
爱或真理?  爱和真理?  Loveor Truth? Love and Truth?

//:Carson/李晋马丽, /:Shane Lems/ Maria Marta

卡森2012年出版的着作《宽容的不宽容》(The Intolerance of Tolerance)中的要点是一个很重要的观点: 「新的,当代版的宽容,就其本质而言,已经变成了不宽容。」(2页)   卡森在整本书中对这观点作了精彩的剖析。在其亮光下,我想指出的是,卡森在稍后的第五章中对基督信仰中爱和真理的教导所作的论述。

「新宽容观常常把真理和爱放进一个零和博弈中:认为这两者中的一方一定会被消灭。如果你的教会有信仰告白,你可能是在高举真理,但对于教外人的爱就减少了。如果你认为基督教信仰一定是和表达、宣传和维护真理相关的,你的爱就会减少,因为真理会划定一些边界,把那些不认同你的人定义为其他人,这样一来不可避免的后果就是:没有爱心和不宽容。你不可能真实地爱 ,又激情地追求真理。」



摘录自《宽容的不宽容》(The Intolerance of Tolerance),卡森(D. A. Carson着)(中文版由李晋马丽翻译,团结出版社2012出版发行)。

Shane Lems
Hammond, WI

Love or Truth? Love and Truth? (Carson)
by Reformed Reader

The main point of D. A. Carson’s 2012 book, The Intolerance of Tolerance, is a good one: “[The] new, contemporary tolerance is intrinsically intolerant” (p. 2).  Carson unpacks that statement pretty well throughout the book.  One thing I want to point out in light of this statement is how Carson discusses the Christian teachings of truth and love later on in chapter five:

“It is not uncommon for the new tolerance to pit truth against love in a zero-sum game: one or the other will be diminished.  If your church has a statement of faith, you may be trying to uphold biblical truth, but love for outsiders will be diminished.  If you think of the Christian faith as articulating, proclaiming, and defending the truth, you will diminish in love, for truth draws borders and establishes that those who disagree with you are ‘other,’ and the inevitable result is lovelessness and intolerance.  You cannot truly love and be passionate for the truth [they say].”

“Biblically speaking, this is a strange position, however popular it is today.  For instance, in his first letter the apostle John establishes three tests of genuine Christian profession: ‘a truth test’ (believers must believe certain things to be true), a love test (believers must genuinely love one another), and an obedience test (believers must do what Jesus says).  Transparently, all of us fail these tests, more or less frequently – and then the only comfort John provides (and it is entirely sufficient) is that the blood of Jesus, God’s Son, cleanses us from all sin.”

“The point to observe is that these three tests must be applied together: it is not best two out of three, nor is there an option to excel in one and flunk the other two.  In particular, John senses no discomfort in pushing both truth and love.  One must conclude, therefore, that if we are tempted to pit one against the other, then clearly there is something fundamentally amiss in our conception of truth, of love, or of both” (p. 121).

D. A. Carson, The Intolerance of Tolerance (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2012).

Shane Lems
Hammond, WI