

/Peter Y. De Jong  /梁曙东  /述宁
PeterY. De Jong, The Church’s Witness To The World , Preface ,(St.Catharines, Canada: Paideia Press, 1980).

MEN LIKE to think of their times in superlatives. When asked to characterize the world in which they live, they often speak of it as either the best or worst which man has ever known. Such judgments are usually of little value. Each generation may demonstrate a marked difference from the preceding but the bond of a common humanity binds them indissolubly together.

Much greater and more glorious is the oneness of the church of Christ. Throughott her long history she has experienced the impact of changing situations. With great show of right we may speak of times of development and decline, of expansion and retrogression, of burning spirituality and of blighting worldliness. But amid the shifting tides of her life, the church has been joined together by Cod in a sevenfold unity. "There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one Cod and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in all." (Eph. 4:4-6) Essentially the church remains the same in every age, for she is the body of Christ, the company of believers called to be saints, witnesses of the grace of God in Christ Jesus to all peoples.

Because the church is provided with the gospel and preserved in this truth by the indwelling Spirit, her message in every generation remains basically the same. Individuals may differ radically in their understanding and appropriation of this truth. Large sections of the organized church may deviate and defect from the faith once for all delivered to the 'saints. Even at best the church in this world knows only in part and prophesies in part. (I Cor. 13:9) But the truth of Cod in Christ, always fuller and larger and richer than any representation thereof, remains unchanged. This is the inalienable legacy given to the church by divine grace.

讲到在我们这个时代中的教会的生命时,这些是应该牢记的事情。基督的事业似乎在充满罪恶的日子里衰落了,以至于我们可以恰当地引用撒母耳·约翰·斯通(Samuel J. Stone)的话承认:
These things ought to be remembered, when speaking of the life of the church in our times. Christ's cause seems to have fallen upon evil days, so that we confess appropriately with Samuel J. Stone,


"Though with a scornful wonder Men see her sore oppressed, By schisms rent asunder, By heresies distressed,"
and again,
"Mid toil and tribulation And tumult of her war . . ."

Yet all this by no means exhausts the story of the church or gives adequate expression to the secret of her life. By God's electing love she has received new life in Christ which is communicated to her by the Holy Spirit. To this new life she bears testimony throughout all ages. She knows no other message In this faith according to godliness she prays that she may daily increase. The bond which binds her members together in holy company is the gospel of her salvation in Christ.

 In order that she may rightly understand, faithfully witness to and adequately defend this precious heritage, the church preserves the bond which unites her with the saints and faithful of previous generations. In such times, too, the church was disturbed by heresy and rent by schism. Both from without and within foes relentlessly beset her life. When persecution failed to tempt her to a betrayal of the truth, she was threatened by perversions of the gospel. But keeping careful and constant watch over those whom he had redeemed by his blood and called to be witnesses was the faithful Head and Savior who preserved them in the way of truth and grace. (John 17:14-18) All the pages of church history testify of his presence and his power.

We would therefore be guilty of gross superficiality and ingratitude, were we to neglect the voice of history. What God's people believed and preached in previous generations is of signal value for us today. Their insights have been preserved to enrich our lives. Their defense of sound doctrine is an arsenal from which we obtain weapons which may serve us well. Their faithfulness to the Savior in the face of great affliction and apostasy not only cheers our hearts but also encourages us to be loyal to him who loved us and gave himself for our salvation.

教会从宗教改革动荡年间继承下来的宝贵财富之一,就是古伊多·德布利(Guido de Bres)主笔的《比利时信条》(Confession of Faith)。在这份公认信条当中,认信教会的声音盖住了冲突意见的喧嚣,以及那些被混乱、迷失永生之道之人的呼声。
One of the precious treasures inherited from the turbulent years of the Reformation is the Confession of Faith penned by Guido de Bres. Here the voice of the confessing church is raised above the clamor of conflicting opinion and the cries of the confused who had lost the way which leads to eternal life.

This statement of the church's faith in the sixteenth century is a child of its own time. Its language seems somewhat archaic and abstract. The issues with which it deals at first appear irrelevant to the problems which perplex us in our modern world. Many of its answers can hardly be considered exhaustive. But reading and reflecting upon the message of the Confession will be eminently rewarding. It not only illumines the story of the church in the past; it challenges the thought and heart of the church today. For only in the measure in which we are faithful to its message, will we as individuals and churches be true to our heavenly calling in the world. Christ has appointed us to be his witnesses "testifying both to Jews and to Greeks repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ." (Acts 20:21) This is the heart of the Christian message in every age.

The Rise of the Reformation in the Lowlands

To understand and appreciate this creed, often called the Belgic Confession, we must orientate ourselves somewhat into the historical situation in which it arose.

很少有哪个地方的宗教改革进程,会比这些被称为尼德兰的海边国家更令人惊叹。在十五世纪晚期和十六世纪,人用尼德兰这名字称呼包括现在的尼德兰(荷兰)、比利时和法国北部的地区。这些地区的大部分曾经由勃艮第诸侯(Burgundian princes)的松散联盟所统治;他们的血脉在1477年就断绝了。此后每一个国家都非常看重独立自主的精神,致力于管理自己的事务。经过欧洲统治者之间一系列的联姻,这些地方最终落入统治奥地利和西班牙,以及尼德兰的皇帝手中。
In few lands is the course of the Reformation more fascinating than in those countries by the sea known as the Netherlands. During the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries this name was given to the territories which are now included in the Nether lands (Holland), Belgium and northern France. Most of these lands had been ruled in the form of a loose federation by the Burgundian princes whose line had become extinct in 1477. Each state cherished a strong spirit of independence and aimed at managing its own affairs. By a series of marriages among the rulers of Europe these lands passed into the hands of the emperor who ruled Austria and Spain as well as the Netherlands.

In 1515 Charles of Spain, the son of Ferdinand and Isabella, began his rule, and six years later he was crowned emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. His aim was to consolidate all political authority in the states over which he ruled. To this end he found it expedient to embark on a program of military expansion. During the early years of his reign he annexed Tournai, Friesland, Utrecht with its subject territory of Overijssel, Groningen and Drente, and finally the large duchy of Guelders. He introduced a series of central councils by which he hoped to destroy the provincialism which was rampart in that part of the world. His consuming ambition was to exploit the commercial and industrial resources as well as the strategic position of the Netherlands for the expansion of Spanish power. As a faithful son of the Roman Catholic Church he attempted to extirpate all heresy and thus unify the people in one church and one state.

Outside of Italy no part of the European continent had made such rapid and remarkable advances in economic and social life as the Netherlands. Here was an amazingly developed environment which enjoyed a high level of culture for those years. Many of the people, even those in moderate circumstances, could read. There was much contact with other lands, especially Italy where for some generations humanism had flourished under the influence of the Renaissance. The church was deeply rooted in the lives of the people, although criticisms of her doctrines and practices were not uncommon. When the Reformation broke out at Wittenberg iri 1517, the Lowlands were ripe for harvesting.

At an early date many Sacramentarians arose here, who clamored for reform in the church. One of their major emphases was the denial of the real presence of Christ in the sacraments. Although the works of Luther were widely read, there is little evidence that he won a large number of adherents. Especially his emphasis, more strongly developed after the debacle of the Peasants' War of 1525, that the legitimate princes must be obeyed in all secular and religious matters no matter how tyrannical their rule, did not appeal to the Netherlanders who experienced that under the government of Charles V they were being daily robbed of rights and privileges of long standing. Much more attractive were the teachings of the Anabaptists which in the early years of this movement stirred many to defiance and rebellion. Printing presses were producing a flood of religious writings, both orthodox and heretical, which were avidly read in this age of intellectual, political and religious ferment.

Charles V believed himself to be king by divine right. This included for him the prerogative of compelling all his subjects to submit to the authority of the bishop of Rome. He therefore resolved at an early date to introduce the inquisition as it had been developed in Spain. Against this his Netherlands councillors, who knew the temper of the people much better than he, protested vigorously but in vain. Already in 1522 he appointed a member of the council of Brabant to investigate all suspected of heresy and inflict proper punishment. By 1524 the inquisition was in full swing with papal approval but without the support of the local magistrates who insisted that they could cope with heretics.

Increasingly it became apparent that the situation was getting out of hand. Greater rigor was needed to achieve the ideals of the Spanish king. In 1529 an ordinance was imposed which ruled that all laymen who discussed questions about the faith or failed to report heretics or made insulting remarks about images of God, the virgin or the saints were to be put to death. Even these stringent measures failed to stem the rising tide of heretical opinions. In all parts of the Netherlands especially the Anabaptists were winning adherents. The printing presses of Antwerp were groaning under the load of forbidden books. Never was the quantity sufficient to satisfy the insatiable appe tites of the Dutchmen. Literature poured in from foreign lands, especially Germany, and was secretly sold. By 1540 all heretics were to be deprived of their property, and those who sheltered the suspects or spoke a good word on their behalf were liable to punishment by death.

After ruling for some forty years Charles V died in 1555. He was succeeded by his son, Philip II, who was even more absolutistic in his conception of royal authority and fanatic in his devotion to Rome. Taxes were raised. The constitutional privileges of many cities were withdrawn. Heresy was more severely repressed by royal edict than before. Philip recognized that if he lost control of the Netherlands with their wealth and enterprise, the Spanish empire would be hopelessly crippled. Here alone was to be found the industrial and commercial advance which could provide him with the power necessary to maintain his authority throughout his vast domain.

因腓力常常不在尼德兰,他就任命他的妹妹帕尔马的玛格丽特(Margaret of Parma)摄政,代表自己。玛格丽特摄政得到一个三人委员会支持,为首的是阿拉斯(Arras)大主教格朗韦勒(Cardinal Granvelle)。这委员会明目张胆地对贵族的权利与特权置之不理,而贵族一直以来在政治生活方面享有极大影响力,拥有人民的信任。从这时候开始,在所有贵族当中为首的奥兰治·威廉王子(Prince William of Orange)起来反抗西班牙暴政统治。他成为抵抗运动的领袖,后来从西班牙领主手中获得了北部省份的独立。
Since he was frequently absent, Philip appointed as regent to represent him his sister, Margaret of Parma. In this she was assisted by a council of three, chief of whom was Cardinal Granvelle the bishop of Arras. This council flagrantly ignored the rights and privileges of the nobility who always enjoyed great influence in political life and had the confidence of the people. From this time dates the opposition of Prince William of Orange, chief of all the nobles, to the Spanish tyranny. He became the leader of the resistance movement which in time wrested independence for the northern provinces from their Spanish overlord.

During the reign of Charles V heresy had multiplied so rapidly despite the many edicts issued against it, that some new solution had to be proposed to keep the Netherlands in line. By the papal bull of 1559 the country was divided into fifteen bishoprics and three archbishoprics, appointments to which were made only by the pope.

By now the ferment of Calvin's teaching had entered the Netherlands and won the allegiance of thousands. Here was a clear and simple statement of the Christian faith rooted solely in the word of God. It exposed the serious doctrinal defections as well as ethical abuses rampant in the Romish church. More than that, its appeal to divine law promised to provide some order, both religious and political, in a situation which grew more confusing and chaotic with every passing year. These teachings also outlined a church organization according to the Scriptures which could flourish in the most troublous times, since it was completely independent of all political control. By such means the believers could be unified in a much more effective way than the Anabaptistic individual and local associations of believers could ever hope to achieve. In this way Geneva became the Wittenberg of the Netherlands.

The Author of the Confession

在尼德兰加尔文主义宗教改革最富恩赐和影响力的领袖当中,其中一位就是古伊多·德布利(Guido de Bres),《比利时信条》的作者。这位勇敢的上帝福音的宣讲和教导者值得我们长久珍藏在心中,加以纪念。
Among the most gifted and influential leaders of the Calvinistic Reformation in the Netherlands was Guido de Bres, the father of the Belgic Confession. The memory of this intrepid preacher and teacher of the holy gospel deserves to be permanently enshrined in our hearts.

我们对这人的早年生活所知相对较少。我们不清楚他的出生日期,虽然有很有力的理由认为,那是在1522年。在德布利出生前不久,他的母亲听到了亨利·范朱特芬(Hendrik van Zutfen)大有能力的讲道,他是一位逃脱了逼迫者之手的奥古斯丁教团修士。当时他正在前往威登堡的路上,路过德布利出生的小镇蒙斯(Mons)。他母亲听完讲道后向上帝祷告,她若生下一个儿子,就求上帝让他成为一位传道人。她压根儿没有意识到上帝为她和她家人所做的安排,因为在这时候,她还是罗马天主教会一位忠心的成员。蒙斯是今天比利时境内埃诺(Hainault)省的主要城市。他的父亲名叫吉恩·德布利(Jean de Bres),是一位匠人;在教堂彼此竞争、以拥有描绘圣经故事场面的窗户为荣的年代,他绘制彩窗玻璃的能力所带来的收入,足以让家人过上舒适生活。
We know comparatively little of the early life of this man. The date of his birth is obscure, although there is good reason to believe that this was 1522. Shortly before his birth, de Bres' mother heard the vigorous preaching of Hendrik van Zutfen, an Augustinian monk who had escaped out of the hands of the persecutors. Now on his way to Wittenberg he traveled through Mons, the town in which de Bres was born. Upon hearing the message the mother prayed to God that her son, if she would give birth to a son, might also be a preacher. Little could she have realized what God had in store for her and her family, for at this time she was a faithful member of the Roman Catholio Church. Mons was the chief town of Hainault, a province in what today is Belgium. His father was Jean de Bres, an artisan whose ability to paint on glass earned for the family a comfortable living in those days when churches vied with each other in possessing windows adorned with Biblical scenes.

As a child Guido de Bres was instructed in the Roman Catholic faith. Of this fact he spoke by describing his forefathers in one of his writings as unbelievers and image worshippers He also regarded himself as being at first unbelieving and blind. Quite early in life he embraced the Reformed faith, possibly hearing one of the many wandering preachers who announced to the people the rediscovery of the simple Christian faith. There also seems to be strong evidence that he read some of the evangelical literature which at that time was widely disseminated in spite of the royal edicts. Coming under the conviction of his sins, he found salvation and peace in Jesus Christ.

由于民事官员毫不妥协地效忠罗马教会,逼迫成了当时的常态。在荷兰境内每一个地方,被怀疑是相信异端的人都被追捕;如果被找到,就会被折磨和被处死。在1547年,古伊多·德布利被迫逃亡。他到了英格兰,在爱德华六世统治之下,英格兰热烈欢迎所有认信宗教改革信仰的人。在他停留期间(持续了近五年之久),上帝护理性地使他被预备,好承担那将要完成的伟大工作。他和几位杰出的改革宗领袖有密切交往,他们同样为逃离逼迫来此,从他们那里他学到很多。约翰·阿拉斯科(John a Lasco),那位失去家园的波兰贵族,受命担任在伦敦的难民教会的牧师,并按照上帝的话语组织这间教会。达海努斯(Petrus Dathenus),后来以出色的福音讲道人和荷兰教会礼仪之父而闻名,也曾在英格兰度日。德布利接触的其他人还包括马丁·麦克尼乌斯(Martin Micronius),一位广受欢迎的讲道人,他为小孩子写的教理问答在教会内被长久使用;以及约翰·乌滕霍夫(John Utenhove),一位敬虔的贵族,他作上帝的器皿,将圣经和若干重要的宗教改革作品翻译成国人通用语言。
in one of his writings as unbelievers and image worshippers He also regarded himself as being at first unbelieving and blind. Quite early in life he embraced the Reformed faith, possibly hearing one of the many wandering preachers who announced to the people the rediscovery of the simple Christian faith. There also seems to be strong evidence that he read some of the evangelical literature which at that time was widely disseminated in spite of the royal edicts. Coming under the conviction of his sins, he found salvation and peace in Jesus Christ.

到了1552年,德布利回到故乡。他在国内游历四方,从这城到那城,传讲改革宗信仰,把小群信徒召聚组成教会。在这时候,他写了他的第一本著作,Le Boston de la Foy Chrestienne,《基督教信仰之杖》。该著作针对1547在巴黎发行、广受欢迎的一本书,揭露其中罗马天主教的错谬。德布利大量引用圣经,有时援引教父的教导,证明他和其他人所教导的是纯正有益的神的话语。这本书中讨论的不同话题值得我们留意,因为当中许多内容在我们这份公认信条里再次出现。作者用简单直接的语言教导读者的圣经教义包括:
By 1552 we find de Bres back in his homeland. Here he traveled widely, going from city to city to preach the Reformed faith and gather the small groups of believers into congregations. At this time he wrote his first book, Le Boston de la Foy Chrestienne, "The Rod ( cudgel, stick, or staff) of the Christian Faith." It militated against the errors of a Romish book, popular among many, which first appeared in Paris in 1547. By quoting voluminously from Scripture and appealing at times to the church fathers, de Bres demonstrated that what he and others were teaching was the pure and wholesome word of God. The various topics discussed in this book are worthy of attention, since many of these reappear in our Confession. In simple and straightforward language the author instructed his readers in the Scriptural doctrine concerning

God and his attributes Christ and his attributes The Holy Spirit and his attributes The law of God Free will The grounds of our justification Merit The only Mediator The church and her authority Baptism Confession to God and reconciliation with one's . neighbors The Lord's Supper The Holy Scriptures The gathering of believers Marriage Vows On fasting and foods The veneration of the saints Images Purgatory That none may be compelled to faith On magistrates who persecute believers On the civil authority and its power

During this period he labored with exemplary devotion as pastor of the church at Lille.

When the authorities discovered his growing influence among the people, he was forced again to flee. This time he found refuge in Frankfurt on the Main, a German city where those who professed the evangelical faith were safe from molestation. Possibly he may have met Calvin at this time, who visited the city for a short season. Not long afterward de Bres left for Switzerland to study in Lausanne and Geneva.

1559年,他得以回到尼德兰南部地方。在那时他与凯特琳·拉蒙(Catherine Ramon)结婚,育有几个子女。他越发有活力和果效地委身于传讲纯正的福音。在腓力二世毫不让步的态度煽动下,西班牙大肆展开逼迫。所有离开罗马天主教会者,都被指控破坏国家秩序。这样的指控的产生主要出于恶意和误解,因为罗马天主教人士坚持要把卷入蒙斯特(Munster)悲剧的少数重洗派人士的极端做法归罪于所有接受更正教信仰的人。
In 1559 he was able to return to the southern Netherlands. At that time he married Catherine Ramon, with whom he had several children. With increasing vigor and effectiveness he devoted himself to preaching the pure gospel. The Spaniards, incited by the intransigeance of Philip II, opened the floodgates of persecution. All who broke with the Roman Catholic church were accused of undermining good order in the land. This charge was born largely out of malice and misunderstanding, since the Romanists insisted on imputing to all who embraced the Protestant faith the excesses of the small number of Anabaptists involved in the tragedy of Munster.

Both for the purpose of replying to these unfounded charges and of instructing the believers Guido de Bres prepared his Confession of Faith. At this time he was laboring in Tournai, a city which Charles V had wrested from the French king in 1521 but whose inhabitants maintained close contact with the French. The local magistrates were greatly displeased when as a result of edicts of Charles V two evangelical preachers had been burned to death there in 1545 and 1546. Now, however, Philip II was on the throne. Under his prodding the court of Brussels kept a watchful eye on Tournai because of its sympathies both for the French and for the reformers. In the summer of 1561 an event took place in that city which proved dangerous for the spread of the Reformed faith. Spontaneously quite a few of the inhabitants engaged in a series of "chanteries," public singing of the psalms which had been strictly prohibited by the authorities. This seemed to give credence to the Romish charge that all who embraced the "new doctrines" were disturbers of the peace and order of the city. De Bres himself had not hesitated to warn against these "chanteries," knowing full well that the ire of the authorities would be aroused. And when Margaret of Parma heard in Brussels that the city of Tournal had engaged in such open violation of the edicts, she sent a commission of certain nobles to investigate the situation and arrest all suspected of heresy. Thus the situation in Tournai became critical for de Bres and his congregation. Numerous arrests were made, and finally the minister himself was forced to flee once more.

Knowing that the authorities were searching for him everywhere, de Bres made preparations for his escape. During the night of November 1, 1561, he took a copy of the small volume which contained his Confession of Faith together with a letter addressed to the local magistracy and tossed this over the castle wall. Here the commissioners of Margaret of Parma were lodging. The reformer became the object of an intense and relentless search, during which the small garden house in which he lodged and kept his library was burned to the ground. He was declared an exile with a price upon his head and burned in effigy.

156112月到15667月,这位神的仆人被迫住在国外。他在迪耶普(Dieppe)、亚眠(Amiens)、蒙迪迪耶(Montdider)和色当(Sedan)努力开展上帝话语的事工,这些都是法国城市,改革宗信仰在其中赢得了众多跟从者。这期间他也写书反对重洗派,书名是La racine, source et fondamente des Anabaptistes(《重洗派的根源与基础》)。他在色当服事教会的几年,担任法国显赫的贵族布永公爵(Duke of Bouillon)的牧师。他不时短途旅行前往安特卫普和布鲁塞尔,秘密会晤改革宗教会和他们的牧师。他与奥兰治·威廉王子也有接触,后者希望加尔文主义者和路德宗人士可以有更密切联系,好让荷兰从西班牙独立出来的努力得到德国诸侯的协助。
From December 1561 to July 1566 this man of God was compelled to remain on foreign soil. He labored in the ministry of the word in Dieppe, Amiens, Montdider and Sedan, all cities of France wherein the Reformed religion had won many adherents. At this time he also wrote his book against the Anabaptists, entitled La racine, source et fondamente des Anabaptistes, "The root, origin and basis of the Anabaptists," At Sedan, where he served the congregation for several years, he was pastor of the duke of Bouillon, one of the chief noblemen of France. From time to time he made short journeys to Antwerp and Brussels, conferring in all secrecy with the Reformed congregations and their pastors. He was also in contact with Prince William of Orange, who desired closer affiliations between the Calvinists and the Lutherans in order to secure the assistance of the German princes in the Dutch struggle for independence from Spain.

虽然德布利为促进法国改革宗信仰的事业做了大量工作,尼德兰南部的人还是非常希望他能回国。在这如此盛情的邀约下,他来到瓦朗谢讷(Valenciennes),在此与佩里格林·德·拉·格朗日(Peregrin de la Grange)一起牧养一间大型教会,因为镇上大部分居民都认信了加尔文主义的教义。他回国不久,反对圣像的骚乱爆发。人们武力闯入和玷污罗马天主教的圣所,所有圣像和圣物都被无情摧毁。瓦朗谢讷镇的居民也参与了这场运动。这对罗马天主教人士是公然亵渎和不敬的举动。市镇当局大多数是天主教人士,他们对此勃然大怒。皇帝颁令宣告这城公然背叛之罪。皇兵围城,三个月后,这城投降。教会的两位传道人在混乱中成功逃脱,但几天后,他们被捕入狱。在此期间,古伊多·德布利带着极大信心的安慰写信给妻子儿女和母亲。最后,在1567530日晚上,德布利在坚定拒绝放弃改革宗信仰之后被执行绞刑,他的尸首被焚烧,骨灰撒在从城市旁边流过的斯海尔德河的水面上。就这样,一位信心英雄的地上生涯结束了。他虽然死了,但通过他的作品,特别是《比利时信条》,在今天仍然对我们说话。
Although de Bres did much to further the cause of the Reformed faith in France, the people of the southern Netherlands greatly desired his return. Under such affectionate pressures he settled for a season in Valenciennes. Here with Peregrin de la Grange he assumed the spiritual care of a large congrega tion, since a majority of the town's inhabitants had professed the Calvinistic doctrines. Not long after his return the iconoclastic disturbances broke out. Roman Catholic sanctuaries were violently entered and profaned, while all images and relics were ruthlessly destroyed. Also the townspeople of Valenciennes took part in this movement. To the Romanists this was an act of gross sacrilege and blasphemy. The indignation of the authorities, most of whom were adherents of that church, knew no bounds. By royal edict the city was declared guilty of open rebellion. The soldiers of the emperor besieged the city, which capitulated after three months. Both of the preachers managed to escape in the confusion which reigned. But after a few days they were captured and imprisoned. During this time Guido de Bres wrote letters of great faith and consolation to his wife and children as well as to his mother. Finally on the night of May 30, 1567, having stedfastly refused to repudiate the Reformed religion, de Bres was hanged. His body was burned, and its ashes scattered on the waters of the Schelde river which ran alongside of the city. Thus ended the earthly career of one of the heroic champions of the faith. But through his writings and especially the Confession of Faith he, being dead, still speaks to us today.

The Antecedents of the Confession

Often the creeds are superficially judged to be the work of one or a, few men. Nothing is farther from the truth. The Belgic Confession expressly manifests the earmarks of the faith which was commonly received by the people of the Netherlands in those days. To demonstrate this somewhat it will be necessary to review the historical antecedents of this document.

As the survey of the life and labors of de Bres evidenced, he was an ardent and able disciple of John Calvin, the lionhearted reformer of Geneva and teacher of countless thousands in Europe of his day. In the library of de Bres, secluded in the garden house at Tournai and burned by the minions of the emperor, were several of Calvin's works. Undoubtedly the work which made the profoundest impression upon this Netherlands preacher was the Institutes of the Christian Religion. Many phrases and much of the argument of the Confession of Faith demonstrate a large measure of dependence on this illustrious book.

The first edition of the Institutes appeared in 1536 when Calvin was only twenty six years old. Originally the reformer had intended his little work, which comprised only five chapters, to serve as a means of instructing the people in pure religion. But having heard of the bitter persecution which raged in the dominions of the. French king against those who embraced Protestantism, Calvin added not only the fifth and last chapter wherein were exposed many of the most heinous errors of Rome but also a preface to Francis I, king of France. This was an apology or defence of the Reformed religion, admired to this day as one of the noblest pieces of French literature of its kind. The opening sentences explained Calvin's purpose admirably.

   "When I began this work, Sire, nothing was further from my thoughts than writing a book which would afterwards be presented to your Majesty. My intention was only to lay down some elementary principles, by which inquirers on the subject of religion might be instructed in the nature of true piety. And this labour I undertook chiefly for my countrymen, the French, of whom I apprehended multitudes to be hungering and thirsting after Christ, but saw very few possessing any real knowledge of him. That this was my design, the book itself proves by its simple method and unadorned composition. But when I perceived that the fury of certain wicked men in your kingdom had grown to such a height, as to leave no room in the land for sound doctrine, I thought I should be usefully employed, if in the same work I delivered my instructions to them, and exhibited my confession to you, that you may know the nature of that doctrine, which is the object of such unbounded rage to those madmen who are now disturbing the country with fire and sword. . ."
It is significant to note that de Bres' Confession of Faith served the same dual purpose. The author had learned his lessons well in the school of Calvin, assuming his place in the church both as an apologist for sound doctrine and as a patient teacher of the little ones who belonged to Christ's flock. Unabashedly his writings bear the stamp of the great reformer. Yet he did not follow Calvin slavishly. He knew how to present the doctrine which is according to godliness in words which struck a responsive chord in the heart of the Netherlands churches. Thus the Confession is more than a mere reproduction of the Institutes. It takes the teachings so beautifully and comprehensively set forth on its pages and summarizes them in language which is de Bres' own.

That the Institutes had a direct influence on the formulation of our Confession of Faith is further evidenced by what took place in French-speaking lands during the years immediately preceding its appearance.

Calvin had directed his little book (for this it indeed was in its initial editions) not only to the French king but more especially to the French people. These both read and were profoundly influenced by its pages. In spite of frequent shifts in political and religious policy on the part of the authorities, the Reformed faith was embraced by a large segment of the population. Multitudes broke more or less publicly with Romish doctrine and worship. In nearly every city, town and village groups of Reformed believers gathered together. These all looked to Geneva for leadership, recognizing in John Calvin, one of their own number, a spiritual father and teacher in Christ. Continually they sought his advice on the numerous problems which perplexed them in defending and propagating the principles of the Reformation. Out of this situation the Gallican (or French) Confession was born.

In the congregation of Poitiers dissension appeared. Not all the members agreed on how the doctrine of divine predestination ought to be formulated and believed. That this teaching was clearly affirmed in Holy Scripture and constituted an integral element in Calvin's exposition of the Christian faith they all recognized. To resolve their difficulty, the congregation sought the advice and help of neighboring churches. In the judgment of this assembly all Reformed congregations in France would be admirably served by a common confession, "so that no strange opinions might creep in." The desire was expressed for a general synod of all the French churches. While persecution was raging through city and countryside and believers stood in jeopardy of their lives, the delegates met in Paris during 1559.

Plans for such a synod had already been submitted to Calvin. Strange as this may seem to us today, the reformer urged those who conferred with him not to pursue their plan to draft a general confession for the French churches. He feared that this might in time prove to be a hindrance to the unity of all true Protestant believers. But when the representatives of the churches could not be dissuaded, Calvin prepared for them a tentative confession of faith. This was in due time presented at the synod of Paris by the delegates who had been to Geneva.

This tentative confession was a summary of the Institutes. So pleased were the delegates with this draft, that it was overwhelmingly adopted without any significant changes. It deserves to be noted that the Gallican Confession was drawn up to preserve the peace and unity of the Reformed congregations in the true faith. Yet it soon came to be used as an apology and testimony to the French king.

The assembly itself' had decided not to present the document to the king except under extreme necessity. Little did the delegates realize how soon such necessity would arise. Francis I, to whom Calvin had dedicated the Institutes was now long since dead. In 1547 Henry II had ascended the throne of France. Less than a month after the synod had gathered in Paris, this king died unexpectedly after receiving a fatal wound at a tournament held in honor of the marriage of his daughter. He was followed by his son, Francis IL From the new king the Protestants fervently hoped to receive the necessary royal permission to worship God according to his word without molestation. They were convinced that if only the youthful ruler were acquainted with what they in good conscience believed, he would order a cessation of persecution. Thus the first edition of this creed was publicly presented to the king during the following year (1560) by a delegation of eight representatives of the French Reformed churches. Shortly thereafter Francis II also passed away to be succeeded by Charles IX. Now in 1561 this Gallican Confession was presented publicly to him for his perusal. Thus also this creed served almost from its inception the double purpose of instructing the church and acquainting the world with the true doctrine of God's word.

The Belgic Confession is plainly the child of the creed adopted by the French churches.

The first edition, penned in French which must be regarded as the original, did not appear in print until 1561. However, de Bres had begun his labor of love nearly two years earlier. To this he was prompted largely by the tragic religious divisions of his land as well as the thirst of the believers for some systematic but withal simple statement of their faith. One of the chief incentives to this work was undoubtedly the charge which the Romanists repeatedly hurled against those who embraced the Reformed teachings, ranging them along with the Anabaptists as disturbers of the peace and order of the country. An old account informs us that the author showed these articles to Saravia who at the time was on the point of journeying to Geneva. Saravia, who approved of their form and content, showed them to Calvin and the other Genevan theologians. These men urged their visitor to plead with de Bres not to prepare another creedal statement for the Reformed churches but content himself with the confession which the French churches had adopted in Paris in 1559. For nearly two years de Bres apparently followed this advice.

Although Calvin and others had urged him to make use of the French confession which could readily be employed by the French-speaking congregations of southern Netherlands, de Bres published his own confession in 1561. We can only surmise what some of the weighty reasons were which prompted him to follow this course. Vonk suggests that basically it was the same circumspection and care which inspired Calvin to advise against this, namely, the spiritual care of the churches. This urged him to seek that which was best for their safety and growth. We should remember that the court at Brussels had little reason to regard anything that came from France with favor. Especially the French Calvinists were suspect, since many of the forbidden books which entered the Lowlands were printed in the cities of France. In addition, the city of Tournai, in which de Bres lived at the time, was carefully watched by the royal authorities lest its ties with France be strengthened. The political as well as the religious situation would seem to indicate sufficient warrant for formulating a Confession of Faith which would uniquely represent the Reformed congregations which had sprung up in the Netherlands.

In some measure de Bres drew upon the work done by the synod of Paris. To a large degree he deals in his Confession with the same major themes of the Christian faith. Often the language is almost identical. Yet his work was not merely a translation or even a slight emendation of the Galilean Confession. Where the one speaks at great length, the other discusses some doctrines with brevity. This will become apparent to anyone who takes pains to compare these two creedal formularies.

Nor was the work of de Bres the expression_ of personal and private opinion. There are too many indications that he was in long and fruitful contact with other Reformed pastors in the Netherlands. It seems likely that the author in writing and publishing this defense of the Reformed faith consulted with Fabricius, the well-known martyr of Antwerp. The title page indicates that several, possibly many, were acquainted with what de Bres - was doing and encouraged him. In the original edition we read as title: "Confession of Faith. Made with common consent (agreement) by the believers who are scattered throughout all the Netherlands, who desire to live according to the purity d the holy gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ." There is every reason to believe that the Confession itself was discussed with the congregation of Antwerp, the mother-church of the Reformed in that area, and most certainly with its pastors. Before the end of 1561 it was widely known as "the Confession of Antwerp." Nor does it seem that de Bres concealed his work from his own congregation. In the letter appended to the book containing the Confession which was thrown over the wall of the castle of Toumai on that memorable night of November 1, 1561, he stated that this document was presented to the• authorities in the name of the citizenry of Tournai, the majority of whom professed the doctrine which it contained. In addition, de Bres mentioned that throughout the land no less than one hundred thousand were adherents of the Reformed religion as set forth in his Confession.

All this sheds important and interesting light on these articles of faith which we also embrace. The Belgic Confession is in full accord with the doctrine of the historic Christian church as first systematized by Augustine and thereafter revived by Luther and Calvin. This creed is less polemical than that of the French churches, especially in its opposition to Romish teachings which are refuted rather by a positive appeal to God's word than by open attack. More attention is devoted to the departures of the Anabaptists from the sound doctrine of the Scriptures. This is undoubtedly because these sectaries were far more numerous and influential in the Lowlands than in the French kingdom. On such points of doctrine as the Trinity, the incarnation, the church, the sacraments and the final judgment it is also more elaborate. On these issues particularly the Reformed were engaged in continual debate with the Anabaptists. Yet the emphasis throughout is positive rather than negative, setting forth the teaching of the Bible for the instruction and consolation of the believers rather than attacking the opposition. Schaff judges that "it is, upon the whole, the best symbolical statement of the Calvinistic system of doctrine, with the exception of the Westminster Confession which was written some eighty years later."

The First Edition of the Confession

In the packet tossed over the wall of Tournai's castle were a letter and a little book Because exact copies are not found outside of the Netherlands, our curiosity concerning this first edition of de Bres' work is aroused.

The letter was a respectful address to the lords commissioners sent to Tournai by the regent, Margaret of Parma. They had been ordered to preserve peace in the city while uncovering and exterminating adherents of the Reformed faith. These commissioners wrote their superior shortly after the packet came into their hands. They stated that the letter was too long to be copied, and therefore they sent only a summary of its contents. In it de Bres pleaded with the authorities to cease their persecution of an innocent and simple people who had not rebelled against either the crown or its representatives. Only this summary has been preserved and can be found in the royal archives in Brussels.

For many years there was no known copy of either the first French or the first Dutch edition (published in 1562) of the Confession. So well had the inquisitors of those fearful years done their work in searching the houses of suspected believers and destroying illicit literature, that all copies of these first editions were deemed lost. But in 1855 and then again in 1862 a copy of each was found. These were reproduced and thereupon the originals were deposited in the Royal Library at the Hague, Netherlands.

For all who are interested in this early Reformed creed the contents of the little book are worthy of some special consideration.

On the first or title page we find what we would expect. This is a Confession of Faith, so the title reads, "Made with common consent (agreement) by the believers who are scattered throughout all the Netherlands . . In the center is an engraving surrounding which are the words of Psalm 102:27, freely translated into Latin: "They all shall perish, but the Lord shall abide." Below, the text from I Peter 3 is quoted, "Be ready always to give answer to every man that asketh you a reason concerning the hope that is in you." At the bottom of the page the date is given in bold, type- 1561.

The second page contains a poem addressed to the judges of the land and the king, urging that just decisions be made concerning those who appeared before them for the sake of their allegiance to the gospel of Christ.

Thereupon follows a lengthy address to king Philip II, at the time ruler of Spain, much of Germany and the Netherlands. In compelling and charming style de Bres pleads for the lives of the sheep of the good and faithful Shepherd. The accusa-tioni that they are revolutionaries who would wrest the royal scepter out of Philip's hand is denounced as false. The king should know from the testimonies of the accused that in their gatherings prayers were regularly offered for all those in authority over them and especially for their king. Not one had ever refused to pay tax or toll. With great frequency the author quotes from the Holy Scriptures to demonstrate that these people desired to live in all obedience to the sacred writings. Nor should they be considered schismatics and heretics who readily gave ear to new theories, since their aim was to restore the preaching of the gospel to its purity according to the Bible. The letter closes with a prayer offered for the king. Here we see how well de Bres had been taught in the school of Calvin.

To introduce his readers more specifically to the Confession itself, he directed their attention to the duty of witnessing to the Savior before men. This he did by quoting five pertinent passages from Scripture, "according to which all believers are exhorted to make confession of their faith before men." Witnessing belongs to the essence of the Christian life. This de Bres substantiates by his use of these texts. "Everyone therefore who shall confess me before men, him will I also confess before my Father who is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father who is in heaven." (Matt. 10:32, 33) "For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of man also shall be ashamed of him, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels." (Mark 8:38; Luke 9:26) The quotation on the title page is repeated. (I Peter 3:15) Two more texts are cited. "With the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." (Rom. 10:10) "If we shall deny him, he also will deny us." (II Tim. 2:12)

Now follows the Confession itself under the title, "True Christian Confession, containing the eternal salvation of souls." Each article is indicated by number, but no captions are provided. In the margins appear a large number of texts on which the doctrine is based. Rarely are no Scripture passages cited, as for example in connection with articles 4, 5, and 6. The seventh article, however, is accompanied by an unusually large number of references. The book ended with an appeal to the lower magistrates, with whom most of the believers had to deal when apprehended on suspicion of heresy or revolutionary activity. De Bres reminds these authorities that they are servants of God appointed to punish evildoers and protect the good. On this basis he appeals for better treatment of the innocent who were being brutally imprisoned, tortured and impoverished. Instead of condemning them unheard on the basis of the false reports circulated either by those who fanatically pursued their religious errors or by those to whom the godly lives of the believers were an unbearable 'reproach, the magistrates are urged to judge according to truth and righteousness, lest God visit upon them his wrath.

It is this little book, which so accurately reproduced the faith which lived in the hearts and lives of multitudes in the Netherlands during those trying times, which has become the treasure of Reformed churches throughout the world.

[1]本文是彼得·德荣所著的《教会向世界的见证》一书的导言部分,该书是《比利时信条》的注释书。PeterY. De Jong, The Churchs Witness To The World (St.Catharines, Canada: Paideia Press, 1980). 取自http://reformationalpublishingproject.com/pdf_books/Scanned_Books_PDF/TheChurchesWitnessToTheWorld.pdf20191110日存取。——编者注

/Peter Y. De Jong  /梁曙东  /述宁
PeterY. De Jong, The Church’s Witness To The World , Preface ,(St.Catharines, Canada: Paideia Press, 1980).