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 《基督教要義每日靈修》呂沛淵牧師編著,卷一  ,第十二章

卷一  對創造主上帝的認識
第十二章 我們應當清楚區分上帝與偶像截然不同將完美榮耀唯獨歸給真神上帝http://brc.bensmark.org/brc/Pages/web/Home.aspx

卷一 卷三

卷一   對創造主上帝的認識
第十二章 我們應當清楚區分上帝與偶像截然不同將完美榮耀唯獨歸給真神上帝

[1.12.1a] 清楚區分上帝與偶像,一切榮耀唯獨歸上帝
[1.12.1b-2] 迷信拜偶像的詭計
[1.12.3a] 尊榮偶像就是羞辱真神
[1.12.3b] 拜偶像是偷竊神的榮耀

 [1.12.1a] 清楚區分上帝與偶像,一切榮耀唯獨歸上帝

認識上帝不在於冷漠猜測,因為認識他必然帶來榮耀他敬拜他。正確敬拜他的方法,在於持守聖經所宣告的: 只有一位真神,不可將神的任何屬性歸給假神。這顯明純正的基督信仰與迷信的截然不同。希臘文「宗教」此詞的意義是 「敬畏」,可見連在黑暗中摸索、心靈瞎眼的外邦人,也知道必須遵從確定的準則,才能避免扭曲上帝的榮耀。拉丁哲學家也說明 「宗教」此詞的字源是 「重複閱讀查考」。

我們相信 「宗教」此詞的意思是反對輕佻隨意的放縱,因為世人多半都是糊里糊塗的抓住手邊的偶像,輕易接受又隨便放棄。真實的敬虔,是立足於確實的信仰,保守自己在正確的範圍內。反觀 「迷信」之所以被稱為迷信,因為不滿足於真理所定規的方式秩序,積累了一大堆無知有害的虛幻。歷世歷代都公認: 宗教已經被虛假錯謬所敗壞。所以,任何出自粗心無知的熱忱,迷信之人用來作為藉口的,都是愚昧至極。雖然人人都說自己熱心拜神明,但是這是邪惡污穢的無知。因為他們既不倚靠真神,又不樂於尊崇他。


 [1.12.1b-2] 迷信拜偶像的詭計



天主教徒發明不同用詞來區分 「尊崇上帝」與 「事奉偶像」,將神的榮耀暗度陳倉,轉移給天使與死去聖徒,以為可以免受刑罰。明顯的,這些教皇派歸給聖徒的榮耀,與歸給神的榮耀沒有分別。他們以不同用詞作藉口來擺脫,但是關鍵不在於用詞,乃在於事實本身。 「尊崇」與 「事奉」定義不同在哪裡? 你事奉的對象,

[1.12.3a] 尊榮偶像就是羞辱真神

使徒保羅在加拉太書中提醒讀者,他們以前在不認識上帝的時候,是 「給那些本來不是神的作奴僕」(4:8),他們服事偶像,作偶像的奴僕。保羅沒有使用 「尊崇」而使用 「事奉」,難道這就給予加拉太人的迷信有藉口推諉嗎? 明顯的,保羅譴責他們的邪惡迷信為 「事奉」偶像,其嚴重性等同於使用 「尊崇」偶像的用詞,因為 「事奉」偶像等於 「尊崇」偶像[林前12:2]

當撒但來試探主耶穌,要主耶穌拜牠,只是要求恭敬屈膝。主耶穌回答說: 「經上記著說「當拜主你的上帝,單要事奉他」」(4:10)。當約翰俯伏在天使腳前要拜他時,天使斥責約翰說: 千萬不可(19:1022:8-9)。約翰絕非如此愚昧到將神的榮耀歸給天使,他只是要向天使表達敬意。然而,任何恭敬的行動若加上宗教意義,則必然是意味與神有關。所以,約翰萬萬不可「跪拜」天使,因為必會將心思意念從上帝轉移到受造物身上。雖然我們知道有些人受到跪拜,是為了表達政治或社交禮儀。但是,跪拜一旦用在宗教上,只要加上敬畏行動,則必會導致虧缺扭曲神的榮耀。

 [1.12.3b] 拜偶像是偷竊神的榮耀

哥尼流是敬虔的百夫長,知道要將最高的敬畏尊榮唯獨歸給上帝。因此當他俯伏在彼得腳前下拜時,雖然他不是將彼得當作是神來拜,可是彼得立刻勸阻禁止。為什麼呢? 因為人們在進行宗教儀式時,不可能清晰劃分榮耀神與榮耀受造物有何區別,總是有意無意會將神的榮耀轉移到受造物身上。既然我們是敬拜獨一真神,則必須謹記: 一點也不可偷竊專屬於神的榮耀,一切榮耀唯獨歸神。

撒迦利亞論到教會復興的那日,宣告說: 「主耶和華是獨一無二的」, 「他的名也是獨一無二的」,與偶像毫無相同之處。主樂意藉他的律法,指示人們何為良善與正義,並且要人遵守確定準則來敬拜他,叫人不可偏離,禁止人按自己所喜好的方式來敬拜。所以,任何時候人們將敬虔宗教的儀式,給予上帝之外的任何其他人或物,則就是在褻瀆。迷信是捏造,將神的榮耀歸給日月星辰或偶像。然後野心勃勃將神的榮耀給予必朽壞的受造物,將神聖的事物玷污。雖然還藉口說仍是敬拜至高真神,其實久而久之形成風俗,獻祭給守護神明、天使、死去的英雄。人們的罪性是如此墮落,去敬拜事奉受造之物,不敬奉那造物的主。主乃是可稱頌的,直到永遠,阿們! [1:24-25]


24 拜偶像——神要求全然的效忠Idolatry - God demands totalallegiance

《简明神学》Concise Theology: A Guide to Historic Christian Beliefs,巴刻(J. I. Packer)著/張麟至译,更新传道会,2007年。

24 拜偶像——神要求全然的效忠
Idolatry - God demands total allegiance







“I will punish her for the days she burned incense to the Baals; she decked herself with rings and jewelry, and went after her lovers, but me she forgot,” declares the LORD. HOSEA 2:13

Though there is only one God and only one true faith, namely that taught in the Bible, our apostate world (Rom. 1:18-25) has always been full of religions, and the age-old urging toward syncretism, whereby aspects of one religion are assimilated into another thus changing both, is still with us. Indeed, it has been startlingly revived in our time through the renewed academic quest for a transcendent unity of religions and the flowering of the popular amalgam of Eastern and Western ideas that calls itself the New Age.

The pressure here is not new. Having occupied Canaan, Israel was constantly tempted to absorb Canaanite worship of fertility gods and goddesses into the worship of Yahweh, and to make images of Yahweh himself—both of which moves the law forbade (Exod. 20:3-6). The spiritual issue was whether the Israelites would remember that Yahweh, their covenant God, was all-sufficient for them, and moreover claimed their exclusive allegiance, so that worshiping other gods was spiritual adultery (Jer. 3; Ezek. 16; Hos. 2). This was a test the nation largely failed.

Syncretism was similarly widespread and approved in the first-century Roman empire, where polytheism was rife and all sorts of cults flourished. Christian teachers fought hard to keep the faith from being assimilated to Gnosticism (a kind of theosophy that had no use for incarnation and atonement, since it saw man’s problem as one of ignorance, not sin), and later to Neoplatonism and Manichaeism, both of which, like Gnosticism, saw salvation as mainly a matter of getting detached from the physical world. These conflicts were relatively successful, and the classic creedal formulations of the Trinity and the Incarnation are part of their permanent legacy.

Scripture is stern about the evil of practicing idolatry. Idols are mocked as delusive nonentities (Ps. 115:4-7; Isa. 44:9-20), but they enslave their worshippers in blind superstition (Isa. 44:20) which is infidelity towards God (Jer. 2), and Paul adds that demons operate through idols, making them a positive spiritual menace, contact with which cannot but corrupt (1 Cor. 8:4-6; 10:19-21). In our post-Christian Western culture, which is prepared to fill the spiritual vacuum that people feel by looking kindly on syncretism, witchcraft, and experiments with the occult, the biblical warnings against idolatry need to be taken to heart (cf. 1 Cor. 10:14; 1 John 5:19-21).


作者Timothy W. Massaro   譯者駱鴻銘

不可為自己雕刻偶像也不可做什麼形像彷彿上天、下地和地底下、水中的百物。 不可跪拜那些像也不可事奉它因為我耶和華你的神是忌邪的神。恨我的,我必追討他的罪,自父及子,直到三四代; 愛我、守我誡命的,我必向他們發慈愛,直到千代。出廿46))You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments. (Ex. 20:4-6)

類似這個出現在出埃及記第二十章的命令聽起來很怪異。上帝竟然會說這種嚴厲的話。若上帝是眼不能見的為什麼我們不能為上帝繪製畫像、製作雕像或任何圖像呢我們畢竟是視覺的生物啊Commands like this one in Exodus 20 sound strange. What a harsh thing for God to say. If God is invisible, why not have pictures, statues, or images? We are visual creatures after all.

上帝說明祂這樣命令的理由是祂為以色列人所已經成就的救贖拯救他們脫離為奴之家。第二誡是從第一誡來的。上主賜下這樣的命令是因為祂是聖潔、公義、良善的。祂配得我們的尊敬、愛、順服,不只是因為祂擁有「更強大的火力」,而是因為祂創造了我們,好叫我們可以愛祂、順服祂。God grounds his reasoning for this command in what he has done for Israel in redeeming her from slavery. This second commandment flows from the first. The Lord gives such commands because he is holy, just, and good. He deserves our respect, love, and obedience not only because he has the “superior firepower,” but because he has created us for love and obedience.

古代的宗教Religion in the Ancient World

在古代的宗教裏法術和迷信往往是互相交織的。透過神秘的稱謂、咒語、偶像企圖控制一個神明是非常普遍的現象。通過控制神明的能力,你可以獲得更好的收成,更大的家族,而這是宗教的一個基本目的。In the ancient world religion, magic, and superstition were often intertwined. It was very common to attempt to control a deity through secret names, incantations, and idols. Controlling divine powers, so you could have better crops or a large family, was a primary objective in religion.

上主就是在這個具體的背景下頒布第二誡的。祂不會受任何事物或任何人所局限祂無法被迫去施恩或去愛人。古代世界就是透過這些形象和偶像來控制他們的神明的。製作神的像就是以暴力對待上帝,對待祂的屬性(申十六22;利廿六1)。這就是為什麼製造偶像會帶來如此嚴重懲罰的原因(詩九七7)。上帝獨特的權柄和超越性,是這個命令適當的基礎,因為唯有祂可以決定要如何受人敬拜。The Lord makes the second commandment in this specific context. He cannot be confined by anything or anyone; he cannot be coerced to give grace or love. It was through images and idols that the ancient world sought to control their gods. To make such an image is to do violence to God and his character (Deut. 16:22; Lev. 26:1). That is why creating idols comes with such harsh-sounding punishments (Ps. 97:7). The unique authority and transcendence of God is a proper basis for his commands since he alone can decide how to be worshiped.

然而耶和華俯就人將自己賜予祂的百姓作他們的上帝。祂與他們相會,並與我們同住,尤其是藉著祂的話語和應許。祂沒有讓人看見祂的形象,只是讓人聽見祂說話的聲音(申四1516;約四24;羅十)。Nevertheless, the Lord condescends to give himself to his people as their God. He meets with them and abides with us specifically by his words and promises. He does not let himself be seen but rather is heard speaking (Deut. 4:15-16; John 4:24; Rom. 10).

基督就是神的像The Image of God in Christ

耶和華沒有停在這裏因為祂已經調動所有的歷史來應驗祂一切的應許以及祂說過的一切話。在時候滿足的時候,上帝降臨,由童女所生,住在我們中間(約一118;加四47)。祂告訴我們當基督的話藉由傳道人的口被說出來的時候祂就與我們同在羅十。祂今天仍然透過所宣講的道對我們說話。The Lord does not stop here, for he has moved all of history to the great fulfillment of his promises and of all he has spoken. God comes in the fullness of time and is born of a virgin to dwell among us (John 1:1-18; Gal. 4:4-7). He tells us that he is as close to us as the Word of Christ that is spoken (Rom. 10). He speaks to us even today through his Word as it is proclaimed. This is how God’s Spirit dwells among us today.

我們只能在耶穌的位格上看見上帝祂實實在在就是「上帝與我們同在」耶穌就是上帝的真像西一15。上帝的豐富有形有體地住在祂裏面:超越的上帝已經降世為人,以至於我們可以理解祂、抓住祂。上帝從這個團契相通之地憐憫地對我們說「小子們哪你們要自守遠避偶像 約壹五21Only in the person of Jesus do we see God! He is literally God with us, the true image of God (Col. 1:15). The fullness of God dwells in him bodily: the transcendent God has made himself man, so we can latch on to him. From this place of fellowship and communion God mercifully says to us, “Little children, keep yourselves from idols” (1 John 5: 21).

上帝在出埃及記裏拯救祂的百姓脫離罪惡與死亡的轄制好叫他們可以敬拜祂出廿12。祂今日仍在作同樣的工作。祂藉著救贖大功與罪人同住,成為我們的避難所,成為我們的生命,而我們只能按照祂的條件來得救。沒有達到這個標準,就是聖經所說的拜偶像。當我們想要控制上帝,讓祂符合我們的需要、想要,以及經常是愚蠢的慾望時,我們就是犯了拜偶像的罪。God frees his people in Exodus from their slavery to sin and death so that they might worship him (Ex. 20:1-2). He is still doing that same work today. His redemption makes dwelling with sinners possible, becoming our shelter and our life, which we can only do on his terms. Anything less is what the Bible calls idolatry. We commit idolatry when we attempt to manipulate God to fit our needs, wants, and often foolish desires.

上帝是忌邪的祂憐憫祂的百姓並冀望他們行善但是祂不會將祂的榮耀歸給一個形象或偶像無論是古代的還是現代的偶像賽四二8。上主給我們這個良善的命令,好叫我們不將我們的眼目轉離祂的愛子,即上帝真正的形象,去敬拜我們自己的手所造的(約十四6;詩一〇六3537)。若我們已在福音的講道裏看見耶穌,我們就是看見了父神。我們乃是藉著祂所賜給我們的管道與上帝同住,直到那榮耀的大日,那時我們就會看見耶穌的真體,不是憑著信心,乃是憑著眼見。藉著信心我們等候那面對面看見耶穌的日子。God is a jealous God who yearns over his people and desires their good, but he will not give his glory to an image or idol, whether it is ancient or modern (Isa. 42:8). The Lord gives us this good command to prevent us from taking our eyes off his Son, the true image of God, to worship inventions of our own hands (John 14:5; Ps. 106:35-37). If we have seen Jesus in the preaching of the gospel, we have seen the Father. We dwell with God through the means he has given us until that glorious day when faith shall give way to sight, when we shall see Jesus as he is. Through faith, we await the day when we shall see Jesus face to face.