
Typology as Prophecy

作者:Fred G. Zaspel  誠之譯自:
In the previous post we saw that typology entails a genuinely prospective element. That is, there is something about the “type,” even within the Old Testament itself, that anticipates a fuller realization elsewhere. In this post I would like to follow up on that just a bit and see how the New Testament treats types as prophetic, and even predictive in some sense.
畢爾Greg Beale和其他人指出在舊約聖經中大致有兩種形式的預測性預言直接、口頭的預測direct verbal prediction和間接、預表論的預測indirect typological prediction
Greg Beale and others have pointed out that there are, broadly, two forms of predictive prophecy in the Old Testament: direct verbal prediction, and indirect typological prediction.
That both of these may be described as “prophetic” and predictive in some sense is evident from the fact that in the New Testament both are said to find “fulfillment” in Jesus. In fact, the famous “fulfillment formulas” that introduce the fulfillment of a direct verbal prophecy are used equally in reference to the fulfillment of indirect typological prophecies also. Familiar expressions such as “in order that it may be fulfilled,” “as it is written,” “in order to fulfill this Scripture,” “thus it has been said,” and so on, may be used, as the selected passages from the Gospels below will quickly demonstrate.
直接、口頭的預言Direct Verbal Prophecy
太一22? /賽七14
太二4-6 /彌五2
太三3 /賽四十3
太四12-16 /賽九1-2
16-17 /賽五十三4
十二17-21 /賽四十二1-3
太廿一2-6 /賽六十二11,亞九9
路三3-6 /賽四十3-5
間接、預表論的預言Indirect Typological Prophecy
太一22? /賽七14
太二15 /何十一1
太二17-18 /耶卅一15
太十三35 /詩七十八2
太廿七9 /亞十一12-13
約十三18 /詩四十一9
約十五25 /詩三十五19,六十九4
約十九36 /出十二46, 民九12
很明顯,「應驗」的意義可以不同。它可以意味著「這事正如先知明確說的那樣發生了」。或者它可以意味著一個更廣泛的模式,一個預表,在基督裏得到最終的實現。也就是說,直接、口頭的預言或間接、預表論的預言。但無論哪種情況,至少都有預測和實現/應驗的廣泛概念,正如這些「應驗公式」所顯示的那樣,兩者都是通用的。無論哪種用法,都是對救贖歷史動態——期盼、進展和應驗——的認可。這兩種用法的基礎是確信,至少在那位神聖作者心中,這段經文具有某種展望的功能(anticipatory function)。舊約聖經展望基督的方式各不相同,但這兩類經文都被正確地理解為預言性的,甚至在某種意義上是預測性的。
Now clearly, the sense of “fulfill” can vary. It can connote “this happened just as the prophet explicitly said it would.” Or it can connote a broader pattern, a type, that finds its ultimate realization in Christ. That is, direct verbal prophecy or indirect typological prophecy. But in either case there is at least the broad idea of prediction and realization / fulfillment, as these “fulfillment formulas,” common to both, demonstrate. Underlying either use is a recognition of redemptive-historical movement — expectation, progress, and fulfillment. And underlying both is also the conviction that, at least in the mind of the divine Author, the passage had some kind of anticipatory function. The way the Old Testament anticipates Christ varies, but both categories are properly understood as prophetic, even predictive in some sense.

Underlying the biblical notion of typology, then, are a number of presuppositions. First, there is the understanding of the relation of the Old Testament to the New Testament as essentially that of promise and fulfillment. This is reflected in the larger framework of the Old Testament and its patterns, and it is one aspect of typology specifically. The broad narrative of the Old Testament is incomplete in that its story never reaches a climax or conclusion. There is a hope still in place that awaits Christ.
Second, there is a recognition of history as revelation, a conviction that God reveals himself and his purpose in words, yes, but also in historical events and actions.
Third, there is an understanding of history as prophecy, an understanding that God directed and arranged historical events, institutions, and persons in a way that was not just analogous to but inherently prospective of a greater reality yet to come. There was a conviction that the patterns of history were illustrative and forward-pointing, portraying ahead of time the way God would yet work in history.
Fourth, then, the sovereignty of God in history is also presupposed, an unshakable conviction that as Lord of history he was all along arranging and directing events and people with his own purpose and goal in mind, thus establishing a framework and declaring ahead of time what he would yet do.
Fifth, typology also presupposes that history is redemptive in purpose and in design, that God is working in history toward the goal of his gracious saving purpose that culminates in Christ.
Sixth, typology also presupposes the centrality of Christ in history and in revelation. In a sense, typology is christology, for it all — history and revelation — culminates in him (Eph. 1:10).
作者Fred G. Zaspel(阿姆斯特丹自由大學博士)是賓夕法尼亞州弗蘭科尼亞的改革宗浸信會的牧師之一。他也是《書籍概覽》(Books At a Glance)網站的執行編輯和南方浸信會神學院的神學兼職教授。他的著作包括《華腓德的神學》和《華腓德論基督徒生活》等。

The Warrant for Typological Interpretation of Scripture

作者Fred G. Zaspel  誠之譯自
The Nature of Biblical “Types”

作者Fred G. Zaspel  誠之譯自