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在敬畏上帝的事上成長的八種方法8 Ways to Grow in the Fear ofGod

 作者:Tim Challies      駱鴻銘譯自:

Albert Martin在他的新書《被人遺忘的敬畏》(The Forgotten Fear)中,列出八項具體的指示,以維持並加增我們心中對上帝的敬畏。以下是這八條指示,以及每一點的總結。請思考以下的策略,幫助自己越來越像基督:
In his book The Forgotten Fear, Albert Martin lists eight “specific directives for maintaining and increasing the fear of God in our hearts.” What follows are his eight directives along with summaries of each point in his own words (lightly tweaked). Consider following these strategies for your own growth in Christlikeness.

1.      要確定自己對「新約」有興趣。1) Be certain that you have an interest in the new covenant.

耶穌基督已經以新約中保的身份而死,而新約所應許其中的一個祝福就是上帝會使百姓有敬畏祂的心(譯按:參耶三十二40)。要這樣禱告:「主耶穌,因為祢已經捨身流血,我懇求祢加添我對祢的敬畏,讓我對祢的敬畏與日俱增。這是新約的血所保證的,也是已經為我確保的。」The argument you ought to press before God should be that Jesus Christ has died as the Mediator of the new covenant, and that one of the blessings promised in that covenant is that God would put His fear into your heart. Pray, “Lord Jesus, on the basis of Thy shed blood I plead for an increase of Thy fear. Give me as much of Thy fear as the blood of the covenant warrants and has secured for me.”

2.      用聖經來餵養我們的心思意念。2) Feed your mind on the Scriptures in general.

There is an inseparable relationship between the special revelation God has made in Scripture and the fear of God. And this relationship is such that, for all intents and purposes, the fear of God can be used as a synonym for the Word of God. The overall effect of every truth of Scripture is to feed the fear of God. In one way or another, the individual who absorbs the most Scripture, spiritually assimilating it into his heart, life, and very being, is the one who will know most of the fear of God.

3.      用上帝赦免的事實來餵養我們的靈魂。3) Feed your soul with the reality of the forgiveness of God.

When we discover that this great God, holy and just and omniscient as He is, actually forgives sins, and that all of His glorious attributes have been fully engaged to grant me a just pardon and full acceptance, how can we help but fear Him? The measure to which the fact and wonder of forgiving grace sinks into your soul will be the measure of your fear of God. Therefore, if you would have the fear of God sustained in your heart, feed your soul on God’s forgiveness.

4.      學會用上帝的威嚴偉大來餵養你的靈魂。4) Learn to feed your soul on the majestic greatness of God.

By that, I mean those aspects of His character and attributes such as His absolute sovereignty, holiness, power, omnipotence, and immensity. As we contemplate His majestic greatness, it is unthinkable that any rational creature would not fear such a God. If a creature knows God as He is revealed, he cannot help but fear Him. The principle for us as God’s people is this: If you would grow in the fear of God, then you must feed your soul on the majestic greatness of God.

5.   努力培養上帝的同在感。5) Seek to cultivate an awareness of Gods presence.

To walk in God’s fear is to cultivate this awareness of His presence. You cannot fear a distant and a forgotten God. If God is feared, it is as a God who is near and who is remembered. God is there. David’s setting Him there [in Psalm 139] did not put Him there; He was already there. But it is the recognition that He is there that becomes the transforming experience in our lives. May God therefore help us to cultivate this awareness of His presence.

6.      試著去培養對上帝的義務的意識。6) Seek to cultivate the consciousness of your obligations to God.

One indispensable element of the fear of God is that in each situation the Christian realizes that his relationship to God is the most important relationship he has. Our first prayer every morning should be, “Lord, help me this day to walk in Thy fear.” Jesus came to implant the blessings of the new covenant in the hearts of men so that they will fear Him to the extent that, even if they must sever the deepest of earthly ties, they will be willing to do it for His sake.

7.      與那些敬畏上帝的人作好友。7) Associate closely with those who walk in the fear of God.

Where you have the opportunity and privilege to select your intimate friends, they ought to be God-fearing people. There is a power of imitation, absorption, and contagion between individuals such that you will become like your most intimate associates. That is why God warns us against forming intimate associations with evil men—so that we don’t become like them. Do you desire to grow in the fear of God? If you do, then associate yourself—intimately, not loosely—with those who walk together in His fear in covenantal church membership.

8.      熱切禱告,求上帝加添你對祂的敬畏。8) Fervently pray for an increase of the fear of God.

上帝國度一個恆久不變的規律是:「你們祈求,就給你們;尋找,就尋見;叩門,就給你們開門。」(太七7)或者用反面來說,「你們得不著,是因為你們不求。」(雅四2 當我們為加添對上帝的敬畏而禱告,我們必須以無可動搖的信心來禱告,即我們的確是照著上帝的旨意而求。有了這個信心,我們可以滿心期待,上帝的確會聽這個加添敬畏的禱告,並回應這個禱告。
One of the unalterable laws of God’s kingdom is, “Ask, and it will be given to you” (Matt. 7:7). Or to put it negatively, “You do not have because you do not ask” (James 4:2). When we pray for an increase of the fear of God, we ought to pray with unshakable confidence that we are indeed asking for something that is in accord with God’s will. Having this confidence, we can pray for this increase in the firm expectation that God will indeed hear and answer such prayer.

Again, for those interested, I have reviewed Martin’s book, The Forgotten Fear.
 有興趣的人,可以讀我對這本書的書評:《被人遺忘的敬畏》( The Forgotten Fear)。


作者:Phil Johnson  譯者:駱鴻銘

 「你們是世上的鹽……你們是世上的光……你們的光也當這樣照在人前,叫他們看見你們的好行為,便將榮耀歸給你們在天上的父。」 (太五13-16“You are the salt of the earth… . You are the light of the world… . Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 5:13–16).

這段經文經常被人引用來證明,教會要積極參與政治活動——遊說、動員選民、組織抗議活動,並利用福音派運動來爭取政治影響力——是一個命令。最近我聽說一位著名的福音派領袖這樣說道:「我們必須讓人在投票所裡聽見我們的聲音,否則我們就不是如耶穌所吩咐的,是世上的鹽和光。」這種觀點非常普遍。當你說到「鹽和光」的時候,典型的福音派人生就會像巴卜洛夫的條件反射一樣,開始大談政治。That text is often cited as if it were a mandate for the church to engage in political activism — lobbying, rallying voters, organizing protests, and harnessing the evangelical movement for political clout. I recently heard a well-known evangelical leader say, “We need to make our voices heard in the voting booth, or we’re not being salt and light the way Jesus commanded.” That view is pervasive. Say the phrase “salt and light,” and the typical evangelical starts talking politics as if by Pavlovian reflex.

但是請仔細按照這段經文的前後文來看耶穌的陳述。祂不是在鼓吹聯合抵制、抗議或政治宣傳,而是呼召門徒要過聖潔的生活。But look at Jesus’ statement carefully in its context. He was not drumming up boycotts, protests, or a political campaign. He was calling His disciples to holy living.

鹽與光的論述是在耶穌登山寶訓的前言中,最高峰的一段經文。它緊跟在八福之後出現。耶穌是在對真正的敬虔宣告正式的祝福。The salt-and-light discourse is the culminating paragraph of the introduction to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. It comes immediately after the Beatitudes. Jesus was pronouncing a formal blessing on the key traits of authentic godliness.

八福最引人注意的部分是耶穌所讚美的特質,和世人所以為值得讚美的特質是不同的。世人所誇耀的是權力和統治權,武力和體力,身份和階級。對比之下,耶穌所讚揚的是謙卑、溫柔、憐憫、哀慟、清心,甚至為義受逼迫。總的來說,這些特質和政治影響力和黨派力量是兩極對立的。What’s most notable about the Beatitudes is that the qualities Jesus blesses are not the same attributes the world typically thinks are worthy of praise. The world glorifies power and dominion, force and physical strength, status and class. By contrast, Jesus blesses humility, meekness, mercy, mourning, purity of heart, and even persecution for righteousness’ sake. Collectively, these qualities are the polar opposite of political clout and partisan power.

換句話說,耶穌稱讚那些願意受逼迫,願意為義的緣故被剝奪公民權的人——和平使者,不是抗議人士;虛心的人,不是驕傲的人;被逼迫的人,不是誇大不實的權力販子。In other words, Jesus blessed people who were willing to be oppressed and disenfranchised for righteousness’ sake — peacemakers, not protesters; poor in spirit, not proud; people who are persecuted, not the pompous and power-mongers.

這和耶穌在整本新約裡的教導是一致的。祂說:This is consistent with Jesus’ teaching throughout the New Testament. He said,

耶穌叫了他們來,說:「你們知道外邦人有君王為主治理他們,有大臣操權管束他們。 只是在你們中間,不可這樣;你們中間誰願為大,就必作你們的用人; 誰願為首,就必作你們的僕人。 正如人子來,不是要受人的服事,乃是要服事人,並且要捨命,作多人的贖價。」 (太廿25-28)。You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. (Matt. 20:25–28)

此外,請注意,「你們是世上的鹽」和「你們是世上的光」這兩個句子是事實陳述句,而不是命令句。祂沒有命令我們要成為鹽,而是說我們是鹽,也提醒我們不要失去我們的味道;祂沒有吩咐我們要成為光,而是說我們是光,並禁止我們把光隱藏起來。Notice, furthermore, that the clauses “You are the salt of the earth” and “You are the light of the world” are statements of fact, not imperatives. He doesn’t command us to be salt; He says that we are salt and cautions us against losing our savor. He doesn’t command us to be light; He says that we are light and forbids us to hide under a bushel.

耶穌是說一個敗壞和被罪遮蔽的社會,會因為教會的存在而得到祝福,並永遠受到影響,條件是基督的門徒必須作他們主人忠心的僕人。要明白耶穌的意思,關鍵在十六節:「你們的光也當這樣照在人前,叫他們看見你們的好行為,便將榮耀歸給你們在天上的父。」能使人榮耀我們在天上的父的,是個人的聖潔,而不是政治統治權(political dominion)。Jesus was saying that a corrupt and sin-darkened society is blessed and influenced for good by the presence of the church when believers are faithful servants of their Master. The key to understanding what Jesus meant is verse 16: “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Personal holiness, not political dominion, is what causes men to glorify our Father who is in heaven.

鹽有幾項性質。最重要的也許是作為防腐劑。生肉用鹽醃過後,可以得到保存,不會腐敗。基督徒在一個邪惡和不斷敗壞的社會當中,具有一種類似防腐和潔淨的效果。上帝告訴亞伯拉罕,若所多瑪城當中有十個義人——少許的鹽,祂就不會毀滅這城。Salt has several properties. Perhaps the most important is that it acts as a preservative. Raw meat can be cured and preserved with salt. Christians in the midst of an evil and decaying society have a similar preserving and purifying effect. God told Abraham that He would have preserved Sodom from judgment if there had been just ten righteous people — a little salt — in their midst.

鹽也可以殺菌,可以用來治療傷口。鹽水對破掉的水泡是良藥——雖然很痛。在耶穌的比喻裡,也許也有這樣的涵義。世上若有信徒存在,會刺痛不敬虔者的良心,因為這是個痛苦的提醒,提醒人,上帝要求的是聖潔,而罪的工價是死。Salt is also an antiseptic, and it can be used in the treatment of wounds. Salt water is good medicine — albeit painful — for broken blisters. There may be an element of that idea as well in Jesus’ metaphor as well. The presence of believers in the world stings the consciences of the ungodly because it is a painful reminder that God requires holiness and that the wages of sin is death.

但是鹽也可以給食物提味,會讓人口渴——我相信當耶穌用這個比喻時,這是祂主要的意思,因為祂提到了鹽的「味道」。請記得,耶穌才剛剛讚美那些「飢渴慕義的人」(五6),這幅圖畫暗示在一個社會中,若是有良心敬虔的人存在,就自然會引發人們對上帝的興趣,並且飢渴慕義。But salt also gives flavor to food and causes thirst — and I believe that’s the main idea Jesus had in mind when He used this metaphor because He speaks of “its savor.” Remember, Jesus had just blessed those who “hunger and thirst for righteousness” (5:6), and this imagery suggests that the presence of conscientiously godly people in society will have the natural effect of arousing an appetite for God and a thirst for righteousness.

當然,光同時也會驅逐黑暗,並且照亮所到之處。當我們正確地把讓我們的光照在人前,人們會看到我們的善行,因而榮耀上帝。Light, of course, simultaneously dispels darkness and illuminates whatever it reaches. When we properly let our light shine before others, they see our good works and glorify God.

因此,這和揮舞政治影響力無關;和組織抗議活動對抗不敬虔無關;和藉著立法,要讓社會變得公義無關;而是和我們如何生活有關,和我們如何示範耶穌在八福裡所稱讚的特質有關。這是我們如何讓我們的光照在人前的方式,也是我們把鹽注入到一個逐漸敗壞和沒有味道的社會的方式。So this is not about wielding political clout. It’s not about organizing protests against ungodliness. It’s not about trying to make society righteous through legislation. It’s about how we live. It’s about exemplifying the same traits Jesus blessed in the Beatitudes. That’s how we let our light shine, and that’s the saltiness we inject into an otherwise decaying and tasteless society.


成長沒有捷徑NoShortcuts to Growth

 作者: R.C. Sproul 譯者: Maria Marta




我們尋找正確技巧與秘訣,使我們的願望變成現實。我們蔑視世界的心靈魔法,不料竟會給這些魔法施洗,親自實踐這些魔法。我們閱讀聖經,希望找到屬靈成長的捷徑,但卻忽略了正確,不是捷徑的答案------捷徑的答案不在聖經裡; 答案是聖經本身。










No Shortcuts to Growth
by R.C. Sproul

I’m still amazed whenever I see the bumper sticker that reads, “Visualize world peace.” The idea is that if I, and enough other people, create the right mental picture of peace, it will soon come to pass. It’s astounding that some people actually believe that silly technique will bring about such a desirable goal.

Then, there’s the popular “Coexist” bumper sticker. You may have seen it, the one spelled out with the symbols of different religions—the Islamic crescent forming the C, the Christian cross forming the T, and so on. The idea seems to be that if we religious people would just stop focusing on our differences, we could achieve world harmony. If we understood that our beliefs are all ultimately the same, all of the problems of war and strife would go away.

The funny thing is, we’ll reject such sentiments when they appear on a bumper sticker, but we’ll accept them elsewhere. How many business seminars promise increased profit if we only focus on the positive or visualize a goal? Eastern mysticism, where much of the bumper-sticker theology we’re talking about finds its ultimate origin, dresses it up with more acceptable religious practices. Meditate regularly, repeating a mantra as you visualize the oneness of all things, and the human race will move toward unity. But there’s also a version sold to us as the Christian key for victorious living. Speak your desire, claim it’s yours in Jesus’ name, visualize it will happen, and then it will be yours. Your healing, wealth, relationship success, happy family, improved marriage will come as soon as you name it and claim it or practice the power of positive thinking.

We’re looking for the right technique, the secret that will turn our wishes into reality. We laugh at the world’s spiritual magic, only to baptize it and practice it ourselves. We’ll read Scripture hoping to find the shortcut to spiritual growth while missing the true but non-shortcut answer—the key is not in the Bible; it is the Bible.

One reason we look for spiritual shortcuts is related to our modern age where shortcuts and rapid results abound. We can quickly relieve pain with medicine, find our way to restaurants with our smartphones, and get immediate answers to our questions online. These aren’t inherently bad things, but they tend to foster false expectations. If technology can relieve our illnesses and make our jobs easier, it surely can give rest to our souls, right?

We assume the answer is yes, and there are all too many “experts” out there who’ll encourage that assumption. Just look at the self-help section at your local bookstore, even at your local Christian bookstore. Book after book promises to hold the key to our happiness in twelve steps or less. The fact that none of the promises pan out doesn’t deter people from buying those books or new authors from repackaging old, ineffective answers in fancier dress.

But we can’t ultimately blame our search for shortcuts on modern technology. Our innate desire since the fall for autonomy, to be masters of our own fates, drives us to search out soul-building techniques that will improve us. We see our faith not as an end in itself but as a means to greater fulfillment. Evangelists routinely implore people to come to Christ, saying that He will make them happier, more confident in themselves, and more spiritual. Jesus becomes a means to improve our marriages and finances while releasing us from all manner of compulsions and negative character traits.

Can Christ do all those things? Of course He can. But Jesus is not a means to other ends—He is the end, the goal of our lives. He doesn’t come into our lives to give us special techniques to make our lives better; He works in and through us, changing us for the sake of His glory. He provides believers no mystic secrets to take them to a higher plane of spirituality. There’s no hidden truth available to only a few, no method that guarantees quick maturity in Him as long as we master it.

We’re saved by grace alone and justified by faith alone, but having been saved, we don’t just wait around to die. Christianity is about spiritual growth as well, and spiritual growth involves effort—the hard work of sanctification. We manifestly don’t work for our regeneration or our justification. Both acts are monergistic, accomplished by God alone. Only the Holy Spirit can change our hearts. Only the righteousness of Christ, the righteousness of the Son of God secured by His perfect obedience to the Father, can secure our right standing before God. Sanctification, however, includes our efforts. We say it is synergistic because both God and we are doing something. Yet, we aren’t equal partners. God wills and works in us according to His good pleasure so that we progress in holiness (Phil. 2:12–13). But as God works in us, we work as well, pursuing Him in prayer, relying on the means of grace—the preached Word and the sacraments—seeking to be reconciled to those we have offended. There’s no shortcut for sanctification. It’s a process, and one that all too often seems overly plodding, with progress taking years to discern.

God’s work is easy for Him. He doesn’t look for shortcuts because He never grows weary. We get tired and frustrated, however. We’re tempted to look for the simple path, the quick answer, the effortless way forward. But there is none. Sanctification requires diligently attending to the means God has given us. The growth may be slow, almost imperceptible at times, but it is sure.

No technique of the devil’s can stop the process of Christ making us into His image. Those whom He calls He sanctifies.

Casually attending to the things of the Lord will not result in our nurture. Visualizing or seeking a secret formula won’t help. We must work out our salvation with fear and trembling, knowing that Christ, by His Spirit, is working in us.