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两种护教方式:前提护教和证据护教TWO WAYS TO APOLOGIZEPresuppositional apologetics and Evidentialapologetics

/托尼·佩恩(Tony Payne /芥子 /老漫
原文由托尼•佩恩(Tony Payne)从科林•马歇尔(Colin Marshall)和菲利普•詹森(Phillip Jensen)的材料改编而成。

定义术语Defining terms

Evangelism: telling people the good news of what God has done in Christ and calling on them to repent and put their trust in him. Evangelism involves both giving information and making invitation.

Apology: making a defence of this news; answering people’s questions and presenting arguments to persuade them of the truth.

护教学: 关于如何做好护教工作的研究,解决为什么做(Why)和怎么做(How)的问题。
Apologetics: the study of how to make a good apology; the how and why.

Apologist: one who makes an apology.

Presuppositional apologetics: a form of apologetics focusing on people’s assumptions or presuppositions about the world.

证据护教: 护教学的另一种形式,集中在提供证据 (如历史记录),以确认基督教的真理。
Evidential apologetics: a form of apologetics which concentrates on presenting evidence (like historical records) to confirm the truth of Christianity.

Do you fancy yourself as a Francis Schaeffer? Or perhaps more of a Josh McDowell?

There is more than one way to “give an answer for the hope that we have”. I looked over the top of my coffee mug and tried another tack. “What about the resurrection? Do you believe that Jesus rose from the dead?”

 “哦,是的”,我的朋友回答到。“我毫不怀疑这点。” Oh yes, my friend replied, I have no doubt that he did.

真是太好了!我充分抓住时机。“如果他从死里复活, 那么他在宇宙中是独一无二的
This was too good to be true. I pressed my advantage home.
“And if he rose from the dead, then he is unique in the universe—the Lord, the Ruler, the one to whom we must all submit ... ”

我话还没说完,我的朋友古普塔先生[2]悠悠地打断了我:“哦, , 那根本不能说明什么。从死里复活有什么不寻常的呢?我觉得这很正常——你不觉得吗?”
I was winding up for a big finish when my friend, Mr Gupta, quietly interrupted.
“Oh no, that does not follow at all. What is so unusual about being raised from the dead? I certainly expect to be—don’t you?”

我张着嘴巴,意识到:这个问题也像其他所有的问题一样,失效了。古普塔先生,一位虔诚的印度教教徒,对耶稣的复活丝毫不感到惊奇。他和我生活在不同的世界(有着完全不一样的世界观),对他而言,复活 (或转世) 是生活中正常的一部分;对我来说,这是一个非同寻常的事件,显出非同寻常的一位那非同寻常的能力。
Open-mouthed, I realized that this tack, too, was flat like all the others. Mr Gupta, a devout Hindu, saw nothing unusual in resurrection. He and I lived in different worlds—in his, resurrection (or reincarnation) was a normal part of life; in mine, it was an extraordinary event indicating the power of an extraordinary person.

This exchange highlights the problems we have in apologetics. Answering our friends’ questions and trying to persuade them to put their trust in Christ is rarely easy or straightforward. Very often, we find ourselves in deep water not because we have said something false or misleading, but because we have said it at the wrong time, or to the wrong person.

The little exchange with Mr Gupta also highlights the two approaches that Evangelicals have used for defending and confirming the faith: the Presuppositional and Evidential methods. In this, the first of a series of articles on apologetics, we will look at these two approaches to apologetics that have dominated the way Evangelicals have interacted with the non-Christian world. What are their strengths and weaknesses? And is too much apologizing a bad thing?

What are your Presuppositions?

著名的基督徒作家,如《上帝在那里》的作者弗朗西斯·薛华(Francis Schaeffer),《隔壁的宇宙》的作者詹姆斯•锡尔(James Sire)和《所有的心意夺回》的作者理查德•普拉特(Richard Pratt)都是热衷前提护教的代表,他们着眼于人们的前设,来捍卫基督信仰,为真理辩论。
Well-known writers like Francis Schaeffer (The God who is There), James Sire (The Universe Next Door) and Richard Pratt (Every Thought Captive) are examples of Christians who focus on people’s presuppositions in defending Christianity and arguing for its truth.

Presuppositional apologists perceive that the reason many people do not accept the Christian gospel is that their assumptions prevent them from doing so. Like Mr Gupta, their view of the world is such that presenting the facts of Christ to them makes little sense. If you are talking with a Hindu or Buddhist, for example, there is little use appealing to historical facts or events to support the Christian gospel, since neither Hindus nor Buddhists believe in history (in the way we would use the term). Their ‘world view’ is entirely different.

To counter this, the Presuppositionalists start with the revelation of God in Christ Jesus and the Scriptures. Working from this base, they tend to adopt three strategies:

1) To show that the Bible is internally consistent.

Internal consistency is one piece of evidence for the truth of what God has said in Scripture. James Sire, for example, argues that ‘inner intellectual coherence’ is a leading characteristic of an acceptable world view. A valid and acceptable world view must contain reasoning that is philosophically coherent. Put simply: it’s got to make sense.

2) To show that the Bible’s world view is the ‘best fit’ for explaining the world, man, society, history and so on.

James Sire puts forward a four-fold test for an adequate world view (Universe Next Door, p. 209f).

The first of these is internal consistency, as above.

The second test is that the world view must be able to explain the data of reality. Any system of thought that offers an explanation for the way the world is, must be able to accommodate the world as we know and experience it. It must find room for the experiences of our daily lives, the discoveries of rational and scientific investigation, and the experiences of others as reported to us (including the ‘miraculous’).

The third test is that a world view should be able to explain things like man’s rationality, his moral sense, his searching for truth, and his desire for personal fulfilment and relationship.

Fourthly, a world view must be ‘liveable’. It must be personally satisfying in day to day life.

Sire concludes that Christianity provides the best fit: “It provides a frame of reference in which man can find meaning and significance. It stands the four-fold test for an adequate world view” (p. 213).

3) To expose the faults of other world views.

Much of Francis Schaeffer’s writings are directed to this end. By showing the inconsistency and inadequacy of other world views, people are pushed towards Christianity as a system that does provide answers.

Sire, for example, attacks Naturalism1 by exposing two flaws.

First, the problem of value: how could a human being, thrown up entirely by chance from the primordial slime, be worth anything? If we are but a complex arrangement of atomic particles, we are of no intrinsic or personal worth—no more or less than any other arrangement of particles (like a cockroach or a piece of cheese).

Second, how can we trust our capacity to think and know things if our brains are simply chemical machines? Our thinking machine may tell us that we are valuable, personal, moral beings who can reason and investigate the world, but how can we know that our machine is reliable? It may be playing tricks on us. It may be faulty, and the illusion that we can think and know things may be part of its malfunction.

The Presuppositional approach has its strengths and weaknesses.

It is appealing theologically because it starts with the revelation of Cod. Christianity is not seen as an abstract theological system, but as a relationship with a God who has spoken. (Note the title of one of Schaeffer’s books: He Is There and He Is Not Silent).

然而,经过对圣经的内在一致性的论述,前提护教者倾向于减少这种上帝与人的关系。圣经被看作是一种世界观或思想体系的资料, 而不是它本来的所是——一本集合着叙述、历史、诗歌、信件和各种其他形式文字的书,讲述上帝与其子民交往的故事。
However, by arguing for the internal consistency of the Bible, the Presuppositionalists also tend to reduce this sense of personal relationship. The Bible is treated as the source of a world view or system of thought, rather than as what it is—a mosaic of narratives, history, poetry, letters and various other forms, which tells the story of God’s dealings with his people.

并且,前提护教法的成功似乎取决于相关人员的具体背景。在大学校园里,在人们已经思考过 (或者正在思考) 关于世界观的问题的圈子里,前提护教法可以成为一个强有力的工具。但许多人并不爱考虑他们的“世界观”是什么,而且习惯于从许多系统中借用思想。像这样的情况,就使得前提护教法的展开困难了许多。
The success of the Presuppositional approach seems dependent on the particular background of those involved. On university campuses and in circles where people have thought out (or are in the process of thinking out) their view of the world, it can be a powerful tool. Many Australians don’t tend to think about what their ‘world view’ is, and have a habit of borrowing ideas from a number of systems. This makes the Presuppositional approach a little more difficult.

Just Show me the Evidence

The other approach to apologetics is perhaps more familiar to us.

证据护教者从一个点入手,即,基督徒和非基督徒都共有“合理性”的观念。在此基础上, 证据护教者们提出了各种证据,以证明经文是真实的。与前提护教者不同,证据护教者不是“预设”上帝的启示是真理,而是证明它是。
The Evidentialist starts with the idea that Christians and non-Christians share a notion of ‘reasonableness’. On this basis, various pieces of evidence are put forward to demonstrate that the Scriptures are true. Unlike the Presuppositionalist, he does not assume the truth of God’s revelation—instead, he argues towards it.

我们大多数人都看过的经典的证据护教作品,诸如麦道卫(Josh McDowell)的《铁证待判》、布鲁斯(F.F. Bruce)的《新约文件:它们是否可靠?》[6]
Most of us would have seen classic Evidentialist works like Josh McDowell’s Evidence that Demands a Verdict and F.F. Bruce’s The New Testament Documents: Are they Reliable? (Frank Morrison, Paul E. Little, Michael Green and Paul Barnett are other popular writers in this field.)

It comes down to probabilities. Given the historical reliability of the New Testament, its attestation by outside sources, its internal consistency and power, the evidence for the resurrection, and so on, the most reasonable and probable explanation of the facts is that Jesus was who he claimed to be—God made man.

The evidential approach only really works with people who share its view of history, logic, reason and truth. This is both its strength and its weakness.

The Effects of the Fall

An interesting example of the differences between these two approaches is their attitude to the Fall and its effect on human reason.

The Presuppositionalists see the mind having been affected by the ‘total depravity’ of mankind after the Fall. They cite verses such as:

The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ ... (2 Cor 4:4)

For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. (Rom 1:21)

换句话说,因为堕落,人类的心智不再正常运作。它不再承认基本的理性,而是倾向于摆脱它。当人们不再区分“真实”和 “虚假”,并且能够快乐地生活在最公然的矛盾中 (正如今天的许多人所做的那样),前提护教者会说,这就是堕落后的结果。
In other words, because of the Fall, man’s mind no longer functions properly. It no longer recognizes basic rationality, but tends to move away from it. When people no longer recognize the categories ‘true’ and ‘false’ and can happily live with the most blatant of contradictions (as many do today), the Presuppositionalist would say that it is a result of the Fall.

The Evidentialists say that Christians and non-Christians use the same kind of logic, but in different ways. They argue that the Fall has not affected the powers of reasoning, but that it does affect the conclusions we come to. The unregenerate mind will assess the arguments for the truth of Christianity using common laws of rationality, but having a hostile mind, he will tend to come to the wrong conclusion (Rom 8:5).

The Evidentialist would argue that presenting the evidence is still worthwhile be cause rationality and logic have not been totally distorted by the Fall, and that the Holy Spirit is able to overcome the hostility to bring a right conclusion.

In summary, we could perhaps say that the Presuppositionalist overstresses the distortion of the mind and that the Evidentialist overestimates the soundness of the mind.

关于这点,问题之一是,谈到堕落,圣经并非指 “思想”或 “理性”这样的抽象的东西,而是指(整个)人。我们与上帝的隔绝是位格性的、个人性的,而不是只是头脑中的、“理性”的。
Part of the problem is that the Bible does not speak of something abstract like ‘the mind’ or ‘reason’ having fallen, but man. Our estrangement from God is primarily personal, not rational.

Having rejected the truth at the most fundamental level and worshipped created things rather than the Creator, we are cut off from God in a profound way. We may be able to follow the various arguments, but we will have no love for the conclusion. It is a moral defect, not a mental one.

过度护教的危险The Dangers of Too Much Apologizing

Apologetics is a good servant, but a dangerous master. There are dangers attached to focusing too much on apologetics.

The first of these is to confuse Evangelism and Apologetics. We start to believe that people can be argued into the kingdom of God by the right combination of arguments and reasoning. Even the Presuppositionalists, who stress the fallenness of human reason, tend to overvalue rational argument as a means of evangelism. We can find ourselves spending more time giving reasons for belief than actually telling people what the good news is!

护教最大的危险就是它可能对福音造成扭曲。当我们试图向人展开推理并提供信仰的论据时, 我们会开始把福音塑造成一个更让听者愉悦的东西。奥古斯丁趋向柏拉图式的福音;托马斯•阿奎那有一个亚里士多德版本的福音。导致这种结果的原因就在于,护教倾向于敲击人的思想而不是良心。
The most serious danger of apologetics is its distorting effect on the gospel. As we seek to reason with outsiders and provide grounds for belief, we can start to mould the gospel into a shape that is more pleasing for the hearer. St Augustine ended up with a Platonic gospel; Thomas Aquinas with an Aristotelian version. This tendency is a result of the fact that apologetics tends to address the mind rather than the conscience.

We must not forget that faith comes by hearing the word of God and by the Holy Spirit opening our eyes to perceive its truth. We must ensure that proclamation of this truth (in understandable, creative ways) remains our first priority. This is evangelism—to proclaim what God has done in Christ and to invite people to respond. Apologetics must remain the handmaiden of Evangelism and not supplant it.

However, if we are aware of these dangers, and make sure that we do not fall into them, apologetics is still a useful servant. We are called to contend for the gospel that was “once for all given to the saints”, and this will involve both defending the gospel against attack and persuading our contemporaries of its truth.

In this article, we have examined two prominent approaches to apologetics and some of the dangers of too much apologetics. In our next article, we will suggest how to build a strong ‘apologetic armoury’ by gleaning the best from both Presuppositional and Evidential approaches. Then, in following issues, we will look at some of the common questions raised by non-Christians and how to answer them most effectively.

This article was adapted by Tony Payne from material by Colin Marshall and Phillip Jensen.

  [1] 本文取自菲利普•詹森的网站,http://phillipjensen.com/articles/two-ways-to-apologize20171020日存取)。原文由托尼•佩恩(Tony Payne)从科林•马歇尔(Colin Marshall)和菲利普•詹森(Phillip Jensen)的材料改编而成。承蒙作者授权翻译转载,特此致谢。——编者注

[2] 北印度(包括德里、哈里亚纳邦、旁遮普邦等)的三大姓氏之一。三大姓氏为:夏尔马(Sharma)、维尔马(Verma)、古普塔(Gupta)——编者注
[3] James Sire, The Universe Next Door (Illinois: Intervarsity Press, 1988), p209.
[4] James Sire, The Universe Next Door (Illinois: Intervarsity Press, 1988), p213.
[5] 自然主义说, 宇宙是一个封闭的系统。没有上帝或至高无上的存在,全部的存在都是物理或自然的物质。人类是自然进化过程中的产物, 只不过是一种特别复杂的原子粒子的排列。

[6] Frank Morrison, Paul E. Little, Michael Green and Paul Barnett是这一领域中其他倍受欢迎的作家。

耶穌這樣塑造門徒This Is How Jesus MakesDisciples

作者:Nicholas Davis   譯者: 駱鴻銘

我們到星巴克(或任何時髦的咖啡店)不是為了成為跟從耶穌的人,而是為了買一杯咖啡。在超市裏,我們買不到基督徒生活裏的配件。我們也無法在「家得寶」(Home Depot)這樣的商店思想如何改善我們的屬靈生活。
We don’t go to Starbucks to be made into followers of Jesus. We go to Starbucks (or a hipster coffee shop) to buy a cup of coffee. We can’t buy accessories for the Christian life at the mall. We can’t figure out how to improve our spiritual lives at Home Depot.

The church is the only place on earth where Christians are made. The church is exclusively God’s embassy for making disciples on this planet.

The only place to go for Christianity is the church. And from the church a community of witnesses and disciples rises up from the preached Word, baptismal waters, and covenant meal to be a light in the midst of darkness.

The word missional has long been all the buzz, but it’s important to understand that we can’t divorce God’s means from his mission. In other words, the marks that make a church are also the mission that drives the church. And the mission is the marks.

讓我解釋一下。Let me explain.

Wherever the gospel is being preached, the sacraments administered, and the flock shepherded, the mission of the church from Jesus is faithfully being carried out. Matthew 28:18–20 (the Great Commission) and Acts 2:42 outline for us that preaching, sacrament (“breaking of the bread”), and church discipline are the marching orders of Christ’s church on this whole earth. This is how Jesus is making disciples in his world.

Equipped with these means and through these means, God is building his kingdom. The same ministry that builds and maintains the church is also the same ministry that grows the church throughout the world until Jesus returns in glory.

So the audible Word (preaching), visible Word (baptism), and edible Word (the Lord’s Supper) are themselves not only vehicles of mission but also are the missionary event. Visitors and worshipers gather together to meet with the Triune God to hear, see, and taste the gospel.


Wherever these things take place, God’s church exists. This is where and how Jesus makes disciples.




1. 聖經信息
2. 教會的教義傳統
3. 信仰經驗
4. 理性
5. 實際行動的智慧
6. 處境化的聖經信息




另外,教會認爲這些神學傳統不僅是個人對聖經中神的啓示的理解,也是信仰群體集體性的創作。這些集體性創作包括「神在古時(舊約時代)借著衆先知多次對列祖的曉谕」(參來11),及後又有使徒教父的著作、教父時期神學家的著作(例如奧古斯丁)、教會的信經(creed)、中古時期一些神學作品、宗教改革時期的信條(confessions of faith)等等。對于福音派而言,在衆多不同的傳統教導中,宗教改革時期的教導是最爲豐富,最重要的。這些從不同世代發展出來的傳統,能夠指引信徒應該如何诠釋聖經的信息,從而明白聖經向人傳達的神的啓示。

基督教信仰就是在這超過二千年教會曆史的傳統教導中,不斷保存和發展出來的。當我們在教會崇拜聚會中公開認信一些信經(例如使徒信經),又或是當我們在牧師或執事按立典禮中聽到他們接納教會傳統的認信原則(例如威敏思特信條,Westminster Confessions of Faith)時,我們都會感到基督教信仰不僅建基于聖經,更是通過教會傳統的神學教導而向後世傳遞下來的。因此,當現今的信徒在反省個人的信仰時,不應該忽視教會傳統是個人信仰的基石之一;甚至當他們探討如何實踐信仰時,也不可以忘記神在曆代教會傳統中的作爲。因爲我們所相信的神是大神,是一位從亘古到永遠,掌管曆史而又信實的大主宰!


事實上,愈來愈多神學家留意到只有通過那些經曆長時間考驗的曆代教會傳統,人才能夠合宜地诠釋聖經的信息。教會傳統可以在兩個層面幫助我們釋經:從正面來說,教會傳統可以向我們提供亮光,幫助我們明白教會信仰的內容及引導我們正確诠釋聖經,並且發現聖經信息對現今處境的意義。從反面來說,教會傳統可以警惕我們避免過往一些錯誤理解聖經的方法,提醒我們不應該單單倚靠聖靈的感動(或個人的主觀經驗)去诠釋聖經,乃要朝著曆代以來所肯定的大方向來研究聖經的真理。既然教會的神學傳統可以在正反兩方面幫助我們诠釋聖經,這說明教會傳統能夠引導我們建構一套適合21世紀的基督教神學。Clark Pinnock認同這個見解,他說:「教會傳統的正面角色是向我們提供引導,這些引導已具體表現在曆世曆代的清純智慧之中……[另外,]教會傳統幫助我們防禦一些錯誤的個人主義的诠釋……完全拒絕傳統是極其可笑的。」







