
司布真论养育儿女12Spurgeon Quotes for When Parenting Feels Hard

作者:Christian George  译者:  Duncan Liang


1. 教养孩童,使他走当行的道,就是你知道你自己本应行的道。
 “Train your child in the way in which you know you should have gone yourself.”

2. 教导孩子三个R ——败坏Ruin),救赎Redemption和重生Regeneration
 “Teach the children the three R’s—Ruin, Redemption, and Regeneration.”

3. 你当留意他一开始那些小小的祷告。
 “Let his first little prayers be noticed by you.”

 4. 不要让任何基督徒父母落入这欺骗,就是主日学的目的是减轻他们自己当尽的本分。
4. “Let no Christian parents fall into the delusion that Sunday School is intended to ease them of their personal duties.”

5. 让我们一开始就把耶稣的名与他们学习的发音混合在一起。让他们从圣经学会首先的功课。
 “Let us from the beginning mingle the name of Jesus with their A B C. Let them read their first lessons from the Bible.”

6. 我们的儿女应征加入基督的大军,这是何等大的福气!
 “What a blessing to have our children enlisted in Christ’s army!”

7. 告诉孩子他是死在罪恶过犯当中,不要对他原本的光景有所怀疑。
7. “Tell the child that he is dead in trespasses and sins, let there be no doubt about his natural condition.”

8. 如果我们从未因责备我们的儿女头痛,他们长大之后我们的头痛就必然多而又多。
 “If we never have headaches through rebuking our children, we shall have plenty of heartaches when they grow up.”

9. 教导小小孩子全备的真理,不教别的,只教真理。
 “Teach the little ones the whole truth and nothing but the truth.”

10. 告诉他他必须重生……温柔地说,但说实话。
 “Tell him he must be born again. . . . Be tender, but be true.”

11. 把小孩子招聚到你膝下,听他们说话,向他们表明他们的需要,提醒他们神恩惠的应许。
 “Gather the little ones around your knee and listen to their words, suggesting to them their needs, and reminding them of God’s gracious promise.”

12. 把生和死、地狱和天堂,审判和怜悯,他自己的罪和基督至为宝贵的宝血摆在你孩子面前。
 “Set before your child life and death, hell and heaven, judgment and mercy, his own sin, and Christ’s most precious blood.”

最后的话A Final Word

For times when parenting feels hard, know this: You don’t walk the path alone. God goes behind you, before you, and beside you.

If you feel you’ve failed at parenting altogether, Spurgeon has a word for you also:

“Some of the worst of men have been the children of godly parents.”

Ultimately, all children belong to God—especially those who’ve lost their way. God doesn’t give up on his prodigal sons and daughters. Neither should we.  


1. 孩子一到了能失丧的年龄就能得到拯救。
1. “As soon as a child is capable of being lost, it is capable of being saved.”

2. “不管我们是否教导年轻的基督徒真理,魔鬼肯定都会教导他们谬误。
2. “Whether we teach young Christians truth or not, the devil will be sure to teach them error.”

3. “孩子会效法父亲的罪,但却很少会效法他们的悔改。
3. “Children will imitate their fathers in their vices, seldom in their repentance.”

4. “除非我们自己在恩典中长进,否则就绝不要期望看到我们的儿女蒙福。
“We must not expect to see our children blessed unless we ourselves grow in grace.”

5. “如果你要在神的教会里有伟人,就在年幼时归正的人当中寻找吧。
“If you want the eminent men in God’s Church, look for them amongst those converted in youth.”

6. “我盼望我们跪下祷告时,很少没有不为我们的孩子祷告的。
“I hope we seldom bow the knee without praying for our children.”

7. “如果你们不为自己祷告,就不能为你们的儿女祷告。
“You cannot pray for your children if you do not pray for yourselves.”

8. “能救你们儿女灵魂的,并不是你们的教训,而是伴随着你们劳苦工作的圣灵上帝的祝福。
“It is not your instruction that can save the souls of your children; it is the blessing of God the Holy Spirit accompanying your labours.”

9. “我知道,向小孩子传讲基督,这不是一件很容易的事,但除了基督以外,没有别的值得传讲。
“It is not very easy, I know, to preach Christ to little children, but there is nothing else worth preaching.”

10. “把一个孩子的前七年给我们,靠着神的恩典,我们就可以藐视世界、肉体和魔鬼。
“Give us the first seven years of a child, with God’s grace, and we may defy the world, the flesh, and the devil.”

司布真的秘诀Spurgeon’s Secret

Spurgeon knew how to raise Godly children because his parents and grandparents raised him to fear the Lord.

“Here, then, is the secret. You must impart to the young your own soul; you must feel as if the ruin of that child would be your own ruin.”