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Luthe's Theology of the Cross

作者:Carl R. Trueman 翻译:唐兴;校对:王一
绝对没有人会想到,马丁·路德在151710月,为反对罗马天主教赎罪劵所发表的《九十五条论纲》(95 thesis),会引发宗教改革运动。这篇论纲的目的是要为当时的一场大学辩论提出一个论述的架构。路德是要对赎罪劵的实施提出修正,并非要废除它。他确实不是要为广泛蔓延的神学和教会改革提出改革事项。
No one could have expected that the Reformation would be launched by Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses against Indulgences in October 1517. The document itself simply proposed the framework for a university debate. Luther was arguing only for a revision of the practice of indulgences, not its abolition. He was certainly not offering an agenda for widespread theological and ecclesiastical reform.
Indeed, he had already said much more controversial things in his Disputation against Scholastic Theology of September 4, 1517, in which he critiqued the whole way in which medieval theology had been done for centuries. That disputation, however, passed without a murmur. Indeed, humanly speaking, it was only the unique combination of external factors—social, economic, and political—that made the later disputation the spark that lit the Reformation fuse.
The Heidelberg Disputation
Once the fuse had been lit, however, the church made a fatal error: she allowed the Augustinian Order, to which Luther belonged, to deal with the problem as if it were a minor local difficulty. There was to be a meeting of the Order in Heidelberg in April 1518, and Luther was asked to present a series of theses outlining his theology, so that it could be assessed by his brethren. It was here, then, that the relatively bland Ninety-Five Theses gave Luther an important opportunity to articulate the theology that he had expressed in his September Disputation.
海德堡辩论有两个重要性:首先,辩论中现了另外一位宗教改革的巨人:马丁·布塞(Martin Bucer)——斯特拉斯堡(Strasbourg)的宗教改革家,晚年成为剑桥的神学教授。他不但知识渊博,並且对教会的前途独具慧眼。布塞对那时代的改教者颇具深远的影响力,不下于约翰·加尔文。1517年路德在海德堡的论述,使他首次感受到改教的思想。然而,他对路德向教会流行的经院神学,所作的攻击感到惊讶时,却忽略了路德论述的神学中心思想。也就是海德堡辩论的第二个重要性——十字架的神学。
The Heidelberg Disputation is significant for two things. First, there was at least one other future Reformation giant present. This was Martin Bucer, the Reformer of Strasbourg, who would end his days as professor of divinity at Cambridge. A man of vast intellect and wide ecumenical vision, Bucer was to have a profound influence on a generation of Reformers, not least John Calvin. And his first taste of Reformation thinking was provided by Luther at Heidelberg in 1517. Yet, while Bucer left the disputation marveling at how Luther had attacked what the church had become, he missed the theological core of what Luther was saying. This is the second point of importance: the theology of the cross.
The Theology of the Cross
Toward the end of the disputation, Luther offered some theses which seem (in typical Luther fashion) nonsensical, or at least obscure:
19条、任何人,若把神不可见之事看作是可被参透如同实际之事(罗120),都不配称为神 学家。 20条、然而,透过苦难和十字架来理解神可见且显明之事的人,才配称为神学家。 21条、荣耀神学的神学家以善为恶,以恶为善。十架神学的神学家则以言之以实。 22条、把神所做的不可见之事看为是人能参透的,这种智慧是完全傲慢、盲目、刚硬。路德,海德堡论纲
19. That person does not deserve to be called a theologian who looks upon the invisible things of God as though they were clearly perceptible in those things which have actually happened [Rom. 1:20].
These statements actually encapsulate the heart of Luther's theology, and a good grasp of what he means by the obscure terms and phrases they contain sheds light not just on the doctrinal content of his theology, but also on the very way that he believed theologians should think. Indeed, he is taking Paul's explosive argument from 1 Corinthians and developing it into a full theological agenda.
At the heart of his argument is his notion that human beings should not speculate about who God is or how he acts in advance of actually seeing whom he has revealed himself to be. Thus, Luther sees God's revelation of himself as axiomatic to all theology. Now, there probably is not a heretic in history who would not agree with that, because all theology presupposes the revelation of God, whether in nature, human reason, culture, or whatever.
Luther, however, had a dramatically restrictive view of revelation. God revealed himself as merciful to humanity in the Incarnation, when he manifested himself in human flesh, and the supreme moment of that revelation was on the cross at Calvary. Indeed, Luther sometimes referred enigmatically to Christ crucified as "God's backside"—the point at which God appeared to be the very contradiction of all that one might reasonably have anticipated him to be.
The "theologians of glory," therefore, are those who build their theology in the light of what they expect God to be like—and, surprise, surprise, they make God to look something like themselves. The "theologians of the cross," however, are those who build their theology in the light of God's own revelation of himself in Christ hanging on the cross.
The implications of this position are revolutionary. For a start, Luther is demanding that the entire theological vocabulary be revised in light of the cross. Take for example the word power. When theologians of glory read about divine power in the Bible, or use the term in their own theology, they assume that it is analogous to human power. They suppose that they can arrive at an understanding of divine power by magnifying to an infinite degree the most powerful thing of which they can think. In light of the cross, however, this understanding of divine power is the very opposite of what divine power is all about. Divine power is revealed in the weakness of the cross, for it is in his apparent defeat at the hands of evil powers and corrupt earthly authorities that Jesus shows his divine power in the conquest of death and of all the powers of evil. So when a Christian talks about divine power, or even about church or Christian power, it is to be conceived of in terms of the cross—power hidden in the form of weakness.
For Luther, the same procedure must be applied to other theological terms. For example, God's wisdom is demonstrated in the foolishness of the cross. Who would have thought up the foolish idea of God taking human flesh in order to die a horrendous death on behalf of sinners who had deliberately defied him, or God making sinners pure by himself becoming sin for them, or God himself raising up a people to newness of life by himself submitting to death? We could go on, looking at such terms as life, blessing, holiness, and righteousness. Every single one must be reconceived in the light of the cross. All are important theological concepts; all are susceptible to human beings casting them in their own image; and all must be recast in the light of the cross.
这样的洞察力(是路德思想的要素之一),赋予其神学一种内在的逻辑性和统一性。以路德对称义的理解为例,神宣告信徒是义人,不是藉着人原有的和本质上的义(任何靠信徒本身所成就或取得的),而是基于一种外来的义(alien righteousness)——就是基督的义,这义是在信徒以外的义。难道这不奇怪、不寻常,但却是神十字架的奇妙逻辑吗?人的确是不义的,的确是被罪污染的,却被神宣告为圣洁和义的!这样的真理,是人理性的逻辑所无法理解,但按照十字架的逻辑,却是十分合理的。
This insight is one of the factors in Luther's thinking that gives his theology an inner logic and coherence. Take, for example, his understanding of justification, whereby God declares the believer to be righteous in his sight, not by virtue of any intrinsic righteousness (anything that the believer has done or acquired), but on the basis of an alien righteousness, the righteousness of Christ that remains external to the believer. Is this not typical of the strange but wonderful logic of the God of the cross? The person who is really unrighteous, really mired in sin, is actually declared by God to be pure and righteous! Such a truth is incomprehensible to human logic, but makes perfect sense in light of the logic of the cross.
And what of the idea of a God who comes down and loves the unlovely and the unrighteous before the objects of his love have any inclination to love him or do good? Such is incomprehensible to the theologians of glory, who assume that God is like them, like other human beings, and thus only responds to those who are intrinsically attractive or good, or who first earn his favor in some way. But the cross shows that God is not like that: against every assumption that human beings might make about who God is and how he acts, he requires no prior loveliness in the objects of his love; rather, his prior love creates that loveliness without laying down preconditions. Such a God is revealed with amazing and unexpected tenderness and beauty in the ugly and violent drama of the cross.
The Key to Christian Ethics and Experience
Luther does not restrict the theology of the cross to an objective revelation of God. He also sees it as the key to understanding Christian ethics and experience. Foundational to both is the role of faith: to the eyes of unbelief, the cross is nonsense; it is what it seems to be—the crushing, filthy death of a man cursed by God. That is how the unbelieving mind interprets the cross—foolishness to Greeks and an offence to Jews, depending on whether your chosen sin is intellectual arrogance or moral self-righteousness. To the eyes opened by faith, however, the cross is seen as it really is. God is revealed in the hiddenness of the external form. And faith is understood to be a gift of God, not a power inherent in the human mind itself.
This principle of faith then allows the believer to understand how he or she is to behave. United to Christ, the great king and priest, the believer too is both a king and a priest. But these offices are not excuses for lording it over others. In fact, kingship and priesthood are to be enacted in the believer as they are in Christ—through suffering and self-sacrifice in the service of others. The believer is king of everything by being a servant of everyone; the believer is completely free by being subject to all. As Christ demonstrated his kingship and power by death on the cross, so the believer does so by giving himself or herself unconditionally to the aid of others. We are to be, as Luther puts it, little Christs to our neighbors, for in so doing we find our true identity as children of God.
This argument is explosive, giving a whole new understanding of Christian authority. Elders, for example, are not to be those renowned for throwing their weight around, for badgering others, and for using their position or wealth or credentials to enforce their own opinions. No, the truly Christian elder is the one who devotes his whole life to the painful, inconvenient, and humiliating service of others, for in so doing he demonstrates Christlike authority, the kind of authority that Christ himself demonstrated throughout his incarnate life and supremely on the cross at Calvary.
Great Blessings through Great Suffering
The implications of the theology of the cross for the believer do not stop there. The cross is paradigmatic for how God will deal with believers who are united to Christ by faith. In short, great blessing will come through great suffering.
This point is hard for those of us in the affluent West to swallow. For example, some years ago I lectured at a church gathering on this topic and pointed out that the cross was not simply an atonement, but a revelation of how God deals with those whom he loves. I was challenged afterwards by an individual who said that Luther's theology of the cross did not give enough weight to the fact that the cross and resurrection marked the start of the reversal of the curse, and that great blessings should thus be expected; to focus on suffering and weakness was therefore to miss the eschatological significance of Christ's ministry.
Of course, this individual had failed to apply Luther's theology of the cross as thoroughly as he should have done. All that he said was true, but he failed to understand what he was saying in light of the cross. Yes, Luther would agree, the curse is being rolled back, but that rollback is demonstrated by the fact that, thanks to the cross, evil is now utterly subverted in the cause of good. If the cross of Christ, the most evil act in human history, can be in line with God's will and be the source of the decisive defeat of the very evil that caused it, then any other evil can also be subverted to the cause of good.
More than that, if the death of Christ is mysteriously a blessing, then any evil that the believer experiences can be a blessing too. Yes, the curse is reversed; yes, blessings will flow; but who declared that these blessings have to be in accordance with the aspirations and expectations of affluent America? The lesson of the cross for Luther is that the most blessed person upon earth, Jesus Christ himself, was revealed as blessed precisely in his suffering and death. And if that is the way that God deals with his beloved son, have those who are united to him by faith any right to expect anything different?
有些人,像《坏事发生在好人身上》的犹太拉比作者:哈罗德•库希那(Harold Kushner),对邪恶的看法与路德不同。但是,路德会说,这些事的确会发生,因为这是神对信徒的祝福。神是藉着祂在信徒心中奇妙的工作(与我们所期待的相反)来成就祂的善工;祂的确会藉着明显的咒诅,来达到其祝福的目的。
This casts the problem of evil in a somewhat different light for Luther than, say, for Harold Kushner, the rabbi who wrote When Bad Things Happen to Good People. They happen, Luther would say, because that is how God blesses them. God accomplishes his work in the believer by doing his alien work (the opposite of what we expect); he really blesses by apparently cursing.
Indeed, when it is grasped that the death of Christ, the greatest crime in history, was itself willed in a deep and mysterious way by the triune God, yet without involving God in any kind of moral guilt, we see the solution to the age-old problem of absolving an all-powerful God of responsibility for evil. The answer to the problem of evil does not lie in trying to establish its point of origin, for that is simply not revealed to us. Rather, in the moment of the cross, it becomes clear that evil is utterly subverted for good. Romans 8:28 is true because of the cross of Christ: if God can take the greatest of evils and turn it to the greatest of goods, then how much more can he take the lesser evils which litter human history, from individual tragedies to international disasters, and turn them to his good purpose as well.
Luther's theology of the cross is too rich to be covered adequately in a single article, but I hope that my brief sketch above will indicate the rich vein of theological reflection which can be mined by those who reflect upon 1 Corinthians 1 and upon the dramatic antitheses between appearance and reality that are scattered throughout Scripture and marshaled with such force by Martin Luther. An antidote to sentimentality, prosperity doctrine, and an excessively worldly eschatology, this is theological gold dust. The cross is not simply the point at which God atones for sin; it is also a profound revelation of who God is and how he acts toward his creation.



Luther vs. Zwingli Series

作者:Trevin Wax   譯者:誠之

Luther vs. Zwingli at Marburg:Why the Fuss?

1529年的馬爾堡會談(Marburg Colloquy)是宗教改革時期的樞紐事件。
The Marburg Colloquy of 1529 was a pivotal event of the Reformation era.
馬丁路德和慈運理(Ulrich Zwingli)在聖餐(Eucharist)這件事上未能達成共識帶來的後果,造成政治與信仰的分裂,其後果影響至今,已將近500年。
The political and religious consequences of Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli’s failure to come to agreement on the Eucharist set the course for a political and religious split with reverberations that have lasted almost 500 years.
Today’s observer of the theological discussions at Marburg may too easily embrace a post-Enlightenment arrogance that assumes the doctrinal disputes of Luther and Zwingli to be petty and superfluous. But the Reformers did not engage in polemics and debate over minor theological intricacies. Certainly the personalities, ethnicities, and fallen nature of the Reformers played a part in the discussions, but the political and religious stakes were too high to disagree for disagreement’s sake.
路德和慈運理至少在一件事情上有堅定的共識:一個人對主的晚餐(Lords Supper)的神學觀念不是件小事,或次要的事;它對於正確理解整個基督教信仰是至關緊要的。主的晚餐的爭論在路德和慈運理的神學上具有重要的地位,是因為在爭論中出現了基督論的問題。
Luther and Zwingli firmly agreed on at least one thing: one’s theology of the Lord’s Supper was not minor or secondary, but essential to correctly understanding the entire Christian faith. The debate over the Lord’s Supper occupied a primary place in both Luther and Zwingli’s theologies because of the questions of Christology that arose in the midst of conflict.
Over the next few days, I’d like to show how Luther and Zwingli’s differing views on Christ’s humanity were the primary cause of their division on the Eucharist.
We will start by looking at each Reformer’s Eucharistic theology in particular, and then we will turn to the Reformers’ views of Christ’s humanity and their debate over “flesh” and “spirit.” Hope you stay tuned for what I hope will be a historically informative discussion on the Lord’s Supper.
Luther vs. Zwingli 2: Luther on the Lord’s Supper
Before Luther and Zwingli entered the Marburg castle in 1529 for their famous debate over the nature of the Lord’s Supper, both these men had formed strong convictions regarding the Eucharist and the nature of Christ’s presence in the sacrament. We will begin by looking at the Reformers’ views of the Lord’s Supper in particular before turning to the debate at Marburg.
Luther’s Theology of the Lord’s Supper
宗教改革之前的中世紀,彌撒是基督徒崇拜與靈修的核心。路德開始在威登堡執教的三個世紀之前,1215年的第四次拉特蘭大公會議(fourth Lateran council)確立了「化質說」(transubstantiation)的教義。這個教義主張,當天主教的神父奉獻餅和酒之後,其「外形」(accidents,感官所覺察到的)維持原樣,但是其「本質」(substance,內在的「質素essence」)卻奇蹟地轉變成基督實際的身體和血。
In the medieval period before the Reformation, the mass formed the centerpiece of Christian worship and devotion. Three centuries before Luther began teaching in Wittenberg, the fourth Lateran council of 1215 established the doctrine of transubstantiation, which holds that upon the priest’s consecration of the bread and wine, the accidents (according to the senses) remain the same, but the substance (the internal “essence”) is miraculously transformed into the physical body and blood of Christ.
The implications of this doctrine were widespread. Laypeople began to adore the bread and wine from afar or superstitiously carry pieces of bread back home to plant in the garden for good crops or to give to an ailing animal for good health. To avoid an accidental spilling of the wine, the priests began giving only the bread to parishioners, keeping the cup for themselves. By the 1500’s, even the bread was withheld in most churches.
The mass had turned into a show instead of a sacrament. Some parishioners feverishly hurried from church to church to obtain the blessing of seeing more than one host in a given day.
路德反對這種中世紀迷信所帶來的極端作法,但是他仍然將「聖像,鐘,聖餐袍,教會飾品,祭壇的燈和類似之物」視為「無關緊要之事」(things indifferent
Luther objected to the extreme practices brought by medieval superstition, but he continued to regard the “images, bells, Eucharistic vestments, church ornaments, altar lights and the like” as “indifferent.”
有兩件事特別讓路德對羅馬天主教對主的晚餐的看法感到困擾。首先,他強烈反對不讓平信徒拿聖餐的杯。路德相信平信徒應該要參與到彌撒當中,這個信念強烈到一個地步,他咒詛羅馬天主教的做法有如教會「被巴比倫俘虜」了 。(不過,我們要留意,路德並不認為不給聖餐的杯就必定會使聖餐失效,或上個世紀的基督徒如果沒有領杯,就沒有得到聖禮的福分。)
Two things in particular bothered Luther about the Roman Catholic view of the Lord’s Supper. First, he disagreed sharply with the practice of withholding the cup from the laity. So strongly did Luther believe in the laity’s participation in the mass that he condemned the Roman Catholic practice as one way that “Babylon” holds the church “captive.” (It should be noted however that Luther did not believe that withholding the cup necessarily invalidated the sacrament or that the Christians who were denied the cup during the previous centuries had not received sacramental benefits.)
其次,路德相信羅馬天主教把聖禮當作「善工與獻祭」(good work and a sacrifice)是「最邪惡的濫用」(most wicked abuse of all)。路德強而有力地論到,彌撒必須被視為遺囑(testament)──只能領受,不是必須做的善工。在主的聖餐台前,唯一的祭品是我們所獻的祭品。神父把主的身體和血獻為祭的這個觀念,特別令路德感到震驚,他認為這個信仰是羅馬天主教最可憎的錯誤。
Secondly, Luther believed that the Roman Catholic understanding of the sacrament as a “good work and a sacrifice” was the “most wicked abuse of all.” Luther argued forcefully that the mass must be seen as a testament – something to receive, not a good work to perform. The only sacrifice at the Lord’s Table is the sacrifice of ourselves. The idea that a priest could sacrifice the body and blood of the Lord was especially appalling to Luther and he considered this belief the most abominable of Roman errors.
Despite Luther’s independent thinking on the Lord’s Supper, in most aspects, he remained very close to Roman Catholic theology and practice. Though he rejected the adoration of the consecrated host, he affirmed the idea of reverence in the forms of bowing or prostrating oneself before the table. He insisted that the object of adoration should be Jesus Christ, as He is present in the sacrament, not the bread and wine.
But the line between reverence and adoration remained blurry, and though Luther sought to distance himself from Rome in this regard, he actually left the door open for the extremes he condemns.
路德和羅馬教會的教義保持接近的另外一個領域是「真實同在」(real presence)的教義。直到1519之前,路德似乎同意化質說的官方教義。但是到了1520,他相當強烈地批評這個看法,把它描繪成根據亞裏斯多德思想的多餘臆測。
Another area in which Luther remained close to Roman doctrine is in the doctrine of the “real presence.” Up until 1519, it appears Luther agreed with the official doctrine of transubstantiation. In 1520, he criticized the idea quite forcefully, painting it as needless speculation based on Aristotelian thought.
A popular misconception among Reformation students is that Luther affirmed and promoted “consubstantiation,” but neither Luther nor the Lutheran church ever accepted that term. Luther simply refused to speculate on how Christ is present and instead settled for affirming that he is there. The presence of Christ in the Supper is miraculous and thus defies explanation.
羅馬天主教的神學家特別強調,在奉獻的時候,當神父舉起餅,並且說,「這是我的身體」(Hoc est corpus meum),就在那一剎那,鐘聲會響起,所有的眼睛都盯著被高舉的聖體,餅已經奇蹟似地轉變成了基督的身體。
Roman Catholic theologians strongly emphasized the moment of consecration, when the priest would lift the bread and say “Hoc est corpus meum.” At that moment, bells would be rung and all eyes would be on the elevated host, which had magically been transformed into Christ’s body.
Luther similarly emphasized the words of institution, but only because Christ’s command leads to the change, not because the priest has made a special utterance. In this and other practices, Luther was content to alter the understanding behind Roman Catholic practice without feeling the need to actually change the tradition itself.
Luther believed that the fruit of the Lord’s Supper is the forgiveness of sins. Roman doctrine held that Communion was for the righteous, those who have confessed their sins to the priest. Luther believed Communion was for sinners, those who needed Christ’s incarnation the most.
路德關於主的晚餐的神學,其核心是「在聖禮中聯合」(sacramental union)的觀念。在主的聖餐台前,在此神聖時刻,餅與酒的元素,在聖禮的意義上與基督的身體和血聯合在一起;在這個時刻,上帝同時啟示祂自己,也隱藏祂自己。上帝的不可透知與自我啟示的這個表面矛盾(paradox)是路德拒絕所有哲學猜測的基礎,他拒絕猜測基督到底是如何實際上與聖餐同在。「聖禮聯合」的觀念是路德對羅馬教會化質說的回應。
The center of Luther’s theology of the Lord’s Supper is the idea of “sacramental union.” At the Lord’s Table, in this sacred moment in which the elements of bread and wine are sacramentally united to the body and blood of Christ, God simultaneously reveals and hides himself. The paradox of God’s incomprehensibility and self-revelation formed the basis for Luther’s rejection of all philosophical speculations on how Christ is physically present. The idea of sacramental union was Luther’s response to Roman transubstantiation.
Luther vs. Zwingli 3: Zwingli on the Lord’s Supper
Zwingli did not see the need for a “sacramental union” in the Lord’s Supper because of his modified understanding of sacraments.
According to Zwingli, the sacraments serve as a public testimony of a previous grace. Therefore, the sacrament is “a sign of a sacred thing, i.e. of a grace that has been given.” For Zwingli, the idea that the sacraments carry any salvific efficacy in themselves is a return to Judaism’s ceremonial washings that lead to the purchase of salvation.
Whereas Luther sought to prune the bad branches off the tree of Roman Catholic sacramentalism, Zwingli believed the problem to be rooted at least partly in sacramentalism itself. The only way to legitimately resolve Roman excess was to reinterpret the nature of the sacraments. Pruning the tree was not enough; pulling the tree up from its roots was the only action that could actually fix the problems.
慈運理把他修正後的對聖禮的認識應用到聖餐上,他確信聖餐主要的目的是宣告救恩,並增強信徒心中的信心。慈運理堅持,聖經經文教導主的晚餐只是一個記號(sign),要賦予它更多的意義,就侵犯了聖禮的本質。不過,這種顧慮並未使慈運理反對這個信念,即藉著「信心的默想」(contemplation of faith),在聖餐中,基督是「屬靈的同在」(spiritual presence)。
Applying his modified understanding of the sacraments to the Eucharist led Zwingli to affirm its primary purpose as the proclamation of salvation and the strengthening of faith in the hearts of believers. Zwingli insisted that the biblical text taught that the Lord’s Supper was a sign, and that to make it something more violated the nature of the sacrament. However, this caution did not keep Zwingli from strongly affirming a “spiritual presence” of Christ in the Eucharist brought by the “contemplation of faith.”
What Zwingli could not accept was a “real presence” that claimed Christ was present in his physical body with no visible bodily boundaries.
“I have no use for that notion of a real and true body that does not exist physically, definitely and distinctly in some place, and that sort of nonsense got up by word triflers.”
Zwingli’s theology of the Lord’s Supper should not be viewed as an innovation without precedent in church history. Zwingli claimed that his doubts about transubstantiation were shared by many of his day, leading him to claim that priests did not ever believe such a thing, even though “most all have taught this or at least pretended to believe it.”
Had Zwingli’s modified doctrine of the “real presence” been an innovation, it would probably not have been so eagerly accepted by his parishioners. The symbolic view spread rapidly because Zwingli had given voice and legitimacy to an opinion that was already widespread.
In Zurich, the mass was abolished in 1525. The Lord’s Supper was celebrated with a new liturgy that replaced the altar with a table and tablecloth.
The striking feature of the Zwinglian observance of the sacrament was its simplicity. Because the bread and wine were not physically transformed into Christ’s body and blood, there was no need for spurious ceremonies and pompous rituals. The occasion was marked by simplicity and reverence, with an emphasis on its nature as a memorial.
Zwingli’s denial of the “real presence” did not result in the neglecting of the sacrament that would characterize many of his followers in centuries to come. He saw seven virtues in the Lord’s Supper that proved its importance for the Christian life.
First, it is a sacred rite because Christ the High Priest has instituted it.
Secondly, Communion bears witness to something already accomplished.
Third, the action takes the place of the thing it signifies.
The Lord’s Supper is valuable because of what it signifies (communion with Christ for strength and communion with others for unity).
Sixth, observance of the Lord’s Supper increases and supports faith, and finally, its power is its keeping of an oath of allegiance.
Though Luther and Zwingli seemed to be strongly opposed on the question of the “real presence,” they were actually closer than one might expect.
Both affirmed Christ’s presence in the Eucharist.
Both affirmed the nature of the sacrament as a sign that strengthens faith in the hearts of believers.
Both rejected transubstantiation as well as the Roman Catholic understanding of the mass as a sacrifice.
Where the two Reformers diverged was in the philosophical realm, specifically the nature of physicality. Zwingli could not affirm the idea of an omnipresent physical body, which is why he believed that Christ could only be spiritually present in the Lord’s Supper. Luther believed that a “spiritual” presence was really no presence at all and that this belief emptied the Lord’s Supper of its power, making Christ’s words of institution to be a lie.
Luther vs. Zwingli 4: Humanity and Physicality
But behind these squabbles is the heart of the Marburg debate: Christology, and specifically the question of Christ’s humanity.
Luther: “Christ’s Humanity Demands a Physical Presence in the Lord’s Supper”
Luther believed and taught that Jesus’ human nature participated in his divine nature, meaning that his body (as both human and divine) must share in the attributes of divinity, including omnipresence. Therefore, Luther had no problem affirming both that Jesus was physically present in one location while also present in another. He did not seek to resolve the logical tensions that arose from such a view since Scripture did not address those issues.
At Marburg, Luther refused to give up the idea of “sacramental union” that took place between the elements and Christ’s body and blood. Though rejecting the idea that the bread and wine were actually transformed, he believed that Christ’s body and blood were sacramentally united to the bread and wine, so that when one ate the bread, one was eating Christ’s body. At some points, Luther goes farther than the Roman Catholic Church, by stating that if a person’s teeth crush the bread, then the same thing happens to Christ’s body also, since Christ’s body is united to the bread.
Luther would not compromise with Zwingli on the Lord’s Supper because he believed the doctrines of the incarnation and Christ’s humanity to be at stake. Zwingli sought to debate based on logical conclusions and reason; Luther appealed again and again to Jesus’ words “This is my body.” Luther saw Jesus’ words at the Last Supper as all the ammunition he needed to shoot down any other opinions.
Zwingli believed, based on logic and human reason, that a human body could not be present in more than one place; Luther challenged him to take Christ at his word. If Jesus said he was physically present, then logic and human reason should be forced to correspond to the everlasting words of Christ – not the other way around. In Luther’s eyes, Zwingli was seeking to modify the natural reading of Christ’s words in order to make it compatible with human reason.
“I do not ask how Christ can be God and man and how His natures could be united. For God is able to act far beyond our imagination. To the Word of God one must yield. It is up to you to prove that the body of Christ is not there when Christ Himself says, ‘This is my body.’ I do not want to hear what reason says. I completely reject carnal or geometrical arguments…”
Luther did not understand Zwingli’s reticence to accept a physical presence of Christ in the Eucharist. He believed that just as the body of Christ was necessary for salvation, so a physical presence of Christ was important for the Lord’s Supper. Luther saw Zwingli’s attempt to “spiritualize” the presence of Christ as a backhanded way of denying Christ’s true humanity.
Luther vs. Zwingli 5: Humanity and Omnipresence
Though Luther believed Zwingli’s view of “spiritual presence” downplayed Christ’s humanity, Zwingli argued that it was Luther’s view that actually demoted Christ from his proper place as fully Man.
根據慈運理的說法,路德混同基督的神性和人性,是和「基督一性論」(Eutychianism 宣稱基督的兩種本質混合在一起,創造出第三種本質的異端),或者更嚴重的是和幻影派(Docetism 基督只是看起來像人的異端)有危險的曖昧關係。慈運理相信,路德過於強調基督的神性,以至於忽略(甚至於否定)祂人性的身體層面。
According to Zwingli, Luther’s fusion of Christ’s divine and human natures was a dangerous flirtation with Eutychianism (the heresy that claimed Christ’s natures were fused together, creating a third kind of nature), or even worse, with Docetism (the heresy that Christ only appeared to be human). Zwingli believed Luther had so emphasized Christ’s divinity that the physical aspects of his humanity were being dismissed or worse, denied.
Zwingli appealed to Augustine as a supporter of his view that the sacrament is a sign and that Christ’s physical, human nature cannot be omnipresent. Zwingli also appealed to Scripture in his defense, not merely to reason. Zwingli insisted that Christ’s words of institution should be understood as “This signifies my body” instead of the literal “This is my body.”
As Zwingli cited the Greek text, Luther interrupted him and ordered him to read German or Latin. Zwingli continued to use Greek, as a scholar of the humanist tradition who believed that the language mattered very much. Translation did not equal equivalency. The absence of the word “is” in the Greek was important to Zwingli because Luther had chosen to hang his entire argument on the literal meaning of that word.
Luther remained adamant that the text should be interpreted literally. So Zwingli pushed back at Luther by telling him to interpret literally Jesus’ statement “I am no more in the world” with regard to the Eucharist. He also culled several examples from the Old Testament where “is” is interpreted metaphorically (Ezekiel 5:1, Isaiah 9:14, etc.).
The third session of the Marburg Colloquy (Sunday morning, October 3) featured the Christological debate that formed the heart of the entire controversy. Zwingli argued that Luther’s view denigrated the humanity of Christ by not allowing Christ’s human body to remain in heaven, at the right hand of the Father. Luther argued that Zwingli’s view denigrated Christ’s humanity by denying its presence in the Lord’s Supper.
Zwingli believed that Luther’s view was particularly dangerous, for if Christ’s humanity shares the attribute of omnipresence with his divinity, then one could naturally conclude that Christ’s body is in every piece of bread everywhere and even in every part of nature.
Because the Scriptures and the ecumenical creeds demanded a strict distinction between the natures of Christ, Zwingli sought to interpret the presence of Christ in the Lord’s Supper spiritually. For Zwingli, Luther’s affirmation of a human body’s omnipresence inevitably negated the very essence of what a human body is entirely.
Luther responded to Zwingli’s Christological argument by again appealing to Christ’s words of institution. If Jesus was speaking truthfully when he said “This is my body,” then God’s omnipotence must govern Christ’s body, so that his body is not corporeal in the same way other human bodies are.
Zwingli agreed that God has the power to make a body be in different places at the same time, but he saw no Scriptural proof to indicate that this happens in the Lord’s Supper. Furthermore, Zwingli believed Luther’s interpretation weakened his Christology, neglecting important aspects of Christ’s identification with our humanity.
Luther vs. Zwingli 6: Flesh and Spirit
If Luther’s favorite text in support of his view was “This is my body,” Zwingli’s favorite was John 6:63, where Jesus claims “The flesh profits nothing.”
Coursing through the Christological debate over Christ’s presence in the Supper was a strong dichotomy between flesh and spirit. For Luther, a spiritual presence with no physical local presence was not a true presence at all. For Zwingli, the belief that the bread and wine contained the physical body and blood of Christ bordered on idolatry. Zwingli continually pressed Luther on why the physical presence was necessary if the “flesh profits nothing.”
Zwingli’s cohort Oecolampadius, who also contributed to the debate at Marburg, claimed that John 6:63 indicates that it is a spiritual feeding on Christ through faith that is necessary, not a carnal, fleshly feeding. Luther agreed with Oecolampadius that John 6 refers to a spiritual eating, but he disagreed with the idea that the spiritual eating is unaccompanied by bodily eating.
Luther also affirmed the presence of many metaphors in Scripture, but he did not believe Zwingli and Oecolampadius had strong arguments for seeing Jesus’ words of institution as necessarily metaphorical. “I have a clear and powerful text!” he proclaimed.
The basis for much of the debate at Marburg goes back to Zwingli’s tendency to draw a dichotomy between the physical (outward) and the spiritual (inward) as well as Luther’s tendency to keep them too closely united. Both Reformers made good points; both went to extremes. Both were trying to navigate their way safely over a Christological precipice that threatened either to divide Christ too much (Zwingli) or unite his natures too closely (Luther).
Zwingli saw in Luther’s view of the Lord’s Supper an irrational belief that hearkened back to Roman Catholic dogma. In his mind, Luther was afraid to cut the ties from Rome and to seek the true understanding of the Eucharist found in Scripture and based on reason.
According to Zwingli, Luther’s understanding of the sacraments kept one dependent upon the Church and introduced a foreign paradigm to the biblical texts. Luther likewise saw a return to Rome in Zwingli’s view of the Lord’s Supper. Granted, Zwingli’s view of the “real presence” was quite different than transubstantiation, but his emphasis on the memorial aspect of the Supper and his view of it as an act of obedience more than a gift from God seemed to Luther to be a “good work” performed to receive God’s blessing. Luther felt that just as Roman Catholicism had turned the Eucharist into a good work and kept the elements for the priests alone, Zwingli’s doctrine would lead to the Eucharist as a mere sign, which would then take away any reason for celebrating the Eucharist.
The two Reformers not only had opposing views on the question of “flesh” and “spirit,” but they also differed on the philosophical understanding of logic and rationality.
Zwingli believed that the Scriptures affirmed logic and reason, and therefore when Christ said in John 12:8 “You will not always have me,” a bodily presence must necessarily be excluded for one body cannot be both in heaven and on earth at the same time. Luther appealed to the miraculous, stating that both are true, no matter how logically absurd it may sound. “I confess that the body is in heaven, but I also confess that it is in the sacrament.”
Oecolampadius sought to bring the two together by pointing out the common ground. “What we are agreed on is that Christ is present in heaven (according to his divinity and humanity) and in the Supper (according to his divinity).” He then told Luther that he should not cling to the humanity and the flesh of Christ, but instead lift up his mind to Christ’s divinity.
Oecolampadius sought to bring the two together by pointing out the common ground. “What we are agreed on is that Christ is present in heaven (according to his divinity and humanity) and in the Supper (according to his divinity).” He then told Luther that he should not cling to the humanity and the flesh of Christ, but instead lift up his mind to Christ’s divinity.
Luther’s response made it clear that no compromise would take place. “I do not know of any God except him who was made flesh, nor do I want to have another.” With those words, Luther indirectly implied that Zwingli was denying the true humanity of Christ in his pursuit for a rational understanding of the Supper. The debate would come to an unhappy close, with the Christological questions keeping the Reformers apart on the doctrine of the Eucharist.
Luther vs. Zwingli 7: Marburg’s Conclusion
Despite the bitter tone of the debates at Marburg, signs of the Holy Spirit’s presence surfaced throughout the discussion.
By the end of the Colloquy, Luther and Zwingli wept together and asked forgiveness for bitter words. Both remained firm in their convictions and encouraged the other to ask for God’s enlightenment. Luther uttered the famous line, “Your spirit and our spirit cannot go together. Indeed, it is quite obvious that we do not have the same spirit.”
It is unfortunate that Luther and Zwingli saw their differences on the Lord’s Supper as excluding any possibility for political and religious alliance. The two Reformers agreed on 14 out of the 15 articles of faith. The Lord’s Supper, the sacrament given by our Lord to be the place for brothers and sisters to come to the table in unity, proved ironically to be the doctrine that has kept the Lutheran and Reformed traditions from greater fellowship.
1540年版的奧斯堡信條,路德的學生墨蘭頓(Philip Melanchthon)在主的晚餐條文上用詞的方式,是為了消弭路德宗和改革宗傳統的差異。
In the 1540 version of the Augsburg confession, Luther’s disciple Philip Melanchthon worded the article on the Lord’s Supper in such a way as to mute the differences between the Lutheran and Reformed traditions.
Today, much of the animosity between the Reformation traditions has passed. Evangelical Lutheran, Reformed, and Baptist groups have reaffirmed their commitments to the Reformation understanding of the gospel, even though maintaining distinctions on issues related to church polity, baptism, and the Lord’s Supper.
著名的廣播節目,《白馬客棧》(The White Horse Inn),曾舉辦一次專題討論,請來了四位牧師,分別來自路德宗,(歐陸)改革宗,長老會和浸信會。雖然他們在主的晚餐和其他議題上維持不同的看法,但是對聽眾來說,他們在宗教改革傳統上有共同的立場是很明顯的。
The popular radio program, The White Horse Inn, features a panel discussion between four ministers, one Lutheran, one Reformed, one Presbyterian, and one Baptist. Though they maintain distinct views on the Lord’s Supper and other issues, the common ground between each Reformation tradition is evident to listeners.
The question of Christology formed the basis for Luther and Zwingli’s fierce debate on the Lord’s Supper. Both the Reformers believed the implications of their beliefs about the Lord’s Supper to be too important for compromise. Both also had an exaggerated view of what those implications might be. In a day when the religious beliefs of society were exclusive, these two Reformers agreed that unity must be based on truth in all doctrine, not just in certain areas.
Though Zwingli and Luther were tolerant of matters “indifferent,” neither one believed the Lord’s Supper to be a minor issue of indifference. The debate over the Lord’s Supper occupied a primary place in both Luther and Zwingli’s theologies because of the Christological issues at stake and the philosophical underpinnings of their respective schools of thought.
Perhaps the best response to studying the Marburg Colloquy today is praying fervently that the act of the Lord’s Supper would once again proclaim Christ’s body, broken for us on Calvary, instead of the broken body of Christ in his Church.
written by Trevin Wax. copyright © 2008 Kingdom People Blog.








1.<<路德選集>>. 二冊. 香港: 基文, 1968.

2.<<路德文集-信仰與社會>>. 香港: 協同福利及教育協會, 1992.
本書選輯路德有關信仰與社會的論述,其中包括有關農民革命、戰爭、婚姻與教育的觀點,並且相關的詩篇八十二、一0一與一二七篇註釋。本書印刷精美,譯文淺顯而現代化,可供參考,然而其中有為賢者諱的嫌疑,將原先路德激烈用語刪 改美化,未全然忠於原著,可以參見羅秉祥之「馬丁路德倫理思想給我們的困擾」(中國神學研究院期刊,1994/17)。


(1) 基督徒的自由>>. 香港: 道聲, 1992.

<<路德文選: (2) 九十五條>>. 香港: 道聲, 1973.

<<九十五條>>包括宗教改革初期作品六篇,為路德引發宗教改革 的導火線。

<<路德文選: (3) 路德語粹>>. 香港: 道聲, 1974.

<<路德文選: (4) 路德語粹續集>>. 香港: 道聲, 1975.


<<路德文選: (5) 基督徒大問答>>. 香港: 道聲, 1972.

<<路德文選: (6) 日用靈糧>>. 香港: 道聲, 1977.

本書將路德作品的片段,按照類似<<荒漠甘泉>>的編排,作為靈修日課之用, 可以逐日累積對路德的認識。

<<路德文選: (7) 路德的聖洗觀>>. 香港: 道聲, 1978.

<<路德文選: (10)聖誕之書>>. 香港: 道聲, 1981.

4.<<聖道精華. 馬丁路德小問答略解附註>>(Annotated by E.W.A.Koehler).臺北:中華福音道路德會, 1991.

5.<<加拉太書註釋>>. 香港: 道聲, 1966.


1.羅倫培登(Bainton, R.) <<這是我的立場>>. 香港: 道聲, 1987.
培登是有名的耶魯歷史神學家,「這是我的立場」(Here I Stand)是路德名言,充份顯示出其擇善固執的個性。這是一本寫得非常傳神的傳記,生動有趣地呈現路德的信仰與人格,只是有關路德的後半生篇幅較少,但仍然非常值得推薦。

2.何禮魁(Holmquist, H.H.) <<馬丁路德傳>>. 香港: 道聲, 1983.

3.愛力克森(Erikson, E.H.) <<青年路德>>. 台北: 遠流, 1989.

4.麥露(Mall, E.J.) <<凱蒂吾愛>>. 香港: 道聲, 1965.

5.魏毓英(Williamson, F.E.) <<真理的戰士>>. 香港: 証道, 1963.

6.傅瑞爾(Forell, G.W.) <<路德傳奇. 馬丁路德的生平與思想>>. 台北: 道聲 , 1993.

7.周天和. <<路德點滴>>. 香港: 道聲, 1993.

8.楊東川. <<馬丁路德的痛苦與狂喜>>. 台北: 永望, 1996.


1.喬治.霍萊(Forell, G. W.) <<信與愛. 路德的社會倫理觀>>. 香港: 道聲, 1984.
本書介紹路德的社會倫理觀點,英文書名<<FAITH ACTIVE IN LOVE>>,「活躍在愛裏的信」或者「表達出愛的信」,將書中論及信與愛的關係扼要地表達出來。

2.賀爾(Holl, K.) <<路德的倫理觀>>. 香港: 道聲, 1964.

3.柯特. 艾倫(Aland, K.) <<九十五條及有關改教文獻考>>(路德文選十一). 香港: 道聲, 1989.

4.華達(Walther, C.F.W.) <<律法與福音>>. 香港: 卓越, 1989.


1.麥格夫(McGrath, A.E.) <<宗教改革運動思潮>>. 香港: 基道, 1991.


1.傅瑞勒(Forell, G.W.) <<聖經系統神學研究>>. 臺北: 橄欖, 1984.
英文書名為<<THE PROTESTANT FAITH>>,是作者在大學處境介紹基督教信仰的教科書,中文譯成<<聖經系統神學研究>>可能會誤導。書中流露許多路德神學觀點,適合一般信徒程度,但因其對象為美國人,內容可能有些文化隔閡。

2.虞格仁(Nygren, A.) <<歷代基督教愛觀的研究>>. 二冊. 香港: 中華信義會書報社, 1950, 1952.



1. COMMENTARY ON GALATIANS. Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1979.


3. LUTHER: LECTURES ON ROMANS. LCC Vol.15. Westminster.



6. LUTHER'S WORKS. 56 Vols. Concordia/Fortress.

7. MARTIN LUTHER. J. Dillenberger(ed.) Garden City: Doubleday, 1961.

8. MARTIN LUTHER'S BASIC THEOLOGICAL WRITINGS. T.F.Lull(ed.) Minneapolis: Fortress, 1989.

9. THE PLACE OF TRUST. M.E.Marty(ed.) San Francisco: Harper & Row,1983.


1. Althaus, Paul. THE ETHICS OF MARTIN LUTHER. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1972.

2. ─────── THE THEOLOGY OF MARTIN LUTHER. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1966.

3. Brendler, G. MARTIN LUTHER. THEOLOGY & REVOLUTION. Oxford:Oxford University, 1991.

4. Ebeling, G. LUTHER. AN INTRODUCTION TO HIS THOUGHT. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1972, 1983.

5. Gritsch, E. W. MARTIN- GOD'S COURT JESTER. LUTHER IN RETROSPECT. Philadelphia: 1983.

6. Von Loewenich, W. LUTHER'S THEOLOGY OF THE CROSS. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1976.

7. Lohse, B. MARTIN LUTHER. AN INTRODUCTION TO HIS LIFE AND WORK.Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1986.

8. McGrath, A. E. LUTHER'S THEOLOGY OF THE CROSS. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1985.

9. Oberman, H.A. LUTHER: MAN BETWEEN GOD AND THE DEVIL. N.Y.: Doubleday, 1992.

10. Prenter, R. SPIRITUS CREATOR. Philadelphia: Muhlenberg, 1953.
丹麥學者所著之路德聖靈論,書名是以聖靈為創造者,將路德關於聖靈的主張 做了整 理,特別指出路德與狂熱派辯論之後所發生的思想轉折,以及雙方的差異。

11. Preus, J. S. CARLSTADT'S "ORDINACIONES" AND LUTHER'S LIBERTY: A STUDY OF THE WITTENBERG MOVEMENT 1521-22. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1974.

12. Siggins, I. LUTHER AND HIS MOTHER. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1981.

13. Steinmetz, D.C. LUTHER IN CONTEXT. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1995.

14. Watson, Philip S. LET GOD BE GOD. AN INTERPRETATION OF THE THEOLOGY OF MARTIN LUTHER. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1947.

15. Wicks, J. LUTHER AND HIS SPIRITUAL LEGACY. Wilmington: Michael Glazier, 1983.





2. Braaten, C. E. PRINCIPLES OF LUTHERAN THEOLOGY. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1983.


3. Mildenberger, F. THEOLOGY OF THE LUTHERAN CONFESSIONS.Philadelphia: Fortress, 1986.


4. Schmid, H. DOCTRINAL THEOLOGY OF THE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH.Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1875, 1961.



1. Brokering, H. & Bainton, R. A PILGRIMAGE TO LUTHER'S GERMANY.Minneapolis: Winston, 1983.





LUTHERLEXIKON. K. Aland(ed.) Goettingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,1989.



路德文集 第一卷.pdf

路德文集 第二卷.pdf




协同书:路德教会信仰与教义之总集 第三册.pdf



这是我的立场 马丁·路德传记.PDF





Oswald Bayer_马丁路德的神学(德文版).pdf





马丁·路德(Martin Luther14831546),16世纪欧洲宗教改革倡导者,新教路德宗创始人。主要著作有:《<加拉太书>注释》、《九十五条论纲》、《致德意志基督教贵族书》、《教会被掳巴比伦》、《基督徒的自由》,等等。他翻译的路德圣经迄今为止仍是最重要的德语圣经翻译。

<加拉太书>注释》,马丁·路德 著,李漫波 译,三联书店,待出。