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「行为」 “Works”(Excerpts)

 聖經辭條, 《聖經新辭典》

所作的事,工作,行为 (Works)


A.    在旧约里,神的作为是对祂至高能力、权柄,智慧和仁慈的证明。旧约要把神描写得清楚时,不是用「无所不能」这类象词汇,而是指出的作为。摩西援引神的作为,以此证明祂与其他神明截然不同(324)。诗篇屡次宣告神的作为,藉此竖立人对祂的能力和权柄的信心,并叫人肯定唯独祂才配受敬拜。这些作为包括了祂创世的活动(10424),以及祂在蒙拯救的百姓当中(7711-20)并在列邦中施行主权的举动(468-10)

B.     耶稣借着祂的作为来启示祂既是弥赛亚,又是神的儿子。祂回复施洗约翰时,即列举了一些例子(112-5)。约翰福音记载了耶稣一些重要作为,器的正为揭示其弥赛亚的身份及神性,藉此激发人对这位圣子的信心(2030-31)。耶稣屡次指出,祂的作八四证明了祂是父所差派的(5361037-38)。祂的作为也就是神自己的作为(93-4),足以叫人相信祂与父神之间的关系是独一无二的(10381410-11)。正因祂把自己当作神,犯了亵渎之罪(517-23)。祂的死完成了祂的工作(1741930)

C.    信徒也藉善行表明神在他里面动工(516,约6281412)。相反,不信者因其恶行表明了他与神隔绝(319,西121,弗511)。故此,善行是人有活泼信心的证据,这是雅各布为针对那些宣称自己单凭信心得救却没有善行的人而强调的(214-26)。雅各布与保罗在这点上是一致的。保罗一再说明善行是必须的,意即我们单凭信心进入在基督里的新生命之后,应产生相称的行为(28-10,林前69-11,加516-26)。保罗所反对的是人尝试以其善行去赚取神的恩宠,或藉善行确保自己脱离罪咎(41-5,弗

28-9,多35) 。因为救赎的赐予乃基于神的恩典,任何善行也不能叫人配受救赎。故此,不信者的善行对他的得救而言是无效的,因为他凭恃肉体,而不仰赖神的恩典(87-8)


67. 信心與行為Faith And Work

作者: 史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul) 譯者: 姚錦榮
摘自《神學入門》《Essential Truths of the Christian Faithp.182 , 更新傳道會出版









: 善行=稱義
: 信心+善行=稱義
: 信心=稱義-善行
: 信心=稱義+善行



Many people assume that by trying to live a good life, they have done all that is necessary to get to heaven. They rest their confidence on the good works they have performed to satisfy the demands of God’s justice.

This is a futile hope. God’s law requires perfection. Since we are not perfect, we lack the necessary goodness to enter heaven. Thus goodness can never be achieved by living a good life. We can only receive it by trusting in the righteousness of Christ. His merit is perfect and is made available to us through faith.

To believe that we are justified by our good works apart from faith is to embrace the heresy of legalism. To believe that we are justified by a kind of faith that produces no works is to embrace the heresy of antinomianism.
The relationship of faith and good works is one that may be distinguished but never separated. Though our good works add no merit to our faith before God, and though the sole condition of our justification is our faith in Christ, if good works do not follow from our profession of faith, it is a clear indication that we do not possess justifying faith. The Reformed formula is “We are justified by faith alone, but not by a faith that is alone.” True justification always results in the process of sanctification. If there is justification, sanctification will inevitably follow. If sanctification does not follow, it is certain that justification was not really present. This does not mean that justification depends or rests upon sanctification. Justification depends on true faith, which in turn will inevitably lead to works of obedience.

When James declared that faith without works is dead, he asserted that such “faith” cannot justify anyone because it is not alive. Living faith produces good works, but these good works are not the basis for justification. Only the merit achieved by Jesus Christ can justify the sinner.

It is a grievous error, indeed a modern form of the antinomian heresy, to suggest that a person can be justified by embracing Jesus as Savior but not as Lord. True faith accepts Christ as both Savior and Lord. To rely on Christ alone for salvation is to acknowledge one’s total dependence upon Him and to repent of one’s sin. To repent of sin is to submit to Christ’s authority over us. To deny His lordship is to seek justification with an impenitent faith, which is no faith.

Though our good works do not merit salvation, they are the basis upon which God promises to distribute rewards in heaven. Our entrance into the kingdom of God is by faith alone. Our reward in the kingdom will be according to our good works, which is, as Augustine noted, a case of God’s gracious crowning of His own gifts.

1. No one can be justified by good works. Only through faith in Christ can we be justified. 2. Faith and good deeds must be distinguished but never separated. True faith always produces works of obedience. 3. Justification is by faith alone, but not by a faith that is alone. 4. Dead faith cannot justify.
5. Faith in Christ means trusting in Him as Savior and submitting to Him as Lord. 6. We are rewarded in heaven according to our good works, though this reward is one of grace.

Works = Justification FALSE Faith + Works = Justification FALSE Faith = Justification - Works FALSE Faith = Justification + Works  TRUE

Biblical passages for reflection:
Romans 3:9-4:8 Philippians 2:12-13 James 2:18-24 2 Peter 1:5-11 1 John 2:3-6 1 John 4:7-11