
32 无能——堕落的人是自由又是被捆绑的Inability - Fallen humanbeings are both free and enslaved

《简明神学》Concise Theology: A Guide to Historic Christian Beliefs,巴刻(J. I. Packer)著/張麟至译,更新传道会,2007年。

Inability - Fallen human beings are both free and enslaved


想要弄清楚人类堕落的光景,我们得首先区分过去两个世纪所说的自由代理(free agency),和自有基督教以来所说的自由意志(free will)之说的不同。奥古斯丁、路德、加尔文和其他的人论及自由意志时,将两种意思都包括在内;但是他们认为,第一种意思是不重要的,第二种才是重要的。可是这种说法很是叫人困惑,我们最好把这两种意思分开,而只用自由代理来表示第一种意思。(注1




译者注:Free Agency 这个词在此译作[自由代理]Agency 一字常指有行动能力的代理人;其实在此的代理者,恰好就是自己!所有若译成[自由行动者]亦可。作者所强调的是:我们这整个人是自由、可行动的、而非只有意志这一个部分是自由的。


Gary: In service of my risen Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Maranatha!
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? JEREMIAH 17:9

Clear thought about the fallen human condition requires a distinction between what for the past two centuries has been called free agency and what since the start of Christianity has been called free will. Augustine, Luther, Calvin, and others spoke of free will in two senses, the first trivial, the second important; but this was confusing, and it is better always to use free agency for their first sense.

Free agency is a mark of human beings as such. All humans are free agents in the sense that they make their own decisions as to what they will do, choosing as they please in the light of their sense of right and wrong and the inclinations they feel. Thus they are moral agents, answerable to God and each other for their voluntary choices. So was Adam, both before and after he sinned; so are we now, and so are the glorified saints who are confirmed in grace in such a sense that they no longer have it in them to sin. Inability to sin will be one of the delights and glories of heaven, but it will not terminate anyone’s humanness; glorified saints will still make choices in accordance with their nature, and those choices will not be any the less the product of human free agency just because they will always be good and right.

Free will, however, has been defined by Christian teachers from the second century on as the ability to choose all the moral options that a situation offers, and Augustine affirmed against Pelagius and most of the Greek Fathers that original sin has robbed us of free will in this sense. We have no natural ability to discern and choose God’s way because we have no natural inclination Godward; our hearts are in bondage to sin, and only the grace of regeneration can free us from that slavery. This, for substance, was what Paul taught in Romans 6:16-23; only the freed will (Paul says, the freed person) freely and heartily chooses righteousness. A permanent love of righteousness—that is, an inclination of heart to the way of living that pleases God—is one aspect of the freedom that Christ gives (John 8:34-36; Gal. 5:1, 13).

It is worth observing that will is an abstraction. My will is not a part of me which I choose to move or not to move, like my hand or my foot; it is precisely me choosing to act and then going into action. The truth about free agency, and about Christ freeing sin’s slave from sin’s dominion, can be expressed more clearly if the word will is dropped and each person says: I am the morally responsible free agency; I am the slave of sin whom Christ must liberate; I am the fallen being who only have it in me to choose against God till God renews my heart.