
為什麼「確定的贖罪」必然是真的?Why Definite Atonement(Particular Redemption) Must Be True

作者:Geoffrey R. Kirkland 譯者:誠之

確定的贖罪(definite atonement)或特定的救贖(particular redemption),指的是一項聖經真理,即基督只為祂的選民死在十字架上,並實際上在骷髏地確保了他們的永生。無論天父賜給聖子的有多少人,聖子就為他們而死;而聖子所救贖的人,聖靈就重生他們。這個教義和所謂的「無限的贖罪」(unlimited atonement)或「普世範圍的救贖」(universal redemption,指基督為所有世人而死;或簡譯為「普遍救贖」)形成了對比。基督贖罪的範圍是有限的,卻沒有上限。一切基督為之死的人,基督就會完全並永遠的救贖他們,因為祂在骷髏地「完成了救贖」。以下是「確定的贖罪」為什麼必須為真的九個理由。
The doctrine of definite atonement or particular redemption refers to the biblical truth that Jesus died on the cross only for His elect and actually procured their eternal salvation at Calvary. All that the Father gave to the Son are those for whom the Son died. And all that the Spirit regenerates are those that the Son redeemed. This is contrasted with what is sometimes called unlimited atonement or universal redemption (Jesus died for everyone). The atonement of Christ is limited in scope, not in extent. All that Christ died for are fully and everlastingly redeemed by Christ since He ‘accomplished redemption’ at Calvary. What follows are nine reasons why definite atonement must be true.

1. 因為三一真神是合一的
1. Because of the UNITY OF THE TRINITY

The Lord Jesus prayed in John 17 and repeatedly referred to those people that the Father had given Him. From eternity past, the glorious Father gave a particular, a special, a peculiar people to the Son. These are particular souls. These are divinely chosen ones. The Son came in human flesh to live for & die for these particular ones that the Father gave Him. All that the Father gave to the Son were fully pardoned at Calvary. The Spirit of God grants life to all who are elect. He gives life to them. The Father and the Son give life to a particular group of individuals. And thus, the Son came to redeem them. To pit the Son of God against the Father and the Spirit would make the members of the Triune Godhead to be at odds with each other. And this cannot be. The Godhead always works in glorious concert, beauty, happiness, and harmony together.

2. 因為基督的救贖是有目的的

Jesus often made mention of mission statements, or life-ministry statements. He said: The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10). If he died for everyone, then everyone is either saved or Christs crosswork did not actually save anyone but merely made people savable. Elsewhere Jesus said the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many. He came and delivered Himself up to ransom (to purchase, to buy, to possess) a certain group of people. Thus, Christ’s intention was to actually save sinners, not to make all men savable. The intent of the atonement defines the extent. His intent was to save, to redeem, to atone, to ransom. By this intent to save, Christ actually saved them.

3. 因為聖經啟示所作的見證

The Word of God says that Jesus died for His Bride and gave Himself up for her to make her holy (Eph 5:25-26). Elsewhere Jesus said that He came to give Himself as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). The prophet Isaiah said that the Servant of Jehovah would justify the many (Isa 53:11). Indeed, this Suffering Servant also “bore the sin of many and interceded for the transgressors” (isa 53:12). The teaching of the Bible claims that Jesus came to suffer and die for only His elect people and live on their behalf.

4. 因為基督贖罪的確實性

What did Jesus actually accomplish at the cross? Did Jesus really save people or did Jesus make people savable by dying for them? What did the atonement achieve? The many words that comprise the theological range that describes what Jesus did on the cross all underscore that Jesus perfectly saved people by dying for them. He was made sin on our behalf (2 Cor 5:21). Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law having become a Curse for us (Gal 3:13). Christ loved me and gave Himself up for me (Gal 2:20). In Him we have redemption through His blood (Eph 1:7). Christ took the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us, and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross (Col 2:14). These verses clearly affirm that Jesus actually atoned, indeed, in definitely saved, moreover, he everlastingly procured salvation for His own.

5. 因為永恆審判的事實

Something supernaturally mysterious took place at Calvary. It is unfathomably deep and ineffably sublime, namely, that the God-Man would bear the infinite & holy wrath of God the Father in the stead of sinners. The nails and crown of thorns didn’t redeem or save sinners. The whips and mockings didn’t save rebels. What saves sinners is that the Father’s righteous and holy wrath was poured out not on the sinner who deserves it but on the sinless Substitute, the Lord Jesus, by grace, in their stead. This everlasting, divine wrath of God was satisfied and appeased by virtue of Christ’s substitutionary death. Jesus did not bear this for every person alive. Jesus bore the eternal punishment only for His people. All those who do not repent and believe will bear their own penalty that they justly and rightly deserve in everlasting punishments in hell. Because Christ took the divine curse for them, He must have died only for His own otherwise everyone’s penalty would be paid and there would be none in hell (but the Bible thoroughly charges ‘universalism’ as heresy and as a damning gospel. Praise God for His sovereign, securing & saving love!

6. 因為人的本性是無能的

There are those who teach that Jesus died for all but the benefits of Christs crosswork only apply to those who place their saving faith in Christ and, then, the privileges and benefits of the cross save them -- by virtue of their faith. But, there is a great biblical problem with this. The Bible declares that all men are sinners and thus are born ‘dead in sin’ (Eph 2:1, 5). Dead sinners don’t put their faith in Christ. They can’t. They are not able to do so. Man is so unable to come to God because He is wholly full of sin and entirely pervaded with the poison of corruption in his nature, his being, his words, and his actions. Thus, for someone to say that Christ died for all but the saving benefits are given to those who put their faith in Christ assumes that an unregenerate man could in fact do such a thing. But this is entirely impossible and emphatically something that could never be done. Thus, because of man’s deadness in sin and inability to believe, Christ died only for His people and the Spirit gives life to the dead souls for whom Christ died.

7. 因為聖靈的主權

The Bible says that it is the Spirit who gives life. God saves. Man does not save himself by believing upon Christ. Man cannot cause the crosswork benefits to be applied to himself through his faith. Rather, God the Spirit mercifully, sovereignly, irresistibly, and particularly grants new life (the new birth) to those whom the Father has chosen. The Spirit does not give life to everyone. Nor does the Spirit give life to those who first chose Him. Rather, it is the Spirit, the blessed and glorious third member of the Triune God-head, who imparts instantaneous, supernatural, everlasting life into the souls of the dead sinners that the Father gave the Son and for whom the Son purchased.

8. 因為這正是「贖罪」的本意

The biblical meaning of the word atonement’ carries with it the connotation of blood sacrifice, substitute, appeasing of anger and the pacifying of wrath. It means that something (an innocent one) died in the place of guilty ones. It means that the sins are covered because the penalty has been paid and poured out on another. For Jesus to die and atone for His people, it means that the life of the flesh had to be given and this is what made atonement for the souls of God’s people. This must intimate that Christ actually atoned for His people or else the blood sacrifice, the substitute, the appeasing of divine anger would have actually pacified the wrath of God for everyone. But the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ atoned in full for all the sins of all God’s people alone.

9. 因為耶穌基督當得的榮耀

神聖救主的十字架也同時完成了其他的事。倘若耶穌在骷髏地沒有實際上確保並完成祂百姓的救恩,那麼十字架的工作就不過是「白費工夫」(a good try)。因此這必須靠罪人信靠基督,才能完成整件事。但是相反,基督自己才配得接受所有的榮耀、尊貴和讚美,因為上帝的羔羊,即使在天上,也因祂「曾被殺,用祂自己的血從各族、各方、各民、各國中買了人來,叫他們歸於上帝」(啟五9)。因此,基督既然死了,真正地拯救了人,完全赦免了人,永恆地平息了上帝的怒氣,為祂的選民贖了所有的罪,就為讚美這位神而人者創造出無限的理由,因為祂為百姓所完成的是奇妙大愛的工作。上帝的愛,基督的憐憫,基督的神性,基督的挽回祭,聖靈的重生,上帝的恩典完美地調和在一起,創造出一首當之無愧的、對耶穌基督的永恆歡樂頌歌,祂是主,是為祂的百姓一次將自己獻上的被殺的羔羊(來七27)。The cross of the divine Savior accomplished something else as well. If Jesus did not actually procure and perfect salvation for His people at Calvary then the crosswork is nothing more than a ‘good try.’ Since then it remains up to sinners to put their faith in Christ and then finish the deal. But rather, Christ Himself is worthy to receive all glory and honor and praise for the Lamb of God, even in heaven, is praised for His being slain and purchasing for God with His blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation (Rev 5:9). Thus, the very fact that Christ died and really saved, perfectly pardoned, everlastingly placated God’s fury, and expiated all the sins of His elect produces infinite reasons to praise the God-Man for His wonderful work of love for His people. The love of God, the mercy of Christ, the divinity of Christ, the propitiation of Christ, the regeneration of the Spirit, and the grace of God perfectly harmonize together to produce a well-deserved and everlastingly-happy song of praise to Jesus Christ, the Lord, who is the Lamb slain when He offered up Himself for His people (Heb 7:27).

33.  基督的升天The Ascension of Christ

作者: 史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul) 譯者: 姚錦榮
摘自《神學入門》《Essential Truths of the Christian FaithP88 ,更新傳道會出版http://www.crmnj.org/


耶穌論到祂離世時說,祂的離去要比與門徒朝夕相聚更好。當祂第一次向門徒宣告自己將要離開時,門徒非常悲傷,可是門徒後來明白這件事的重要性,於是路加這樣記載升天一事:「說了這話,他們正看的時候,他就被取上升,有一朵雲彩把他接去,便看不見他了。當他往上去,他們定睛望天的時候,忽然有兩個人身穿白衣站在旁邊,說:『加利利人哪,你們為什麼站著望天呢?這離開你們被接升天的耶穌,你們見他怎樣往天上去,他還要怎樣來。』」 (19-11)『』













1. John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, trans. Henry Beveridge, 2 vols, bk. II (Gran Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975), 1:448.

The Ascension of Christ

The significance of the Ascension is often overlooked in the modern church. We have special celebrations and holidays (holy days) to commemorate the birth (Christmas), the death (Good Friday), and the resurrection (Easter) of Christ. Most churches, however, make little or no mention of the Ascension. However, the Ascension is a redemptive event of profound importance. It marks the moment of Christ's highest point of exaltation prior to His return. It is in the Ascension that Christ entered into His glory.

Jesus described His departure from this earth as being better for us than His abiding presence. When He first announced His departure to the disciples, they were saddened by the news. However, they later came to realize the significance of this great event. Luke records the Ascension for us:

Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven."
(Acts 1:9-11)

We notice that Jesus departed in a cloud. This is probably a reference to the Shekinah, the cloud of God's glory. The Shekinah exceeds in radiance any ordinary cloud. It is the visible manifestation of God's radiant glory. Therefore, the manner of Jesus' departure was not at all ordinary. It was a moment of remarkable splendor.

To ascend means "to go up" or "to rise." However, when the term ascension is used with respect to Christ, it has a deeper, richer, and more specific meaning. Jesus' ascension is unique. It goes beyond Enoch being taken directly into heaven or the departure of Elijah in a chariot of fire.

Jesus' ascension refers to His going to a special place for a special purpose. He goes to the Father, to the Father's right hand. He rises to the seat of cosmic authority. Jesus goes to heaven for His coronation, His confirmation as the King of Kings.

Jesus also ascended to enter the heavenly Holy of Holies to continue His work as our great High Priest. In heaven Jesus reigns as King and intercedes for us as our High Priest. From His position of ascended authority He poured out His Spirit upon the church. John Calvin remarked,

Being raised to heaven, he withdrew his bodily presence from our sight, not that he might cease to be with his followers, who are still pilgrims on the earth, but that he might rule both heaven and earth more immediately by his power.
When Jesus ascended to heaven for His coronation as King of Kings, He was seated at the right hand of God. The right hand of God is the seat of authority. From this position Jesus rules, administrates His kingdom, and presides as the judge of heaven and earth.

At the right hand of the Father, Jesus is seated as the Head of His body, the church. Yet in this position, Jesus' authority and governmental jurisdiction and administration extend beyond the sphere of His church to embrace the whole world. Though church and state may be distinguished within Jesus' domain, they are never separated or divorced. His authority extends over both. All earthly rulers are accountable to Him and will be judged by Him in His office as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Everyone in heaven and on earth is called of God to reverence Jesus' majesty, to be ruled by His hand, to do Him proper homage, and to submit to His power. Everyone will ultimately stand before Him as He sits in final judgment.

Jesus has the authority to pour out His Holy Spirit upon the church. But Jesus did not pour out the Spirit until He was first seated at the right hand of God. The Spirit ministers in subordination to the Father and the Son, who together sent Him to apply Christ's work of salvation to believers.

While seated at the right hand of God, Jesus not only exercises His role as King of Kings, He also fulfills the role of cosmic judge. He is judge over all nations and all people. Although Jesus rules as our judge, He has also been appointed by the Father to be our advocate. He is our defense attorney. At the last judgment our court-appointed defense lawyer will be the presiding judge. A foretaste of Jesus' intercession on behalf of saints can be seen in the martyrdom of Stephen:

But he [Stephen], being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, and said, "Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!" (Acts 7:55-56)

1. The Ascension receives too little attention in the modern church.
2. The Ascension marks a critical point of Christ's exaltation in redemptive history.
3. Christ departed in a cloud of glory.
4. Christ ascended to a specific place for a specific purpose: His coronation as King of Kings.
5. In His ascension, Christ entered His role as our heavenly High Priest and was seated at the right hand of God, the seat of cosmic authority.
6. From His position at the right hand of God, Jesus authorized the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.




作者: Dan McCartney Charles Clayton   譯者: 駱鴻銘
摘錄自《正意解經》Let the Reader Understand: A Guide to Tnterpreting and Applying The Bible, P.283-288


作者:伯克富(Louis Berkhof) 譯者: 趙中輝, 宋華忠
《基督教神学概论》Manual of Christian Doctrine
卷三人与神关系的教义 第一章 人受造的性质

二元論和三元論 Dichotomy and Trichotomy
作者: Louis Berkhof 譯者: 趙宗輝 宋宗華
選自《基督教神學概論》Manual of Christian Doctrine, 改革宗出版社 ,

作者: 任以撒任以撒
《系统神学》第二章 人的本质,改革宗出版社 , 台北


作者: 约翰·慕理(John Murray 翻译: 赵刚
译自“Trichotomy, in Collected Writings of John Murray, v. 2: 23-33

二元論和三元論   伯克富


《倪柝声的神学严重问题》 /李建安

四、应用救赎论 凯锡克和弟兄会对倪氏救赎论的影响
五、倪氏的基督论 基督徒灵命教导 圣经论

《認識倪柝聲-屬靈與屬世神學 (李健安) 摘录


提倡社會行動的宣教的福音派人士包括約翰·斯托德(John Stott)和提姆·凱勒(Tim Keller










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