
一個偉大的教師能做到簡潔而不扭曲AGreat Teacher Can Simplify without Distortion

作者: R.C. Sproul 譯者: Maria Marta

在一個學習環境裡經常要求「儉樸原則」K-I-S-S 。這個首字母縮略字是「保持簡潔,傻瓜」(Keep it simple, stupid)的意思。我們似乎是厭惡複雜學問的人。我們想要簡單的答案,我們想迅速獲得簡單的答案。然而,掌握一門學科需要數年辛勤的勞動與學習。但是,一旦老師掌握了他的材料,他如何把這些材料傳遞給他的學生?






A Great Teacher Can Simplify without Distortion
FROM R.C. Sproul
The K-I-S-S principle is frequently requested in a learning environment. The acrostic stands for “Keep it simple, stupid.” It seems we are a people who loathe difficult study. We want easy answers and we want them quickly. Mastery of a subject, however, requires years of diligent labor and study. But once the teacher has mastered his material, how does he transmit it to his students?

Certain assumptions are made in the classroom. The first is that the teacher knows more about the subject than the student. It is, in general, a safe assumption. The second assumption is that the teacher cannot communicate his mastery of the subject all at once. To educate (as the Latin root suggests), we must lead students “out of” ignorance into knowledge. That knowledge moves in increments, from the simple to complex.

The great teacher helps his students gain understanding. This may be the most vital and most difficult task of teaching. Students often complain that the teacher speaks “over-the-heads” of the students. What does this mean? It means that the student does not understand what is being taught. It may indicate that the student is lazy and is unwilling to be stretched intellectually. It could also mean that the teacher doesn’t understand what he is teaching.

Often times our educational process is a failure with respect to learning. The syndrome goes something like this: A student attends college classes, takes copious notes, memorizes the notes, and makes an A in the course. Then he graduates from college and follows the same procedure in graduate school. Now he becomes a teacher and he has a great store of information about which he has been tested yet has little understanding. Information has been transferred but never processed or digested by the inquiring mind. This teacher now goes in the classroom where he gives lectures from his notes and text books. He allows little time for questions (he fears questions he may not be able to answer). He continues the vicious syndrome of his own education with his students and the game goes on.

A great teacher can simplify without distortion. This is the supreme test of understanding. If I truly understand something, I ought to be able to communicate it to others. There is a vast chasm that separates the simple from the simplistic. Jesus, the greatest teacher ever, taught in simple terms. But He was never simplistic. To oversimplify is to distort the truth. The great teacher can express the profound by the simple, without distortion. To do that requires a deep level of understanding. The great teacher imparts understanding, not merely information. To do that the teacher must understand the material being taught.

This post was originally published in Tabletalk magazine.

 一個有才德的妻子的祝福 TheBlessing of an Excellent Wife

 作者:   Steven Lawson  譯者:   Maria Marta 


「有才德的婦人,誰能得著呢?她的價值遠勝過紅寶石。」(10節)這樣的妻子很難找到。才德(excellent)(hayil)這個詞的意思是「力量、能力、剛勇、尊嚴」。才德婦人是能力很強,品德高尚,並且對上帝和家人強烈委身等所有這些品格的典範。只有上帝能預備這樣有才德的婦人:「房屋與財富是祖宗遺留的產業;唯有明慧的妻子是耶和華所賜的」(箴十九14)。「覓得賢妻的,就是覓得幸福,也是蒙了耶和華的恩寵」(箴十八22)。 這樣有德行的婦人是上帝賜予的無價禮物。













第六,她是一個如此優秀的母親,以致她的孩子觀察到她的才德,「稱她是有福的」(28節)。她的丈夫看到她在養育子女中的品格特質,「稱讚她」,他自豪地稱道: [] 比她們更超卓」(29節)。 在他眼裡,沒有人可以堂而皇之地聲稱與她相等。




上帝賜給你這樣有才德的妻子?你認為她特別適合你?你認為她提高了你對上帝的事奉效力? 為這樣的女人,你的心信任的女人,向上帝感恩。



The Blessing of an Excellent Wife
FROM Steven Lawson

Few influences affect a man’s heart for God more than his wife, for better or for worse. She will either encourage his spiritual devotion to the Lord or she will hinder it. She will either enlarge his passion for God or she will pour cold water on it. What kind of wife encourages her husband’s spiritual growth? Proverbs 31:10–31 provides a profile of the wife who is worthy of her husband’s trust. Such a wife is the embodiment of true wisdom from God, causing the husband to confide in her with complete trust.

“An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels” (v. 10). Such a good wife is hard to find. The word excellent (hayil) can mean “strength, capability, valor, or dignity.” This woman exemplifies each of these qualities, having great competence, noble character, and a strong commitment to God and her family. Only the Lord can provide such an excellent woman: “House and wealth are inherited from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the Lord” (Prov. 19:14). “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord” (18:22). This virtuous woman is a priceless gift from God.

Is it any wonder that “the heart of her husband trusts in her” (v. 11)? The husband has faith in her because “she does him good and not harm all the days of her life” (v. 12). She brings her many strengths into their marriage, each one uniquely suited to complement his weaknesses. Her gifts immediately become his gains, and she provides much that causes him to trust her?

Her Service

First, this extraordinary wife tirelessly serves him. Not sitting by idly, she actively “seeks wool and flax,” then extends a “willing hand” (v. 13) to spin thread and make material. She is “like a merchant ship” (v. 14), launching out to find the best fabric, at the best price, in order to make the best clothes. This selfless wife “rises while it is yet night” (v. 15) to prepare food for her family. An excellent manager, she oversees “her maidens” as they serve alongside her in the household.

Her Success

Second, this enterprising woman exercises sound judgment in her many dealings. She shrewdly “considers a field,” then buys it. There, she plants a “vineyard” (v. 16). By her “strong” (v. 17) resolve, she earns disposable income for her family. These business dealings are “profitable” (v. 18), providing additional resources to share with others. She labors well into the “night” with her “distaff” and “spindle” (v. 19) to make garments for her family.

Her Sacrifice

Third, this diligent woman gives generously to “the poor” and “the needy” (v. 20). As “the snow” approaches, she also gives to her family. She has planned ahead, making “scarlet” garments (v. 21) for her household. She spares no effort or cost in providing the best she can. After providing for others, this industrious wife makes “bed coverings” and clothes “for herself” with “fine linen and purple” (v. 22). Her ability to give expensive garments is clear evidence of God’s favor upon her labors.

Her Savvy

Fourth, her many virtues enhance her husband’s position in “the gates” (v. 23), where city leaders meet. With keen savvy, this excellent wife “makes,” “sells,” and “delivers” (v. 24) her goods. Despite being very competent, she does not compete with her husband’s leadership, but undergirds it by her humble submission—and everyone knows it.

Her Strength

Fifth, this treasured wife looks to the future with inner “strength” and “dignity” (v. 25). Though she anticipates many challenges, she nevertheless “laughs” (v. 25) with positive confidence in the Lord’s providential care. She is expectant that heaven’s supply will meet her family’s every need. As people seek her counsel, she speaks words of “wisdom” and “kindness” (v. 26) to them. Though busy outside the home, she does not neglect “her household” (v. 27).

Her Supremacy

Sixth, she is such a fine mother that as her children observe her excellence, they “call her blessed” (v. 28). Her husband sees her character traits in parenting and “praises her.” He boasts that among women, “[she] surpass[es] them all” (v. 29). In his eyes, there are none who can legitimately claim to be her equal.

Her Spirituality

Seventh, this woman’s true greatness is her spiritual devotion. She “fears the Lord” (v. 30). “Charm” and “beauty” alone are “deceitful” and “vain.” Her real attraction to him is her reverence for God. Even the city leaders “praise her” in the “gates” (v. 31), recognizing the integrity of her life. Her husband prizes her fidelity and industry. He is the most blessed of men.

Is it any wonder that her husband trusts her? The reality of God in her life makes her worthy of his full confidence. By every estimate, she is “the crown of her husband” (12:4). Only God can provide such an excellent helpmate.

Has the Lord given you such an excellent wife? Do you see how she is specifically suited for you? Do you recognize how she has increased your effectiveness for the Lord? Then give thanks to God for such a woman in whom your heart trusts.

This post was originally published in Tabletalk magazine.


摘錄自《新譯本研讀版聖經》p. 2080環球聖經公會(2013

「因信稱義」(justificationby faith)是更正教宗教改革所宣講的核心真理,基督徒生命在這真理中在這真理中開始成長,靈命自始踏上再生的路途、重生的領域。稱義是神的宣告,一方面宣稱人的罪被赦免,免除人在刑罰上的責任;另方面接納及看待人為義人,得到那份屬於遵守律法後的權利。這是基督的義歸算為人的義,因此稱義全是神的恩典,人沒有可誇耀之處。


教會改革運動的先驅肯定這核心真理。日內瓦改革者加爾文一生致力神學綱領的系統整理,在其精煉的《基督教要義》(Institutes of Christian Religion,主要的五個版本出版於1536,1539,1543,15501559年)中,指出因信稱義是基督教的中心樞紐,同時確立了雙重恩典(duplex gratiatwofold grace)的教義,就是借著與基督聯合,得以蒙恩,因著信被聖父稱為義,建立復和的關系(a relation of reconciliation),以致得以蒙恩,被聖靈引領潔凈,堅決的活出成聖的生命(a life of sanctification)。「稱義」與「成聖」遂成為改革神學中既相分又相連的雙重恩典。1





因此,成長之路、聖潔之途是每一個信徒一生要經歷的生命改變;那麽,成聖可以被稱為繼稱義後的第二份福分?斷乎不是,因為成聖可以與稱義同時並行,是一份確切的成聖(definitive sanctification)。保羅在羅馬書第六章毫不含糊的指出,信徒在罪上死了,是決斷的離開,離開罪的轄制領域,是舊人與基督同釘十架,是一次過的決定;罪不再為主,人乃活在恩典之下,與基督同活進入嶄新恩典的覆蓋。正如歌羅西書3章所言:不單脫去舊人的行為,更穿上新人的樣式。過去是在罪上與基督同死,是一次過的選定;今天是恩典下與基督同活,是一生的進程。






1. John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, ed. John T. McNeil, trans. Ford Lewis Battles( Philadelphia: The Westerminster Press, 1960), III. II. I.
2. Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics, ed, G.W.Bromiley, T.F. Torrance, trans.G. W. Bromiley (Edinburgh:T. &T. Clark.1975), IV,2,508.
3. John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, III.3.16
4. John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, III.6.5
5. John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, III.7.1

41. 聖靈的洗禮 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

作者: 史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul) 譯者: 姚錦榮
摘自《神學入門》《Essential Truths of the Christian FaithP109 ,更新傳道會出版http://www.crmnj.org/











1. 聖靈的洗禮是聖靈特別的作為,讓每個信徒均能領受事奉的恩賜。
2. 在使徒行傳中,聖靈澆灌在四個群體的人身上(猶太人、撒瑪利亞人、敬畏神的人和外邦人),以此顯明他們的確屬於新約的教會。
3. 五旬節應驗了舊約的預言,就是聖靈會澆灌在所有信徒的身上,而不單是在少數人身上。


41. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

" Have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit ? " A person in our day who becomes a Christian will sooner or later be asked this question. The question is frequently posed by charismatic Christians who are enthusiastic about their experiences with the Holy Spirit.

A doctrine that was once largely confined to Pentecosstal and Assembly of God churches has now become of central importance to a vast number of believers. The Neo-Pentecostal movement has reached into nearly every Christian denomination. A sense of excitement and spiritual renewal usually accompanies this fresh discovery of the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit in the church.

Neo-Pentecostalism has sought to define a doctrine of the baptism of the Holy Spirit based on people's experiences. The doctrine has been widely controversial.

Usually, but not always, the charismatic Christian considers the baptism of the Holy Spirit as a second work of grace, distinct from and subsequent to regeneration and conversion. It is a work of the Holy Spirit that is available to all Christians but not appropriated by all. Charismatics are divided among themselves on the issue of whether speaking in tongues is a necessary sign or manifestation of the " baptism"

Pentecostals point to the pattern in the book of Acts where believers ( who obviously had the regenerating work of the Spirit prior to Pentecost) were filled by the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues. This biblical pattern, which includes a time gap between conversion and baptism of the Spirit, is then seen as normative for all ages.

Pentecostals are correct in seeing a distinction between regeneration by Holy Spirit and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Regeneration refers to the Holy Spirit giving new life to the believer----------making alive one who was dead in sin. The baptism of the Holy Spirit refers to God empowering His people for ministry.

While the distinction between regeneration and the baptism of the Holy Spirit is legitimate, making a time gap between the two normative for all subsequent ages is invalid. The normal pattern since the time of the apostles had been that Christians receive the empowering of the Holy Spirit along with regenration. It is not necessary for believers to seek a specific second work of Spirit baptism following conversion. Every Christin is Spirit -filled to a greater or lesser degree, depending on the amount of yielding to the Spirit.

Another problem with the Pentecostal doctrine is that it has inadequate view of Pentecost. Pentecost marks a watershed moment in New Testament history. In the Old Testament, only a select few believers were endowed by God with gifts for ministry ( see Numbers 11). That pattern changed at Pentecost. At pentecost all the believers present ( all of whom were Jews) received the baptism. Likewise, in subsequent outpourings, the Samaritan converts ( Acts8), the believers at Cornelius' s household ( Acts10 ), and the Gentile disciples of John living in Ephesus (Acts19) all received the baptism of the spirit.

The first believers did not think that the Samaritans, the God-fearers, and the Gentil disciples of John could be Christians. So the baptism of the Holy Spirit served as confirmation of their membership in the church. Since each of tnese group experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the same way that the Jews had at Pentecost, their inclusion in the church could not be denied. Peter himself experienced this firsthand. When Peter saw the Holy Spirit come on the God-fearing Gentiles at cornelius's house, he concluded that there was nothing to keep them from full membership in the church. Peter said: " Can anyone forbid water, that these should not be baptized who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have? " ( Acts 10:47).

The subsequent of Holy Spirit baptism beyond the day of Pentecost should be understood as an extension of Pentecost by which the whole body of Chrit not every believer spoke in tongues, but every Christian was gifted by Holy Spirit. The prophecy of Joel was thus fulfilled( Acts 2:16-21).


1. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is a distinct work in which the Spirit
endows believers with gifts for ministry.

2. In Acts, the Holy Spirit is poured out on four groups (Jews,
Samaritans, God-fearers, and Gentiles), indicating they all are included
in the New Covenant church.

3. Pentecost fulfills the Old Testament prophecy that the Spirit would be
poured out on all believers and not restricted to a few.

Biblical passages for reflection:
Joel 2:28-29
John 7:37-39
Acts 2:1-11
1 Corinthians 12
1 Corinthians 14:26-33





「所以,當人離棄神的國時,神賞賜人要人盼望永恒救贖的這些屬靈恩賜也同時喪失了 ……直到人藉重生之恩才能重新獲得。在這些恩賜中,有信心、對神的愛、對鄰舍的愛,以及對聖潔和公義的渴慕。」







需要指出的是,《要義》的中文翻譯都不是很好,錯誤很多,我在北美讀神學時已經注意到這一點,最好還是參考好的英文譯本。這一點在這一段中表現的很明顯,上面我所引用的最後一句,翻譯得有點莫名其妙(什麼叫「神並不負責賜給人才能」?)。另外,將 Special Grace 翻譯為「特別的恩待」有可能是為了避免跟現今已經含義固定化的「特殊恩典」區別開來,但加爾文在原文就是說的「特殊恩典」(specialis gratiae)。比如目前公認最好的英文譯本(J. T. McNeill編輯的版本)是如此翻譯這一句的:

For why is one person more excellent than another? Is it not to display in common nature Gods special grace, which, in passing many by, declares itself bound to none? ”(可以簡單翻譯為:那麼,為何某人比別人更加優秀?這難道不是顯示,上帝在人普遍的本性上的特殊恩典嗎?這特殊的恩典,雖然未臨到許多人,難道就沒有一個人領受嗎?)

編者在這裏特別註明:「Neither common grace nor the special grace here mentioned has any relation to the salvation of its possessor. Special grace is a special endowment of capacity, virtue, or heroism by which a man is fitted to serve the divine purpose in this world, while he himself may remain in the common state of human depravity. 」(簡單翻譯為:這裏所提及的普遍恩典和特殊恩典,都不與其擁有者的救贖有任何關系。特殊恩典是指一種特殊的有關能力、美德、或英雄氣概的賞賜,借此一個人被適合於在這個世界上服務於神聖的目的,雖然他自己可能仍然處於人類敗壞的普遍光景中。)



改革宗神学VS极端加尔文主义Reformed Theology Vs. Hyper-Calvinism

作者: Michael Horton    译者:  王一

今天当基督徒学习什么是改革宗神学(即加尔文主义)时,不得不先学习什么不是改革宗神学。因为贬低改革宗神学的人,常常不按照改革宗神学真实的教导来定义什么是改革宗神学,而是按照他们想当然的逻辑推理来定义。更可悲的是,一些极端加尔文主义者也如此来定义加尔文主义。结果,「加尔文主义」被定义成一种非常极端并且不合乎圣经的意思。改革宗神学所受到的指控,其罪魁祸首是极端加尔文主义思想。因此,在国际性的多特大会(Synod of Dort1618-1619)上对这一指控给出权威的回应,随后也在威敏斯特信条(Westminster Confession of Faith)以及两份要理问答中再次确认。






但是基督岂不是只为选民而死吗?多特信经(Canons of Dort)使用了一段中世纪教会的教科书常见的陈述(即「足够全世界,但只在选民身上有效」),信经宣告基督的死「有无限的价值,足以补偿全世界的罪」(第二项,第3条)。因此,我们「应当毫无区分地向万国万民宣扬公布(福音的应许)……向他们传扬福音」。尽管许多人不回应福音的呼召,不相信基督,但是「这并不在于基督在十字架上所献的祭有任何缺失或不足,乃要完全归罪于他们自己」(《多特信经》第二项,第5-6条)。





我们所讨论的这条教义被称为「普遍恩典」(common grace),它有别于「救赎恩典」(saving grace)。有人反对这种用词(有些人甚至反对这个概念),他们坚称恩典没有什么普遍不普遍的:只有一种恩典,即上帝至高主权的、拣选的恩典(sovereign electing grace)。但是,不得不承认,在人类堕落之后,上帝向人类不论什么原因所显出的任何一种良善都理当被视为恩典。再一次,我们又面对两道不应该跨越的护栏:上帝满有恩典的救赎选民,也满有恩典的托住非选民,甚至使他们在这今生兴旺富足。拣选并不是上帝对待这个世界的全部方式,这也是信徒最温馨的安慰之一。



首先,就像钟马田(Martyn Lloyd-Jones)说的,如果我们从未被指控传讲反律法主(antinomianism,恩典是犯罪许可证),很可能我们从未正确的传讲过福音。保罗早就精准地预料到这个问题,「我们可以仍在罪中,叫恩典显多吗?」。因为他从罗马书三章9节开始论证,最后得出的论点是:「罪在哪里显多,恩典就更显多了」(罗五21)。同时,一些改革宗基督徒,特别是从律法主义背景下解脱出来的信徒,好像把保罗的论证卡在五章21节为止,便总结起来,「上帝喜爱赦免,我喜爱犯罪——完美组合!」


多特大会的先辈们非常清楚所面对的指控,改革宗教义被指控为「领导人偏离敬虔与信仰;是由肉体与魔鬼所主使的麻醉剂」,并且必然导致「宗教自由派」(libertinism﹝译注:放荡主义﹞),并且「使人得到肉体上的安全,因为他们被劝导说,没有任何事可以阻挡选民的救恩,让他们任意而行」(结论)。但是,这些先辈们既没有放弃称义带来的安慰,也没有妥协基督复活的生命带来的成圣。虽然完全的成圣在今生是不可能的,但今天所谓的「属肉体的基督徒」状态也是不可能的。一个人只能要么在亚当里死,要么在基督里活。同样,有人想靠自己的办法解决这个奥秘:或者我们可以完全摆脱所有已知的罪,好像约翰卫斯理(John Wesley)教导的;或者我们可自安于一种灵性死亡的状态里,好像反律法主义者教导的。尽管这些说法似乎能满足我们的理性,但是这两条路都忽视了圣经清晰的教导,并剥夺了我们享有这丰富救恩的喜乐。



Reformed Theology Vs. Hyper-Calvinism
by Michael Horton

Before the average believer today learns what Reformed theology (i.e., Calvinism) actually is, he first usually has to learn what it’s not. Often, detractors define Reformed theology not according to what it actually teaches, but according to where they think its logic naturally leads. Even more tragically, some hyper-Calvinists have followed the same course. Either way, “Calvinism” ends up being defined by extreme positions that it does not in fact hold as scriptural. The charges leveled against Reformed theology, of which hyper-Calvinism is actually guilty, received a definitive response at the international Synod of Dort (1618–1619), along with the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms.

Is God the Author of Sin?

The God of Israel “is perfect, for all his ways are justice. A God of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and upright is he” (Deut. 32:4–5). In fact, James seems to have real people in mind when he cautions, “Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am being tempted by God,’ for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one” (James 1:13). Sin and evil have their origin not in God or creation, but in the personal will and action of creatures.

Scripture sets forth two guardrails here: On one hand, God “works all things after the counsel of his own will” (Eph. 1:15); on the other, God does not — in fact, cannot — do evil. We catch a glimpse of these two guardrails at once in several passages, most notably in Genesis 45 and Acts 2. In the former, Joseph recognizes that while the intention of his brothers in selling him into slavery was evil, God meant it for good, so that many people could be saved during this famine (vv. 4–8). We read in the same breath in Acts 2:23 that “lawless men” are blamed for the crucifixion, and yet Jesus was “delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God….” The challenge is to affirm what Scripture teaches without venturing any further. We know from Scripture that both are true, but not how. Perhaps the most succinct statement of this point is found in the Westminster Confession of Faith (chap. 3.1): “God, from all eternity, did, by the most wise and holy counsel of his own will, freely, and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass;” — there’s one guardrail — “yet so, as thereby neither is God the author of sin, nor is violence offered to the will of the creature; nor is the liberty or contingency of second causes taken away, but rather established,” and with that, the second guardrail. The same point is made in the Belgic Confession of Faith (Article 13), adding that whatever God has left to His own secret judgment is not for us to probe any further.

Is the Gospel for Everyone?

Isn’t it a bit of false advertising to say on one hand that God has already determined who will be saved and on the other hand to insist that the good news of the Gospel be sincerely and indiscriminately proclaimed to everyone?

But didn’t Christ die for the elect alone? The Canons of Dort pick up on a phrase that was often found in the medieval textbooks (“sufficient for the world, efficient for the elect only”) when it affirms that Christ’s death “is of infinite worth and value, abundantly sufficient to expiate the sins of the whole world” (Second Head, Article 3). Therefore, we hold out to the world “the promise of the gospel … to all persons … without distinction ….” Although many do not embrace it, this “is not owing to any defect or insufficiency in the sacrifice offered by Christ upon the cross, but is wholly to be imputed to themselves” (Second Head, Articles 5–6).

Here once again we are faced with mystery — and the two guardrails that keep us from careening off the cliff in speculation. God loves the world and calls everyone in the world to Christ outwardly through the Gospel, and yet God loves the elect with a saving purpose and calls them by His Spirit inwardly through the same Gospel (John 6:63–64; 10:3–5, 11, 14–18, 25–30; Acts 13:48; Rom. 8:28–30; 2 Tim. 1:9). Both Arminians and hyper-Calvinists ignore crucial passages of Scripture, resolving the mystery in favor of the either-or: either election or the free offer of the Gospel.

Grace for Everybody?

Does God love everybody, or is His kindness simply a cloak for His wrath — fattening the wicked for the slaughter, as some hyper-Calvinists have argued?

Scripture is full of examples of God’s providential goodness, particularly in the Psalms: “The Lord is good to all, and his mercy is over all that he has made …. You open your hand; you satisfy the desire of every living thing” (Ps. 145:9, 16). Jesus calls upon His followers to pray for their enemies for just this reason: “For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust” (Matt. 5:44). Christians are supposed to imitate this divine attitude.

The doctrine we are talking about has come to be called “common grace,” in distinction from “saving grace.” Some have objected to this term (some even to the concept), insisting that there is nothing common about grace: there is only one kind of grace, which is sovereign, electing grace. However, it must be said that whatever kindness God shows to anyone for any reason after the fall, can only be regarded as gracious. Once again, we face two guardrails that we dare not transgress: God acts graciously to save the elect and also to sustain the non-elect and cause them to flourish in this mortal life. While it is among the sweetest consolations for believers, election is not the whole story of God’s dealing with this world.

When we, as Christians, affirm common grace, we take this world seriously in all of its sinfulness as well as in all of its goodness as created and sustained by God. We see Christ as the mediator of saving grace to the elect but also of God’s general blessings to a world that is under the curse. Thus, unbelievers can even enrich the lives of believers. John Calvin pleads against the fanaticism that would forbid all secular influence on Christians, concluding that when we disparage the truth, goodness, and beauty found among unbelievers, we are heaping contempt on the Holy Spirit Himself who bestows such gifts of His common grace (Institutes of the Christian Religion, 2.2.15).

Is Calvinism a License to Sin?

The first thing we need to say, with Martyn Lloyd-Jones, is that if we are never accused of preaching antinomianism (that is, grace-as-license), we probably have not preached the Gospel correctly. After all, Paul anticipates the question, “Shall we then sin that grace may abound?” precisely because his own argument from 3:9 to this point has pressed it: “Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more” (5:21). At the same time, some Reformed Christians, especially those liberated from legalistic backgrounds, seem to end Paul’s argument at Romans 5:21, concluding, in effect, “God likes to forgive, I like to sin — the perfect relationship!”

The difference between being accused of antinomianism (literally, anti-law-ism) and being guilty as charged is whether we are willing to follow Paul on into chapter 6. There the apostle answers this charge by an announcement of what God has done! At first, this would seem to favor antinomians, since they place all of the emphasis on what God has done and reject, or at least downplay, the importance of imperatives. Yet in fact, what Paul announces is that God has accomplished not only our justification in Christ, but our baptism into Christ. His argument is basically this: being united to Christ necessarily brings justification and regeneration, which issues in sanctification. He does not say that Christians should not, or must not, live in sin as the principle of their existence, but that they cannot — it is an impossibility. That they do continue to sin is evident enough, especially in chapter 7, but now they struggle against it.

The fathers at Dort recognized the charge that the Reformed doctrine “ leads off the minds of men from all piety and religion; that it is an opiate administered by the flesh and the devil,” and leads inevitably to “libertinism” and “renders men carnally secure, since they are persuaded by it that nothing can hinder the salvation of the elect, let them live as they please” (Conclusion). Yet they would neither surrender the comfort of justification by Christ’s righteousness imputed nor of sanctification by Christ’s resurrection life imparted. Perfection of sanctification in this life is impossible, but just as impossible is a condition known today as the “carnal Christian.” One is either dead in Adam or alive in Christ. Again, some wish to resolve this mystery: either we can be free from all known sin, as John Wesley taught, or we can be in a state of spiritual death, as antinomianism teaches. However satisfying to our reason, such an easy resolution in either direction ignores the clear teaching of Scripture and robs us of the joy of such a full salvation.

So the two guardrails on this point emerge from the fog of legalism and antinomianism: justification and sanctification are not to be confused, but they are also not to be separated.

In addition to these other charges, Reformed theology is often regarded as “rationalistic” — that is, a system built on logic rather than on Scripture. However, I hope we have begun to see that the real rationalists are the extremists on either side of these debates. The wisdom of the Reformed confessions is that they refuse to speculate beyond Scripture and insist on proclaiming the whole counsel of God, not simply the passages that seem to reinforce one-sided emphases. It is not a question of where the logic should lead us but where the Scriptures do lead us. It might be easier to resolve the mystery in simple, either-or solutions, but such a course would certainly not be safer. So let us too strive to read all of the Scriptures together, keeping a sharp lookout for those guardrails!