顯示具有 救恩次序 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
顯示具有 救恩次序 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


《神学名词辞典》赵中辉编译   p. 5o1 改革宗出版社

    拉丁文為ordo salutis。此短句於一七三七年為一路德会之卡波夫(Jakob Karpov)介绍到神学之用语中。但此教义有更伟大的远古性。关於此点,在天主教与改革宗之间有广大的区分,虽然二者均同意离弃耶穌基督之工作即无救恩,但天主教教导说,神所指定的救恩分配者乃凭藉圣礼,也就是说惟独藉著这些恩典才能临到受惠者。





    改革宗得救的次序可分為:(1)有效的恩召,由此发出(2)重生,(3)相信,以致於(4)称义,与(5)成圣,至终结果(6 )得荣。其中的一些经验是同时发生的,然而这种事件的步骤必须认為是逻辑性的,而非时间性的顺序。


救恩次序 Ordo Salutis

駱鴻銘譯自:Robert Reymond ,《系統神學》,712頁。
Robert L. Reymond, A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith (Nashville: T. Nelson, 1998), 712.]


Robert Reymond’s “brief synopsis” of the ordo salutis, the order of events in God’s application of Christ’s salvation to the elect sinner:
“The application of salvation, purchased in its entirety by Christ’s redemptive activity, commences with God the Father’s irresistible summons to the spiritually dead elect sinner, normally issued in and by the proclamation of the gospel, to enter into fellowship with Jesus Christ. The Spirit of Christ, working by and with that summons, regenerates the spiritually dead elect sinner, enabling him thereby to repent of his sins and in faith to receive and to rest upon Christ alone for salvation, in which activity he is united to Jesus Christ. The moment he believes in Christ, God forgives him of all his sins and declares him righteous in his sight, definitively sanctifies him, adopts him into his family and seals him to the day of redemption with the indwelling Spirit of adoption. The sinner, now a Christian, begins to experience the lifelong process of progressive sanctification, throughout which time he also perseveres in holiness by the power of the Holy Spirit, with the end and goal of this entire series of acts and processes being his glorification, into which state he is finally brought in the Eschaton at the return of Christ. At that point he will be fully conformed to the image of the Son of God, his summum bonum, and Christ will then be in the highest sense possible ‘the Firstborn among many brethren.’”

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“ Ordo Salutis” is Latin for of “ the order of salvation”, which refers to the sequence of conceptual stepts involved in the salvation of the Chritian. The sequence is meant to be logical instead of chronological : some steps occur sequentially while others occur instantaneously . What follows is a classically Reformed understanding of the way in which God saves his people.

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Today I’ve got an infographic for you, and one that I is going to kick off a series called “Visual Theology”–an attempt to display theology using a combination of words and pictures.  I have asked one designer to take a shot at displaying the ordo salutis, which is to say, the order of salvation, which refers to the sequence of conceptual steps involved in the salvation of the Christian. I will let the graphic explain it from here.

-----Tim Challies

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