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顯示具有 永恆 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章


向著標竿直跑Keeping the End in Sight

作者:Mark Kelderman   譯者:駱鴻銘

Brevity and eternity—these two words seem contradictory, and yet they are closely connected when it comes to living daily as a believer before the face of God. Living the Christian life, we face many challenges and temptations. Often, things do not go the way we expected them to go or the way we would have planned them. At times, our suffering is so severe that we wonder where God is. We can’t see Him, and we doubt His promises. There are disappointments and trials that bring us low, but these two words, brevity and eternity, give us hope.

Several passages come to mind that give us a window into the mind of Paul as he addresses brevity and eternity. He himself was affected by severe trials and afflictions. Yet, by God’s grace, he grew through them, and he gives us advice to follow when we face similar situations. Twice in his second letter to the Corinthians, he challenges us not to lose heart or faint (2 Cor. 4:1, 16). In the first instance, he reflects on his calling. Christian, we also must remember our calling: to follow Christ. Wherever we go, we are leaving an impression behind us with whomever we meet. When we face challenges and suffering, the world will see whether we really believe what we confess, namely, that God is in complete control. This is the treasure we have in earthen vessels; it puts on display the power of God that resides in us.

Paul doesn’t just tell us what to do; he also gives reasons why we can press on. He says the reason we do not faint is because the inner man is being renewed each day. The spiritual man, who we truly are, is renewed by the Spirit of Christ. Christ lives in us, and therefore we can face these challenges. Even though the outer man, our physical bodies, is dying daily, we rejoice because as the new man, we are alive in Christ. While we bear in our bodies the dying of the Lord Jesus, the life of Jesus is made manifest in our bodies. This is how we bear witness to Christ in this world. We testify that we are not living for this world or the things it sets before our eyes, because our lives are brief. Rather, we are pilgrim travelers en route to a celestial city whose foundation and maker is our God. We live with this end in view. This does not mean that we face life without hope and joy; quite the opposite. We know the end of the story, while the unbeliever does not, and so we face the brevity of this life by making the most of every day for the glory of God.

Several times in this same chapter, Paul says with confidence, “We know.” Consider how he begins 2 Corinthians 5. He states that we know that if our earthly body is broken down, we still have a building of God. Presently, we are being shaped into the very stones out of which God is building a temple where He shall dwell forever. This is the confession the believer makes. Paul continues by saying that our affliction is light and momentary. That means brief. Talk to anyone going through affliction and he will say that it seems like the opposite of light and momentary, yet by faith we confess that all these afflictions are being put to work by God. Through them, He is working in us and for us an exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Have you ever said this about your suffering?

Paul has in mind here the loving Father in Christ who is moderating all of our suffering so that it is not too much and so that it serves our transformation into the likeness of Christ, bringing Him the glory. This ought to stir our hearts as we face difficult circumstances, for we realize that they are brief in comparison to eternity and yet, though they are brief, God is working through them to bring about eternal glory and a lasting reward. Thus, Paul adds that we do not look at the things that we see with our natural eye. This would deceive us, for things are not as they appear to be. We need the eyes of faith to see things as God sees them. We are often like the prophet Elisha’s servant who was afraid of the king’s army. But when Elisha prayed that his eyes would be opened, suddenly he saw that those who were fighting for them were more numerous and more powerful than those who were against them (2 Kings 6:8–23). So, if Christ be for us, who can really be against us? The things we see are temporary, but those things we confess by faith are eternal.

Therefore, as we live our lives in this fallen world, let us focus our eyes on where our redemption is coming from, on Christ our elder Brother who sits on the throne, ruling over all things. Let us compare our suffering to the joy and bliss of everlasting joy that shall be ours, as the Apostle does, and let us not lose heart: “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Rom. 8:18, KJV). This is our hope as we wait for the full revelation of the sons of God. When that eternal day dawns, we shall be delivered from the bondage of this brief life into the glorious liberty of the children of God, and we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. Though our lives are brief, let us live in light of eternity for Christ.

以馬內利之境。(高信夫人 [Anne Cousin]
(摘自詩歌“玉漏沙殘”[The sands of time are sinking]或譯“以馬內利樂境”[In Emmanuels Land])。
The sands of time are sinking,
The dawn of heaven breaks;
The summer morn I’ve sighed for
The fair, sweet morn awakes:
Dark, dark had been the midnight
But dayspring is at hand,
And glory, glory dwelleth
In Emmanuel’s land. (Anne Cousin)

馬克·凱爾德曼牧師(Rev. Mark Kelderman)是密歇根州大急流城清教徒改革神學院的學生事務長,和靈性塑造、教牧神學講師。他是《傳統改革宗教會》(Heritage Reformed Congregations)的牧師,也是聖經輔導員協會的正式顧問。


在歲末年終思想永恆Reflectingon eternity as the year ends

作者:Dan Philips   譯者:駱鴻銘

None of us knows what the next moment holds. "Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring" (Proverbs 27:1). Whatever the next day brings, all the preceding days bring their mounting weight to bear on us.

We all stand before the Judge. We don't know the time on the summons, but we do know that we won't miss our court appearance date by so much as a second.

我們在法官面前能為自己辯護嗎?在那部有名的電影《小氣財神》(A Christmas Carol,或譯為聖誕頌歌)裏,故事的主人翁史古基(Scrooge)聽見他七年前過世的事業夥伴馬里(Marley)的哀嘆,說他背負著許多沉重的枷鎖,史古基口中喃喃自語地說:「我很同情你」。而馬里的回答竟是:
And what do we bring? In the best movie version of A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge hears Marley's lament about the many and heavy chains he wears, and murmurs "You have my sympathy." Marley's response:

"Ahh — you do not know the weight and length of strong chain you bear yourself. It was full as heavy and as long as this seven Christmas eves ago and you have labored on it since. Ah! it is a ponderous chain!"

Whatever the theological shortcomings of A Christmas Carol (and they are many and serious), I appreciate this: Scrooge is vividly shown to be utterly unaware that he is judged, as he stands; that his life has already borne fruit, and that fruit is bitter, woeful, deadly.

This is the state of men today. We read, "whoever does not believe is condemned already" (John 3:18). Worse, and more ominously, John reveals that "whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him" (John 3:36) — now, at this moment, as he draws this fleeting breath which, for all he knows, may be his last. What Daniel said to Belshazzar, he might well say to us: "the God in whose hand is your breath, and whose are all your ways, you have not honored" (Daniel 5:23).

"Long live me!" — poof! — gone. Gone to judgment.

Someone has just read those words, and they are for you. Your condition is just so. Whatever your pursuits and distractions over the past year, the reality is that you are a step away from a judgment that is absolute, final, inescapable, irrevocable, and incapable of appeal. Were you to die now, the ax would fall, and that would be that. Forever. You need to come to know God, now.

But lest my Christian readers (and self) feel too safe, consider that the same principle applies to us equally, and perhaps even more so. Never forget:

"Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more" (Luke 12:48)

Perhaps you read this blog daily, and other writings of men far better than the current one. Good, and God be praised. But never forget: as you and I read, our responsibility-index goes up. It is happening now, right now, to you, and to me.

The words of Hebrews 9:27 ("it is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment") do not bring a message to unbelievers alone, but to us as well. "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil" (2 Corinthians 5:10). And how does this consideration affect the apostle who wrote it? Does Paul go on to say, "But never mind that, the blood covers all, I'm eternally secure, so I'm going for what I see to be my best life right now"?

不盡然。保羅所說的下一句話是:「我們既知道主是可畏的,所以勸人。」(林後五11 宣講白白在法庭上的稱義、唯獨靠恩典、唯獨藉著信心、唯獨在基督裏的使徒,發現到這個事實,即上帝的審判既會讓人冷靜肅然,也會激勵人。
Not so much. Paul's very next words are, "Therefore, knowing the fear of the Lord" (2 Corinthians 5:11). The apostle of free forensic justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone found the reality of God's judgment both sobering and motivating.

So I call us all, as the year draws to a close, to consider the judgment of God, and to consider our lives in that context. The statistics are pretty good that not all who read these words now will be here to read any similar post next year's end. Nor may I be here to write one.

"For man does not know his time.
Like fish that are taken in an evil net
and like birds that are caught in a snare,
so the children of man are snared at an evil time,
when it suddenly falls upon them"
(Ecclesiastes 9:12)