
免於恐懼Freedomfrom Fear

作者: Burk Parsons  譯者:  Maria Marta  


許多沒有宗教信仰的人或無神論者都不願意承認邪惡的存在,或人有罪。然而,當遭到恐怖分子襲擊或發生災難時,他們都會脫口而出:「邪惡的行為」或「邪惡的人」。他們沒有用自己的語言解釋這個世界的不幸和悲劇;  因此,他們必然借鑒聖經的世界觀。只有聖經對邪惡作出條理清楚的解釋,只有上帝的說話告訴我們,我們為何天生懼怕。


恐懼是一種原始情緒,它的感染力是如此的強大,以致可以對我們的心靈造成巨大的創傷。問題是,我們該如何應對恐懼? 我們設法隱藏我們的恐懼,在恐懼的泥沼中打滾,表現得我們好像沒有恐懼,抑或竭力以頑強的意志來面對我們的恐懼?  又或者我們轉向上帝?  惟有轉向上帝,我們才聽見祂說: 「不要懼怕」。然而,上帝命令我們不要害怕,不是讓我們忽視我們的恐懼,也不是讓我們以頑強的意志戰勝恐懼,而是因為祂已經應許: 「我與你同在。」 因為耶和華與我們同在,祂教導我們唯獨敬畏祂。只有當我們敬畏上帝時,其他的恐懼才開始消失。

我們清楚知道我們唯獨藉著信心與基督聯合,和依靠聖靈住在基督裏面,這就是懼怕上帝與敬畏上帝的區別。這就是懼怕每一種可能的危險和信靠掌管主權的上帝之間的區別,上帝永遠不會離開我們或拋棄我們。聖靈是我們的安慰者,祂使我們從恐懼中得釋放,因為將我們握在掌心的那一位拯救了我們。因此我們能與約翰牛頓頌唱:「浩瀚大恩典教導我心敬畏,  解除我心恐懼」;與馬丁·路德高歌:「群魔雖然環繞我身,向我盡量施侵淩, 我不懼怕,因神有旨,真理必使我得勝。」

Freedom from Fear
by Burk Parsons

The world is a dangerous place, full of perilous things and unsafe people. Dangers, toils, and snares lurk around every corner because evil is real. As Christians, we understand this because we know how sin and its consequences entered the world.

Many nonreligious or atheistic people do not want to admit that evil exists or that men are sinful. Yet, when terrorists strike or calamity happens, they are quick to speak of “acts of evil” or “evil people.” They have no words of their own to account for the miseries and tragedies in this world; therefore, they must borrow from our biblical worldview. Only Scripture provides a coherent explanation for evil, and God’s Word alone tells us why we are naturally afraid.

We are born with fear, coming into this world crying out for help. Even unborn babies experience intense fear when abortionists tear them apart in the once safe, protected wombs of their mothers. Young children are afraid of the dark and want a nightlight to comfort them. We are afraid not only of the worst catastrophes befalling us and those around us, but we are also afraid of all the comparatively smaller tragedies and hardships that we might experience.

Fear is a primal emotion so powerful that it can wreak havoc on our hearts. The question is, What do we do with our fears? Do we wallow in the mire of fear, act as if we have no fear, attempt to hide our fear, or try to face our fears with sheer tenacity? Or do we turn to the Lord? Only when we turn to the Lord do we hear Him say, “Do not fear.” However, the Lord commands us not to fear not so that we might ignore our fears or overcome them by sheer willpower but because He has promised, “I am with you.” Because the Lord is with us, He has taught us to fear Him alone. All other fears begin to fade away only when we fear the Lord.

Knowing that we are united to Christ by faith alone and indwelt by the Spirit is the difference between being afraid of God and fearing God. It is the difference between being afraid of every possible danger and trusting our sovereign God who will never leave us or forsake us. The Holy Spirit, our Comforter, liberates us to walk in freedom from fear because we have been rescued by the One who holds us in the palm of His hand. That is why we can sing with John Newton, “’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved,” and with Martin Luther, “And though this world, with devils filled, should threaten to undo us, we will not fear, for God hath willed His truth to triumph through us.”