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顯示具有 聖潔 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章



30:17-21; 38:8
17 耶和华晓谕摩西说: 18 “你要用铜做洗濯盆和盆座,以便洗濯。要将盆放在会幕和坛的中间,在盆里盛水。 19 亚伦和他的儿子要在这盆里洗手洗脚。
20 他们进会幕,或是就近坛前供职给耶和华献火祭的时候,必用水洗濯,免得死亡。
这句话表明,洗手洗脚的要求不仅是出于祭司个人卫生的考虑,而是有着礼仪性和道德强制性。这是整个出埃及记、利未记、民数记中,关于会幕活动中8种提到死亡(mut)的警告之一。祭司在圣所中带死亡警告的命令有:1. 必须在圣所穿圣袍,出28:432.进入圣所必须洗手脚,出30:20-213. 在进入圣所前不能喝酒,利10:9(参HamiltonMilgrom: 946)。显然这是关乎礼仪敬拜中最严重的警告之一。
诗篇24:3-4 谁能登上耶和华的山?谁能站在他的圣所中呢? 就是手洁心清的人。手是清洁的,从礼仪和象征层面上,表明着内心的清洁。
有法利赛人和几个文士从耶路撒冷来,到耶稣那里聚集。 2 他们曾看见他的门徒中有人用俗手,就是没有洗的手吃饭。 3 (原来法利赛人和犹太人都拘守古人的遗传,若不仔细洗手就不吃饭; 4 从市上来,若不洗浴也不吃饭;还有好些别的规矩,他们历代拘守,就是洗杯、罐、铜器等物。)5 法利赛人和文士问他说:“你的门徒为什么不照古人的遗传,用俗手吃饭呢?” 6 耶稣说:“以赛亚指着你们假冒为善之人所说的预言是不错的,如经上说:‘这百姓用嘴唇尊敬我,心却远离我。 7 他们将人的吩咐当做道理教导人,所以拜我也是枉然。’ 8 你们是离弃神的诫命,拘守人的遗传。”
18 耶稣对他们说:“你们也是这样不明白吗?岂不晓得凡从外面进入的,不能污秽人? 19 因为不是入他的心,乃是入他的肚腹,又落到茅厕里。”这是说,各样的食物都是洁净的。 20 又说:从人里面出来的,那才能污秽人。
律法主义的错误是认为:我们靠着这些行为使我们在上帝面前获得什么尊荣和功德。还记得法利赛人他们特别强调洗手的行为,不洗手不吃饭。并且他们还质问耶稣 “你的门徒为什么用俗手吃饭呢?”注意到,法利赛人把给供职祭司的命令拿来,扩大应用到所有人身上。如果你没有洗手,那么比起我们这些洗手的人,你就是不那么洁净,次等的。他们越过上帝律法的界限,擅自立了自己的规条。
或许表面上你比很多人都圣洁,可你的心呢?耶稣说:“从人的心里,发出恶念、淫乱、偷盗、凶杀、 22 奸淫、贪心、邪恶、诡诈、放荡、嫉妒、毁谤、骄傲、愚妄; 23 这一切恶事,是从人里面出来的,都能使人污秽。”
回答:正如我真的受外在水洗,洗去身体的污秽,他的宝血和圣灵也真的洗净了我灵魂的污秽,即我的一切罪恶 2




17 神的圣洁——神就是光Holiness- God is light

《简明神学》Concise Theology: A Guide to Historic Christian Beliefs,巴刻(J. I. Packer)著/張麟至译,更新传道会,2007年。

Holiness - God is light






I am the LORD your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy.... LEVITICUS 11:44

When Scripture calls God, or individual persons of the Godhead, “holy” (as it often does: Lev. 11:44-45; Josh. 24:19; Isa. 2:2; Ps. 99:9; Isa. 1:4; 6:3; 41:14, 16, 20; 57:15; Ezek. 39:7; Amos 4:2; John 17:11; Acts 5:3-4, 32; Rev. 15:4), the word signifies everything about God that sets him apart from us and makes him an object of awe, adoration, and dread to us. It covers all aspects of his transcendent greatness and moral perfection and thus is an attribute of all his attributes, pointing to the “Godness” of God at every point. Every facet of God’s nature and every aspect of his character may properly be spoken of as holy, just because it is his. The core of the concept, however, is God’s purity, which cannot tolerate any form of sin (Hab. 1:13) and thus calls sinners to constant self-abasement in his presence (Isa. 6:5).

Justice, which means doing in all circumstances things that are right, is one expression of God’s holiness. God displays his justice as legislator and judge, and also as promise-keeper and pardoner of sin. His moral law, requiring behavior that matches his own, is “holy, righteous and good” (Rom. 7:12). He judges justly, according to actual desert (Gen. 18:25; Pss. 7:11; 96:13; Acts 17:31). His “wrath,” that is, his active judicial hostility to sin, is wholly just in its manifestations (Rom. 2:5-16), and his particular “judgments” (retributive punishments) are glorious and praiseworthy (Rev. 16:5, 7; 19:1-4). Whenever God fulfills his covenant commitment by acting to save his people, it is a gesture of “righteousness,” that is, justice (Isa. 51:5-6; 56:1; 63:1; 1 John 1:9). When God justifies sinners through faith in Christ, he does so on the basis of justice done, that is, the punishment of our sins in the person of Christ our substitute; thus the form taken by his justifying mercy shows him to be utterly and totally just (Rom. 3:25-26), and our justification itself is shown to be judicially justified.

When John says that God is “light,” with no darkness in him at all, the image is affirming God’s holy purity, which makes fellowship between him and the willfully unholy impossible and requires the pursuit of holiness and righteousness of life to be a central concern for Christian people (1 John 1:5-2:1; 2 Cor. 6:14-7:1; Heb. 12:10-17). The summons to believers, regenerate and forgiven as they are, to practice a holiness that will match God’s own, and so please him, is constant in the New Testament, as indeed it was in the Old Testament (Deut. 30:1-10; Eph. 4:17-5:14; 1 Pet. 1:13-22). Because God is holy, God’s people must be holy too.


基督的門徒追求聖潔DisciplesPursue Holiness

作者:  Leonardo De Chirico  譯者: Maria Marta

對唯獨因信稱義這教義的普遍誤解之一是,  它是虛構的不會給自己的生命帶來實際影響。這一直是羅馬天主教護教家反駁新教唯獨信心的觀點-------我們唯獨依靠恩典唯獨藉著信心唯獨在基督裡得稱為義是聖經的真理-------的爭論的論據。 此外各式各樣的反律法主義者亦爭辯說既然信徒在恩典之下不再受律法的約束他們被允許過一種道德上的「輕松」 的生活。

無論諷刺基督徒生活的漫畫出自何處保羅都不是它們的源頭。事實上保羅完全反對這種生活。 在寫給羅馬人的信中使徒概述了唯獨因信稱義的福音的深度在基督裏的新生命紮根於唯獨因信稱義和在此基礎上展開。稱義是成聖的基礎。 前者是後者的根基,後者是前者的靈性結果。 正如查理斯•賀智(Charles Hodge)在1886年所著的《羅馬書註釋》中寫道:「任何沒有效法基督生命的人,不可能享有祂死亡帶來的益處。」

這就是聖潔的來歷。聖潔是耶穌基督的門徒的必然標志。非聖潔的基督徒生活只不過是一種矛盾修辭法,一種自相矛盾的說法,一種對唯獨因信稱義的現實的否定。 在羅馬書六章12-16節,保羅從發生根本性轉變的角度來剖析聖潔生活的意義-------從在法律之下,個人死在罪中,服役於不義,轉變到在恩典之下,個人向上帝是活的,因著義的緣故服事。


Dr. Leonardo De Chirico is church-planting pastor of Breccia di Roma in Rome, vice-chairman of the Italian Evangelical Alliance, and director of the Reformanda Initiative. Dr. De Chirico is author and editor of many books, including A Christian’s Pocket Guide to the Papacy.


Disciples Pursue Holiness
by Leonardo De Chirico

ne of the common misunderstandings of the doctrine of justification by faith alone is that it is a fiction with no practical consequences in one’s own life. This has been a polemical argument used by Roman Catholic apologists against the Protestant view of sola fide—the biblical truth that we are justified by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. Moreover, antinomians of all stripes have argued that since believers are under grace and no longer under the law, they are allowed to live in a morally “relaxed” way.

Wherever these caricatures of the Christian life come from, Paul is not the source of either. Actually, he is totally opposed to them. In the letter to the Romans, the Apostle outlines the depths of the gospel of justification by faith alone upon which the new life in Christ is rooted and unfolds. Justification is the basis for sanctification. The former is the foundation of the latter, and the latter is the spiritual outcome of the former. As Charles Hodge wrote in his 1886 commentary on Romans: “It is impossible for anyone to share the benefits of his death [i.e., Jesus Christ] without being conformed to his life.”

Here is where holiness comes in. Holiness is the inevitable mark of the disciple of Jesus Christ. An unholy Christian life is simply an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms, a denial of the reality of justification by faith alone. In Romans 6:12–16, Paul unpacks the significance of a holy life in terms of a radical transition having taken place—from being under the law, here meaning the individual’s being dead unto sin and being at the service of unrighteousness, to being under grace, here meaning the individual’s having become alive unto God and serving the cause of righteousness.

Holiness is the spiritual and practical evidence that transition has taken place and is properly functioning in real terms. Again, Hodge is worth quoting: “Grace, instead of leading to the indulgence of sin, is essential to the exercise of holiness.” Under grace, holiness is the sign of justification’s having occurred. Without the visibility of holiness in the Christian life, all the caricatures of fictional justification and antinomianism unfortunately become possible. An unholy life is an excuse for mockers of the Christian faith to be reinforced in their wrong prejudices against the gospel. A holy life is a sign of the truthfulness of God’s Word and the power of His grace to bring life where death and sin have previously reigned. What a great responsibility upon us disciples of Jesus to be holy, because God is holy (1 Peter 1:16).

Dr. Leonardo De Chirico is church-planting pastor of Breccia di Roma in Rome, vice-chairman of the Italian Evangelical Alliance, and director of the Reformanda Initiative. Dr. De Chirico is author and editor of many books, including A Christian’s Pocket Guide to the Papacy.



作者:  Nicholas Davis 譯者: Maria Marta



公牛和山羊的血不能把罪除去(來十4)。 祭司天天都站著事奉,獻上相同的「永遠不能把罪除去」的祭品(來十11)。

耶穌基督是我們的大祭司,祂為我們在十字架上獻上自己,為我們的罪獻上了一次永遠有效的贖罪祭,祂此刻正為我們代求(來七25; 12)。一言蔽之,利未記是一卷真正關於耶穌的書卷。

Nicholas Davis

God is holy, and we are not. The book of Leviticus makes the holiness of God crystal clear on every page. It cries out for blood, because we need the blood of another to cleanse us of our sins.

The sacrificial system that we read about so much in the Old Testament served as a daily and annual reminder for the people of Israel, showing them their need of a better mediator than Moses and a better covenant than the old one. They needed Jesus and the New Covenant.

It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin (Heb. 10:4). The priest stood daily to offer the same sacrifices which “can never take away sins” (Heb. 10:11).

Jesus Christ is our High Priest who both offered himself for us on the cross as the once-for-all sacrifice for sin and who presently makes intercession for us (Heb. 7:25; 10:12). In short, the book of Leviticus is really all about Jesus.


研究利未记带来的四个结果4Things That Happen When You Study Leviticus More Than 10 Years

作者:Jay Sklar   译者:  Duncan Liang

What happens when you study Leviticus for more than 10 years? I know the types of answers many people would provide: “You get to know your psychotherapist really well.” “People stop inviting you to dinner parties.”
Or perhaps the most common: “Is this a serious question? Who in the world would do this?”

I did. And it changed my life in ways far different from those just named. In my experience, at least four profound things happen when this book begins to seep into your soul.

You hunger for God’s holiness more frequently.

I once taught a semester-long seminary class on Leviticus. (Yes, people actually did sign up.) One of the last assignments of the class was to follow as many of the laws of Leviticus as possible for an entire week. This is of course something many Jews do regularly even today, but for Gentile seminary students—most of whom had never thought twice about having bacon with their eggs—this was a daunting task.

During that week, the students had to keep a journal of their experience and turn it in to me. There were understandable frustrations. One student noted, “Leviticus 19:19 says not to wear clothing woven of two kinds of material. That wipes out my entire wardrobe with the exception of a pair of polyester track pants. This is going to be a long week.” Others made similar observations.

But by far, the most common theme of the journals went something like this: “Every day, I found myself focused on thinking about ritual purity and impurity. Partway through the week, I realized that I was thinking about these things all day long and in every aspect of my life, and that’s when it hit me: God cares a lot about our purity and holiness. Not just from a ritual perspective, but also from a moral perspective. All day long and in every aspect of life, the Lord wants me to pursue purity in my heart, in my life, in my actions. He wants me to reflect his holiness in all that I do. I have been treating holiness way too lightly! O Lord, help me to be holy!” That’s the kind of prayer you begin to pray when you soak in Leviticus.

You fear God more greatly.

Leviticus 10 begins by telling the story of Nadab and Abihu. It’s a story my Hebrew students translated last semester. And it affected them deeply.

Nadab and Abihu were priests. This meant they had special duties in terms of leading God’s people in worship. My students resonated because many of them are preparing to be pastors and will also have special duties in leading God’s people in worship. As the story begins, Nadab and Abihu bring an offering the Lord had not commanded (10:1). The larger context shows that they tried to barge into the Most Holy Place—the throne room of the Lord—without being invited. If barging into the throne room of an earthly king was a severe breach of royal protocol and a tremendous sign of disrespect (cf. Esther 4:11), barging into the throne room of the King of heaven was unbelievably blasphemous.

The Lord guards his honor by sending out fire to consume the blasphemous priests (Lev. 10:2) and then gives this warning: “Amost those who approach me, I will show myself holy; in the sight of all the people, I will display my glory” (Lev. 10:3).In short, the Lord is telling the entire priestly family, “If you do not set me apart by your actions as the God worthy of reverence, I will use your death as an opportunity to remind all the people that I am indeed the God who is to be revered above all.”

There was a moment of holy silence in class that day as this truth began to grip our hearts. It was clearer to us than ever before that we must not trifle with the Lord. And it was clearer to us than ever before that he holds those who lead his people in worship to an especially high account (cf. James 3:1). We could not help but fear him more greatly.

You love Jesus more deeply.
I began studying Leviticus when my wife and I moved to England so I could do a PhD in Old Testament under an evangelical scholar named Gordon Wenham. For three and a half years I was focused on what the books of Exodus to Numbers teach about sin and impurity, and what they teach about God’s solution to these things.

About two years into my studies, something new began to happen to me in church. Whenever we sang a song that mentioned sacrifice, or atonement, or the Lord ransoming us from our sin, I struggled to make it through without crying. None of these ideas was new to me; I had been going to church all my life. But Leviticus helped me to see with even greater clarity how far the Lord has gone—in his love for guilty sinners like me—to provide a way of forgiveness.

This became especially clear in a verse like Leviticus 17:11. It explains that the Lord allowed the Israelites to ransom their guilty lives from his judgment by offering the lifeblood of a perfect animal in place of their own. Significantly, the Lord emphasizes his role in providing atonement by adding an extra “I” in the verse: “And I myself have given [the animal’s lifeblood] to you on the altar to make atonement for your lives.” God turns the idea of sacrifice upside down! It was not just what the Israelites gave to the Lord. It was first and foremost something he gave to them, in his grace, as a means of atoning for sin and achieving the forgiveness they so desperately desired.

And it gets even better with Jesus. In the Old Testament, the Israelites still had to bring and present an atoning sacrifice to ransom their lives. In the New Testament, the offended King—in his unspeakably great love—provides the atoning sacrifice on behalf of the ones who sinned against him! Paul summarizes beautifully: “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us!” (Rom 5:8; cf. John 3:16).

And so, all these years later, I repeat Leviticus 17:11 every time I partake of communion—and I still find it hard to sing songs about sacrifice without tears of thankfulness for Jesus, the one who “gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God” (Eph. 5:2).

You love your neighbor more fully.

One of the best known facts about the Bible is that it tells us to “love our neighbor as ourselves.” One of the least known facts is that this verse is first found in Leviticus 19:18. And when seen in context, it’s about a whole lot more than being nice and mowing our neighbors' lawn when they’re sick.

If we look at the entire verse, it becomes clear that loving our neighbor involves forgiving the wrongs of others as quickly as we forgive our own: “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.” To love our neighbors means to extend mercy and forgiveness to those who wrong us, and to do so because we follow the Lord, the one who so richly and freely extends his mercy and forgiveness to us (Ps. 86:5; Jer. 3:12; Ez. 33:11; 1 John 1:9).

That's not all. If we look at the surrounding verses, loving our neighbor broadens to include embodying the Lord’s holy character in all of our daily interactions, from business practices (Lev. 19:9-10, 35-36) to courts of law (vv. 15-16, 35a) to family matters (vv. 3a, 29) to proper treatment of the poor and disadvantaged (vv. 9-10, 13-14, 33-34) to social interactions in general (vv. 11-12, 17-18, 32). To put it differently: loving our neighbors is not less than telling them about the glorious gospel of Jesus (the primary way I thought of loving my neighbor as a young Christian); but it does include far much more. Pursuing reconciliation, extending mercy, seeking justice in business dealings and courts of law—all these things become opportunities to love our neighbors by showing them God’s mercy, justice, and love.

So while Leviticus emphasizes the importance of maintaining distinctions between the sacred and the non-sacred, the holy and the non-holy, it also emphasizes that everyday acts of kindness and love and mercy are incredibly sacred, incredibly holy, because they show forth the incredible kindness, love, and mercy of the One who is ultimately sacred and holy.

This is not how I grew up thinking about holiness. But it is how Leviticus thinks about it. It is how Jesus thinks about it (Luke 10:29-37). What would happen in our churches if we all began to think of holiness in these ways?

We need more Leviticus.


作者: Jay Sklar   譯者: 長真

一個人信仰純正、有著正常的靈 修生活,卻不聖潔,這有可能嗎?非 常可能!如果我們忽略了有關聖潔的 一個基本概念。


神是聖潔的終極模式,祂說: 「你們要聖潔,因為我耶和華你們的 神是聖潔的。」(利19: 2)但何謂聖潔呢?許多學者都同意,所謂聖潔就是要將自己分別為聖,作一個與眾不同的人。神是聖潔的,因為祂把自己 與任何存在的實體分別出來。若要講 得更具體,我們首先要問,神是如何 將自己分別出來、與眾不同的?有關這點聖經指出至少三點:


神常藉著行神蹟,顯示出祂是一位獨特與眾不同、全然聖潔的神。 當神藉著諸般神蹟擊敗埃及的法老之 後,摩西與眾以色列人都不禁開口 歌唱道:「耶和華啊,眾神之中誰能 像你?誰能像你─至聖至榮,可頌 可畏,施行奇事?」(出15: 11)當神 要顯大能審判悖逆的西頓人時,祂 說:「西頓哪,我與你為敵,我必在 你中間得榮耀。我在你中間施行審 判,顯為聖的時候,人就知道我是耶 和華。」(結28: 22

當以賽亞在聖殿中看見神的榮 耀時,他也看到神的聖潔。在各有六 個翅膀的天使呼喊:「聖哉,聖哉, 聖哉,萬軍之耶和華;他的榮光充滿 全地」之前,以賽亞已經看見神的聖 潔,他說:「我見主坐在高高的寶座 上。他的衣裳垂下,遮滿聖殿。」神 穿著王者的長袍,這衣裳象徵王的權 能與威嚴。神的長袍遮滿聖殿,表示 衣裳非常大,足夠蓋過整個足球場! 為何這麼大?因為神的權能與威嚴無 人可比!祂乃是獨一的一位。 當神命令祂的兒女要聖潔時,卻 不是指這類的聖潔而言,因我們不可 能像祂那樣地有能力。但聖經另外提 到兩種聖潔,卻是我們基督徒可以擁 有的。


當我們談到神的純淨時,我們多 半想到的是神在道德上的純淨:祂全 然美善,在祂裏面沒有任何的邪惡。 哈巴谷總結得最適當:「你眼目清 潔不看邪僻,不看奸惡;」(哈1: 13 上) 神在道德上的純淨應是祂子民 的榜樣,這點應在我們日常生活的各 個層面彰顯出來。利未記19章將之 述說得最完全,此卷書開始時就說: 「你們要聖潔,因為我耶和華你們的 神是聖潔的。」(利19: 2)接著該章 指出許多我們可以將神的這種純淨彰 顯出來的實際例子,例如:在自己的 農地收割莊稼時,不可割盡所有的 農產品,要記得留一些給窮人和寄居 的(利19: 9-10);不可行不義的事 (利19: 15);不可在民中往來搬弄是 非(利19: 16);要尊敬老人(利19: 32);不可欺負寄居的(利19: 33 等。如果神的子民願意照這些原則 行事為人,他們就能建立起一個公義 良善的社區,從他們的生活中彰顯出 神那正直、良善與純淨的屬性來。由 此我們可以接著談到神聖潔的第三個 層面。

利未記19章的正中央是一句人人 熟知的經文:「要愛人如己」(利19: 18)這句短短的話將該章所有的命 令作了一個愛的總結,當你將所該得 的部分分給窮人,而不是全為自己的 利益著想時,那不就是愛的表現嗎? 當你不行不義的事,而願意為公義和 真理發言時,那不就是一種愛的行動 嗎?當你誠實地為別人說話,而不在 外人面前搬弄他的是非時,這也是愛 的表現。當帶有神形像的人因年齡的 緣故行動變得緩慢、體力日漸退化, 你卻能依然尊重他們,這是愛的行 動。當你把自己放在寄居者的地位, 為他們著想而不歧視他們時,這也是 一種愛的表現。

神在此告訴我們一個重點:若要 效法神的聖潔,就要多多施捨愛。當 神呼召我們要聖潔時,祂也同時呼召 我們去愛人─包括所有的人。在生 活上實際地、深深地愛他們,如神愛 我們一樣。但我們常常會忘記這方面 的聖潔之道。我們在論聖潔時,很容 易只是想到各類有關聖潔的教條,花 許多的時間讀經禱告,也儘可能的遵 守各項聖經的命令,卻忘了以實際與 有深度的愛心去愛我們周圍的人。

也許我們應當問自己:那些認得 我們的人認為我們真有愛的行動顯示 出來嗎?他們會用「滿有愛心」一詞 來形容我們嗎?若用哥林多前書13 4-7節為準繩,他們會認為我們是滿 有忍耐、恩慈、不嫉妒、不自誇、不 張狂;不作害羞的事、不求自己的益 處、不輕易發怒、不計算人的惡;不 喜歡不義,只喜歡真理。凡事包容, 凡事相信,凡事盼望,凡事忍耐嗎? 以上這些愛的行為能經常出現在我們 生活和行事為人當中嗎? 若是不然,原因只有一項:那 就是因為我們不聖潔的緣故。也許我 們明白信仰的教條,也常常讀經、禱 告,甚至每週禁食,願遵守聖經的命 令,但我們若不能在生活中多多施捨愛,我們就不是聖潔的人,像神聖潔 一樣。神是聖潔的─祂全然與其他 的實存有別,祂是藉著祂無私的愛來 表現祂與其他實存是有別的,凡屬祂 的人也應當有這樣的特色。

不聖潔的子民仍然有改變的希望 嗎?

有的,但這怎樣才能發生呢? 首先,我們不需要因著罪惡感而遠離 神,也不必更努力地嘗試為人聖潔, 而應該是帶著我們缺乏愛人的真相來 到祂面前,求祂用愛遮蓋我們,因祂 的愛有改變我們的能力。保羅最了 解這一點,所以他說:「要以恩慈相 待,存憐憫的心彼此饒恕,正如神在 基督裏饒恕了你們一樣。所以你們該 效法神,好像蒙慈愛的兒女一樣。也 要憑愛心行事,正如基督愛我們。」 (弗4:325:2)保羅要我們把愛人的 基礎建立在基督對我們的愛上,因為 當我們打開心門接受神在基督裏那無 窮的愛時,我們的心也就充滿了神那 神聖的愛,以至於讓我們能很自然地 將愛傳給我們周圍的人,誠如使徒約 翰在約翰一書419節所說的:「我們愛,因為神先愛我們。」

如果我們缺乏神那種神聖的愛, 就讓我們效法保羅為以弗所的信徒所 作的禱告那樣地向神禱告說:「求他 按著他豐盛的榮耀,藉著他的靈,叫 你們心裏的力量剛強起來;使基督因 你們的信住在你們心裏,叫你們的愛 心有根有基,能以和眾聖徒一同明白 基督的愛是何等長闊高深,並知道這 愛是過於人所能測度的,便叫神一切 所充滿的充滿了你們。」(弗3:16-19

 這樣的禱告必是神所樂意回答 的。