
阿民念主义者缺少安全感TheArminian Sense Of Insecurity

摘自《基督教預定論》The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination,  伯特納Loraine Boettner/趙中輝譯222-223, 台北基督教改革宗出版社




在属灵的事上,心存怀疑总是令人苦恼。真基督徒永远不能与神的爱隔绝,这样的信念能带给信徒极大的安慰。否认这个教义,就是毁坏圣徒在地上喜乐的根基。试想,一个人如果相信随时有可能被别人欺侮,或者自己随时有可能堕落,那么他还能有什么喜乐呢?如果我们的安全感只建筑在我们摇摆善变的性情上,我们就永远不能知道「基督徒内心平安而稳妥」是怎么回事,而这正是基督徒的特质。马飞治(McFetridge)在他所写《历史中的加尔文主义》(Calvinism in History)这本小册中说:「我很能体会一个敏锐的心灵如果对救恩不确定,那样的黑暗会带来怎样的恐惧。同样,如果一个人虽然成为基督徒已经很久,也经历许多少熬炼,却仍然一直觉得有可能从恩典中堕落,这样的恐惧实在不好受,而这就是阿民念主义的教导。对我而言,阿民念主义带出的这种恐惧,足以使我永远不要碰它,又会使我一直充满说不出的困惑。我会觉得我好象要越过危险的人生海洋,而我是否安全,到头来却是由我自己叛逆的本性来决定!这足以使我满心惊恐,而且这样的惊恐将永无止息。如果可能,我要确定这只船是否能在海上行驶,因为我把我的生命交托给这只船了。我也要知道我上了船以后,是否就会平安到达目的地。」(注一)



A consistent Arminian, with his doctrines of free will and of falling from grace, can never in this life be certain of his eternal salvation. He may, indeed, have the assurance of his present salvation, but he can have only a hope of his final salvation. He may regard his final salvation as highly probable, but he cannot know it as a certainty. He has seen many of his fellow Christians backslide and perish after making a good start. Why may not he do the same thing? So long as men remain in this world they have the remnants of the old sinful nature clinging to them; they are surrounded by the most alluring and deceptive pleasures of the world and the most subtle temptations of the Devil. In many of the supposedly Christian churches they hear the false teaching of modernistic, and therefore unchristian, ministers. If Arminianism were true, Christians would still be in very dangerous positions, with their eternal destiny suspended upon the probability that their weak, creaturely wills would continue to choose right. Furthermore, Arminianism would logically hold that no confirmation in holiness is possible, not even in heaven; for even there the person would still retain his free will and might commit sin any time he chose.

By comparison the Arminian is like the person who has inherited a fortune of, say, $100,000. He knows that many others who have inherited such fortunes have lost them through poor judgment, fraud, calamity, etc., but he has enough confidence in his own ability to handle money wisely that he does not doubt but that he will keep his. His assurance is based largely on self-confidence. Others have failed, but he is confident that he will not fail. But what a delusion is this when applied to the spiritual realm! What a pity that any one who is at all acquainted with his own tendency to sin should base his assurance of salvation upon such grounds! His system places the cause of his perseverance, not in the hands of an all-powerful, never-changing God, but in the hands of weak sinful man.

And does not the logic of the Arminian system tell us that the wise thing for the Christian to do is to die as soon as possible and thus confirm the inheritance which to him is of infinite value? In view of the fact that so many have fallen away, is it worth while for him to remain here and risk his eternal salvation for the sake of a little more life in this world? What would be thought of a business man who, in order to gain a few more dollars, would risk his entire fortune in some admittedly questionable venture? In fact, does it not at least suggest that the Lord has made many mistakes in not removing these people while they were true Christians? The writer, at least, is convinced that if he held the Arminian view and knew himself to be a saved Christian he would want to die as soon as possible and thus place his salvation beyond all possible doubt.

In regard to spiritual matters, a state of doubt is a state of misery. The assurance that Christians can never be separated from the love of God is one of the greatest comforts of the Christian life. To deny this doctrine is to destroy the grounds for any rejoicing among the saints on earth; for what kind of rejoicing can those have who believe that they may at any time be deceived and led astray? If our sense of security is based only on our changeable and wavering natures, we can never know the inward calm and peace which, should characterize the Christian. Says McFetridge, in his very illuminating little book, Calvinism In History, “I can well conceive of the terror to a sensitive soul of dark uncertainty as to salvation, and of that ever-abiding consciousness of the awful possibility of falling away from grace after a long and painful Christian life, which is taught by Arminianism. To me such a doctrine has terrors which would cause me to shrink away from it for ever, and which would fill me with constant and unspeakable perplexities. To feel that I were crossing the troubled and dangerous sea of life dependent for my final security upon the actings of my own treacherous nature were enough to fill me with a perpetual alarm. If it is possible, I want to know that the vessel to which I commit my life is seaworthy, and that, having once embarked, I shall arrive in safety at my destination.” (P. 112.)

It is not until we duly appreciate this wonderful truth, that our salvation is not suspended on our weak and wavering love to God, but rather upon His eternal and unchangeable love to us, that we can have peace and certainty in the Christian life. And only the Calvinist, who knows himself to be absolutely safe in the hands of God, can have that inward sense of peace and security, knowing that in the eternal counsels of God he has been chosen to be cleansed and glorified and that nothing can thwart that purpose. He knows himself to be held to righteousness by a spiritual power which is as exhaustless and unvarying as the force of gravitation, and as necessary to the development of the spirit as sunshine and vitamins are to the body.

87. 盼望Hope

作者: 史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul)     譯者: 姚錦榮
摘自《神學入門》《Essential Truths of the Christian Faith233, 更新傳道會出版


但是當聖經談到盼望時,它的觀點就不同了。聖經所說的盼望是一個堅定的信念,相信神的應許未來一定會實現。聖經的盼望不是一廂情願的想法,而是對將會實現之事的一種肯定。「我們有這指望如同靈魂的錨,又堅固又牢靠,且通入幔内。」(來6 :19)

盼望與信和愛同為保羅在哥林多前書十三章13節所列的基督徒三種德行 之一,而盼望是指向未來事物的信心。

聖經中對盼望一詞有兩種不同的用法。第一種較少使用,它是指我們所盼望的對象:基督是我們永生的盼望。而較常見的一種用法,則是指對神之應許所持的確信態度神呼召基督徒要心存盼望 ,就是對神子民復活和神國將降臨二事有完全的把握;盼望與末世論是息息相關的。

保羅提醒基督徒,在國度完滿實現之前,信徒只能心存確實的盼望:「我們行事為人是憑著信心,不是憑著眼見。」(林後5: 7)而這種盼望並非沒有根據,雖然基督徒的人生是苦難多於勝利(林前 4 8- 13;林後 4: 7 -1 8 ),但我們盼望的根基在於神。


第二,信徒有聖靈作為國度的訂金。聖靈的同在向我們確保神國有一天將會完全實現。聖靈不但是使人得著盼望的標記,也是 盼望的維持者。聖靈擔任安慰者的角色,帶給信徒力量和盼望,因為是聖靈自己激勵信徒向父神禱告說:「願你的國降臨。」

2 . 盼望是一個美德,而不是一個弱點。
3 . 信心是信賴神所完成的事,而盼望則是信賴神對未來的應許。
5 . 安慰者聖靈使我們有盼望,祂的同在向我們保證了神國度必要降臨。

13 5;羅5:1-5;羅8 18-25;多2 11-14;約壹3 1-3

87.  HOPE

There are many things in this world we “hope” for. We hope that we will receive a raise in our salary. We hope that our favorite team will win the World Series. This kind of hope expresses our personal desires for the future. We have hope concerning things that are uncertain. We don’t know if our desires will come to pass, but we hold out hope that they will.

When the Bible speaks of hope, however, it has something different in view. Biblical hope is a firm conviction that the future promises of God
will be fulfilled. Hope is not mere wish projection, but an assurance of what will come to pass. “This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the Presence behind the veil” (Hebrews 6:19).
Hope takes its place alongside faith and love as one of the Christian virtues that the apostle Paul sets forth in 1 Corinthians 13:13. Hope is faith directed toward the future.

Hope is used in two ways in the Bible. The less common usage points out the object of our hope. Christ is our hope of eternal life. The more common usage is as an attitude of assurance regarding the fulfillment of God’s promises. The Christian is called to hope, that is, to have full assurance of the resurrection of God’s people and the coming of God’s kingdom. Hope is inextricably bound up with eschatology.

Paul reminds Christians that until the kingdom comes in its fullness, believers can only have an assured hope; they must “walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7). This hope is neither unfounded nor groundless. Though the life of the Christian is marked more by suffering than triumph (1 Corinthians 4:8-13; 2 Corinthians 4:7-18), the foundation for hope is in the Godhead.

First, the believer looks upon the death and resurrection of Christ. His death was the darkest hour for His disciples. The promised Messiah was dead, His kingdom apparently lost. With the Resurrection, that despair turned to hope. Alongside suffering, whether great or small, the Christian’s hope must endure. God is always sufficient and faithful.

Second, the believer has the Holy Spirit as a down payment on the kingdom. His presence assures us that the kingdom will be fully consummated. The Spirit is not only a sign toward hope, but the sustainer of hope. He fulfills the role of Comforter, girding up the believer in strength and hope. It is the Spirit that encourages the believer to pray to the Father, “Your kingdom come.”

1. Biblical hope is a matter of assurance rather than wishing.
2. Hope is a virtue, not a weakness.
3. Faith is trust in what God has already done. Hope is trust in what God promises for the future.
4. The resurrection of Christ gives us hope in the midst of suffering.
5. The Holy Spirit, the Comforter, gives us hope. His presence is a guarantee of the coming kingdom of God.

Biblical passages for reflection:
Job 13:15 Romans 5:1-5 Romans 8:18-25 Titus 2:11-14 1 John 3:1-3

88. 禱吿Prayer

作者: 史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul)     譯者: 姚錦榮
摘自《神學入門》《Essential Truths of the Christian Faith233, 更新傳道會出版

我們能向神說話。神是藉著聖經以言語方式向我們說話神也藉著祂明顯的天命以非言語方式向我們說話而我們則藉著禱告與神相交。何治 Charles Hodge) 說:「禱告是我們的靈魂與神談話。」藉著禱告,我們向神表達尊崇和敬畏;借著禱告,我們敞開自己的靈魂,向神認罪;借著禱告,我們傾出心中的感恩,並向祂祈求。









4. 神命令我們必須懇切、恒久地禱告。

5 1-3 14 : 13- 148 26-274 6-7約壹5:14-15


We are able to talk to God. He speaks verbally to us in His Word and nonverbally through His obvious providence. We commune with Him through prayer. Charles Hodge declared that “prayer is the converse of the soul with God.” In and through prayer we express our reverence and adoration for God; we bare our souls in contrite confession before Him; we pour out the thanksgiving of grateful hearts; and we offer our petitions and supplications to Him.

In prayer we experience God as personal and powerful. He can hear us and act in response. The Scripture teaches both the sovereign foreordination of God and the efficacy of prayer. The two are not inconsistent with one another, for God ordains the means as well as the ends for His divine purposes. Prayer is a means God uses to bring His sovereign will to pass.

Prayer is to be addressed to God alone, either to God as Triune or to the distinct persons of the Godhead. To pray to creatures is idolatry.

Proper prayer has several requisites. The first is that we approach God with sincerity. Empty and insincere phrases are a mockery to Him. Such
prayer, far from being an exercise of godly religion, is an offense against God.
The second is that we approach God with reverence. In prayer we must always remember to whom we are speaking. To address God in a cavalier, casual, or flippant manner, as we might speak with our earthly friends, is to treat Him with the contempt of familiarity. As people pay homage to a king by entering his presence with a posture of respect and obeisance, so we come before God in full recognition of His supreme majesty.

The third requisite, which follows from the previous ones, is that we approach God in humility. Not only must we remember who He is, but we must also remember who and what we are. We are His adopted children. We are also sinful creatures. He invites us to come boldly before Him, but never arrogantly.

God instructs us to be earnest and fervent in our requests. At the same time, we come in willful submission. To say “Your will be done” is not an indication of a lack of faith. The faith we bring to prayer must include a trust that God is able to hear our prayers and that He is disposed to answer them. Yet when God says no to our requests, this faith also trusts in His wisdom. God’s wisdom and benevolence must always and everywhere be assumed by those who entreat Him with petitions.

We pray in the name of Jesus because we do thereby acknowledge His office as Mediator. As our High Priest, Christ is our intercessor even as the Holy Spirit is our helper in prayer.

A helpful tool in learning to pray is the acrostic A-C-T-S. Each letter in the acrostic indicates a vital element of prayer.

A = Adoration  C = Confession T = Thanksgiving S = Supplication
By following this simple acrostic we are sure to include all of the proper elements of prayer.

1. Prayer is communion with God.
2. Prayer is to be addressed to God alone.
3. Prayer must be sincere, reverent, and humble.
4. We are commanded to be fervent and persistent in prayer.
5. The prayer of faith is a prayer trusting in God’s wisdom and kindness.
6. The acrostic ACTS is an aid to prayer.

Biblical passages for reflection:

Psalm 5:1-3 John 14:13-14 Romans 8:26-27 Philippians 4:6-7 1 John 5:14-15

羅馬書1:12-15 忍耐與安


前言: 教會是在主基督裡的團契,彼此堅固,互相安慰。如何彼此堅 固與安慰呢? 當然是因為同一福音、同一救主、同一信仰與信心。 使徒保羅在寫羅馬書時[主後 57 ]早就切切想見羅馬信徒,然而還 有阻隔使保羅不能去羅馬。以前是皇帝不准猶太人在羅馬[49-54 ],後來是因為宣道旅程忙碌[在以弗所、馬其頓、希臘]。然而保 羅一心想堅固與安慰在羅馬的信徒。

1. 堅固與安慰的方法
(1) “為你們感謝神,不住為你們代禱”
(2) “分享屬靈恩賜,來堅固你們”
(3) “彼此以信[信仰與信心]來安慰”
(4) “在你們中間得些果子”
(5) 結論: “盡力量將福音傳給你們在羅馬的人”

 2. 堅固與安慰的來源: “神的福音”[1:1]

(1) “這福音,是神從前應許的,藉著他的眾先知,在聖經上,論到他 兒子…”[1:2]

 (2) “神從前所應許的” : 3:15[女人的後裔],創 12[亞伯拉罕的後 ],創 49[細羅],民 24[有一星出於雅各],申 18[像摩西的那先知] 撒下 7[大衛的後裔],賽 7[以馬內利],耶 23[大衛公義的苗裔],但 7[人子駕天雲而來],賽 53[受苦的僕人],詩[受膏君]

3. 堅固與安慰的內容: 眾先知所寫的聖經。

(1) 眾先知是神的選僕,透過聖靈的默示 inspiration,寫下神賜給他 們的啟示 revelation 成為舊約聖經[彼後 1:10-121:19-21]

 (2) 聖經是神的話[提後 3:15-17],一點一畫都沒有錯誤,是完美無 誤、完整無缺的啟示。

 (3) 聖經是救恩之書,論到主耶穌的福音,他被釘十字架,受死與復 [ 24:44;林前 15:1-4]

4. 神的福音: 為何“舊約應許”到“新約實現”數千年之久?

 (1) 要我們知道: 罪的真相,人類的敗壞與悲慘 total depravity

 (2) 要我們知道: 罪人的苦況,人類毫無能力自救 total inability

(3) 要我們知道: 神的絕對主權 absolute sovereignty,掌控人類歷史; 他的憐憫寬容忍耐,他的大能救贖行動。

5. 神的福音: 為何使徒總是說 “經上說,經上所記”?[1:2; 16:26]

(1) 因為眾使徒所傳的福音,不是新奇怪異的、與舊約聖經脫節的。

2) 因為使徒傳的福音是: 第一,根據聖經所說,基督必須受害與 復活[不是猶太人想要的政治上彌賽亞];第二,主耶穌應驗了一切舊 約聖經上所應許的,證明他就是基督。

(3) 因為使徒從聖經證明: 神對他選民的計畫,舊約應許沒有失敗, 因為真以色列人[選民 elect、餘民 remnant]都必到底得救[ 9-11]

結論: 唯獨聖經是神的話,才能堅固與安慰我們 [ 15:1-4]

1. 聖經是神的話,不只是無誤的,更是完全的 complete 足夠的 sufficient。改教信仰強調 “唯獨聖經”,脫離了天主教與奧秘派的 錯誤。

2. 聖經是神的話,絕對真理的權威 authority,我們絕不可在聖經之 外另立權威。

3. 聖經是完整合一的書,不是圖書館。舊約新約是一本書: 主耶穌 基督的救恩。

4. 舊約聖經對我們的信仰與生活,是基要的、不可或缺的。每年讀 舊約一次,不要只是靈修式的蜻蜓點水,乃是全面研讀默想與應 用,認識神的救贖計畫在歷史中的漸進展開。舊約聖經從創世記 開始,給我們完整的世界觀、價值觀、人生觀。

5. 新約聖經絕不會與舊約聖經脫節,更不會與之衝突矛盾。因為新 約是舊約的應驗實現。舊約信徒與新約信徒都是以信為本,都是 亞伯拉罕子孫,都是信主基督得救。

6. 舊約聖經[透過新約]使得我們認識何謂 “傳福音”: 宣告神的啟 示、他與我們關係、十字架的救恩、主耶穌拯救的信息。傳福音 不是主觀的、激情的、滿足自以為是的需要。

7. 舊約聖經[透過新約]也使我們認識何謂 “復興”: 從舊約歷史中我 們看見是神作他奇妙的復興大工,不是人能自己的方法策略製造 復興;是神用他的方法、揀選他的僕人、按照他的時間。謹防烏 撒的手!

 8. 從前所寫的一切[舊約聖經]都是為教訓我們而寫的! 叫我們因[ ]聖經[所生]的忍耐和安慰,可以得著盼望! [15:4] 神是賜忍耐 和安慰的神,藉著聖經賜給你[15:5],叫你注目仰望為我們的信 創始成終的主耶穌。


1. 基督徒在主裡彼此堅固、互相安慰的方法與途徑是什麼? 我們當 如何彼此堅固與安慰?

2. 神的福音是我們彼此安慰與堅固的來源,福音是神從前所應許 的,為何在數千年之後才應驗呢? 有哪些原因?

3. 神藉著眾先知賜下啟示、寫成聖經,是透過聖靈的默示。何謂 “啟 示”? 何謂 “默示”? 這二者有何關係? 帶來什麼結果?

4. 保羅書信中常常引用舊約聖經,說 “經上說,如經上所記”,原因 何在? 使徒這樣作的主要目的是什麼?

 5. 你對舊約聖經的看法如何? 對於你的信仰與生活,舊約聖經有何 意義? 你喜歡讀舊約聖經嗎? 你是如何讀舊約? 多久讀一次?

6. 舊約聖經是為教訓我們所寫的,聖經生忍耐與安慰,為甚麼呢? 如何使我們能忍受苦難與得安慰呢? 如何使我們得著盼望呢?

羅馬書1:7-12  在基督裡的團契


前言: 保羅所傳的福音是 “神的福音”: 三一真神的福音,聖父主權 的預定揀選、聖子確定的十架贖罪、聖靈有效的恩召重生。保羅寫 信給羅馬教會的信徒[為神所愛、蒙召作聖徒],在祝福之後,他說到 自己與羅馬教會的關係,也顯示了基督徒之間的團契關係: 為對方感 謝神、彼此代禱、互相堅固、同得安慰。

1. 我靠著耶穌基督為你們感謝神

 (1) 保羅寫給教會的書信[除了加拉太書],都是以向神獻上感謝作為 起始: “我的神” 這是他親身所經歷的神;正如他說這是 “我的福音” [他親身所經歷、特派所傳的福音”[2:1616:25;提後 2:8]

 (2) “靠著耶穌基督”: 我們來到聖父面前[ 2:18],無論作什麼,都是 靠著主耶穌為我們的中保[ 14:6;提前 2:5]。神是公義聖潔的[如同 烈火,來 10:26-2912:29],若不是倚靠主耶穌為中保與救主,則無 法來到神面前。

 (3) “因為你們的信[]傳遍了天下” 羅馬是帝國的首都,當地教會的 信仰生活見證傳遍各地,成為其他教會的鼓勵。保羅為此感謝神的 原因,不是羅馬信徒自己作了什麼,乃是神所作的,賜下信心給他 [ 2:8;6:23;腓 1:29;彼後 1:1]

2. “不住的題到你們…在禱告之間,常常懇求”

 (1) 保羅說 “我的神” 就是 “我在他兒子的福音上,用心靈所事奉的 神”: 神是靈,所以敬拜事奉他,必須用心靈誠實敬拜事奉[ 4:24] 心靈思想、身體力行二者是不可分的[12:1-2;腓 4:9]。若是只有外表 行為,卻無心靈[認識真理]更新,則是徒然的[8:1-14;西 3:10]

(2) “神可以見證我是…” 保羅首先要信徒知道: 神是無所不知的,鑒 察人心肺腑;神的兒女常常感受神的保護察看[ 139]。惡人所想的 一切,都以為沒有神[ 10:4]。保羅常為他所建立的外邦教會禱告[ 1:16;腓 1:3-4;西 1:3;帖前 1:2;帖後 1:3],也為羅馬教會禱告。

 (3) “不住的題到…常常[一直]懇求” 神要我們藉著 “常常喜樂、不住 的禱告、凡事謝恩” 來作屬靈生命成長蒙福之路[ 36:37]。保羅禱 : “照著神的旨意,終能得平坦的道路往你們那裏去” 保羅一直想去 訪問羅馬教會,他深知這必是按照神的旨意[時間、方式]。使徒行傳 28 章告訴我們: 保羅是以出人意外的方式[為主耶穌基督被囚]到了羅馬,我們都當與保羅同聲說: “不要照我的意思,願你的旨意成就! 阿們”[ 4;15]

3. “使你們可以堅固”

 (1) 保羅切切的想見羅馬信徒,原因是要將屬靈恩賜與他們分享,來 堅固他們。只有神才能堅固人心,神使用他的僕人來堅固我們 [16:25;帖前 3:2,13;帖後 2:173:3]

(2) 我們也當用主的話堅固弟兄姊妹[ 22:32],堅固的人要擔代不堅 固人的軟弱[ 15:1],堅固那剩下將要衰微的[ 3:2]

4. “同得安慰”

 (1) 保羅說: “這樣,我在你們中間,因你我彼此的信[],同得安慰[ ] 。保羅也從羅馬信徒身上得到激勵。這表示: 基督徒的彼此鼓 勵與互相安慰,沒有一位信徒是靈命貧瘠到不能與人分享、安慰別 人。

 (2) 基督徒因為一主一信一洗,蒙召同有一個指望[ 4:4-5],才能同 得安慰鼓勵。我們不可能與不同信仰的人一同團契、同得安慰[約貳]


1. 我們來到神面前,生活與事奉都是靠著主耶穌為我們的中保,我 們的禱告祈求和感謝,都是奉我們救主基督的的聖名,一切應許 都是藉著他成為實在的,我們說 “阿們” 的目的與意義盡都於此 [林後 1:20]

2. 常常感謝: 為弟兄姊妹感謝神,為教會感謝,凡事奉我們主耶穌 的名,常常[一直]感謝父神[ 5:19]

3. 彼此代禱: 常常為弟兄姊妹代求,互相代禱[教會徹夜為彼得禱 告,徒 12:5],是在中保主耶穌的代禱裡才有意義與果效,他是長 遠活著替我們祈求[ 8:33;來 7:25]

4. 互相堅固: 弟兄姊妹在主內團契,彼此建立。 “所以,在基督裡 有什麼勸勉……你們當以基督耶穌的心為心”[ 2:1-5]。我們要 使主內同伴得益處被建立,不求自己的喜悅,因為基督正是如此 [ 15:1-3] 7. 同得安慰: 彼此接納,以恩慈相待,正如主基督接納我們一樣[ 15:4-7;弗 4:29-32]。又要彼此相顧,激發愛心,勉勵行善…不可。

5. 停止聚會…既知道那日子臨近,就更當如此”[ 10:24-25] 12. 如何與弟兄姊妹團契生活? 關鍵在於: “在基督裡 In Christ


1. 保羅在書信起始,問安之後,首先為教會信徒感謝神,原因何在? 他如何[靠著什麼]為他們感謝神?
2. 保羅稱神為 “我的神”,又稱為 “我在他兒子福音上,用心靈所事 奉的神”。這樣的敘述,表明什麼? 他說神可以為他作什麼見證?
3. 基督徒應當如何彼此代求? 代禱的意義是什麼? 請分享你為弟兄 姊妹代禱的經歷,你學到什麼寶貴功課?
4. 何謂 “互相堅固”? 如何互相堅固呢?[參考羅 15:1-7;來 10:19-25],請分享你曾經被弟兄姐妹堅固過的經歷,以及你堅固 過別人的經歷,感想為何?
5. 何謂 “同得安慰”? 如何彼此安慰呢?[參考腓 2:1-5] 你有沒有 被主內弟兄姊妹安慰鼓勵過? 有些人不太願意被別人安慰? 原因 何在? 你願意安慰人,也受人安慰麼?
6. 使徒保羅給我們立下了榜樣 “如何與弟兄姊妹團契”,請說明他所 說的總原則,請分享如何實際運用在你的生活中。