
作者: Denny Burk  譯者: 誠之 

詩篇一章12節一般的翻譯有時候會遮掩了經文真正的重點。我的意思是通常被翻譯為「有福」(blessed)和「喜愛」(delight)的這兩個詞。以《NASB》為例(這裡採用《新譯本》,因為更貼近原文的文法結構):Sometimes English translations of Psalm 1:1-2 conceal the real point of the text. I have in mind the words that are commonly translated as blessed and “delight.” Take the NASB for example:

有福的人!不從惡人的計謀,不站罪人的道路,不坐好譏笑的人的座位;他喜愛的是耶和華的律法,他晝夜默誦的也是耶和華的律法。1 How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers! 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night.

NASB(《新譯本》)並沒有錯翻這兩個詞,事實上它和其他譯本一樣,都是沿著正確的路徑翻譯的(例如ESVNIVRSV)。問題不是出在翻譯,而是出在傳統。The NASB has not mistranslated these two terms. It in fact tracks right along with many other major English versions (e.g., ESV, NIV, RSV). The problem is not translation, but tradition.

俗話說,「親則生狎,近則不遜」(familiarity breeds contempt)。我會主張,太熟悉一件事物也會助長粗心大意。有一些宗教的語詞如此安坐在基督教傳統裏,以至於我們因為太過於熟悉而忽略掉其實我們從來沒有認真去思考它們真正的意思。例如,「榮耀」這個詞,就屬於這類。你可以問問一般常常上教堂的基督徒,看他們如何定義任何經文裏「榮耀」這個詞,看他們是否正確地定義這個詞,就可以明白。It has been said that familiarity breeds contempt. I would argue that it also breeds thoughtlessness. There are certain religious words that have become so ensconced in the Christian tradition that our familiarity with them distracts us from the fact that we have never really pondered what they mean. I think, for instance, that the word “glory” falls into this category. Ask your average pew-sitter what “glory” means in any given verse of the Bible, and see if they get it right.

「有福」這個詞也屬於這類。一般的讀者知道「有福」是一個正面的語詞,但是他們知道在什麼意義上,它是個正面的詞嗎?在英文字典裏,「有福」這個詞的意思有點像「尊崇」(consecrated)或「被神喜愛」(consecrated),而我認為許多英語讀者很直覺地就把這個詞沿著這些線索來解讀。但是這是這個詞在詩篇第一篇裏的意思嗎?不盡然。The word blessed also falls into this category. The average reader knows that bless is a positive term, but do they know in what sense it is positive? In the English dictionary, the word “blessed” means something like “consecrated” or “divinely favored,” and I think many English readers instinctively interpret the term along those lines. But is that what the underlying term means in Psalm 1? Not quite.

「有福」這個詞所翻譯的希伯來字,簡單說就是「快樂」(happy)的意思。這節經文不是說一個「快樂」的人就是一個不過邪惡生活的人,而是說,「高興」或「喜樂」來自認識神的話,相信神的話,並遵行神的話。快樂來自哪裡?來自神。我們在哪裏可以找到神?在祂的話裏。The word blessed renders a Hebrew term that simply means happy. The verse is saying that the happy person is one who does not live a life of evil. Rather, “delight” or “joy” comes from knowing the word of God, believing the word of God, and obeying the word of God. Where does happiness come from? It comes from God. Where do we find God? In His word.

說「快樂來自聖經」並不是誇張的說法——這不是說聖經本身是目的,而是說聖經是神明文的啟示,是我們認識祂唯一的途徑。因此我們若想要快樂,我們就必須遠離邪惡(第1節),並全心全意投入到研讀聖經、應用聖經(第2節)裏。只有那些晝夜思想聖經、並順服聖經的人,才能和詩人同聲高唱,「你面前有滿足的喜樂;在你右手中有永遠的福樂。」(詩十六11It is not an overstatement to say that happiness comes from the Biblenot the Bible as an end in itself, but the Bible as God’s written revelation and as our only means of knowing Him. Thus if we want to be happy, we have to shun evil (v. 1) and give ourselves to the study and application of scripture (v 2). Only those who meditate on and obey the Bible in this way will we be able to sing with the Psalmist, “In your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11).

只有在聖經裏我們能找到神為那些在世上沒有指望、沒有神的人(弗二12)所提供的良藥。這個良藥是人類所有的快樂和昌盛的基礎。這就是耶穌基督為罪人被釘十字架並且從死裡復活的福音。這才是快樂真正的來源。Only in the scripture will we find the remedy that God has provided for those who are without hope and without God in the world (Ephesians 2:12). That remedy is the basis of all human happiness and flourishing. It is the gospel of Jesus Christ crucified and raised for sinners. That’s where happiness comes from.

快樂的人啊!不從惡人的計謀,不站罪人的道路,不坐好譏笑的人的座位;他的喜樂是耶和華的律法,他晝夜默誦的也是耶和華的律法。1 How happy is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,Nor stand in the path of sinners,Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!2 But his joy is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night.

不要和喜樂形同陌路。打開你的聖經。讀它。默想它。相信它。在裏面看到基督。順服它。讓它成為你每天的食糧。要快樂。Dont be a stranger to joy. Open your Bible. Read it. Meditate on it. Believe it. See Christ in it. Obey it. Make it your daily bread. Be happy.