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Huge Old 对宗教改革敬拜领悟的简练总结
Virginia Yip 叶老师谝编译

Gary Glenn 为纪念他的老师,曾用一些非常简练的句子总结了 Huge Old 对宗教改革的敬拜的一些领悟。

我在西敏读神学的时后,就听过一位对改教时期敬拜改革的著名学者 Huge Old 的名字。当知道,宗教改革的重点不仅是对教义 (尤其是​​​救恩论--因信称义的教义) ​的纠正,更是对敬拜的重整。在改教时期,统管欧洲大陸的西班牙天主教国王查理斯五世在逼迫更正教徒时,加尔文被改教派人士推举要他向国王写一份為改教的必要辨解的辨护书,加尔文在他那份辨护书中,在回答基督教信仰维持其真理的主要原則是什么的时后,他说​​原則有二,一是对正確敬拜上帝形式的认知,二是对获取救赎源头的认知 (“a knowledge, first, of the mode in which God is duly worshipped; and, secondly, of the source from which salvation is to be obtained.” ~~John Calvin, “On the Necessity of Reforming the Church,”  Selected Works of John Calvin​​​, ed. by Henry Beveridge, Grand Rapids, Michigan (Baker Book House), 1983, vol. 1, p. 126)

Huge Old 研究的专注点就是改教家是怎么从天主教繁鎖、諸多经外/人為色彩的敬拜中归回初代教会重心灵与圣经真理的清简敬拜模式。Huge Old 任教的学校是普林斯顿神学院,只是有时在冬季课程时会来西敏授课。很遺憾的是,我在西敏那些年,好像从来没有遇上他,又或者我当时太傻,只专注在护教学这类理论性较強的科目上,根本没留意到敬拜课,也有眼不识 Huge Old 这位泰山之名。我认识这个名字也是畢业后,负责教会敬拜才开始的。本來还想找机会去上上他的课,但不久他就去逝了。


我在德州负责教會敬拜时认识了他的高徒 Gary Glenn。他目前在纽约凯乐的教會负责敬拜,我也曾向他请教过很多问题。

Gary Glenn 为纪念他的老师,曾用一些非常简练的句子总结了 Huge Old 对宗教改革的敬拜的一些领悟。我翻释给大家读一下吧。读后,我希望你們也会同意,中國教會也需要一次宗教改革--不仅是在救恩论上,也是在敬拜上。

What is worship?

We worship God because God created us to wor​hip him. Worship is at the center of our existence, at the heart of our reason for being…. When the Westminster Shorter Catechism teaches us, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever,” it gives witness to the same basic principle; God created us to worship him. Surely it is here that we must begin when as Reformed theologians we ask what worship is. Worship must above all serve the glory of God (Worship Reformed According to Scripture).
我们敬拜上帝因為上帝创造我們的目的就是为了敬拜祂。敬拜乃是我們存在在这世界上的核心要素,是我们之所以为人的原因。当威斯敏斯特小要理问答说:「人生的首要目的就是荣耀上帝並永远以祂為乐」时,所見证的,正是这项基本原则。上帝把我們造成敬拜祂的人。作為改革宗的教牧人员,这一点也正正是我們问敬拜是什么这个问题时,必須入手的起点。无论你怎么设计和带领敬拜,敬拜的目的必須是為了上帝的荣耀。(这是 Huge Old Worship Reformed According to Scripture》这本书中的核心思想。)​​
Why study the Reformers?

One often asks why today we should study the Reformers. We study the Reformers for the same reason the Reformers studied the church fathers. They are witnesses to the authority of Scripture. The Reformers studied the patristic commentaries on Scripture because they enriched their own understanding of Scripture. Today we study the Reformers because they throw so much light on the pages of the Bible. They were passionately concerned to worship God truly, and they searched the Scriptures to learn how. We study the Reformers because their understanding of Scripture is so profound (Worship Reformed According to Scripture).
人们常常会问,今天这个世代的人为何要向改教家请教关于敬拜的事呢? 我们向改教家学习,就跟改教家向古教父学习是一个道理。他们都是為圣经权威作见证的人。改教家研读古教父们的圣经注釋,因為那些圣经注释能丰富他们对圣经的理解。而今天我們也研究改教家怎么解经,因為他們的著作為每一页的圣经帶来许多的亮光。他們是那么地熱衷于如何能做到真正地敬拜上帝,而他們乃是从圣经中找答案。我们之所以要向改教家学习敬拜,只因他们对圣经的理解是那么的深入到位。(​​这是 Huge Old Worship Reformed According to Scripture》这本书中的另一个核心思想。)​​
Worship and the Holy Spirit?

If there is one doctrine which is at the heart of Reformed worship it is the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. It is the belief that the Holy Spirit brings the Church into being, that the Holy Spirit dwells in the Church and sanctifies the Church. Worship is the manifestation of the creative and sanctifying presence of the Holy Spirit. If we are to understand the worship of the early Reformed Church we must recognize that they went to worship not to do something for God, nor even so much to get something from God, but far more to be something with God (The Patristic Roots of Reformed Worship).
如果说有一条教义是佔居改革宗敬拜中的中心地位的,那就莫过于「圣灵论」了。圣灵论讲的就是: 教会是经由圣灵而生成的,圣灵与教會同在並正在使教會成为圣洁。敬拜乃是圣灵对教会创造性和洁淨性之同在的有形彰显。如果我们想对起初改教教会的敬拜有更深了解的话,我們就必须认识到,他们去敬拜,並不是帶着去為上帝做些什麼,甚至也不是為了要从上帝那里获取些什么,而仅仅只是為了親近上帝、享受与衪的同在。(这是 Huge Old 他的博士论文《The Patristic Roots of Reformed Worship》中的核心思想。)







Reforming the Church Service

作者:Michael S. Horton   1岑跃环译/王一校   2 Virginia Yip
Reforming the Church Service Part 4 of a 6-part series onWorship
http://www.reformedbeginner.net/on-worship-4-liturgy/ 原译文1岑跃环译/王一校版
https://www.facebook.com/groups/462030323850206/posts/4097072803679255/2 Virginia Yip译版
"Liturgy." It sounds like "allergy," and that's perfect, because many Christians today have an allergy for liturgy. Actually, the idea's very basic: certain things should always be done in a worship service, other things shouldn't. And you need some set of criteria--a rationale, for what's in and what's not.
英文“礼仪”(liturgy)这个字,听起来很像是英文中的另一个字,“过敏”(allergy)。这个巧合也算是绝了,因为当下有许多基督徒,一听到“礼仪”这个词就会生发出一股过敏般的抵触感。其实,礼仪的意思不过是指:在崇拜过程中,有些事情是一定需要做的,而另外一些事是不应该出现在崇拜中的,仅此而已。而我们需要的是一些标准,即用来判断什么是属于该做、什么是属于不该做的理由。 2 Virginia Yip译版)
Every church has a liturgy. In the Bible churches and Baptist fellowships of my youth, the liturgy was pretty much the same Sunday to Sunday, and even fairly standard from church to church. You knew what to expect and had a pretty good idea of when to sit, stand, and reach for your hymnal or wallet.
每个教会的崇拜程序都有它的礼仪的。我小时候参加的那些圣经教会和浸信会的团契,每个主日的敬拜程序基本上都是很一致的,甚至教会与教会之间的程序都是相当规范的。在崇拜聚会中,你会知道下一步该做什么,你对什么时候该坐下、什么时候当起立、什么时候伸手去翻诗歌本、或者掏出钱包准备奉献等,基本上是有概念的。 2 Virginia Yip译版)
During my teen years, though, I spent some time in charismatic circles. Here, we used to ridicule the Baptists as "traditionalists" who stifled the Spirit by the church bulletin. Imagine what we thought of Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and Lutherans! Goodness, they were really "dead traditionalists." And "dead" didn't refer to the doctrine, because it didn't matter whether a church was liberal or conservative. It could have been the most orthodox church in town, but if its style was not youthful and lively, it was "dead," plain and simple. Doctrine didn't decide death or life, the liturgy decided it. Isn't that ironic, that in our charismatic circles we were willing to divide churches over liturgy just as surely as we thought others had done! We were just as caught up in liturgy, by demanding a particular youth-oriented, guitar-strumming, hand-waving, informal style, that we ended up defining life and death in churches by our particular liturgical definitions.
不过我在十几岁的时候,在灵恩派的圈子里呆了一段时间。在那里,我们曾经用不屑一顾的口吻指那些浸信会的信徒是“守旧派”的,认为他们在主日崇拜中竟然使用打印好的周报,简直就是在扼杀圣灵的工作。试想想,如果连浸信会我们当时都这么看他们,那对长老会、圣公会、路德会,我们不知道该怎么想了。天呐!这些教会,大可被称为是“死到僵硬了的守旧派”吧!说他们“死”,并非是针对他们的教义而言,因为不管他们是自由派教会的还是保守派教会的(他们甚至可以是全城信仰最正统的教会),只要他们的敬拜风格不够青春活泼,那就是“死的”,就这么简单!我们觉得,判断一间教会是死的还是活的,不是他们所信奉的教义,而是他们所采用的礼拜仪式。够讽刺吧?在我们灵恩派圈子里,我们常常批评其他教会竟然会因为彼此的崇拜礼仪/形式不同而分裂教会。其实,我们自己也正正在干同样的事。我们乃是非常在乎自己的崇拜仪式的,我们的崇拜一定要求具备某种青春带有活力的格调、一定要有吉他伴奏、一定要举手挥手、一定不要正式规矩的风格,以致到头来,我们便不经意地以自己所认定的那种特定崇拜仪式来判定一个教会是活的还是死的了。 2 Virginia Yip译版)
Once we realize that we all have a liturgy--a philosophy of worship and a general set of criteria by which we judge it, we can begin to ask ourselves and each other, what then is a biblical liturgy? If God is the one who must be pleased with our worship, then he should decide--not the youth, nor the older folks, nor the unchurched or the churched. It's our job to find out how God wants to be worshipped. After all, he is the audience; it is he who must be pleased with our worship, for ultimately he is the Seeker to whom we must be sensitive (Jn. 4).
一旦我们意识到我们所有人都有一套自己的崇拜礼仪,即一套关于敬拜的哲学理念和一套判断什么该做、什么不该做的标准时,我们就可以开始问自己、或问他人,究竟符合圣经的崇拜礼仪是怎样的。如果在我们的崇拜聚会中,上帝才是那位该被取悦的主角,那么崇拜该如何进行,就应该由祂来决定才对,而不是由教会里年轻的、或老长的、或慕道的、或在教会中长大的人来决定。我们的责任就是,找出上帝要我们怎么敬拜祂。毕竟,祂才是我们敬拜的受众,祂才是我们的敬拜需要取悦的对象,因为,最终上帝才那位我们需要对之感受有所顾虑的“寻慕者 Seeker”(约翰福音四章)。(译注:在现今的英语世界中,许多福音派教会都在提倡教会的崇拜需要顾虑到“慕道友”的感受,即“seeker-sensitive”。福音派教会用把前来教会想认识基督教的人称为“慕道友 seekers”,乃反应出他们认为,是人在主动寻找上帝。而作者在这里巧妙地用来大写的 Seeker,将之用在上帝身上,就是想说,在崇拜中,做主动的乃是上帝,是上帝来寻找、招聚我们,而不是我们人主动去寻找祂)。(2 Virginia Yip译版)
I remember, when I began attending Presbyterian and Reformed churches, how it was both foreign and familiar. My new theology told me that God was the center of attention, so seeing him held up in the service, from the call to worship to Word and Sacrament, to the Benediction, clicked for me. You see, before, I was attending Arminian churches whose human-centered theology shaped a human-centered liturgy. Endless autobiographies called "testimonies," tacky religious floor-shows, an interminable altar call begging folks to let God have his way, and a centrally-located choir with colorful robes framed a sermon of schmooze calculated to please me and make me want to go through this thing again next week. Now, of course, not all of the churches nor all of the services I can recall were as goofy as I'm describing here, but you get the picture.
我记得当我开始去长老会和改革宗的教会聚会时,不知怎的,他们的崇拜礼仪怎么就感觉既熟悉又陌生呢?我刚刚学到的神学告诉我,上帝才是我们需要关注的中心。当我在主日崇拜过程中,从宣召到证道,再到圣餐,一直到祝福,整个过程都看到上帝被高举起来时,我才恍然大悟我这刚学到的神学是什么意思。因为先前我是在信奉阿民念神学的教会聚会的,他们人本的神学也自然塑造了人本的敬拜仪式。在他们的崇拜聚会中,有说不完的被称为“见证”的个人生平故事;讲台上是一些表演水平不咋滴的福音短剧;还有那些没完没了的决志呼召,苦苦哀求会众给上帝一个在他们生命中做主掌权的机会;讲台正中间是穿着让人眼前一亮长袍的诗班;所听到的是那些想尽办法取悦我、盼望我下周还会再去教会聚会、献殷勤式的讲道。当然,不是所有的教会,也不是我所参加过的所有崇拜都如我上面描述得那么低俗拙劣,但你大致能看到我要讲的那副图画是怎样的。所以说,问题不是我们的崇拜要不要用礼仪,而是要用哪一种礼仪。若只是说“崇拜礼仪一定要够古老才行”,又或者说“崇拜礼仪一定要被年轻人接受才行”,那都是不够的,“判断我们敬拜的圣经标准是什么?”这才是我们唯一应该问的问题。 2 Virginia Yip译版)
So, it's not whether liturgy, but which liturgy. It's not enough to say, "It should be old"; nor is it acceptable to judge it by how it appeals to the youth. What are the biblical criteria for judging our worship? That's the only question.
所以在此,我想提出七项指导原则,以助大家分析你们的崇拜,希望对大家有所帮助。 2 Virginia Yip译版)
So here I offer seven guidelines that you might find somewhat helpful in analyzing your worship. It may be something that you could take to your worship committee or pastor.
所以在此,我想提出七项指导原则,以助大家分析你们的崇拜,希望对大家有所帮助。 2 Virginia Yip译版)
1. It must conform to Scripture by preaching Law and Gospel, along with sermon and sacraments. The sermon isn't the only "preaching" of the morning. The entire service is worship and says a great deal about the church's view of God, Christ, salvation, etc. Is there a regular confession of sin and announcement of pardon? This is not only an ancient requirement of the Christian churches; it is part of the apostolic worship, as you find it in Acts chapter 2, for instance, and in Paul's letters.
1、崇拜礼仪本身必须合乎圣经,其中有对律法和对福音的宣讲。“礼仪”本身是具有宣讲信息的功用的,与讲道和施圣礼一样。主日崇拜中,并非只有证道的部分才有宣讲的功用,整个崇拜聚会都是属于敬拜,你从一间个教会的崇拜程序中可以看到这间教会的上帝观以及对基督、对救恩的看法。例如,在他们的礼仪中,有没有固定的认罪和宣赦的环节呢?这些环节,不仅是初期教会的敬拜礼仪传统,也是使徒时期崇拜礼仪的一部分,正如你在使徒行传第二章和保罗书信中所能找到的那样。 2 Virginia Yip译版)
2. It must link the individual to the larger church body and not only to the church here and now, but to Christ's body throughout the world and throughout all ages. Is our worship uniquely American or determined by the "contemporary"? This isn't just a question of style, but of doctrine. We worship with the "cloud of witnesses" (Heb. 12) and the Psalms are full of the recounting of God's works with his people throughout history. We aren't individualists who are seeking a "worship experience" that's relevant to us, but baptized Christians who are in covenant with the "communion of saints" and "one holy, catholic, and apostolic church" (Apostle's Creed).
2、崇拜礼仪必须把每个个体与整体教会联系起来,不仅与你当下、本堂的教会联系起来,更是与世界各地、从古到今整个基督的身体联系起来。我们要问,我们的崇拜是否单单是美国式的(译注:或单单具有中国特色的)呢?或者特别具有现代敬拜风格的呢?敬拜不是一件单单关乎风格的事,而是关乎教义的事。我们是与“如同云彩般的见证人”(来12)一同敬拜的。在诗篇中,我们也读到诗人常常忆述上帝是怎么在祂历世历代的子民中工作的。我们不是以个人主义者的身份前来敬拜、各自寻求适合自己“崇拜体验”而已,而是一群受洗归入基督的基督徒,我们是在圣约中与“圣徒相通”、与“圣而公且延续了使徒传统之教会”(使徒信经)的信徒一同敬拜的。 2 Virginia Yip译版)
3. It must be God-centered, not us-centered. God is the audience and we are the choir. Are the "professionals" up front the focus of attention? Are they entertaining us or are they leading us in corporately entertaining God? Where is the focus?
3、崇拜礼仪必须以上帝为中心,而不是以我们人为中心的。上帝是受众,我们全体会众都是诗班。我们要问,在崇拜过程中,那些站讲台上的“专业唱诗班”会不会不经意地成为了我们关注的焦点呢?他们是在娱乐我们,还是在带领我们一同来取乐上帝呢?我们把焦点放在了哪里? 2 Virginia Yip译版)
3、崇拜礼仪必须是以上帝为中心,而不是以我们为中心的。上帝是观众,我们是诗班。那些 在舞台上的“专业人士”是否成了崇拜的焦点?他们是在娱乐我们,还是带领我们在娱乐上帝呢?谁才是焦点?(1岑跃环译/王一校版)
4. It must worship the correct God correctly. The first three of the 10 Commandments concern our correct worship of the only true God. God is more concerned with true worship than with anything else. Even our salvation is a means to that end of bringing praise and glory to God's name. It isn't enough to worship the true God according to our own fancy; he must be worshipped in his own way, as Aaron's sons learned the hard way. When they wanted to offer an unauthorized fire in the temple, it was out of the best of motives, but God turned them to ash before Aaron himself. "Before man, I will show myself as holy," God declared. We must not trifle with God in the matter of worship.
4、崇拜礼仪必须运用正确地方式来敬拜正确的上帝。十诫的前三诫讲的,都是关于我们当如何正确地敬拜这位独一真神。上帝所在乎的,没有比人当如何正确地敬拜祂这件事更重要了。我们甚至可以说,连祂对我们的救赎,也不过是为了达到敬拜祂这一终极目的的过程而已。祂对人最终的目的,就是叫人晓得如何将赞美和荣耀归与祂的名。我们若只凭自己的想象或自己的心灵诚意来敬拜上帝是不够的,上帝只能按照祂自己所吩咐人的方式来接受人的敬拜。亚伦的儿子不正是在这件事上没有学好而为此付上了极大的代价吗?当他们试图在殿前献凡火时,乃出于最好的动机的,但上帝却在亚伦面前当场把他们烧成了灰烬。上帝宣告说,“在人面前,我要显为圣”。在敬拜上帝这件事上,我们绝不能轻忽随便,随己意而行。 2 Virginia Yip译版)
5. It must emphasize and undergird Word and Sacrament as the central foci of worship. Is "fellowship" more important than the sermon and Holy Communion in our church?
5、崇拜礼仪必须强调且巩固圣道与圣礼,突出其在崇拜的中心焦点地位。我们要问自己,在我们教会聚会中,会不会把“团契相交”看得比讲道和圣餐更重要? 2 Virginia Yip译版)
6. It must be useable. In other words, we have to instruct people in anything that is unfamiliar. One reason people will say, "It's just rote repetition" of ancient liturgies is due to the laziness, apathy, or lack of awareness on the part of the minister in terms of explaining it all. We can't assume that each new generation understands what's going on.
6、崇拜礼仪必须好用、能用、方便使用才行。换句话说,如果礼仪中有会众不熟悉、不理解的部分,我们必须教导他们,让他们明白其中的含义。很多人对古教会流传下来的敬拜礼仪的看法乃是,“礼仪嘛,不过就是一些墨守成规、每周都要重复走过场的形式呗!”。他们之所以有这种观感,其原因就在于领会的圣职人员或是出于自身的懒惰、或是出于对会众对礼仪无知这件事无法感同身受、或者意识不到,以致于没有好好地、经常地向他们解释。我们不能假设每一个新世代的信徒都能够自然而然了解教会崇拜礼仪中每一个环节、每一个动作到底代表什么、有什么意义。 2 Virginia Yip译版)
7. It must communicate to contemporary men and women. The Reformation recovered congregational singing and participation. No longer left to the "professionals" (the choir, etc.), the entire congregation read the Scriptures in unison, prayed in unison, and sang in unison. But that meant that they had to have it in their own language, so the Reformation neither shirked its obligation to the past, nor to the present and the future.
7、崇拜礼仪必须对当代人有意义。宗教改革重新拾回了会众唱诗和会众参与的崇拜活动。崇拜不再是留给“专业人士”(如诗班等人)负责的事,而是全体会众的事,会众可以一同诵读圣经、一同参与祷告、一同和声歌唱。但这就意味着敬拜者必须用自己能懂的母语来敬拜了。所以,宗教改革既没有推脱对过去历史的义务、也没有忽略对但当下与未来历史的责任。 2 Virginia Yip译版)

:本文为Virginia Yip 叶老师为她的敬拜课程特别预备,是在中文原译稿上做出的修改或重译,为方便教学,中文题目也稍作了改动。


Worship: Evangelical orReformed?
1 崇拜:福音派還是改革宗?
2 敬拜:福音派?还是改革宗?

作者:W. Robert Godfrey (加州西敏神學院院長,URC牧師)
譯者:1誠之譯版   2维语译/和卫校版 3 Virginia Yip节录译版
原刊於20024月信正長老會(OPC)雜誌New Horizon
https://www.churchchina.org/archives/170306.html2维语译 / 和卫校
https://www.facebook.com/groups/462030323850206/posts/4097072803679255/3 Virginia Yip
https://yibaniba.blogspot.com/2017/03/worship-evangelical-orreformed-w.html 原中英转载版

One of the challenges of being Reformed in America is to figure out the relationship between what is evangelical and what is Reformed. Protestantism in America is dominated by the mainline Protestants, the evangelicals, and the charismatics. After these dominant groups, other major players would include the confessional Lutherans. But where do the Reformed fit in, particularly in relation to the evangelicals, with whom historically we have been most closely linked?
在美国改革宗信徒所面临的挑战之一是理清福音派改革宗二者之间的关系。美国的基督教新教Protestantism由主流更正教会[2]mainline Protestants、福音派evangelicals以及灵恩派charismatics所主导。在这些主导团体之外,另一个主要派系是认信的路德宗(the confessional Lutherans)。但改革宗应处于什么位置,尤其和历史上联系最为紧密的“福音派”之间的关系是怎样的?2维语译/和卫校版)
福音派和改革宗在崇拜聚会上所存在的本质上的差异,主要体现在两方面:第一是对“上帝在崇拜聚会中的临在”这个概念的理解;第二是对“领会者的圣职人员的职份”这个概念的理解。 3 Virginia Yip节录译版)
Some observers argue that the confessional Reformed are a subgroup in the broader evangelical movement. Certainly over the centuries in America, the Reformed have often allied themselves with the evangelicals, have shared much in common with the evangelicals, and have often tried to refrain from criticizing the evangelical movement. But are we Reformed really evangelical?
有人指出“认信的改革宗”(the confessional Reformed)是宽泛的福音运动的分支团体。的确,在美国过去的几个世纪里,改革宗常常与福音派联合,与其有许多的相似性,并时常竭力避免去批判福音派运动。但我们改革宗真是福音派吗?(2维语译/和卫校版)
One area in which the differences between evangelical and Reformed can be examined is the matter of worship. At first glance, we may see more similarities than differences. The orders of worship in Reformed and evangelical churches can be almost identical. Certainly, both kinds of churches sing songs, read Scripture, pray, preach, and administer baptism and the Lord's Supper. But do these similarities reflect only formal agreement, or do they represent a common understanding of the meaning and function of these liturgical acts in worship?
If we look closely, I believe that we will see the substantive differences between evangelicals and Reformed on worship. That difference is clear on two central issues: first, the understanding of the presence of God in the service; and second, the understanding of the ministerial office in worship.
The Presence of God in Worship
1. 上帝在崇拜聚会中的临在 3 Virginia Yip节录译版)
The presence of God in worship may seem a strange issue to raise. Do we not both believe that God is present with his people in worship? Indeed we do! But how is God present, and how is he active in our worship?

若问上帝在敬拜中有没有与我们同在,这似乎是一个让人纳闷的问题。福音派也好,改革宗也好,都是相信上帝在敬拜中与祂的子民同在的。但区别在于,上帝是“怎么”与人同在的,以及祂是“怎么主动地”介入人的敬拜活动的。 3 Virginia Yip节录译版)
It seems to me that for evangelicalism, God is present in worship basically to listen. He is not far away; rather, he is intimately and lovingly present to observe and hear the worship of his people. He listens to their praise and their prayers. He sees their obedient observance of the sacraments. He hears their testimonies and sharing. He attends to the teaching of his Word, listening to be sure that the teaching is faithful and accurate.
对福音派而言,他们对上帝在敬拜中的临在这个概念的理解,基本上就是“上帝在聆听”我们人对祂的敬拜赞美。祂不是站在距离我们很远地方看我们怎么敬拜祂,而是亲密、充满爱意地临在在祂的子民当中,察看、聆听他们的敬拜。祂倾听他们的赞美、他们的祷告、祂观看他们如何忠实地施行圣礼、祂留心听他们的见证和分享、当祂的话语传讲出来时,祂会专注留意细听,看看讲道者有没有忠实、准确地把祂的话语讲解清楚。 3 Virginia Yip节录译版)
The effect of this sense of evangelical worship is that the stress is on the horizontal dimension of worship. The sense of warm, personal fellowship, and participation among believers at worship is crucial. Anything that increases a sense of involvement, especially on the level of emotions, is likely to be approved. The service must be inspiring and reviving, and then God will observe and be pleased.
福音派对崇拜的这种认识,其结果就是,人们在崇拜聚会中把注重点放在一个“横向”的关系上。因此,对他们来说,温馨的感觉、与主个人的相交、如何让会众每个人都能参与到崇拜过程中等,这些都被视为是崇拜聚会的关键要素。任何有助提高这种参与感的建议,尤其是情感层面的参与感,都是很可能被教会批准接纳的。崇拜聚会一定要能够感动人、奋兴人,这样的聚会上帝才乐意观看并且悦纳(3 Virginia Yip节录译版)
The Reformed faith has a fundamentally different understanding of the presence of God. God is indeed present to hear. He listens to the praise and prayers of his people. But he is also present to speak. God is not only present as an observer; he is an active participant. He speaks in the Word and in the sacraments. As Reformed Christians, we do not believe that he speaks directly and immediately to us in the church. God uses means to speak. But he speaks truly and really to us through the means that he has appointed for his church. In the ministry of the Word—as it is properly preached and ministered in salutation and benediction—it is truly God who speaks. As the Second Helvetic Confession rightly says, "The preaching of the Word of God is the Word of God."
改革宗信仰對神在崇拜中的同在有著本質上不同的理解。上帝的確在場聆聽。祂傾聽百姓的讚美和禱告。但是祂也在場說話。上帝不只是作為一個觀眾在場;祂更是積極的參與者。祂在聖道中說話,也在聖禮中說話。作為改革宗的基督徒,我們不只是相信祂在教會中直接、立即地對我們說話。神也使用一些管道(或途徑)說話,但是祂是透過祂為教會所指定的管道來說話。在聖道的職事中——也就是神的話得到正當的宣講,在致敬和祝福中得到適當的執行——是神真的在說話。正如瑞士第二信條(譯按:布靈格在1560年代所寫)所說的:“宣講神的話就是神的話本身。”(The preaching of the Word of God is the Word of God.1誠之譯版)
改革宗信仰对于神同在的理解有着本质上的不同。的确,神同在是为倾听,他聆听他子民的赞美和祷告,但他同在也为了表达。神不仅是作为观察者同在,他更是一个积极的参与者。他透过经文和圣礼向我们说话。作为改革宗基督徒,我们不相信神在教会中会直接和即时地向我们说话;神是透过一些途径说话,用他向教会所指定的方式,真切地向我们说话。在传道事工里——当神的话被正确地传讲,并被妥善地使用在问安和祈祷祝福中时——这便是神在真正地说话。正如《第二瑞士信条》(the Second Helvetic Confession)所强调的:“被传讲出来的道才是神的话。” 2维语译/和卫校版)
对改革宗而言,他们对“上帝在崇拜聚会中的临在”的理解则有着本质上的不同。上帝临在,聆听人对祂的敬拜――聆听祂子民的赞美和祷告――这个没错。然而,祂并非仅仅以一个观众的形式临在,祂临在在祂的子民当中,更是为要向他们说话。换言之,在崇拜聚会中,上帝乃是一个积极的参与者,祂藉着圣道对我们说话、也藉着圣礼向我们说话。当然,改革宗的信徒并不相信上帝会在聚会中直接地、即时地向人我们说话(译注:不同于灵恩派的教会),改革宗的信徒相信的是上帝是透过渠道来向人说话的,即祂是透过祂自己为教会所指定的恩具(译注:即圣言的宣读、圣道的宣讲、圣礼的施行、祷告等)实实在在地、真真确确地向我们人说话。 例如:论到圣言这一恩具——无论是在证道时,还是在问安、宣召或最后祝福时,只要这些环节都是按照合乎圣经的方式被施行出来的——那就是上帝自己实实在在在向会众说话了,正如《第二瑞士信条》(The Second Helvetic Confession)所贴切总结的那样:“被传讲出来的话语就是上帝的话语。”此外,上帝也在圣礼中积极地临在,向我们说话。 3 Virginia Yip节录译版)
God is also actively present and speaking in the sacraments, according to the Reformed understanding. The sacraments are much more about him than about us. He speaks through them the reality of the presence of Jesus to bless his people as he confirms his gospel truth and promises through them.
根据改革宗的信仰,圣礼乃是一件关乎上帝自己的事过于关乎我们的事。上帝透过圣礼向我们传达耶稣与我们同在这一事实,以此来祝福他们,正如祂藉着圣礼向人印证祂的福音真理和福音应许是多么地真实一样。 3 Virginia Yip节录译版)
The effect of this understanding of Reformed worship is that the stress is on the vertical dimension of worship. The horizontal dimension is not absent, but the focus is not on warm feelings and sharing. Rather, it is on the community as a unit meeting their God. Our primary fellowship with one another is in the unified activities of speaking to God in song and prayer and of listening together as God speaks to us. The vertical orientation of our worship service insures that God is the focus of our worship. The first importance of any act of worship is not its value for the inspiration of the people, but its faithfulness to God's revelation of his will for worship. We must meet with God only in ways that please him. The awe and joy that is ours in coming into the presence of the living God to hear him speak is what shapes and energizes our worship service.
改革宗对崇拜的这种认识,其结果就是,人们在崇拜聚会中把注重点放在一个“纵向”的关系上。不是说横向的关系不见了、被取消了,而是说他们的焦点不是放在会众个人的温馨感受和分享上,而是放在会众作为一个整体来朝见上帝这件事上。会众彼此间的相交活动,主要体现在他们共同参与在一环一环合一的崇拜动作中,即集体性的唱诗、祷告、一同领受、聆听上帝对我们说话等这些事上。这种对纵向层面的敬拜关注,确保了上帝才是我们敬拜的焦点。任何一种敬拜,其最重要的都不是这个敬拜活动能对人带来什么启发、感动,而是它有没有忠实于上帝所启示给人、教人理当如何敬拜祂的旨意。我们人只能单单按照上帝所喜悦的方式来朝见祂。我们的崇拜聚会怎么才能充满活力和激情呢?唯有当我们人是带着对上帝由衷的敬畏和喜乐来到永生神的面前、切切想听到祂要对我们说什么时,方有可能。这才是塑造教会崇拜聚会的因和动力。 3 Virginia Yip节录译版)
The Ministerial Office in Worship
. 领会者的圣职人员的职份 3 Virginia Yip节录译版)
The difference between the Reformed faith and evangelicalism on the presence of God in worship is closely tied to their differences on the ministerial office in worship. For evangelicalism, the ministers seem to be seen as talented and educated members of the congregation, called by God to leadership in planning and teaching. The ministers use their talents to facilitate the worship of the congregation and instruct the people. The ministers are not seen as speaking distinctively for God or having a special authority from God. Rather, their authority resides only in the reliability of their teaching, which would be true for any member of the congregation.
改革宗与福音派对崇拜聚会中上帝的临在的不同理解,也体现在他们对领会者圣职职份的理解上的不同。对于福音派来说,教会的圣职人员似乎就只是一些教会中较有才干、受过教育的会友,他们蒙上帝呼召出来在治理和教导等事工上带领教会。在崇拜中,这些带领人只是运用他们的才干来协助、促进会众敬拜上帝,并讲道教导他们。一般会众或领会者本身并不觉得他们是特别代表上帝向会众说话的,也不拥有什么从上帝而来的特殊权柄。反之,他们的权柄只彰显在他们教导的可靠性上,而这种权柄,会众中任何一个有能力忠实教导上帝话语的人都能有。 3 Virginia Yip节录译版)
The effect of this evangelical view of office is to create a very democratic character to worship, in which the participation of many members of the congregation in leading the service is a good thing. The more who can share, the better. The many gifts that God has given to members of the congregation should be used for mutual edification. Again, the horizontal dimension of worship has prevailed.
福音派对圣职的这种看法所导致的结果,就是为崇拜聚会创造出了一种民主特征,而在这个民主氛围下,越多会众能够参与在崇拜活动中越好,越多人有分享越好。上帝赐给众人的恩赐总得用出使大家彼此的造就嘛。我再说,这是一种以“横向”关系为主导的敬拜观。(3 Virginia Yip节录译版)
The Reformed view of ministerial office is quite different. The minister is called by God through the congregation to lead worship by the authority of his office. He is examined and set apart to represent the congregation before God and to represent God before the congregation. In the great dialogue of worship, he speaks the Word of God to the people and he speaks the words of the people to God, except in those instances when the congregation as a whole raises its voice in unison to God.
改革宗对领会者的圣职职份的看法则大不相同。圣职人员乃是被上帝从整个教会中呼召出来的,他们是带着他们圣职职份中的权柄来带领敬拜的。他在出任这个职份前,是需要接受过审核、特别分别出来的,祂在崇拜聚会中担当的角色乃是:在上帝面前代表会众、在会众面前代表上帝。崇拜聚会活动乃是一个伟大的神、人对话,在这个对话活动中,他向会众传讲上帝的话语,又把会众的要对上帝说的话带到祂面前(除了崇拜环境中的那些整体会众一齐向上帝发声的环节外)。改革宗崇拜聚会有这样的安排,不是因为因为他们反对民主,或者他们之相信全教会只有牧师一人才是有恩赐的。他们遵循这个模式因为他们相信这是符合圣经的,且正正就是上帝所设定的敬拜模式。 3 Virginia Yip节录译版)
We who are Reformed do not embrace this arrangement because we are antidemocratic or because we believe that the minister is the only gifted member of the congregation. We follow this pattern because we believe that it is biblical and the divinely appointed pattern of worship.

改革宗对领会者的圣职职份的看法则大不相同。圣职人员乃是被上帝从整个教会中呼召出来的,他们是带着他们圣职职份中的权柄来带领敬拜的。他在出任这个职份前,是需要接受过审核、特别分别出来的,祂在崇拜聚会中担当的角色乃是:在上帝面前代表会众、在会众面前代表上帝。崇拜聚会活动乃是一个伟大的神、人对话,在这个对话活动中,他向会众传讲上帝的话语,又把会众的要对上帝说的话带到祂面前(除了崇拜环境中的那些整体会众一齐向上帝发声的环节外)。改革宗崇拜聚会有这样的安排,不是因为因为他们反对民主,或者他们之相信全教会只有牧师一人才是有恩赐的。他们遵循这个模式因为他们相信这是符合圣经的,且正正就是上帝所设定的敬拜模式。 3 Virginia Yip节录译版)
The effect of this view of office is to reinforce the sense of meeting with God in a reverent and official way. It also insures that those who lead public worship have been called and authorized for that work by God. The Reformed are rightly suspicious of untrained and unauthorized members of the congregation giving longer or shorter messages to the congregation. In worship we gather to hear God, not the opinions of members. The vertical dimension of worship remains central.
這種對職分的觀點,會增強以敬畏和正式的方式來面見上帝的觀念。它也保證那些帶領公眾崇拜的人是神所呼召的,神賦予他們權柄來執行這項工作。讓會眾中未經訓練和未獲授權的會員,對會眾給予稍長或稍短的信息,改革宗很正確地懷疑這種做法。在崇拜中,我們是聚集在一起聆聽神說話,而不是聆聽會友的意見。崇拜的垂直層面仍然是最重要的。  1誠之譯版)
改革宗对圣职的这种看法所导致的结果,就是透过一种庄严肃穆、正式规矩的方式加强了人与上帝相会的感觉。它也确保了那些带领公共崇拜聚会的人,确实是蒙上帝呼召且被上帝赋予权柄从事这项工作的。改革宗一般对未有经过训练、未经授权的会友随便站讲台的是都会持怀疑、谨慎的态度,这不是没有道理的。我们聚集敬拜,乃是来聆听上帝话语的,不是来听会众的各人领受或见解的。所以,大家可以看到,此乃一个以“纵向”为主导的敬拜观。 3 Virginia Yip节录译版)
The contrast that I have drawn between evangelical and Reformed worship no doubt ought to be nuanced in many ways. I have certainly tried to make my points by painting with a very broad brush. Yet the basic analysis, I believe, is correct.
One great difficulty that we Reformed folk have in thinking about worship is that our worship in many places has unwittingly been accommodated to evangelical ways. If we are to appreciate our Reformed heritage in worship and, equally importantly, if we are to communicate its importance, character, and power to others, we must understand the distinctive character of our worship.
Our purpose in making this contrast so pointed is not to demean evangelicals. They are indeed our brethren and our friends. But we do have real differences with them. If Reformed worship is not to become as extinct as the dinosaurs, we as Reformed people must come to a clear understanding of it and an eager commitment to it. In order to do that, we must see not just formal similarities, but more importantly the profound theological differences that distinguish evangelical worship from Reformed worship.
Dr. Robert Godfrey is president of Westminster Theological Seminary in California and a minister in the United Reformed Churches. This article is reprinted, with permission, from New Horizons, April 2002

Virginia Yip译版 叶老师为她的敬拜课程特别预备,仅为原文之全部内容的节录(省去了原文的“引言”和“总结”部分),是在《教会杂志》维语为的中文译文之上做出的修改或重译,为方便教学,中文题目也稍作了改动。


拜的水平层面The Horizontal in Worship

作者Barry J. York   译者:骆鸿铭

When the minister calls you to worship on any given Lord’s Day, undoubtedly he seeks to draw your heart’s attention heavenward, as he should. He uses texts of Scripture to call you to praise the Lord and to shout joyfully to Him. As Paul told the church at Colossae, as those who “have been raised with Christ,” we are to “seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God” (Col. 3:1). In worship, we are to heed his admonition when he says, “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth” (Col. 3:2). Our worship is “vertical” as we glorify and commune with our triune God.

Yet, we must not miss the needed “horizontal” nature of worship as well. Setting our minds on things above, and not on earthly things, does not mean we are to ignore the others around us who are worshiping with us. In worship, we are not only to fulfill the great commandment to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. We are also to love our neighbor who is there with us in worship. As the congregation arrives on Sunday morning, it is gathering for corporate worship. Thus, we need to be sure that we are putting the corporate into our corporate worship! In looking up, we must also look around.

Obviously, we think of this before and after worship. Christians enjoy seeing their brothers and sisters in Christ, greeting them and catching up with them, whether in the sanctuary before the service or over a cup of coffee afterward. But what about during the service? It is especially during the service that we are to be mindful of one another.

Do the Scriptures encourage this horizontal dimension of worship? They most definitely do. For example, think through how, as we participate in the various elements in worship, each element encourages this viewpoint.

When we are called to worship, we are called not as individuals but as the body of Christ, a temple of living stones who together offer sacrifices to the Lord (1 Cor. 3:16; 1 Peter 2:4–5). Many of our calls to worship emphasize moving beyond a mere personal sense of worshiping God to this corporate aspect. Listen to a few of these admonitions.

I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble hear and be glad. Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together! (Ps. 34:1–3)

Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! (Ps. 95:1–2)

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. (Heb. 10:24–25)

那么,当我们在敬拜中祷告的时候,虽然牧师带领祷告时,我们只能听见他一个人的声音,但上帝的子民在牧师祷告时应该同心合意。最值得注意的是,主耶稣指导我们祷告的时候,也教导我们这个真理。想想主祷文中所有的第一人称复数代名词。“‘我们’在天上的父。” “‘我们’日用的饮食,今日赐给我们” “免‘我们’的债,如同‘我们’免了人的债”;“不叫‘我们’遇见试探,救‘我们’脱离凶恶”。显然,我们要像一个由许多部分组成的身体一样祷告,不只是求主供应我每天的需要或赦免我的罪,也要为别人祈求。教会也应当另有一些祷告的时间,让每个人开声向上帝祷告(见徒四24-31)。
Then, as we pray in worship, though the singular voice of the minister may be the only one audibly heard as he leads in prayer, yet all of God’s people are to join in with one heart as he prays. Most notably, the prayer the Lord Jesus gave to instruct us about prayer also teaches us this truth. Think of all the first-person-plural pronouns in the Lord’s Prayer. “Our Father in heaven.” “Give us this day our daily bread.” “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors”; “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” Clearly, we are to pray as one body consisting of many parts, not just asking the Lord to supply my daily needs or forgive my sins, but praying that for others as well. The church should also have times of prayer where everyone is lifting their voices to God (see Acts 4:24–31).

Next, consider our singing. When the New Testament commands us to sing, the Apostle tells us that we are not only to sing to God, but we are also to address one another intentionally in song. “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God” (Col. 3:16; see also Eph. 5:19). Again, the author of Hebrews urges us to think corporately as we praise God. “Through [Christ] then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name” (Heb. 13:15).

As tithes and offerings are given, they are to be viewed as a joint collection by God’s people. As the psalmist urges families to ascribe to God the glory due His name, he calls them to bring an offering for that purpose (Ps. 96:7–8). These offerings were used for the work and ministry of the church, a true “collection for the saints” (1 Cor. 16:1). Our giving shows the church’s connectivity, as it is used for such things as caring for our minister, doing mercy work, and supporting missionaries.

Perhaps one place we need to renew our sense of the horizontal in worship is when the Bible is being read and preached. You are not there merely listening to it by yourself. You are to hear God’s Word not only for its personal benefit, but you are also to listen as a fellow member of the body of Christ. Each person is to “hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (Rev. 2:7, emphasis added). Understanding this corporate dynamic affects how we listen to God’s Word.

例如,回想保罗曾经问哥林多教会:“(你们)岂不知你们是神的殿,神的灵住在你们裡头吗?”(林前三16)。圣经的两种原文,即旧约中的希伯来语和新约中的希腊语,都在第二人称单数和第二人称复数之间做了区分,这种区分在我们的英文译本中并不是立刻就能看清楚的(译按:英文都是you,但中文很清楚)。在这节经文中,希腊文明确指出,“你们” 的三种用法都是複数。保罗是在告诉哥林多的会众,这个会众全体共同构成了神的殿。在《桌边谈》杂志(Tabletalk Magazine)的一篇文章中,Gabe Fluhrer也提出了类似的观点。在约翰福音中耶稣关于圣灵的论述中,他说道:“有趣的是,人称代名词‘你们’在《约翰福音》十四章15 -31节中使用了近30次,没有一次是单数形式。它总是复数。为什么这样说呢?因为耶稣应许圣灵的引导不仅是给个人的,而且是给祂的教会的”(注1)。
For example, recall that Paul asks the Corinthian church, “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?” (1 Cor. 3:16). Both of the original languages of the Bible, Hebrew in the Old Testament and Greek in the New, make a distinction between the second-person singular and second-person plural, a distinction that is not immediately clear in our English translations. In this verse, the Greek makes it clear that each of the three uses of “you” is plural. Paul is telling the congregation at Corinth that it together constitutes the temple of God. In an article in Tabletalk, Gabe Fluhrer makes a similar point. In Jesus’ discourse on the Holy Spirit in the gospel of John, he states: “Interestingly, the personal pronoun ‘you’ is used almost thirty times in John 14:15–31 and not once is it in the singular form. It is always plural. Why? Because Jesus is promising the guidance of the Spirit not just to individuals but to His church.”1

Seeing this important truth opens up the Bible to wider and deeper applications. As the above example shows, considering the church and not just my individual self as the temple of God (which many professing Christians do) emphasizes such things as the importance of being at worship, learning from others, and serving together in the church. Recognizing that many of the epistles were written to congregations or to ministers that served them can help us apply the Word more fully to the entire body of Christ.

Finally, even as we come to the end of the service at the time for the benediction, we should be thinking of everyone around us and not just ourselves as we receive God’s blessing. The familiar blessing of God taken from the end of 2 Corinthians could be heard merely as a personal blessing. Yet it is deliberately stated to conclude with a corporate sense of blessing. “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all” (2 Cor. 13:14, emphasis added). From the beginning of the service to the end and beyond, the vertical blessing of our triune God flows down and spreads through the entire body of Christ. What a beautiful picture of the horizontal dimension of worship.

1: Gabe Fluhrer, Doing Theology Together under the Leading of the Holy Spirit, Tabletalk, February 2018, 25.