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六个理由:亚当和夏娃吃禁果是对上帝的严重悖逆6 Reasons Why Adam and Eve’sEating of the Forbidden Fruit Was a Terrible Transgression Against God

作者Le Ann Trees   译者/校对者:陈小燕 /骆鸿铭

神学家赫尔曼·巴文克Herman Bavinck写道上帝为何要创造这世界答案是因为祂愿意如此。[1]神无须告诉我们祂创造宇宙的原因,但祂想让我们对祂有特别的认识(特殊启示),这是我们无法通过观察和研究物质世界而获得的(普遍启示)。
The theologian Herman Bavinck writes: “Why did God create the world? the answer is: Because he so willed.”[1] God didn’t have to tell us why he made the universe, but he wanted us to have specific knowledge about him (special revelation) that we could never acquire from observing and studying the physical world (general revelation).

圣经始于一个栽种着生命树的美丽园子,也结束于同样栽种着生命树的另一个美丽园子。这样的安排有一个很好的理由:神为自己的荣耀创造了万有,好叫祂的受造物能为祂而活,并在万事上荣耀祂。《创世记》描述了神所造的万物如何成为美好(创1)。神造人,使人作祂荣耀形象的代表来统治和照料各样活物,治理祂的园子,并与所有的受造物一同来荣耀他们的创造主。亚当和夏娃本是诚实正直的,有能力去顺服神并遵行祂的命令。在神将生命的气息吹入第一个人类里面之后,耶和华神就把人安置在伊甸园中,让他修理看守。耶和华神吩咐人说:“园中各样树上的果子,你可以随意吃,只是分别善恶树上的果子,你不可吃,因为你吃的日子必定死。” (创2:1617
The Bible begins and ends in a beautiful garden with a life-giving tree located in each one. There is a good reason for this: God created the world for his glory—so that his creation would live unto him, giving him praise in all things. Genesis describes how everything God created was good (Gen. 1). God created humans as his royal image bearers to rule over creation, tend his garden, and care for his creatures—honoring their creator in all. Adam and Eve were righteous and upright, with the full ability to obey God and keep all his commands. After breathing life into the first human, The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” (Gen. 2:16– 17)

Adam and Eve were responsible to serve God and care for all the creation under their dominion. To prove their faithfulness to their Creator, God gave Adam a test: Adam must obey God’s command to not eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in order to eat from the other mentioned tree in the garden—the tree of life (Gen. 2:9)—and live forever in God’s presence.

The Covenant between God and Adam

亚当的顺服是神与亚当立的约的条件在这个约中亚当代表全人类承受顺命的奖赏生命或悖逆的后果死亡17世纪的神学家赫尔曼·韦修斯(Herman Witsius)说道:如果亚当持守顺服,律法给他带来的将是和现今在基督里所领受的一样(永生)。这从基督而来的产业不出于行为,乃是凭着信心。[2] 亚当与神之间的这种有条件的立约关系也被称为行为之约(covenant of works)。
The relationship that existed between God and Adam had a condition placed upon it, which was Adam’s obedience, as well as a reward for obedience (life) and a consequence for disobedience (death), and Adam represented all of humanity in this covenant. The seventeenth-century theologian Herman Witsius states, If Adam therefore had persevered in obedience, the law would have brought him to that same inheritance [eternal life], which now in Christ is allotted not to him that worketh, but to him that believeth.[2]This conditional covenantal relationship Adam had with God is also known as the covenant of works.

Jesus Teaches Us How the World’s Problems Began

在神的园子里,有一个敌人,就是那已经背叛神,现在企图要把人类归入他权下的。蛇,一个名叫魔鬼的堕落天使,要尊荣自己(赛13:12-15;太4:8-10;路4:5-8)。他引诱亚当和他的妻子夏娃违背神,吃了那园中唯一不可吃的树上的果子,欺骗他们说,这果子可以让他们“如神能知道善恶” (创3:45)。
There was an enemy in God’s garden—one who had rebelled against God and now sought to bring humanity under his dominion. The serpent, a fallen angel called the devil, wanted the glory for himself (Isa. 14:12–15; Matt. 4:8–10; Luke 4:5–8). He enticed Adam and his wife Eve to disobey God by eating the only forbidden fruit in the entire garden, falsely claiming that the fruit would make them “like God, knowing good and evil” (Gen. 3:4–5).

The moment Adam and Eve ate the fruit, their eyes were opened—but not in the way Satan led them to believe. They painfully saw the shame of their sin and rebellion against God and attempted in vain to hide from him. Adam and Eve tried to cover their nakedness with fig leaves, but their own efforts could do nothing to remove their guilt and punishment (Gen. 3:7).

Because of Adam and Eve’s disobedience, Eve would now bring forth children in increased pain, and her husband would rule over her (Gen. 3:16). God cursed the ground from which Adam must now toil to produce food (Gen. 3:17–18). Then God replaced the man-made fig leaves Adam and Eve wore: “And the Lord God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them” (Gen. 3:21). Finally, God drove Adam and Eve out of the garden and placed an angel to guard the tree of life. Instead of communing daily with God, the sin of the first man and woman made them unworthy to stand in their creator’s holy presence.

Why God’s Punishment Was Just

You might be wondering right now: Did God overreact to Adam and Eve’s sin? The punishment might seem not to fit the offense: a cursed world and humanity estranged from God, and pain, suffering, and death to boot—all for eating some forbidden fruit. Why was Adam and Eve’s disobedience such a terrible transgression against God?

乌尔西努(Zacharias Ursinus)在16世纪对这个问题进行了论述。在他的《海德堡要理问答注释》中,乌尔西努罗列了亚当和夏娃的不顺服导致的6个严重罪行
A man named Zacharias Ursinus addressed this very issue back in the sixteenth century. In his commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism, Ursinus lists six terrible offenses connected to Adam and Eve’s act of disobedience:

1. 骄傲、野心和自义:人不满足于自己被赋予的地位和尊荣,想要与神同等。
Pride, ambition, and an admiration of self: Man, not satisfied with his own dignity, and in the condition he was placed, desired to be equal with God.

2. 不信:亚当相信魔鬼,胜过相信神,并且吃了那禁果;他也不相信任何刑罚将会临到他。
Unbelief: Adam believed the devil rather than God, and ate the forbidden fruit; nor did he believe any punishment would overtake him.

3. 对神的藐视和违抗:这体现在他违反神的命令吃了禁果的事实上。
Contempt and disobedience to God: This appears in the fact that he ate the fruit contrary to the command of God.

4. 忘恩负义:即使亚当是按着神的形象受造,并且是为了要享受永恒的生命,但对所领受的恩典,他的回报却是顺服魔鬼而不是顺服神。
Ingratitude for benefits received: Even though Adam was made in the image of God—and for the enjoyment of eternal life—his return for this benefit received was to obey the devil rather than God.

5. 违反天性的,缺乏对后代的爱:亚当没有考虑过神赐予他和他所有子孙后代的礼物将会失去。
Unnaturalness, and the want of love to posterity: Adam did not consider that the gifts God had bestowed upon him and his posterity would be lost not only to himself but also to all his descendants.

6. 背道:通过相信和顺从魔鬼,而不是神,亚当想要与神同等。他用魔鬼取代神使自己与神隔离。[3]
Apostasy: By believing and obeying the devil rather than God, Adam wished to obtain equality with God. He set up the devil in the place of God, separating himself from God.[3]

Ursinus rightly concludes, “The fall of man was no trifling, nor singular offense; but it was a sin manifold and horrible in its nature, on account of which God justly rejected him, and all of his posterity.”[4]

Because of Adam’s disobedience and fall, all people bear Adam’s guilt, because Adam represented all humanity. Furthermore, Adam’s sin caused the corruption of his nature, and all his posterity—including you and me—would now bear that same sinful nature. The apostle Paul described the far-reaching consequences of Adam’s rebellion:

这就如罪是从一人入了世界,死又是从罪来的,于是死就临到众人,因为众人都犯了罪。( 5:12 )
Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned. (Rom. 5:12)

Every Human Being Is Inherently Sinful

In the book of Psalms, King David recognized his inherent sinfulness that was present even before he was born:

我是在罪孽里生的,在我母亲怀胎的时候就有了罪。( 51:5 )
Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me. (Ps. 51:5)

有些人把上述经文解读为性是一种罪恶的行为,但那完全不是大卫所表达的重点。大卫明白他在出生之前就是有罪的,因为亚当的堕落,没有任何一个婴孩出生时不带着罪性。人无法凭自己的行为重新获得神的喜悦,“因为世人都犯了罪,亏缺了 神的荣耀”(罗 3:23)。
Some people take the above verse to mean that sex is a sinful act, but that was not at all the point David was making. David understood that he was sinful before he was even born. Because of Adam’s fall, no mere human child has ever been born without sin. There was no way for humans to be right with God again on their own merits, because “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23).

我们所有最好的行为都受到我们有罪的现状的影响。像伊曼纽尔·康德(Immanuel Kant)这样的哲学家相信,幸福可以凭人类的理性找到,但是这种追寻注定要失败,甚至在开始之前就注定如此,因为自从伊甸园的堕落以来,罪恶的心智就无法以未堕落的方式进行推理。
All our best efforts are tainted by our sinful state. Philosophers such as Immanuel Kant believed happiness could be found in human reason, but this quest is doomed to failure before even starting, because the sinful mind is incapable of reasoning in an uncorrupted fashion since the fall in the garden of Eden.

原罪一词描述了因亚当的犯罪而导致的人类有罪的现状。我们从亚当继承堕落的本性,也导致我们从出生到死亡不断积累更多的罪。麦克·霍顿(Michael Horton)在他的著作Core Christianity(暂译:《基督教核心》)里解释到,人类的全然败坏意味着我们所有的言行举止都被罪玷污了:
The term original sin describes this present state of humanity’s guilt because of Adam’s sin. The corrupt nature we inherited from Adam also causes us to heap even more condemnation on ourselves due to the sins we each commit from birth until death. The total depravity of humanity, as Michael Horton explains in his book Core Christianity, means that everything we are and do is tainted by sin:

It says that there is nothing within us that is left unfallen from which we might begin to bargain or to restore our condition. It does not mean that every person will indulge in every form of sin or that we cannot admire virtuous character. Humans still possess a conscience and can discriminate between good and evil. We are free to will and choose what our mind and hear desire, but our mind has been darkened and our heart is selfish. Everyone has a natural ability to render God faithful obedience, but after the fall our moral ability is held captive to our own selfishness and idolatry. The fault lies not in that we cannot but that we will not turn from our sin to the living God.[5]

因为神是圣洁的,非圣洁没有人能进入祂的同在(利 20:26;彼前1:16)。如果神对人类堕落的境地无动于衷,那么我们所有的人都将伏在祂的公义刑罚之下,从神的美德中被剪除,无法获得或经历美善、真理和圣洁。无论我们多努力地去掩饰或除去心里的黑暗,在神面前我们始终被罪捆绑,处于与美善相反的,丑陋的一面。
Since God is holy, no one can enter his presence unless they are holy as well (Lev. 20:26; 1 Pet. 1:16). If God had done nothing to help humanity in its fallen state, we would all be under his just punishment, forever cut off from the beauty of God’s perfection, unable to attain—or experience—goodness, truth, and purity. No matter how much we try to cover up or clean up the darkness of our hearts, we remain in bondage to sin and guilty before God—a state of ugliness—the opposite of beauty.

Jesus, the Second Adam, Is Our Only Hope

Thankfully, there is more to the story. Let’s return to what God said in Genesis 2:17 about the consequences that would come from eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Why didn’t Adam and Eve die on the day they sinned, as God said they would?

There is one key verse in the entire Bible that points us to the only way for people to be returned to a right relationship with God: In Genesis 3:15, a verse known as the protoevangelium (the first announcement in the Bible of the gospel), God pronounces his curse on the serpent, and with the curse is the great promise that summarizes the Bible:

我又要叫你和女人彼此为仇;你的后裔和女人的后裔也彼此为仇。女人的后裔要伤你的头;你要伤他的脚跟。(创 3:15
“I will put enmity between you and the woman,and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” (Gen. 3:15)

The expulsion of Adam and Eve from the garden of Eden was actually a divine mercy. If Adam and Eve were now to eat from the tree of life, they would be condemned to live forever in their sinful state. Yet, God had a plan all along. Because God is all-knowing, he knew from eternity that Adam would disobey him and that Adam’s only hope—and that of his descendants—could only come from God himself. A second Adam must pass the test Adam failed to pass.

This second Adam—both fully God and fully man, would keep God’s law perfectly and bear the full punishment for sin as the perfect once-for-all sacrifice, so that people could once again be in full communion with their Creator. Adam and Eve would not die right away, because they must bring forth children from whom the Savior would come. Adam showed his faith in God’s promise to save him by naming his wife Eve, which means the mother of all living.

A Divine Mercy

Understanding the conditional aspect of God’s relationship with Adam helps us make sense of why Jesus had to come and fulfill what Adam failed to do. In Jesus, God would finally have a perfectly obedient Son. Jesus’ reward for his obedience would be a kingdom and a people who would reign with him forever.

One reason Jesus spoke in parables is because he didn’t want to reveal everything about what he was going to do (Luke 8:10). His followers might try to make him an earthly king, and that is not why Jesus came. Jesus was indeed a king, but his kingdom was not of this world. As he approached the cross, Jesus spoke more plainly about his mission to redeem the world:

从此,耶稣才指示门徒,他必须上耶路撒冷去,受长老、祭司长、文士许多的苦,并且被杀,第三日复活。 16:21
From that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised. (Matt. 16:21)

Without Jesus’ finished work on their behalf, people face more than physical death—they also face God’s righteous wrath and punishment. Jesus came to be far more than a good example: he came to destroy sin, death, and the devil. Jesus came to save us from hell and bring us into the kingdom of God.

[1] Herman Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics: God and Creation, 2, ed. John Bolt, trans. John Vriend (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2004), 234.
[2] Herman Witsius, The Economy of the Covenants Between God and Man, 1 (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2010), 74.
[3] Adapted from Zacharias Ursinus, The Commentary of Dr. Zacharius Ursinus, on the Heidelberg Catechism, trans. G. W. Willard, 3rd American ed. (Cincinnati: T. P. Bucher, 1851), exposition on Q. 7:  33-34页。
[4] Ursinus, 34.
[5] Michael Horton, Core Christianity: Finding Yourself in God’s Story (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2016), 95.


原罪Original Sin

作者: 巴刻 (J.I. Packer)  译者: 张麟至


五十一5 我是在罪孽里生的,在我母亲怀胎的时候就有了罪。

根据圣经的诊断,罪是一种人性普遍的败坏,它发生在每一个人的每一部分(王上846;罗39-23718;约壹18-10)。新旧两约都给罪一些名称,以曝露罪的道德本质,诸如:悖逆神的管治,误失神所要人达到的目标,逾越神的律法,不服神的指引,污秽自己以干犯神的纯洁,在神这位判官面前招致罪咎。这种道德性的扭曲有其动力(This moral deformity is dynamic):罪的成立首先是出于对神的呼召与命令的一种非理性的、负面的、悖逆的反应,一种与神抗争,好让自己作神的精神。罪的根源是倨傲(pride),与神敌对,这种精神见之于亚当的首次犯罪;而罪行的背后,总是包含有一些思想、动机和欲望,以各种方式表达出人类堕落的心灵是如何刻意要顶撞神对我们生命所作的安排。


“原罪”是指我们的本性所衍生的罪恶,这并不是圣经上的词彙,而是奥古斯丁创造的,然而它却将罪在我们的属灵体系里的实情,原本托出。原罪的主张并不是说,起初神造人时,罪是人性的一部分(神造的人是正直的,传729);也不是说,罪与繁衍和生产过程有关(利1215章中所谓的与月经、遗精、生产有关的不洁,只是预表性的、仪式性的,而非道德上的、真实的)。原罪的主张乃是说:(1) 罪恶在人一出生时就存在,在人犯下实际的罪行之前,罪恶已经藉著动机扭曲之心态存在了;(2) 这种内在的罪恶是所有实际罪行的根源;(3) 罪恶由亚当——人类在神面前的第一位代表——透过一种实在却神秘的途径,传给了我们。原罪的主张强调:我们不是因为犯了罪,才成为罪人;而是因为我们是罪人,生来就有被罪奴役的性情,我们才犯罪。

“全然堕落”(total depravity)一词,常常被用来把原罪的涵义表明清楚。它指明我们在道德与灵性上的败坏是全然的。完全不是指程度而言(因为人有可能比他现在坏的程度更坏),而是指范围而言。这教义宣告,人没有一处不被罪玷污,所以,我们的行为不会像我们应该有的光景那样好。结果,导致在我们里面的、和我们有关的事物,在神的眼中看来,没有一样是有功绩的,无论我们做什么,我们都无法赢得神的喜悦;除非神的恩典拯救我们,我们是失丧的。


Original Sin - Depravity Infects Everyone
By J.I. Packer (from Concise Theology)

"Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me" (Ps. 51:5)

Scripture diagnoses sin as a universal deformity of human nature, found at every point in every person (1 Kings 8:46; Rom. 3:9-23; 7:18; 1 John 1:8-10). Both Testaments have names for it that display its ethical character as rebellion against God's rule, missing the mark God set us to aim at, transgressing God's law, disobeying God's directives, offending God's purity by defiling oneself, and incurring guilt before God the Judge. This moral deformity is dynamic: sin stands revealed as an energy of irrational, negative, and rebellious reaction to God's call and command, a spirit of fighting God in order to play God. The root of sin is pride and enmity against God, the spirit seen in Adam's first transgression; and sinful acts always have behind them thoughts, motives, and desires that one way or another express the willful opposition of the fallen heart to God's claims on our lives.

Sin may be comprehensively defined as lack of conformity to the law of God in act, habit, attitude, outlook, disposition, motivation, and mode of existence. Scriptures that illustrate different aspects of sin include Jeremiah 17:9; Matthew 12:30-37; Mark 7:20-23; Romans 1:18-3:20; 7:7-25; 8:5-8; 14:23 (Luther said that Paul wrote Romans to "magnify sin"); Galatians 5:16-21; Ephesians 2:1-3; 4:17-19; Hebrews 3:12; James 2:10-11; 1 John 3:4; 5:17. Flesh in Paul usually means a human being driven by sinful desire; the niv renders these instances of the word as "sinful nature." The particular faults and vices (i.e., forms and expression of sin) that Scripture detects and denounces are too numerous to list here.

Original sin, meaning sin derived from our origin, is not a biblical phrase (Augustine coined it), but it is one that brings into fruitful focus the reality of sin in our spiritual system. The assertion of original sin means not that sin belongs to human nature as God made it (God made mankind upright, Eccles. 7:29), nor that sin is involved in the processes of reproduction and birth (the uncleanness connected with menstruation, semen, and childbirth in Leviticus 12 and 15 was typical and ceremonial only, not moral and real), but that (a) sinfulness marks everyone from birth, and is there in the form of a motivationally twisted heart, prior to any actual sins; (b) this inner sinfulness is the root and source of all actual sins; (c) it derives to us in a real though mysterious way from Adam, our first representative before God. The assertion of original sin makes the point that we are not sinners because we sin, but rather we sin because we are sinners, born with a nature enslaved to sin.

The phrase total depravity is commonly used to make explicit the implications of original sin. It signifies a corruption of our moral and spiritual nature that is total not in degree (for no one is as bad as he or she might be) but in extent. It declares that no part of us is untouched by sin, and therefore no action of ours is as good as it should be, and consequently nothing in us or about us ever appears meritorious in God's eyes. We cannot earn God's favor, no matter what we do; unless grace saves us, we are lost.

Total depravity entails total inability, that is, the state of not having it in oneself to respond to God and his Word in a sincere and wholehearted way (John 6:44; Rom. 8:7-8). Paul calls this unresponsiveness of the fallen heart a state of death (Eph. 2:1, 5; Col. 2:13), and the Westminster Confession says: "Man by his fall into a state of sin, hath wholly lost all ability of will to any spiritual good accompanying salvation; so as a natural man, being altogether averse from that good, and dead in sin, is not able by his own strength to convert himself, or to prepare himself thereunto" (IX. 3).


原罪這個詞是什麼意思?¿QuéSignifica El Término Pecado Original?

作者:  R.C. Sproul   誠之





What is meant by the term original sin?
By RC Sproul

Original sin has to do with the fallenness of human nature. Jonathan Edwards wrote a tremendous treatise on original sin. He not only devoted himself to a lengthy exposition of what the Bible teaches about man’s fallen character and his propensity toward wickedness, but he made a study from a secular, rational perspective that addressed the philosophy that was widespread in his day: Everyone in the world is born innocent, in a state of moral neutrality in which they don’t have any predilection toward either the good or the evil. It’s society that corrupts these innocent natives, so to speak. As we are exposed to sinful behavior around us, our normal, natural innocence is eroded by the influence of society. But that begs the question, How did society get corrupt in the first place? Society is people. Why is it that so many people have sinned? It’s almost axiomatic in our culture that nobody is perfect. And Edwards asked questions like, Why not? If everyone were born in a state of moral neutrality, you would expect statistically that approximately 50 percent of those people would grow up and never sin. But that’s not what we find. Everywhere we find human beings acting against the moral precepts and standards of the New Testament. In fact, whatever the moral standards are of the culture in which they live, nobody keeps them perfectly. Even the honor that’s established among thieves is violated by thieves. No matter how low the level of morality is in a given society, people break it.

So there is something indubitable about the fallenness of our human character. All people sin.

The doctrine of original sin teaches that people sin because we are sinners. It’s not that we are sinners because we sin, but rather, we sin because we are sinners; that is, since the fall of man, we have inherited a corrupted condition of sinfulness. We now have a sin nature. The New Testament says we are under sin; we have a disposition toward wickedness, so that we all do, in fact, commit sins because it is our nature to commit sins. But that’s not the nature that was originally given to us by God. We were originally innocent, but now the race has been plummeted into a state of corruption.

¿Qué Significa El Término Pecado Original?
Por R.C. Sproul

El pecado original tiene que ver con la caída de la naturaleza humana. Jonathan Edwards escribió un tremendo tratado sobre el pecado original. No solo se dedicó a una extensa exposición de lo que la Biblia enseña sobre el carácter caído del hombre y su propensión a la maldad, sino que hizo un estudio desde una perspectiva secular y racional que abordaba la filosofía que se difundió en su época: Todos en el mundo nacen inocentes, en un estado de neutralidad moral en el que no tienen ninguna predilección por el bien o el mal.

Es la sociedad la que corrompe a estos inocentes nativos, por así decirlo. Al estar expuestos a un comportamiento pecaminoso a nuestro alrededor, nuestra inocencia normal y natural se ve erosionada por la influencia de la sociedad. Pero eso plantea la pregunta: ¿cómo se corrompió la sociedad primeramente? La sociedad es gente ¿Por qué tantas personas han pecado? Es casi axiomático en nuestra cultura que nadie es perfecto. Y Edwards hizo preguntas como, ¿por qué no? Si todos nacieran en un estado de neutralidad moral, se esperaría estadísticamente que aproximadamente el 50 por ciento de esas personas crecería y nunca pecaría. Pero eso no es lo que encontramos. En todas partes encontramos seres humanos que actúan en contra de los preceptos morales y los estándares del Nuevo Testamento. De hecho, cualesquiera que sean los estándares morales de la cultura en la que viven, nadie los mantiene a la perfección. Incluso el honor que se establece entre los ladrones es violado por los ladrones. No importa qué tan bajo sea el nivel de moralidad en una sociedad dada, la gente la rompe.

Entonces, hay algo indudable sobre la caída de nuestro carácter humano. Toda la gente peca.

La doctrina del pecado original enseña que las personas pecan porque somos pecadores. No es que seamos pecadores porque pecamos, sino que pecamos porque somos pecadores; es decir, desde la caída del hombre, hemos heredado una condición corrupta de pecaminosidad. Ahora tenemos una naturaleza pecaminosa. El Nuevo Testamento dice que estamos bajo pecado; tenemos una disposición hacia la iniquidad, de modo que todos, de hecho, cometemos pecados porque es nuestra naturaleza cometer pecados. Pero esa no es la naturaleza que originalmente nos fue dada por Dios. Originalmente éramos inocentes, pero ahora la raza se ha derrumbado en un estado de corrupción.


作者: 史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul) 譯者: 姚錦榮
摘自《神學入門》《Essential Truths of the Christian Faithp.137-138 ,更新傳道會出版http://www.crmnj.org/











1. 罪的普遍性不能歸咎於社會和環境的因素。
2. 罪的普遍性原因是由於全人類的墮落。
3. 原罪不是指第一件罪,而是指那件罪的結果。
4. 所有的人生來都具有罪性,也就是都有原罪。
5. 因為我們的罪性,所以我們都會犯罪。


1. Westminster Confession of Faith ( Committee for Christian Education y Publication, Presbyterian Church in America, 1990), art. 6:1.
2.Westminster Confession, art. 6: 1-4.

Original Sin

 It is commonplace to hear the statement, "people are basically good." Though it is admitted that no one is perfect, human wickedness is minimized. Yet if people are basically good, why is sin so universal?

It is often suggested that everybody sins because society has such a negative influence upon us. The problem is seen with our environment, not with our nature. This explanation for the universality of sin begs the question, how did society become corrupt in the first place? If people are born good or innocent, we would expect at least a percentage of them to remain good and sinless. We should be able to find societies that are not corrupt, where the environment has been conditioned by sinlessness rather than sinfulness. Yet the most dedicated-to-righteousness communes we can find still have provisions for dealing with the guilt of sin.

Since the fruit is universally corrupt we look for the root of the problem in the tree. Jesus indicated that a good tree does not produce corrupt fruit. The Bible clearly teaches that our original parents, Adam and Eve, fell in sin. Subsequently, every human being has been born with a sinful and corrupt nature. If the Bible didn't explicitly teach this, we would have to deduce it rationally from the bare fact of the universality of sin.

Yet the Fall is not simply a question of rational deduction. It is a point of divine revelation. It refers to what we call original sin. Original sin does not refer primarily to the first or original sin committed by Adam and Eve. Original sin refers to the result of the first sin—the corruption of the human race. Original sin refers to the fallen condition in which we are born.

That the Fall occurred is clear in Scripture. The Fall was devastating. How it came to pass is open to dispute even among Reformed thinkers. The Westminster Confession explains the event simply, much in the manner that Scripture explains it:

Our first parents, being seduced by the subtlety and temptation of Satan, sinned, in eating the forbidden fruit. This their sin, God was pleased, according to His wise and holy counsel, to permit, having purposed to order it to His own glory.
Thus, the Fall occurred. The results, however, reached far beyond Adam and Eve. They not only touched all mankind, but decimated all mankind. We are sinners in Adam. We cannot ask, "When does the individual become a sinner?" For the truth is that human beings come into existence in a state of sinfulness. They are seen by God as sinful because of their solidarity with Adam.

The Westminster Confession again elegantly expresses the results of the Fall, particularly as it relates to human beings:

By this sin they fell from their original righteousness and communion with God, and so became dead in sin, and wholly defiled in all the parts and faculties of soul and body. They being the root of all mankind, the guilt of this sin was imputed, and the same death in sin, and corrupted nature, conveyed to all their posterity descending from them by ordinary generation. From this original corruption, whereby we are utterly indisposed, disabled, and made opposite to all good, and wholly inclined to all evil, do proceed all actual transgressions.
That last phrase is crucial. We are sinners not because we sin. Rather, we sin because we are sinners. Thus David laments, "Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me" (Psalm 51:5, NIV).

1.  The universality of sin cannot be accounted for by pointing to societal or environmental factors.
2.  The universality of sin is explained by the Fall of mankind.
3.  Original sin does not refer to the first sin, but to the result of that sin.
4.  All people are born with a sinful nature or "original sin."

5.  We all sin because we are sinners by nature.
