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基督的工作如何「作工」(一):认识行为之约How the Work of Christ"Works"  Part I: Understandingthe Covenant of Works

作者Matt Perman  译者诚之


a. 亚当与上帝的天然关系
b. 亚当与上帝的圣约关系
c. 亚当与全人类的圣约关系
1. 上帝与亚当立了一个约
a. 何西阿书六章7
b. 圣约中基本的元素都存在
2. 上帝把亚当放在一个考验期裡
a. 亚当在上帝面前正确的地位还没有得到确认
b. 上帝正在考验亚当
c. 这个考验的结果会决定亚当在上帝面前的地位
3. 上帝对不顺服的刑罚是咒诅
4. 上帝对完全顺服的应许是永生
a. 生命树象征对顺服的奖赏:永生
b. 死亡的威胁暗示生命的奖赏
c. 罗马书七章10节对顺服的应许是生命
d. 加拉太书三章12节对完全顺服的应许是生命
e. 基督顺服的结果表明亚当的顺服会是怎样的结果
f. 考验期的本质
5. 考验期是一段有限的时期
6. 亚当代表全人类
1. 基督成全了行之约
2. 基督的工作何有效?
3. 基督的工作是必须的

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a. 亚当与上帝的天然关系

上帝在完美的正直中造了亚当。既然上帝不能惩罚无罪的,或不去贊许道德的良善,亚当就得到上帝的接纳,能接近上帝,且从创造的那一刻起,上帝就喜悦他。换句话说,亚当从在圣洁中被造的伊始,在上帝面前,就有一个正确的地位(had a right standing with God)。在这个与上帝的自然关系裡(即亚当单单因爲被造,与上帝所拥有的关系),只要亚当保持完全的正直,他与上帝之间正确的地位就能维持(因爲上帝总是喜悦接纳完美的道德良善)。

然而,亚当并未拥有这个保证,就是他会永恒地拥有在上帝面前正确的关系,他永远会保持正直。因爲即使亚当被造时,在道德上是正直公义的,但是他的义却是可变的(a changeable righteousness),因此,总是存在一种可能,就是他会犯罪,并失去他在上帝面前正确的地位。正如霍志恒所说的,「人受造时本来的境况,其实是处于一个未确定的试验期裡(indefinite probation):只要他一日不犯罪,他就一日仍然保持他所拥有的一切。但是在这种未完全作实(unconfirmed)的境况裡,他一向固有的宗教和道德意识与力量,并不能保证他会永远这样。」[1]



因此,在祂的恩典中,上帝与亚当立了一个约,好让他能「从一个未完全作实的境况,进到一个完全作实的境况。当完全作实时,人所拥有的一切就永远不会受到罪的恶果的影响。」 [霍志恒,29]

b. 亚当与上帝的圣约关系





c. 亚当与全人类的圣约关系


这就是行爲之约。我已经爲那些靠着明白事物的全貌来认识真理的人(像我一样),尝试做了详尽的解释。对那些只想靠简短叙述的人,再没有比威敏思特信仰告白说得更好的了:「上帝与人所立的第一个约是行爲之约。在此约中,神应许把生命赐给亚当,再由他传给他的后代,条件是完全、而且是在个人层面的顺服(perfect and personal obedience)。」(第七章,第2条)


在认识了所谓的「行爲之约」的本质之后,我们可以开始查验圣经的资料,来证明这种理解是正确的:上帝在亚当裡与全人类发生关系。把以下的元素放在一起,可以证明行爲之约是存在的,即:上帝(1) 与亚当立了一个约,(2) 亚当要作爲他所有后裔的盟约代表,在此约中,(3) 亚当要在考验期中接受试炼,(4)这段考验期是一段有限的时期,祂应许,(5) 不顺服的惩罚是永恒的刑罚,(6) 顺服的奖赏是永生。接下来,我们会查验这些元素。

1. 上帝与亚当立了一个约

a. 何西阿书六7
b. 圣约的基本元素都在
c. 亚当与基督的平行证明亚当是在一个约中(罗马书五12-19;林前十五22, 45-49

a. 何西阿书六7

首先,何西阿书六7这样教导。论及以色列,上帝宣告:「他们却如亚当背约,在境内向我行事诡诈。」正如古登(Wayne Grudem)的注解,「这段经文将亚当视爲在一个圣约关系中,然后他在伊甸园之悖逆了。」[2]

有些人反对这个说法,认爲这句经文应该被翻译爲「他们却『在亚当(城)』背约」(例如,新译本;英文RSV译本),而不是「他们却『如亚当』背约」。这似乎意味着这句经文不是说到第一个人与上帝的关系,而是说到有些人在亚当城背约了。亚当城大约位于耶利哥北方12哩之处,在约旦河旁(参约书亚记三16)。但是古登指出,即使RSV译本也承认,「这是推测的修订,希伯来原文实际上应该读作『如亚当』(Heb. keadam)」。希伯来文的介系词ke意思是「如」,而不是「在」(古登,516页)。


最后,即使这节经文最好的翻译是「他们『如人类』背约」,它仍然是上帝与亚当(以及在他裡面的全人类)之间存在一个约的坚实证据。因爲除了创造之外,还有什么事件是我们可以查考,说「这是有道理的,说上帝在此时刻与全人类设立了一个有条件的(即,可以违背的)约?」如同罗伯森(O. Palmer Robertson)所写的,「除了上帝与挪亚所立的约之外,圣经没有提到在[属灵的或实体的]以色列之外,存在任何具体的约。而挪亚之约对具体的圣约责任缺乏足够的强调,是何西阿可以有清楚的把握说人已经『破坏』了这个约。」[3]




b. 圣约中基本的元素都存在




第三,我们知道上帝与亚当立了一个约,因爲如同罗伯逊所说的,「 新约把亚当和基督作爲平行(罗五12-19;林前十五2245-49)暗示,正如基督是新约的盟约(federal,字根是拉丁文foedus,意思是「约」covenant)代表,同样,亚当在约的安排中,也是作爲盟约的代表。[5]

2. 上帝把亚当放在一个考验期裡

说亚当在堕落前,是在一个考验期(a probationary period)裡,有三个意思:首先,这是说亚当在上帝面前的地位还没有得到确立(not confirmed)——它还「未成定局」。其次,它是说亚当正在接受考验,而这个考验与他的顺服有关。第三,它的意思是这个考验的结果(即亚当的顺服或不顺服)会决定并确保亚当在上帝面前的地位(standing)。如果我们能证明这三件事爲真,那么,我们就可以说亚当是在一个考验期裡,因爲这三件事是考验期的意义所在。

a. 亚当在上帝面前正确的地位还没有得到确认

我们知道亚当在上帝面前的地位还没有得到确认,是因爲亚当有可能堕落(capable of falling)。而我们知道亚当有可能堕落,单从一个事实就可以知道:他的确堕落了。如果他不可能堕落,他就不曾堕落!但是他有可能堕落的事实说明,他在上帝面前的状态(status)是可变的(capable of changing)。换句话说,在伊甸园裡,亚当并没有受到咒诅,但他也尚未在最高的状态裡,即「永恒地被确认在上帝面前有正确的地位」,这是选民在基督裡的地位(罗八30;约十27-30)。他还没有永生。[6]

b. 上帝正在考验亚当 


正如慕理(John Murray)说的,不要吃树上的果子这个命令,「是负面的,如此,它就与其他[创造]的律例不同。它的特征和意图都不在同一类,有其特殊性(创二17)。它只适用在亚当和夏娃身上,而且与伊甸园的特殊情况有关。」我们必须要问:「爲什么,或目的是什么?」 [7] 在深入思考后,似乎最好的答案是上帝在考验亚当。



c. 这个考验的结果会决定亚当在上帝面前的地位


换句话说,既然死亡(从与上帝的团契中被驱逐出去)是未通过考验的惩罚,那么,这个考验的目的就是爲了决定亚当在上帝面前的地位。[9] 因爲没有通过这个考验的结果,就是失去上帝的接纳;而通过这个考验的结果,至少就是继续爲上帝接纳(我们在后门会看到,不只如此)。

3. 上帝对不顺服的刑罚是咒诅

很少有人争论说上帝吩咐亚当,不可吃分辨善恶树上的果子,如果他吃了,他就会死:「耶和华 神吩咐他说:『园中各样树上的果子,你可以随意吃,只是分别善恶树上的果子,你不可吃,因爲你吃的日子必定死!』」(创二16-17)因此,死亡是不顺服约的条款的结果。




4. 神对完全顺服的应许是永生

God promised eternal life to perfect obedience

我们在上面提到过,从下面的经文我们会看得更清楚,圣经所说的永生,有两个层面:在神面前正确的地位得到确认,以及享受祂天上的荣耀。在园子里,亚当并不拥有这些,所以他没有永生。但是行爲之约给了他一个合理的可能性,如果他顺服,就可以得到永生。不过,在查验圣经的证据之前,有些澄清需要加以强调,以避免误解。As we mentioned above and will see more clearly below from the Scriptures, there are two aspects to what the Scriptures mean by eternal life: confirmation in a right standing with God and a title to the enjoyment of His heavenly glory. Adam lacked these things in the Garden, and thus lacked eternal life. But the covenant of works set before him the legitimate possibility of obtaining eternal life if he obeyed. Before examining the Scriptural evidence for this, however, some clarifications need to be emphasized to avoid misunderstanding.

首先,说亚当在园子里没有永生不是说他在原初被造的状态,会受死亡的管制。死亡是作爲咒诅,在创世记319被提出来的,因此,这不是亚当在堕落前天然的存在模式的一部分。所以,亚当原初在园子里的存在状态虽然不包括永生,但是也不包括死亡。然而,亚当借着犯罪,能够“成爲”被罪所管制。因此,在他堕落前的生命中,亚当是“不朽的”(不受死亡管制),但是有着“可败坏的不朽”( corruptible immortality)(这不朽是可以丢失的),但不是一种“永不败坏的不朽”(不会丢失的不朽)。First, to say that Adam did not possess eternal life in the Garden is not to say that he was subject to death as originally created. Death is presented as a curse in Genesis 3:19, and thus could not have been a part of Adam’s natural mode of existence before the fall. So even though Adam’s original state of existence in the Garden did not include eternal life, neither did it include death. Nonetheless, Adam was able to become subject to death by sinning. Consequently, in his pre-fallen life Adam had was immortal (not subject to death) with a corruptible immortality (one that could be lost), but not an incorruptible immortality (one that cannot be lost).

第二,说神在行爲之约中应许亚当,比起在原初的状态,他会得到神的荣耀更大的祝福,不是说在堕落之前他不是活在乐园和荣耀中,只是单纯地说他不是在一个完全荣耀的状态——亦即,他的産业是地上的,还不是天上的。Second, to say that Adam was promised a greater blessing of Gods glory in the covenant than he had in his original state is not to say that he did not live in paradise and glory before the fall, but is simply to say that he did not exist in a state of fullness of glory--that is, his estate was earth and not also heaven.

第三,说亚当原初被造时,在神面前还未具备一个作实的(或译爲确认的)正确的地位,不是说亚当在原初被造时,在神面前没有一个正确的地位,而是说,亚当被造,在神面前有正确的地位,但是他在神面前正确的地位还没有得到永恒的保障。Third, to say that Adam did not possess a confirmed right standing with God as originally created is not to say that Adam possessed no right standing with God as originally created. Rather, Adam was created right with God but not eternally secured in a right standing with God.

a. 生命树象征对顺服的奖赏:永生The tree of life symbolized a reward of eternal life for obedience

「永生」在这个意义上,就是在神面前有得到确认的地位,以及拥有天上的荣耀,这是神给亚当的应许,条件是他要顺服神的啓示。这有几个因素。首先,生命树的啓示是:若亚当成功地通过考验期,神就会赐给他永生。上帝在创世记322明确地说,如果亚当吃了生命树的果子,他就会“永远活着”。当然上帝不是说这棵树的果子有什么神秘特质,可以使人得到永生。不,似乎最佳的结论是这棵树是把一些特定状况下的永生,“以圣礼的方式传递给人”(the sacramental means for communicating the highest life)(霍志恒,《圣经神学》,37页。)[10] That eternal life in this sense of a confirmed standing with God and a title to heavenly glory was promised to Adam upon the condition that he obey is revealed by several factors. First, the presence of the tree of life reveals that, had Adam passed his probation successfully, he would have been given eternal life. God explicitly says in Genesis 3:22 that if Adam were to eat of the tree of life he would "live forever." Surely God is not stating that there is some magical quality of that tree to confer eternal life. Rather, it seems best to conclude that the tree would have "been the sacramental means for communicating" eternal life under certain circumstances (Vos, 28).[10]

这些特定状况是怎样的呢?根据「亚当是在一个接受考验的时期」这个事实,死亡是不顺服的惩罚,而吃了生命树上的果子会使亚当“永远活着”,这似乎是说如果亚当顺服,神就会赐给他接近生命树的管道——借着这棵树,吃了它果子的人就会“永远活着”。What circumstances would those be? In light of the fact that Adam was in a state of testing, that death was the threatened punishment for disobedience, and that eating of the tree would grant Adam to "live forever," it seems that obedience would have been the event in which Adam would have been granted access to the tree of life–the tree through which those who eat it "live forever."

当我们明白亚当在考验期并没有吃生命树的果子(创322),这就变得更爲明显了——虽然圣经没有记录神禁止亚当吃这棵树的果子。进一步说,如同霍志恒指出的,“人堕落之后,神说人到这个地步,还想要去摘生命树的果子,是违背神的目的的。但人有这个想法,多少暗示了人已经知道它是爲考验完毕之后而设的一个特定的、生命的圣礼。”(霍志恒,37页)This becomes especially evident when we realize that Adam did not eat of the tree of life during the probation (Genesis 3:22)–even though there was no recorded prohibition concerning that tree. Further, as Vos points out, "after the fall God attributes to man the inclination of snatching the fruit against the divine purpose. But this very desire implies the understanding that it somehow was the specific life-sacrament for the time after the probation" (Vos, 28).

如此,似乎最好的结论是:“这棵树是要保留到将来才使用的”(霍志恒,37页),也就是说,在成功地完成考验期之后。换句话说,既然亚当在考验期当中没有吃这树上的果子,而在他堕落之后,他就失去接近这树的管道,接近这棵树(也就是永生)就是在他通过考验期(完全的顺服)时,神要赐给他的。Thus, it seems best to conclude that "the use of the tree was reserved for the future" (Vos, 28)i.e., for after a successful completion of the probationary period. In other words, since Adam did not eat of the tree while in the probationary period and since he was denied access to the tree upon his fall, access to the tree (and thus eternal life) would only be given to him upon a successful completion of the probationary period (i.e., a course of perfect obedience).

因此,我们看到亚当在考验期当中,并不具备永生(因爲他还没有吃那“授予”此种生命的树),而是在通过完全顺服的过程时,神才会赐给他永生(因爲那时他就得到接近生命树的管道)。如此,生命树表明亚当完全的顺服会带给他永生。Consequently, we see that Adam did not yet possess eternal life during his probation (since he had not yet partook of the tree that "conferred" such life) but would have gained eternal life upon completion of a course of perfect obedience (because then he would have had access to the tree of life). Thus, the tree of life shows that perfect obedience for Adam would have resulted in eternal life.

但是我们如何知道这树所授予的生命会包括我们所定义的永生——也就是,确认在神面前有正确的地位,并使人得到天上的荣耀?因爲上帝说,吃生命树的果子意味着人会“永远活着”。这似乎是说,这棵树所象征的奖赏,只是在神面前的合适地位得到确认,而不包括得到天上的荣耀。But how do we know that the life that the tree would confer would include both aspects of eternal life as we are defining itnamely, the confirmation in right standing with God that gives one a title to heavenly glory? For God says that eating of the tree of life would mean that one would "live forever." That sounds like the reward symbolized by the tree was only confirmation in right standing with God and not also a title to heavenly glory. So how can we say that the tree symbolized not only confirmation in right standing with God but also a title to heavenly glory?

我的回答是:这是源自考验期的本质与奖赏。如同杜仁田(Francis Turretin)所争论的,“这条路的状态和天然家园的状态是不同的:那是竞争与试炼的场所,以及奖赏与代价的场所。地上的乐园是考验的场所,在其中享受的生命,就是这条路的状态。因此,另一个场所要被指定爲居住的场所,在那里,有应许的奖赏(此奖赏不外乎是天堂)……我忽略了这个论证,即如果亚当在顺服中坚忍到底,他和他所有的后裔,就不可能永远地留在地上。”[11] My answer is that it follows from the very nature of a probation and a reward. As Francis Turretin argues, "the state of the way ought to differ from the state of native country: the place of contest and trial, and the place of reward and wages. Now the earthly paradise was the place of trial and the life enjoyed in it, the state of the way. Thus another place ought to be assigned to the state of residence, in which the reward was promised (which could be [n]one other than heaven)…I pass over the argument that if Adam had persevered in obedience, it would have been impossible for him and all his posterity to remain perpetually upon the earth."[11]


我们已经查考了行爲之约的本质以及证据,接下来我们要查考行爲之约对基督的工作的意义。与此同时,我们也会注意到否认行爲之约对我们认识基督的工作所造成的一些问题。Now that we have examined the nature of the covenant of works and the evidence for it, we are in a position to examine the significance that the covenant of works has for the work of Christ. As we do this we will also note a few of the problems that a denial of the covenant of works creates for our understanding of the work of Christ.

1. 基督成全了行爲之约Christ fulfilled the covenant of works

圣经告诉我们,亚当是“那以后要来之人的预像”(罗514),以及基督是“末后的亚当”(林前1545)。这表明当基督来到地上,祂基本上是进入到上帝给亚当的同一类角色当中。亚当的处境和基督的处境,从救恩曆史来看是平行的。The Scriptures tell us that Adam "was a type of Him who was to come" (Romans 5:14) and that Christ is the "last Adam" (1 Corinthians 15:45). This indicates that when Christ came to earth He was essentially entering into the same kind of role that God had given to Adam. The situation which Adam was in and which Christ was in are parallel so far as salvation history is concerned.

这不只是从罗马书和哥林多前书的两节经文中而来的,也是罗马书515-21的整个框架。正如道格拉斯?慕(Douglas Moo)对这段经文的注解:“亚当和基督之间的相似性在于他们各自的行动被认爲对那些‘属于’他们的人具有决定性的意义。亚当和他的‘后裔’,以及基督和他的‘后裔’之间,这种‘结构性’的相似性,是构成整个15-21节的基础。”[16] This is born out not only by these two verses in Romans and 1 Corinthians, but also by the whole framework of Romans 5:15-21. As Douglas Moo has commented on this passage, "The similarity between [Adam and Christ] consists in the fact that an act of each is considered to have determinative significance for those who ‘belong’ to each. This ‘structural’ similarity between Adam’s relationship to his ‘descendants’ and Christ’s to his underlies all of vv. 15-21."[16]

这意味着既然亚当在行爲之约下作爲我们的代表(我们已经在前面看到的),基督也是在行爲之约下作爲我们的代表。如果亚当在行爲之约下,他的工作会决定所有在他里面的人的命运(林前1521-22),我们看到这的确如此,那么,当然,“末后的亚当”—亚当所象征的——也是在行爲之约下,所以祂的工作会觉得那些在祂里面的人的命运。因爲亚当对我们全部的意义是他是我们在行爲之约下的代表;因此,末后的亚当,第一个亚当所象征的,也必须是我们在行爲之约下的代表——事实上,祂是那位不只是爲我们成全了行爲之约,也泯除了归算给我们的亚当的背约。This means that since Adam was under a covenant of works as our representative (as we have just seen), Christ was in the covenant of works as our representative as well. If Adam was under a covenant of works such that his works would determine the destiny of all those in him (1 Corinthians 15:21-22), as we have seen he was, then surely the "last Adam"–the one whom Adam was signifying–was also under a covenant of works such that His works would determine the destiny of all those in Him. For the whole significance of Adam for us is that he was our representative under the covenant of works; therefore the last Adam, the One whom the first Adam signified, must also have been our representative under the covenant of works–one, in fact, who would not only fulfill the covenant of works for us but also erase the covenant violation of Adam that had been imputed to us.

基督是我们在行爲之约下的代表,这个事实的意思是,此约的核心原则,同样是基督工作的基础。因此既然我们已经探索了行爲之约,我们就可以回答这个问题:“基督的‘工作’爲什么可以‘作工’拯救我们?”在回答这个问题时,我们也会看到爲什么否认行爲之约,会使基督的工作成爲虚空。The fact that Christ was our representative under the covenant of works means that the principles which are at the heart of this covenant are at the foundation of the work of Christ. And so now that we have explored the covenant of works, we are in a position to answer the question, "Why does the work of Christ ‘work’ in saving us?" And in answering this question we will also see why a denial of the covenant of works would, if consistently held, render void the work of Christ.

2. 基督的工作爲何有效?Why the work of Christ "works"

如同我们所见,行爲之约的本质是上帝应许以永生来报答完全的顺服。根据这点,如果一个人完美地顺服上帝,会发生什么事?他(和所有他所代表的人)会得到永生!同样,那些在神面前不具备完全的义的人,会发生什么事?他不会得到永生——他要不是在一个考验期的状态,和亚当在堕落之前一样,就是他是有罪的,因此要受咒诅。The covenant of works, as we have seen, is at its essence Gods promise to reward perfect obedience with eternal life. In light of this, what would happen if one perfectly obeyed God? He (and all those he was representing) would be given eternal life! Likewise, what would happen to one who does not possess a perfect righteousness before God? He would not be given eternal life—he would either be in the state of probation Adam was in before the fall, or else he would be sinful and therefore condemned.

如此,基督的工作就确保了我们的永生,因爲它给了我们在神面前完全的义。既然根据神的应许,完美的义会确保永生,而基督已经爲我们偿付了罪的代价,并完美地顺服上帝,好让我们在祂里面得到完美的义,基督的工作就确保了所有相信的人永恒的救恩。那么,基督的工作爲什么可以“作工”呢?它只所以有效,是因爲它成全了行爲之约。The work of Christ, then, secures our eternal life because it provides us with a perfect righteousness before God. Since perfect righteousness secures eternal life according to the promise of God and since Christ has paid the penalty for our sins and perfectly obeyed God so that we have a perfect righteousness in Him, Christ’s work has secured the eternal salvation of those who believe. Why, then, does the work of Christ "work"? It works because it fulfills the covenant of works.

3. 基督的工作是必须的The "works" are essential

我们现在可以简短地查考否认行爲之约的后果。首先,既然行爲之约是基督的工作“作工”的理由,因此,如果我们否认行爲之约,我们就会让基督的工作失去任何拯救的价值。因爲行爲之约只是上帝应许要把永生赐给完美的义的体现。因此,若没有行爲之约,那么基督所赐予我们的完美的义,就不能爲我们得到永生。基督的工作就无法作工。We are now in a position to take a brief look at the consequences of denying the covenant of works. First, since the covenant of works is the reason that the work of Christ "works," it follows that if we deny the covenant of works, we render the work of Christ void of any saving worth. For the covenant of works is simply the embodiment of God’s promise to bestow eternal life upon the perfectly righteous. And so if there were no covenant of works, then the perfect righteousness that Christ supplies for us could not obtain eternal life for us. The work of Christ could not work.

第二,我们会在第三部分看到,否认行爲之约,会使圣经关于我们在被神称义时,所领受的、归算给我们的基督的义(林后521),失去意义。因爲若没有行爲之约,那么,爲什么基督完美的顺服(也就是义,参罗马书518以下)必须归算给我们,好让我们得以称义?Second, as we will see in part three, a denial of the covenant of works removes the categories necessary to give significance to the biblical teaching concerning the imputed righteousness of Christ that we receive in justification (2 Corinthians 5:21). For if there is no covenant of works, then why does the perfect obedience (that is, righteousness–cf. Romans 5:18ff) of Christ need to be imputed to us for justification?

最后,我们在接下来的篇幅中会看到,否认行爲之约很容易会模煳圣经对信心和工作之间的区别。而如果此区别被消解了,那么,我们罪人被称义的基础唯独是靠基督的这个教义,就完全失去了意义——也因此,唯独归荣耀给神也失去了意义。Finally, we will see further on down the road that a denial of the covenant of works tends to mitigate the biblical distinction between faith and works. And if this distinction is mitigated, then the doctrine of the justification of us sinners on the basis of Christ alone is undone–and, hence, soli deo gloria is also undone.

如此,爲了神的荣耀,我们必须坚持到底,继续更深入地查考基督的工作,以及行爲之约如何保护我们对祂的工作的认识。但是,首先,我们必须先处理一些反对意见,误解,和疑问。神是否命令人要赚取永生?爲什么上帝要求人完美的义,才赐给人永生?如果亚当必须以他的顺服爲基础来寻求生命,爲什么圣经告诉我们不要以我们的顺服爲基础来寻求永生?请接着看下一篇文章。For the glory of God, then, we must press on so that we can come to the point where we can examine in greater depth the work of Christ and the way the covenant of works safeguards our understanding of his work. But first, we must deal with several objections, misunderstandings, and questions. Is God commanding that eternal life be earned? Why does God require that eternal life be given on the basis of perfect righteousness? If Adam was to seek life on the basis of his obedience, why does the Bible tell us not to seek eternal life on the basis of our obedience? To these issues we will turn in the next article.


1. Geerhardus Vos, Biblical Theology (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1996 reprint), p. 22. (中文版,天道,29页)

2. Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan; Leicester, England: InterVarsity Press, 1994), p. 516.

3. O. Palmer Robertson, The Christ of the Covenants (Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R, 1980), 23.

4. See Robertson, chapter 1, for a more in-depth analysis of the nature of a covenant.

5. Robert Reymond, A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1998), p. 430.

6. An important aspect of my understanding of eternal life is that it involves the guarantee of being forever right with God. There are some who dispute with this understanding of eternal life, arguing that eternal life can be lost. As I am defining the term, however, an eternal life which can be lost is not, by definition, eternal life. The question is whether my view of eternal life comes from Scripture. I think it does because of the clear Scriptural witness to the fact that the eternal life believers receive will never be lost (Romans 8:30; John 10:26ff; 6:37ff; Ephesians 1:1-13). For those who do not accept this testimony of the Scriptures, we have the fact affirmed by almost all that once we make it to heaven we will never fall from grace. Thus, our life in heaven involves a guarantee of eternal fellowship with God. And that is what I mean by eternal life. Consequently, Adam clearly did not have eternal life in this sense in his probation because he did fall from God’s favor. Later I will argue that the kind of eternal life promised to perfect obedience is the same kind of eternal life that is promised to faith in Christ—and that, therefore, if Adam had obeyed in the covenant he would have been granted (and all in him) eternal life that can never be lost (the same kind believers have on earth and in heaven).

7. John Murray, "The Adamic Administration," in The Collected Writings of John Murray vol. 2 (Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1996 reprint), p. 48.

8. Vos makes some interesting observations demonstrating that Satan was behind the serpent. Most convincing is his observation that "Paul in Rom. 16:20 understands of Satan what in the curse [of Genesis 3:14] is made the serpent’s punishment, viz., his being bruised under foot" (Vos, 34).

9. I use "determine" here to mean basis and not ultimate cause. For I do not mean that Adam was ultimately the one in charge of his destiny. God is in control of all things, and so was in control of the destiny of Adam. But the destiny that God had appointed for Adam was to be given on the basis of whether Adam fulfilled the test or not. Of course God is the one who was in charge of whether Adam would fulfill the test or not. But it was nonetheless on the basis of Adam’s God-given obedience or God-permitted disobedience that his destiny would be given him. It is in that sense that Adam’s actions would "determine" his destiny and that of all belonging to him.

10. Turretin writes, "when God expelled man from paradise ‘lest man put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever’ (Gen. 3:22), it cannot thence be rightly inferred that there was a physical power in this tree of so great efficacy that it could (its fruit having been once tasted) rescue even sinful man from mortality. These words denote only the cause of his ejection from paradise on account of sin (by which, as by his own fault, he had cut himself off from that life, which was the thing signified). Thus he ought no longer to have any right to its sacrament. God speaks not with reference to the thing itself or its event (as if that tree would actually preserve his life even after sin), but in relation to the preposterous opinion of Adam who could think this, not understanding the true reason of the name that he might not, therefore, endeavor (though vainly) to render void the threatening of God, he is expelled from paradise" (Turretin, 581, see below for bibliographical info.).

11. Francis Turretin, Institutes of Elenctic Theology Volume I (Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R Publishing, 1994 edition), translated by George Musgrave Giger and edited by James T. Dennison, Jr., pp. 584-585.

12. Louis Berkhof, Systematic Theology (Carlisle, PA: The Banner of Truth Trust, 1998 reprint), p. 216.

13. It is important to distinguish between two kinds of impossibility. One is a natural impossibility, another a moral. When I say that the intent of the law cannot be something that is impossible, I am speaking of a natural possibility and not a moral possibility. Briefly, the difference is that to say that the intent of the law is morally impossible to be fulfilled is to say that it can’t result in life simply because nobody wants to obey it. To say that the intent of the was naturally impossible would be to say that even if it were obeyed, its intention of brining life would not actually result in life. It would be irrational for God to give a law that intends something that is naturally impossible but not to give a law intending something that is morally possible.

For example, if God’s law intended to bring life to all who obeyed it but could not actually give life to anyone who obeyed it, its intention would be something that is naturally impossible. It would be naturally impossible because there is no logical way to fulfill the intention, even by meeting the condition. Thus, God would not give a law with such an intention because it would be absurd for a God given entity to have the purpose of doing something that could not logically happen even if the condition was met.

But if his law is intended to result in life upon the condition of obedience and would really grant such life if the condition were met, then the law is not intending something irrational even if no one obeys it because there is at least a logical way of achieving the law’s intention (namely, obedience). The fact that nobody wants to obey it does not change that.

14. For a more in-depth analysis of the evidence for understanding Galatians 3:12 (and its parallel in Romans 10:5) to be speaking of the actual law of God, to be promising life on the basis of obedience to this law, and to be contrasting the way the law would justify and the way faith justifies, see my forthcoming article on Galatians 3:10-14).

15. For a biblical defense of the fact that Adam was our federal head, see my article "Born Guilty."

16. Douglas Moo, The Epistle to the Romans (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1996), p. 334.


預定與上帝的榮耀Predestinationand the Glory of God

作者:Matt Perman  譯者/校對者:  Maria Marta/駱鴻銘 

 上帝的預定是寶貴和嚴肅的事情。我們既不應該以玩遊戲的態度來討論它, 也不應該把它看作不重要而忽略掉。我們對預定的理解尤為重要, 因為它關乎到我們是否把救恩的榮耀歸於上帝。在這個問題上我們要力求樹立真正的信仰,以致我們能夠正確地把上帝拯救工作的榮耀歸於上帝,並且享受這奇妙真理所帶來的喜樂。Predestination is a precious and serious thing. We should not treat discussions about it like a game, and neither should we ignore it as something that is unimportant. At stake in our understanding of predestination is whether we are giving God full credit and glory for saving us. We should strive for a true belief in the matter so that we can rightly glorify God for what He has done to save us, and rejoice in this wonderful truth.

Predestination, as I will use the term, means that God chooses who will believe in Christ. This choice is based upon God's own will and plan, not on anything in the individual. It is "unconditional." Those who believe in Christ ultimately do so because God has first chosen them and brought them to faith. Often, these beliefs are referred to as "unconditional election" and "effectual grace."

 I am convinced that these are glorious truths about God. A proper view of them magnifies the greatness and love and majesty and excellency of God and can revolutionize our relationship with Him. A denial of these truths, I believe, involves a reduction of the supremacy of God in our hearts. Before examining the how God is glorified in predestination, let's first examine the biblical evidence for it.

Does the Bible teach that God chooses who will believe in Christ?

In John 6:37 Jesus says "All that the Father gives Me shall come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out." Who comes to Jesus? The ones that the Father has given Him! How many of them come? All of them! One may say, "That is true, but God has simply given to Christ the ones that He foreknew would come to Him anyway. This doesn't mean that He chooses whom to save." But that interpretation does not fit the verse. It would amount to Jesus saying, "All that will come to Me, will come to Me." That doesn't make sense. Jesus seems to be saying that the reason a person comes to Him is because the Father has first chosen to give him to Jesus.

This is confirmed by the context of the following verses. In verses 44-45, Jesus says "no one can come to Me, unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day. It is written in the prophets, and they shall all be taught of God.' Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father, comes to Me." Let's look at this closer. Verse 44 is clear that in order to come to Jesus, you must be drawn. But could it be that all humans are drawn, and many chose to reject the drawing and veto God's will? The verse argues against that interpretation. It seems to teach that everyone who is drawn by the Father will come to Jesus.

這有很多的原因首先耶穌在44節經文中說蒙父吸引的人也是那些在末日要復活的人。既然不是每一個人都復活得永生(約五24, 那麼我們必然得出結論,不是每個人都蒙吸引。因為每個蒙吸引的人都要復活得永生。「沒有能到我這裡來的;到我這裡來的,在末日我要叫他復活。」
There are many reasons for this. First, in verse 44, Jesus says that the same people who are drawn are also raised up on the last day. Since not everyone will be raised to eternal life (John 5:24), we must conclude that not everyone is drawn. For everyone who is drawn, is raised to eternal life: "No one can come to Me, unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day."

The next verse confirms this interpretation that everyone who is drawn by the Father comes to Jesus: "Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father, comes to Me." "Hearing and learning" from the Father in this verse are used parallel to "draw" from the previous verse. They are being used interchangeably, and thus mean the same thing (see above, where I quote the passage). So when Jesus says "Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father, comes to Me," He is basically saying, "everyone who is drawn by the Father, comes to Me." This seems to be an open and shut case for predestination--since all who are drawn by the Father come to Jesus, the Father's drawing is always sufficient to cause a person to believe in Christ. Thus, the Father's drawing of a person is the cause of his believing in Christ. Further, since not everyone comes to the Father, then God does not choose to draw (and thus save) everyone.

在這章稍後耶穌清楚解釋這些真理。祂說來到祂跟前的人是上帝所賜的有些人不來的最終原因是他們沒有被父吸引「只是你們中間有不信的人。」耶穌從起頭就知道誰不信他,誰要賣他。耶穌又說:「所以我對你們說過,若不是蒙我父的恩賜,沒有人能到我這裡來。」(約六64-65)耶穌為什麼說,除非蒙父吸引, 否則沒有人能來?因為有很多人不相信:「只是你們中間有不信的人......因為這個原因我已經對你說了,若不是蒙我父的恩賜,沒有人能到我這裡來。」耶穌指出反對者不相信的原因。很簡單——他們沒有蒙天父吸引。事實上如果每個人都被天父吸引,耶穌就沒有必要作出來到祂面前的人必須蒙父吸引的聲明:「告訴那些估計已經蒙天父吸引的不信者, 必須蒙吸引來到耶穌面前... ...這將無助於解釋這段話的上下文要求:為什麼祂的反對者仍然不信。」 [1]
Later in the chapter, Jesus makes these truths crystal clear. He says that coming to Him is given by God, and that the ultimate reason some people do not come to Him is because they are not drawn: "`But there are some of you who do not believe.' For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe, and who it was that would betray Him. And He was saying, `For this reason I have said to you, that no one can come to Me, unless it has been granted him from the Father'" (John 6:64-65). Why did Jesus say that no one can come unless he is drawn? Because there were many who did not believe: "But there are some of you who do not believe...for this reason I have said to you, that no one can come to Me, unless it has been granted him from the Father." Jesus is giving the reason why his opponents remained in unbelief. His reason was simple--they had not been drawn by the Father. If everyone was in fact drawn by the Father, there would have been no point to Jesus' statement that a person must be drawn in order to come: "There is no point in telling disbelieving people who supposedly already are drawn by the Father that they must be drawn in order to come...this would do nothing to explain what the context of this passage demands: why his opponents remain in their unbelief."[1]

In summary, Jesus is saying that no one can come to Him unless the Father draws him (vv. 44, 65), that everyone who is drawn will come (vv. 37, 45), and therefore those who ultimately reject Him have not been drawn by the Father (vv. 64-65). Clearly, the ultimate reason a person comes to Christ is because the Father has first chosen him, that is chosen to draw Him. If a person does not come to Jesus it does not mean that God was unable to change that person's heart; it means that God chose--for wise and holy reasons--not to draw him but instead to leave him in his own sinful way. Now we will briefly look at some other verses concerning God's unconditional choice of whom to save.

John 1:13 is clear that we do not choose to be born again. Being born again is a result of God sovereignly deciding to give you the new birth: "...who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." One does not become born again by believing; one is enabled to believe by being born again.

保羅在羅馬書第九章15節引用上帝的說話「我要憐憫誰就憐憫誰要恩待誰就恩待誰。」保羅從中總結出一般原則:「據此看來,這不在乎那定意的,也不在乎那奔跑的,只在乎發憐憫的 神。」他在第18節中聲明,「如此看來,神要憐憫誰,就憐憫誰;要叫誰剛硬,就叫誰剛硬。」
In Romans 9:15 Paul quotes God: "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion." Paul then draws a general principle from this: "So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy." In verse 18 he states, "So then He has mercy on whom He desires, and He hardens whom He desires."

提摩太後書第一章9節說「上帝救了我們以聖召召我們不是按我們的行為乃是按祂的旨意和恩典。這恩典是萬古之先,在基督耶穌裡賜給我們的……」保羅明確指出,上帝揀選呼召我們,是按照祂的旨意, 從永恆裡揀選我們。
First Timothy 1:9 says, "...who saved us, and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity..." Paul is clear that God's choice to call us is based upon His purposes and that the choice was made from all eternity.

In Matthew 11:27 Jesus says "...nor does anyone know the Father, except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him." The next verse makes clear that Jesus did not view predestination as inconsistent with the free offer of the gospel made to all, for He continues with "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest."

 Now that we have seen a biblical foundation for predestination, we are in a position to be stunned by the amazing glory of God revealed in this truth.

Predestination is God-centered and hopeful

Most Christians are aware that we are to be God-centered. That is, God is to be the focus of our life, He is to be our greatest treasure, we are to love Him above all else, and we are to seek to glorify Him in everything that we do. But to most of us it has never occurred that God is also God-centered. God places more value on Himself than anything else, God delights in Himself above all things, and God seeks to glorify Himself in everything that He does.

有時這真理受到一些人的懷疑。但你仔細想想如果上帝命令我們無論作什麼都要為榮耀祂而行林前十31),而祂卻不在所作的一切事上尋求自己的榮耀賽四十八11),這豈不是很奇怪嗎但是在我們明白上帝在祂所作的一切事上尋求榮耀祂自己之前, 我們必須明白上帝看重自己高過一切。
 This truth is sometimes met with some skepticism. But if you think about it, wouldn't it be odd if the God who commanded us to seek His glory in all that we do (1 Corinthians 10:31) did not also seek His own glory in everything that He did (Isaiah 48:11)? But before we can understand why God seeks to glorify Himself in everything He does, we must understand that God values Himself above all things.

約翰派博John Piper解釋了上帝喜悅看重自己高於一切的原因「如果上帝把有至高價值的東西——就是祂自己——看得更重要祂就枉失了公正正如我們那樣。如果上帝並不為祂至高的榮耀而快樂祂就枉失了公義。根據一個人卓越的榮耀成正比地來喜悅一個人是正當的。」 [2]
 [2] John Piper explains why God delights in and values Himself above everything else: "God would be unrighteous (just as we would) if he valued anything more than what is supremely valuable. But he himself is supremely valuable. If he did not take infinite delight in the worth of his own glory he would be unrighteous. For it is right to take delight in a person in proportion to the excellence of that person's glory."[2]

Since God is infinitely valuable, he takes infinite delight in Himself (he would be unrighteous not to!). But what is the natural reaction to something that brings us great delight? We want to spread and proclaim and make known what it is that delights us so that we can have the pleasure of sharing it with others to enjoy it as well! We double our delight through the pleasure of sharing our delight. It is similar with God. Because God delights in Himself above all things, He seeks to display and make known His moral excellence and infinite worth (His glory) in everything that He does. If God did not seek His glory in everything that He does, then He would be implying that there is something more valuable than Himself (which would be idolatry). If God's goal in all that He does was not to enjoy glorifying Himself, He would not be acting in accordance with the infinite delight that He takes in Himself.

 [3] Creation is an excellent illustration of these truths. "...the creation of this spectacular universe is the overflow of God's joyful bounty. He did not create the world to make up for some deficiency in himself. He created because it's the very nature of fullness to overflow. It's the nature of unbounded joy to spread itself around. And so God rejoiced to make the universe as a kind of spin-off of his overflowing delight in his own glory."[3]

But is it loving for God to seek His own glory? Yes, it is. "When you stop and think about it this is the most loving thing that God could ever do; because the greatest benefit that human beings could ever receive is to know and share in the glory of God."[4]

Our salvation is perhaps the clearest illustration that it is loving for God to pursue His own glory. As a means of spreading and displaying the delight that He has in His own superior worth, God acts to make His glory known and admired and enjoyed by His creatures. Another way of saying this is that God acts to make a name for Himself. God takes delight in His name because it is a reflection and display of His glory.

這是上帝預定的圖畫「上帝在全世界顯揚祂榮耀恩典之名的方法就是為自己揀選一些人。用耶利米的話來說,『好叫他們屬我為子民,使我得名聲,得頌讚,得榮耀。(耶十三11)也就是說,上帝為了將祂對自己的名所擁有的喜樂傳遞出去,就呼召一群人出來,享受、讚美並宣揚祂的聖名。而聖經稱這些人為『選民』。」 [5] 預定是以上帝為中心的真理,因為上帝喜悅以預定作為傳播祂對自己的至高價值所擁有的喜樂的管道。「又因愛我們,就按著自己意旨所喜悅的,預定我們藉著耶穌基督得兒子的名分,使祂榮耀的恩典得著稱讚;這恩典是祂在愛子裡所賜給我們的。」(弗一5-6)「不要懼怕,因為你們的父,樂意把國賜給你們。」(路十二32)。「耶和華既喜悅選你們作祂的子民就必因祂的大名不撇棄你們。」撒上十二22
This is where predestination comes into the picture: "The way God intends to make a name for his glorious grace in all the world is to choose a people for himself. And as Jeremiah says, `He will make them cling to him that they might be for him a people, and a name, and a praise, and a glory' (Jer. 13:11). In other words, to extend the pleasure that God has in his own name calls out a people to enjoy and praise and proclaim that name. And the Bible calls these people `the elect.'"[5] Predestination is God-centered because God delights in it as a means of spreading the delight that He has in His own superior worth. "In love having predestined us unto sonship through Jesus Christ for himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of the glory of his grace" (Ephesians 1:5-6). "Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom" (Luke 12:32). "For the Lord will not abandon His people on account of His great name, because the Lord has been pleased to make you a people for Himself"(1 Samuel 12:22).

這對我們來說是個好消息這意味著1. 我們有一位榮耀的上帝2. 上帝揀選的愛是「流溢自祂無限的智慧所引導的無窮無盡的喜樂」[6] 3. 上帝的愛是以上帝為中心的4. 上帝以我們的救恩為樂因為祂帶領我們享受祂那無限奇妙的價值並藉此來榮耀祂。祂預定我們是「按著自己意旨所喜悅的」(以弗所書一5)。以上帝為中心的愛是奇異的愛。讓這些真理帶我們進入對上帝更深的愛慕。
This is great news for us! It means that we have a glorious God. It means that God's electing love is "the gracious overflow of his boundless happiness guided by his infinite wisdom."[6] It means that God's love is God-centered. It means that God takes delight in our salvation because it glorifies Him by bringing us into the amazing enjoyment of His infinite worth. He predestined us "according to the good pleasure of His will" (Ephesians 1:5). The God-centeredness of God's love is an amazing thing. Let this knowledge bring us into a greater adoration of our God.

上帝的預定也是滿有盼望和令人鼓舞的真理。明白上帝的預定會給予我們深刻自信的安全感並且確信上帝會完滿完成對我們每個人的計劃。上帝不會否認祂喜悅帶領蒙揀選的兒女共享祂的榮耀(撒上十二22,羅八28-30)。如果你是上帝的兒女,你不但永遠不會失落,而且一定能勝過世界(約壹五4)。我們不必絕望!這會讓我們得著釋放,以熱忱和自信的態度服從,並在試驗和誘惑中堅忍到底。當我們跌倒時, 上帝預定的真理能鼓舞我們重新振作。
Predestination is also a very hopeful and encouraging truth. Understanding that God predestined us gives us deep, confident security and trust that God will fully accomplish His plan for each of us. God will not deny Himself the pleasure of bringing His chosen sons and daughters into the enjoyment of His glory (see 1 Samuel 12:22 and Romans 8:28-30). If you are a child of God, you will not fall away but willovercome the world (1 John 5:4). We need not despair! This frees us to zealously and confidently obey and persevere through trial and temptation. And it encourages us to pick ourselves back up when we fall.

 But if predestination is so glorifying to God, why does He not choose to save everyone? Part of the answer seems to be that by letting some people perish in their sins, God's mercy and grace is more glorified than if He had saved everyone. This is because mercy and grace are best highlighted and understood by us when seen in relation to their contrast--wrath. "What if God, in order to demonstrate His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction? And He did so in order that He might make known the riches of His gory upon vessels of mercy, which He prepared beforehand for glory" (Romans 9:22-23). This truth is not to be taken lightly.

 [7] If we do not accept predestination, it does not seem that we can give God all of the glory for our salvation. For if He does not cause us to come to Christ, but instead we provide, out of our own free will, the co-operation with grace that God needs before He can save us, then God does not get all of the credit for our salvation. Credit (and thus the glory) would be divided between us and God, because God only does what is necessary to make our salvation possible, but we must do what is necessary to make this possibility actual. If we deny that God chooses who will believe in Christ, and instead think that God leaves it up to us to choose for ourselves, then "nothing that God and Christ have done can save us unless we add something to it; the decisive factor which actually saves us is our own believing."[7]

巴刻講解了相信我們救恩的最終決定性因素在於我們自己的意志阿民念主義是這種信念的名稱和拒絕上帝預定所帶來的全面影響他一語道破地說到 [阿民念所說的]可以歸結到這一點——基督透過我們的幫助來救我們當我們把這個想通了我們的意思就是說我們透過基督的幫助來拯救自己。」 [8] 巴刻繼續深入透徹地剖明:「或許就是因為這樣,難怪我們的宣講生出如此稀少的敬畏和謙卑,我們這些自我宣認的歸信者是如此的自信,對自我的認識是如此的不充分,而被聖經視為真正悔改果子的好行為竟是如此缺乏。」[9]
 [9] J.I. Packer brings out the full implications of denying predestination and believing that the ultimate deciding factor for our salvation lies in our own will (Arminianism is the name for this belief): "What [Arminianism says] comes to this--that Christ saves us with our help; and what that means, when one thinks it out, is this--that we save ourselves with Christ's help."[8] Packer continues with a penetrating observation: "It is perhaps, no wonder that our preaching begets so little reverence and humility, and that our professed converts are so self-confident and so deficient in self-knowledge and in the good works which Scripture regards as fruit of true repentance."[9]

Let me close with a plea: give God all the glory for saving you. Give Him the honor of acknowledging His sovereign rights over you as Creator. Rejoice in the fact that God's purposes cannot fail, and that everything is under His control. Take delight in the God-centeredness of His grace. Rejoice in His excellency. And worship Him for His supremacy.

1. Thomas Schreiner and Bruce Ware, The Grace of God, the Bondage of the Will (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1995), p. 356.
2. John Piper, Desiring God: Meditations of a Christian Hedonist (Multnomah Books, 1996), p. 43.
3. John Piper, The Pleasure of God in Election.
4. Piper, "The Pleasure of God in Election."
5. Piper, "The Pleasure of God in Election."
6. John Piper.
7. J.I. Packer, A Quest for Godliness (Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway Books, 1990), p. 137.
8. Packer, p. 137.
9. Packer, p. 138
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