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顯示具有 聖經神學 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


摘自:魏司堅《聖經神學》,第一章 導論——聖經神學的性質和方法
G. Vos, Introduction: The Nature and Method of Biblical Theology in Biblical Theology pp. 3-18(中譯:《聖經神學(舊約卷一):摩西時代的啟示》,天道,pp. 7-23),閱讀摘要(注:包含自己的解讀), 誠之摘
I. 前言



II. 聖經神學的定義:研究聖經所記載的,神自我啟示的過程(也研究神啟示的行動)。神的啟示行動有下列特性:

救贖行動有兩個層面:客觀的、基要的;以及主觀的,個別的。前者(Historia Salutis)如道成肉身,代贖和復活,是不可重複的;後者(Ordo Salutis)如重生、稱義、歸信、成聖、得榮耀,是主觀的,會在不同的人身上重複發生。
基督再來時,客觀基要的救贖會再次恢復,並加增我們對現有真理的認識。聖經神學是啟示在歷史中的實際體現(actual embodiment)。啟示過程不僅伴隨著歷史,而且也進入到歷史當中。歷史因此具有啟示性,如基督十架和復活。行動啟示和話語啟示必須並列來看。但啟示本身不是主要目的,引導人歸向神才是目的。此外,行動啟示無法自我解釋,必須有話語啟示來闡明。通常的順序是:神的話預告救贖行動;然後有救贖性的啟示的歷史行動(事實),然後跟隨著最後的解釋。
2. 聖經神學是啟示在歷史中的實際體現(actual embodiment)。啟示過程不僅伴隨著歷史,而且也進入到歷史當中。歷史因此具有啟示性,如基督十架和復活。行動啟示和話語啟示必須並列來看。但啟示本身不是主要目的,引導人歸向神才是目的。此外,行動啟示無法自我解釋,必須有話語啟示來闡明。通常的順序是:神的話預告救贖行動;然後有救贖性的啟示的歷史行動(事實),然後跟隨著最後的解釋。
3. 啟示的歷史過程是有機的(organic):救贖的過程是高度有機的,正如從一粒種子發育成大樹。它不是以統一的步調進行的,而是階段性的(epochal)。這雖然會展現其多樣性,但前後是一致的(同一個本質,在不同階段的開展)。
4. 啟示決定了聖經神學的研究,在於其實際的應用(practical adaptability):啟示的主要目的不是為了頭腦的知識(希臘式的思維),而是為了讓人「認識」神。閃族文化對認識的定義是:在人的意識中反映出事物的實體,就是讓事物的實體與生命的內在經驗融合在一起。因此,「認識」就與聖經中的「愛」、「專一的愛」同義。因為神願意按這個方式「被人認識」,祂就進入人的歷史啟示祂自己。神啟示的範圍不在某一個學派中,而是在「約」當中。神的啟示是要滿足祂的百姓實際的宗教需求。(我們也當如此來「認識」神——按祂啟示的目的。)
這名詞本來是指研究系統神學時所搜集的一些經文證據,後來成了一種神學研究方法。最早是從J. P. Gablaer的一篇論文開始的。他正確地發現聖經神學當從歷史入手。但他受唯理主義(Rationalism)的影響,不尊重歷史與傳統,只崇拜理性,如此,就把信仰建立在外在權威之上了。
聖經神學在這種環境中誕生,帶來幾種不好的影響:a) 排除了神用話語啟示的可能,使一切事物成為相對,沒有給神的絕對性留下空間。b) 用宗教進化的觀點來看待聖經的啟示。而這種進化哲學屬於實證主義(positivism)的範疇,認為除了現象之外,人一無可知。人只能認識事物的表層,但無法認識事物內在的客觀實體(所謂的「物自身」,例如神、靈魂、不朽等等——這些就被排除在「神學」之外了)。人研究的不再是什麼是真,只是討論人在信些什麼。結果,就把「神學」變成一種宗教現象的討論。

IV. 聖經神學的指導原則
2. 承認啟示的客觀性。
即承認從神而來的交通是外來的(ab extra)。把這種看法輕蔑地視為是「機械式默寫」(dictation),是不公平的。其實,就神與人之間來看,默寫也不是什麼丟臉的事。何況領受啟示的人,也經常這樣說。
3. 聖經神學非常關心默示的問題
V. 對「聖經神學」這個名稱的反對意見:
因此,更適當的名稱,應該是:特殊啟示的歷史(History of Special Revelation)。(救贖啟示史)
VI. 聖經神學與其它類別神學的關係
2. 與聖經導論的關係
3. 與系統神學的關係
VII. 聖經神學的方法
除了這個分期的原則(periodicity principle)外,在每個時期中,真理元素的分類與關聯(grouping and correlation),也是需要注意的。我們不能主觀地加以研究。我們不能把我們對真理的教義性建構(這是根據啟示的成品而來的),移植到啟示最初的領受者的想法中,而必須努力進入他們對未來的展望,並明白他們領受的真理元素的各個面向。歷史的進展,和對於真理之同心圓式的分類,存在著一個交匯點。不少歷史的進展是因為真理的某個元素而引發的。這些真理起先只站在不為人注意的邊緣,後來卻漸漸處於中心的地位。關鍵的問題是:我們如何公平地對待啟示的媒介(agents of revelation;按:指聖經不同的書卷)之個別的特點。這些不同的特性都有利於歷史的計劃。有人建議將聖經每卷書分開討論。但這會造成不必要的重複,因為有許多共通點。較可取的方法是:對於早期的啟示,可以整體來處理,因為早期的啟示比較統一,沒有太多的分歧。但後期的啟示,就可以個別加以研究,因為這時的啟示有較大的差異。

VIII. 研究聖經神學的實際用途
2. 它幫助我們反駁唯理主義所提出的批判
3. 聖經神學指出真理啟示的歷史背景,使我們對真理有更活潑和新鮮的認識
4. 聖經神學能抗衡時下反教義的趨勢
5. 榮耀神
聖經神學最大的實際作用,並不是對從事聖經神學研究的人有幫助。正如其它神學類別一樣,聖經神學最終的目的是要榮耀神。它叫我們有一個新的看法,看見神在歷史上怎樣臨到人類,祂與人類相交時,怎樣顯出祂本性中特殊的一個面向。阿奎拿(Thomas Aquinas)說的一句話正可以說明這點:(神學)是神的教導,教導關於神的事,領我們認識神(a Deo docetur, Deum docet, ad Deum ducit)。


The Temple of Eden

作者:Tony Reinke 譯 岑躍環/誠之 校。譯自:http://tonyreinke.com/2015/11/05/the-temple-of-eden/
在格雷格·畢爾(Greg Beale)的《聖殿與教會的使命:關於神之居所的聖經神學》(暫譯;The Temple and the Churchs Mission: A Biblical Theology of the Dwelling Place of God)一書中,作者認為伊甸園是第一座原型聖殿(archetypal temple)。他提出了在伊甸園與後來的會幕或聖殿結構之間,在概念和用詞上的14個相似之處。
In his book The Temple and the Church’s Mission: A Biblical Theology of the Dwelling Place of God, Greg Beale argues that the Garden of Eden was the first archetypal temple. He provides 14 conceptual and linguistic parallels between Eden and future tabernacle/temple structures.
Here are my brief summaries of his major points.
1. The Garden as the unique place of God’s presence. Eden was the place where God walked back and forth with man, paralleled this with later references to the Tabernacle (Gen. 3:8 with Lev. 26:12, Deut. 23:14; 2 Sam. 7:6–7).
二、伊甸園是首位祭司居住的地方。亞當被安置在伊甸園,耕種並看守(cultivate and keep it,創二15[新譯本])。單獨來看,「耕種」(cultivation)具有明顯的農業意義。但這個命令(「耕種與看守」[cultivate/keep]也可以翻譯為「服事與守衛」[serve/guard])在舊約其他地方也曾出現,用來形容祭司的工作(參:民三7-8,八25-26,十八5-6;代上廿三32;結四十四14)。因此,「在創二15,亞當的職責不只是在伊甸園土地上從事簡單的農活。在後來以色列聖殿中祭祀的職責,明顯地包括防止(guarding)不潔之物進入的責任(參:民三6-73238;十八1-7)。這職責似乎與亞當有關,特别是考慮到那埋伏在園子的周圍、後來進入園子的不潔之物時」(p. 69)。
2. The Garden as the place of the first priest. Adam was placed in the garden to “cultivate and keep it” (Gen. 2:15). Taken alone, “cultivation” has obvious agricultural meaning. But this pair of terms (“cultivate/keep” also translated “serve/guard”) is used elsewhere in the OT to describe the work of the priest (Num. 3:7–8; 8:25–26; 18:5–6; 1 Chr. 23:32; Ezek. 44:14). Thus “the task of Adam in Genesis 2:15 included more than mere spadework in the dirt of a garden. It is apparently that priestly obligations in Israel’s later temple included the duty of ‘guarding’ unclean things from entering (cf. Num. 3:6–7, 32, 38; 18:1–7), and this appears to be relevant for Adam, especially in view of the unclean creature lurking on the perimeter of the Garden and who then enters” (69).
3. The Garden as the place of the first guarding cherubim. After sin was introduced into the garden, Adam and Eve are barred from the tree of life by cherubim. This reveals that Adam’s work included more than gardening — he was to protect the garden from evil and uncleanness (Gen. 3:24 with Ex. 25:18–22; 1 Kgs. 6:29-35, 8:6–7; Ezek. 28:14–16, 41:18).
4. The Garden as the place of the first arboreal lampstand. Likely, the Tree of Life provides the model for the lampstand placed directly outside the holy of holies (Ex. 25:31–36).
5. The Garden as formative for garden imagery in Israel’s temple. Temple references in the OT possess botanical, garden-like features (1 Kgs. 6:18, 29, 32; 7:20–26, 42, 47; Zech. 1:8–11; Ps. 74:3–7; 52:8; 92:13–15; Lam. 2:6; Isa. 60:13, 21).
六、伊甸園是第一個水源地。同樣,末時的聖殿(the eschatological temple),其特徵也是水的來源(對比:創二10與結四十七1-12;啓廿一1-2)。
6. The Garden as the first source of water. Like Eden, the eschatological temples feature a source of water (Gen. 2:10 with Ezek. 47:1–12; Rev. 21:1–2).
7. The Garden as the place of precious stones. Note the correlation between precious stones in Eden and the building materials of the later tabernacle and temple (Gen. 2:12 with 1 Kgs. 6:20–22, Ex. 25:7, 11–39; 28:6–27; 1 Chr. 29:2).
8. The Garden as the place of the first mountain. Eden was situated upon a mountain (Ezek. 28:14, 16) just like Mount Zion (Ex. 15:17) and the eschatological temple (Ezek. 40:2; 43:12; Rev. 21:10).
9. The Garden as the first place of wisdom. “The ark in the holy of holies, which contained the Law (that led to wisdom) echoes the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (that also led to wisdom). Both the touching of the ark and the partaking of the tree’s fruit resulted in death” (73–74).
10. The Garden as the first place with an eastern facing entrance. Like the future tabernacle and temples, Eden was entered from the east (Gen. 3:24 with Ezek. 40:6).
十一、伊甸園是含有三個部分的聖潔建築物(a tripartite sacred structure)的一部分。創世記二章10節記載「有一條河從伊甸流出來,灌溉那園子 」。這節經文清楚地將伊甸從園子中分別了出來。在這裏,畢爾證明了伊甸園、並與之毗連的花園,「形成了兩個不同的區域」(p. 74)。他在這裡看到聖潔的三個程度,與聖殿的整體結構相似,包括了:1、園子以外的地方(外院);2、園子代表一個神聖的地方(聖所);3、伊甸園,上帝居住的地方(至聖所)。
11. The Garden as part of a tripartite sacred structure. Genesis 2:10 reveals that “a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden.” This reference formally distinguishes Eden from the garden. From this Beale builds the case that Eden and its adjoining garden “formed two distinct regions” (74). He sees here tripartite degrees of holiness, similar to the temple complex, comprised of (a) the region outside the garden (the outer court); (b) the garden representing a sacred place (the holy place); and (c) Eden, where God dwells (the holy of holies).
十二、以西結把伊甸園視為第一座聖殿。在以西結書廿八章13-18節,先知描繪了許多伊甸園與以色列的會幕或聖殿之間的相似之處。具體來說,先知提到伊甸園像一座聖殿,描繪亞當穿戴得如同祭司一樣(13節)。「因此,以西結書廿八章18節很可能是正典聖經中,將伊甸園稱為聖殿最明顯的一個地方」(p. 75-76)。
12. Ezekiel’s view of the Garden of Eden as the first sanctuary. In Ezekiel 28:13–18 the prophet draws a number of parallels between Eden and Israel’s tabernacle/temple. Specifically, the prophet references Eden as a sanctuary and pictures Adam dressed as a priest (v. 13). And “Ezekiel 28:18 is probably, therefore, the most explicit place anywhere in canonical literature where the Garden of Eden is called a temple” (75–76).
十三、古代近東對於廟宇的觀念與花園式的特點相近。「在古代近東,花園通常是廟宇建築的一部分」(p. 76)。
13. The Ancient Near Eastern concept of temples in association with garden-like features. “Gardens not untypically were part of temple complexes in the Ancient Near East” (76).
十四、早期猶太教認為伊甸園是第一座所聖殿。畢爾從猶太非正典文獻中找出證據,進一步證明,「猶太教也以各種不同的方式,將伊甸園理解為第一座所聖殿,符合上述的舊約證據。」p. 27
14. Early Judaism’s view of the garden as the first sanctuary. Beale provides evidence from the non-canonical Jewish literature to further prove that “Judaism in various ways also understood the Garden to be the first sanctuary in line with the above Old Testament evidence” (27).
結論:「前述創世記第二章中的伊甸園與以色列的帳幕和聖殿相似之處的累積效應,表明伊甸園是第一座原型聖殿,以色列所有的聖殿都是按照這座聖殿建造的。」p. 79-80
Conclusion: “The cumulative effect of the preceding parallels between the Garden of Genesis 2 and Israel’s tabernacle and temple indicates that Eden was the first archetypal temple, upon which all of Israel’s temples were based” (79–80).
Read more on these conceptual and linguistic parallels on pages 66–80 of Beale’s The Temple and the Church’s Mission: A Biblical Theology of the Dwelling Place of God.

另參:詞條 「 聖殿 」 一文。

按:改革宗出版社已於2016年出版本書的精簡版,God Dwells Among Us: Expanding Eden to the Ends of the Earth。麥種傳道會也即將出版本書的中文版(暫譯:《聖殿與教會的使命》)。


What is Typology?
預表論 typology
Jean Daniélou: The Realities of the Old Testament are Figures of Those of the New
作者:Jean Danielou 誠之編譯自:
摘自〈從舊約宣講基督〉Preaching Christ from the OT
作者:Sinclair Ferguson 譯者/校對者:Maria Marta/誠之
Doubling Up on Typology
作者:Barry York誠之譯自:
What’s the difference between typology and allegory?
作者:David Murrhy  誠之譯自:
Typology Versus Allegory

 Seeing Christ in Old Testament Types
作者:Daniel Ragusa譯者:駱鴻銘
The Hermeneutic Implications of Old Testament Typology
誠之譯自:Dennis E. Johnson著,Him We Proclaim: Preaching Christ from All the Scripture, pp. 230-23
The Use and Abuse of Typology in Messianic Prophecy
作者:Eric Chabot  誠之譯自:




The “Bookends” of Biblical Theology

誠之摘自《聖經研修本》(ESV Study Bible 中譯本),第2128


Biblical Theology According to the Apostles

作者:Chris Bruno   譯者:誠之

我從《舊約》如何使用《新約》的研究中受益匪淺。我選修了有關這個主題的課程,並在一些不同的場合寫過文章。然而,我在這個主題上所做的大部分研究都特別集中在特定的《新約》經文如何使用一段或多段的《舊約》經文。許多書籍或文章都遵循類似的模式。然而,追蹤一段《舊約》經文和一段《新約》經文之間的關聯,與看《新約》經文在哪些地方講述了更廣泛的《舊約》故事,特別是以色列的故事,是有區別的。而從更寬廣的角度看整個以色列的故事,其實可以更深入地理解《新約》作者的聖經神學。在我們最近的書中,賈瑞德·康普頓(Jared Compton)、凱文·麥克法登(Kevin McFadden)和我正試圖這樣做。(譯按:NSBT系列,《使徒們的聖經神學》)
Ihave benefited greatly from the study of the use of the OT in the NT. I took courses on this subject and have written on it in a few different settings. However, most of the study I’ve done on this topic has been particularly focused on the use of a specific OT text or texts in a specific NT passage. Many books or articles follow similar patterns. There is, however, a difference between tracking the connection between one OT passage and one NT passage and looking at places where the NT tells the wider scope of the story of the OT and particularly the story of Israel. And seeing the wider lens of the whole story of Israel could in fact provide more depth of understanding the biblical theology of the NT writers. In our recent book, Jared Compton, Kevin McFadden, and I are attempting to do just that.
The Wider Scope of the Story

幾年前,我的朋友,也是現在伯利恒學院和神學院的同事賈瑞德·康普頓向凱文·麥克法登和我指出了《新約》作者講述以色列故事的地方。其他人也寫了非常有用的文章,考慮到這一類著作(以色列故事摘要[summaries of Israels story]或簡稱SIS)及其在《舊約》和其他早期猶太著作中的類似摘要的地位。然而,很少有人分析每一個摘要,或考慮它們如何充作《新約》作者的聖經神學的例子。
Several years back, my friend and now colleague at Bethlehem College & Seminary, Jared Compton, pointed out to Kevin McFadden and me the places where the authors of the NT tell the story of Israel. Others have written very helpful articles considering this compositional category (summaries of Israel’s story or SIS) and its place in light of similar summaries in both the OT and other early Jewish writings. However, few have analyzed each summary or consider how they function as examples of the biblical theology of the NT authors.
This led to many long conversations and an even longer process of working through the summaries together. After some back and forth, we agreed to focus on seven places in the NT: The genealogy in the Gospel of Matthew (Matt 1:1–17), the parable of the wicked tenants (as told in Matt 21:33–44), Stephen’s speech (Acts 7), Paul’s sermon in Pisidian Antioch (Acts 13:16–41), Paul’s account of Israel’s story in Gal 3–4 and Rom 9–11, and finally the “hall of faith” in Heb 11.
This project has a special significance for all three of us co-authors because we actually grew up together through elementary and high school. All of us went on to do advanced study in NT and biblical theology and are now teaching at higher educational institutions (Jared and I now at Bethlehem College & Seminary in Minneapolis, Kevin at Cairn University near Philadelphia). In the final stages of working on the book, we met up in Kenosha, Wisconsin for a few days of marathon sessions of hammering out our final differences. Because we have such a long history together, we felt like we could really go after each other to improve the book. We all have unique strengths and weaknesses, but we hope that the book highlights the former more than the latter!
Standing in Plain Sight

Our goal in the book is to consider the foundations that the use of the OT in the NT is built on. Or, as we say in the book, to consider the submerged part of the iceberg that is the NT’s understanding of the OT. Referring to the studies of particular uses of the OT I mentioned above, we wrote:
If we use the metaphor of an iceberg, many of these studies have been deep-sea explorations attempting to shine a spotlight on things that are submersed in dark and frigid places, such as Paul’s Pharisaic training (midrash) or the philosophical echo chamber in which ancient texts find new resonations (intertextuality). We have all benefited from these studies but our project takes a more direct approach. Our goal is to explore those parts of the iceberg that are standing in plain sight under the light of the sun. Sometimes the most difficult thing to observe carefully is the thing that you see all the time, such as the famous ‘hall of faith’ in Hebrews 11. And yet Hebrews 11 is not only one of most important examples of the use of the OT in the NT, but is also an inspired example of how to put the story of the Bible together (p. 2).
Each chapter focuses on the context, the content, and the contributions of these summaries of Israel’s story. As we trace each story, we observe the plot structure of each story and the particular contributions of each to the biblical theology of the NT. In the last chapter, we pull together our insights from the individual SIS and consider how we might let them shape our own readings of Israel’s stories. The retellings of Israel’s story in the NT should influence the way we read the OT and give us a clear sense of the overall scope of the plot, characters, and methods of the NT authors as they read the NT. In other words, since we have inspired examples of how to read the OT, the NT must influence the way we read the OT.
Ultimately, our readings of the SIS in the NT should shape not only our hermeneutics but also our lives. We conclude the chapter and the book as follows:
《新約》中的以色列故事應該重新定位 我們在閱讀《舊約》和重述這個故事時的優先順序。這些總結指教我們關於與基督故事的高潮、這個故事在教會中的延續,以及這個故事在新創造中的結束。雖然使徒們強調以色列故事的某些方面很適合他們的背景和論證情況,但《新約》中所有關於以色列的故事都是對以色列故事的忠實重述。雖然我們不能說《新約》的作者總是明確地用以色列的故事來構思,但這些故事所揭示的假設,總是與他們對經文的其他用法有關,因此應該整體地影響我們對《新約》如何使用《舊約》的理解。
The SIS in the NT ought to reorient our priorities when reading the OT and retelling this story. These summaries instruct us about the climax of the story with Christ, the continuation of the story in the church and the conclusion of the story in the new creation. Although the apostles emphasized certain aspects of the story of Israel that fit their context and argumentative situations well, all of the stories of Israel in the NT are faithful retellings of the story of Israel. While we cannot say that the writers of the NT were always operating with the story of Israel explicitly in view, the assumptions that these stories reveal are invariably connected to their other uses of Scripture and should therefore influence our overall understanding of the use of the OT in the NT.
這些重述不僅應該影響我們對《舊約》引文的注釋,而且對於那些尋求根據聖經忠實生活的人來說,理解以色列的故事和我們在這個正在進行的故事中的地位是至關重要的。正如紐畢真(Lesslie Newbigin)提醒我們的那樣:
Not only should these retellings influence our exegesis of the citations of the OT, but also for those who are seeking to live faithfully according to the Scriptures, understanding the story of Israel and our place in this ongoing story is of utmost importance. As Lesslie Newbigin reminds us:
Authentic Christian thought and action begin not by attending to the aspirations of people, not by answering the questions they are asking in their terms, not by offering solutions to the problems as the world sees them. It must begin and continue by attending to what God has done in the story of Israel and supremely in the story of Jesus Christ. It must continue by indwelling that story so that it is our story, the way we understand the real story. And then, and this is the vital point, to attend with open hearts and minds to the real needs of people.
Let us go and do likewise.
 Chris Bruno is an associate professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology at Bethlehem College & Seminary. He has served at Northland International University, Cedarville University, and Trinity Christian School in Kailua, HI. He has written and co-written five books, including Biblical Theology according to the Apostles: How the Earliest Christians Told the Story of the Old Testament (IVP, 2018), as well as written articles and reviews for several publications and websites, including The Journal for the Evangelical Theological Society, Tyndale Bulletin, Westminster Theological Journal, Vetus Testamentum, Themelios, The Bulletin for Ecclesial Theology, Reformation 21, and The Gospel Coalition and has presented papers at the Tyndale Fellowship Triennial Meeting, the ETS Annual meeting, the SBL Annual meeting, and the CPT Fellowship.


从圣经神学看公义A Biblical Theology of Justice

作者Zach Keele   译者/校对Julia Liu/骆鸿铭

Like it or not, our present lives cannot escape what is trending. Whether it is a kitten on a piano or a drone strike in Iraq, our smartphones bombard us with trends. Many of these last as long as a snowflake on a warm windshield, tickling us briefly only to melt away. One of these trends, however, has thrived into its teenage years: justice. Not only does the topic of justice top the Twitter lists every week, but justice has grown to embrace issues from plastic straws to the Arab Spring. Everyone cares about justice, and every aspect of life must be just.

然而,当我们阅读博客和收听播客时,不禁要问(从彼拉多的问题中衍生出来):”什么是公义?” 人们对大众所普遍喜爱的众说纷纭。为了便于讨论,右派把左派说的 “公正”称为 “不公正”,反之亦然——我们国家内部的分歧在教会中也是根深蒂固的。在自称忠于圣经的福音派基督徒中,对于什么是公义似乎没有共识。因此最好问一问圣经中关于公义的说法。圣经如何定义公义?正是为了此目的,我们将勾勒出关于公义的圣经神学(biblical theology of justice);如我们所见,这不是一个简单的任务。
Yet, as we consume the blogs and podcasts, one cannot help but ask (to spin off of Pilate’s question), “What is justice?” What is universally loved is widely debated. For ease of discussion, what the Left calls “just,” the Right calls “unjust” and vice versa—and the divisions within our country are also well entrenched in the church. Among evangelical Christians, who profess loyalty to Scripture, little agreement over what justice is seems to exist. It is good, therefore, to ask what the Bible says about justice. How does Scripture define justice? More precisely for our purposes, we will outline a biblical theology of justice; and as we will see, it’s not an easy task.

如同许多圣经主题一样,从结局来开始讨论是大有裨益的:定睛在天国的荣耀上,标示主是如何把我们带入祂永恒的福乐之中的。事实上,在《启示录》最后几页里,有关公义的几个特性真的深深吸引着我们。首先,只有在 “最后的日子”(final day)和“来世”(age to come)才会迎来最终和完美的公义。主以祂的智慧,略过了这个时代难以计数的不公和恶行,但祂的耐心会在永恒之日结束。这公义包括了地狱的永火和为基督的子民报仇伸冤。根据圣经,所有在这个时代寻求和执行的公义都是不完美的、补救性的。例如,对谋杀唯一公正的补偿就是复活,基督再来时,我们期待的就是这种复活。
As it is with many biblical themes, it is helpful to begin with the end: to gaze on the glory of heaven and mark how the Lord brings us into his never-ending bliss. Indeed, several features grab us from the closing pages of Revelation with respect to justice. First, final and perfect justice is ushered in only by the “final day” and the “age to come.” In his wisdom, the Lord overlooks a plethora of injustices and wickedness in this age, but his patience ends on the day of eternity. This justice includes the perpetual fires of hell and the avenging of all wrongs for Christ’s people. According to Scripture, all justice sought and performed in this age is imperfect and remedial. For example, the only just restitution for murder is resurrection, which we anticipate when Christ returns.

Second, the performance of this ultimate justice can be executed only by the all-wise and glorified Christ. The wisdom of the Lamb alone can perform final justice. The saints may share in this with Christ, but the justice is all Christ’s.

Third, one aspect of this final justice has already taken place in history in the atonement of Christ. The cross is where Christ satisfied justice for his own, so that believers are saved from the justice they deserve. This is the gospel gem of justice in Scripture, when sinners are delivered from justice and mercy triumphs over justice for us in Christ. In this, the gospel is set over against and contrasted with justice. By justice, we are all condemned; but in Christ, we are justified by grace alone.

Yet, as we trace the trajectory of justice from Genesis to Revelation, three preliminary caution signs need to be posted. The first is that within our biblical discussions about justice, we tend to fall into the chronic error of anachronisms. Without factual evidence, our surmises about biblical characters or ideas are at best guesses, but more often are merely arrogant self-impositions. These self-imposed anachronisms pervasively affect the issues of fairness, rights, and the ideal, which are all part of justice. With patient work, we must humbly chasten ourselves to distinguish between what Scripture actually means and what we as moderns assume it to mean.

第二个需要警惕的是我们在关于公义的写作中往往会选择性地引用经文佐证(selective proof-texting)。也就是说,我们挑选喜欢的圣经经文,而忽略那些不符合我们观点的经文。许多正义论更多是作者的观点或主张,而不是圣经。要处理这个难题,两种恩典是必要的。首先,身为罪人,我们的自我定位不断引导我们走向这个错误,以至无人能够幸免。第二,圣经是一部极为多样化的文献。因此,想要协调圣经中关于公义的所有数据,是一项极其艰巨的工作——最后的荣耀还未来到的时候,这几乎是不可能的。这就是我们为什么要有适当的目标,用合乎圣经的神学方法来处理公义这个问题的原因。
The second caution lies in the selective proof-texting that is another trend in our current writings on justice. That is, we pick the Bible verses we like, and we ignore the passages that do not fit nicely into our viewpoint. Many theories of justice resemble more their author’s opinion or agenda than the Bible. Two mercies must handle this problem. One, as sinners, our self-orientation constantly steers us toward this error, and none of us are immune. Two, the Bible is a wildly diverse document; therefore, trying to harmonize all the data of Scripture on justice is an extremely difficult endeavor—if not impossible on this side of glory. This is why our approach to justice is biblically theological, with quite modest goals.

第三个处理公义与圣经问题的危险是我们在当代的期望。我们常常希望圣经完全按照我们的喜好来回答我们迫切的问题。同样地,我们目前关于公义的讨论也充斥着异常兴奋的论战。在激烈的辩论中,我们要求圣经完全认可我们的立场,并明确谴责我们对手的立场。我们目前的讨论揭露出我们对简化的新闻插播和话题的偏爱。然而更多的时候,圣经的数据并不轻易支持这种分歧的任何一方,而圣经关于公义的内容毫无疑问是非常复杂的。智慧短少,公义难寻,而公义对人来正是最难以捉摸的美德。正如《箴言》的训诫给我们留下的深刻印象,想要拥有智慧就不得不先承认 “我不知道”。因此,我们来一起承认,我们并不真正了解什么是公义。
The third danger in dealing with the issues of justice and Scripture is our modern expectations. We often want Scripture to answer our pressing problems completely and in the manner of our preferences. Similarly, our current discussions on justice are juiced up with polemical steroids. In the heat of debate, we demand Scripture to fully endorse our positions and explicitly condemn our opponents’ positions. Our present discussions reveal a penchant for simplistic sound bites and talking points. Yet more often than not, the data of Scripture do not easily support either side of the partisan divide, and the Bible is unapologetically complex about justice. Without wisdom, there is no justice, and wisdom is a most elusive virtue for humans. As the discipline of Proverbs so well impresses upon us, there is no learning without first saying, “I do not know.” So, we begin our brief time together admitting that we do not really know what justice is.

With these three dangers spotlighted, we are now better equipped to study honestly what the sacred pages of God’s word say about justice. We can humbly hold at bay our personal agendas and expectations; and we can be more aware of how different our modern presuppositions are from the ancient world of the Bible, so that we do not impose anachronistic standards on Holy Writ.

Justice and Law

While it may sound overly simplistic, the first defining ingredient in justice is the law. When we question what is just, it is the law that defines this in Scripture. On second glance, this only creates more problems for us today. What about unjust laws? We can all point to modern legislation that would not pass the justice smell test. Moreover, laws are in flux from country to country, from past to present; even within the Bible specific laws change.

圣经清楚表明,公义是由上帝的律法所定义的,而这律法的核心是上帝不变的道德律,概括起来就是两条爱的诫命:爱神和爱你的邻舍(《西敏小要理问答》41-42;可1229-31;罗139)。爱的律法构成了公义的稳定基础。然而在一个堕落的世界里,爱的律法只涵盖了公义的一部分——即所谓的 “基本正义”(primary justice)。你应友好地对待你的邻舍,主动地给予他们应得的尊重。基本正义既包括主动的 “行善”和也包括 “不伤害”。然而道德金律(Golden Rule),即爱你的邻居,只是公义的其中一面。
Scripture is clear that justice is defined by God’s law and that the core of this law is the Lord’s unchanging moral law, which is summarily comprehended in the two laws of love: Love God and love your neighbor (WSC 41–42; Mark 12:29–31; Rom. 13:9). The love-laws form the stable foundation of justice. Yet, in a fallen world, the love-laws cover only part of justice—what is called “primary justice.” This is the positive treatment of your neighbors in which you proactively render to them the respect they are due. It covers both the active “performing good” and “doing no harm.” The Golden Rule (loving your neighbor), however, is only one side of the justice coin.

公义的另一面是矫正性正义rectifying justice),即对违法行为的补救措施。与矫正正义密切相关的是报应性正义retributive justice):对不法行为或犯罪行为施加惩罚。在圣经中矫正性正义和报应性正义浓缩在同态复仇法lex talionis——以眼还眼以命还命21:23-25。同态复仇法规定了公义就是对违法者要求补救和进行惩罚,且罪罚必须对等。有趣的是,同态复仇法(lex talionis)这词组合了字面上和隐喻的含义。对于谋杀罪,死刑是字面上的应用。然而在摩西的治理下,人身伤害通常不会用相等的伤害来补偿,而是采用经济赔偿的方式(出21:18-19)。此外,同态复仇法的景象构成了旧约历史中上帝所施行的诗意的公义(poetic justice)的背景(见译注)。结论是,将同态复仇法应用于特定的犯罪行为往往不是件容易的事,古时的应用往往会错误地触动我们当代的感性。事实上,我们对摩西律法和士师如何执行同态复仇法还摸不着头绪。
The other side is rectifying justice, which is the imposition of remedies for the violations of justice. Closely related to rectifying justice is retributive justice: the infliction of punishment for a wrongful or criminal act. In Scripture, rectifying and retributive justice are condensed in the lex talionis—eye for an eye, life for a life (Exod. 21:23–25). The lex talionis stipulates that justice requires remedies and punishments on lawbreakers and that these penalties should be proportional. Yet, the lex talionis is an interesting mix of the literal and the metaphorical. For murder, capital punishment was a literal application. Bodily injuries, however, were not generally repaid with matching injuries under Moses; instead, financial restitution could be employed (Exod. 21:18–19). Furthermore, the lex talionis imagery forms the background for much of God’s poetic justice administered in the history of the Old Testament. The takeaway is that applying the lex talionis to any particular crime is not always easily done, and ancient applications tend to rub our modern sensibilities the wrong way. In fact, we are at a loss in places to figure out precisely how Mosaic legislation and judges carried out the lex talionis.

Nevertheless, in terms of law, the Golden Rule and the lex talionis are part of the DNA of justice in Scripture. This two-sided coin, however, does not exhaust the concept of justice. Human rights and the ideal of a righteous society (peace) are key elements in the broader scope of biblical justice.

The law as the basis for justice must be taken deeper. The moral law is comprehended in the two laws of love. Our current debates about justice often act as if there is only one—love your neighbor. This is understandable as the conversation focuses on a Christian’s role in a pluralistic society. Yet in Scripture, the crowning justice is love for God. What is the most heinous felony perpetrated in history? It is humanity’s idolatrous bigotry against the one holy and infinite Triune God. Sure, the two love-laws cannot be separated, but Scripture gives the priority to God. Modern arguments against hell transgress at this very point. They will say God cannot be just if he inflicts an everlasting punishment. But it is precisely for justice that the punishment must be eternal, for it was against the Everlasting One—lex talionis.

The final preliminary point about justice as defined by the law is that the moral love-laws do not make a functional judicial system for any government or society. Love needs more laws to define what it means to love; hence, the Decalogue specifies what proper love looks like: not stealing, not committing adultery, and so on. And yet, more information is necessary for a just society. Strictly speaking, the form of the Decalogue is not judicially functional for the court, because no sanctions are attached for disobedience. The whole Mosaic legislation applies the Decalogue for a just society in Israel. But how do we love our neighbor? As we examine the various laws of Scripture, we see diversity reflected in them. The laws change across the history of the Bible; and at many points, the laws of Scripture are difficult to understand and far from exhaustive. Moving from the laws of Scripture to a modern system of justice, however, is a sticky endeavor.

Justice and Righteousness

The biblical theology of justice—its place and definition—is observed in the Lord’s redemptive story from Eden to Zion. We will map justice using two factors. First, covenant theology is the natural way God has structured Scripture and his plan. In fact, as covenant is the constitution of God’s unfolding kingdom, so covenant is the jurisdictional context within which to understand justice. The Lord administers his justice through covenant.

第二圣经中的惯用语 公义与公平”,勾勒了伟大的救赎计划中公义的主题。这个惯用语实际上回荡在整个古代近东地区。整个美索不达米亚的人们普遍认为为了这片土地及其国民的理想福祉神灵拣选国王来秉公行义。同样在以色列,公义与公平也意味着崇高的、神圣的理想。耶和华喜爱仁义公平(诗335),祂的宝座也是以同样的方式建立的(诗994)。这个理想包括了以色列所有的社会公义,包括解救受压迫者和惩罚恶人(注1),这种公义和公正的最终结果是和平。当然,耶和华通过中保管理祂的国度;通过效法上帝,被呼召的圣约的中保去秉公行义。
Second, the biblical idiom “justice and righteousness” charts the motif of justice within the great plan of salvation. This idiom actually echoed across the ancient Near East. Throughout Mesopotamia, it was generally held that the deity elected the king to administer justice and righteousness for the ideal well-being of the land and its citizens. Similarly in Israel, justice and righteousness imply the sublime, divine ideal. The Lord loves justice and righteousness (Ps. 33:5), and his throne is established with the same (Ps. 99:4). This ideal embraced all of social justice in Israel, including deliverance to the oppressed and the punishment of the wicked.1 The ultimate fruit of this righteousness and justice is peace. Of course, the Lord administered his kingdom through mediators; so by imaging God, the mediators of the covenant were called to do righteousness and justice.

亚当和夏娃 起初
Adam and Eve: In the Beginning

“It was very good.” This was God’s judgment on his fashioning the first couple after his image, which consisted in true righteousness, holiness, and knowledge (Eph. 4:24; Col. 3:10). Psalm 8 further describes Adam and Eve as adorned with royal glory and majesty (Ps. 8:6). Queen Eve and King Adam were God’s vice-regents to execute justice and righteousness, but what did this justice look like? What laws did their righteousness perform? Several essential principles are enshrined in the original covenant of creation.

First, the value and equality of humans stands tall. All humans, male and female, are equally made in God’s image. Justice prohibits an inferior gender. Likewise, as all humanity hails from Eve and Adam, there are no inferior or master races. Justice outlaws the foul smells of racism. Moreover, by God’s creation, he granted the human right to life. Yet, it is helpful to apply this to both genders. By modern standards, such equality demands sameness in function and order. The Lord, though, does not work out the equality in this manner, as Adam is the federal head of the covenant (Rom. 5:12; 1 Cor. 15:22) and Eve was fashioned as Adam’s helpmeet (Gen. 2:18). The current idea that equality must remove any hierarchical order does not fit with what God did. On the other side, Eve is an equal party in the ruling and subduing in Genesis 1:28, which excludes the passage from being a proof-text for Victorian gender roles. Indeed, besides a basic headship and helpmeet, Genesis imparts very little detail on what a Christian marriage should look like.

Second, Genesis establishes the marriage relationship and purity. In their fruitfulness, man and woman are to cling together to become one, which is the creational foundation for the prohibition of adultery. Yet, in terms of a more full-orbed system of justice, nothing here explicitly addresses remarriage, divorce, or consanguinity. We need more laws to clarify.

Finally, Adam and Eve were called to rule and subdue. The question is, what should this ruling and subduing look like? Surely, the holy couple knew, but the inspired text does not explain it for us—and this is the danger. Our tendency is to color such ruling with our own opinions. Thus you can find libertarian free-market and socialist environmental positions claiming Genesis 1:28 as their own proof-text. Is one correct? Or are they both modern impositions on an ancient text?

Although more details about justice can be assessed from the covenant of creation, these are a sufficient starting point. As God’s vassals, Adam and Eve were to perform justice and righteousness. Yet this justice consists of a few skeletal laws and principles. Our duty to do justice needs more meat. So let’s see what flesh Scripture adds to these bones.

Noah: The Righteous Rainbow

下一个约是挪亚之约或 “普遍恩典 “之约(创820~917)。由于罪遍满了全地,现在发挥主导作用的是公义的矫正面。洪水本身就是上帝对人类的背道和堕落的报应性公义,尤其针对血腥暴力和一夫多妻制度(创4:23-246:1-4)。因此同态复仇法与挪亚之约(创9:6)相比,占据了更高地位,同态复仇法的使用在多个层面上值得我们注意。
The next covenant is the Noahic or the “common grace” covenant (Gen. 8:20–9:17). With sin now covering the globe, the rectifying side of justice gets a leading role. The flood itself was God’s retributive justice for human apostasy and depravity, expressed particularly in bloody violence and polygamy (Gen. 4:23–24; 6:1–4). Therefore, the lex talionis gets pride of place with the Noahic covenant (Gen. 9:6), and the use of the lex talionis grabs our attention on several levels.

首先,同态复仇法通过一个动机从句(motive clause)连接这个画面:”凡流人血的,他的血也必被人所流,因为上帝造人是照自己的形像造的。”(创9:6)。最好将动机从句(”因为……”)应用于前面的整个律法。形像包含价值,当生命权被剥夺时,死刑应当被执行;上帝的形像赋予人执行死刑的司法权力。这种比例正义(proportional justice )肯定了人的生命权,也肯定了人执行矫正性正义的权力。
To begin with, the lex talionis is linked to the image by a motive clause: “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image” (Gen. 9:6). It is best to apply the motive clause (“for . . . ”) to the whole preceding law. The image contains value, and its right to life (when taken) requires capital punishment; the image imparts to man judicial authority to administer execution. This proportional justice affirms the human right to life and the authority for humans to carry out rectifying justice.

尽管这种法律和原则很有帮助,但也相当有限。对于不同程度的谋杀,并没有任何提示。那意外杀人或过失杀人呢?这正是摩西在《民数记》第三十五章提出的规范,但挪亚之约这里没有明确提及。其次,这条律法只涵盖谋杀,没有给出触及财产、伪证或税收的立法。虽然从《创世记》1-2章延续了婚姻的生养众多的观念,但从创9:1开始,就没有管理和治理的命令了。最后,挪亚之约公开地赐给背道者性命(创821),这在伊甸园和天堂都是不能容忍的。“普遍恩典”突出了上帝的恩典,让罪人、未信者和信徒都有生命的权利。理所当然地,我们在此约中找到了宗教多元主义的基础(WCF 23:3)。然而,就发展公义的理论而言,在履行这里的原则时必须小心谨慎,实事求是,以免我们在圣经文本的方寸之地构筑人类观点的高楼大厦。
Nonetheless, as helpful as this law and principle are, they are quite limited. There is no hint about different degrees of murder. What about accidental killings or manslaughter? It is this very specification that is set forth under Moses in Numbers 35, but nothing is explicitly mentioned here. Next, this law covers only murder; no legislation is given that touches on property, perjury, or taxes. While the idea of the  fruitfulness of marriage continues from Genesis 1–2, the command to rule and subdue is missing from 9:1. Finally, the covenant overtly grants life to apostates (8:21), which is not tolerated in Eden or in heaven. “Common grace” highlights God’s grace to allow sinners, unbelievers, and believers alike the right to life. Rightfully, we find the foundation of religious pluralism in this covenant (WCF 23:3). Yet in terms of developing a theory of justice, honesty demands that filling out the principles here requires care, so that we do not construct a mansion of human opinion on a square foot of biblical text.

亚伯拉罕: 一个天路客
Abraham: A Pilgrim People

随着亚伯拉罕之约的颁布,公义的框架开始有了一定的分量。在这里,”公正和公义”这个惯用语第一次出现,因为上帝宣称亚伯拉罕将命令他的后裔 “遵守我的道,秉公行义”(创1819)。亚当未能做到的公正和公义,将通过亚伯拉罕的后裔来实现。
With the Abrahamic covenant, the skeleton of justice begins to gain some weight. Here the idiom of “justice and righteousness” makes its first appearance, as the Lord declares that Abraham will command his posterity “to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice” (Gen. 18:19). What the justice and righteousness of Adam failed to do will be fulfilled through the line of Abraham.

Yet, the justice of Abraham is strange. His marriage to his half-sister is outlawed by Leviticus 18:9. Jacob’s union to two sisters is also forbidden by Leviticus 18:18. Jacob and Esau practice polygamy (Gen. 26:34; 29:21). Abraham sleeps with the handmaiden Hagar, and Jacob with Bilhah and Zilpah, which qualify as adultery. Abraham’s faith is criticized for going to Hagar, but the text does not judge his sexual purity. Not only that but all the patriarchs and their wives hold slaves. Jacob is a polygamist and a slave owner, who fathers children by his maids. These are deeply offensive to our modern sense of justice and rightly so. But the Lord compliments Abraham by saying, “He kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes and my laws” (Gen. 26:5).

那么,亚伯拉罕的 “公义 “阐明了建立公义神学并非易事。亚伯拉罕也说明了上帝施行公义,并不是乌托邦式的,而是暂时的、相对的、有耐心的。上帝仁慈地包容了亚伯拉罕所处的更广泛的文化环境,允许他有这样的婚姻和奴仆。在我们的头脑因为自义而趾高气扬之前,上帝究竟忽略了散布在我们世界的哪些罪了呢?
The “justice” of Abraham, then, elucidates how building a theology of justice is no easy task. Abraham also demonstrates how the Lord’s administration of justice is not utopian but provisional, relative, and patient. The Lord mercifully accommodated the broader culture of Abraham in allowing him such marriages and servants. Before our heads swell with self-righteousness, what widespread sins of our world does the Lord overlook?

Moses: Ideal Justice?

如果在亚伯拉罕之约下的公义是不完全的、不理想的,那么摩西之约肯定会涂上公义的乌托邦色彩,这也是为什么我们现代的讨论经常到摩西之约的神治国度(theocracy)里去寻找公义的解经基础。诸如 “解放”、”平等”、”济弱扶倾”等词汇,被誉为圣经中公正社会的理想。虽然这些词汇在摩西律法中都有,但我们需要反思它们的定义。今天,”解放”(liberation)意味着没有奴隶制、同工同酬。”平等”(equality)意味着财富和阶级的对等,一个没有阶级的社会。”济弱扶倾”(preference for the poor)将贫穷定义为本质上的一种压迫,而将穷人定义为更有道德的或更可信的。我并不是在批判这些观念;作为现代的产物,我倾向于这种观念。但问题是,这些观念是否一定符合圣经。
If justice under Abraham was partial and not ideal, then surely the Mosaic covenant will paint the utopian colors of justice, which is why our modern discussions regularly reach to the Mosaic theocracy for its exegetical foundation. Terms such as “liberation,” “equality,” and “preferential option for the poor” are heralded as the biblical ideal of a just society. Although these words are found in Moses, we need to reflect on their definitions. Today, “liberation” connotes no slavery and equal pay. “Equality” implies sameness in wealth and class, a classless society. “Preference for the poor” defines poverty as inherently oppressive and the poor as more virtuous or authentic. I am not being critical of these ideas; as a product of modernity, I lean toward such ideas. The issue here, however, is whether these ideas are necessarily biblical.

The Lord did redeem Israel from slavery and grant them relief from oppression. The result of this freedom, though, was that Israel became the slaves of the Lord (Lev. 25:55). Slavery of fellow Israelites was forbidden, but the Israelites could buy, sell, and pass on foreigners as slaves to their children (Exod. 21:2–6; Lev. 25:45–36); and Israel was allowed to take women in battle as plunder and as wives (Deut. 20:14). While we today deem such practices as racist, God did not under Moses.

在土地分配中,每个以色列男性都成为地主,但禁止寄居者永久拥有财产。公民身份只授予以色列人,寄居者是二等人。国王、祭司、长老和平民是以色列人固定的阶层。正如雷蒙德·韦斯特布鲁克(Raymond Westbrook)所说:”在古代近东地区,所谓的社会公义就是指维护等级社会的现状”,在以色列也不例外(注2),穷人被凸显为施行公义的特殊对象。但旧约评估贫穷的来源有很多,包括压迫、懒惰、神的惩罚和厄运。穷人会受到神的保护(箴19:17),但贫穷并不是一个罕见的盟约诅咒。
In the land allotment, every Israelite male became a landowner, but sojourners were forbidden from permanently owning property. Citizenship was granted only to Israelites, and sojourners were second-class. Kings, priests, elders, and laity were consistent classes in Israel. As Raymond Westbrook states, “Social justice was regarded in the ancient Near East as the preservation of the status quo” of the hierarchal society, and it was not different in Israel.2 The poor were highlighted as special objects of justice. But the Old Testament evaluates poverty as arising out of many sources: oppression, laziness, divine punishment, and bad luck. The poor were under God’s protection (Prov. 19:17), but poverty was not an infrequent curse of the covenant.

Despite these strange forms of justice, the Lord insists over and over again that his grand plan for justice and righteousness will come through the Mosaic covenant. As it says, the nations will marvel at the righteous judgments and laws of Israel (Deut. 4:8). The historical high point comes with David, about whom it is written, “David performed justice and righteousness for all his people” (2 Sam. 8:15). Here, David is painted in idyllic colors—he is the true king. The Mosaic Law embodies perfect righteousness, and David is the king performing this justice and righteousness. Yet two essential concepts need to be highlighted at this point.

The first is clearly seen with Solomon. When God granted Solomon a wish, he praised Solomon for asking for an understanding mind to do justice. When Solomon asked for wisdom to do justice and righteousness, he put his finger on an essential biblical principle: the law is not enough for justice—wisdom is required. The Lord mandates wisdom to apply the law to the endless diversity of moral situations in life. This is what we have seen from Adam, Noah, and Abraham. The skeletal principles and laws demand wisdom from us to apply. It was the same even with the most extensive legislation of Moses.

第二个概念特别出现在希伯来文的 “复仇”(nqm)一词上。这种复仇是在公义崩溃的情况下,当受到冤屈的人不可能得到公义的时候,才会呼吁这种复仇。受害者没有合法的途径来洗刷冤情,个人伸冤是被禁止的(申32:35),所以个人或国家可以祈求上帝为他伸冤。在法律有限、智慧缺乏的情况下,上帝应许了祂的子民,祂会替他们伸冤报仇(耶5136;诗7910941)。
The second concept appears particularly with the Hebrew word for “vengeance” (nqm). This vengeance was appealed to in the breakdown of justice, when it was humanly impossible for a wronged human to obtain justice. For victims, there was no lawful way to redress their wrongs, and personal retaliation was prohibited (Deut. 32:35), so the individual or nation could pray to God to exact vengeance. Within the limits of laws, in the absence of wisdom, the Lord promised his people that he would execute vengeance on their behalf (Jer. 51:36; Ps. 79:10; 94:1).

我们当然知道摩西律法产生的果效:大卫家的君王未能施行公正和公义(耶22315),他们的智慧也落空了。然后,上帝用公正和公义的意象,应许了一位更伟大的新王。祂将在前人失败的地方取得成功,祂的名字将被称为 “耶和华——我们的义”(耶235-6),祂必将公理传给以色列和外邦(赛421)。上帝的公正和公义的计划将在耶稣基督里达到高潮。
We, of course, know the outcome of the Mosaic endeavor: the Davidic kings failed to perform justice and righteousness (Jer. 22:3, 15), and their wisdom fell short. The Lord then promised a new and greater king, using the imagery of justice and righteousness. He will succeed where all failed before him, his name will be called “Yahweh is our righteousness” (Jer. 23:5–6), and he will bring justice to Israel and to the nations (Isa. 42:1). The Lord’s plan for justice and righteousness will reach its zenith in Jesus Christ.

The Righteous One

Adorned with the promises of Isaiah of releasing the captives and proclaiming freedom, Jesus Christ was going to perform justice and righteousness in the new covenant. Yet given the expectations of the Old Testament, we have to admit that Jesus does not quite measure up. In terms of societal justice, Jesus did little to nothing. He healed a few servants, but he did not grant a single one freedom (Matt. 8:13). He did not free anyone from prison; in fact, he left John the Baptist there to die. Jesus did not help anyone get hired for a job or move them up the social ladder. Instead, he called for people to sell their possessions. Jesus and John certainly exhorted the people to be righteous (Luke 3:13–14; 19:8) and to cease exploitation. But consider this contrast: about twenty years before Jesus’ ministry, a revolutionary named Judas proclaimed that Roman taxation was no better than slavery and called on people not to pay (Jos. Ant. 18.4).  Jesus, however, simply asserted, “Render to Caesar” (Matt. 22:21). For the Zealots, being a tax collector was an illegitimate vocation, but not for Jesus. Many of our modern ideas of justice, on the Left or on the Right, look a good deal like gentrification. This, Jesus was not.

Moreover, the apostles’ application of Jesus’ ministry to the church does not help us much. Both Paul and Peter called for obedience and for taxes to go to Rome, which facilitated state-funded idolatry. Paul did not demand that Christian slave owners free their slaves; and the positions of church officers were reserved for men alone. Without a doubt, the apostles robustly believed that the gospel changes lives and makes us fruitful in righteousness and justice. But there is little evidence that Paul expected our obedience to revolutionize the Roman status quo.

那么,耶稣究竟行了什么公义呢?是在十字架上。基督的赎罪满足了上帝的公义,为我们对上帝的背逆,付上了最不公义的代价。保罗说得再清楚不过了,”好在今时显明祂的义,使人知道祂自己为义,也称信耶稣的人为义 。”(罗326)。基督成全了义,使我们这些不敬虔的人可以因信称义,从而成为蒙怜悯之子。因为基督满足了上帝的忿怒,所以我们不是按照律法受到应得的待遇,而是蒙恩得到了我们不配得的救赎。福音就是天父不按律法待我们,反而按怜悯待我们。
So what justice did Jesus clearly perform? It was on the cross. Christ’s atonement satisfied justice and paid the penalty for the supreme injustice: our rebellion against God. Paul could not say it more clearly, “It was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus” (Rom. 3:26). Christ fulfilled justice so that we, the ungodly, might be justified through faith and so become heirs of mercy. Because Christ satisfied wrath, we are not treated according to the law as we deserve, but we graciously receive the salvation that we do not deserve. The gospel is about the Father treating us not by the law but by mercy.

那么,接下来基督的公义行为是什么呢?保罗又说:上帝“已经定了日子,要藉着祂所设立的人按公义审判天下,并且叫祂从死里复活,给万人作可信的凭据”(徒17: 31)。在最后那日,羔羊的烈怒要降临,祂的审判是公正而真实的。随着基督最后的公义和公平到来,福音怜悯的时代将停止。从新约圣经看公义,将来的完满成全(Consummation)才是我们的盼望。
What, then, is the next act of Christ’s justice? Again Paul: God “has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed” (Acts 17:31). On the final day, the wrath of the Lamb will come, and his judgment will be just and true. This season of gospel mercy will cease with Christ’s final justice and righteousness. When the New Testament considers justice, its hope has eyes only for the Consummation.

我们现在的处境如何呢?作为教会,我们的使命是传扬福音是白白的恩典,也就是胜过审判的怜悯。我们宣扬的怜悯与同态复仇法(lex talionis)是相反的。作为个人,圣经用道德律基本的、框架性的原则来装备我们,它呼召我们到智慧那里。在智慧中,我们与基督的合一可以有各式各样的应用。当我们努力在生活中、在世上秉公行义时,我们确实意识到我们的智慧是多么软弱和有限。当我们倾尽全力却仍功亏一篑时,当世界因我们的基督信仰而憎恨我们时,恩典会抬升我们的目光,远离这个转瞬即逝的时代,定睛在荣耀上,并祷告说:”主耶稣啊,我愿你来。”因为到那时,也只有到那时,我们才能在天上的圣洁平安中享受基督公义的丰盛。
Where does that leave us? As the church, we are commissioned to herald the free gospel of grace—a mercy that triumphs over justice. We proclaim mercy as the opposite of the lex talionis. As individuals, Scripture arms us with the fundamental but skeletal principles of the moral law, and it calls us to wisdom. In wisdom, there is diversity of application within our unity in Christ. Indeed, as we struggle to apply justice and righteousness across our lives and world, we realize just how weak and limited is our wisdom. As our best efforts fall short, as the world hates us for our faith in Christ, grace lifts our eyes away from this ephemeral age to gaze on glory and pray, “Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly.” For then, and only then, will we enjoy the fullness of Christ’s justice and righteousness in the holy peace of heaven.


1. Moshe Weinfeld, Social Justice in Ancient Israel and in the Ancient Near East (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1995), 25–44.

2. Raymond Westbrook, A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law, vol.1 (Leiden: Brill, 2003), 160.

译注:在文学作品中,诗意的正义(poetic justice)是一种理想的正义形式,通过命运的反讽,使好人得到奖励,坏人受到惩罚。这是一种强烈的文学观点,认为一切文学形式都必须传达道德教训。因此,作家运用诗意的正义来符合道德原则。