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默想上帝聖言的益處The Value of Meditating UponGod’s Word

作者: Joel Beeke  編譯:王志勇等



本文摘錄自《Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching》。

In Christ Alone: Living the Gospel-Centered Life》已翻譯的篇章

The Value of Meditating Upon God’s Word
FROM Joel Beeke

After reading Scripture, we must ask God for light to scrutinize our hearts and lives, then meditate upon the Word. Disciplined meditation on Scripture helps us focus on God. Meditation helps us view worship as a discipline. It involves our mind and understanding as well as our heart and affections. It works Scripture through the texture of the soul. Meditation helps prevent vain and sinful thoughts (Matt. 12:35), and provides inner resources on which to draw (Ps. 77:10-12), including direction for daily life (Prov. 6:21-22). Meditation fights temptation (Ps. 119:11, 15), provides relief in afflictions (Isa. 49:15-17), benefits others (Ps. 145:7), and glorifies God (Ps. 49:3).

This excerpt is taken from Joel Beeke’s contribution in Feed My Sheep.