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作者: Silverio Gonzalez   譯者: Maria Marta 


1. 光有道德是不夠的

假冒為善之路,從那些自認為遵守律法但卻沒有遵守的人開始。假冒為善的癥結不是他們不能遵守律法,而是他們沒有抓住法律的要領。法利賽人對律法專心一意。 他們是有道德的人。 他們是耶路撒冷的保守派,但耶穌說:



愛上帝,愛人。這些(誡命)規條是好的和真實的,但重點是無法遵行。 耶穌暴露了法利賽人的假冒為善。他們的問題是他們用太膚淺的眼光看待上帝的律法。他們的眼光膚淺得足以讓他們通過遵行這一關,而且順利遵行得足以激起他們的驕傲。 我們總能想愛上帝更深,關心更多人,更要付諸行動。倘若愛是標準,那麽每次我都失敗了。 每次我想「我希望我不必做這件事」時,我就失敗了。 每次我生氣,我就失敗了。 每當我不想做正確的事,我就失敗了。

2. 律法將人帶到基督面前

耶穌旨在表明人離遵守律法這一目標有多遠。倘若人真正愛神愛人,耶穌就不會為世人的罪而死。保羅在加拉太書討論法律時清楚解釋這一點。靠律法得救,必招致死的詛咒。 為什麼? 因為沒有人能滿足律法的一切要求。 在這種背景下,基督來了:


保羅解釋,上帝設立律法的目的並非要提供一條救恩的道路,而是要領人到基督那裡:「但聖經把眾人都圈在罪裡,使所應許的福因信耶穌基督歸給那信的人。」(加三22 律法並非提供救恩之路,而是把我們引向基督,在祂裡面找到救恩。藉著耶穌基督,我們白白得到救恩,並且唯獨藉著信心稱義。



格雷爾(J.D. Greear)提出一個重要的觀點:
「倘若你未達到你應有的屬靈狀態,那麽標題的答案就不單單是為耶穌變得更忙碌,不單單是更徹底的忠誠於上帝,不單單是尋求更大的屬靈恩賜,甚至更了解聖經,而且更要在上帝的愛中建造你們的家,這愛是在基督裏賜給你們的恩賜禮物。」(Gospel: Recovering the Power that Made Christianity Revolutionary, 19)

倘若你想順服上帝,那麽你需要知道,藉著在基督裏的信心,上帝就接納你,愛你,在我們還作罪人的時候基督為我們死(羅五6-8),即使你似乎從未改變,祂也接納你。上帝所應許的不單單是接納。祂對你的愛足以改變你的心,賜給你愛。 這就是保羅所說的聖靈的果子。祂希望你知道聖靈已賜給你,使你結出一顆愛神、愛人的心(加五22)。 所以該放鬆了。 基督教不是律法宗教,乃是恩典宗教,上帝已經應許要把你變成一個愛神、愛人的人。

By Silverio Gonzalez

What does rule-keeping have to do with Christianity? What does this have to do with the gospel?

1. Morality is not enough.
The road to hypocrisy begins with people who think they keep the law but don’t. The problem with hypocrites is not their failure to keep the law, but that they miss the law’s point. Pharisees were all about rules. They were moral people. They were the Jerusalem conservatives, but Jesus said:

“You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, when he said: “‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’” (Matt. 15:7–9)

Jesus set the standard high when he showed that the law requires love. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets” (Matt. 22:37–40).

Love God and love people. These rules are good and true but impossible to keep, and that is the point. Jesus showed the hypocrisy present among the Pharisees. Their problem was that they had too low a view of God’s law. Their view was low enough for them to pass, but high enough to inspire pride. We can always imagine loving more, caring more, doing more. If love is the standard, then I fail every time. Every time I think, “I wish I didn’t have to do this,” I fail. Every time I become angry, I fail. Every time I don’t want to do the right thing, I fail.

2. The law leads to Christ.
Jesus’ point was to show how far people fall from obeying the law. If people did love, Jesus wouldn’t have had to die for the sins of the world. Paul explains this point clearly in Galatians when discussing the law. To rely on the law for salvation leads to a curse of death. Why? Because no one has done everything that the law requires. It is into this context that Christ came:

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us—for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree”—so that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles, so that we might receive the promised Spirit through faith. (Gal. 3:13–14)

Paul explains that the law was not intended to provide a path to salvation but to lead people to Christ: "But the Scripture imprisoned everything under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe" (Gal. 3:22). The law, instead of providing a way for salvation, leads us to the person in whom we find salvation: Jesus Christ. Through Jesus Christ we receive salvation as a free gift and are justified by faith alone.

3. The Holy Spirit creates love.
When you read the book of Acts, one of the things you will notice is that the Holy Spirit turned fear-stricken people into bold witnesses for Jesus. With their hearts set on loving God, Jesus’ disciples were enabled to do all sorts of things that before they feared doing. The rules had faded into the background. They obeyed God out of love. Because their salvation was secure in Christ, received by faith alone, their actions came much closer to the law. God had changed their hearts.

J. D. Greear makes an important point:

If you are not where you should be spiritually, the answer is not simply to get busier for Jesus. It is not just to get more radical in your devotion to God. It’s not only to seek greater spiritual gifts or even to learn more about the Bible. It is to make your home in God’s love given to you as a gift in Christ. (Gospel: Recovering the Power that Made Christianity Revolutionary, 19)

If you want to obey God, you need to know that God accepts you and loves you as you are though faith in Christ. Jesus died for you while you were still a sinner (Rom. 5:6–8), and he accepts you even if you never seem to change. But God has promised more than acceptance. He loves you enough to change your heart, to give you love. This is what Paul meant by the fruit of the Spirit. He wants you to know that God the Holy Spirit was given to you to produce a loving heart toward both God and people (Gal. 5:24). So relax already. Christianity isn’t a religion of rules; Christianity is a religion of grace, and God has promised to make you into a person who loves.



作者: Silverio Gonzalez  譯者:  Maria Marta





5. 唯獨上帝得榮耀

Silverio Gonzalez

1. Scripture Alone
In Scripture we learn how to have a saving relationship with God. Our authority for faith and practice is found only in the Bible. The church’s authority is limited to what Scripture teaches, which is to be tested by other passages in the Bible and plain reason.

2. Grace Alone
From beginning to end, salvation is a work of God’s grace. The only thing humans bring to the relationship is resistance and sin. God works faith into us by his Word and makes us willing and able to love him.

3. Faith Alone
Salvation is received by trusting in God’s promise given in Jesus Christ. God takes no consideration of our works or merits when saving us from sin, death, and hell.

4. Christ Alone
Christ is the one mediator between the Father and us. The work of Christ alone merits salvation.

5. God’s Glory Alone
We have no right to boast either in our works or character. All that we have is a gift of God’s grace. We have no right to claim any glory or think that our works add to God’s glory.



作者Silverio Gonzalez  譯者/修訂楊忠道/誠之

Nobody likes a jerk, but so often this is the impression many Christians give when sharing the faith. There are many people who claim to follow Christ but share their faith in a way that completely contradicts Jesus’ message and manner. This happens even with well-meaning, kind-hearted, Christians. They want their friends and family to know Jesus Christ, but they fall into unhealthy patterns of sharing the faith, patterns that push people away from God rather than draw people near. I want to begin by saying that I understand. Sharing the Christian faith is hard.

 Rico Tice,在他《誠實的福音佈道:在困難的處境中如何和人談論耶穌》(Honest Evangelism: How to Talk about Jesus even When Its Tough)一書中說到:「我發現向人傳福音是很困難的。佈道者的困難在於人們假定,你覺得福音佈道是不費吹灰之力的;但是我不認為這很容易,從來沒有。對我來說,告訴人有關耶穌的事,經常會讓我傷透腦筋。」
Rico Tice, in his book, Honest Evangelism: How to Talk about Jesus even When It’s Tough, says, "I find evangelism hard. The problem with being an evangelist is that people assume that you find evangelism effortless; but I don’t find it easy, and never have. For me, telling people about Jesus has often been nerve wracking" (11)"

Through the years, I have had the privilege of having friends who seemed to be naturally gifted in sharing their faith. They made it look easy, but when I spoke to them, I discovered they had the same difficulties that I experienced. They had the same fears and worries. They stumbled over their words. Here are eight helpful points I learned from them.

 1. 善意是很有用處的。
1. Kindness goes a long way.

This may seem obvious, but too often when Christians share the faith, it turns into a heated argument. The cross is offensive enough. When I share the faith, I need to make sure that I am respectful and kind. I know plenty of people who have turned away from Christianity even though they think it’s true, because church people were jerks. As you seek to share your faith in a kind way, you may be surprised that people are more willing to listen.

 2. 誠實會展示尊重、贏得尊重。
2. Honesty shows and gains respect.

Some people who share their faith put on a character. They become “spiritual.” This “spiritual” person never doubts, worries, or sins. This “spiritual” person always loves Jesus more than life. This “spiritual” person doesn’t respect people enough to say, “I don’t know the answer to that question.” This “spiritual” person is afraid to admit that he or she may need to learn something about what others think.

Too many Christians are afraid to be honest. They fear that honesty will lose people’s respect. It doesn’t. The truth is that honesty often gains respect. When Christians treat people as people and not as numbers or “sinners,” they often gain respect. When Christians admit their sin, when they ask for forgiveness after failing to show kindness, they often gain respect. Don’t be afraid to be honest.

 3. 平凡的談話最重要。
3. Ordinary conversations matter most.

You don't need a formula, a method, or a program to share the faith. You need to have ordinary, honest, kind, and respectful conversations about the faith. Try this: ask people if they would like to talk about Christianity. Sometimes just asking, “Can I talk with you about Jesus?” opens people up.

If people don't want to talk, you probably won't persuade them by raising your voice or trying to force them. Respect their decision. Remember that these conversations are hard for people. To have serious conversations with some people, you need to gain a certain level of trust. Frustration, anger, or force will only push those people away. Be patient. Make yourself available. Don't worry.

 4. 你只能分享你所知道的。
4. You can only share what you know.

I have found that a big reason most people fail to share their faith is because they know very little about the faith. Think of it like a language. It is much easier to read a foreign language than to speak it. It is much easier to hear and understand the gospel than to teach it and talk about it. To talk about the gospel—to share it—requires a certain amount of gospel fluency. It takes regular Scripture reading and prayer to attain gospel fluency. Too many Christians haven’t given enough time to learn the faith. When you take the time to read Scripture, pray, and study the Christian faith, you will discover that you, too, will have much to say about God and the gospel.

 5. 分享福音。
5. Share the gospel.

The message we share with people is not about hell, morality, or the church. Hell, morality, and church are important. But the message of the gospel—that which is of first importance—is that Jesus came to save sinners. You don't really need to convince people that they are sinners. You don't need to ask them if they keep the Ten Commandments. Tell them about what Jesus did on the cross. The fact that Jesus suffered and died on the cross is evidence enough that there is something wrong with the world. Most people have a sense that there is something wrong with their life. Talk about what Jesus came to do and why he came to do it. Start with Jesus, and you might be surprised how many people will grant that they are sinners who need a savior.

 6. 不要說太多話。傾聽。
6. Don't talk too much. Listen.

Whenever I share my faith, there is a lot I want to say. I want to tell people about Jesus’ perfect life. I want to talk about his crucifixion. I want to speak about the glorious resurrection, but I have to remember that a conversation is not a speech. I am not giving a sermon. I’m supposed to have a conversation. Throw out the agenda, and give up on trying to get in all you want to say. Trust God. Enjoy the conversation.

 7. 成為基督徒會花很長的時間。
7. Becoming a Christian can take a long time.

Sometimes when people hear the gospel, they immediately believe it and become Christians. The Holy Spirit's regenerating work of creating faith happens in an instant, but only God can see that. You and I see people questioning, learning, doubting, and believing. No one believes everything all at once, because no one can learn it all at once. There is a lot to learn in Christianity.

We should expect people to take time to ask questions and to express doubts. Learning takes time. This is why sharing the faith is not something Christians do once. Whenever a pastor preaches, he should be reminding the congregation of the mercy and love of God in sending Jesus Christ to die and rise for sinners. As Christians, you and I will be learning the gospel for the rest of our lives. As you share your faith, trust God to save your friends and family in his timing.


In sharing the faith, like me, you will often fail. It happens. Don’t worry about it. When you fail to show kindness, to speak honestly, to be authentic, to share the gospel message, to listen, or to display patience, admit your fault and ask for forgiveness. Remember, God draws straight lines with a crooked stick.

Silverio Gonzalez is a husband, father, and staff writer at Core Christianity. He earned his B.A. in Philosophy from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and his Master of Divinity from Westminster Seminary California.


上帝的使命有一間教會God’s Mission Has a Church

作者Silverio Gonzalez   譯作駱鴻銘

使命(missions)的觀念有很強的聖經依據。一節教導使命——以「大使命」著稱——的關鍵經文——記錄了耶穌對門徒說的話The idea of missions has strong biblical support. One key passage that teaches missions—famously called the Great Commission—records Jesus’ words to his disciples:

耶穌進前來對他們說「天上地下所有的權柄都賜給我了。 所以你們要去使萬民作我的門徒奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗或作給他們施洗歸於父、子、聖靈的名 凡我所吩咐你們的都教訓他們遵守我就常與你們同在直到世界的末了。」太廿八1820And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matt. 28:18–20).

當基督徒想到使命時他們的心思往往會飄移到海外跨越國境包括短宣或長期的差派宣教士的工作。教會透過提供人力或物力對這些宣教努力作出貢獻。When Christians think about missions, their minds often drift oversees and across borders to short-term mission efforts or long-term missionaries. The church contributes to these missionary efforts by providing people or resources.

今天人們開始認識到在本地的層面其實有更多的工作要做。這裏本地教會是以不同的方式對使命作出貢獻。當基督徒談到「本地」local的使命作為教會存在世上的一種方式他們會用「使命導向」missional這個詞來形容。Today, people are beginning to recognize that there is more work to be done at the local level. Here, the local church contributes to missions in a different way. When Christians want to talk about local missions as a way for the church to exist in the world, they use the word missional.

然而「使命導向」這個詞經常會給人帶來一些焦慮。有些教會以為本地的使命需要另一種經營教會的方式。我記得我在神學院的日子會和一些學生碰面他們盼望有一天能成為教會的植堂者。他們想要成為在美國開拓一間新教會的牧師。在午餐的討論裏,對如何成為「使命導向的」教會,往往會出現許多不同的觀點。在午餐時間,這些學生會丟出許多很有前景、有趣、瘋狂,有時候是很糟糕的觀點,真不知道從何說起。Yet, the word missional often creates some anxiety. Some churches imagine that a local mission requires a new way to do church. I remember my days at seminary meeting students who hoped to one day become church planters. They wanted to be pastors who started new churches within the United States. In lunch discussions, different viewpoints often came up on how to be missional. I can’t begin to tell you some of the hopeful, interesting, crazy, innovative, and sometimes awful ideas students would throw around during lunch hour.

那些強調「使命導向」的人問了一個好問題教會如何在它自己的社區執行大使命斯特澤Ed Stetzer),在「什麼是使命導向的教會」What is a Missional Church?這篇文章裏說明了這個概念讓這個概念不再那麼神秘並解釋了《使命導向宣言》Missional Manifesto這份文件所構想的一些關鍵觀念。幾年前有一群想法類似的神學家——凱勒Tim Keller),Alan HirshLinda BergquistJ. D. GreearDan KimballEric MasonCraig OttPhilip NationBrad Andrews——合作草擬了這份聲明The question missional folks are asking is a good one: How can the church carry out the Great Commission within its own neighborhood? Ed Stetzer, in “What is a Missional Church?” demystifies the concept, explaining some of the key ideas framed in a document called the “Missional Manifesto.” A few years ago, a group of like-minded thinkers—Tim Keller, Alan Hirsch, Linda Bergquist, J.D. Greear, Dan Kimball, Eric Mason, Craig Ott, Philip Nation, and Brad Andrews—collaborated to draft this statement. The document frames a way of thinking about missions that helps to orient the church’s role in God’s mission. The preamble captures the intent of the document:

上帝是一位差派人的上帝一位有使命的上帝祂呼召祂的子民教會成為祂慈愛和榮耀的宣教媒介。「使命導向」這個概念體現出這個觀念。這份宣言的目的是要服事教會,澄清其呼召,並且在神學上幫助它明白,並實際在今日的世界裏活出上帝的使命。儘管根據使命導向神學,這經常被說成是「上帝的教會有一個使命」,但是更準確的表述是「上帝的使命有一間教會(God’s mission has a church)」(弗三713)。God is a sending God, a missionary God, who has called His people, the church, to be missionary agents of His love and glory. The concept missional epitomizes this idea. This manifesto seeks to serve the church by clarifying its calling and helping it theologically understand and practically live out God’s mission in the world today. Although it is frequently stated “God’s church has a mission,” according to missional theology, a more accurate expression is “God’s mission has a church” (Ephesians 3:7-13).

斯特澤在他的部落格裏解釋到成為「使命導向」教會是一種把上帝的子民和上帝的使命關聯在一起的方法。這種說法很有洞見是因為他描述教會與使命之間的關係的方式。不是教會有一個使命而是上帝的使命有一間教會In his blog Ed Stetzer explains that to be missional is a way of relating God’s people to God’s mission. What is insightful is how he describes the church’s relationship to missions. It’s not that the church has a mission, but that God’s mission has a church:

「使命導向」這個詞足以描述上帝呼召百姓和上帝的使命之間的關係。雖然經常有人說,「教會有一個使命」,但是更準確的表述是「上帝的使命有一間教會」(弗三713)。上帝的使命是了解教會及其使命的起點。上帝已經把使命放在教會的DNA裏。The term “missional” is effective in describing the relationship between the calling of God’s people and God’s mission. While it’s common for people to say, “The church has a mission,” a better way to talk about mission is “God’s mission has a church” (Ephesians 3:7–13). God’s mission is the starting place for understanding the church and its mission. God has placed mission in the DNA of the church.

在《什麼是使命導向的教會》這篇文章和《使命導向宣言》MM斯特澤教導成為「使命導向」教會是什麼意思MM第九段),並且在論到使人作基督門徒的段落裏MM第七段簡短地提到了馬太福音廿八章1820節。我要補充兩點是我認為單從泛泛地閱讀馬太福音廿八章1828節就可以得出的。這兩個要點可以強化《使命導向宣言》所教導的Stetzer, in “What is the Missional Church?” and the “Missional Manifesto (MM),” teaches what it means to be missional (MM, sec. 9) and briefly refers to Matthew 28:18–20 in the section on disciple-making (MM, sec.7). I want to add two points that I think follow from an ordinary reading of Matthew 28:18–20 that amplify what the “Missional Manifesto” teaches.

首先上帝的使命是藉著一般性的教會職事來推展的。在馬太福音廿八章1820耶穌委派門徒給他們的任務是要使人作基督的門徒。他們的工作很簡單:施洗和教導。這是教會一般性的工作,是藉著尋常的牧師和長老的工作來繼續的。請暫時考慮一下:當教會一週復一週忠心地執行相同的例行公事——講道、教導、公眾崇拜、禱告、施洗、施行聖餐——大使命就得到了推展。教會只要在這些簡單的工作上忠心,就是在使命的核心中佔有一席之地。當教會宣講福音,他們就是在推展上帝使人作門徒的使命。這不能作為一般上教會的人不參加使命的藉口,而是提供了其背景。First, God’s mission advances through ordinary church ministry. In Matthew 28:18–20, Jesus commissioned the apostles and tasked them with making disciples. Their job was simple: baptize and teach. This is the church’s ordinary work that continues through the work of ordinary pastors and elders. Consider this for a moment: as the church faithfully performs the same routines week in and week out—preaching, teaching, public worship, prayer, baptizing, administering the Lord’s Supper—the Great Commission is advanced. The church, just by being faithful to the simple tasks, takes a place at the center of missions. When churches preach the gospel, they advance God’s mission to make disciples. This doesn’t excuse ordinary church goers from participation in missions, but it provides the context.

其次一般的基督徒都參與在教會的本地使命裏。除了到教會之外信徒可以藉著講述福音分享他們在講道中聽到的和人一起讀聖經或邀請人到教會而成為「使命導向」的信徒。用《使命導向宣言》的話說,這是當基督徒「在商業、藝術、政治、學術、家庭,和生活的各個層面活出他們信仰的內涵」時就會產生的。所有這些其實都是很「尋常的」(ordinary)。許多人隨時都在作,卻沒有意識到。當尋常的基督徒——在他們日常的生活中——談到耶穌和福音,他們就是在參與上帝的使命。Second, ordinary Christians participate in the church’s local mission. Beyond attending church, believers can be missional by speaking the gospel, sharing what they heard in a sermon, reading the Bible with people, or inviting someone to church. This happens as Christians, in the words of the “Missional Manifesto,” “live out the implications of their faith in business, the arts, in politics, the academy, the home, and in all of life.” All this is really ordinary. A lot of people do it all the time without realizing it. As ordinary Christians—in their ordinary lives—talk about Jesus and the gospel, they participate in God’s mission.

其實這不是什麼新的觀念「使命導向」其實是在恢復一個非常古老的、更正教的、福音派的觀念。成為「使命導向」是尊敬本地教會才是使命的主要貢獻者也尊榮基督徒讓他們知道他們的日常生活在上帝的使命裏是有一席之地的。Instead of being some new idea, being missional might actually recover a very old, very protestant, and very evangelical idea. Being missional honors the local church as a major contributor to missions, and honors Christians as well by showing that their ordinary lives have a place in God’s mission.