基督的使命在受浸时显现出来
Vocation - Jesus Christ's mission revealed at His baptism

46 耶稣登山变像——耶稣基督的荣耀如何显现出来
Transfiguration - How Jesus Christ's glory was revealed

47 耶稣的復活——耶稣基督从死里復活

48 耶稣的升天——耶稣基督被带到天上

49 耶稣的安坐在天——耶稣基督在天上掌权

50 耶稣作中保——耶稣基督是神人间的中保
Mediation - Jesus Christ is the mediator between God and man

51 耶稣作祭物——耶稣基督成为挽回祭
Sacrifice - Jesus Christ made atonement for sin

52 限定的救赎——耶稣基督为神的选民而死
Definite Redemption - Jesus Christ died for God's elect

第三部分 神是恩典的主宰

54 救恩——耶稣拯救衪的百姓脱离罪恶

55 拣选——神选衪自己的人

56 有效的呼召——神吸引衪的百姓归向祂自己

57 光照——圣灵赐予属灵的悟性
Illumination - The Holy Spirit gives spiritual understanding

59 善工——善工乃是信心的彰显

61 称义——救恩是藉着信心、靠着恩典来的
Justification - Salvation is by grace through faith

62 得着儿子名分——刚神使衪百姓作衪儿女
Adoption - God makes His people His children

65 律法主义——为讨好神而工作,反倒失去神的喜悦

66 反律法主义——我们得释放并不是为了去犯罪
Legalism - Working for God's favour forfeits it

67 爱——爱人是基督徒的基本行为
Love - Loving is basic to Christian behavior

68 盼望——盼望是基督徒的基本观点
Hope - Hoping is basic to the Christian outlook

69 基督徒的本分——讨神喜悦而活
Love - Loving is basic to Christian behavior

70 祷告——基督徒操练与神交通

71 誓言和许愿——基督徒必须诚实
Oaths and Vows - Christians must be truthful

72 神的国——基督徒须彰显国度的生活
The Kingdom of God - Christians must manifest kingdom life

73 使徒——行使耶稣之权柄的代表
Apostles - Jesus' representatives exercised His authority

74 教会——神将祂的百姓放在新群体内

75 圣道与圣礼——真教会的标记
Sacraments - Christ instituted two seals of God's covenant

77 圣礼——基督设立了两个圣约的印记

78 洗礼——此礼显示与基督联合

79 主的晚餐——此礼显示信徒与基督的相交

80 教会纪律——教会应当持守基督教的标准

81 差传——基督差派教会进入这世界

82 属灵的恩赐——圣灵装备教会
Spiritual Gifts - The Holy Spirit equips the church

83 婚姻——婚姻是一种长远的约定关係

84 家庭——基督徒的家乃一属灵单元
The Family - The Christian household is a spiritual unit

85 世界——基督徒在社会中服务并改造它
The World - Christians are in society to serve and transform it

86 国家——基督徒应当尊敬政府
The State - Christians must respect civil government

第四部分 神是命运的主宰

87 恆忍——神保守衪的百姓救恩稳固
Perseverance - God keeps His people safe

88 不得赦免的罪——只有不悔改不能得饶恕

89 归于朽坏——基督徒毋需畏惧死亡
Mortality - Christians need not fear death

90 基督的再来——耶稣基督要在荣耀中回到地上
Second Coming - Jesus Christ will return to earth in glory

91 普遍的復活——在基督裹死的人要在荣耀中復起
General Resurrection - Dead in Christ will rise in glory

92 审判臺——神要审判所有的人类

93 地狱——恶者要被逐入无尽的痛苦里
Hell - The wicked will be banished into endless misery

94 天堂——神要迎接衪的百姓进入永远的喜乐
Heaven - God will welcome His people into everlasting joy

Section One: God revealed as Creator

Knowledge - True knowledge of God comes through faith
Creation - God is the Creator
Self-disclosure - This is My Name
Self-existence - God has always been
Transcendence - God's nature is spiritual
Omniscience - God sees and knows
Sovereignty - God reigns
Almightiness - God is omnipresent and omnipotent
Predestination - God has a purpose
Trinity - God is one and three
Holiness - God is light
Goodness - God is love
Wisdom - God's twofold will is one
Mystery - God is surpassingly great
Providence - God governs this world
Miracles - God shows His presence and power
Glory - God's glory-showing requires glory-giving
Idolatry - God demands total allegiance
Angels - God employs supernatural agents
Demons - God has supernatural opponents
Satan - Fallen angels have a leader
Humanness - God made human beings in His image
Humankind - Humans are body and soul, in two genders

Section Two: God revealed as Redeemer

The Fall - The first human couple sinned
Original Sin - depravity infects everyone
Inability - Fallen human beings are both free and enslaved
Covenant - God takes sinful humans into a covenent of grace
Law - God legislates, and demands obedience
Law in Action - God's moral law has three purposes
Conscience - God teaches and cleanses the heart
Worship - God gives a liturgical pattern
Prophets - God sent messengers to declare His will
Incarnation - God sent His Son, to save us
Two Natures - Jesus Christ is fully human
Virgin Birth - Jesus Christ was born by miracle
Teacher - Jesus Christ proclaimed God's kingdom and family
Sinlessness - Jesus Christ was entirely free from sin
Obedience - Jesus Christ fulfilled His Father's redemptive will
Vocation - Jesus Christ's mission revealed at His baptism
Transfiguration - How Jesus Christ's glory was revealed
Resurrection - Jesus Christ was raised from the dead
Ascension - Jesus Christ was taken up into heaven
Session - Jesus Christ reigns in heaven
Mediation - Jesus Christ is the mediator between God and man
Sacrifice - Jesus Christ made atonement for sin
Definite Redemption - Jesus Christ died for God's elect

Section Three: God revealed as Lord of Grace

Paraclete - The Holy Spirit ministers to believers
Salvation - Jesus rescues His people from sin
Election - God chooses His own
Effectual Calling - God draws His people to Himself
Illumination - The Holy Spirit gives spiritual understanding
Regeneration - The Christian is born again
Works - Good works are an expression of faith
Repentance - A Christian changes radically
Justification - Salvation is by grace through faith
Adoption - God makes His people His children
Sanctification - The Christian grows in grace
Liberty - Salvation brings freedom
Legalism - Working for God's favour forfeits it
Antinomianism - We are not set free to sin
Love - Loving is basic to Christian behaviour
Hope - Hoping is basic to the Christian outlook
Enterprise - A Christian lives to please God
Prayer - Christians practice fellowship with God
Oaths and Vows - Christians must be truthful
The Kingdom of God - Christians must manifest kingdom life
Apostles - Jesus' representatives exercised His authority
Church - God plants His people in a new community
Word and Sacrament - How a genuine church is identified
Elders - Pastors must care for the church
Sacraments - Christ instituted two seals of God's covenant
Baptism - This rite exhibits union with Christ
The Lord's Supper - This rite exhibits communion with Christ
Discipline - The church must uphold Christian standards
Mission - Christ sends the church into the world
Spiritual Gifts - The Holy Spirit equips the church
Marriage - Matrimony is meant to be a permanent covenant relationship
The Family - The Christian household is a spiritual unit
The World - Christians are in society to serve and transform it
The State - Christians must respect civil government

Section Four: God revealed as Lord of Destiny

Perseverance - God keeps His people safe
Unpardonable Sin - Only impenitence cannot be forgiven
Mortality - Christians need not fear death
Second Coming - Jesus Christ will return to earth in glory
General Resurrection - Dead in Christ will rise in glory
Judgment Seat - God will judge all mankind
Hell - The wicked will be banished into endless misery
Heaven - God will welcome His people into everlasting joy