

誠之摘自 巴刻著,《簡明神學》(更新傳道會,1999), 120-121頁。

「限定的救贖」(definte atonement)有時也稱作「特定的救贖」(particular atonement)、「有效的救贖」(effective atonement),或「有限的救贖」(limited atonement),這是改革宗一項歷史性的教義,論及三一神在耶穌基督之死的事上,其意向為何。這項教義不懷疑基督所獻的祭的無限價值,也不懷疑神真誠地向所有「聽見(福音)的人」發出的邀約(啟2217),它明言:基督的死真正除去了所有神選民的罪惡,並確保他們會藉著重生而有信心,並蒙神保守其信心,而得以進入榮耀裏──得榮耀才是主的救贖所要完成的目的。救贖的限定性與有效性帶來它的「有限性」:即基督就祂死的有效性而言,祂並不是為每一個人死。並非所有人都得救了的這個事實,證明這項教義,正符合聖經和經驗合起來所教導我們的。

此外,僅有的兩種可能選擇是:(1) 真正的普救論,認為基督的死保證了人類每一份子──過去的、現在的、未來的──都會得救;或者是(2)  假設的普救論,認為基督的死使每一個人都可能得到救恩,但是只有那些以信心回應並肯悔改的人,才會真正得著。但主的死並沒有保證人一定會相信並悔改。所以,選擇有三:效果無限、範圍有限的救贖(改革宗的特定救贖論);範圍無限、效果有限的救贖(假設的普救論);或是效果無限、範圍也無限的救贖(真正的普救論)。這三項我們究竟應該選哪一項,必須讓聖經作為我們的導引來決定。



52 限定的救赎——耶稣基督为神的选民而死
Definite Redemption - Jesus Christ died for God's elect
《简明神学》Concise Theology: A Guide to Historic Christian Beliefs,巴刻(J. I. Packer)著/張麟至译,更新传道会,2007年。







I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. JOHN 10:14-15

Definite redemption, sometimes called “particular redemption,” “effective atonement,” and “limited atonement,” is an historic Reformed doctrine about the intention of the triune God in the death of Jesus Christ. Without doubting the infinite worth of Christ’s sacrifice or the genuineness of God’s “whoever will” invitation to all who hear the gospel (Rev. 22:17), the doctrine states that the death of Christ actually put away the sins of all God’s elect and ensured that they would be brought to faith through regeneration and kept in faith for glory, and that this is what it was intended to achieve. From this definiteness and effectiveness follows its limitedness: Christ did not die in this efficacious sense for everyone. The proof of that, as Scripture and experience unite to teach us, is that not all are saved.

The only possible alternatives are (a) actual universalism, holding that Christ’s death guaranteed salvation for every member of the human race, past, present, and future, or (b) hypothetical universalism, holding that Christ’s death made salvation possible for everyone but actual only for those who add to it a response of faith and repentance that was not secured by it. The choices are, therefore, an atonement of unlimited efficacy but limited extent (Reformed particularism), one of unlimited extent but limited efficacy (hypothetical universalism), or one of unlimited efficacy and unlimited extent (actual universalism). Scripture must be the guide in choosing between these possibilities.

Scripture speaks of God as having chosen for salvation a great number of our fallen race and having sent Christ into the world to save them (John 6:37-40; 10:27-29; 11:51-52; Rom. 8:28-39; Eph. 1:3-14; 1 Pet. 1:20). Christ is regularly said to have died for particular groups or persons, with the clear implication that his death secured their salvation (John 10:15-18, 27-29; Rom. 5:8-10; 8:32; Gal. 2:20, 3:13-14; 4:4-5; 1 John 4:9-10; Rev. 1:4-6; 5:9-10). Facing his passion, he prayed only for those the Father had given him, not for the “world” (i.e., the rest of mankind, John 17:9, 20). Is it conceivable that he would decline to pray for any whom he intended to die for? Definite redemption is the only one of the three views that harmonizes with this data.

There is no inconsistency or incoherence in the teaching of the New Testament about, on the one hand, the offer of Christ in the gospel, which Christians are told to make known everywhere, and, on the other hand, the fact that Christ achieved a totally efficacious redemption for God’s elect on the cross. It is a certain truth that all who come to Christ in faith will find mercy (John 6:35, 47-51, 54-57; Rom. 1:16; 10:8-13). The elect hear Christ’s offer, and through hearing it are effectually called by the Holy Spirit. Both the invitation and the effectual calling flow from Christ’s sin-bearing death. Those who reject the offer of Christ do so of their own free will (i.e., because they choose to, Matt. 22:1-7; John 3:18), so that their final perishing is their own fault. Those who receive Christ learn to thank him for the cross as the centerpiece of God’s plan of sovereign saving grace.