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Luthe's Theology of the Cross

作者:Carl R. Trueman 翻译:唐兴;校对:王一
绝对没有人会想到,马丁·路德在151710月,为反对罗马天主教赎罪劵所发表的《九十五条论纲》(95 thesis),会引发宗教改革运动。这篇论纲的目的是要为当时的一场大学辩论提出一个论述的架构。路德是要对赎罪劵的实施提出修正,并非要废除它。他确实不是要为广泛蔓延的神学和教会改革提出改革事项。
No one could have expected that the Reformation would be launched by Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses against Indulgences in October 1517. The document itself simply proposed the framework for a university debate. Luther was arguing only for a revision of the practice of indulgences, not its abolition. He was certainly not offering an agenda for widespread theological and ecclesiastical reform.
Indeed, he had already said much more controversial things in his Disputation against Scholastic Theology of September 4, 1517, in which he critiqued the whole way in which medieval theology had been done for centuries. That disputation, however, passed without a murmur. Indeed, humanly speaking, it was only the unique combination of external factors—social, economic, and political—that made the later disputation the spark that lit the Reformation fuse.
The Heidelberg Disputation
Once the fuse had been lit, however, the church made a fatal error: she allowed the Augustinian Order, to which Luther belonged, to deal with the problem as if it were a minor local difficulty. There was to be a meeting of the Order in Heidelberg in April 1518, and Luther was asked to present a series of theses outlining his theology, so that it could be assessed by his brethren. It was here, then, that the relatively bland Ninety-Five Theses gave Luther an important opportunity to articulate the theology that he had expressed in his September Disputation.
海德堡辩论有两个重要性:首先,辩论中现了另外一位宗教改革的巨人:马丁·布塞(Martin Bucer)——斯特拉斯堡(Strasbourg)的宗教改革家,晚年成为剑桥的神学教授。他不但知识渊博,並且对教会的前途独具慧眼。布塞对那时代的改教者颇具深远的影响力,不下于约翰·加尔文。1517年路德在海德堡的论述,使他首次感受到改教的思想。然而,他对路德向教会流行的经院神学,所作的攻击感到惊讶时,却忽略了路德论述的神学中心思想。也就是海德堡辩论的第二个重要性——十字架的神学。
The Heidelberg Disputation is significant for two things. First, there was at least one other future Reformation giant present. This was Martin Bucer, the Reformer of Strasbourg, who would end his days as professor of divinity at Cambridge. A man of vast intellect and wide ecumenical vision, Bucer was to have a profound influence on a generation of Reformers, not least John Calvin. And his first taste of Reformation thinking was provided by Luther at Heidelberg in 1517. Yet, while Bucer left the disputation marveling at how Luther had attacked what the church had become, he missed the theological core of what Luther was saying. This is the second point of importance: the theology of the cross.
The Theology of the Cross
Toward the end of the disputation, Luther offered some theses which seem (in typical Luther fashion) nonsensical, or at least obscure:
19条、任何人,若把神不可见之事看作是可被参透如同实际之事(罗120),都不配称为神 学家。 20条、然而,透过苦难和十字架来理解神可见且显明之事的人,才配称为神学家。 21条、荣耀神学的神学家以善为恶,以恶为善。十架神学的神学家则以言之以实。 22条、把神所做的不可见之事看为是人能参透的,这种智慧是完全傲慢、盲目、刚硬。路德,海德堡论纲
19. That person does not deserve to be called a theologian who looks upon the invisible things of God as though they were clearly perceptible in those things which have actually happened [Rom. 1:20].
These statements actually encapsulate the heart of Luther's theology, and a good grasp of what he means by the obscure terms and phrases they contain sheds light not just on the doctrinal content of his theology, but also on the very way that he believed theologians should think. Indeed, he is taking Paul's explosive argument from 1 Corinthians and developing it into a full theological agenda.
At the heart of his argument is his notion that human beings should not speculate about who God is or how he acts in advance of actually seeing whom he has revealed himself to be. Thus, Luther sees God's revelation of himself as axiomatic to all theology. Now, there probably is not a heretic in history who would not agree with that, because all theology presupposes the revelation of God, whether in nature, human reason, culture, or whatever.
Luther, however, had a dramatically restrictive view of revelation. God revealed himself as merciful to humanity in the Incarnation, when he manifested himself in human flesh, and the supreme moment of that revelation was on the cross at Calvary. Indeed, Luther sometimes referred enigmatically to Christ crucified as "God's backside"—the point at which God appeared to be the very contradiction of all that one might reasonably have anticipated him to be.
The "theologians of glory," therefore, are those who build their theology in the light of what they expect God to be like—and, surprise, surprise, they make God to look something like themselves. The "theologians of the cross," however, are those who build their theology in the light of God's own revelation of himself in Christ hanging on the cross.
The implications of this position are revolutionary. For a start, Luther is demanding that the entire theological vocabulary be revised in light of the cross. Take for example the word power. When theologians of glory read about divine power in the Bible, or use the term in their own theology, they assume that it is analogous to human power. They suppose that they can arrive at an understanding of divine power by magnifying to an infinite degree the most powerful thing of which they can think. In light of the cross, however, this understanding of divine power is the very opposite of what divine power is all about. Divine power is revealed in the weakness of the cross, for it is in his apparent defeat at the hands of evil powers and corrupt earthly authorities that Jesus shows his divine power in the conquest of death and of all the powers of evil. So when a Christian talks about divine power, or even about church or Christian power, it is to be conceived of in terms of the cross—power hidden in the form of weakness.
For Luther, the same procedure must be applied to other theological terms. For example, God's wisdom is demonstrated in the foolishness of the cross. Who would have thought up the foolish idea of God taking human flesh in order to die a horrendous death on behalf of sinners who had deliberately defied him, or God making sinners pure by himself becoming sin for them, or God himself raising up a people to newness of life by himself submitting to death? We could go on, looking at such terms as life, blessing, holiness, and righteousness. Every single one must be reconceived in the light of the cross. All are important theological concepts; all are susceptible to human beings casting them in their own image; and all must be recast in the light of the cross.
这样的洞察力(是路德思想的要素之一),赋予其神学一种内在的逻辑性和统一性。以路德对称义的理解为例,神宣告信徒是义人,不是藉着人原有的和本质上的义(任何靠信徒本身所成就或取得的),而是基于一种外来的义(alien righteousness)——就是基督的义,这义是在信徒以外的义。难道这不奇怪、不寻常,但却是神十字架的奇妙逻辑吗?人的确是不义的,的确是被罪污染的,却被神宣告为圣洁和义的!这样的真理,是人理性的逻辑所无法理解,但按照十字架的逻辑,却是十分合理的。
This insight is one of the factors in Luther's thinking that gives his theology an inner logic and coherence. Take, for example, his understanding of justification, whereby God declares the believer to be righteous in his sight, not by virtue of any intrinsic righteousness (anything that the believer has done or acquired), but on the basis of an alien righteousness, the righteousness of Christ that remains external to the believer. Is this not typical of the strange but wonderful logic of the God of the cross? The person who is really unrighteous, really mired in sin, is actually declared by God to be pure and righteous! Such a truth is incomprehensible to human logic, but makes perfect sense in light of the logic of the cross.
And what of the idea of a God who comes down and loves the unlovely and the unrighteous before the objects of his love have any inclination to love him or do good? Such is incomprehensible to the theologians of glory, who assume that God is like them, like other human beings, and thus only responds to those who are intrinsically attractive or good, or who first earn his favor in some way. But the cross shows that God is not like that: against every assumption that human beings might make about who God is and how he acts, he requires no prior loveliness in the objects of his love; rather, his prior love creates that loveliness without laying down preconditions. Such a God is revealed with amazing and unexpected tenderness and beauty in the ugly and violent drama of the cross.
The Key to Christian Ethics and Experience
Luther does not restrict the theology of the cross to an objective revelation of God. He also sees it as the key to understanding Christian ethics and experience. Foundational to both is the role of faith: to the eyes of unbelief, the cross is nonsense; it is what it seems to be—the crushing, filthy death of a man cursed by God. That is how the unbelieving mind interprets the cross—foolishness to Greeks and an offence to Jews, depending on whether your chosen sin is intellectual arrogance or moral self-righteousness. To the eyes opened by faith, however, the cross is seen as it really is. God is revealed in the hiddenness of the external form. And faith is understood to be a gift of God, not a power inherent in the human mind itself.
This principle of faith then allows the believer to understand how he or she is to behave. United to Christ, the great king and priest, the believer too is both a king and a priest. But these offices are not excuses for lording it over others. In fact, kingship and priesthood are to be enacted in the believer as they are in Christ—through suffering and self-sacrifice in the service of others. The believer is king of everything by being a servant of everyone; the believer is completely free by being subject to all. As Christ demonstrated his kingship and power by death on the cross, so the believer does so by giving himself or herself unconditionally to the aid of others. We are to be, as Luther puts it, little Christs to our neighbors, for in so doing we find our true identity as children of God.
This argument is explosive, giving a whole new understanding of Christian authority. Elders, for example, are not to be those renowned for throwing their weight around, for badgering others, and for using their position or wealth or credentials to enforce their own opinions. No, the truly Christian elder is the one who devotes his whole life to the painful, inconvenient, and humiliating service of others, for in so doing he demonstrates Christlike authority, the kind of authority that Christ himself demonstrated throughout his incarnate life and supremely on the cross at Calvary.
Great Blessings through Great Suffering
The implications of the theology of the cross for the believer do not stop there. The cross is paradigmatic for how God will deal with believers who are united to Christ by faith. In short, great blessing will come through great suffering.
This point is hard for those of us in the affluent West to swallow. For example, some years ago I lectured at a church gathering on this topic and pointed out that the cross was not simply an atonement, but a revelation of how God deals with those whom he loves. I was challenged afterwards by an individual who said that Luther's theology of the cross did not give enough weight to the fact that the cross and resurrection marked the start of the reversal of the curse, and that great blessings should thus be expected; to focus on suffering and weakness was therefore to miss the eschatological significance of Christ's ministry.
Of course, this individual had failed to apply Luther's theology of the cross as thoroughly as he should have done. All that he said was true, but he failed to understand what he was saying in light of the cross. Yes, Luther would agree, the curse is being rolled back, but that rollback is demonstrated by the fact that, thanks to the cross, evil is now utterly subverted in the cause of good. If the cross of Christ, the most evil act in human history, can be in line with God's will and be the source of the decisive defeat of the very evil that caused it, then any other evil can also be subverted to the cause of good.
More than that, if the death of Christ is mysteriously a blessing, then any evil that the believer experiences can be a blessing too. Yes, the curse is reversed; yes, blessings will flow; but who declared that these blessings have to be in accordance with the aspirations and expectations of affluent America? The lesson of the cross for Luther is that the most blessed person upon earth, Jesus Christ himself, was revealed as blessed precisely in his suffering and death. And if that is the way that God deals with his beloved son, have those who are united to him by faith any right to expect anything different?
有些人,像《坏事发生在好人身上》的犹太拉比作者:哈罗德•库希那(Harold Kushner),对邪恶的看法与路德不同。但是,路德会说,这些事的确会发生,因为这是神对信徒的祝福。神是藉着祂在信徒心中奇妙的工作(与我们所期待的相反)来成就祂的善工;祂的确会藉着明显的咒诅,来达到其祝福的目的。
This casts the problem of evil in a somewhat different light for Luther than, say, for Harold Kushner, the rabbi who wrote When Bad Things Happen to Good People. They happen, Luther would say, because that is how God blesses them. God accomplishes his work in the believer by doing his alien work (the opposite of what we expect); he really blesses by apparently cursing.
Indeed, when it is grasped that the death of Christ, the greatest crime in history, was itself willed in a deep and mysterious way by the triune God, yet without involving God in any kind of moral guilt, we see the solution to the age-old problem of absolving an all-powerful God of responsibility for evil. The answer to the problem of evil does not lie in trying to establish its point of origin, for that is simply not revealed to us. Rather, in the moment of the cross, it becomes clear that evil is utterly subverted for good. Romans 8:28 is true because of the cross of Christ: if God can take the greatest of evils and turn it to the greatest of goods, then how much more can he take the lesser evils which litter human history, from individual tragedies to international disasters, and turn them to his good purpose as well.
Luther's theology of the cross is too rich to be covered adequately in a single article, but I hope that my brief sketch above will indicate the rich vein of theological reflection which can be mined by those who reflect upon 1 Corinthians 1 and upon the dramatic antitheses between appearance and reality that are scattered throughout Scripture and marshaled with such force by Martin Luther. An antidote to sentimentality, prosperity doctrine, and an excessively worldly eschatology, this is theological gold dust. The cross is not simply the point at which God atones for sin; it is also a profound revelation of who God is and how he acts toward his creation.





作者: Michael Horton    唐興譯/誠之編校
本文首刊於「當代宗教改革」(Modern Reformation)雜誌總第33月號(May/June 1994
預言家林西(Hal Lindsey)宣稱:「全部先知預言的中心就是以色列國。」1948514日,以色列再次獨立建國,林西寫到:「基於這個理由,我確信我們現在正處於希伯來先知所清楚和準確預言的一個特殊時代。因此,所有的先知預言,都要在這一代當中實現。」
The center of the entire prophetic forecast is the State of Israel," declares prophetic pontiff, Hal Lindsey. On May 14, 1948, Israel became a nation again and, writes Lindsey, "For this reason I am convinced that we are now in the unique time so clearly and precisely forecast by the Hebrew prophets. Thus, all the various prophecies will come to pass during this generation."
時代主義論者(Dispensationalists)認為,1948年以色列的復國,已經應驗了以西結書和但以理書所預言的,以色列未來的復興。這該怎麼說呢?難道這就是先知們心中所想的嗎?我們必須進一步追問:上帝對亞伯拉罕的應許是在猶太復國主義運動(Zionist movement)中應驗的,還是在耶穌基督的福音中應驗的?但是,我們首先要思考的是:1948年。
The Dispensationalists have maintained that the prophecies of Ezekiel and Daniel regarding a future restoration of Israel are fulfilled in the recreation of that state in 1948. What about this? Is that what the prophets had in mind? A further question must then be asked: Are the promises God made to Abraham fulfilled in the Zionist movement or in the Gospel of Jesus Christ? But first things first: 1948.
Ezekiel prophesies, "I will now bring Jacob back from captivity and will have compassion on all the people of Israel, and I will be zealous for my holy name" (39:25). Daniel's prophecies are delivered in 530 BC, just fifty-five years after Ezekiel's and also point to a future restoration of a now destroyed nation of Israel. During Ezekiel's ministry, the nation is dismantled and carried off into Babylonian captivity and both prophets are offering the people hope in the midst of tragedy. One hundred years later, the promises made through these two prophets are fulfilled as Nehemiah and Ezra are allowed to return to rebuild Jerusalem with released exiles. The walls are rebuilt, God's people return, and although they are an imperial satellite, Babylon's rulers empty their own treasuries to assist in the rebuilding. This is all in line with the prediction that God will bring His people out of exile back to Jerusalem is finally fulfilled. A new temple is even built with the assistance of the Persian king.
這一切都在先知預言的一個世紀內得到了應驗:聖殿的重建,獻祭的更新,城市的重建,被擄的人重回家園。 1948年的復國,也不過如此。
All of this was fulfilled within a century of the prophecy. The temple was rebuilt, sacrifices were renewed, the city was rebuilt, and the exiles came home. So much for 1948.
當然,有些預言,例如但以理所做的預言,必須在尼希米帶領下的歸回重建之後才能得到應驗。其中一個例子就是四個國度的異象——巴比倫和瑪代·波斯帝國(兩個帝國在但以理有生之年就存在了),以及希臘(主前2世紀)和羅馬帝國(主前1世紀到主後1世紀)。所有這些世上的帝國都將衰頹;前面兩個是但以理親身經歷到的,後面兩個則是在主後1世紀才應驗的。這些地上帝國的壽命,都無法超越那一位將要來的君王的國度;祂將要把祂分散在各處的百姓(猶太人和外邦人)帶回家中:「我必立一牧人照管他們,牧養他們,就是我的僕人大衛。祂必牧養他們,作他們的牧人」(結卅四23)。在約翰福音第十章,當耶穌宣告祂自己為好牧人時,正應驗了這個預言。因此,以西結書中的預言,不是關於1948年的猶太復國主義運動(Jewish Zionism),而是關於主前440年的歸回重建,而且最終是關於作為大衛子孫的耶穌基督。
Of course, there are predictions made, by Daniel, for instance, which require fulfillment beyond the return under Nehemiah. One example is the vision of the four kingdoms--Babylon and Medo-Persia (two empires which existed during Daniel's own lifetime), and Greece (second century, BC) and Rome (first century, BC through first century AD). All of these world empires will collapse, two of which Daniel knew first-hand, while the latter two were fulfilled as late as the first century AD. These earthly empires would never outlast the empire of the coming One who will finally bring all of His scattered tribe (Jew and Gentile alike) home: "I will place over them one shepherd, my servant David, and he will tend them; he will tend them and be their shepherd" (Ez 34:23). It was just this prophecy which Jesus proclaimed Himself to be fulfilling in His self-designation as the Good Shepherd in John chapter ten. Thus, Ezekiel is not about Jewish Zionism in 1948, but about the return of the exiles in 440 BC and ultimately about Jesus Christ as the Son of David.
那麼,聖殿被毀又怎麼說呢?新約聖經中不是預言聖殿和聖城最後要被拆毀嗎?確有此事。 「耶穌出了聖殿,正走的時候,門徒進前來,把殿宇指給他們看。耶穌對他們說:『你們不是看見這殿宇嗎?我實在告訴你們:將來在這裏,沒有一塊石頭留在石頭上不被拆毀了』」(太廿四1-2)。這段經文常被認為是指在我們時代中的應驗。然而,當門徒問到這個應驗的預兆時,耶穌說:「那時,人要把你們陷在患難裏,也要殺害你們。」這聽起來不就是耶穌正在預備他們,去面對一個即將來臨的應驗嗎?事實上,這個預言在主後70年,聖城被羅馬帝國破壞、猶太人和基督徒被殺害分散、聖殿被拆毀沒有留下一塊石頭時,就已經應驗了。羅馬皇帝宣稱他自己為神,坐在至聖所,這乃是應驗了但以理書中所預言的:「那行毀壞可憎的」(abomination of desolation)。多年以來,時代主義論者教導這事發生於大災難時期,這樣的解釋很難被接受。只要看一看主所說的:「你們看見先知但以理所說的『那行毀壞可憎的』站在聖地(讀這經的人須要會意)。那時,在猶太的,應當逃到山上…… 」。難道當初的聽眾不明白,耶穌是要預備他們,面對即將要發生的事嗎? 「當你們看見……站在聖地……。」
What about the destruction of the temple? Was it not predicted in the New Testament that there would be a final destruction of the temple and the city? Indeed, it was. "Jesus left the temple and was walking away when His disciples came up to Him to call His attention to its buildings. 'Do you see all these things?' He asked. 'I tell you the truth, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.'" This is often taken to refer to a fulfillment in our own lifetime, and yet, when the disciples wanted to know what the signs of this would be, He said, "You will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death." Doesn't it sound like Jesus was preparing them for an immediate fulfillment? The fact is, this was fulfilled in AD 70, when the city was destroyed by the Romans, Jews and Christians were slaughtered and scattered, and the temple was destroyed to the extent that "not one stone" was "left on another." The Roman emperor, proclaiming himself God, sat in the Holy of Holies, fulfilling the "abomination of desolation" predicted in Daniel. And if, after years of Dispensational teaching on the "abomination of desolation," taking place during the tribulation, it is difficult to accept this interpretation, just look at our Lord's own remark: "So when you see standing in the holy place 'the abomination that causes desolation,' spoken through the prophet Daniel--let the reader understand--then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains." Would the original audience not have clearly understood Jesus to be preparing them for events which were right around the corner? "So when you see standing in the holy place..."
Therefore, the prophecies of Daniel and Ezekiel do not have to find their fulfillment in 1948 or in any other period which coincides with remarkable current events.
然而,第二個問題是我們更關注的核心問題:現代的以色列國和猶太復國主義運動,是否是上帝對亞伯拉罕的應許的應驗?傳統時代主義論認為,救恩計劃有一種「徹底的中斷」(radical discontinuity),儘管最近的修正已經淡化了這種看法。傳統時代主義論認為,上帝最終的計劃牽涉到以色列國;相對於上帝拯救以色列民族國家的主要使命,教會只是一個「括號」(薛福Chafer所提倡的觀念),有點像是一個腳註或旁枝(編按:只是一個插曲)。
The second question, however, is of more central concern: Is the modern state of Israel and Zionism in general the fulfillment of God's promises to Abraham? Classical Dispensationalism presents to programs of salvation, though recent revisions have toned down on the radical discontinuity. In classical Dispensationalism, God's ultimate program involves the nation Israel. The Church is a "parenthesis" (Chafer), a sort of footnote or sidetrack in contrast to God's main mission to save ethnic, national Israel.
我們認為,這種觀念嚴重地誤解了上帝的計劃,以及聖經中清楚的教導。這樣做,等於是冒險給予現代猶太人一個虛假的盼望,提出一個不需要世界唯一救主作為中保的救恩計劃(至少在現世的事物上是如此)。如果你認為這是對此立場的一種諷刺,只要去參加每年在華盛頓首府地區所舉辦的,為以色列禱告的全國早餐禱告會(National Prayer Breakfast in Honor of Israel),就立見分曉。有一年我參加了,我還記得許多基要派的傳道人和發先知預言的「專家」,領導群聚一堂的猶太基督徒這樣地禱告說:「我們共同的天父——亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各的神……」。如果現在有另一群基督徒在同一條街上,舉行基督徒和穆斯林教或基督徒和印度教的禱告會,這樣的禱告,基本上等於否認了基督的獨特性,以及祂的中保工作。但是,對這些人而言,猶太人很明顯地不需要福音,因為他們根本連福音都沒有提到。沒有一個禱告在結束時提到基督的名。
We believe that this position gravely misunderstands the plan of God and the clear teaching of the Scriptures. In so doing, it risks offering false hopes to modern Jews of a plan of redemption which, at least in temporal matters, does not require the mediation of the world's only Savior. If you think this is a caricature of the position, just attend the annual National Prayer Breakfast in Honor of Israel in Washington, DC. I did that one year and I remember fundamentalist preachers and prophecy "experts" leading the Jewish-Christian gathering in prayer "to our common Father--the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob." Now, if another group of Christians down the street had a prayer service of Christians and Moslems or Christians and Hindus, it would be considered a basic denial of the uniqueness of Christ and His mediatorial work, but for these people, Jews evidently did not need the Gospel, for there was no reference to it even in passing. Not one prayer ended with the name of Christ.
使徒保羅會把這種教導稱為是加拉太教會的異端。 「正如『亞伯拉罕信上帝,這就算為他的義』。所以,你們要知道:那以信為本的人,就是亞伯拉罕的子孫。並且聖經既然預先看明,上帝要叫外邦人因信稱義,就早已傳福音給亞伯拉罕,說:『萬國都必因你得福。」可見那以信為本的人和有信心的亞伯拉罕一同得福。凡以行律法為本的,都是被咒詛的;因為經上記著:『凡不常照律法書上所記一切之事去行的,就被咒詛』」(加三6-10)。所以,沒有兩種不同的救恩計劃。猶太人和外邦人一樣,都是「被咒詛的」,唯有藉著信心,才能接近上帝、得著祂在基督裏的應許。認為上帝不是藉著基督,來實現祂對以色列民族的應許,這種觀念肯定是近乎異端了。
The Apostle Paul would call this the Galatian heresy. "Understand that those who believe are children of Abraham. The Scripture predicted that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: 'All nations will be blessed through you.' So those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith. All who rely on observing the law are under a curse" (Gal 3:6-10). Thus, there are not two programs. Jews and Gentiles alike are "under a curse" and can only approach God and receive His promises by faith in Jesus Christ. To suggest that God is fulfilling promises to national Israel apart from Christ surely borders on heresy.
但是,上帝並非在履行對以色列國族(national Israel)的應許。發生於主後70年「那行毀壞可憎的」,實際上確實使聖殿荒涼了。儘管我們與世界上受逼迫的猶太人在他們的家園一同歡欣鼓舞,但1948年並不具有任何先知預言上的意義。
But God is not fulfilling promises to national Israel. The abomination that makes desolate in AD 70 did, in fact, make the temple desolate. While we rejoice with the persecuted Jews of the world in their homeland, there is no prophetic significance to the year 1948.
如果我們仔細查看上帝對亞伯拉罕的應許(創十二2-3),以及貫穿舊約聖經的許多警告,都提到得著應許之地的條件,在於以色列人的順服。然而,得著那最終應許之地的條件,則單單在於信心(by faith alone)。所以,舊約聖經裏的先祖們,並不像現代的時代主義論者,對這塊土地有這麼大的興趣。 「他(亞伯拉罕)因著信,就在所應許之地作客,好像在異地居住帳棚,與那同蒙一個應許的以撒、雅各一樣。因為他等候那座有根基的城,就是上帝所經營所建造的。因著信,連撒拉自己,雖然過了生育的歲數,還能懷孕,因她以為那應許她的是可信的。所以從一個仿佛已死的人就生出子孫,如同天上的星那樣眾多,海邊的沙那樣無數。這些人都是存著信心死的,並沒有得著所應許的」(來十一8-13)。什麼?他們並沒有得著所應許的?他們不就在那塊土地上,不是嗎?但是,聖經告訴我們,那不是最終極的應許。 「他們……承認自己在世上是客旅,是寄居的[甚至寄居在應許之地]。說這樣話的人是表明自己要找一個家鄉。他們若想念所離開的家鄉,還有可以回去的機會。他們卻羡慕一個更美的家鄉,就是在天上的。」(來十一14-16)。
If we look very carefully at the promises made to Abraham (Gn 12:2-3), and the many warnings which follow throughout the Old Testament, the promise of the land is conditional upon Israel's obedience. The promise of a final Promised Land and resting place, however, is by faith alone. Thus, the Old Testament patriarchs were not as interested in a plot of land as modern Dispensationalists. "By faith, Abraham made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country, for he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars of the sky. All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised" (Heb 11:8-13). What? They didn't receive the things promised? They were in the land, weren't they? But the Bible says that this was not the ultimate promise. "They admitted they were strangers on earth [even in the promised land]. People who say such things who that they are looking for a country of their own." But they had a country of their own! "If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were looking for a better country--a heavenly one" (Heb 11:14-16).
So, you see, the promises made to Abraham are fulfilled in Christ and passed along to all those who belong to Christ by faith. Whether Jew or Gentile, all who are relying on the works of the law are still under a curse and apart from the Messiah there is no promise of anything but judgment.
"I ask then: Did God reject His people? By no means!," writes the Apostle Paul, citing his own conversion to Christ as a Jew. "So too, at this present time (not some future time) there is a remnant chosen by grace" (Rom 11:1,5). In this present age, God is grafting in with Israel branches from alien, Gentile trees and forming one single family in which "there is neither Jew nor Gentile....For all are one in Christ" (Gal 3:28).


 作者: Hywel R. Jones   翻译唐兴

 英文圣经中,从约书亚记到以斯帖记的书卷,通常被认为是包括在旧约“历史书”的标题之下。在由律法书(the Law)、先知书(the Prophets)和圣卷(the Writings)所组成的希伯来文圣经里,这些书卷并没有属于自己的部分。如此的分配表示历史记载与其他的圣经资料——先知书、智慧书和律法——具有密切的关系。它们并不包含“赤裸裸(原始)的事实(brute facts,译按:指完全“客观”、未经解释的事实)”(难道真有此事?),并且,它们所记录的历史不是“废话”(bunk)。历史书中事件的意义,要靠旧约中其他的书卷来阐明。它们属于神向祂子民之自我启示的一部分。它们记录了以色列人从进入应许地,直到被放逐到巴比伦以后归回的历史。这些叙事若讲到关于基督的事,肯定与以色列的历史有关系。
The books of the Old Testament that are usually thought of under the heading “Historical Books” are those from Joshua to Esther in our English Bibles. They are not assigned a section of their own in the Hebrew Bible which comprises the Law, the Prophets and the Writings. This distribution indicates that historical records have close connections with the other kinds of biblical material—prophetic, wisdom and legal. They do not contain “brute facts” (are there ever such?), and the history that they record is not “bunk.” They contain events whose meanings are illuminated by the rest of the Old Testament. They are part of the self-revelation of God to his people. They record the history of Israel from her entry into the Promised Land to her reoccupation of it after the Exile in Babylon. If these narratives have anything to say about Christ, it is in what is said about the history of Israel.

The Historical Books: Israel and Covenant

The books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, Ezra-Nehemiah and Esther all fold back on the deliverance from Egypt and her constitution as the people of God under his rule and care. This was brought about first by way of the covenant made at Sinai through Moses (Exod 19:4-6) and then with David as their king (2 Sam 7:12-17).历史书提供了一个连续的图像,展现出以色列人如何以神子民的身份生活,无论是享受约的祝福,或是承受约的咒诅(被放逐是咒诅的极致),都与圣约关系的条件有关。
The historical books provide a succession of snapshots that show how Israel as the people of God lived in relation to the terms of that covenant relationship, whether enjoying its blessings or enduring its curses climaxing in exile.

High points therefore mark the history of Israel, for example prosperity and safety, and so also do low points, in terms of invasion and devastation. But this undulating history has a common thread—how the Lord perseveres with his people and remains faithful to his commitment to them through not only good, but bad times, too. It is this living and varied interaction between God and his people that the historical literature unfolds over a period of some thousand years.

These books are crafted on the loom of covenant relationship, established at Sinai and with David’s house. On the one hand, God’s faithfulness anticipates the sending/coming of the Messiah, and on the other, the people’s failure necessitates it. That is the general perspective on seeing Christ in these records.

The Historical Books: Israel and Christ

Christ is therefore seen in the Historical Books through the covenant people and their king. After all is said and done, history is made up of “stuff” and is not just a grand scheme. Where and how can “Christ” be found in the records themselves? In all of these books there are abundant references to prophets, priests and kings (judges) on the one hand and to the “laity” on the other—and also to their foes. These selected facts are important because they compose the “snapshot” that depicts how the kingdom of God, promised in Eden (see Gen 3:15), provisionally set up at Sinai (see Exod 19:5-6) and established with King David (2 Sam 7:11-16), was faring at the time. Was it being advanced or not? If not, why not? Was it even being threatened? And was that happening from without or from within? Were those who should have led the people to God in fact leading them away from him?

We will now take two sample events, positive and negative, from the Old Testament and see how these principles are found in the text and point forward to Christ and the new covenant era.

I. 衰败:列王纪上1225-33
I. Decline: 1 Kings 12:25-33

The most noteworthy example of this kind is the whole history of the Northern Kingdom of Israel that lasted some two hundred years and was brought to an end in 722 BC. It is documented mainly in the Books of Kings. The portion selected above (1Kgs 12:25-33) shows how Jeroboam the son of Nebat consolidated his rule. While it was in God’s purpose for him to rule certain tribes, he was to govern them as David had done (1Kgs 11:38-39). Instead, he erected an alternative theocracy. He built cities for defense instead of trusting God, and religious centers where non-Aaronic priests functioned, where idols reminiscent of the golden calves incident at Sinai were set up and self-determined feasts were established.

In this passage we have an example of how not to rule God’s people. But it also presents a contrasting picture of what David’s greater Son will do in building a house for God, that is, the New Testament church. He will not lead his people into sin, but to paths of righteousness for God’s glory.

II. 复兴:以斯拉记821-23
II. Recovery: Ezra 8:21-23

Here is a very different event. Exile in Babylon has come to an end. A group of Jews has returned with Zerubbabel (see Ezra 1:5-2:70), erected the altar, offered sacrifices, and laid the foundation of the temple on its previous site. All was done in accord with the prescriptions of the Law of Moses (Ezra 3:2-3), in telling contrast to what Jeroboam had done! Opposition came from the Samaritans but their protest was overruled by Darius; indolence on the part of the Jews was overcome by the prophesying of Haggai and Zechariah. The temple was finished, and the Passover was observed. Here is the resumption of the covenant theocracy.

Some fifty years later, Ezra resolved to return to Jerusalem from Babylon and to take others with him ( Ezra 7:1-6). A priest-scribe, his plan was to teach the law of God in Israel and so take this restoration further (v.10). In addition, he was provided with gifts to furnish and supply the temple with what was needed and authority to appoint officials in Israel. He then gathered Levites for temple service.

The section chosen above (Ezra 8:21 –23) shows him gathering the returnees and their children to seek from the Lord a safe passage to Jerusalem. A testimony to the Lord’s protecting power had been borne and now earnest prayer for his presence is made. Here is a mini-church in a foreign land about to make its pilgrimage to the earthly Jerusalem.

也许这些会让某些读者想起约翰?罗宾森牧师和朝圣者(Pastor John Robinson and the Pilgrims)。他们在17世纪时离开雷敦(Leyden),前往新世界(the New World)。但是,这里呈现出一个更伟大的景象。作为教导的祭司,以斯拉是弥赛亚的预表,我们在这里预先瞥见每一个主日要发生的事。主耶稣基督在河边招聚祂朝圣的子民,使他们的心欢畅,与他们一同赞美神,替他们、并与他们一同祈求,使得世界旷野中的任何事物,都无法阻止他们任何一个人到达天上的锡安。
This may remind some readers of Pastor John Robinson and the Pilgrims who left Leyden for the New World in the 17th century. But there is a greater scene to call to mind. As a teaching priest, Ezra is a type of the Messiah, and here is a glimpse in advance of what happens every Lord’s Day. The Lord Jesus Christ gathers his pilgrim people by the river that gladdens their hearts, praises God with them, prays for them and with them that nothing in this wilderness of a world may prevent any one of them from reaching the heavenly Zion.


从基督徒的角度来看,人们常会说历史是“祂”的故事(history is His story)。按着祂的护理(providence),神在由时间、地方和人所交织形成的人类历史中,成就了救恩,达到祂救赎的目的。在新约的福音书中,我们特别看到这一点。四福音书记录了永恒的神果断地亲自进入时间和空间中,祂在道成肉身的儿子的本身和工作上,以及在世界基督教会历史中,成就了这项奇迹的事件。使徒行传是其后续行动的范例——神和人、善和恶、神和撒但的持续行动。对旧约的以色列而言,同样也是如此,除了其记录的方式是在期盼弥赛亚的来到,而不是结果。
From a Christian standpoint it has often been said that history is ‘His’ story. By his providence, God accomplishes salvation and works out his saving purpose in and through the web of times, places and people that make up human history. This is seen particularly in the New Testament Gospels which record that the eternal God himself stepped decisively into time and place in the person and work of his incarnate Son and in the history of the Christian church in the world as a consequence of that miraculous event. The book of the Acts of the Apostles is a paradigm of that continuing activity — divine and human, good and bad, divine and satanic. It is exactly the same in the Old Testament with regard to Israel, except that it is there recorded by way of anticipation of the coming Messiah and not consequence.

Old Testament History is therefore not a disparate or purposeless succession of events. It is the outworking of the covenant justice and mercy of God as he builds the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

Hywel R. Jones
Professor of Practical Theology
B.A., University of Wales; M.A., University of Cambridge; Ph.D., Greenwich University School of Theology (UK).

作者: R. Scott Clark  翻译: 唐兴

序言 Introduction

There is much more to "end-times" or ultimate things (Eschatology) than what we say actually happens in the last days. We say what we do about eschatology because of what we think God is doing in history.

争论的中心是关于“神的以色列”的问题(加拉太书 616)。当然,这不是一个新问题。主在世间的事工期间,以及在祂复活后升天前,门徒一次次问祂,“主啊,你复兴以色列国,就在这时候吗?”(使徒行传 16
At the center of the debate is the question of "the Israel of God" (Gal 6.16). Of course, this is not a new question. During our Lord's earthly ministry and after his resurrection and before his ascension, the disciples asked him repeatedly, "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" (Acts 1.6).

事实上,一种广为流传的拉比式的普遍观念是:弥赛亚应该是一个强大的政治军事人物,有着大卫般的力量和才干——“大卫杀死万万” (撒母耳记上 187)。
Indeed, there was a widespread rabbinic and popular notion that the Messiah should be a powerful politico-military figure of Davidic strength and skill—"David has slain his tens of thousands" (1 Sam 18.7). John 614-15 records,

约翰福音 614-15 记载着:众人看见耶稣所行的神迹,就说:“这真是那要到世上来的先知。” 耶稣知道群众要来强迫祂作王,就独自又退到山上去了。
After the people saw the miraculous sign that Jesus did, they began to say, "Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world." 15 Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself.

而与一些人所想的不同,建立一个地上的国度是与祂到来的初衷格格不入的。而且,在祂的生命的最后时刻,在祂得胜的时刻,祂并不是要建立一个地上的王国,而是为了实现预言。 “锡安的居民哪,不要惧怕;看哪,你的王来了,祂骑着小驴来了。” (约翰福音 1215 以赛亚书409;撒迦利亚书 99
It was not, as some might have it, that the timing was off, but rather that an earthly kingdom was contrary to his every purpose. Again, at the end of his life, during his triumphal entry, he did not come to establish an earthly kingdom, but rather to fulfill prophecy, "Do not be afraid, O Daughter of Zion; see, your king is coming, seated on a donkey's colt" (John 12:15; Isa 40.9; Zech 9.9).

Jesus had taught the disciples and others that he came not to bring an earthly kingdom as they expected, but rather he came to bring salvation from sin. At the end, when "the men of Israel" could no longer tolerate his refusal to submit to their eschatology, their plan for history, they crucified him. Scripture says,

祭司长、经学家和长老也同样讥笑他,说:“他救了别人,却不能救自己。如果他是以色列的王,现在可以从十字架上下来,我们就信他。(马太福音 2741-42
In the same way the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders mocked him. 42 "He saved others," they said, "but he can't save himself! He's the King of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him."(Matt 27.41-2)

It is also a sad fact that many Christians have agreed with the chief priests and teachers of the law. Classic Dispensationalism has long held that the Pharisees had the right method of interpreting the Bible, they simply reached the wrong conclusions.

It is the Dispensational-Premillennial belief that God made a promise to Abraham (Genesis chapters 15 and 17) that he would give to him an earthly, national people with the result that, in the Dispensational view, it has always been God's intention to have such a people and if the Jews refused the first offer (or Jesus refused their terms!) then there must be an earthly, Jewish, Palestinian, kingdom in the millennium.

According to Dispensationalism, God was so committed to creating such an earthly, national people that this was the primary reason for the incarnation, birth and ministry of Christ. Had they accepted his offer of an earthly kingdom, Jesus would not have died. In this scheme, Jesus' saving death on the cross is a happy by-product of God's plan for national Israel.

在很多前千禧年派的信仰中,1948年在巴勒斯坦境内现代以色列国的建立是他们论点的确据。他们的论点是以色列的复国是天意*1 providence)的认证,神不但要有地上的子民,而且更进一步地,神会继续推动历史在两条并行轨道上行进:建立实质上的犹太民族和精神上民族,基督徒。
It is also an article of faith among many Premillennialists that the creation of a modern Israeli state, in Palestine in 1948, is a providential confirmation of their claim that the Jews are God's earthly, national people and that further, God continues to work out history along two parallel tracks, with an earthly Jewish people and a spiritual, Christian people.

This way of proceeding, however, is fraught with difficulties. First, such a way of reading contemporary events is highly dubious. Who among us knows certainly the exact meaning of providence? If a loved one gets cancer, should we speculate about what sin caused it? Our Lord warned against trying to interpret providence (John 9). If we cannot even guess the meaning of relatively small providences, how are we to interpret the meaning of rather larger providences? Who is to say that we should focus on the Israeli state? Perhaps we should focus on the plight of Palestinian Christians who have suffered gravely at the hands of Jews and Muslims, especially since the formation of Modern day Israel?

Though it might be exciting to think that God is doing something spectacular in our times, one fears that our lust for excitement is no better than the cry of those Israelites who said, "Give us Bar-Abbas." It may well be that the end-times madness we have witnessed, first in the late 1970's, again during the Gulf War and again in recent years, is really a search for certainty. Just as earlier generations turned away from the preaching of the Gospel and the administration of the sacraments, in favor of revivals, our age seems bent on finding confirmation of the faith in the delusion that we are witnesses to the end of history. The fact is that Christians have often thought the same thing, and they have been wrong.

记得在耶稣变像的高山上(马太福音 171),当摩西和以利亚在主前出现。门徒们问耶稣关于世间弥赛亚王国的事,并问他是否以利亚已经来了。耶稣回答道:
Remember that after the Mount of Transfiguration (Mt 17.1) where Moses and Elijah appeared before their Lord, the disciples peppered Jesus with questions about an earthly Messianic kingdom, about whether Elijah had yet to come. Jesus replied saying,

“以利亚当然要来,并且复兴一切。但我告诉你们,以利亚已经来了,可是人们却不认识他,反而任意待他。照样,人子也要这样被他们苦待。这时门徒才领悟,耶稣是指着施洗的约翰说的。” (马太福音1712-13
"To be sure, Elijah comes and will restore all things. 12 But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not recognize him, but have done to him everything they wished. In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands."13 Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist."

耶稣一直都意图宣扬天国的来临(“时候到了,神的国近了,你们应当悔改,相信福音。”马可福音115),为罪人而死,统治祂的国,正如祂现在一样在父的右手边(使徒行传 236)。
It was always Jesus' intention to preach the advent of the Kingdom ("?…the Kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the Gospel" Mark 1.15), die for sinners, and rule his kingdom, as he is now, at the right hand of the Father (Acts 2.36).

之后,在马太福音1927-30,彼得再听了耶稣关于国度的真正含义的讲道后,又一次问,“你看,我们已经舍弃一切跟从了你,我们会得到什么呢?” 耶稣回答:
Later, in Mt 19.27-30, after hearing Jesus' teaching about the true nature of the kingdom, Peter again asked the kingdom question, "We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?" To which Jesus responded,

"I tell you the truth, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. 29 And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. 30 But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.

Our Premillennial brothers take this as a promise of an earthly Jewish kingdom, but Jesus understood the kingdom quite differently. The parables which follow teach precisely that God is not setting up an earthly Jewish kingdom, but rather that, "the last will be first, and the first will be last" and that

“人子要被交给祭司长和经学家,他们要定祂死罪,把祂交给外族人凌辱、鞭打,并且钉在十字架上。然而第三天他要复活。” (马太福音 2018.
"the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and the teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death 19 and will turn him over to the Gentiles to be mocked and flogged and crucified. On the third day he will be raised to life!" (Matt 20.18).

甚至雅各和约翰的母亲求他为她的两个儿子谋职:“求你下令,使我这两个儿子在你的国里,一个坐在你的右边,一个坐在你的左边” (马太福音 2021)。他指责她说,他不但不会建立一个地上的王国,而且他将受难而死,而他们也将因他而受难,因他而死。因为“人子来,不是要受人的服事,而是要服事人,并且要舍命,作许多人的赎价。” (马太福音2028
He was even more pointed to the mother of James and John, who was looking for work for her boys: "Grant that one of these two sons of mine may sit at your right and the other at your left in your kingdom" (Mt 20.21). He rebuked her by telling her that not only is he not going to set up an earthly kingdom, but that he is going to suffer and die and they are going to suffer and die because of him, because "the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Mt 20.28).

因此,我们不同意时代论者克拉伦斯.拉金(Clarence Larkin)的对耶稣的话语的解释。耶稣说:
Therefore, we cannot agree with the argument of the Dispensationalist Clarence Larkin, when he interpreted Jesus' words,

“父凭着自己的权柄所定的时间或日期,你们不必知道。可是圣灵降临在你们身上,你们就必领受能力,并且要在耶路撒冷、犹太全地、撒玛利亚,直到地极,作我的见证人。” (使徒行传 17-8
"It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1.7-8).

not as a rebuke to the disciples for seeking an earthly kingdom, but only as a caution to wait for the earthly kingdom.

Rather, Jesus came not to build an earthly Jewish kingdom now or later, but always and only his intention was to redeem all his people by his death on the cross, and to rule the nations with a rod of iron in his ascension until his return in judgment.

It is my contention that God's chief purpose in history has been to glorify himself through the redemption of a people in all times, places and out of all races, which grace he has administered since the fall, in history in a visible, institutional church, under Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David and now Christ.

Therefore, the premise that God's intent has been to establish a permanent or millennial, national, Jewish people has it exactly backward. Our Dispensationalist brothers confuse what is temporary with what is permanent, and what is permanent with what is temporary.

It is the teaching of God's Word that Jesus is the true Israel of God, that his incarnation, obedience, death and resurrection was not a by-product of Israel's rejection of the offer of an earthly kingdom, but the fulfillment of God's plan from all eternity. This is what Jesus told the disciples on the road to Emmaus. One of them said, "we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel." In response our Lord said,

“无知的人哪,先知所说的一切话,你们心里信得太迟钝了!基督这样受害,然后进入他的荣耀,不是应当的吗?”于是祂从摩西和众先知起,把所有关于自己的经文,都给他们解释明白了。(路加福音 2425-27
"How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! 26 Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory?" 27 And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself (Luke 24.25-7).

使徒保罗在告诉歌林多人是有同样的训教“因为神的一切应许,在基督里都是‘是’的” (歌林多后书 120)。
The Apostle Paul summarized this same teaching when he told the Corinthians that " For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ" (2 Corinthians 1:20).

We cannot understand what God is doing in history apart from understanding one of the most important terms in Scripture: covenant. This is a very frequent word in the Bible (294 times). Covenant describes the way God relates to creatures. It is a mutually binding oath in which there are stipulations, blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience as well as signs and seals of the oath.

律法与福音: 工作之约与恩典之约 Law and Gospel Covenants of Works and Grace

神在人类历史上订了第一个约,祂与在园中的第一个人订了工作之约。亚当若保守这个约,其祝福是他和所有人类将进入神的荣耀(“摘取生命树上的果子吃,就永远活着”创世记322);而违反这个约的诅咒将会是死(“你必要死” 创世记217)。契约对亚当的约定就是他要克制,不去吃知善恶树的果子(创世记217)。这个约的标记是知善恶树和生命树(创世记29
God made the first covenant in human history, a covenant of works with the first man in the garden. The promised blessing for covenant keeping was that Adam and all humanity would enter into glory ("eat?…and live forever," Gen 3.22); the threatened curse for covenant breaking was death ("you shall surely die," Gen. 2.17). The stipulation of the covenant was that Adam should refrain from eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen 2.17). The signs of the covenant were the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life (Gen 2.9).

As you know, Adam failed that test, and Paul says that "sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned" (Romans 5:12). So we are all now born under this covenant of works.

在人类历史上的第二个契约,也是神与我们的先父亚当定的。然而这个约不再是律法之约,而是福音之约。在恩典契约中,神起誓要有一位救世主(“女人的后裔”)会伤蛇的头,而蛇会伤他的脚跟 (创世记314-16)。这个契约的祝福是永生(生命树),而诅咒依然是死亡。而在这个契约中的福音,就是将会有一位救世主来遵守工作之约中的条款,罪人们将从中获益。
The second covenant in human history was also made by our God with our father Adam. This covenant, however, was not a law-covenant; rather it was a gospel covenant. In the covenant of grace, God promised on oath a coming Savior ("seed of the woman") who would crush the head of the seed of the serpent when the serpent struck his heel (Gen. 3.14-16). The blessing of this covenant is eternal life (the tree of life) and the curse for covenant breaking remains death. The Gospel of this covenant is that there is a Savior who will keep the terms of the covenant of works and sinners will benefit from it.

There are three things to be said about conditions relative to the covenant of grace.

1. 以我们称义的起因而言,恩典之约是无条件的。除了满有恩典地将耶稣基督的义归到罪人身上,神不接受其他任何的方式来接纳罪人。
1. Relative to the cause of our justification, the covenant of grace is unconditional. God does not accept sinners for any other reason than that he graciously imputes to them Christ's justice.

2. 关于我们称义的方法,也就是我们得救的信心,本身乃神所赐(以弗所书 28-10),它是完全的,被动的(接受的),朝向基督的。这是恩典之约的方式和条件。这就是新教改革宗所指的唯独信心sola fide
2. Relative to the instrument of our justification, saving faith, itself God's gift (Eph 2.8-10), is the sole, passive (receiving) Christward-looking instrument or condition of the covenant. This is what the Protestant Reformers meant by sola fide.

3. 关于恩典之约的执行,可以说是契约中的约定。比如说神用这样的施恩方式将罪人从死里复活:传讲福音,以及其他的神确认诺言、我们增强信心的方式:圣餐。基督徒的顺从不是我们在神前称义的基础或手段,而是基督的所为在我们身上的体现和并结出果实。
3. Relative to the administration of the covenant of grace, there can be said to be covenant stipulations, i.e., that means of grace by which God ordinarily raises sinners from death to life, namely the preaching of the Holy Gospel, and those means of grace by which he confirms his promises and strengthens our faith: the holy sacraments. Christian obedience is neither ground nor instrument of our justice before God, but the fruit and demonstration of Christ's work for and in us.

在救赎的历史中,上帝与亚当所定的福音契约被重续。在上帝与亚伯拉罕的契约中,祂的应许再一次被重述,“我将是你的神,也是你子孙的神”。在创世记15章中,契约的标记是将动物对半切开,契约的约定依然是信。由此经上说,“亚伯兰信耶和华,耶和华就以此算为他的义了。” (创世记156.
In the history of salvation, this same Gospel covenant which God made with Adam was renewed with Abraham, but the promise was re-stated, "I will be your God, and to your children." The sign in Genesis 15 was the cutting of animals and the stipulation remained faith. For this reason Scripture says, "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness" (Gen 15.6).

In Gen 17.10-14, circumcision became the sign of initiation into the covenant of grace. The covenant and the sign are so closely identified that the Lord calls the sign of circumcision, "My covenant."

工作之约(Covenant of Works)并没有在救赎的历史中简单消失。反而,它重复地出现在整本圣经中。每次我们在经上各处念到律法,或是念到上帝要求来自罪人的完全的义的时候,那是工作之约被重新提及的时候。比如说,“凡不常常照着律法书上所写的一切去行的,都被咒诅。” (加拉太310)。还有耶稣对年轻富有的统治者说,“你这样行,就必得生命。”,祂也是在重提工作之约。
The covenant of works did not simply disappear in the history of salvation. Rather, the covenant of works is repeated throughout the Scriptures, every time the Law is read and God demands perfect righteousness from sinners, e.g., "Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law" (Gal 3:10). When Jesus said to the rich young ruler, "do this and live" (Luke 10.28) he was repeating the covenant of works.

Likewise, the covenant of grace is repeated throughout the history of redemption, whenever God says, "I will be your God, you will be my people" he is repeating the promise he made to Adam. He repeated this gospel promise to Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Moses and finally fulfilled it in Christ and then repeats it to us through the Apostles, as in Acts 2.39.

These two covenants unify all of Scripture. All humans are born dead in sins and trespasses and all those who are saved are in the covenant of grace.19

旧契约*3(摩西之约)The Old Mosaic Covenant

Many Bible believers assume that every event which occurred in the history of salvation before the incarnation and death of Christ belongs to the Old Testament and many of them assume that since the incarnation, the Old Covenant Scriptures do not speak or apply to Christians. Indeed, some Dispensationalists even consider that some books in the NT do not apply to Christians today, because they were intended for those who are ethnically Jewish. Only a few years ago, I heard a Dispensationalist pastor say at Christmas, "The problem with the Gospels is that the Gospel is not in the Gospels. "

然而,圣经本身就驳斥了这样的想法。使徒保罗在歌林多后书312-18把“旧契约”定义为摩西,例如,摩西五经,特别是摩西律法(14-15节)。在希伯来书722,耶稣是一个比给以色列人的约更美之约的中保。在86-13中,将新、旧契约做对比,将旧契约限制于救赎历史的摩西时代。他在九章15-20中也作了同样的区别。这样,严格地说,旧契约描述了上帝在西乃山上与以色列定的约。也就是说并不是道成肉身前的拯救史中所发生的所有事件都属于旧契约。这很重要,因为旧契约被新约描述为“有瑕疵的”(希伯来书87),“陈旧衰老的” (希伯来书813 而且它的荣耀“快要消逝的”。
The Scriptures themselves, however, refute such notions. The Apostle Paul in 2 Cor 3.12-18 defines the "Old Covenant" as Moses, i.e., broadly the books of Moses and most particularly the Mosaic laws (vv.14-15). In Hebrews 7:22, Jesus is the guarantee of a better covenant than that which was given to the Israelites. In 8.6-13 in contrasting the New Covenant with the Old, restricts the Old Covenant to the Mosaic epoch of salvation history. He makes the same distinction in 9:15-20 also. Thus, speaking strictly, the Old Covenant describes the covenant which God made with Israel at Sinai. Therefore, not everything which occurred in the history of salvation, before the incarnation, belongs to the Old Covenant. This is important, because the Old Covenant is described in the New Testament as "inferior" (Hebrews 8.7), "obsolete," "aging" (8.13) and its glory "fading."

在这种联系下,另一个要指出的重要事实是,旧契约故意被定为暂时的和预表性的。歌罗西书217 描述摩西 (旧契约)的形式律法为“将来之事的影子”。希伯来书85 描述地上的圣殿为“天上事物的副本和影像”。而摩西律法本身只是基督将带来的应验的“影子”。
In this connection, the other important fact to note about the Old Covenant is that it was intentionally temporary and typical. Colossians 2:17 describes the Mosaic (Old Covenant) ceremonial laws as a "shadow" of things to come. Hebrews 8:5 describes the earthly Temple as a "type and shadow" of the heavenly temple. The Mosaic Law itself, was only a "shadow" of the fulfillment which came with Christ.

新契约 New Covenant

随着基督的死、复活和升天,神对亚当许下的、并向亚伯拉罕等重复的应许得以流传,但是情况改变了。因为我们活在应许应验的日子里,所以我们(活在十架这边的人)看待事物就不同了。用经上的话,我们活在“末世” (彼得后书 3.3 雅各书 5.3 希伯来书 1.2 使徒行传 2.17)里。
旧契约的功能在于将人们的注意力指向天上的实体(出埃及记 25.9 使徒行传 7.44 希伯来书 8.5 和历史上耶稣在十架上的牺牲。旧的标记,逾越节和割礼以及其它带血的献祭和仪式被取代了。我们仍然活在与上帝的盟约之下,而基督带血的画面已经被不带血的标记(提醒)和封印所取代。
With Christ's death, resurrection and ascension the promise which God made to Adam and repeated to Abraham remains, but the circumstances have changed. We who live on this side of the cross view things differently because we live in the days of fulfillment. In biblical terms, we live in the "last days" (2 Pet 3.3; James 5.3; Hebrews 1.2; Acts 2.17). The entire function of the Old Covenant was to direct attention upward to heavenly realities (Ex 25.9; Acts 7.44; Heb 8.5) and forward in history to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. The old signs, Passover and circumcision along with the other bloody sacrifices and ceremonies have been replaced. Yet we still live in covenantal arrangement with God, and the bloody pictures of Christ have been replaced with unbloody signs (reminders) and seals.

正如上帝与亚伯拉罕缔约,祂应许了一个将要来的新契约 (耶利米书 3131)。、祂用主耶稣基督的宝血来缔约(路加福音 2220)。主基督有意识地,并明确地制定了“新契约”。使徒保罗说他是“新约的仆役”(哥林多后书 3.6)。因此,如果说只有恩典之约而没有工作之约是讲不通的。新契约比照于摩西的约来说是新的,但是比照亚伯拉罕的约就不是新的了。
Just as God made a covenant with Abraham, he promised a New Covenant to come later (Jer 31.31). He made this New Covenant in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ (Lk 22.20). The Lord Jesus consciously and specifically established "the New covenant." The Apostle Paul said he was "a servant of the New covenant" (2 Cor 3.6) . How can this be if there is but one Covenant of Grace? The New Covenant is new as contrasted with Moses, but not as contrasted with Abraham.

在加拉太书 31-29 421-31 以及哥林多后书37-18 中,当保罗说旧约的荣耀快要消逝但新约是永恒的之时,其中的观点就是这个。希伯来书3-10章所带出的含义是旧契约(摩西之约) 是新契约的预备。希伯来书11章的基本论调就是亚伯拉罕有了新契约的信:他期盼着一个天上的城,而且期盼着我们在基督里的赎罪(希伯来书. 11.10)。
This is the point of Galatians 3:1-29; 4:21-31, and 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 where Paul says that the glory of the Old Covenant was fading but the glory of the New Covenant is permanent. The message of Hebrews chapters' 3-10 is that the Old Covenant (under Moses) was preparatory to the New Covenant. The fundamental theme of Hebrews 11 is that Abraham had a New Covenant faith, that is, he anticipated a heavenly city and to the redemption which we have in Christ (Heb. 11.10).

 我所爱的雅各 Jacob Have I loved

在旧契约前有一个以色列。以色列是神给雅各的名字。以色列在经上第一次出现,是作为雅各摔跤比赛的结局 (创世记 32.21-30)。
There was, therefore an Israel before the Old Covenant. Israel was the name given to Jacob. The first time the word "Israel" appears in Scripture, as the conclusion to the story of Jacob's wrestling match (Gen 32.21-30).

在与一个不知名的人进行了整晚的摔跤后,当“那人见自己胜不过他”(25节), 雅各就要求他给自己祝福。接下来,摔跤者给雅各起名叫以色列,意为“与神和人较力”。
After spending the night wrestling with an anonymous man, and "when the man saw that he could not overpower Jacob" (v.25), Jacob demanded a blessing from him. In turn, the wrestler renamed Jacob as Israel, which he defined as "wrestles with God and men."

这样,在救恩历史中,那些从族长雅各中生出来的人,广义上来说就是“以色列”。在两章之后,“以色列”就被用来描述亚伯拉罕的后裔——以撒和雅各——的名字和地方(347)。在巴旦亚兰地,上帝又一次祝福了雅各,并称他为“以色列”(35.9-10 。神重复了祂对亚伯拉罕的应许,成为亚伯拉罕和他的后裔的神。
Thus, in the history of salvation, all those who stem from the Patriarch Jacob are, in a broad sense, "Israel." Only two chapters later the term "Israel" is used to describe the place and name of the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (34.7). At Paddan Aram, God again blessed him and named Jacob, "Israel" (35.9-10) and repeated the Abrahamic promise to be a God to Abraham and to his children.

这些都只是这样一种观点,以色列的意思是“那些从雅各降生的子孙”。不过,雅各不是故事的开始。在他之前,有一个以色列,亚伯拉罕和他神奇的孩子,以撒(罗马书9)以色列。耶稣说,在亚伯拉罕之前,“就有了我” (约翰福音 858)。上帝向亚伯拉罕允诺,“我要作你的神,你要作我的子民。”实际上,耶稣在约翰福音 8章教导犹太人的是,祂向亚伯拉罕作了应许(约翰福音 856)。我们也要记住,那第一次应许并不是“人的意愿”所带来的,却是神的至上全能所带来的。是祂让撒拉在年老时生育。这会是当我们回答保罗的问题时,需要记得的重要事实:谁是神的以色列?
All this might seem to support the notion that, Israel means, "those physically descended from Jacob." Except that Jacob is not the beginning of the story. Before there was an Israel there was Abraham and his miracle son, Isaac (Rom 9) and before Abraham, Jesus says, "I AM" (John 8.58). It was to Abraham, that God promised, "I will be your God, and you will be my people." Indeed, Jesus taught the Jews in John 8, that it was he who made the promise to Abraham (John 8.56). Remember too that the first fulfillment of that promise did not come by "the will of man" but by the sovereign power of God when he allowed Sarah to conceive in her old age. These will be important facts to remember when we come to Paul's answer to the question, who is the Israel of God?

我的儿子以色列 Israel My Son

In the Exodus from Egypt, God constituted the children of Jacob collectively as his "son."

这是主的话:以色列是我的长子。“我曾对你说,要让我的儿子离开这里,好叫事奉我。你还是拒绝让他离开,看哪!我必杀你的长子。”(出埃及记 423
This is what the LORD says: is my firstborn son, 23 and I told you, "Let my son go, so he may worship me." But you refused to let him go; so I will kill your firstborn son' "
(Ex 4:23).

This is not just casual speech, but a very deliberate description of the national people. The sons of Jacob are not God's Son by nature, but, as it were, by adoption. Moses denies that there was any quality inherent in Israel which made the sons of Jacob worthy of being called the people of God.

耶和华并不是因为你们比别人多而爱你们并拣选你们,因为你们的人数在万民中是最少的。而神爱你们,并信守祂对你先祖的盟誓,祂才用祂的大能之手将你从为奴之地带出,把你从埃及王法老的的权力下赎回。(申命记 77
The Lord did not set His affection on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other people, for you were the fewest of all people. But it was because the Lord loved you and kept the oath he swore to your forefathers that he brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the land of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh, King of Egypt (Dt 7.7)

以色列离开正道 Israel Astray

然而,以色列并不是从神所生的孩子。在旷野中,以及当上帝把祂的“儿子”以色列改名为“罗.阿米(非我民)”(何西阿书 19-10)的最终拒绝中,我们可以找到证据。
According to this passage, there are two reasons for God's choosing of Israel, His undeserved love and His Covenant promise to Abraham.

神剥夺了祂抚养的孩子的继承权,那个祂暂时的“儿子”以色列民族。精确地说因为上帝从来未曾想建立一个永久的地上的国家民族。在被掳之后,他们很大程度上完成了他们在救恩历史上的角色。这一事实的标志是荣耀的圣灵离开了圣殿。这是因为,他们的主要功能是作为神的真正的儿子,耶稣救世主的前例和影子。 (希伯来书 101-4
Israel was not, however, God's natural Son. That much was evident in the wilderness, in Canaan and finally in the ejection when God changed the name of his "son" Israel to "Lo Ammi, not my people" (Hos 1.9-10) God disinherited his adopted, temporary, national "son" Israel as a national people precisely because God never intended to have a permanent earthly, national people. After the captivity, they had largely fulfilled their role in the history of salvation. As a sign of this fact, the Glory-Spirit departed from the temple. This is because their chief function was to serve as a type and shadow of God's natural Son, Jesus the Messiah (Heb 10.1-4).

耶稣,神的以色列 Jesus the Israel of God

这篇文章的论点就是耶稣基督是神真正的以色列,而那些单凭恩典与祂合一的人,因着信被称为神的以色列(因着联合的功效)。这意味着去寻找、期盼、希望或渴望一个以色列国在未来的重建是错误的。新契约中的教会不是上帝在巴勒斯坦重造一群国民后所建的一种东西。而上帝只曾暂时地拥有这样的国民(从摩西到基督),作为新契约建立的前奏和预示。在新契约中,曾经在摩西时代时存在的人种差异被终止,被废除了。 (以弗所书 211-22 歌罗西书28-311.
It is the argument of this essay that Jesus Christ is the true Israel of God and that everyone who is united to him by grace alone, through faith alone becomes, by virtue of that union, the true Israel of God. This means that it is wrong headed to look for, expect, hope for or desire a reconstitution of national Israel in the future. The New Covenant church is not something which God instituted until he could recreate a national people in Palestine, but rather, God only had a national people temporarily (from Moses to Christ) as a prelude to and foreshadowing of the creation of the New Covenant in which the ethnic distinctions which existed under Moses were fulfilled and abolished (Ephesians 2.11-22; Col 2.8-3.11).

马太福音 215

Matthew 2:15
In the Hebrew Scriptures the expression "out of Egypt" occurs more than 140 times. It is one of the defining facts of the existence of national Israel. When God gave the Law he said, "I am Yahweh your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt." They were a redeemed people belonging to their Savior.

因而,马太福音 215引用何西阿书11.1 是相当重要的。经上说:

Thus it most significant when Matthew 2:15 quotes Hos 11.1. Scripture says,
So he got up, took the child and his mother during the night and left for Egypt,15 where he stayed until the death of Herod. And so was fulfilled what the Lord had said through the prophet: "Out of Egypt I called my son."

Herod was about to execute his bloody rage against the firstborn of the Jews. Matthew's inspired interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures must norm our interpretation of Scripture and according to Matthew's interpretation, it is our Lord Jesus, not the temporary, national, people who is the true Israel of God. Indeed it is not too much to say that the only reason God orchestrated the first Exodus was so that he might orchestrate the second Exodus and that so we might know that Jesus is the true Son of God and that all Christians are God's Israel regardless of ethnicity.

It is because Jesus is the true Israel of God that, in his infancy and indeed in his entire life, he recapitulated the history of national Israel. What rebellious national Israel would not do, Jesus did: He loved God with all his heart, soul, mind and strength and his neighbor as himself (Matt 22.37-40).

加拉太书 3.16

同样,使徒保罗十分清楚地提出对亚伯拉罕的允诺是在基督中实现的。加拉太书 316 ,
Gal 3.16
In a similar way, the Apostle Paul argues very clearly that the promises to Abraham were fulfilled in Christ. Gal 3.16 says,

The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. The Scripture does not say "and to seeds," meaning many people, but "and to your seed," meaning one person, who is Christ.

Paul explains what he means. The promises given to Abraham were NT gospel promises. They were given before Moses and they were fulfilled in Christ. Jesus is Abraham's true Son, he is "the seed" promised to Abraham.

颁布摩西律法的目的,是要把我们的罪和苦难的深重,教导给以色列民族和我们(加拉太书 322)。通过摩西制定的律法,并没有从根本上改变应许给亚伯拉罕的福音(317-20)。新契约只不过是亚伯拉罕之约的应许和补充。亚伯拉罕之约只不过是亚当在堕落后所定的美约的应许和补充。
The purpose of the Law given to Moses was to teach national Israel and us the greatness of our sin and misery (Gal 3.22). The Law administered through Moses did not fundamentally change the gospel promise to Abraham (3.17-20). The New Covenant is nothing more than the fulfillment and renewal of the Abrahamic Covenant and the Abrahamic covenant was nothing more than the fulfillment and renewal of the gracious covenant made with Adam after the fall.

耶稣,以色列的救主 Jesus the Savior of Israel

使徒行传 1323

Acts 13.23
Part of the confusion which surrounds God's plan in history, and therefore part of the reason Christians are so confused about God's plans for the the future of his people, is that many misunderstand what Jesus came to do for national Israel. He did not come to set up a national, earthly Jewish kingdom, but he did come to be their Savior and the Savior of all of God's people whether Jew or Gentile.

我们的主,在道成肉身之前,通过先知以赛亚(以赛亚书433)对以色列指明祂的身份是:“以色列的圣者”, 他们的 “救主”。而使徒彼得在他的五旬节布道中也是同样的含义:大卫不是王,因为他已经死了。耶稣才是王,因为祂活着。大卫所预言的是关于耶稣,那个升天的王。(使徒行传219-34)。
Our Lord, before he was incarnate, identified himself to Israel through the Prophet Isaiah (43.3) as "the Holy One of Israel," their "Savior." This was the same point the Apostle Peter made in his great Pentecost sermon, that David is not the King, since he's dead. Jesus, since he lives is the King and it was about Jesus the ascended King that David prophesied (Acts 2.19-34).

Later, in another sermon, Peter said that God has now "exalted" Jesus "to his own right hand as Prince and Savior that he might give repentance and forgiveness of sins to Israel. "

亚伯拉罕的子孙 Abrahams Children

Abraham's Children
With this background then, we are in a position to answer the questions, "Who are Abraham's children?" and "Who is the Israel of God?" Jesus said,

“你们举起人子以后,必知道我就是‘那一位’,并且知道我没有一件事,是凭着自己作的;我说这些话,乃是照着父所教训我的。29 那差我来的,是与我同在;他没有撇下我,独自在这里,因为我常作他喜悦的事。”(约翰福音828-29
"When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am the one I claim to be and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me. 29 The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him" (John 8.28-9).

He went on to say that if they "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." To which they respond by pointing out that they are physically descended from Abraham (v.33).

耶稣回答说:“你们若是亚伯拉罕的子孙,就必作亚伯拉罕所作的。”(39节) 这就是我们的主关于亚伯拉罕子嗣,或犹太人,或以色列的定义:作亚伯拉罕所作的事的人。亚伯拉罕做了什么?根据耶稣所言,“亚伯拉罕因为可以看见我的日子就欢喜”(56节) 根据耶稣弥赛亚的话,一个犹太人,一个真正的以色列人,是一个在道成肉身前或后信主的人。唯一的另一种说法是耶稣是“道路、真理、生命”,而“没人能到父那里去”,除非借着他 (约翰福音 14.6)。 这句经文应用于每一个人,也应用于亚伯拉罕,以撒和雅各。
To this Jesus responds, "If you were Abraham's children...then you would do the things Abraham did" (v.39). This, then is our Lord's definition of a child of Abraham, a Jew, or Israel: One who does the things Abraham did. What did Abraham do? According to Jesus, "Abraham saw my day and rejoiced" (v.56). According to Jesus the Messiah, a Jew, a true Israelite is a one who has saving faith in the Lord Jesus before or after the incarnation. This only another way of saying that Jesus is the "way, the truth and the life" and that "no one comes to the Father" except through him (John 14.6). This verse applies to is Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as much as it does to anyone.

Thus it should not surprise us to find substantially the same teaching in the Apostle Paul's theology. In Romans 4, Paul says that one is justified in the same way Abraham was justified, by grace alone, through faith in Jesus alone (Rom 4:3-8).

那外邦人又如何呢? 保罗问“亚伯拉罕是何时称义的?在什么样的情况下?是在他受割礼以后呢,还是在他受割礼之前呢?”“ 不是在他受割礼以后,而是在他受了割礼以前。”(罗马书4.11What of the Gentiles then? Paul asks, "When was Abraham justified? Under what circumstances? Before or after he was circumcised? "It was not after, but before!" (Rom 4.11).

所以,亚伯拉罕是所有没有受割礼而信之人的父,使他们也被算为义;12又作受割礼之人的父,就是作那些不仅受割礼,并且照着我们祖宗亚伯拉罕未受割礼时就信的那脚踪而行之人的父。(罗马书 4.11-12
So then, he is the father of all who believe but have not been circumcised, in order that righteousness might be credited to them. 12 And he is also the father of the circumcised who not only are circumcised but who also walk in the footsteps of the faith that our father Abraham had before he was circumcised (Romans 4.11-12)

这两个问题是相连的。在神面前称义要“因着信”(罗马书 4.16),而不是因着守律法,不是因着你是肉身意义上的犹太民族。
Therefore, these two questions are absolutely connected. Justice before God "comes by faith" (Romans 4.16), not by law-keeping, not by being physically or ethnically Jewish,

所以,成为后嗣是因着信,为的是要按着 神的恩典,使给所有后裔的应许坚定不移,不但临到那属于律法的人,也临到那效法亚伯拉罕而信的人。亚伯拉罕在 神面前作我们众人的父。(罗马书 4.16
so that it may be by grace and may be guaranteed to all Abraham's offspring&mdashlnot only to those who are of the law but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham. He is the father of us all (Romans 4.16)


唯有在内心作犹太人的才是犹太人;割礼也是心里的,是靠着圣灵而不是靠着仪文。 (罗马书 2.29
This is all so because, as he said in Romans chapter 2,
No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly; and circumcision is circumcision of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code?…(Romans 2.29).

Christ did not come to reinstate and fix the Mosaic theocracy or to establish an earthly millennial Jewish kingdom, but to save Jewish and Gentile sinners and to make them, by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, Abraham's children.

分隔的墙被拆毁了(以弗所书211-22 The Dividing Wall Demolished

救赎历史是这样进行的:上帝的子民是从亚当到挪亚到摩西,不同国家的人。在摩西的领导下,上帝的子民暂时地成为了一群国民。神建立了一个特殊的民法(摩西律法)来区分祂的子民和外邦的异教徒。在以弗所书214 中,使徒保罗把这种民法称为隔在犹太人和外邦人之前的墙。因为这座分隔墙,外邦人“在基督以外,与以色列国无分,在带有应许的约上是外人,在世上没有盼望,没有神。”(212.
The Dividing Wall Demolished (Ephesians 2:11-22)
The movement of the history of redemption is on this order. The people of God were an international people from Adam to Noah to Moses. Under Moses, the people of God became temporarily a national people. God instituted special civil and ceremonial laws to separate his national people from the Gentile pagans. In Ephesians 2:14 the Apostle Paul describes these civil and ceremonial laws as a "dividing wall" between Jew and Gentile. Because of that dividing wall, the Gentiles, considered as a people, were "separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world" (2.12).

现在由于基督的死,保罗肯定地对外邦的基督徒说“你们从前远离的人,现今在基督耶稣里,靠着他的血已经可以亲近了。”(213)。如何做到呢?借着他的死,拆毁了隔在中间的墙,撕掉了殿中的幔子,毁掉了殿堂,并在三天内用他的复活重建了它。(约翰福音 219):
Now, however, because of Christ's death, Paul assures Gentile Christians that "you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ" (v.13). How? Through his death, Christ has destroyed the dividing wall, torn the temple veil, destroyed the temple and restored it three days by his resurrection (John 2:19),

by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, 16 and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross?…(Eph 2.15-16).

现在,由于与基督联合,犹太的和外邦的基督徒都“与圣徒一同作国民,是神家里的人”(以弗所书2.19);“其实我们这些靠 神的灵来敬拜,在基督耶稣里夸口而不倚靠肉体的人,才是受割礼的”(腓利比书33)。为什么? 因为“我们是天上的国民(腓利比书320)。现在你认为前千禧年论(称有两支上帝的子民)中,未重建那堵被耶稣用身体毁坏的墙的论调如何呢?
Now, by virtue of our union with Christ, both Jewish and Gentile Christians are "fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household" (Eph 2.19); "For it is we who are the circumcision, we who worship by the Spirit of God, who glory in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh" (Phil 3.3). Why? Because "?…our citizenship is in heaven" (Phil 3.20). How is it that Premillennialism, by having two parallel peoples of God, does not rebuild that very dividing wall which Jesus destroyed by his death?

以色列不都是以色列 Not All Israel is Israel

经上最清楚地回答之一是在罗马书第9章。经文是我们正在说明的问题,以色列到底是什么,谁是神的以色列?上帝放弃了他对亚伯拉罕的允诺吗?保罗的回答是犹太人是在内心作犹太人,并且爱亚伯拉罕的救主的那些人。因为耶稣为我们在十架上受割礼(歌罗西书 21-12),实际的割礼在精神上和灵里是无关紧要的。
One of the clearest places in Scripture on this question is Romans chapter 9. The context is the very question we are addressing now, what about Israel? Who is the Israel of God? Has God abandoned his promise to Abraham? Paul's answer is, a Jew is one who is a Jew inwardly, who loves the Savior of Abraham. Since Jesus was circumcised (Col 2.11-12) for us on the cross, circumcision is morally and spiritually indifferent.

“这不是说神的话落了空” (罗马书 96)。只有一些犹太人相信耶稣是弥赛亚是因为不是“出自以色列的,不都是以色列人;也不因为他们是亚伯拉罕的后裔,就都成为他的儿女”。而是,只有“以撒生的”才是亚伯拉罕的子孙(97)。下一句又是什么意思呢?“肉身生的儿女并不是 神的儿女,只有凭着应许生的儿女才算是后裔。”(98 以撒是怎么出生呢?是靠着神的大能。基督徒是怎么生的?也是靠着神的大能。每一个基督徒都以不同的方式是一个“以撒”。这又是为什么呢?因为:
Not All Israel is Israel
It is not as though God's Word has failed" (Romans 9:6). The reason that only some Jews have trusted Jesus as Messiah is because not "all Israel is Israel. Nor because they are his descendants are they all Abraham's children." Rather, Abraham's children are reckoned "through Isaac" (9:7) What this means is that "it is not the natural children who are God's, but children of the promise" (v.8). How was Isaac born? By the sovereign power of God. How are Christians born? By the sovereign power of God. Every Christian is an "Isaac" in his own way. Why is this so? Because

双生子还没有生下来,善恶也没有行出来(为要坚定神拣选人的旨意,12不是由于行为,而是由于那呼召者),神就对她说:“将来大的要服事小的。” 13正如经上所记的:“我爱雅各,却恶以扫。” (玛拉基1.2 罗马书9.11-13
before the twins were born or had done anything good or badmdash;in order that God's purpose in election might stand: 12 not by works but by him who callsmdash;she was told, "The older will serve the younger." 13 Just as it is written: "Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated (Mal 1.2; 9.11-13).

为何会这样呢?那是因为上帝“对摩西说:‘我要怜悯谁,就怜悯谁;我要恩待谁,就恩待谁。’”(9.15)既不是出于人意,也不是由于人为,只在于那怜悯人的 神。17经上有话对法老说:“我把你兴起来,是要借着你显出我的大能,并且使我的名传遍全地。” 18这样看来,他愿意怜悯谁就怜悯谁,愿意谁刚硬就使谁刚硬。
How can this be? It is because God "says to Moses, 'I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion'" (9.15). It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy. 17For the Scripture says to Pharaoh: "I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth." 18 Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden.

是上帝不公平吗?根据使徒保罗的话,作为被造物,我们在神的前面无“权”。上帝是陶匠,我们是陶土,而基督徒是被赎回的陶土,被怜悯的物,为荣耀神而预先准备的。我们必须比对神容忍那些可怒,预备遭毁灭的器皿,而重新审视自己。(罗马书 9.22-3)这些为她的荣耀而作的器皿是从犹太人和外邦人中蒙召的。(罗马书 9.24)这是他在何西阿书中的承诺,那些曾被称为“罗.阿米”,“非我民”的,比如说外邦人,现在成了“永活神的儿子” (何西阿书223 110 罗马书 9.25-6.
Is God unfair? According to the Apostle Paul, as creatures, we have no "rights" before God. God is the potter, we are the clay, but Christians are redeemed clay, objects of mercy, prepared in advance for glory. We must evaluate our condition against the backdrop of God's patience with those objects of wrath prepared for destruction (Romans 9.22-3). These vessels prepared for glory are taken from Jews and Gentiles alike (Romans 9.24). This is what he promised in Hosea, he has made those who were once "Lo Ammi," "Not my people," i.e., Gentiles, to be "sons of the living God" (Hosea 2:23; 1:10; Romans 9.25-6).

不守律法的外邦人“得到了义”,而守律法的以色列没有得到义的原因是因为我们不以行为称义,而是凭着信。 (罗马书 9.32)他们因耶稣而绊倒,耶稣是一块冒犯之石。祂不认可他们的民族主义计划,而我也不认为耶稣会认可前千禧年论的民族主义/犹太复国主义计划。
The reason that lawless Gentiles have "obtained righteousness," and that Israel who pursued it by law has not, is because justification is not by works, but by grace (Romans 9.32). They stumbled over Jesus, the rock of offense. He did not fit their nationalist plans and I submit neither does he fit the nationalist/Zionist plans of Premillennialism.

并不是保罗不想让犹太人被救,反而,他说那些话正是因为他希望犹太人被救。让肉生的亚伯拉罕,以撒和雅各的后裔成为真正犹太人的唯一方法是凭着信来到耶稣里。“其实并不分犹太人和外邦人,因为大家同有一位主;祂厚待所有求告祂的人,13因为‘凡求告主名的,都必得救。’”(罗马书 1012-13 “并不是所有的有以色列人都顺从福音。”
It is not that Paul does not want Jews to be saved, but rather he wants Jews to be saved, and the only way for a physical descendent of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to become a true Israelite, is to be joined to the true Israel of God, Jesus, by faith. "For there is no difference between Jew and Gentilemdash;the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, 13 for, 'Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved'" (Romans 10.12). "Not all of the Israelites have accepted the Gospel".

是上帝拒绝了祂的子民吗?不是,被拣选的才是祂的子民,而祂的子民必得救。也有信主的犹太人。保罗用他自己做例子(罗马书 11.1)。他是被选的民中余下的那些,没有向巴力屈膝的人中的一个。“因此,现在也是这样,按着恩典的拣选,还有剩下的余数。6既然是靠着恩典,就不再是由于行为了;不然的话,恩典就不再是恩典了”(罗马书 11.5)。以色列所热切寻求的,他得不到,只有那些被拣选的才能得到。剩下的是“刚硬的”。
Has God rejected his people? No, the elect are his people and all the elect will be saved. There are believing Jews. Paul uses himself as an example (Romans 11.1). He is a part of the elect remnant who have not bowed the knee to Baal. "So too, at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace. 6 And if by grace, then it is no longer by works; if it were, grace would no longer be grace" (Romans 11.5). What Israel sought so earnestly it did not obtain, but the elect did. The others were hardened

God's election of some and reprobation of others are the twin facts of the history of redemption which Paul brings to bear on the question of "Who is the Israel of God?" time and again he teaches: Salvation by grace alone, through faith alone in Christ alone; and "What Israel sought so earnestly it did not obtain, but the elect did. The others were hardened?…" (11.7).

那上帝拯救犹太人的计划完成了吗? 还没有。拯救先临到了外邦人,“为了要激动以色列人发愤” 11.11)。 外邦人,受到上帝白白的眷顾,被嫁接为上帝的以色列。“以色列人中有几分是心硬的,等到外族人的数目添满了;于是全以色列全家都要得救” 11.25-6
Is God finished saving Jews? Not at all. Salvation has come to the Gentiles "to make Israel envious" (11.11). Gentiles, by God's undeserved favor, have been grafted on to the Israel of God. "Israel has experienced a hardening until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved" (11.25-6).
基督徒是在基督里神的以色列Christians are the Israel of God in Christ

加拉太书 6.16

Gal 6.16
Given this background, it should not surprise us at all when the Apostles call both Jews and Gentiles "the Israel of God." This is Paul's language to the mixed Galatian congregation.

彼得前书 2.9-10

使徒彼得在写给亚细亚的外邦人众教会时,用同样的语言说:“你们从前不是子民,现在却是 神的子民;从前未蒙怜恤,现在却蒙了怜恤。”
1 Peter 2.9-10
The Apostle Peter uses the same sort of language to describe the mostly Gentile congregations of Asia Minor to whom he wrote, saying, "Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy."

希伯来书 8.8-10

Hebrews 8.8-10
According to the writer to the Hebrews, those who call on the name of Christ are the "House of Israel." Everyone who has trusted Christ is an heir of the promises of the New Covenant.

结论 Conclusion

Does the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob love the Jews? Yes. Does he have a plan for the Jews? Yes, it is the same plan he promised to Adam, the seed of the Woman, the same plan he promised to Abraham, "the Seed." That seed is one: Christ. He is the Holy One of Israel, he is the Israel of God. He did what Adam would not do. He did what stubborn Israel would and could not do. He served the Lord with all his heart, soul, mind and strength.

然而,大多数犹太人并没有在找一位救主,而是在找一位君王。耶稣是王,但他的王冠是通过他的顺从和死得到的,这却不是犹太人想要的。他们想要荣耀,权力,地上的,政治的,神统治的,属于这个世界的王国。耶稣通过福音宣讲和分发圣餐建立了祂的王国。也许,这样的王国不如耶路撒冷在他的黄金统治期间的王国那样地令人兴奋,也许耶稣不会卖很多书,或者拍一部卖座的电影,但是这个世界从未想到关于祂的经文是如此引人入胜。这就是为什祂成了那些犹太复国主义者的绊脚石,和那些希腊人认为的傻瓜。然而对于基督徒,祂是基督,祂是“神的能力,神的智慧”。(歌林多前书 124
Most of the Jews, however, were not looking for a Savior. They were looking for a king. Jesus is King, but he earned his throne by his obedience and death, and that is not what they wanted. They wanted glory, power and an earthly, political, theocratic, this-worldly kingdom. Jesus has established his kingdom, through the preaching of the Gospel and the administration of the sacraments. This kingdom may not be as exciting as ruling from Jerusalem during an earthly golden age, it may not sell many books or fill seats in movie theaters, but the world never has found the Jesus of Scripture very interesting, that's why he's stumbling block to Zionist Jews and a foolishness to Greeks. To Christians, however, he is the Christ, "the power of God and the wisdom of God" (1 Corinthians 1.24).

*1 其结论是耶稣不是他们等待的弥赛亚。
*2 providence也常被译为(神的)护理。在这篇文章中,被译做“天意”。
*3 本文为了区分圣经的旧/新约Old/New Testament 与这里所定义的神与人所签订的约Old/New Covenant, 将后者翻译成了旧/新契约。Old/New Covenant 通常也被译作旧/新约。
*4 使徒行传531