誠之摘自John Walton, NIV Application Commentary 創世記註釋
John Walton認為,第卅八章被安插在這裡,是一種「蒙太奇」手法——把一些看似沒有關聯的素材拼接在一起,以至於其中某部分內容可以為其他內容帶來一種特殊效果。第卅七章結束時,約瑟被賣到埃及為奴。不熟悉約瑟故事的人,多半會發出這些問題:他之後會怎樣?我們還會再看到他嗎?在聖約子民中,他還會起到什麼作用?第一次閱讀這故事的人,往往會因為突然插入第卅八章而感到大惑不解。這故事和聖約有什麼關聯呢?
作者:Don Kistler 誠之譯自:
In Reformed circles, we
hear much about the covenants. We are a people who place our trust in God’s
covenant faithfulness. We hear about the covenant of grace and the covenant of
works, but we hear very little about the covenant of redemption. We also hear
much about the saving work of Christ, but give little thought to the fact that
the triune God conceived the work that the second person of the Trinity would
do that would save sinners.
Simply stated, the covenant
of redemption is a covenant God the Father made with God the Son before the
foundation of the world was laid, that if the Son would offer Himself up as an
offering for sin, the Father would give Christ all those for whom He would die
as a love gift. The elect, then, are a gift from the Father to the Son for
suffering and dying to redeem them.
God the Father chose from
all eternity past, in His eternal and unchangeable decrees, to save some
people. God the Son, from all eternity past, agreed to redeem those people from
the fallen state that God ordained, from all eternity past, they would be in.
If you ask why God ordained the fall of man and the sinful state into which he
would go, the answer is that God ordained sin so that we would know Him in the
fullness of His revelation of Himself. If God had not ordained sin, we would
know Him only as the Creator; because God has ordained sin we can know Him as
the Redeemer. Our knowledge of God is much more complete because of sin.
在撒迦利亞書六章13節,救贖之約被稱為「兩職之間……和平的籌定。」(counsel of peace … between them
In Zechariah 6:13, this is
referred to as a “counsel of peace … between them both,” that is, between the
Father and the Son, between God and “the man whose name is the Branch” (v. 12).
It is “the Lord of Hosts” who is speaking about the counsel of peace that will
be between Himself and “the Branch.” When Christ speaks in John 17 of having
been given people as a gift, He is praying to God, whom, He says, gave them.
“Thine they were, and thou gavest them me” (John 17:6 kjv). The “thou” and the
“thine” both refer to God the Father.
From all eternity past, God
the Father determined to create a race of people, of whom He would save some.
It is God the Father who is the Author of the plan of salvation. Christ is
indeed the Author and Finisher of our faith (Heb. 12:2). 1 Peter 1:20 tells us
that He was “foreordained before the foundation of the world.” Ephesians 1:4 is
clear that the elect are chosen “in Him.” And grace has been given to them “in
Christ Jesus before the world began,” according to 2 Timothy 1:9. But it is God
the Father who contrived the plan that Christ would carry out. Whatever Christ
encountered in this world happened to Him according to the eternal decree,
foreknowledge, and determinate counsel of God. So the Father’s will is to
redeem by the agency of the second person of the Godhead as a Surety.
God chose to save those who
have been elected by God in Christ. The elect belong to God the Father, and
they have been given by Him to Christ. “Thine they were, and thou gavest them
Me.” Because of this, they are said to be written in the Lamb’s Book of Life
(Rev. 21:27).
God, in a holy manner,
decreed that our first parents would sin by their own free will, and thus would
be reckoned as “children of wrath by nature” (Eph. 2:3). Now in order that the
infinite mercy and grace of God should be bestowed upon them in delivering them
from this state and bringing them into salvation, it was necessary that there
be a Surety to satisfy God’s justice.
The Father thus gave the
elect to His Son, and the Son accepted them, recorded their names in His book
(the Lamb’s Book of Life), became a Surety for all of them — none excepted —
and for them alone, and promised to accomplish His Father’s good pleasure in
bringing them to salvation.
We see here also that while
Christ died on behalf of the elect, He also died to fulfill the Father’s will.
His death was on behalf of the elect, but it was a death that was suffered for
the will of the Father.
Here is what God the Father
laid down as the conditions of the covenant of redemption: The Son must assume
a true human nature, however, without sin (Heb. 4:15; 10:5). Emmanuel must
become their Substitute, remove their sins from them, and take their sins onto
His account as if He Himself had committed them (Gal. 3:13). On their behalf,
He must bear all the punishment which their sins had merited, and He must
suffer, die, and rise again (John 10:18). On their behalf, He must fulfill all
righteousness in order to make them righteous (Rom. 5:19). He must make the
elect to be partakers of this merited salvation by declaring the Gospel to
them, regenerating them, granting them faith, preserving them, resurrecting
them from the dead, and ushering them into heaven (John 6:39).
Here are the promises made
by God to Christ as the result of Christ’s finished work: The Father promised
that God’s good pleasure would prosper through Christ (Isa. 53:10). The Father
promised to prepare the Son a body which would be a fit tabernacle for Him
(Heb. 10:5). The Father promised to endow Christ with the necessary gifts and
graces for the performance of His task, and to give Him the Spirit without
measure (Isa. 42:1; cf. John 3:31). The Father promised to support Christ in
the performance of His work, deliver Him from the power of death, and thus
enable Him to destroy the dominion of Satan and establish the kingdom of God
(Isa. 42:1–7). The Father promised that Christ would be King over all the elect
(Ps. 2:6–8). The Father promised that Christ would have power over all
creatures in order to govern them for the benefit of His elect (Matt. 28:18).
The Father promised that He would be glorified in an exceedingly magnificent
and wondrous manner that would be observed and acknowledged by all His
creatures (Heb. 1:3). The Father promised that Christ would be Judge of heaven
and earth (John 5:27). The Father promised to give Christ, as a reward for His
accomplished work, a seed so numerous that it would be a multitude which no man
could number (Ps. 22:27). The Father promised that all the elect would receive
the benefits of the covenant of grace through Christ: forgiveness of sin,
reconciliation, adoption unto children, peace, sanctification, and eternal
glory (Luke 12:32).
This covenant reveals a
love which is unparalleled and exceeds all comprehension. Think of what a
blessing it is that you and I have been considered and known in this covenant,
to have been given by the Father to the Son. Think of what a blessing it is
that you and I have had our names written by the Son in His Book of Life. Think
of what a blessing it is that you and I have been the objects of the eternal
mutual delight of the Father and the Son to save us!
Neither God nor Christ were
moved by necessity or compulsion, but by eternal love and volition. Jeremiah
31:3 states, “Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love” (kjv). Love
moved the Father and love moved the Son. It is a covenant of love between those
whose love proceeds from within themselves.
By virtue of this covenant,
the Lord Jesus is the Executor of the salvation of the elect. The Father has
given us into His hand and entrusts us to Him. The Son, in love, has accepted
us and committed Himself not to lose one of us, but to raise us up again at the
last day. Christ is omnipotent, faithful, loving, immutable, and possesses
everything necessary for our salvation.
Think of how safely we can
rest in Him, surrendering everything we are and have to Him! “The Lord is my
Shepherd: I shall not want” (Ps. 23:1 kjv). And, Psalm 2:12: “How blessed are
all they that put their trust in Him” (kjv). The implications of this for the
believer are staggering! The salvation of the elect, then, is unmoveably sure.
This is because both parties, the Father and the Son, are fully and mutually
satisfied concerning the salvation of the elect and the finished work of Christ
in fulfilling the conditions of the covenant.
The elect do not need to
keep themselves, but according to this covenant they are kept in Christ; thus
they are kept by a sure, almighty, and faithful hand. Besides, the issue of a
secure salvation is a much greater one than simply me and my salvation. The
elect person is a gift from God to Christ based on Christ’s satisfactory work,
not on my satisfactory work. If a person could lose his salvation, it could
only be on the basis of God’s dissatisfaction with the finished work of Christ.
But He has declared once and for all, and it is written infallibly in the pages
of Scripture, that He is satisfied. And if God is satisfied with what Christ
has done, the issue is settled.
Redemptive-Historical Typology
誠之摘譯自:Dennis Johnson, Him We Proclaim, pp.
為舊約的事件、職分、制度(簡稱OTEOI:Old Testament Events, Office, and Institutions)披上了屬靈的意義,作為祂扭轉罪及其果效的悠久歷史工程的最核心步驟……這些OTEOI所指向的,乃是超越了它們自身,而象徵那全面的、末世性的救恩,這是神賦予歷史的目的,而且這個目的已經藉著基督,在祂第一次降臨時被展開了,並且會在祂第二次降臨時得到完滿成全。
為了明白任何一個OTEOI如何能宣講基督,並在祂裏面找到其應驗,我們首先必須按照它自己在救贖歷史中的地位,以領會其象徵性的深度(從E 到 T1),其次,我們必須考慮OTEOI原始的象徵深度(以影子形式所指向的救贖層面)如何在基督裏找到其最終和完整的應驗(from T1 to Tn)。最後,我們必須辨識並闡釋此信息如何應用在我們自己和我們聽眾的身上。使徒宣講基督是上帝一切應許的應驗,使這個好消息可以在個人紀律、家庭生活、教會生活、職場上的公眾生活——以及有必要的話,在一個囚徒,如保羅身上,提供豐富的指南。(參見Dennis Johnson, Him We Proclaim, pp. 234–237)
How do covenants structure
redemptive history?
作者:貝爾徹(Richard Belcher) 譯者:誠之
短片: https://youtu.be/Bk7kmj7bIBo
聖約如何架構救贖歷史?貝爾徹(Richard Belcher)博士解釋了聖約如何幫助我們理解上帝的救贖計劃。
do covenants structure redemptive history? Dr. Richard Belcher unpacks how the
covenants help us understand God’s plan for salvation.
are a complex topic, and there’s a lot we could say about covenant theology,
but I think it’s helpful to understand how covenants give a structural unity to
the message of Scripture. Covenants are like the architecture of a building,
giving a structural framework for redemptive history. Now in explaining
covenant theology, it’s helpful to understand that there are two overarching
covenants in Scripture: there’s the covenant of works and the covenant of
grace. These two covenants are very different from each other, but together
they give a bi-covenantal framework that is foundational to the gospel.
Covenant of Works
start with the covenant of works. When Adam disobeys God, the covenant of works
formally comes to an end. However, it’s important to recognize that the
requirement to perfectly keep the law of God does not come to an end. It is not
removed. All of us are under the obligation to perfectly keep the law of God.
The problem is we are not able to keep the law of God, and therefore we stand
condemned by the law. Now Christ, the second Adam, came and perfectly kept the
law of God, and through his death on the cross, he bore the condemnation, the
covenant curse, that all of us stand under.
took that upon himself so that God justifies sinners through the imputed
righteousness of Christ for those who believe in him. So we could say that
salvation in one sense is by works, not our works, but the works of Christ
received by faith.
Covenant of Grace
covenant of grace is God’s response to the failure of Adam. To begin that
process of salvation, God right there in the garden responded in a gracious way
to Adam by providing him animal skins to clothe his nakedness, to cover up his
shame and guilt. God also promised that there would be a coming redeemer who
would do battle with the serpent and would have victory over the serpent. Many
call this the first gospel there in Genesis 3:15. And even though the covenant
curse made the mandate that God had given to Adam more difficult to fulfill,
Adam responds in faith by naming his wife Eve. Eve means the mother of all
History Unfolds in Covenants
The development and progress of redemptive history and
God’s salvation is worked out in the various covenants of the Old Testament:
the covenant with Noah, the covenant with Abraham, the covenant with Moses, the
covenant with David. All of these are fulfilled by Jesus Christ. Each of these
covenants that I’ve mentioned have their own distinctive emphasis, but together
they represent the fullness of salvation that Christ initially brings to us in
his first coming and completely fulfills in his second coming. Each of these
covenants progress not by replacing the promises of the earlier covenants but
by expanding upon those promises and building upon those promises. These
covenants represent the fullness of our salvation fulfilled by Jesus Christ.
There’s great unity in the overarching covenant of grace as God in redemptive
history works out our salvation and ultimately the restoration of all creation
in the new heavens and the new earth. Covenants are the structural framework
for redemptive history, God’s method to bring about our full and complete
貝爾徹(Richard P. Belcher)
Belcher (Ph.D., Westminster Theological Seminary) is the John D. and Frances M.
Gwin Professor of Old Testament at RTS Charlotte and the Academic Dean at both
the Charlotte and Atlanta campuses. He is an ordained minister in the PCA and
pastored an urban nondenominational church in Rochester, NY for ten years
before pursuing the Ph.D.
貝爾徹(威斯敏斯特神學院博士)是夏洛特改革宗神學院(RTS Charlotte)的舊約教授(the John D. and Frances M.
Gwin Professor of Old Testament),以及夏洛特和亞特蘭大校區的院長(Academic Dean)。他是PCA按立的牧師,在取得博士學位之前曾在紐約州羅切斯特市的一間無宗派城市教會牧會十年。