
提摩太前書3:16 大哉敬虔的奧秘


前言: 使徒保羅在3:15說到教會是「真理的柱石和根基」,這真理是福音的真道,主基督耶穌的啟示,他降世為要拯救罪人(1:152:4-6)。提前3:16以信仰告白的詩歌,說明此真道的主題內容。此真道是「純正的教義與敬虔的生活」,所以稱為「敬虔的奧秘」。這奧秘就是已經啟示出來的福音,導致敬虔的生活。這是信徒眾所周知且告白的,無人不以為然!

1. 大哉,敬虔的奧秘
(1) 3:16句首以「並且and, indeed」起始,莊嚴強調這真理(3:15)的精華,真道的信仰告白,內容是六大信條。「無人不以為然by common confession」有雙重含義,積極方面是指眾人所共同認定的confessedly, certainly,消極方面是無可置疑或否認的undeniably
(2) 「大哉great」是指崇高重大的sublime, important (5:32),對照以弗所的異教徒所胡亂無知的呼喊大哉(19:28),我們深知確信主基督耶穌至大的神和我們的救主(2:13)
(3) 「敬虔的奧秘the mystery of godliness」,奧秘是已經啟示出來的福音真道(16:25),就是提前1:152:3-73:94:1,65:86:2,3,10,11,19-20強調的。敬虔是指人在神面前的生活行為,是提前2:24:7,86:3,5,6,11所描述的。此二字是教牧書信的鑰字(例如多1:1),奧秘指真道信仰,敬虔指生命生活,都是以主基督為中心,他是教會全體的救主(5:23)

2. 敬虔奧秘的內容
(1) 這敬虔的奧秘,是真道的奧秘(3:9),就是基督的奧秘(西1:26-272:2-34:3)。內容是六大信條,每條敘述都使用被動時態(字形押韻),同一介係詞。所以是詩歌形式的信經。顯然是早期教會的信仰告白。
(2) 六句話分為三組,道成肉身與稱義復活,天使敬拜與傳揚萬邦,世人信服與高舉得榮。這是主基督福音的基本要道。
(3) 每組內有對照: 肉身 / 聖靈,天使 / 外邦,世人 / 榮耀。這是天上與人間的對比。主基督是神與人之間唯一的中保,降世為人(2:4-6),從天降下仍舊在天(3:13),使得天地相連,使我們成為屬天的子民。

3. 救恩的實現彰顯revelation: 主基督的降卑與升高
(1) 「神在肉身顯現was manifested in flesh」這是主道成肉身的降卑(提後1:10;約1:14;腓2:6-7),是一次永遠的獻祭贖罪(9:26;彼前1:20),顯現生命之道(約壹1:2),除去罪與惡者(約壹3:5,8)。他是末後的亞當,叫人活,使我們得生命(5:12-21;林前15:20,45)。他道成肉身的目的是與我們認同,作我們的大祭司拯救我們(2:14-17)
(2) 「被聖靈稱義was justified in Spirit」這是指主從死裡復活,是藉著聖靈的大能,顯明他是神的兒子(1:48:11),復活是廢除了死刑的判決,稱義是指被證實宣告他是義的代替不義的,以他為義(彼前3:18;太11:19;路7:29;羅3:4)。他被聖靈稱義,從死裡復活的目的,是使得我們也被稱義,也得以從死裡復活(重生,多3:5),將來身體也必定復活(4:258:9-11)   

4. 救恩的天地宣揚proclamation: 主基督的顯現與升天,福音傳於萬邦
(1) 「被天使看見was seen by angels」這是指主從死裡復活之後的顯現與升天,被看見(24:31;徒1:9-1113:31;林前15:5-8),被天使看見,表明得勝的宣告見證(彼前1:12),主擄掠了仇敵,升上了高天(1:20-224:8;西2:10,15),帶來靈界的敬拜讚美(彼前3:22;啟5:11-12;弗3:9-11;腓2:10-11),所以比天使更尊貴,遠超過天使(1:3-44:14)
(2) 「被傳於外邦was proclaimed among nations 」這是指門徒領受大使命,傳福音萬邦,使萬民看見聽見。萬邦是在地上的、自然界的,正如天使是天上的、超自然界的,天上人間都看見這救恩的得勝見證。所以2:6-7說到福音的宣揚,使萬民學習真道(24:928:19;可11:17;路21:24;羅15:11),這是教會的使命(1:811:19-2613:1)
5. 救恩的回應結果response: 主基督被世人信服與被接在榮耀裡
(1) 「被世人信服was believed in world」這是指福音使世人悔改信服真道(1:5-616:25-26),這天國的福音使人歸向主基督而得永生(1:16;帖後1:10),藉著使徒的傳講與門徒的見證,教會將福音傳遍天下,使萬民作主門徒,被建造在至聖真道上(西1:23)
(2) 「被接在榮耀裡was taken up in glory」這是指主的升天得榮,被高舉在榮耀寶座上。復活的主被接升天(1:2, 11, 22;路9:5124:51;可16:19),進入天上聖所,是升入高天尊榮的大祭司(4:149:24)。主從苦難進到榮耀(24:26;彼前1:11),如今坐在天上(2:6)。這是彰顯主基督的得勝,對照在世人當中(使世人信服,透過教會傳揚福音),在天上榮耀裡(掌權統治萬有,為教會作萬有之首,弗1:22)。今日教會與主一同受苦,將來與主一同得著榮耀(8:17)

1. 這大哉敬虔的奧秘,主基督的救恩福音,純正的教義與敬虔的生活,是全書的核心。保羅透過六句信仰告白的詩歌(3:16),作為3:14-16的結論,更是總結了提前1-3章。並且以此真道信仰作為準則,開始提前第4章駁斥假教師的異端教訓。
2. 從六句精簡扼要說明救恩福音的基本真理: 第一第二句是主基督救贖的實現與彰顯;第三第四句是其宣揚與敬拜;第五第六句是其回應與結果。這三組六句可說是福音信息金三角: 準則(道成肉身與復活稱義是核心信仰),心態(喚起我們的心,過宣揚與敬拜的敬虔生活),處境(傳揚福音向世人作見證,宣告主已經得著榮耀且必要再來)
3. 讓我們背誦、默想、頌讚此「大哉敬虔的奧秘」,注目仰望為我們信仰與信心創始成終的主耶穌(12:2)

1. 這大哉敬虔的奧秘,無人不以為然,是甚麼意思? 原因何在? 3:16是信仰告白的詩歌,此六句都是論到我們的主基督耶穌,你能說明這六句可分為三組的原因麼? 組內有何對照關係?
2. 「神在肉身顯現」是指什麼意思? 主基督降卑(降生、受苦、受死、埋葬),其目的與意義為何? 與你有何密切關係? 請舉出經文根據
3. 「被聖靈稱義」是指什麼意思? 為何說這與主從死裡復活有關? 並且與我們的稱義與身體復活有密切有關? 請舉出經文根據
4. 「被天使看見」是甚麼意思? 請舉出經文說明豐富含義。「被傳於外邦」如何與之對應?
5. 「被世人信服,被接在榮耀裡」應如何解釋? 二者之間的對應關係為何? 這兩句說到教會的今日使命與將來盼望,請舉出經文來解釋說明
6. 這六句信經可從福音信仰的金三角來解釋,你能從準則、心態、處境來說明麼? 3:16可說是全書的關鍵樞紐,承先啟後,你能說明原因麼? 3:16如何幫助你默想與頌讚主耶穌是你的救主、教會唯一的根基? 請分享。

迦克墩信經The Chalcedonian Definition (The Chalcedonian Creed)

Therefore, following the holy fathers, we all with one accord teach men to acknowledge

one and the same Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, at once complete in Godhead and complete in manhood, truly God and truly man, consisting also of a reasonable soul and body;

of one substance with the Father as regards his Godhead, and at the same time of one substance with us as regards his manhood;

like us in all respects, apart from sin;

as regards his Godhead, begotten of the Father before the ages, but yet as regards his manhood begotten, for us men and for our salvation, of Mary the Virgin, the God-bearer;

one and the same Christ, Son, Lord, Only-begotten, recognized in two natures, without confusion, without change, without division, without separation;

the distinction of natures being in no way annulled by the union, but rather the characteristics of each nature being preserved and coming together to form one person and subsistence, not as parted or separated into two persons, but one and the same Son and Only-begotten God the Word, Lord Jesus Christ;
正如眾先知論到祂自始所宣講的,主耶穌基督自己所教訓我們的 ,諸聖教父的信經所傳給我們的。
even as the prophets from earliest times spoke of him, and our Lord Jesus Christ himself taught us, and the creed of the fathers has handed down to us.


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迦克頓信經  THE DEFINITION OF THE COUNCIL OF CHALCEDON (451 A.D)  是於西元451年召開的第四次教會議會中制定的。當時有不同的基督論產生,造成了東方教會的混亂,其中尤以涅斯多留(Nestorians)及猶提干(Eutyches380456)為最主要的困惑;前者宣稱基督具有神人二性並雙重位格,乃是為了要保持基督人性的完整。後者則站在相對的地位,宣稱基督只有一個位格,但也只有一個神性,因為他的人性已被神性蓋過,就如同一滴醋落入在大海裡而消逝一般。而涅氏已在431年召開的以弗所議會中被定為異端,故猶提干則成為迦克墩議會最主要的背景。




The Chalcedonian Definition (also called the Chalcedonian Creed) was adopted at the Council of Chalcedon in A.D. 451.Chalcedon was an early centre of Christianity located in Asia Minor (modern Turkey). The Council was the fourth of theEcumenical Councils that are accepted by Chalcedonian churches which include the Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, and mostProtestant churches. It was the first Council not to be recognised by any Oriental Orthodox church; these churches may be classified as non-Chalcedonian.
The Definition defines that Christ is 'acknowledged in two natures', which 'come together into one person and one hypostasis'. The formal definition of 'two natures' in Christ was understood by the critics of the council at the time, and is understood by many historians and theologians today, to side with western and Antiochene Christology and to diverge from the teaching of Cyril of Alexandria, who always stressed that Christ is 'one'. However, a modern analysis of the sources of the creed (by A. de Halleux, in Revue Theologique de Louvain 7, 1976) and a reading of the acts, or proceedings, of the council (recently translated into English) show that the bishops considered Cyril the great authority and that even the language of 'two natures' derives from him.

亞他那修信經 The Athanasian Creed

亚他那修信经 The Athanasian Creed
1.人要得到上帝的拯救最重要的是必须要持守大公教会的信仰。2. 人必需要笃信无疑的、完整的、纯洁的持守此信仰。
[1] Whoever desires to be saved should above all hold to the catholic faith. [2] Anyone who does not keep it whole and unbroken will doubtless perish eternally.

3. 大公教会信仰即是:我们敬拜三位一体 的独一神;这独一神里的三位乃是合而为一的。4. 独一神里的三位彼此间不混乱,其本质也不分开。5. 此三位乃是:圣父、圣子、圣灵。6. 然而圣父、圣子、圣灵乃是在同一个神性本质 内;祂们的荣耀及永恒中的威严也是相同的。7. 圣父是怎样的神,圣子也就是那样的神,圣灵亦是那样的神。8. 圣父并非是受造的,圣子也是如此,圣灵亦是如此。9. 圣父是无限的,圣子也是无限的,圣灵亦是无限的。10. 圣父是永恒的,圣子也是永恒的,圣灵亦是永恒的。11. 然而祂们并不是三位永恒的神,而是独一的永恒神。12. 也不是三位非受造的无限之神,而是独一的非受造的无限之神13. 相同的,圣父是全能的,圣子也是全能的,圣灵亦是全能的。14. 然而祂们并不是三位全能的神,而是独一的全能神。15. 圣父是神,圣子也是神,圣灵亦是神。16. 然而祂们并不是三位神,而是独一的神。17. 相同的,圣父是我们的主,圣子也是我们的主,圣灵亦是我们的主。18. 然而,我们并非有三位主,而是只有独一的主。19. 因此,我们受到基督真理的催促而承认:圣父、圣子、圣灵每一位都是神、都是我们的主。20. 大公基督教也禁止我们说:有三位神、或三位主。21. 圣父并非是经由某某或某物而产生的;并非是受造的,也非被生的。22. 圣子是单单是经由圣父而产生的;但并不是被圣父所造,而是经由圣父所生出。23. 圣灵是经由圣父和圣子而产生的;但并不是被造,也不是被生出,而是从圣父和圣子而发出。24. 因此有一位圣父,而非三位圣父;有一位圣子,而非三位圣子;有一位圣灵,而非三位圣灵。25. 在此三位一体独一神中的三位之间,并无前后、尊卑、大小之分别。26. 三位乃是共同的永恒及同等。27. 因此,如前所述,这合一的三位一体神,或说是三位一体的合一神,当受我们敬拜。28. 所以人要得到上帝的拯救,必须要思想这位三位一体之神。
[3] Now this is the catholic faith: that we worship one God in Trinity and the Trinity in unity, [4] neither confounding their persons nor dividing the essence. [5] For the person of the Father is a distinct person, the person of the Son is another, and that of the Holy Spirit still another. [6] But the divinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is one, the glory equal, the majesty coeternal. [7] Such as the Father is, such is the Son and such is the Holy Spirit. [8] The Father is uncreated, the Son is uncreated, the Holy Spirit is uncreated. [9] The Father is immeasurable, the Son is immeasurable, the Holy Spirit is immeasurable. [10] The Father is eternal, the Son is eternal, the Holy Spirit is eternal. [11] And yet there are not three eternal beings; there is but one eternal being. [12] So too there are not three uncreated or immeasurable beings; there is but one uncreated and immeasurable being. [13] Similarly, the Father is almighty, the Son is almighty, the Holy Spirit is almighty. [14] Yet there are not three almighty beings; there is but one almighty being. [15] Thus, the Father is God, the Son is God, the Holy Spirit is God. [16] Yet there are not three gods; there is but one God. [17] Thus, the Father is Lord, the Son is Lord, the Holy Spirit is Lord. [18] Yet there are not three lords; there is but one Lord. [19] Just as Christian truth compels us to confess each person individually as both God and Lord, [20] so catholic religion forbids us to say that there are three gods or lords. [21] The Father was neither made nor created nor begotten from anyone. [22] The Son was neither made nor created; he was begotten from the Father alone. [23] The Holy Spirit was neither made nor created nor begotten; he proceeds from the Father and the Son. [24] Accordingly, there is one Father, not three fathers; there is one Son, not three sons; there is one Holy Spirit, not three holy spirits. [25] None in this Trinity is before or after, none is greater or smaller; [26] in their entirety the three persons are coeternal and coequal with each other. [27] So in everything, as was said earlier, the unity in Trinity, and the Trinity in unity, is to be worshipped. [28] Anyone then who desires to be saved should think thus about the Trinity.

29. 此外,要得到上帝的救恩,也必须要笃信我们主耶稣基督的道成肉身。30. 因为纯正的信仰乃是我们宣告相信:上帝的儿子,我们的主耶稣基督是神、也是人。31. 祂是神,在诸世界存在之前被圣父生出,有着圣父的本质;祂也是人,生出在这个世界之中,有着祂母亲的本质。32. 祂是完全的神,也是具有理性之灵魂及人类血肉实体之完全的人,33. 就衪的神性而论,祂与圣父同等;就衪的人性而论,祂低于圣父。34. 虽然祂同时是神、也是人,然而并非是两位,而是一位基督。35. 祂是将人性带进神之中的那一位,而不是将神性转变为血肉之躯的那一位。36. 祂完全是一位,但并非借着祂的神性和人性本质两者间互相混合成为一,而是借着位格的联合为一。37. 就如同祂的理性之灵魂和肉体之驱(两者)联合成为一位人;相同的,神和人也是联合为一位基督。38. 衪为了拯救我们而受难,并下到阴间,但在第三天从死里复活。39. 衪升到天上,坐在全能父神的右边。40. 将来要从那里降临,来审判活人和死人。41. 当祂降临时,所有的人必然会从肉身中复活。42. 所有的人必要供认他们自己所做过的事。43. 那些行善的人必要进入永生,为恶的人必要进入永火中。
[29] But it is necessary for eternal salvation that one also believe in the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ faithfully. [30] Now this is the true faith: that we believe and confess that our Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Son, is both God and man, equally. [31] He is God from the essence of the Father, begotten before time; and he is man from the essence of his mother, born in time; [32] completely God, completely man, with a rational soul and human flesh; [33] equal to the Father as regards divinity, less than the Father as regards humanity. [34] Although he is God and man, yet Christ is not two, but one. [35] He is one, however, not by his divinity being turned into flesh, but by God’s taking humanity to himself. [36] He is one, certainly not by the blending of his essence, but by the unity of his person. [37] For just as one man is both rational soul and flesh, so too the one Christ is both God and man. [38] He suffered for our salvation; he descended to hell; he arose from the dead on the third day; [39] he ascended to heaven; he is seated at the Father’s right hand; [40] from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. [41] At his coming all people will arise bodily [42] and give an accounting of their own deeds. [43] Those who have done good will enter eternal life, and those who have done evil will enter eternal fire.

44. 以上乃是大公教会的信仰,除非人虔诚笃信,否则便无法得到拯救。阿们。
[44] This is the catholic faith: that one cannot be saved without believing it firmly and faithfully.



亚他那修信经 The Athanasian Creed

Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic faith;

2. 此信仰,凡守之不全不正者,必永遠沉淪。
Which faith except every one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly.

3. 大公教會信仰即:我等敬拜一體三位,而三位一體之神。
And the catholic faith is this: That we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity;

4. 其位不紊,其體不分。
Neither confounding the persons, nor dividing the substance

5. 父一位,子一位,聖靈亦一位。
For there is one Person of the Father, another of the Son and another of the Holy Spirit.

6. 然而父子聖靈同一神性,同一榮耀,亦同一永恆之尊嚴。
But the Godhead of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit is all one, the glory equal, the majesty co-eternal.

7. 父如何,子如何,聖靈亦如何。
Such as the Father is, such is the Son and such is the Holy Spirit.

8. 父不受造,子不受造,聖靈亦不受造。
The Father uncreated, the Son uncreated, and the Holy Spirit uncreated.

9. 父無限,子無限,聖靈亦無限。
The Father incomprehensible, the Son incomprehensible, and the Holy Spirit incomprehensible.

10. 父永恆,子永恆,聖靈亦永恆。
The Father eternal, the Son eternal, and the Holy Spirit eternal.

11. 非三永恆者,乃一永恆者。
And yet they are not three eternals, but one eternal.

12. 亦非三不受造者,非三無限者,乃一不受造者,一無限者。
As also there are not three uncreated nor three incomprehensibles, but one uncreated and one incomprehensible.

13. 如是,父全能,子全能,聖靈亦全能。
So likewise the Father is almighty, the Son almighty, and the Holy Spirit almighty;

14. 然而,非三全能者,乃一全能者。
And yet they are not three almighties, but one almighty.

15. 如是,父是神,子是神,聖靈亦是神。
So the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God;

16. 然而,非三神,乃一神。
And yet they are not three Gods, but one God.

17. 如是,父是主,子是主,聖靈亦是主。
So likewise the Father is Lord, the Son Lord, and the Holy Spirit Lord;

18. 然而,非三主,乃一主。
And yet they are not three Lords, but one Lord.

For like as we are compelled by the Christian verity to acknowledge every person by himself to be God and Lord;

20. 依大公教,我等亦不得謂神有三,亦不得謂主有三。
so are we forbidden by the catholic religion to say: There are three Gods or three Lords.

21. 父非由誰作成:既非受造,亦非受生。
The Father is made of none, neither created nor begotten.

22. 子獨由于父:非作成,亦非受造;而為受生。
The Son is of the Father alone; not made nor created, but begotten.

23. 聖靈由于父與子:既非作成,亦非受造,亦非受生;而為發出。
The Holy Spirit is of the Father and of the Son; neither made, nor created, nor begotten, but proceeding.

So there is one Father, not three Fathers; one Son, not three Sons; one Holy Spirit, not three Holy Spirits.

25. 且此三位無分先后,無別尊卑。
And in this Trinity none is afore, nor after another; none is greater, or less than another.

26. 三位乃均永恆,而同等。
But the whole three persons are co-eternal, and co-equal.

27. 由是如前所言,我等當敬拜一體三位,而三位一體之神。
So that in all things, as aforesaid, the Unity in Trinity and the Trinity in Unity is to be worshipped.

28. 所以凡欲得救者,必如是而思三位一體之神。
He therefore that will be saved must thus think of the Trinity.

29. 再者,為求得永恆救贖,彼亦必篤信我等之主耶穌基督成為人身。
Furthermore it is necessary to everlasting salvation that he also believe rightly the incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

30. 依真正信仰,我等信認神之子我等之主耶穌基督,為神,又為人。
For the right faith is that we believe and confess that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is God and man.

31. 其為神,與聖父同體,受生于諸世界之先;其為人,與其母同體,誕生于此世 界。
God of the substance of the Father, begotten before the worlds; and made of the substance of His mother, born in the world.

32. 全神,亦全人,具有理性之靈,血肉之身。
Perfect God and perfect man, of a reasonable soul and human flesh subsisting.

33. 依其為神,與父同等,依其為人,少遜于父。
Equal to the Father as touching His Godhead, and inferior to the Father as touching His manhood.

34. 彼雖為神,亦為人,然非為二,乃為一基督。
Who, although He is God and man, yet He is not two, but one Christ.

35. 彼為一,非由于變神為血肉,乃由于使其人性進入于神。
One, not by conversion of the Godhead into flesh, but by taking of the manhood into God.

36. 合為一;非由二性相混,乃由位格為一。
One altogether, not by the confusion of substance, but by unity of person.

37. 如靈與身成為一人,神與人成為一基督。
For as the reasonable soul and flesh is one man, so God and man is one Christ;

38. 彼為救我等而受難,降至陰間,第三日從死復活。
Who suffered for our salvation, descended into hell, rose again the third day from the dead;

39. 升天,坐于全能神父之右。將來必從彼處降臨,審判活人死人。
He ascended into heaven, He sitteth on the right hand of the Father, God Almighty;  From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.

40. 彼降臨時,萬人必具身體復活;並供認所行之事。
At whose coming all men shall rise again with their bodies;  And shall give account of their own works.

41. 行善者必入永生,作惡者必入永火。
And they that have done good shall go into life everlasting, and they that have done evil into everlasting fire.

42. 此乃大公教會信仰,人除非篤實相信,必不能得救。
This is the catholic faith, which except a man believe faithfully, he cannot be saved.



亚他那修信经简介TheAthanasian Creed
作者: R.C. Sproul    译者:  王一