
期待天堂Anticipating Heaven

[每日靈修] 11/1/2018,  駱鴻銘編譯



我們聽到了太多對於「天上餡餅」神學(pie-in-the-sky theology;譯註1)的譏諷和嘲笑,以至於我擔心我們已經失去了對它的胃口。聖經對我們未來的承諾,不僅僅是永遠住在聖母巴特勒之家(Mother Butler;譯註2)。耶穌基督和「無知的西蒙」(Simple Simon;譯註3)幾乎沒有共同之處。


基督的勝利不是靠老生常談或虛構出積極心態建立起來的。耶穌不是「好心的銷售員」(Good Humor Man;譯註4)。祂對喜樂的呼召植根於實情:「你們可以放心,我已經勝了世界」(約十六33)。這是我們未來盼望的所在—— 基督已經戰勝了這個世界。祂直接盯著死亡的面容,令死亡大吃一驚。


約十六33 我將這些事告訴你們,是要叫你們在我裡面有平安。在世上,你們有苦難;但你們可以放心,我已經勝了世界。」
啟廿一13 我又看見一個新天新地;因為先前的天地已經過去了,海也不再有了。我又看見聖城新耶路撒冷由神那裡從天而降,預備好了,就如新婦妝飾整齊,等候丈夫。我聽見有大聲音從寶座出來說:「看哪,神的帳幕在人間。他要與人同住,他們要作他的子民。神要親自與他們同在,作他們的神。

1. 這是Joe Hill 1911年為諷刺救世軍的歌曲而寫的一個歌詞,意思類似於「望梅止渴」——徒有天堂的盼望,卻仍在地上受苦。
2. 一位愛爾蘭的天主教修女,在歐洲和美國建立了許多教會學校。
3. 一首流行的英語童謠。
4. 1950的一部喜劇電影。Biff Jones是「好幽默」(Good Humor)冰淇淋公司的銷售員,因為好心而捲入到一樁謀殺案裏。

Anticipating Heaven

Do I as a living, breathing, conscious person have a concrete hope for my future? What do I have to look forward to? At times, when I discover that my own spirit is sagging and a sense of heaviness intrudes on me, I sometimes wonder why the gloomy cloud is perched above my head.

Biblical eschatology gives us solid reasons for expecting a personal continuity of life. Eternal life for the individual is not an empty human aspiration built on myth, but an assurance promised us by Christ Himself. His own triumph over the grave is the church’s hope for our participation in His life.

We have heard so much ridicule and mocking about pie-in-the-sky theology that I’m afraid we’ve lost our appetite for it. What the Scriptures promise for our future involves a lot more than a perpetual visit to Mother Butler’s. Jesus Christ and Simple Simon have very little in common.

The promise of heaven is indeed glorious—a promise that not only anchors the soul but fires the soul with hope. Life is not an outrageous horror, though we witness outrages daily. The outrage is not the bottom line. The sting of death has been overcome.

The victory of Christ is not established by platitudes or conjured-up positive mental attitudes. Jesus is not the Good Humor Man. His call to joy is rooted in reality: “Be of good cheer for I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Therein resides our future hope—that Christ has overcome the world. He stared directly into the face of death and death blinked.

Coram Deo
Reflect on this truth as you face your problems today: Jesus overcame the world and has given you the power to do likewise.

Passages for Further Study
Revelation 21:1–3