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伯克富《系統神學》導論| 林慈信牧師講授

感谢天父你自己的同在,也给我们你自己的话:圣经,还有历代诗人的圣诗,来激励我们,从你的话里面去爱慕你,愿意多多的体验你的同在,宣讲主你自己的信息。使我们对你自己大发热心,对你的话也同时按照正意来分解。帮助我们在这两方面取得一个平衡,有一个完整的信仰,完整的敬虔。奉耶稣基督的圣名求。阿们。 c. Miracles ( Systemic Theology, p. 135) 视频中没有这段祷告

现在我们来到第 33 页,神迹。各种宗教都相信,神明在有需要的时候会介入世界。魔术是普遍的现象。人透过神秘的方法:咒语等,来控制神明的能力。所以中文、华文把这个 magic 这个字翻为“魔术”是正确的。真正的魔术,真的是有邪灵的功效,就是说不是骗小孩子的那种魔术,真正的灵光的魔术的确是交鬼的其中一种方法。所以,假如传道人、牧师变魔术是真的话,这真的是走火入魔。魔术嘛,说明是魔术。他们会使用一些异教的、会使用一些人灵魂里难明白的能力,来行所谓的神迹,这个邪灵会这样做的。今天我们可以在各种异教中看见各样的邪术,包括催眠,也就是神学院的教牧辅导学教导的那些冥想,福音派神学院教导的教牧辅导里面的冥想,就是催眠,而且催眠也是神禁止我们做的“神迹”。


好,我们来看一些经文,申 432-35,请姊妹先念一节,然后弟兄34,然后姐妹35.来,姐妹: 432 你且考察在你以前的世代,自神造人在世以来,从天这边到天那边,曾有何民听见神在火中说话的声音,像你听见还能存活呢, 433 这样的大事何曾有,何曾听见呢,434 神何曾从别的国中将一国的人民领出来,用试验,神迹,奇事,争战,大能的手,和伸出来的膀臂,并大可畏的事,像耶和华你们的神在埃及,在你们眼前为你们所行的一切事呢, 435 这是显给你看,要使你知道,惟有耶和华他是神,除他以外,再无别神。(P287 神行神迹,是为了要祂在约里面,就是祂立约的对象(,为了祂的约民)知道祂是唯独祂是神,除祂以外再无别神。所以,神行神迹呢,绝对不是作秀、绝对不是表演、也绝对不是浪费,也不是人像点菜、点唱这样可以点的。不是的,神行奇事是要以色列知道,唯有耶和华他是神,除祂以外,再无别神的。诗 1068,请听我读: 1068 然而,祂因自己的名拯救他们,为要彰显祂的大能。 所以神行神迹是有目的的,为要彰显他的大能。约 211,请听我读: 211 这是耶稣所行的头一件神迹,是在加利利的迦拿行的,显出祂的荣耀来。祂的门徒就信他了。“显出祂的荣耀来”,都有目的的,不是随意的、不是以人的需要为中心的,是以神的计划为中心的。

536,请听我读: 536 但我有比约翰更大的见证。因为父交给我:要我成就的事,就是我所作的事,这便见证我是父所差来的。主耶稣所行的神迹、所作的,是见证祂是父所差遣的。主耶稣的神迹是要彰显神的大能、荣耀,还有见证祂自己。约 1037-38 1037 我若不行我父的事,你们就不必信我。1038 我若行了,你们纵然不信我,也当信这些事。叫你们又知道,又明白,父在我里面,我也在父里面。所以信不信都好,是为了人知道、明白父在子里面,子在父里面。简单的说,主耶稣基督是神、是三位一体的第二位,所以行神迹都有主耶稣跟三一真神的目标的。

410,彼得说: 410 你们众人,和以色列百姓,都当知道,站在你们面前的这人得痊愈,是因你们所钉十字架,神叫祂从死里复活的,拿撒勒人耶稣基督的名。 411 祂是你们匠人所弃的石头,已经成了房角的头块石头。 因为耶稣基督的名,in his name,也就是说,神迹就是这位从死里复活的耶稣基督,彰显祂的大能、彰显祂的荣耀;就是这位死里复活升天的耶稣基督,要成就祂目前在地上的、目前在地上的计划。神迹,特别在使徒时代,是在那个时候耶稣基督要成全祂的计划,就是让教会奠定根基,所以都有神的旨意的。

33页最后一行,这个我讲过一次了。)话语的启示与事件的启示,就是神的话跟神的神迹,在圣经中是相辅相成的,彼此解释。神所做的解释祂所说的,神所说的解释祂所做的。(34页,)我们要从这个角度来研究、理解圣经中神迹的。 神迹有不同的名称。(一)指神迹是不寻常的,令人惊讶的。(二)是指神迹是上帝特殊的能力作成的。(三)是指上帝特别临在的记号,象征一些属灵真理。是令人惊讶的,是神所做(P288 的,是神特别在我们中间特别的记号,为了要教导我们一些祂的救赎的真理。而神迹的根据乃是上帝创造了万物,并掌管、保存万物;这些本身就是神迹。


这个跟不信圣经的人所想的相反。对不对?用理性主义读圣经就是说,神创造了万物嘛,那为什么有可能违反了科学的规律?太阳停了 24 小时等等、死人复活等等呢?不是的,刚好倒过来,神就是因为神创造万物、掌管万物,所以会有神迹。而创造万物、掌管万物(,用神学说,创造和护理)本身就是神迹。刚才我们读那段说神迹不同的名称呢,我们没有读希伯来字,就是神迹、奇事,signs and wonders(记号跟奇事)。假如我们读诗篇,特别是诗篇104篇等等,你会看到连上帝赐给我们雨水、五谷 生长,都是 signs andwonders,都是奇事----奇妙的事。所以,旧约里面用signsand wonders,“神迹、奇事”,这个字是用得很广的,连自然界神给我们的雨水等等都称为神迹奇事的。




有一位改革宗的神学家说,有可能(,这个是蛮可能的),亚当还没有犯罪之前,亚当、夏娃被造的时候,是能行神迹的。那什么意思呢?他的意思就是说,上帝创造了灵界、创造了人类跟自然界,所以亚当、夏娃没有犯罪,人类没有堕落之前,神与人的关系、人与神的关系、神与自然界的关系、人与自然界的关系、人与灵界的关系,都是完全和谐的。那既然人与宇宙和自然界的关系是完全和谐的,所以,亚当给动物定名字,圣经说那就是它的名字,所以亚当是最伟大的动物学家。所以假如说亚当、夏娃跟灵界的关系也是完全和谐的,那行神迹并不奇怪。那堕落了,就没有了,因为人跟神、跟自然界、跟灵界的关系都破裂了,需要耶稣基督来救赎。在神的救赎计划中,和祂一般的掌管计划中,祂每天在行神迹。你去医院那里,医生总要承认每几个月、一年/一次两次,就有某某呢,他的癌症突然间好了。每天神在宇宙中行神迹的,不是靠我们的祷告医好的。这些事情是在发生中的,这个是在祂整个掌管宇宙里面的(P289)一部分。不过,重要的是我们不是来点上帝、来吩咐祂来什么时候来医治谁的病,这些事情在发生, 我们是活在一个充满诧异、奥秘、奇妙的世界中的。最奇妙就是每个罪人重生得救。



有时候神迹证实先知的话,指着上帝要设立的新秩序——新秩序就是祂的国度。圣经中神迹的高峰当然就是耶稣基督道成肉身,这是最伟大的神迹。耶稣基督祂自己绝对是最伟大的神迹。藉着祂,被创造的宇宙恢复了原本的荣美,因为基督的大工的结果最后就是万物的复兴,这个词在马太福音有的、在徒 321 也有。所以,神在整本新旧约圣经,神的救赎的工作的最后的目标----万物的复兴,同时就是神创造宇宙本来的那个创造大功的最后的目标。

我再说一次。神的救赎计划的最后的目标,就完全是与神创造的目标一样的----万物的复兴,万物的复兴。就是新天新地。希伯来书第 34 章称那叫“神的安息”,马太福音称那叫“万物的复兴”。

好,第三段,特殊启示的内容。下面我没有把详细的内容,打成中文、翻译成中文,我来翻译这一段好啦。特殊启示的内容。很明显的,认识神就是特殊启示的内容,就是对神的认识,the knowledge of God,认识神就是特殊启示的内容。所以,按照启示的本质来说,所有神的启示都是神的自我启示。所有神的启示都是神的自我启示,神在自然界中启示、神在历史中启示。但是研究自然界,研究历史,不一定是等于神学。因为很多人研究自然界,就是自然界;研究历史,就是以历史来研究。没有看到神在这件事情中启示的那个“暗指”(implication),那个涵义。研究自然界(就是从事科学),研究历史(,无论是历史还是哲学还是音乐、文学的历史),研究自然界、历史,假如是真的看到自然界和历史与神的关系的话,就是说从永恒的角度来看的话,那么,自然界跟历史都有启示的本质,都帮助我们在某一个程度上认识神。

那你说,神在人类历史的旨意是什么?范泰尔是这样说的,他只用一个字: differentiation,分辨。他说,就是人类堕落以后,神在整个人类的历史在作的工作。就是分辨,就是把山羊跟绵羊分别、分别、分别。选一个挪亚,闪、含、雅弗,分、分、分,亚伯兰,再分、分、分,以撒、雅各,这样子到耶稣基督。然后在耶稣基督里面所有亚伯拉罕真的后裔。上帝在人类历史中所作的工作,就是分辨祂的选民出来,使祂的名得到荣耀。

不单单所有的启示是神的自我启示,不但如此,神就是启示的内容。特殊启示跟普遍启示有什么分别呢?两者都是启示神的。普遍启示跟特殊启示都是启示神,其实,普遍启示、特殊启示呢,也都是超自然的,连普遍启示都是超自然的。每一朵花、每一片树叶都在喊叫“耶和华造我的”。我们听不见,因为这个世界的神把我们的眼睛弄瞎了,都是超自然的、都是神在启示。但是,特殊启示是启示神的救赎恩典、特别的恩典,所以特殊启示的结果,就是我们基督教所谓宗教,就是我们的信仰、我们的敬虔,就是我们救赎的福音跟我们在主里面的生活。特殊启示就是启示救赎的计划。是的,自然启示或者普遍启示让我们看到神的伟大(罗120 ),祂的权能、 祂的永能、祂的智慧。特殊启示呢,越来越清楚地启示神的三位一体、神三位一体整个的救赎计划。祂启示一位圣洁、公义的神,同时是怜悯、满有恩典的神。

 下面有三点: a. 特殊启示是历史性的启示。 P290 b. 特殊启示是话语的启示。 c. 特殊启示是救赎性的启示。特殊启示是历史性的,从旧约到新约。特殊启示特别是有话语的也有事实,也有事件。第三,都是为了救赎的计划,而救赎计划的高峰就是耶稣基督道成肉身,祂的死、复活跟升天。历史性、话语跟作为,最后就是救赎性。


为什么我们今天看到的神迹如此稀少?Why Do We See So Few Miracles Today?

作者: John Piper  译者: Duncan Liang

It seems we see signs, wonders, and miracles all over our Bibles. But for many of us, we see an absence of signs, wonders, and miracles in our lives and in the world around us. So where did the wonders go? It’s a question from a college student who writes in to us.

“Pastor John, thank you for the wonderful podcast. I listen regularly. I’m a freshman at the University of Pennsylvania. My parents are missionaries in the Republic of Georgia. I have spent some time on the mission field with them as well. Living on a very secular campus is obviously a night and day difference from the mission field, especially as I talk to my classmates about faith, life, and Christianity in general. One question that my friends often ask me is this one: ‘Why doesn’t God work overt miracles today in twenty-first century America like he did in both the Old and New Testaments? Doesn’t it seem convenient that God only worked miracles in the Bible?’ How would you answer this objection to the faith?”

My answer to this is fairly simple. It’s this: there were fewer miracles in the Bible than you probably think, and there are more miracles today than you probably know, and there is a good biblical reason for why there would be a certain kind of prevalence of miracles in the Bible that is different from today.

Let me say a word about each of those three observations.

Old Miracles

Think about the Old Testament. Here’s a typical statement: the psalmist says in Psalm 77:11, “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old.” When you read the Old Testament, you realize most of the saints in most of those centuries would have talked like that: “The wonders of old. Oh, remember the wonders of old.”

“There were fewer miracles in the Bible than you probably think, and more miracles today than you probably know.” Tweet Share on

It’s simply a great mistake to think that there are miracles running all through the history of God’s people as the Bible records it. They were not running all through the history of God’s people. They sprung up around certain periods of time like the exodus and like the ministries of Elijah and Elisha.

Most of the time, the saints of the Old Testament were living by faith in the promises of God for the future, rooted in the past wonders of God that he had worked. This is the way we live our lives today — by faith in the promises of God, for a kingdom that’s yet to be consummated, by looking back to the decisive work of Jesus Christ in the Bible.

New Miracles

When it comes to the New Testament, it is gloriously true that Jesus did miracles perfectly and consistently, though even he raised only three people from the dead and didn’t heal people in many places where he traveled or where he didn’t travel.

The miracles of Jesus were clearly not to show that the kingdom had been consummated. They showed that the kingdom had broken into the world, pointing to a future day when everybody would be raised from the dead and those who believe in Christ will not be sick anymore, because that’s the way Jesus is, and he’s showing some of that now.

Not only that, but Jesus himself explains his own miracles as pointing to his divinity. In other words, something about these miracles attached to him and you wouldn’t expect them to attach to other people in the same way.

For example, he said in John 10:37, “If I am not doing the works of my Father, then do not believe me.” In other words, “These works are good evidence that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me. I’m unique. I am the Son of God. This is true.”

Even though he gave his disciples authority to do miracles also, they knew that there was something utterly unique about this man and the way he did miracles. The authority and power uniquely resided in him as the very Son of God.

Few and Far Between

When you turn to the book of Acts and the rest of the New Testament, it’s obvious that the apostles did some astonishing miracles, but it’s also true that they suffered much and their colleagues got sick. Paul carried a doctor around with him. They got thrown into prison. They got killed.

Even though there were gifts of miracles and gifts of healing and gifts of exorcism that are spoken of in 1 Corinthians 12, it would be a huge stretch to think that the Christians with those gifts in the first century were performing miracles the way Jesus did. Already, in the first century, outside the life of Jesus, things had changed.

My first observation is that we shouldn’t think of the Bible times, either Old or New Testament, as times in which saints of God consistently did miracles. That would be a distortion of the biblical record. They were few and far between in the Old Testament. They were uniquely concentrated in Jesus and his apostles in a very special, Christ-exalting way. They are shared in part through spiritual gifts with all the saints.

Countless Miracles

The second observation I would make is that there are probably more miracles happening today than we realize.

If we could collect all the authentic stories all over the world — from all the missionaries and all the saints in the all the countries of the world, all the cultures of the world — if we could collect all the millions of encounters between Christians and demons and Christians and sickness and all the so-called coincidences of the world, we would be stunned. We would think we were living in a world of miracles, which we are.

Basis of Our Faith

The third observation I would make, and this is probably what I would say to the unbeliever who is challenging me, is that the heart of Christianity is not that the kingdom has fully come and all sin and evil is being overcome now in this age.

 “We live today by faith in the promises of God by looking back to the decisive work of Jesus Christ.” Tweet Share on Facebook
The heart of Christianity is that Christ Jesus, the Son of God, came into the world at a point in history in the past to reveal what God is like and to accomplish salvation for all who believe in him by dying and rising again. Miracles cluster around that appearance in history in Jesus and in the life of the apostles to vindicate his claim and their writings.

Christianity is basically a life lived by looking back with confidence in the work of Christ and looking forward in hope, because of that past, to a consummation that’s coming. It is to be willing to suffer and love people now and call them to that faith.

We live in a period of time precisely where suffering is normal. Nevertheless, God does now and then, and sometimes regularly in periods of revival, use his power to perform, according to his sovereign will, miracles for his people. Why he doesn’t do it more now than he does is partly (perhaps) owing to our lack of expectancy and faith, but is ultimately owing to his sovereign decree.

When we call people to repent and believe, we’re not calling them to do this on the basis of a miracle they saw yesterday, even if it happened. We are calling them on the basis of the glory of Jesus Christ revealed in his death and resurrection through Scripture. That’s the basis. Even if miracles were happening more today, that’s where the foundation of faith would need to lie.


作者: 史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul)    譯者/校對者: Maria Marta/誠之

「所以我們當越發鄭重所聽見的道理恐怕我們隨流失去。那藉著天使所傳的話既是確定的,凡干犯悖逆的,都受了該受的報應;我們若忽略這麼大的救恩,怎能逃罪呢?這救恩起先是主親自講的,後來是聽見的人給我們證實了。神又按自己的旨意,用神蹟奇事,和百般的異能,並聖靈的恩賜,同他們作見證。」(來 2:1-4

經常有人問我:「RC, 你相信今天還會有神蹟發生嗎?」如果你要我給你一個簡單的回答,答案就是:不會。今天你可以走進一位牧師的辦公室,然後看到一個牌子,上面寫著「請期待神蹟」。如果你在期待神蹟----如果神蹟是可預期的,那麼神蹟就不再神奇了。如果神蹟是稀鬆平常的,那麼它們就不帶有真正的份量。神蹟之所以「重要」(sign-ificance),乃是因為它們是非比尋常的,如此它們才具有「記號」(sign)的威力。(譯按:聖經所有的神蹟都是「記號」,指向某件事或某個人。)

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if miracles are expectable—there's nothing miraculous about them.


當然如果人們問我你相信神蹟嗎他們是在問一個問題而我回答的卻是另一個問題。如果他們對我說,「你相信上帝仍然在超自然地作工嗎?」我當然相信。「你相信上帝垂聽人的禱告嗎?」我當然相信。「你相信上帝回應人的禱告,醫治疾病嗎?」我當然相信!所有神蹟都是超自然的,但不是所有超自然的作為都是神蹟。神學家在對事物進行區分的事情上,是非常嚴謹的,當我說不相信今天仍然有神蹟時,我所指的神蹟是那種狹窄意義上的,經過嚴謹定義的神蹟。神蹟的嚴謹定義是: 1) 一件發生在外部感知世界的奇事;2) 它會違反自然律;3) 是直接靠上帝直大能所完成的;4) 只有上帝才能作成的。例如,透過話語的吩咐使已經被切斷的肢體復原、在水上行走、將水變成酒。


在這種嚴謹的定義下,甚至連新約中的一些神蹟奇事也不能算是神蹟。所以,我們為什麼要這麼費勁界定出這個嚴謹的定義呢?理由是:如果每個人都能施行神蹟,如果一個人可以施行神蹟,但他卻不是「上帝啟示的代理人」(an agent of divine revelation),那麼很顯然地,這件神蹟就不能證明或印證他是啟示的代理人。我再說一次,若一個「非上帝啟示的代理人」(non- agent of divine revelation)能夠施行神蹟,那麼神蹟就不能證明他是真實可信的啟示代理人(a bona fide agent of revelation)。這也意味著,新約的宣稱,說它具有上帝自己的權威,因為上帝用神蹟奇事來證實基督和使徒們,就是一種虛假的宣稱和虛假的說法了。


今天, 上帝仍然活著,祂仍然在作工,仍然以驚人的方式應允人的祈禱。我曾經見到許多禱告得到奇妙的回應;我也見過人們從所謂的絕症中得醫治,但是我從未見過死人從墳墓復活,或者斷肢重新長出來, 或者佈道家在水上行走,或者水變成酒。但無論如何,主耶穌所行的神蹟既是廣義上的神蹟,又是狹義上的神蹟。新約聖經的神蹟對我們來說是如此重要,因為它們是上帝對主耶穌和使徒所作的見證,我們唯獨順服在它的權柄之下。

Does R.C. Sproul Believe in Miracles?
FROM R.C. Sproul

“Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it… It was declared at first by the Lord, and it was attested to us by those who heard, while God also bore witness by signs and wonders and various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will.” — Hebrews 2:1-4

I get this question all the time, “R.C., do you believe that miracles happen today?” If you want me to give the simple answer, the answer is no. Today, you can go into a pastor’s office and see a sign that says, “Expect a Miracle.” But if you expect a miracle—if miracles are expectable—there’s nothing miraculous about them. If they’re ordinary then they carry no certifiable weight. It’s by their extraordinary character that they have sign power: sign-ificance.

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Now of course when people ask me, do I believe in miracles, they’re asking one question and I’m answering a different one. If they’re saying to me, “Do you believe that God is still working in the world supernaturally?” Of course I do. “Do you believe that God answers prayers?” Of course I do. “Do you believe that God heals people in response to prayer?” Of course I do. All miracles are supernatural, but not all supernatural acts are miracles. Theologians get real tight in their making of distinctions, and when I say I don’t believe in miracles today, I don’t believe in the tight kind of miracle in the very narrow sense where a miracle is defined as a work that occurs in the external perceivable world; an extraordinary work in the external perceivable world against the laws of nature, by the immediate power of God; a work that only God can do, such as bringing life out of death, such as, restoring a limb that has been cut off—by command—such as, walking on the water, such as, turning water into wine.

Why This Is Important

Even some of the marvelous signs in the New Testament wouldn’t qualify as a miracle in this tight definition. So why do we labor so hard for this tight definition? For this reason: if anybody can perform miracles, if a person who’s not an agent of divine revelation can perform a miracle, then obviously a miracle cannot certify an agent of revelation. Let me say it again. If a non-agent of revelation can perform a miracle, then a miracle cannot authenticate or certify a bona fide agent of revelation. Which would mean that the New Testament’s claim to be carrying the authority of God Himself, because God has certified Christ and the Apostles by miracles, would be a false claim and a false argument.

So what’s at stake here is the authority, the authenticity, and the truthfulness of the Bible itself. That’s why I have this tight definition, and why I don’t expect miracles, because I don’t expect to find Apostles running around today. So the narrow miracles, they stopped at the end of the Apostolic age.

God’s Still Alive and Working

Now God’s still alive, He’s still working; He’s still answering prayers in an amazing way. I’ve seen marvelous answers to prayers, I’ve seen people healed of so called terminal illnesses, I just have never seen anybody raised out of the cemetery, or an arm that is severed grow back, or a preacher walk on the water, or water turned into wine. But in any case, the Lord Jesus did these miracles not only in the broad sense, but also in the narrow sense. It’s the miracles of the New Testament that are so important to us, because they are God’s attestation of Jesus’ and of the Apostles, before whose authority we submit.

¿Cree RC Sproul en Milagros?
Por RC Sproul

 “Por tanto, debemos prestar mucha mayor atención a lo que hemos oído, no sea que nos desviemos. Porque si la palabra hablada por medio de ángeles resultó ser inmutable, y toda transgresión y desobediencia recibió una justa retribución, ¿cómo escaparemos nosotros si descuidamos una salvación tan grande? La cual, después que fue anunciada primeramente por medio del Señor, nos fue confirmada por los que oyeron, testificando Dios juntamente con ellos, tanto por señales como por prodigios, y por diversos milagros y por dones del Espíritu Santo según su propia voluntad. –Hebreos 2:1-4

Me hacen esta pregunta todo el tiempo ", RC, ¿cree usted que los milagros suceden hoy en día?" Si me quieres de la respuesta más simple, la respuesta es no. Hoy en día, usted puede ir a la oficina de un pastor y ver un letrero que dice, “esperar un milagro.” Pero si esperas un milagro —si los milagros se han de esperar— no hay nada milagroso en ellos. Si son normales, entonces no tienen ningún peso certificable. Es por su carácter extraordinario, que tienen poder de señal: trascendencia.

[ twitter Si los milagros se han de esperar, no hay nada milagroso en ellos. RC Sproul ]

Una Definición Estrecha de un Milagro

Ahora, por supuesto, cuando la gente me pregunta si no creo en los milagros, están haciendo una pregunta y yo estoy respondiendo con una diferente. “¿Cree usted que Dios todavía está trabajando en el mundo sobrenatural?” Por supuesto que sí. “¿Cree usted que Dios responde las oraciones?” Por supuesto que sí. “¿Cree usted que Dios sana a la gente en respuesta a la oración?” Por supuesto que sí. Todos los milagros son sobrenaturales, pero no todos los actos sobrenaturales son milagros. Los teólogos ser vuelven realistas en la toma de distinciones, y cuando digo que no creo en los milagros hoy en día, no creo en el tipo estricto de milagro en el sentido muy estricto, donde se define un milagro como una obra que se presenta en el mundo exterior perceptible; una obra extraordinaria en el mundo perceptible externo en contra de las leyes de la naturaleza, por el poder inmediato de Dios. Una obra que sólo Dios puede hacer, como traer vida de la muerte, como por ejemplo, la restauración de un miembro que ha sido cortado por mandamiento como por ejemplo, caminar sobre el agua, como por ejemplo, convertir el agua en vino.

¿Por qué esto es importante?

Incluso algunos de las señales maravillosas en el Nuevo Testamento no califican como un milagro en esta definición apretada.¿Por qué hacemos el trabajo tan duro para esta definición apretada? Por esta razón: si alguien puede hacer milagros, si una persona que no es un agente de revelación divina puede hacer un milagro, entonces, evidentemente, un milagro no puede certificar un agente de revelación. Déjeme decirlo de nuevo. Si un no agente de revelación puede llevar a cabo un milagro, entonces un milagro no puede autenticar o certificar de buena fe a un agente de revelación. Lo que significaría que la afirmación del Nuevo Testamento de llevar la autoridad de Dios mismo, porque Dios ha certificado a Cristo y los Apóstoles por medio de milagros, sería una afirmación falsa y un falso argumento.

Entonces, lo qué está en juego aquí es la autoridad, la autenticidad y la veracidad de la Biblia misma. Es por eso que tengo esta definición estrecha, y por qué no espero milagros, debido a que no espero encontrar Apóstoles llevándolos a cabo hoy en día. Así que los milagros estrechas, se detuvieron en la final de la era apostólica.

Sin embargo Dios Aun Vive y Obra

Ahora bien, Dios todavía está vivo, Él todavía está trabajando, Él todavía está respondiendo a las oraciones de una manera asombrosa. He visto respuestas maravillosas a las oraciones, nunca he visto personas sanadas de enfermedades llamadas terminales, simplemente nunca he visto resucitar de un cementerio, o un brazo que se corta y vuelve a crecer, o un predicador caminar en el agua, o agua convertida en vino. Pero en cualquier caso, el Señor Jesús hizo estos milagros no sólo en el sentido amplio, sino también en el sentido estricto. Son los milagros del Nuevo Testamento los que son tan importantes para nosotros, porque son testimonio de Dios de Jesús y de los Apóstoles, ante cuya autoridad nos sometemos.