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顯示具有 治死罪 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


借着祷告治死罪Mortificationthrough prayer

How “Let Go and Let God” Almost Ruined J. I. Packer’s Spiritual Life


我所理解的在这句话里的罪,就是指人心中那种不敬虔或者反抗上帝的倾向。这种倾向有积极的一面,也有消极的一面。积极的倾向就是明摆着不顺服上帝;消极的倾向就是对道德上不圣洁的事感到无所谓。后者在过去被称作「Sloth」(懒散、怠惰),也就是灵性上的懒惰(spiritual laziness)。



[顺道一提,这个治死罪的吩咐是用两个希腊字来表达的。一个是在罗马书8:13,『你们若服从本性,一定死亡;你们若依靠圣灵治死(θανατόω)罪行,一定存活。』另一个字在歌罗西书3:5,『所以,要治死(νεκρόω)你们在地上的肢体,就如淫乱、污秽、邪情、恶欲,和贪婪(贪婪就与拜偶像一样)。』。所以治死put to death是最基本的想法。]



我体验到了Thomas Chalmers所说的「The Expulsive Power of a New Affection」(一种新情感的排斥力),对圣父与圣子的爱,可以让我胜过罪——特别是那些显明这些罪的习惯。




作者Sinclair Ferguson  譯者駱鴻銘

The aftermath of a conversation can change the way we later think of its significance.

我的友人——一位年輕牧師——在一場在他教會舉行的研討會後和我坐在一塊兒他說道「幫助人治死罪需要哪幾個步驟在我們今晚就寢之前請帶領我走過這些步驟。」我們坐下來,多花了一些時間討論這點,然後我們才去就寢,盼望他也和我一樣,感到被我們的談話所祝福。我至今還在想他問這個問題是以牧師的身份還是為他自己問答——或許兩者都有。My friend a younger minister sat down with me at the end of a conference in his church and said: “Before we retire tonight, just take me through the steps that are involved in helping someone mortify sin.” We sat talking about this for a little longer and then went to bed, hopefully he was feeling as blessed as I did by our conversation. I still wonder whether he was asking his question as a pastor or simply for himself — or both.

對這個問題最佳的答案是什麼呢首先要作的是翻開聖經。是的,也請翻開約翰·歐文(從來不會是個餿主意!),或者翻開其他人的著作。但是請謹記,在這個領域裏,上帝不是只把我們遺留給一些佳美的人類資源。我們要受「上帝的口」的教導,好叫我們正在學習應用的原則能帶著上帝的權柄和上帝的應許,而能發揮果效。How would you best answer his question? The first thing to do is: Turn to the Scriptures. Yes, turn to John Owen (never a bad idea!), or to some other counselor dead or alive. But remember that we have not been left only to good human resources in this area. We need to be taught from “the mouth of God” so that the principles we are learning to apply carry with them both the authority of God and the promise of God to make them work.

Several passages come to mind for study: Romans 8:13; Romans 13:8–14 (Augustine’s text); 2 Corinthians 6:14–7:1; Ephesians 4:17–5:21; Colossians 3:1–17; 1 Peter 4:1–11; 1 John 2:28–3:11. Significantly, only two of these passages contain the verb “mortify” (“put to death”). Equally significantly, the context of each of these passages is broader than the single exhortation to put sin to death. As we shall see, this is an observation that turns out to be of considerable importance.

Of these passages, Colossians 3:1–17 is probably the best place for us to begin.

Here were relatively young Christians. They have had a wonderful experience of conversion to Christ from paganism. They had entered a gloriously new and liberating world of grace. Perhaps — if we may read between the lines — they had felt for a while as if they had been delivered, not only from sin’s penalty but almost from its influence — so marvelous was their new freedom. But then, of course, sin reared its ugly head again. Having experienced the “already” of grace they were now discovering the painful “not yet” of ongoing sanctification. Sounds familiar!

But as in our evangelical sub-culture of quick fixes for long-term problems, unless the Colossians had a firm grasp of Gospel principles, they were now at risk! For just at this point young Christians can be relatively easy prey to false teachers with new promises of a higher spiritual life. That was what Paul feared (Col. 2:8, 16). Holiness-producing methods were now in vogue (Col. 2:21–22) — and they seemed to be deeply spiritual, just the thing for earnest young believers. But, in fact, “they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh” (Col. 2:23). Not new methods, but only an understanding of how the Gospel works, can provide an adequate foundation and pattern for dealing with sin. This is the theme of Colossians 3:1–17.

Paul gives us the pattern and rhythm we need. Like Olympic long jumpers, we will not succeed unless we go back from the point of action to a point from which we can gain energy for the strenuous effort of dealing with sin. How, then, does Paul teach us to do this?

First of all, Paul underlines how important it is for us to be familiar with our new identity in Christ (3:1–4). How often when we fail spiritually we lament that we forgot who we really are — Christ’s. We have a new identity. We are no longer “in Adam,” but “in Christ”; no longer in the flesh, but in the Spirit; no longer dominated by the old creation but living in the new (Rom. 5:12–21; 8:9; 2 Cor. 5:17). Paul takes time to expound this. We have died with Christ (Col. 3:3; we have even been buried with Christ, 2:12); we have been raised with Him (3:1), and our life is hidden with Him (3:3). Indeed, so united to Christ are we that Christ will not appear in glory without us (3:4).

Failure to deal with the presence of sin can often be traced back to spiritual amnesia, forgetfulness of our new, true, real identity. As a believer I am someone who has been delivered from the dominion of sin and who therefore is free and motivated to fight against the remnants of sin’s army in my heart.

Principle number one, then, is: Know, rest in, think through, and act upon your new identity — you are in Christ.

Second, Paul goes on to expose the workings of sin in every area of our lives (Col. 3:5–11). If we are to deal with sin biblically, we must not make the mistake of thinking that we can limit our attack to only one area of failure in our lives. All sin must be dealt with. Thus Paul ranges through the manifestation of sin in private life (v. 5), everyday public life (v. 8), and church life (vv. 9–11; “one another,” “here,” that is, in the church fellowship). The challenge in mortification is akin to the challenge in dieting (itself a form of mortification!): once we begin we discover that there are all kinds of reasons we are overweight. We are really dealing with ourselves, not simply with calorie control. I am the problem, not the potato chips! Mortifying sin is a whole-of-life change.

Third, Paul’s exposition provides us with practical guidance for mortifying sin. Sometimes it seems as if Paul gives exhortations (“Put to death…,” 3:5) without giving “practical” help to answer our “how to?” questions. Often today, Christians go to Paul to tell them what to do and then to the local Christian bookstore to discover how to do it! Why this bifurcation? Probably because we do not linger long enough over what Paul is saying. We do not sink our thinking deeply into the Scriptures. For, characteristically, whenever Paul issues an exhortation he surrounds it with hints as to how we are to put it into practice.

這裏確實就是如此。請注意這段經文如何幫助我們解答「如何作」的問題。This is certainly true here. Notice how this passage helps to answer our how to? questions.

 1. 學會承認罪的本相。要直言不諱——「淫亂」就是淫亂sexual immorality),不要稱之為「我受到了一點誘惑」「污穢」impurity就是污穢而不是「我正在與我的思想生活作鬥爭」「貪婪就與拜偶像一樣」而不是「我認為我必須稍微調整我的優先順序」。這個模式出現在這整段經文裏。這種揭開自我欺騙的過程是非常有力的會幫助我們揭發埋伏在我們內心隱蔽角落的罪。
1. Learn to admit sin for what it really is. Call a spade a spade — call it “sexual immorality,” not “I’m being tempted a little”; call it “impurity,” not “I’m struggling with my thought life”; call it “evil desire, which is idolatry,” not “I think I need to order my priorities a bit better.” This pattern runs right through this whole section. How powerfully this unmasks self-deceit — and helps us to unmask sin lurking in the hidden corners of our hearts!

2. See sin for what your sin really is in God’s presence. “On account of these the wrath of God is coming” (3:6). The masters of the spiritual life spoke of dragging our lusts (kicking and screaming, though they be) to the cross, to a wrath-bearing Christ. My sin leads to — not lasting pleasure — but holy divine displeasure. See the true nature of your sin in the light of its punishment. Too easily do we think that sin is less serious in Christians than it is in non-believers: “It’s forgiven, isn’t it?” Not if we continue in it (1 John 3:9)! Take a heaven’s-eye view of sin and feel the shame of that in which you once walked (Col. 3:7; see also Rom. 6:21).

 3. 認識到你的罪是反覆無常的。你脫去了「舊人」已經穿上「新人」910。你已經不再是那「舊人」了。你「在亞當裏」的身份已經消失了。舊人已經「和祂[基督]同釘十字架,使罪身[大概是指『被罪主宰的身體所過的生活』]滅絕,叫我們不再作罪的奴僕」(羅六6)。新人會過新的生活。低於這個標準和我「在基督裏」的身份就是格格不入的。
3. Recognize the inconsistency of your sin. You put off the “old man,” and have put on the “new man” (3:9–10). You are no longer the “old man.” The identity you had “in Adam” is gone. The old man was “crucified with him [Christ] in order that the body of sin [probably “life in the body dominated by sin”] might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin” (Rom. 6:6). New men live new lives. Anything less than this is a contradiction of who I am “in Christ.”

 4. 要治死罪5。就是這麼「簡單」。拒絕犯罪,把罪餓死,抵制犯罪。沒有感受到殺死的痛苦,就無法「治死」罪。別無他法
4. Put sin to death (Col. 3:5). It is as “simple” as that. Refuse it, starve it, and reject it. You cannot “mortify” sin without the pain of the kill. There is no other way!

But notice that Paul sets this in a very important, broader context. The negative task of putting sin to death will not be accomplished in isolation from the positive call of the Gospel to “put on” the Lord Jesus Christ (Rom. 13:14). Paul spells this out in Colossians 3:12–17. Sweeping the house clean simply leaves us open to a further invasion of sin. But when we understand the “glorious exchange” principle of the Gospel of grace, then we will begin to make some real advance in holiness. As sinful desires and habits are not only rejected, but exchanged for Christ-like graces (3:12) and actions (3:13); as we are clothed in Christ’s character and His graces are held together by love (v. 14), not only in our private life but also in the church fellowship (vv. 12–16), Christ’s name and glory are manifested and exalted in and among us (3:17).

這是我和我的友人在那個值得紀念的夜晚所談論到的一些事。我們後來沒有機會再次彼此問候「你過得如何」因為那是我們最後一次的談話。他在幾個月後就過世了。我經常會想要知道那幾個月在他生命裏所發生的事。但是在他的問題裏所表現出來的個人和教牧的關切,仍然迴盪在我的思緒裏。這些話和十八世紀的英國傳道人西緬(Charles Simeon)曾經說過的,他從他所鍾愛的偉大的亨利·馬丁(Henry Martyn)的畫像裏所感受到的:「不要虛度光陰」,具有類似的效果。These are some of the things my friend and I talked about that memorable evening. We did not have an opportunity later to ask each other, “How are you going?” for it was our last conversation. He died some months later. I have often wondered how the months in between went in his life. But the earnest personal and pastoral concern in his question still echoes in my mind. They have a similar effect to the one Charles Simeon said he felt from the eyes of his much-loved portrait of the great Henry Martyn: “Don’t trifle!”


1. 學會承認罪的本相。
2. 明白你的罪在上帝面前的實況。
3. 認識到你的罪是反覆無常的。(三910)。
4. 要治死罪(三5)。

31天纯洁之旅31 Days of Purity
作者: Tim Challies译者: Duncan Liang


歐文論治死罪 John Owen onMortification of Sin

作者:Bill Boekestein 誠之譯自:


一、治死罪要守的幾個原則Principles of Mortification
Mortification is the duty of all believers (Col. 3:5; 2)
Mortification Is by the Spirit
Mortification Is of Great Benefit

Explanation of Mortification
1. 治死罪不是什麼
What Mortification Is Not
2. 治死罪是什麼
What Mortification Is

Rules of Mortification
1. 只有信徒可以治死罪
Only Believers Can Mortify Sin
2. 唯一的目標必須是全面治死罪
The Only Goal Must be Universal Mortification

Specific Directions for Mortification
1. 辨識出伴隨私慾的症狀
Identify the Symptoms that Accompany a Lust
2. 對困擾你的罪要有清楚的認知
Get a Clear Sense of the Sin that Troubles You
3. 用罪咎為你的良心充電
Charge Your Conscience with Sin’s Guilt
4. 渴望得救
Desire Deliverance
6. 考慮罪在以往對我們的欺騙
Consider Sin’s Prior Deception
7. 一有苗頭就要對抗罪Fight Sin at its First Sign
8. 謙卑默想自己的局限性
Humbly Meditate on Your Limitations
9. 等候聖靈有關罪性消亡的確據Wait for the Spirits Assurance of Sins Death
10. 信靠基督會拯救我們脫離罪
Trust in Christ for Deliverance from Your Sin
11. 信靠聖靈會拯救我們脫離罪惡
Trust in the Spirit for Deliverance from Sin

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **

1656年,清教徒牧師約翰·歐文對一些口裡說信耶穌的基督徒感到憂慮,因為他們「在世上過得太安逸」。他也相信在他那個時代,有太多對於反對罪惡的教導,在聽眾當中產生了「迷信、自義,和良心上的不安」。因此,歐文根據羅馬書八章13節,「你們若順從肉體活著,必要死;若靠著聖靈治死身體的惡行,必要活著」,寫了一本名為《論治死信徒心中的罪》(Of the Mortification of Sin in Believers)的小書。In 1656 Puritan Pastor John Owen felt concerned that professing Christians were too “at peace in the world” (vii). He also believed that much of the teaching against sin in his day produced “superstition, self-righteousness and anxiety of conscience” in the hearers (viii). So, Owen wrote a little book called The Mortification (or “Putting to Death”) of Sin in Believers based on the second half of Romans 8:13. “For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.”

這節經文概括了所有信徒,也就是那些「不屬肉體,乃屬聖靈」(第9節)的人的責任。上帝鼓勵信徒與罪爭戰。若我們好好地對抗罪惡,我們就必活著。治死罪的結果是豐盛的生命。但是為了避免我們對自己的力量過分自信,我們必須知道,「這是聖靈的工作,唯獨靠著基督,我們才能經歷到勝利。」(第3頁)聖靈使我們有能力和內住在我們心裡的罪爭戰,正如基督使我們的舊人(舊的生活方式)和祂同釘在十字架上(羅六6)一樣。當我們治死我們的罪性,我們的喜樂、安慰、活力就會逐漸活過來。This verse outlines the duty of all believers, those who are “not in the flesh but in the Spirit” (v. 9). God encourages believers in their fight against sin. If we properly fight against sin we shall live. The means of mortification results in abundant life. But lest we become confident in our own strength we must know this, “It is a work of the Spirit, and it is by Him alone that we are to experience victory” (3). The Spirit empowers us to fight against indwelling sin in the same way that Christ crucified our former way of life in the cross (Rom. 6:6). As we put to death our sinful nature, our joy, comfort, and vigor increasingly come to life.

一、治死罪要守的幾個原則Principles of Mortification

1.治死罪是所有信徒的責任(西三25)。Mortification is the duty of all believers (Col. 3:5; 2)

基於六個理由,每個基督徒都必須「殺死罪,否則就會被罪所殺。」(第5頁)首先,基督徒只有在榮耀中才會成為完全(腓三12)。只有當罪已經死了,我們才能安息。其次,罪總是在不斷努力要結出壞果子。「站著不動,讓敵人施展雙拳不加抵抗的,到最後無疑會被打倒。」(第7頁)第三,未受到挑戰的罪會越來越強大,也越會欺騙人。「罪,如果沒有不斷被治死,就會帶來大罪,受咒詛的罪,可恥的罪,毀滅靈魂的罪(加五19-20)」(第?頁)。第四,上帝賜給我們聖靈,也賜給我們新的本性,來對抗罪和私慾(加五17;彼後一4)。我們不可輕忽祂的恩賜。第五,當罪在基督徒心裡日益強大,基督徒就會變得日益軟弱。未經操練的恩典會日漸凋萎。第六,屬靈成長是我們每天的責任(彼後三18)。「在朝向上帝的路程中不殺死罪,就不會有任何進展。」(10頁)For six reasons, every believer must Always being killing sin or it will be killing you (5). First, believers will only be perfected in glory (Phil 3:12). We can only rest when sin is dead. Second, sin always works to produce bad fruit. “He that stands still and allows his enemies to exert double blows upon him without resistance will undoubtedly be conquered in the end” (7). Third, unchallenged sin becomes stronger and more deceitful. “Sin, if not continually mortified, will bring forth great, cursed, scandalous, and soul-destroying sins (Gal 5:19-20)” (Page Number??) Fourth, God gives us the Holy Spirit and our new nature to oppose sin and lust (Gal. 5:17; 2 Pet. 1:4). We must not neglect his gifts. Fifth, believers grow weaker toward God as sin strengthens in them. Unexercised grace will languish. Sixth, our spiritual growth is our daily duty (2 Pet. 3:18). “He who does not kill sin along the way is making no progress in his [Godward] journey” (10).

那些不治死罪的人,會對他們自己,也會對他人造成極大的傷害。他們提倡的敬虔是一種毫無能力得著永生的敬虔形式。Those who do not put sin to death do themselves and others great harm. They promote a form of godliness that has no power to acquire eternal life.

2.治死罪要靠聖靈Mortification Is by the Spirit

僅僅是外在的、想要殺死罪的嘗試——起誓,在我們的肉體上加上許多嚴厲的規條(西二23),持守一些宗教責任——必定會失敗。若上帝沒有應許要透過這些途徑作工,它們就毫無能力。倘若你把信心建立在你自己的努力上,即便建立在禱告、自律,和一些應許上,我們還是在逃避福音的大能。Any merely outward attempt to kill sintaking vows, imposing strict rules on our bodies (Col. 2:23), adhering to religious duties—will fail. If God has not promised to work through these means they are powerless. If we put confidence in our efforts, even in our prayers, self-discipline, and promises, we sidestep the power of the gospel.

治死罪是聖靈所成就的。聖靈會把我們在基督裡所有的福分賜給我們,包括成聖。上帝將祂的靈賜給我們,好叫我們可以克服我們的罪。Mortification is accomplished by the Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives us all the blessings we have in Christ including sanctification. God gives his Spirit to conquer our sin.

聖靈藉著一些方法來治死我們的罪。聖靈使我們充滿恩典,好叫聖靈的果子限制肉體的果子。聖靈摧毀我們的私慾。「祂是焚毀我們私慾之根的火。」(18頁)聖靈使信徒藉著信心與基督的死和受苦相通。缺乏聖靈的幫助,我們會對抗罪,卻沒有力量贏得戰爭。The Spirit mortifies our sin in a variety of ways. The Spirit causes us to abound in grace so that his fruit restricts the fruits of the flesh. The Spirit destroys our lusts. “He is the fire that burns up the very root of lust” (18). The Spirit causes believers to commune by faith with Christ in his death and sufferings. Without the Spirit’s help we would fight against sin but with no strength for the battle.

即使聖靈必須治死罪,我們也有責任要靠著聖靈的幫助來治死罪。Even though the Spirit must put sin to death we are responsible for doing it with the Spirits help.

3.治死罪有極大好處Mortification Is of Great Benefit

要過一個喜樂的屬靈生活,我們必須殺死罪。治死罪並不保證會得到一個舒適的人生,如同詩篇第八十八篇清楚說明的。但是若不治死罪,我們的心靈就無法存活。未能治死罪會使我們的靈魂軟弱,使它失去活力。大衛抱怨說,他尚未殺滅的罪使他失去了判斷力,軟弱無力,受到重壓(詩三十八、四十 五十一,等等)。「罪藉著糾纏我們的情感……擾亂我們的心。」(23頁)被世俗的追求所纏累的心靈,無法被上帝所填滿。「罪也會使心靈昏暗,使它失去安慰和平安。」(24頁)罪就像烏雲,會截斷「上帝全部的愛的光束……」(24頁)罪還沒有被治死的心田就像野地長滿雜草,長不出好的作物來。To live a joyful spiritual life we must kill sin. Mortification of sin does not guarantees a pleasant life, as Psalm 88 makes plain. But without mortification our spirits cannot thrive. Failing to put sin to death will weaken the soul, and deprive it of its vigor. David complained of being unsound, feeble, and crushed by sins he let live (Ps. 38, 40, 51, etc.). “Sin untunes…the heart itself, by entangling its affections” (23). The soul that is entangled with worldly pursuits cannot be full of God. “Sin will also darken the soul, and deprive it of its comfort and peace” (24). Sin is like a cloud that intercepts “all the beams of God’s love…” (24). Unmortified hearts are like fields so overgrown with weeds that no good crop can grow.

二、對治死罪的說明Explanation of Mortification

1. 治死罪不是什麼What Mortification Is Not

首先,治死罪不是在今生徹底消滅罪。我們在今生的目標是要治死罪,但這是我們只能在來世時經歷到的(腓三12)。其次,治死罪不是改變罪的外貌。用一種比較不明顯、沒那麼危險的犯罪習慣來替換另一種是可能的。但是,治死罪不僅僅是取代而已。第三,治死罪不是改善我們天然的本性。即使沒有重生,人還是可以壓制敗壞本性的外在表現。但是表面的改變不會深入到罪的根源。第四,治死罪不是分散罪。老年人的私慾也許會隨著年紀變少。但是「用世故來取代驕傲,或用律法主義來取代好色」,並不是治死罪。(29頁)第五,治死罪不是偶爾勝過罪。有時候當我們犯了一個大罪,我們會嚇到不敢再犯這個罪。或者,當我們受了很大的苦,我們會決心停止犯罪,好叫我們不會感到罪的重擔。這兩個例子都不是治死罪,只是暫時休眠。First, mortification is not the utter destruction of sin in this life. We aim for, and seek the death of sin in this life but experience it only in the life to come (Phil. 3:12). Second, mortification is not the changing of some outward aspect of sin. It is possible to exchange one sinful habit for another that is less obvious or less dangerous. But, mortification is not mere substitution. Third, mortification is not the improvement of our natural constitution. Even without a new birth someone might subdue the outward signs of depravity. But superficial change does not get to sin’s root. Fourth, mortification is not the diversion of sin. An old man might lust less than he used to. But “he that changes pride for worldliness, or sensuality for legalism” is not killing sin (29). Fifth, mortification is not the occasional victory over sin. Sometimes when we commit a great sin we scare ourselves into not committing it again. Or, when greatly travailed we resolve to stop sinning to free ourselves of sin’s weight. In both cases sin is not mortified but dormant.

2. 治死罪是什麼 What Mortification Is

首先,治死罪是習慣性地削弱私慾。私慾是一種「敗壞的習慣或傾向」,「使心思昏暗,澆滅我們的信念」,並且「罷黜理性」(33頁)。治死罪是我們削弱罪的習慣,罪的反擊因此不會那麼劇烈。我們必須「把肉體連肉體的邪情私慾同釘在十字架上」(加五24)。其次,治死罪是不斷地與罪爭戰和競爭。我們必須辨識出我們必須對抗的敵人,「除非我們認識我們內心的疾病,否則無法前進。」(36頁)「對於私慾逞能的方式、詭計、方法、優勢、時機,我們必須非常熟悉。」(37頁)我們必須天天攻擊我們的私慾,即使我們以為它們已經死了。第三,治死罪是在戰鬥中獲得某種的成功。當我們的心靈在對抗肉體上獲得力量,我們就會開始經歷到信心的得勝。當罪死去,基督徒就會認知到更大的良心的平安,並且得到更大盼望的支撐。First, mortification is a habitual weakening of the lust. A lust is a depraved habit or inclination that darkens the mind, extinguishes convictions, and dethrones reason (33). In mortification we weaken sin’s habit so it fights less violently. We must be “crucifying the flesh with its passions and desires” (Gal. 5:24). Second, mortification is a constant fight and contention against sin. We need to identify the enemy against which we must fight “We cannot go forward unless we recognize the plague of our own hearts” (36). “We need to be intimately acquainted with the ways, wiles, methods, advantages, and occasions which give lust its success” (37). We need to daily attack our lusts even when we think they are dead. Third, mortification is a degree of success in the battle. As the spirit gains strength against the flesh we will begin to experience the victory of faith. As sin dies the believer will know greater peace of conscience and be bolstered by greater hope.

三、治死罪要遵守哪些規則Rules of Mortification

1. 只有信徒可以治死罪Only Believers Can Mortify Sin

只有與基督一同復活的人才能治死在地上的私慾。一個沒有歸信卻想要殺死罪的人,就像一個人想要蓋一棟沒有地基的房子。「沒有基督的死,就沒有罪的死。」(41頁)「一個奉命付賬單的僕人,必須先到銀行領錢。」(41頁)同樣,在我們與罪爭戰之前,我們必須在聖靈裡領受治死罪的能力。Only those who are raised with Christ can put to death earthly desires. A man who tries to kill sin without being converted is like a man who tries to build a house without a foundation. “There is no death of sin without the death of Christ” (41). “A servant who is directed to pay a bill must first collect the money at the bank” (41). Likewise, before we fight sin we must receive, in the Spirit, the power for mortification.

事實上,沒有重生卻想要治死罪是很危險的,理由如下。首先,我們的心思和生命會被導引離開最重要的事。那些感受到罪的重壓的人,必須意識到他們對基督的需要,並且相信福音。但是在這場不可能成功的、對抗罪的爭戰中,他們的注意力會被分散,不再注目基督,以祂為救主。其次,這個努力會帶來一種虛假的良心上的平安。倘若一個人可以除去罪的某些症狀,他們會受騙,以為他們已經被治癒了。第三,當一個尚未歸信的人在經過一段時間後沒有能治死罪,他也許會感到絕望,以為自己從此無法勝過罪。In fact, seeking mortification without regeneration is risky for several reasons. First, the mind and soul are diverted from that which is most important. Those who feel sin’s weight need to sense their need of Christ and believe the gospel. But in their impossible fight against sin they are distracted from seeing Christ as Savior. Second, the effort can bring a false peace of conscience. If a person can remove the symptoms of sin they can be tricked to believe they are cured. Third, when an unconverted person fails to mortify sin over a long period of time he might despair over ever defeating sin.

不信靠耶穌而想要對抗罪,實際上是在實踐自以為義,而不是在實踐基督信仰。A person who fights against sin without believing in Jesus is actually practicing self-justification not Christianity.

2. 唯一的目標必須是全面治死罪The Only Goal Must be Universal Mortification

「那些想要真正並徹底治死任何蠢蠢欲動的罪的人,必須在一切順服的事上同樣地殷勤。」(53頁)倘若我們以為我們只需要和少數困擾我們良心的罪爭戰,我們就犯了一個嚴重的錯誤。事實上,若不是全心全意被上帝吸引,就連一個罪也對抗不了。只有當我們因為基督為我們上十字架而愛祂,並且恨惡所有使基督上十字架的罪,我們才能真正地對抗罪。不錯,有時候某項特別的罪困擾我們會超過其他的罪。但是這些更嚴重的罪往往是我們更普遍的疏忽的證明。它們能使我們甦醒,使我們的內心和行事為人的轉變能更加徹底。“He who truly and thoroughly seeks to mortify any disquieting lust, must be equally diligent in all parts of obedience” (53). We make a mistake if we think we can only fight against the few sins that trouble our conscience. In fact, it is impossible to fight one sin without wholeheartedly drawing near to God. We only truly fight sin when we love Christ because he went to the cross, and hate all sins that sent them there. It is true that sometimes particular sins trouble us more than others. But these more weighty sins are often tokens of our more general negligence. They can awaken us to a more thorough change of heart and walk.

四、治死罪的具體說明 Specific Directions for Mortification

1. 辨識出伴隨私慾的症狀Identify the Symptoms that Accompany a Lust

假若有一些致死的症狀,這種罪就必須靠一些特別的方法來治死,以免我們的生命終結在有如地獄般的悲劇裡。一項罪如果已經變成一種根深蒂固的習慣,就是致死的罪。當罪的觸角深入到我們每天的日常生活裡,我們就已經接納它成為我們的一部分了。一項罪如果不再刺痛我們的良心,就是致死的罪。隨意忽視罪,把罪隱藏在上帝的憐憫之下,是把我們上帝的恩典變成放縱情慾的機會(猶4)。當罪的思想變成一種慾望,它就是致死的罪。當我們開始愛這個罪,即使沒有真正犯了罪行,這個誘惑還是得勝了。當人只因為罪的刑罰而對抗這個罪,這個罪就是致死的罪。若只是律法而不是基督的愛,在阻止我們不犯某種罪(林後七1),這罪就已經征服了我們的情感和意志。當一項罪是從上帝而來的審判,它就是致死的罪。上帝可以使我們的心對罪剛硬,作為我們忽略照顧我們靈魂的懲罰(賽六十三17)。當上帝一再警告我們反對一項罪,它就是致死的罪。倘若我們習慣性地容讓我們犯罪的慾望「窒息信念」,我們就是「真正處在一個悲慘的境地」。(63頁)If the symptoms are deadly, the sin must be killed by special measures lest our lives end in hellish tragedy. A sin is deadly if it has become an established habit. When sin becomes rooted in our daily routines we have accepted it as part of us. A sin is deadly if it no longer stings our conscience. To casually dismiss sin under cover of God’s mercy is to turn the grace of our God into lewdness (Jude 4). A sin is deadly when its thought frequently becomes desire. Even without committing the act of sin, if we begin to love it the temptation has prevailed. A sin is deadly when one fights it only because of its penalties. If it is only law and not Christ’s love that restrains us from a sin (2 Cor. 7:1), that sin has conquered our affections and will. A sin is deadly when it is a punishment from God. God can harden our hearts toward sin as a punishment for neglecting to care for our souls (Is. 63:17). A sin is deadly when God has repeatedly warned us against it. If we habitually allow our sinful desires “to stifle conviction” we are “truly in a sad condition” (63).

2. 對困擾你的罪要有清楚的認知Get a Clear Sense of the Sin that Troubles You

首先,考慮罪的罪咎(guilt)。罪會藉著使我們的心思昏暗,粉飾其罪咎,好叫我們無法體會其污穢。因此,基督徒必須用上帝的愛、憐憫、恩典、協助,來試驗罪的邪惡,謹記上帝對祂兒女的罪會感到十分傷痛。First, consider sins guilt. Sin downplays its guiltiness by darkening our minds so that we do not grasp its filthiness. Believers, therefore, must test sins evils against God’s love, mercy, grace, and assistance, remembering God’s great grief over the sins of his children.

其次,考慮罪的危險。罪的欺騙性會剛硬我們的心(來三12-13),削弱我們的確據,澆熄我們的熱情。罪會使我們陷入極大的自責當中。當上帝懲罰大衛的罪,大衛就失去了他的孩子,他的名聲,和他的平安(詩八十九32)。罪會耗盡我們的平安和力量。住在罪中,會使我們在生命的末了無感於上帝的恩慈。最危險的是罪會招來永遠的毀壞。上帝以完全的誠實,用地獄來威脅那些喜愛罪惡的人(來三12)。Second, consider sins danger. Sins deceitfulness hardens our hearts (Heb. 3:12-13), weakens our assurance, and cripples our zeal. Sin can bring us under great chastisement. When God punished David’s sin, David lost his child, his reputation, and his peace (Ps. 89:32). Sin can sap our peace and strength. Abiding sin can cause us to finish our days dull to God’s kindness. Most dangerously, sin invites eternal ruin. In total sincerity God threatens with hell those who love sin (Heb. 3:12).

第三,考慮罪在現今的邪惡。罪會讓聖靈擔憂,而聖靈是上帝所賜給我們的,最有愛心的朋友,祂鼓勵我們,引導我們進入榮耀。罪會傷害主耶穌基督,祂藉著代替我們受苦,向我們顯明上帝愛我們的大愛。罪會抵消我們在這個世上的用處。Third, consider sins present evil. Sin grieves the Holy Spirit whom God has given as a loving friend to cheer and guide us to glory. Sin wounds the Lord Jesus Christ who showed God’s great love for us by suffering in our place. Sin cancels our usefulness in this world.

3. 用罪咎為你的良心充電Charge Your Conscience with Sins Guilt

首先,考慮內住的罪和上帝律法的關係。請相信,因為你的罪,你應當溺斃在上帝審判的無情浪潮裡。只要你還喜愛罪,拒絕接受上帝的愛,就要在祂審判的寶座前戰兢。First, consider indwelling sin in relation to Gods law. Believe that, because of your sin, you should drown under the unrelenting waves of Gods terror. Tremble before Gods throne of judgment, refusing to claim grace so long as you love sin.

其次,考慮內住的罪與福音的關係。「仰望那位你用刀刺透的人,讓這件事使你感到煩惱。」(78頁)思考上帝無盡的耐心,以及上帝多麼常挽回你,不讓罪使你心硬。沉思上帝對你無盡的恩慈。Second, consider indwelling sin in relation to the gospel. Look on him whom you have pierced, and let it trouble you (78). Consider Gods infinite patience and how often God has pulled you back from sin’s hardening. Reflect on God’s countless kindnesses to you.

只要你的良心還能為你的失敗找到理由,你就永遠不會治死罪。As long as your conscience is able to justify your failure you will never kill sin.

4. 渴望得救Desire Deliverance

「不要讓你的心為你現在的處境感到快樂,即使只是短暫的片刻。」(81頁)在屬靈的事上,「渴望得救本身就是恩典,會使靈魂開始效法它所盼望的樣式。」(81頁)一顆渴望拯救脫離罪惡的心會「留心所有的機會,勝過其仇敵。」(82頁)「強烈的慾望會使信心和盼望發揮功效,並驅使靈魂緊緊跟隨救主。」(82頁)“Do not let your heart be happy with your present condition, even for a moment (81). In spiritual things the desire for “deliverance is in itself a grace which begins to conform the soul to the likeness of that which is longed for” (81). A heart that longs for deliverance from sin will “watch for all opportunities to gain advantage over its enemy” (82). “A strong desire sets faith and hope to work, and drives the soul in following hard after the Lord” (82).

5. 判斷你的本性是否還在助長你犯罪Determine If Your Nature Is Fostering Your Sin

我們一些特殊的本性會使我們容易對他人犯某些罪惡。和我們獨特的特性相連的罪惡,會因為我們成為我們裡面敗壞的見證而使我們謙卑。當罪是從我們裡面的性情延伸出來時,我們必須認識到撒但的優勢,以及我們對殷勤的需要。保羅藉著「攻克己身,叫身服我」來承認並對抗這樣的罪(林前九27)。Our peculiar natures are prone to certain sins over others. Sins connected to our unique characters humble us as testimonies of our innate depravity. When sins stem from our dispositions we need to recognize Satan’s advantage and our need for diligence. Paul recognized and fought such sins by disciplining his body to keep it under control (1 Cor. 9:27).

6. 考慮罪在以往對我們的欺騙Consider Sins Prior Deception

聖經警告我們省察自己的行為(該一5)。哪一類的同伴會誘使我們犯罪?哪一種身體情況會使我們軟弱?什麼樣的思想會領我們走上邪路?倘若我們不注意我們所行的路,我們就無法期待克服罪惡。The Bible warns us to consider our ways, past and present (Hag. 1:5). What kind of company tempts us to sin? What physical circumstances leave us weak? What thoughts lead us down the wrong road? If we will not watch the path we are walking we cannot expect to conquer sin.

7. 一有苗頭就要對抗罪Fight Sin at its First Sign

不可容讓罪佔領最小的陣地。不要為罪設定邊界,說:「我只能讓到這一步,不會再讓了。」雅各教導說,罪會得寸進尺(雅一14-15)。(86頁)不潔淨的思想渴望要你把自己浸淫在愚蠢和污穢當中。「倘若罪在你的情感中有所進展,好叫你沉浸其中,無法自拔,你的理解力最終也會小看它。」(86頁)Do not allow sin to gain the smallest ground. Do not fix boundaries for sin saying, Thus far I shall go and no farther.” “James teaches that sin is progressive (James 1:14-15)” (86). An unclean thought desires to have you immerse yourself in folly and filth. “If sin gains grounds in your affections, so that you delight in it, your understanding will also come to think little of it” (86).

8. 謙卑默想自己的局限性
Humbly Meditate on Your Limitations

默想上帝的榮美,以及我們如何與祂疏遠,忽視祂。被上帝的偉大所折服的心,才有能力作好對抗罪的準備。Meditate on Gods excellence and our distance from him and ignorance of him. Hearts that are humbled by Gods greatness are better framed to fight sin.

如同摩西,我們只能看見上帝的背(出卅四5-6)。我們無法承擔祂榮耀的本體所放射出的光芒。我們只認識祂的一部分(林前十三11)。上帝的道路超越我們所知;祂無法被我們的知識所征服。上帝就像太陽看似平常的面容。「我們看不見祂,不是因為祂不讓我們看見,而是因為我們忍受不了看見祂的面容。」(93頁)我們找不到形容上帝的正確字眼。即使是像「無盡、永恆」,和「三位一體」這樣的字眼,只是為了幫助我們愛慕上帝、仰慕上帝,而不是為了讓我們猜測上帝。我們對祂的一切知識,即使是在祂愛子耶穌的救恩亮光下,也是有限的(林前十三12)。福音只揭開足以叫我們信靠上帝,並開始更多地渴慕祂的那一部分幔子,並沒有揭開全部的幔子。Like Moses we only see Gods back (Ex. 34:5-6). We cannot bear the rays of his glorious being. We know him only in part (1 Cor. 13:11). Gods ways are past finding out; he cannot be conquered by our knowledge. God is like the plain face of the sun. “He is not seen, not because he cannot be seen, but because we cannot bear the sight of Him” (93). We lack the right words to speak of God. Even words like “infinity, eternity,” and “Trinity” help us love and admire God, not fathom him. Everything we know of him, even in the saving light of his Son Jesus, is limited (1 Cor. 13:12). The gospel only unveils enough of God so that we can trust in him and begin to desire more of him.

我們自己的駑鈍,無法完全領會上帝刺眼的榮耀。這會使我們必須繼續倚賴祂,並保持警惕,留心任何與祂的榮耀不配的行為。Our own dullness to fully grasp Gods blazing majesty keeps us dependent on him and watchful of any behavior not suited to his glory.

9. 等候聖靈有關罪性消亡的確據Wait for the Spirits Assurance of Sins Death

要抵擋假造赦罪確據的衝動。我們在幾個方面被誘惑去作這樣的事。首先,當我們不恨惡那些我們從中尋求慰藉的罪的時候,我們就是在假造確據。當我們還「把罪惡藏在自己的舌下」(106頁),我們就不會有上帝憐憫的確據。其次,當我們以一種純理性和膚淺的方式宣稱上帝對我們的憐憫,我們就是在假造確據。人有可能會快快地聲明聖經應許地話,卻不是真心信靠上帝可以醫治我們的傷口。第三,當我們聲稱我們的一項罪已經得到赦免,卻仍然不悔改其他的罪,我們就是在假造確據。只有當我們「對上帝所有的誡命有同等的尊重」(112頁),我們才會有真正的平安。Resist the urge to fabricate assurance of forgiveness. We are tempted to do so in a number of ways. First, we fabricate assurance when we do not yet hate the sin from which we seek relief. We must not assure ourselves of Gods mercy when we keep the sweet morsel of sin under their tongue” (106). Second, we fabricate assurance when we claim God’s promises in a purely rational and superficial way. It is possible to hastily claim a biblical word of promise without sincerely trusting in God to heal our wounds. Third, we fabricate assurance when we claim forgiveness for one sin but remain unrepentant over others. We will only be at peace when we have an “equal respect for all of God’s commandments” (112).

相對地,上帝的兒女藉著「信心中隱秘的本能」知道,基督何時說到赦免(約十27)。當基督豐富我們的生命,使我們謙卑,潔淨我們,我們就會知道罪已經被殺滅了。By contrast, Gods children know, by a secret instinct in faith when Christ speaks pardon (John 10:27). When Christ enriches our souls, humbles and cleanses us, then we may know that sin is being killed.

10. 信靠基督會拯救我們脫離罪Trust in Christ for Deliverance from Your Sin

默想基督為殺滅你的罪所做的準備。謹記基督來是要將悔改的心賜給人(徒五31)。無論我們多麼軟弱,「從祂豐滿的恩典裡,我們都領受了,而且恩上加恩」(約一16)。無論敵人有多強大,祂都會殺死它們。無論我們有多麼軟弱,祂都能使我們重新得力。無論我們的生命有多麼枯竭,祂都能使我們裡面湧流出活水的江河(約七37-38)。Meditate on Christs provision for killing your sin. Remember that Christ came to give repentance (Acts 5:31). Know that no matter how weak we are, “from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace” (John 1:16). He can kill our enemies no matter their strength. He can renew our strength no matter our weakness. No matter how dry our souls are he can make rivers of living water come out of us (John 7:37-38).

要期待基督會解除你的重擔。基督從來不會讓期待祂拯救的人失望。基督是充滿憐憫的大祭司,祂憐憫我們的苦難,因為祂知道我們的軟弱。如同日月星辰的定例(耶三十一36),基督必定會守約,帶來所應許的幫助。Expect Christ to provide relief for your burden. Christ never fails those who expect his rescue. Christ is a merciful High Priest who pities us in our distress because he knows our weaknesses. Like the courses of sun, moon, and stars (Jer. 31:36) Christ is faithful to deliver promised help.

要將你的盼望放在基督的受死、寶血和十字架上。「在我們的罪的重壓下仰望祂,不住地禱告,不住地流血,不住地死去。」(128頁)祂的死是為了殺死罪,並潔淨祂的百姓,脫離罪的一切污染。Place your hope in Christs death, blood, and cross. Look upon him under the weight of our sins, praying, bleeding, and dying (128). He died to kill sin and to cleanse his people from sin’s every stain.

11. 信靠聖靈會拯救我們脫離罪惡Trust in the Spirit for Deliverance from Sin

信靠聖靈會使我們知罪,揭發罪的醜陋,斥責我們的抵擋。信靠聖靈會向我們啟示出基督的豐滿,以及祂對罪人的愛。信靠聖靈會給你盼望,知道基督會使我們脫離罪惡。信靠聖靈會將基督的十字架帶進到你的內心,賜給我們殺死罪的能力。信靠聖靈是我們成聖的創始成終者,即便我們的決心很軟弱。信靠聖靈會使我們有能力,用說不出的嘆息替我們禱告(羅八26),藉此使我們勝過罪惡。Trust in the Spirit to convict you of sin, to uncover its ugliness, and rebuke your defenses. Trust in the Spirit to reveal to you the fullness of Christ and his love for sinners. Trust in the Spirit to give you hope that Christ will grant relief from sin. Trust in the Spirit to bring the cross of Christ into your heart with its sin-killing power. Trust in the Spirit to be the author and finisher of your sanctification, despite your weak resolve. Trust in the Spirit to enable you to pray with sighs and groanings too deep for words (Rom. 8:26) through which you will find victory over your sin.