
60 重生Rebirth

作者: 史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul) 譯者: 姚錦榮
摘自《神學入門》《Essential Truths of the Christian Faithp.158 , 更新傳道會出版
當卡特當選美國總統時他形容自己是個「重生的基督徒」。後來,尼克松總統在白宮時的一位親信柯森(Charles colson, 也曾寫過一本名為《重生》(borm again[1] 的暢銷書,記載自己歸信基督的過程。由於這兩位名人都提到重生一詞,因此使得這詞變得十分流行。



重生(regeneration, 是一個神學名詞,指的是一個新生、新的創造、新的開始。重生比〔開始新的一頁〕更進一步,它是一個完全被更新了的人,新生命開始的標記。彼得說:「你們蒙了重生,不是由於能壞的種子,乃是由於不能壞的種子,是借著神活潑常存的道。」(彼前一23




1. 所有真基督徒都是重生的人。
2. 所有真正重生的人都是基督徒。
3. 重生是進神的國所必備的先決條件。
4. 重生是聖靈全權、恩典的作為。
5. 重生先於信心,是神救贖計劃中的第一項作為

重生-- > 信心 --> 稱義 --> 成聖 -->得榮


[1] Charles colson,born again (old tappan,NJ,:Revell,1977)


When Jimmy Carter was elected president of the United States he described himself as a "born-again Christian." Then Charles Colson, former hatchet man in the Nixon White House, wrote a best-selling book by the title Born Again. In it, he chronicled his own experience of conversion to Christianity. Since these two famous personalities popularized the phrase born again, it has become part of the currency of modern speech.

To describe someone as a born-again Christian is, technically speaking, to be guilty of redundancy. There is no such thing as a non-born-again Christian. An unregenerate (non-born-again) Christian is a contradiction in terms. Likewise, a born-again non-Christian is a contradiction.

It was Jesus who first declared that spiritual rebirth was an absolute necessity for entering the kingdom of God. He declared to Nicodemus, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3). The word unless in Jesus' teaching signals a universally necessary condition for seeing and entering the kingdom of God. Rebirth, then, is an essential part of Christianity; without it, entrance into God's kingdom is impossible.

Regeneration is the theological term used to describe rebirth. It refers to a new generating, a new genesis, a new beginning. It is more than "turning over a new leaf"; it marks the beginning of a new life in a radically renewed person. Peter speaks of believers "having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever" (1 Peter 1:23).

Regeneration is the work of the Holy Spirit upon those who are spiritually dead (see Ephesians 2:1-10). The Spirit recreates the human heart, quickening it from spiritual death to spiritual life. Regenerate people are new creations. Where formerly they had no disposition, inclination, or desire for the things of God, now they are disposed and inclined toward God. In regeneration, God plants a desire for Himself in the human heart that otherwise would not be there.

Regeneration is not to be confused with the full experience of conversion. Just as birth is our initiation, our first entrance into life outside the womb, so our spiritual rebirth is the starting point of our spiritual life. It occurs by God's divine initiative and is an act that is sovereign, immediate, and instantaneous. An awareness of our conversion may be gradual. Yet rebirth itself is instantaneous. No one can be partially reborn any more than a woman can be partially pregnant.

Regeneration is not the fruit or result of faith. Rather, regeneration precedes faith as the necessary condition for faith. We also do not in any way dispose ourselves toward regeneration or cooperate as coworkers with the Holy Spirit to bring it to pass. We do not decide or choose to be regenerated. God chooses to regenerate us before we will ever choose to embrace Him. To be sure, after we have been regenerated by the sovereign grace of God, we do choose, act, cooperate, and believe in Christ. God does not have faith for us. It is our own faith by which we are justified. What God does is quicken us to spiritual life, rescuing us from darkness, bondage, and spiritual death. God makes faith possible and actual for us. He quickens faith within us.

1.  All who are truly Christians are born again.
2.  All who are truly born again are Christians.
3. Rebirth is a necessary precondition to entering the kingdom of God.
4. Regeneration is the sovereign, gracious work of the Holy Spirit.
5.  Regeneration precedes faith. It is God's divine initiative in salvation.

The Essential Truths of the Christian Faith devotional is excerpted from Essential Truths of the Christian Faith Copyright © 1992 by R. C. Sproul. All rights reserved.