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《简明神学》Concise Theology: A Guide to Historic Christian Beliefs,巴刻(J. I. Packer)著/張麟至译,更新传道会,2007年。


...what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. ROMANS 1:19

Scripture assumes, and experience confirms, that human beings are naturally inclined to some form of religion, yet they fail to worship their Creator, whose general revelation of himself makes him universally known. Both theoretical atheism and moral monotheism are natural to no one: atheism is always a reaction against a pre-existing belief in God or gods, and moral monotheism has only ever appeared in the wake of special revelation.

Scripture explains this state of affairs by telling us that sinful egoism and aversion to our Creator’s claims drive humankind into idolatry, which means transferring worship and homage to some power or object other than God the Creator (Isa. 44:9-20; Rom. 1:21-23; Col. 3:5). In this way, apostate humans “suppress the truth” and have “exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles” (Rom. 1:18, 23). They smother and quench, as far as they can, the awareness that general revelation gives them of the transcendent Creator-Judge, and attach their ineradicable sense of deity to unworthy objects. This in turn leads to drastic moral decline, with consequent misery, as a first manifestation of God’s wrath against human apostasy (Rom. 1:18, 24-32).

Nowadays in the West people idolize and, in effect, worship secular objects such as the firm, the family, football, and pleasant feelings of various kinds. But moral decline still results, just as it did when pagans worshipped literal idols in Bible times.

Human beings cannot entirely suppress their sense of God and his present and future judgment; God himself will not let them do that. Some sense of right and wrong, as well as of being accountable to a holy divine Judge, always remains. In our fallen world all whose minds are not in some way impaired have a conscience that at some points directs them and from time to time condemns them, telling them that they ought to suffer for wrongs they have done (Rom. 2:14ff.); and when conscience speaks in these terms it is in truth the voice of God.

Fallen humankind is in one sense ignorant of God, since what people like to believe, and do in fact believe, about the objects of their worship falsifies and distorts the revelation of God they cannot escape. In another sense, however, all human beings remain aware of God, guiltily, with uncomfortable inklings of coming judgment that they wish they did not have. Only the gospel of Christ can speak peace to this distressful aspect of the human condition.


—般性啟示 Immediate And Mediate General Revelation

摘自《神學入門》《Essential Truths of the Christian Faith10 , R.C. Sproul/姚錦榮译,更新傳道會出版。


母親所說的立刻,是指及時完成一件事,而不要受時間的阻撓。但在神學上,立刻一詞(immediate) 卻另有含意,它是指一些事情的發生或完成,並不需要藉助於別的代表、物件或媒介,是指不需倚賴居間者完成的一種行動。

聖經神學中提到兩種一般性的啟示,一是中介性的(mediate), 另一是立即性的(immediate)。中介性的一般啟示,是指透過某些媒介傳達啟示。當諸天述說神的榮耀時,諸天便成為彰顯神榮耀的中介。從這個角度來說,整個宇宙都成了神啟示的媒介,受造物成為創造主的見證。









19 : 1-14 14 8-18 17 16- 34 1 18-23 2 14-15

1. John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, trans. Henry Beveridge, 2 vols. bk. I (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans 1975)43.


When I was a boy and my mother required that I do something without delay, she punctuated her orders to me by using the adverb immediately.

She would say, “Son, go to your room immediately.” She used the word immediately to refer to an event in time that occurs without any intervening block of time. In theology the term immediate means something else. It means that something happens without passing
through any intervening agent, thing, or means. It is an action that takes place without an intermediary.

In biblical theology we distinguish between two types of general revelation—that which is communicated through an intermediary and that which is direct. When we speak of mediate general revelation, we refer to  revelation that is transmitted through something. When the heavens reveal God, they become the medium or means through which God displays His glory. In this sense, the whole universe is a medium of divine revelation. The creation bears witness to its Creator.

The Bible says that the whole earth is full of the glory of God. Sadly, we often miss the very glory that surrounds us. We tend to live on the surface of things. We are asleep to the wonder and awe that God provides in His glorious creation. We have tuned out. We are out of touch. Religious ideas are worthless if they do not express something real.

The sublime presence of God is all around us. Yet we are often blind and deaf to it. We don’t understand its language. It takes more than stopping to smell the flowers. The flower contains more than a sweet aroma or fragrance. It exudes the glory of its Creator.

We are all in touch with divine revelation when we are aware of God’s glory in nature. Nature is not divine. But God’s glory fills nature and is revealed in and through it.
In addition to revealing His glory indirectly through creation, God also reveals Himself directly to the human mind. This revelation is called immediate general revelation.

The apostle Paul speaks of the law of God that is written upon our hearts (Romans 2:12-16). John Calvin spoke of a sense of the divine that God implants in the mind of every person. He said:

That there exists in the human mind, and indeed by natural instinct, some sense of Deity, we hold to be beyond dispute, since God himself . . . has endued all men with some idea of his Godhead, the memory of which he constantly renews and occasionally enlarges.1

Cultures everywhere attest to the presence of some kind of religious activity, confirming humankind’s incurably religious nature. Human beings are religious at their core. The character of such religion may be crassly idolatrous, but even idolatry, indeed, especially idolatry, gives evidence of this innate knowledge that can be distorted but never obliterated.

Deep within our souls we know that God exists and that He has given His law to us. We seek to suppress this knowledge in order to escape God’s commands. But no matter how hard we try, we cannot silence this inner voice. It can be muffled but not destroyed.

1. God’s glory is evident all around us. It is mediated through God’s creation.
2. Human beings are religious by nature.
3. God implants in all human beings an innate knowledge of Himself. This is called immediate general revelation.

Biblical passages for reflection:
Psalm 19:1-4
Acts 4:8-18
Acts 17:16-34
Romans 1:18-23
Romans 2:14-15

1. John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, trans. Henry Beveridge, 2 vols., bk.I
(Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1975), 43.