


我們經常聽到被用來作為反對明確的贖罪這觀念的其中一段經文,這段經文是彼得後書三章8–9節:「這一件事你們不可忘記:在主看來,一日如千年,千年如一日。 主決不耽延他的應許,像有些人以為他是耽延的一樣;其實他是寬容你們,不願有一人滅亡,卻願人人都悔改。」(《聖經新譯本》) 這段經文中的「一人」是「我們」的直接先行詞,我認為十分清楚,彼得說上帝不願意我們任何一個人滅亡,卻願我們所有人都得拯救。祂不是說所有人無一例外; 我們是指彼得所說的相信的人。我不認為,我們希望相信上帝差遣基督在十字架上受死,然後兩指交叉,期望有人會充分利用這次贖罪。 我們的神觀是有別的。 我們的觀點認為,救贖具體的罪人是上帝永恒的計劃,這個計劃和設計經過完美的構想,被完美地執行,以致上帝拯救祂的子民的旨意藉著基督的贖罪之工而成就。

這並不是說,在耶穌基督贖罪的價值或功德上設置一個限度。傳統上說基督的贖罪工作對所有人來說是足夠的。 也就是說,它的功績價值足以遮蓋所有人的罪(譯按:基督的救贖足夠償付所有人的罪債),而且任何信靠耶穌基督的人都肯定會領受贖罪所帶來的豐足恩福。明白福音必須普世地傳講同樣重要。 這是另一個爭議點,因為一方面,福音無一例外地邀請所有聽力所及範圍之內的人,但是,福音不是無條件地赐予任何人,在這個意義上說,福音的赐予不是普世性的。福音赐予任何悔改其罪的人。 顯然,基督贖罪的功績賜給所有相信的人和所有悔改其罪的人。

在下一篇文章,我們將思考郁金香(TULIP)中的 I,即不可抗拒的恩典(irresistible grace)。

TULIP and Reformed Theology: Limited Atonement
FROM R.C. Sproul

I think that of all the five points of Calvinism, limited atonement is the most controversial, and the one that engenders perhaps the most confusion and consternation. This doctrine is chiefly concerned about the original purpose, plan, or design of God in sending Christ into the world to die on the cross. Was it the Father’s intent to send His Son to die on the cross to make salvation possible for everyone, but with the possibility that His death would be effective for no one? That is, did God simply send Christ to the cross to make salvation possible, or did God, from all eternity, have a plan of salvation by which, according to the riches of His grace and His eternal election, He designed the atonement to ensure the salvation of His people? Was the atonement limited in its original design?

I prefer not to use the term limited atonement because it is misleading. I rather speak of definite redemption or definite atonement, which communicates that God the Father designed the work of redemption specifically with a view to providing salvation for the elect, and that Christ died for His sheep and laid down His life for those the Father had given to Him.

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One of the texts that we often hear used as an objection against the idea of a definite atonement is 2 Peter 3:8–9: “But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” The immediate antecedent of the word any in this passage is the word us, and I think it’s perfectly clear that Peter is saying that God is not willing that any of us should perish, but that all of us should come to salvation. He’s not speaking of all mankind indiscriminately; the us is a reference to the believing people to whom Peter is speaking. I don’t think we want to believe in a God who sends Christ to die on the cross and then crosses His fingers, hoping that someone will take advantage of that atoning death. Our view of God is different. Our view is that the redemption of specific sinners was an eternal plan of God, and this plan and design was perfectly conceived and perfectly executed so that the will of God to save His people is accomplished by the atoning work of Christ.

This does not mean that a limit is placed on the value or the merit of the atonement of Jesus Christ. It’s traditional to say that the atoning work of Christ is sufficient for all. That is, its meritorious value is sufficient to cover the sins of all people, and certainly anyone who puts his or her trust in Jesus Christ will receive the full measure of the benefits of that atonement. It is also important to understand that the gospel is to be preached universally. This is another controversial point, because on the one hand the gospel is offered universally to all who are within earshot of the preaching of it, but it’s not universally offered in the sense that it’s offered to anyone without any conditions. It’s offered to anyone who believes. It’s offered to anyone who repents. Obviously the merit of the atonement of Christ is given to all who believe and to all who repent of their sins.

In the next post, we will consider the I in TULIP, irresistible grace.