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拣选给人安慰(或:伯拉纠主义冷酷无情)The Comfort of Election (Or:Pelagianism Has No Pity)

by Reformed Reader/Duncan Liang
Herman Bavinck, John Bolt, and John Vriend,Reformed Dogmatics: God and Creation, vol. 2 (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic,2004), 401–402.

Some people wrongly think that the biblical teaching of unconditional election is a frightening and dark teaching that hinders evangelism and makes people into fatalists.  It is true that wrong views of election (such as a hyper-Calvinist view, for example) do get in the way of evangelism and can give people a fatalistic outlook.  However, a biblical understanding of election does neither; in fact, it ascribes all glory to God, it gives comfort to followers of Jesus, and it’s a reason to share the gospel with all kinds of people!  Herman Bavinck said it well:

The Son did not move the Father to love; electing love arose from the Father himself. Scripture, accordingly, everywhere teaches that the cause of all the decrees does not lie in any creature but only in God himself, in his will and good pleasure (Matt. 11:26; Rom. 9:11ff.; Eph. 1:4ff.).

For that very reason, both for unbelievers and believers, the doctrine of election is a source of inexpressibly great comfort. If it were based on justice and merit, all would be lost. But now that election operates according to grace, there is hope even for the most wretched. If work and reward were the standard of admission into the kingdom of heaven, its gates would be opened for no one. Or if Pelagius’s doctrine were the standard, and the virtuous were chosen because of their virtue, and Pharisees because of their righteousness, wretched publicans would be shut out. Pelagianism has no pity.

But to believe in and to confess election is to recognize even the most unworthy and degraded human being as a creature of God and an object of his eternal love. The purpose of election is not—as it is so often proclaimed—to turn off the many but to invite all to participate in the riches of God’s grace in Christ. No one has a right to believe that he or she is a reprobate, for everyone is sincerely and urgently called to believe in Christ with a view to salvation. No one can actually believe it, for one’s own life and all that makes it enjoyable is proof that God takes no delight in his death. No one really believes it, for that would be hell on earth. But election is a source of comfort and strength, of submissiveness and humility, of confidence and resolution. The salvation of human beings is firmly established in the gracious and omnipotent good pleasure of God.


唯獨信心:蒙神悅納的順服唯一的來源Sola Fide: The Only Source ofGod-Pleasing Obedience

作者shane lems   編譯駱鴻銘




以上摘錄自Cornelis Venema的書The Gospel of Free Acceptance in Christ: An Assessment of the Reformation and 'New Perspectives' on Paul, 2006, Banner of Truth


Sola Fide: The Only Source of God-Pleasing Obedience Oct
by Reformed Reader

Here are some great and comforting words by Cornelis Venema on faith alone (sola fide) and Christian obedience.

“For the Reformers, ‘faith alone,’ far from being detrimental to the Christian life of good works, is the only basis and source of Christian obedience.  To place works before justification, as though they played a role in obtaining God’s acceptance, alters the character of the Christian’s life of obedience.  Rather than good works being the fruits of thankfulness, which are born out of the grateful awareness of the believer’s acceptance by God, they are regarded as a means to obtain favor with God.  If works are performed to obtain God’s favor, however, they are no longer performed in good faith.  They become corrupted by a self-seeking desire to curry favor with God, or to wrest from God a reluctant acceptance and forgiveness.”

“According to the Reformers, the Christian’s freedom is a freedom to obey God, not a freedom to sin or continue in disobedience.  However, the obedience of faith is not constrained by a fear of punishment or falling into disfavor with God.  Rather, it is a joyful delight in God and his will, which springs from an awareness of God’s undeserved favor in Christ.”

“When justification undergirds the believer’s sanctification, Christian obedience is no longer colored by an anxious uncertainty regarding God’s grace.  Calvin expresses this point in his comments on James and Paul, when he insists that we should not place good works, which are the inevitable effect of true faith, before faith, which is the only cause of good works.  Unless believers are acceptable to God by faith in Christ, it is not possible for their works to be pleasing to him.  At the same time, it is impossible for those who know the grace of free justification and who are united to Christ by faith, not to be renewed in good works.”

I suppose these paragraphs might be a helpful commentary on Heidelberg Catechism Q/A 91 and Westminster Confession of Faith 16:1-2.

The above quotes are found on pages 85-86 of The Gospel of Free Acceptance in Christ by Cornelis Venema.

shane lems



律法與福音的區分The Difference Betwixt the Lawand the Gospel

作者:Shane Lems  譯者:   駱鴻銘

在我看來,關於律法/福音之區分,最佳的簡短討論之一,可以在托馬斯•波士頓(Thomas Boston)所寫,在他對愛德華•費雪(Edward Fisher)所著的《現代神學精華》(Marrow of Modern Divinity)的評論的第二部分中。在這段文字裏,波士頓解釋了為什麼律法/福音的區分是必要的,律法和福音之間的區分是什麼,以及如何恰當地區分兩者。以下是我發現非常有幫助和令人欣慰的部分——並請留意他如何根據律法/福音的區分來解釋唯獨靠恩典、唯獨藉著信心、唯獨在基督裏稱義:
In my opinion, one of the best brief discussions about the law/gospel distinction was written by Thomas Boston and it’s found in the second part of his comments on Edward Fisher’s Marrow of Modern Divinity. In this section Boston explains why a law/gospel distinction is necessary, what the difference is between the law and the gospel, and how to properly distinguish between the two.  Below is one section that I found very helpful and comforting – and notice how he explains justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone in light of the law/gospel distinction (the emphasis below is mine):

Briefly, then, if we would know when the law speaks, and when the gospel speaks, either in reading the word, or in hearing it preached; and if we would skilfully distinguish the voice of the one from the voice of the other, we must consider,

(Rom 7:2) 就如女人有了丈夫,丈夫還活著,就被律法約束;丈夫若死了,就脫離了丈夫的律法。
(2Th 2:12) 使一切不信真理、倒喜愛不義的人都被定罪。
Law. The law says, “Thou art a sinner, and therefore thou shalt be damned;” Rom. 7:2; 2 Thess. 2:12.

(1Ti 1:15) 「基督耶穌降世,為要拯救罪人。」這話是可信的,是十分可佩服的。在罪人中我是個罪魁。
(Act 16:31) 他們說:「當信主耶穌,你和你一家都必得救。」
Gos. But the gospel says, No; “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners;” and therefore “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved,” 1 Tim. 1:15; Acts 16:31.

(1Co 6:9) 你們豈不知不義的人不能承受神的國嗎?不要自欺!無論是淫亂的、拜偶像的、姦淫的、作孌童的、親男色的、
Law. Again the law says, “Knowest thou not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God; be not deceived,” &c. 1 Cor. 6:9. And therefore thou being a sinner, and not righteous, shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

(2Co 5:21) 神使那無罪(無罪:原文作不知罪)的,替我們成為罪,好叫我們在他裡面成為神的義。
(Jer 23:6) 在他的日子,猶大必得救,以色列也安然居住。他的名必稱為『耶和華我們的義』。」
Gos. But the gospel says, “God has made Christ to be sin for thee, who knew no sin; that thou mightest be made the righteousness of God in him, who is the Lord thy righteousness,” Jer. 23:6.

(Mat 18:28) 「那僕人出來,遇見他的一個同伴欠他十兩銀子,便揪著他,掐住他的喉嚨,說:『你把所欠的還我!』
(Mat 18:30) 他不肯,竟去把他下在監裡,等他還了所欠的債。
Law. Again the law says, “Pay me that thou owest me, or else I will cast thee into prison,” Matt. 18:28, 30.

(1Ti 2:6) 他捨自己作萬人的贖價,到了時候,這事必證明出來。
(1Co 1:30) 但你們得在基督耶穌裡,是本乎神,神又使他成為我們的智慧、公義、聖潔、救贖。
Gos. But the gospel says, “Christ gave himself a ransom for thee,” 1 Tim. 2:6; “and so is made redemption unto thee,” 1 Cor. 1:30.

(Deu 27:26) 「『不堅守遵行這律法言語的,必受咒詛!』」
Law. Again the law says, “Thou hast not continued in all that I require of thee, and therefore thou art accursed,” Deut. 27:6.

(Gal 3:13) 基督既為我們受(原文作成)了咒詛,就贖出我們脫離律法的咒詛;因為經上記著:「凡掛在木頭上都是被咒詛的。」
Gos. But the gospel says, “Christ hath redeemed thee from the curse of the law, being made a curse for thee,” Gal. 3:13.

(Rom 3:29) 難道神只作猶太人的神嗎?不也是作外邦人的神嗎?是的,也作外邦人的神。
(Rom 2:3) 你這人哪,你論斷行這樣事的人,自己所行的卻和別人一樣,你以為能逃脫神的審判嗎?
Law. Again the law says, “Thou art become guilty before God, and therefore shalt not escape the judgment of God,” Rom. 3:29; 2:3.

(Joh 5:22) 父不審判什麼人,乃將審判的事全交與子
Gos. But the gospel says, “The Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment to the Son,” John 5:12.

And now, knowing rightly how to distinguish between the law and the gospel, we must, in the fifth place, take heed that we break not the orders between these two in applying the law where the gospel is to be applied, either to ourselves or to others; for albeit the law and gospel, in order of doctrine, are many times to be joined together, yet, in the case of justification, the law must be utterly separated from the gospel.

Therefore, whensoever, or wheresoever, any doubt or question arises of salvation, or our justification before God, there the law and all good works must be utterly excluded and stand apart, that grace may appear free, and that the promise and faith may stand alone: which faith alone, without law or works, brings thee in particular to thy justification and salvation, through the mere promise and free grace of God in Christ; so that I say, in the action and office of justification, both law and works are to be utterly excluded and exempted, as things which have nothing to do in that behalf. The reason is this; for, seeing that all our redemption springs out from the body of the Son of God crucified, then is there nothing that can stand us in stead, but that only wherewith the body of Christ is apprehended.

Thomas Boston, The Whole Works of Thomas Boston: An Explication of the Assembly’s Shorter Catechism, ed. Samuel M‘Millan, vol. 7 (Aberdeen: George and Robert King, 1850), 461–462.


對人生的一致答案AUnified Answer to Life

摘錄者:Shane Lems/ Maria Marta




摘錄自《理性的規避》Escape From Reason,第七章,薛華(Francis August Schaeffer)著/卓忠信譯,基督教文藝出版社,1971年。

** ** 

A Unified Answer to Life
by Reformed Reader

I haven’t read this whole book yet, but what I have read is quite good: Escape from Reason by Francis Schaeffer.  Here’s one helpful section I read this morning:

…Christianity has the opportunity, therefore, to speak clearly of the fact that its answer has the very thing that modern man has despaired of—the unity of thought. It provides a unified answer for the whole of life. It is true that man will have to renounce his rationalism, but then, on the basis of what can be discussed, he has the possibility of recovering his rationality. You may now see why I stressed so strongly, earlier, the difference between rationalism and rationality. Modern man has lost the latter. But he can have it again with a unified answer to life on the basis of what is open to verification and discussion.

Let Christians remember, then, that if we fall into the trap against which I have been warning [pitting faith against rationality], what we have done, amongst other things, is to put ourselves in the position where in reality we are only saying with evangelical words what the unbeliever is saying with his words. In order to confront modern man truly you must not have the dichotomy. You must have the Scriptures speaking true truth both about God himself and about the area where the Bible touches history and the cosmos. This is what our forefathers in the Reformation grasped so well.


改革宗教會為何要為嬰兒施洗?Why Do Reformed ChurchesBaptize Infants? 

摘编者Shane Lems/Maria Marta

改革宗教會為何要為嬰兒和成人施洗有好幾個不同的聖經理由。伯克富(Louis Berkhof )、弗蘭西斯·圖倫丁(Francis Turretin)、查理斯•賀智(Charles Hodge)、約翰·加爾文(John Calvin)以及其他人都指出改革教會要為嬰兒和成人施洗的各種聖經理由。顯然還有更多圍繞此議題所展開的討論,但我很欣賞何頓(Michael Horton)的解釋:



我重申,還有更多關於此議題的討論,但我很讚同何頓關於新舊約之間的連貫性的言論。 這些言論有助於我們認識,大約在二十個世紀之前使徒在世的時期,嬰兒已被納入聖約當中。 假如在新約時代嬰兒不再是聖約團體的一部分,人們就會期望一個非常明確的命令:現在要將信徒的孩子排除在外。相反,在新約聖經告訴我們,信徒的孩子是「聖潔」(分別為聖)的,並且這個應許屬於他們和他們的父母(林前七14; 徒二39)。 保羅告訴孩子要在主裡聽從父母(弗六1)。主耶穌親自接待孩子們,祝福他們,為他們祈禱,並說,「神的國正屬於這樣的人」(路十八16;《聖經新譯本》)。 因此,「為什麽教會拒絕張開雙臂歡迎那些基督已納入祂自己裏面的孩子呢?」 (弗蘭西斯·圖倫丁)

第二、三段落摘錄自《基督徒的信仰:天路客的系統神學》The Christian Faith. A Systematic Theology for Pilgrims on the Way801-802邁克何頓Michael Horton/麥種翻譯小組譯美國麥種傳道會出版2016

Why Do Reformed Churches Baptize Infants? (Horton)
by Reformed Reader

There are several different biblical reasons why Reformed churches baptize both infants and adults.  Louis Berkhof, Francis Turretin, Charles Hodge, John Calvin, and others have pointed out the various biblical reasons why Reformed churches baptize infants as well as adults.  There’s obviously more to the discussion, but I appreciate how Michael Horton put it:

From a covenantal perspective, it is impossible to separate the claim that the children of believers are holy (1 Cor 7:14) from the sign and seal of the covenant.  According to the traditional Anabaptist/Baptist view, the children are not regarded as holy until they personally repent and believe.  However, the New Testament preserves the clean/unclean distinction, only now it pertains not to Jew and Gentile, circumcised and uncircumcised, but to believing and unbelieving families, with baptism as the covenant’s ratification.  In fact, Paul especially labors the point that all, Jew and Gentile, circumcised and uncircumcised, are Abraham’s children and heirs of the Abrahamic covenant through faith alone, just like Abraham (Rom 4:3 with Gen. 15:6, Gal. 3-4).  The church, in its unity of Jew and Gentile in Christ, is understood as the fulfillment of Israel’s existence (Mt 21:43; Rom 9:25-26, 2 Cor 6:16, Titus 2:14; 1 Pet 2:9, Gal 6:16; Rev. 5:9).  Everything turns on whether we assume continuity or discontinuity as most fundamental to interpreting the relationship between the Old and New Testaments. Given the way that the New Testament itself interprets the Old, we should privilege continuity.

If this is the case, then the burden of proof shifts from the paedobaptists (i.e., infant baptizers) to Baptists.  Given the Jewish background of the first Christians, it would not be the command to administer the sign and seal of the covenant to their children that would have been surprising, but the command to cease administering it to them.  However, we are not left to an argument from silence.  This promise for believers and their children is exhibited in the conversion and baptism of Lydia.  After she believed the gospel, ‘she was baptized, and her household as well’ (Acts 16:15).  Later in the same chapter, we read of the conversion of the Philippian jailer.  He too is told, ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household…and he was baptized at once, he and all his family’ (vv 31, 33).  Paul recalls having baptized the household of Stephanas (1 Cor. 1:16).  If children are included in the covenant of grace under its Old Testament administration, surely they are not excluded in the new covenant administration, which the writer to the Hebrews calls ‘better’ than the old (Heb. 7:22).

Again, there’s more to the discussion, but I appreciate Horton’s words on the continuity between the Old and New Covenants.  It’s also helpful to realize that infants had been included in the covenant for around twenty centuries before the apostles’ lived.  If infants are no longer part of the covenant community in the New Testament era, one would expect a very clear command to now exclude children of believers.  Instead, in the New Testament we’re told that children of believers are “holy” (set apart) and that the promise belongs to them as well as their parents (1 Cor 7:14; Acts 2:39).  Paul tells children to obey their parents in the Lord (Eph. 6:1).  Jesus himself welcomed little children, blessed them, prayed over them, and said, the kingdom of God belongs to such as these (Lk. 18:16 NASB).  Therefore, “why should the church refuse to welcome into her arms those whom Christ received into his?” (Francis Turretin).

The above quotes are found in Michael Horton, Christian Theology, p. 795-6.  Emphasis his.

Shane Lems
Covenant Presbyterian Church (OPC)
Hammond, WI, 54015

基督------幫助我克服壞習慣的生活教練Christ – My Life Coach Helping Me Overcome My Bad Habits?

摘錄者Shane Lems/Maria

下面是魏利蒙William Willimon 对邁克何頓Michael Horton所著的解剖美国教会的新书《沒有基督的基督教-美國教會的另類福音》Christless ChristianityThe Alternative Gospel of the American的评价

「本書揭露我們今天的神學毛病的根源何在並且指出當我們看重自己過於看重神之時我們便走錯方向。作者在書中攻擊當代教會苦悶俗套的現狀。何頓以一種讓人震驚,令人無法逃避的坦誠對我們的問題做出診斷。他稱之為治療為本、功利主義的自然神論(therapeutic, utilitarian Deism),並且被點名道姓、死死按住,並被神賜予我們最精良的武器——耶穌基督的福音——所擊潰。據作者推測,福音派基督教被揭露為那毫無生氣,妥協文化的自由主義運動旗下的最新成員。在閱讀的過程中我也受到了審察。 蕭律柏(Robert Schuller);或譯羅伯特·舒勒)那索然無味的教會論充滿了我們,而我的證道比起約爾·歐斯汀(Joel Osteen)的講道,我的講章只是略微少些愚蠢和妥協罷了。我有罪,我有罪,我有罪!」(8頁)







Christ – My Life Coach Helping Me Overcome My Bad Habits? Oct
by Reformed Reader

Here’s what Willimon says about Horton’s new book which diagnoses the Amerincan church, Christless Christianity: The Alternative Gospel of the American Church (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2008): “Here the roots of our current theological malaise are exposed and we see the wrong turns we took when we began taking ourselves more seriously than God.  Michael Horton diagnoses our trouble in stunning, unavoidable character.  Therapeutic, utilitarian deism is named, nailed, and defeated with the best weapon God has given us – the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Presumptively evangelical Christianity is exposed as the latest recruit to the cause of insipid, culturally compromised liberalism.  I am judged in the process.  Robert Schuller’s vapid ecclesiology is us all over.  My sermons are only slightly less silly and compromised than Joel Osteen’s.  Mea culpa.  Mea culpa.  Mea Culpa” (p. 10)

Here are a few blurbs from the book:
“My concern is that we are getting dangerously close to the place in everyday American church life where the Bible is mined for ‘relevant’ quotes but is largely irrelevant on its own terms; God is used as a personal resource rather than known, worshiped, and trusted; Jesus Christ is a coach with a good game plan for our victory rather than a Savior who has already achieved it for us; salvation is more a matter of having our best life now than being saved from God’s judgment by God himself; and the Holy Spirit is an electrical outlet we can plug into for the power we need to be all that we can be” (p. 19).
“It is not heresy as much as silliness that is killing us softly.  God is not denied but trivialized – used for our life programs rather than received, worshiped, and enjoyed” (p. 24).

“While God wants to give us everlasting life, we settle for trivial satisfaction of superficial needs that are to a large extent created within us by the culture of marketing” (p. 34).
This is hard hitting stuff, and much needed hard hits.  Read this book and take the blows; it will help purge you of the dross and drivel of self-love and positive thinking that has taken the American church captive.

One more note: this is the perfect book to give your elders and pastors after you get a copy for yourself.
shane lems
sunnyside wa


悔改的強烈動機Powerful Motives to Repentance

摘编者:Shane Lems/Maria Marta

湯姆·華森(Thomas Watson)所著的小册子《悔改真義》(The Doctrine of Repentance)是忏悔罪的绝佳资源。他在第七章列举了一份「悔改的强烈动机」的清单。我根据篇幅和可读性,编辑如下一些动机。 悔改和谦卑有什么益处呢? 我们为什么需要真实悔改我们的罪呢?









摘編自《悔改真義》(The Doctrine of Repentance),第七章  悔改的強烈動機,95-106頁,湯姆·華森(Thomas Watson)著/ 蔣黃心湄譯,改革宗出版有限公司,2016四版。http://www.crtsbooks.net/product/thedoctrineofrepentance.aspx

Powerful Motives to Repentance
by Reformed Reader

Thomas Watson’s little booklet on repentance is an excellent resource on confessing sin.  In chapter seven he gives a list of “powerful motives to repentance.”  Here are some of them, edited a bit for length and readability.  What are the benefits of a repentance and humility?  Why should we truly repent of our sins?

1) Sorrow and melting of heart fits us for every duty.  A piece of lead, while it is in the lump, is of no use; but melt it, and you can form it into any shape, and it is made useful.  So a heart that is hardened by sin is good for nothing, but a heart softened by repentance is useful.  A melting heart is fit to pray (Acts 9:11).  A melting heart is fit to hear the word (2 Chr. 34:19).  A melting heart is fit to obey (Acts 9:6).

2) Repentance is acceptable to God.  The Lord will not despise a contrite and broken heart (Ps. 51:17).  Augustine said Mary’s tears were better than the ointment she brought Jesus (Luke 7:38).  Tears are loud cries for mercy.  They are silent, but they have a voice: ‘The Lord has heard the voice of my weeping’ (Ps. 6:8).

3) Repentance commends all our services to God.  Prayer is delightful to God when it ascends from the altar of a broken heart.  No prayer touches God’s ear but what comes from a heart touched with the sense of sin; consider the publican for example (Luke 18:14).  We know God hears us when we repent; this is a great blessing.

4) Repentance is bitter and sweet.  Repentance, though bitter in itself, yet it is sweet in the effects.  It brings inward peace.  Augustine said, ‘Let a man grieve for his sin and rejoice for his grief.’  A woman in childbirth has sorrow, but once the child is born there is joy (John 16:21).  The sorrow of repentance is met with joy from God.

5) Great sins repented of shall find great mercy.  Though our sins are of a scarlet color, God’s mercy can wash them away (Is. 1:18).  You say, ‘Oh, but my sins are too many to number!’  Do not make them greater by not repenting.  Repentance unravels sin and makes it as if it had never been.  With the Lord is plentiful forgiveness.  We sinned, Christ bled.

6) Repentance makes joy in heaven.  The angels rejoice when a sinner repents (Luke 15:10).  When men neglect the offer of salvation and freeze in sin, this delights the devils, but when a soul is brought home to Christ by repentance this makes joy among angels.

7) Lack of repentance means a hard heart – and a hard heart is the worst heart.  It is called a heart of stone (Ezek. 36:26).  Hard-heartedness is a sin that grieves Christ (Mark 3:5).  A hard heart is not malleable; it is untuned for every duty.  Weep with Peter in repentance, for a hard heart is the anvil on which the hammer of God’s justice will be striking to all eternity.

8) The days of our mourning will soon be over.  After a few showers fall from our eyes we will have perpetual sunshine.  Christ will provide a handkerchief to wipe off his people’s tears (Rev. 7:17).  You who repent will shortly put on garments of praise; you’ll exchange your sackcloth for white robes, and instead of your sighs you will have shouts of triumph.  This will happen when Christ returns and makes all things new.  The repentant soul shall at the last day lift up his head with comfort and be acquitted by the Judge himself.

The entire section can be found in Thomas Watson, The Doctrine of Repentance, chapter 7.

rev shane lems
covenant presbyterian church (OPC)
hammond, wi