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顯示具有 反律法主義 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


66  反律法主义——我们得释放并不是为了去犯罪Legalism - Working for God'sfavour forfeits it

《简明神学》Concise Theology: A Guide to Historic Christian Beliefs,巴刻(J. I. Packer)著/張麟至译,更新传道会,2007年。

66  反律法主义——我们得释放并不是为了去犯罪

Legalism - Working for God's favour forfeits it







辩证派的废弛道德律主义,如巴特(karl barth)和布伦诺(emil brunner)神学里所提倡的,否认圣经律法是神直接的命令。他们断言:圣经的祈使语气的叙述激发了[圣灵之道];但是当[圣灵之道]来时,却不一定恰好和经上所写的道相呼应。这种新正统派对圣经权威的看法不当,十分明显,它是以圣经为工具,作为神今日对祂百姓说话的管道,来解释圣经的灵感。





.... Do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. They tie up heavy loads and put them on men’s shoulders, but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them. Everything they do is done for men to see... MATTHEW 23:3-5

The New Testament views Christian obedience as the practice of “good deeds” (works). Christians are to be “rich in good deeds” (1 Tim. 6:18; cf. Matt. 5:16; Eph. 2:10; 2 Tim. 3:17; Titus 2:7, 14; 3:8, 14). A good deed is one done (a) according to the right standard (God’s revealed will, i.e., his moral law); (b) from a right motive (the love to God and others that marks the regenerate heart); (c) with a right purpose (pleasing and glorifying God, honoring Christ, advancing his kingdom, and benefiting one’s neighbor).

Legalism is a distortion of obedience that can never produce truly good works. Its first fault is that it skews motive and purpose, seeing good deeds as essentially ways to earn more of God’s favor than one has at the moment. Its second fault is arrogance. Belief that one’s labor earns God’s favor begets contempt for those who do not labor in the same way. Its third fault is lovelessness in that its self-advancing purpose squeezes humble kindness and creative compassion out of the heart.

In the New Testament we meet both Pharisaic and Judaizing legalism. The Pharisees thought that their status as children of Abraham made God’s pleasure in them possible, and that their formalized daily law-keeping, down to minutest details, would make it actual. The Judaizers viewed Gentile evangelism as a form of proselytizing for Judaism; they believed that the Gentile believer in Christ must go on to become a Jew by circumcision and observance of the festal calendar and ritual law, and that thus he would gain increased favor with God. Jesus attacked the Pharisees; Paul, the Judaizers.

The Pharisees were formalists, focusing entirely on the externals of action, disregarding motives and purposes, and reducing life to mechanical rule-keeping. They thought themselves faithful law-keepers although (a) they majored in minors, neglecting what matters most (Matt. 23:23-24); (b) their casuistry negated the law’s spirit and aim (Matt. 15:3-9; 23:16-24); (c) they treated traditions of practice as part of God’s authoritative law, thus binding consciences where God had left them free (Mark 2:16-3:6; 7:1-8); (d) they were hypocrites at heart, angling for man’s approval all the time (Luke 20:45-47; Matt. 6:1-8; 23:2-7). Jesus was very sharp with them on these points.

In Galatians, Paul condemns the Judaizers’ “Christ-plus” message as obscuring and indeed denying the all-sufficiency of the grace revealed in Jesus (Gal. 3:1-3; 4:21; 5:2-6). In Colossians, he conducts a similar polemic against a similar “Christ-plus” formula for “fullness” (i.e., spiritual completion: Col. 2:8-23). Any “plus” hat requires us to take action in order to add to what Christ has given us is a reversion to legalism and, in truth, an insult to Christ.

So far, then, from enriching our relationship with God, as it seeks to do, legalism in all its forms does the opposite. It puts that relationship in jeopardy and, by stopping us focusing on Christ, it starves our souls while feeding our pride. Legalistic religion in all its forms should be avoided like the plague.


89. 反律法主義  Antinomianism

作者: 史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul)     譯者: 姚錦榮
摘自《神學入門》《Essential Truths of the Christian Faith237, 更新傳道會出版









1415;羅327-31;羅61-2 ;約壹23-6;約壹51-3


There is an old rhyme that serves as something of an antinomian theme song. It says, “Freed from the law, O blessed condition; I can sin all I want and still have remission.”Antinomianism literally means “anti-lawism.” It denies or downplays the significance of God’s law in the life of the believer. It is the opposite of its twin heresy, legalism.

Antinomians acquire their distaste for the law in a number of ways. Some believe that they no longer are obligated to keep the moral law of God because Jesus has freed them from it. They insist that grace not only frees us from the curse of God’s law but delivers us from any obligation to obey God’s law. Grace then becomes a license for disobedience.

The astounding thing is that people hold this view despite Paul’s vigorous teaching against it. Paul, more than any other New Testament writer, emphasized the differences between law and grace. He gloried in the New Covenant. Nevertheless, he was most explicit in his condemnation of antinomianism. In Romans 3:31 he writes, “Do we then make void the law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law.”
Martin Luther, in expressing the doctrine of justification by faith alone, was charged with antinomianism. Yet he affirmed with James that “faith without works is dead.” Luther contested with his student Johann Agricola on this issue. Agricola denied that the law had any purpose in the life of
the believer. He even denied that the law served to prepare the sinner for grace. Luther responded to Agricola with his work Against the Antinomians in 1539. Agricola later recanted his antinomian teachings, but the issue remained.

Subsequent Lutheran theologians affirmed Luther’s view of the law. In the Formula of Concord (1577), the last of the classical Lutheran statements of faith, they outlined three uses for the law: (1) to reveal sin; (2) to establish general decency in the society at large; and (3) to provide a rule of life for those regenerated through faith in Christ.

Antinomianism’s primary error is confusing justification with sanctification. We are justified by faith alone, apart from works. However, all believers grow in faith by keeping God’s holy commands—not to gain God’s favor, but out of loving gratitude for the grace already bestowed on them through the work of Christ.

It is a serious error to assume that the Old Testament was a covenant of law and the New Testament, a covenant of grace. The Old Testament is a monumental testimony to God’s amazing grace toward His people. Likewise, the New Testament is literally filled with commandments. We are not saved by the law, but we demonstrate our love for Christ by obeying His commandments. “If you love Me,” Jesus said, “keep My commandments” (John 14:15).

We frequently hear the statement, “Christianity isn’t a lot of do’s and don’ts; it is not a list of rules.” There is some truth in this deduction, inasmuch as Christianity is far more than a mere list of rules. It is, at its center, a personal relationship with Christ Himself. Yet Christianity is also not less than rules. The New Testament clearly includes some do’s and don’ts. Christianity is not a religion that sanctions the idea that everyone has the right to do what is right in his own eyes. On the contrary, Christianity never gives anyone the “right” to do what is wrong.

Summary 1. Antinomianism is the heresy that says Christians have no obligation to obey the laws of God. 2. The law reveals sin, is a foundation for decency in society, and is a guide for the Christian life. 3. Antinomianism confuses justification and sanctification. 4. Law and grace fill both the Old and New Testaments.

5. Though obeying God’s law is not the meritorious cause of our justification, a justified person is expected to strive ardently to obey the commandments of God.

Biblical passages for reflection:
John 14:15 Romans 3:27-31 Romans 6:1-2 1 John 2:3-6 1 John 5:1-3




基督徒要遵從上帝的律法(太 28 :20; 14:15, 21; 2:13; 約一2 :3-6)。合宜的遵從是: (1) 根據正確的標準 (上帝的顯明的旨意,如祂的法律; 30:8-14; 5:16-20; 2 :13(2) 出自正直的心(愛上帝和愛人;申 30:16; 22:36-40; 14:15; 林前16:14; 5:14; 約二1 :6; (3) 有正確目標(討上帝喜悅、榮耀上帝,尊崇基督,擴展祂的國度,和並讓人得益處; 18 :29-30; 8 :7-8; 12 :1-2; 1 :10; 西 1:10;帖前 2:3-4)。不過,歷史讓我們看見,許多人誤會了這些真理,其結果他們墮入以下兩種錯謬之一:要麽是律法主義,要麽就是反律主義。


我們從新約聖經可以看到法利賽人和猶太派信徒的兩種律法主義。在許多方面,法利賽人是形式主義者,強調外在行動超過動機和目的。他們認為自己為忠心的律法守護者,縱使:(1)他們看重細節,卻忽略了最要緊的事 (太 23:23-24);(2) 他們的詭辯與律法的精神和目的背道而馳(太 15:3-9; 23:16-24);(3) 他們把固有傳統習俗視為上帝權威律法的一部分,以致人的良心受到拘限,失卻上帝所賜的自由(可 2:16-3:6; 7:1-8);以及(4) 他們骨子裏是假冒偽善,事事要謀取人的讚許(加 20:45 - 47; 6:1-8; 23:2-7)。耶穌為此種種而嚴厲斥責法利賽人。

早期的教會中的猶太派信徒主張,歸信基督的外族信徒要借著某些善行,例如行割禮,來博取上帝更多的恩寵。保羅在加拉太書中強烈地反對這種觀點,並譴責他們,上帝在耶穌裏所彰顯的福音恩典,是完備而足夠的(加3 :1 - 3;4 :21; 5:2-6)。在歌羅西書,他用同樣的論辯,反對人要求基督徒靠遵行某些規條來達至靈性上的完全(西2:8-23)。所有試圖透過行為來補足基督為我們成就的工作的教導,都是重回律法主義的舊路,是羞辱了基督。






辯證論的反律法主義由巴特(Karl Barth)和卜仁納(Emil Brunner)倡議,他們反對聖經中的律法是上帝直接發出的命令。他們主張,聖經中的命令引發出了聖靈之道,但聖靈之道不一定百分之百與聖經的原意相符。

