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顯示具有 Timothy W. Massaro 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章



作者: Timothy W. Massaro   譯者:  Maria Marta

1. 聖靈定罪

聖靈引導我們進入一切的真理,而聖子正是這些真理的具體體現。我們是基督救贖工作的理由,但在末後的日子裏,聖言透過聖靈賦予的能力發揮其功效(約十四至十六; 珥二28)。

聖靈是基督位格和工作的中保,而非代理。 聖靈並非取代耶穌,而是將我們嫁接並聯合於我們天上的君王和其頭上,聖靈幹預平凡的歷史,把我們置於新創造裏(徒二14-36; 弗四1ff)。

聖靈榮耀耶穌,作為我們最後救贖的恩賜禮物,聖靈內住在我們心中,使我們認識耶穌。祂將基督所有的工作都轉變成我們自己的工作。因此,聖靈是基督三重職事與所有信徒之間的中保,在我們裏面並藉我們榮耀聖子(約十六1ff; 賽六十一1-2;  路四18-21)。

通過教會牧師、長老,和執事的職分,聖靈協調祂所賜予全身/教會的許多恩賜。 上述這些職分是賜給我們的,好叫我們可以在信仰上成長成熟(林前十二12ff;  彼前四10-11; 弗四1ff)。

透過始於五旬節的聖靈職事,我們被重新塑造,擁有基督的先知、祭司、君王的樣式。透過聖靈的大能,我們被重塑,成為宇宙法庭上真正、忠心的見證人,那裏唱詩班在輪流唱詩(以歌唱回應),讚美我們的救主(弗五1-21); 啟十九1-10)

Timothy W. Massaro

1. The Holy Spirit convicts.
The Spirit’s ongoing ministry is judicial. He convicts the world of sin by the law, persuading us of our guilt and continual need for Christ’s righteousness through the gospel (John 15:26–16:15).

2. The Holy Spirit guides.
The Spirit guides us into all truth, which the Son embodies. The redeeming work of Christ lies behind us, but the effect of that Word is at work in “these last days” by the Spirit’s empowerment (John 14–16; Joel 2:28).

3. The Holy Spirit unites.
The Spirit is the mediator of, not the surrogate for, Christ’s person and work. The Spirit does not replace Jesus but rather grafts and unites us to our heavenly king and head, disrupting ordinary history by placing us into the new creation (Acts 2:14–36; Eph. 4:1ff.).

4. The Holy Spirit glorifies.
The Spirit glorifies Jesus, making him known through indwelling our hearts as a gift of our final redemption. He makes all of Christ’s work our own. The Spirit thus mediates the threefold office of Christ to every believer, glorifying the Son in and through us (John 16:1ff.; Isa. 61:1–2; Luke 4:18–21).

5. The Holy Spirit orchestrates.
The Spirit gives and orchestrates the many gifts bestowed on the whole body through the ministry of pastors, elders, and deacons in the church. These officers are given so we may be brought up into maturity in the faith (1 Cor. 12:12ff.; 1 Pet. 4:10-11; Eph. 4:1ff.).

6. The Holy Spirit remakes.
Through this ministry of the Spirit, which began at Pentecost, we are remade into Christ’s likeness as prophets, priests, and kings. We are remade into true and faithful witnesses in the cosmic courtroom, a choir answering antiphonally (singing in response) in praise to our Redeemer by the power of the Spirit (Eph. 5:1–21; Rev. 19:1–10).



作者:  Timothy W. Massaro  譯者: Maria Marta

1. 新約正典不是由任何教會議會確定的。


3. 新約聖經是我們現有最早的基督信仰著作。
新約聖經(27本書卷) 是我們擁有的,關於耶穌的最早的著作。新約聖經在第一世紀成書。這意味著這些著作包含來自目擊者的見證,而這些見證是目擊事件發生後的五十年內寫成的,但不能說這些見證是新聞經常討論到的任何一種啟示文學( Apocalyptic Literature)。這一點在四福音書中尤為明顯。馬太福音、馬可福音、路加福音、約翰福音是唯一來自第一世紀的福音記載。

4. 新約聖經與使徒的見證有直接聯系。
有別於那個時期或下一個世紀的所有書籍,新約聖經與使徒及其復活的基督的見證有直接關系。 正典書卷與他們的活動和影響密切相關。 使徒擁有基督自己的權柄(太廿八18-20)。使徒教訓連同舊約聖經都是教會的根基。 教會「被建造在使徒和先知的根基上」(弗二20)。

5. 一些新約作者將新約書卷當作聖經來引用。


Timothy W. Massaro

1. The New Testament Canon was not decided by any church council.
The church councils did not decide what was canonical. While regional church councils made declarations about the canon, these councils affirmed the books they believed had functioned as foundational documents for the Christian faith. The councils merely declared the way things had been since the time of the apostles. Thus, these councils did not create, authorize, or determine the canon. They simply were part of the process of recognizing a canon that already existed.

2. Early Christians believed that canonical books were self-authenticating.
Another authenticating factor was the internal qualities of each book. These books established themselves within the church through their internal qualities and uniqueness as depicting Christ and his saving work. The New Testament canon we possess is not due to the collusions of church leaders or the political authority of Constantine, but to the unique voice and tone possessed by these writings.

3. The New Testament books are the principal Christian writings we have.
The New Testament books are the earliest writings we possess regarding Jesus. The New Testament was completed in the first century. This means the writings include testimonies from eyewitnesses and were written within fifty years of the events, which cannot be said of any of the apocryphal literature often discussed in the news. This is particularly evident when it comes to the four gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the only gospel accounts that originate in the first century.

4. The New Testament books directly relate to the apostolic testimony.
Unlike any book from that period or the following century, the New Testament books were directly connected to the apostles and their testimony of the resurrected Christ. The canon is intimately connected to their activities and influence. The apostles had the very authority of Christ himself (Matt. 28:18–20). Along with the Old Testament, their teachings were the very foundation of the church.  The church is “built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets” (Eph. 2:20).

5. Some New Testament writers quote other New Testament writers as Scripture.
The belief in new revelation or a testament of books was not a late development. From the days of the apostles themselves, these writings were seen as unique in their authority and witness. This belief seems to be present in the earliest stages of Christianity. In 2 Peter 3:15–16, Peter refers to Paul’s letters as “Scripture,” which would have put them on a par with the books of the Old Testament. This is a significant fact that is often overlooked.

6. Early Christians used noncanonical writings without analogous authority.
Christians often cited noncanonical literature with positive affirmation for edification. Yet, Christians were simply using these books as helpful, illuminating, or edifying texts. Rarely was there confusion as to whether they were on a par with Scripture. These books were eventually disregarded according to the criteria of whether they had general acceptance, apostolicity, and self-authentication.


作者Timothy W. Massaro   譯者駱鴻銘

不可為自己雕刻偶像也不可做什麼形像彷彿上天、下地和地底下、水中的百物。 不可跪拜那些像也不可事奉它因為我耶和華你的神是忌邪的神。恨我的,我必追討他的罪,自父及子,直到三四代; 愛我、守我誡命的,我必向他們發慈愛,直到千代。出廿46))You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments. (Ex. 20:4-6)

類似這個出現在出埃及記第二十章的命令聽起來很怪異。上帝竟然會說這種嚴厲的話。若上帝是眼不能見的為什麼我們不能為上帝繪製畫像、製作雕像或任何圖像呢我們畢竟是視覺的生物啊Commands like this one in Exodus 20 sound strange. What a harsh thing for God to say. If God is invisible, why not have pictures, statues, or images? We are visual creatures after all.

上帝說明祂這樣命令的理由是祂為以色列人所已經成就的救贖拯救他們脫離為奴之家。第二誡是從第一誡來的。上主賜下這樣的命令是因為祂是聖潔、公義、良善的。祂配得我們的尊敬、愛、順服,不只是因為祂擁有「更強大的火力」,而是因為祂創造了我們,好叫我們可以愛祂、順服祂。God grounds his reasoning for this command in what he has done for Israel in redeeming her from slavery. This second commandment flows from the first. The Lord gives such commands because he is holy, just, and good. He deserves our respect, love, and obedience not only because he has the “superior firepower,” but because he has created us for love and obedience.

古代的宗教Religion in the Ancient World

在古代的宗教裏法術和迷信往往是互相交織的。透過神秘的稱謂、咒語、偶像企圖控制一個神明是非常普遍的現象。通過控制神明的能力,你可以獲得更好的收成,更大的家族,而這是宗教的一個基本目的。In the ancient world religion, magic, and superstition were often intertwined. It was very common to attempt to control a deity through secret names, incantations, and idols. Controlling divine powers, so you could have better crops or a large family, was a primary objective in religion.

上主就是在這個具體的背景下頒布第二誡的。祂不會受任何事物或任何人所局限祂無法被迫去施恩或去愛人。古代世界就是透過這些形象和偶像來控制他們的神明的。製作神的像就是以暴力對待上帝,對待祂的屬性(申十六22;利廿六1)。這就是為什麼製造偶像會帶來如此嚴重懲罰的原因(詩九七7)。上帝獨特的權柄和超越性,是這個命令適當的基礎,因為唯有祂可以決定要如何受人敬拜。The Lord makes the second commandment in this specific context. He cannot be confined by anything or anyone; he cannot be coerced to give grace or love. It was through images and idols that the ancient world sought to control their gods. To make such an image is to do violence to God and his character (Deut. 16:22; Lev. 26:1). That is why creating idols comes with such harsh-sounding punishments (Ps. 97:7). The unique authority and transcendence of God is a proper basis for his commands since he alone can decide how to be worshiped.

然而耶和華俯就人將自己賜予祂的百姓作他們的上帝。祂與他們相會,並與我們同住,尤其是藉著祂的話語和應許。祂沒有讓人看見祂的形象,只是讓人聽見祂說話的聲音(申四1516;約四24;羅十)。Nevertheless, the Lord condescends to give himself to his people as their God. He meets with them and abides with us specifically by his words and promises. He does not let himself be seen but rather is heard speaking (Deut. 4:15-16; John 4:24; Rom. 10).

基督就是神的像The Image of God in Christ

耶和華沒有停在這裏因為祂已經調動所有的歷史來應驗祂一切的應許以及祂說過的一切話。在時候滿足的時候,上帝降臨,由童女所生,住在我們中間(約一118;加四47)。祂告訴我們當基督的話藉由傳道人的口被說出來的時候祂就與我們同在羅十。祂今天仍然透過所宣講的道對我們說話。The Lord does not stop here, for he has moved all of history to the great fulfillment of his promises and of all he has spoken. God comes in the fullness of time and is born of a virgin to dwell among us (John 1:1-18; Gal. 4:4-7). He tells us that he is as close to us as the Word of Christ that is spoken (Rom. 10). He speaks to us even today through his Word as it is proclaimed. This is how God’s Spirit dwells among us today.

我們只能在耶穌的位格上看見上帝祂實實在在就是「上帝與我們同在」耶穌就是上帝的真像西一15。上帝的豐富有形有體地住在祂裏面:超越的上帝已經降世為人,以至於我們可以理解祂、抓住祂。上帝從這個團契相通之地憐憫地對我們說「小子們哪你們要自守遠避偶像 約壹五21Only in the person of Jesus do we see God! He is literally God with us, the true image of God (Col. 1:15). The fullness of God dwells in him bodily: the transcendent God has made himself man, so we can latch on to him. From this place of fellowship and communion God mercifully says to us, “Little children, keep yourselves from idols” (1 John 5: 21).

上帝在出埃及記裏拯救祂的百姓脫離罪惡與死亡的轄制好叫他們可以敬拜祂出廿12。祂今日仍在作同樣的工作。祂藉著救贖大功與罪人同住,成為我們的避難所,成為我們的生命,而我們只能按照祂的條件來得救。沒有達到這個標準,就是聖經所說的拜偶像。當我們想要控制上帝,讓祂符合我們的需要、想要,以及經常是愚蠢的慾望時,我們就是犯了拜偶像的罪。God frees his people in Exodus from their slavery to sin and death so that they might worship him (Ex. 20:1-2). He is still doing that same work today. His redemption makes dwelling with sinners possible, becoming our shelter and our life, which we can only do on his terms. Anything less is what the Bible calls idolatry. We commit idolatry when we attempt to manipulate God to fit our needs, wants, and often foolish desires.

上帝是忌邪的祂憐憫祂的百姓並冀望他們行善但是祂不會將祂的榮耀歸給一個形象或偶像無論是古代的還是現代的偶像賽四二8。上主給我們這個良善的命令,好叫我們不將我們的眼目轉離祂的愛子,即上帝真正的形象,去敬拜我們自己的手所造的(約十四6;詩一〇六3537)。若我們已在福音的講道裏看見耶穌,我們就是看見了父神。我們乃是藉著祂所賜給我們的管道與上帝同住,直到那榮耀的大日,那時我們就會看見耶穌的真體,不是憑著信心,乃是憑著眼見。藉著信心我們等候那面對面看見耶穌的日子。God is a jealous God who yearns over his people and desires their good, but he will not give his glory to an image or idol, whether it is ancient or modern (Isa. 42:8). The Lord gives us this good command to prevent us from taking our eyes off his Son, the true image of God, to worship inventions of our own hands (John 14:5; Ps. 106:35-37). If we have seen Jesus in the preaching of the gospel, we have seen the Father. We dwell with God through the means he has given us until that glorious day when faith shall give way to sight, when we shall see Jesus as he is. Through faith, we await the day when we shall see Jesus face to face.

每個基督徒都必須使用信經的三個理由 3Reasons Every Christian Needs to Use the Creeds

作者:Timothy W. Massaro  譯者:駱鴻銘

當我們想到基督信仰的時候,大多數人很少想到信經,崇拜禮儀,或信仰告白,更不用說會認為,信經對他們與上帝的關係來說是非常基本、不可或缺的。我們對信經的疑慮是可以理解的,尤其是當它們與我們的敬拜和對上帝的愛脫節的時候。人們往往把信經視為是冷酷、愚蠢的教義,和耶穌沒有半點關係。但是這些信經當初並不是為這個目的被創造的,這更不是正確使用它們的方法。When we think about the Christian faith, most people today rarely think about creeds, liturgy, or confessions, let alone see them as essential to their relationship with God. Our hesitation concerning creeds is understandable, especially when they are disconnected from our worship and love of God. People often see them as cold, mindless doctrines that have nothing to do with Jesus. But this is not how they were created nor how they should be used.

在早期教會的信經裏,我們發現到一個被隱藏的秘密——這是被許多人忽略的藏寶盒。我們在一次交付給聖徒的信仰中找到一個教導自己和我們的兒女的方式(猶3)。讓我們一一來查看這三點,來看每個基督徒是否需要在他們個人和團體的敬拜裏,使用這些信經。In the creeds of the early church, we find something of a hidden secret a treasure chest overlooked by many. We find a way to instruct ourselves and our children in the faith once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3). Let’s look at each of these three points to see why every Christian needs to use the creeds in their personal and corporate worship.

1. 信經有教育意義,因為它們是合乎聖經的。Creeds are instructive because they are biblical.

當我們想到這些偉大的信經(例如,使徒信經或尼西亞信經)時,我們經常把它們和聖經對立起來。我們往往沒有想清楚的是聖經自己也引領我們形成信經,也被信經的陳述所充滿。When we think of the great Christian creeds (the Apostles Creed or Nicene Creed, for example), we often put them in opposition to the Bible. What we often do not realize is that the Bible itself leads us into making creeds and is filled with creedal statements.

在舊約裏,我們看到,當以色列以所謂的「示瑪」(意思是「你要聽!」)來敬拜上帝時,公開認信她對上帝的信仰:「以色列啊,你要聽!耶和華我們上帝是獨一的主。 你要盡心、盡性、盡力愛耶和華你的上帝。」(申六45)這個每天的信仰聲明與愛上帝的命令是交織在一起的。上帝是誰、祂為拯救百姓成就了什麼,和我們以信心與愛來回應是結合在一起的。畢竟,「Credo」(拉丁文的「信經」)這個詞——即英文「creed」(信經)的字源——的意思簡單說就是「我信」。In the Old Testament, we see Israel confessing its faith in God as it worshiped him in what is called the Shema: “Hear, O Israel. The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength” (Deut. 6:4-5). This daily statement of faith is intertwined with the command to love God. Who God is and what he has done to save his people is tied to our response in faith and love. Credo, from which creed is derived, after all simply means, “I believe.”

早期教會繼承了這個傳統,並在世人面前承認她所信的。這些信仰告白和信經,有許多內容都出自新約著作(參:帖前四14;林後五1;羅四25;啟二8)。這些信仰聲明流傳在早期教會裏,為的是承認他們所信的是什麼:神是誰,耶穌為什麼是神又是人,以及祂降生所作的事對他們的敬拜和教會生活來說為什麼是絕對必要的。The early church inherited this tradition and confessed before the world what it believed. Many of these confessions and creeds found their way into the New Testament writings (cf. 1 Thess. 4:14, 2 Cor. 5:15, Rom. 4:25, Rev. 2:8). These statements were circulated in the early church to confess what they believed. Who God was, who Jesus was as the God-man, and what he came to do were essential to their worship and life as the church.

我們說聖經是我們最終的權威,這是正確的。當教會漸漸意識到她所相信的——與假教導是對立的——關於我們是如何信靠上帝的,我們就必須澄清我們的信念,把它們寫下來。使徒保羅這樣作了,也把其中許多陳述記在新約裏(林前十五35,十一2326;帖後二15)。耶穌自己在啟示錄中告訴教會,要傳承這個合乎聖經的傳統,並相信他們從前所領受、從使徒那裏聽到的內容(啟三3)。We rightly say that Scripture is our ultimate authority. When the church becomes aware of what it believes in opposition to false teaching concerning how we come to a saving faith in God, we must clarify our beliefs. We must write them down. The Apostle Paul did this and placed many of these statements into the New Testament (1 Cor. 15:3-5, 11:23-26; 2 Thess. 2:15). Jesus himself tells the church in the Book of Revelation to carry on this biblical tradition and believe what they have received and heard from the apostles – the eyewitness testimonies of the risen Lord (Rev. 3:3).

教會將聖經視為其最終的權威,也不得不在信心裏對她所信的作出回應。她相信、承認、向世人宣告,上帝在耶穌基督裏為她作了什麼。忽略這個偉大的財富就是在嘗試重造車輪,也誤解了歷代基督徒所一直在作的,對耶穌的忠心見證。請研讀信經,來認識他們的見證是否是真的。The church looks at Scripture as its ultimate authority and cannot but respond in faith concerning what she believes. She believes, confesses, and declares to the world what God has done for her in Jesus Christ. To neglect this great treasure is to attempt to reinvent the wheel and miss what Christians for millennia have been doing as part of their faithful witness to Jesus. Study the creeds to know they are true.

2. 信經是上帝救贖作為的總結,並引領我們敬拜上帝。Creeds are summaries of redemption and lead us to worship God.
雖然信經是在熱烈的爭論中產生的,但是這是常見的情況,就是在教會敬拜裏所說的、所唱的、所禱告的,會成為百姓區分真理和錯誤的來源。對上帝的敬拜,明白對我們的救恩來說什麼是必須的,驅使了我們的教會教父把救恩的基本外型和為什麼必須是這樣寫下來。早期教會認識到,若神格裏的三個位格不是完全的神,就不會有救恩。我們也無法正確地敬拜上帝。若耶穌不是完全的神和完全的人,我們就沒有盼望。承認耶穌是主,敬拜祂,迫使他們承認他們的信仰,以反對錯誤的信仰。While the creeds were formed in the heat of controversy, it was often the case that worshipping God in church, what was said, sung, prayed, and spoken, became the fountain from which people recognized truth from error. Worshipping God, and understanding what was necessary for our salvation, drove our church fathers to write down why salvation had to look and be a certain way. Without each person of the Godhead being fully God, the early church knew there could be no salvation. We could not worship God rightly. Without Jesus being fully God and fully man, we have no hope. Worshipping Jesus as Lord drove them to confess their faith against error.

因此,最早的信經成為基督徒敬拜,以及讚美祂一切奇妙作為的方式的生命血脈。The earliest creeds, therefore, became the very life-blood of Christian worship and the way to praise God for all his wondrous deeds.

He appeared in the flesh,
was vindicated by the Spirit,
was seen by angels,
was preached among the nations,
was believed on in the world,
was taken up in glory (1 Tim. 3:16).

這仍然是我們今天的模式。當我們越來越認識上帝,我們對祂的敬拜和愛就會被上帝的話和聖靈所潔淨。這正是基督降生的目的。祂在聖靈裏、在真理裏帶領我們敬拜上帝(約四24)。祂是創造、塑造我們的,讓我們能傳講上帝所賜給我們的話,向世界宣告上帝的作為(詩七一15,一〇五1,一四五6;來十510)。信經的目的是為了敬拜,為了傳唱,為了誦讀,為了記憶,好叫基督的話可以豐豐富富地住在我們裏面。務要將它們放在你們的敬拜服事裏,來默想上帝。This is still our pattern today. As we come to know more and more about God, our worship and love for him are purified by God’s Word and Spirit. This is specifically what Christ came to do. He brought us to worship God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). He is the one who forms and shapes us to speak all the words God has given us to say, declaring to the world the works of God (Ps. 71:15, 105:1, 145:6; Heb. 10:5-10). Creeds are meant for worship, to be sung, recited, and memorized so the word of Christ may dwell in us richly. Put them into your worship services to meditate on God.

3. 信經是我們信仰和教義的護欄Creeds are guardrails for our faith and doctrine.
當我們所信的內容被記錄下來,也讓這些信念受屬靈前輩的指導,我們就不會被這代人特殊的觀念所影響,也可以避開那些濫用他們權柄的領袖的暴政。就像高速道路上的道路一樣,它們會使我們不會開到會破壞我們車輪的路上,如同保羅所說的,「在真道上如同船破壞了一般」(提前一19When our beliefs are written down and we have them informed by those who have gone before us, we safeguard ourselves from our generation’s peculiarities and from the tyranny of leaders who would abuse their authority. Like roads on a highway, they keep us from driving onto terrain that will destroy our tires or, as Paul says, to prevent us from shipwrecking our faith (1. Tim. 1:19).

如果我們不寫下我們所相信的,和我們為何相信,我們就是為那些未曾言明的傳統以暴力統治我們開了大門。很諷刺的是,如果我們不寫下我們的信條,這些未曾言明的傳統就會成為最高的權威。因為無人可以讀到它們,也就無人可以質疑它們。但是當它們被寫下來,它們就迫使我們看到,它們的確是符合聖經的。當它們被最小的孩童到最老的聖徒認識到的時候,它們就可以照著上帝對自己的啟示,來引領我們敬拜三一上帝。When we fail to write down what we believe and why, we open the door for people’s unspoken traditions to tyrannize us. When traditions are unspoken, they ironically take on supreme authority. Because no one can read them, no one can question them. When they are written down, they compel us to see if they are in fact biblical. When they are known by the smallest child to the oldest saint, they can lead us to worship the triune God as he has revealed himself.

在這些信經當中,我們找到一條與歷世歷代聖徒一同敬拜上帝的方法,聆聽並呼應幾個世紀以來的敬拜。我們會找到來自各國、各民、各方,正在敬拜三一上帝的百姓,讚美祂在耶穌裏為我們賺得的救贖。我們可以預嚐祂已經引進到這個世界、而且有一天會使它完成的新創造。在這些信經中,我們看到了可以走的久經考驗的路徑。當我們想要越來越認識耶穌時,這些路徑會幫助我們每天仰望祂。請務必使用它們來引領你對三一上帝的愛。In the creeds, we find a way to worship God with the saints of all ages, hearing the echoes of worship through the centuries. We find a people from all nations, tribes, and tongues worshipping the triune God for the redemption he has purchased in Jesus. We have a foretaste of the new creation he has ushered into this world and will one day bring to completion. In the creeds, we see time-tested paths to tread that keep us looking to Jesus every day as we seek to know him more and more. Use them to guide your love for the triune God.


作者Timothy W. Massaro   譯者 駱鴻銘

The Incarnation of Jesus is the terminology used to describe what happened when the second person of the Trinity, the eternal Son of God, “became flesh” or “became embodied,” to become completely like us for our salvation (Heb. 2:17). Jesus was miraculously conceived in the womb of Mary, the great hope of the nations. This is a great mystery—the divine nature of the Son was perfectly united with human nature in one Person. This person, Jesus Christ, was both “truly God and truly man.”

Here are four problems God solves through the Incarnation of Christ:

 1.不完美的兒女1. Imperfect Children

在上帝的第一個孩子亞當裏人類墮入罪中死了。亞當沒有遵行他天父所吩咐的一切但是在基督裏我們有上帝完美的愛子帶來的生命和收養解決了死亡以及與神隔絕的難題In Adam, the first child of God, mankind fell into sin and death. Adam didnt do all that his heavenly Father had commanded; and yet, in Christ we have the perfect Son bringing life and adoption where there was once death and alienation:

這就如罪是從一人入了世界死又是從罪來的於是死就臨到眾人因為眾人都犯了罪。沒有律法之先,罪已經在世上;但沒有律法,罪也不算罪。然而從亞當到摩西,死就作了王,連那些不與亞當犯一樣罪過的,也在他的權下。亞當乃是那以後要來之人的預像。只是過犯不如恩賜,若因一人的過犯,眾人都死了,何況神的恩典,與那因耶穌基督一人恩典中的賞賜,豈不更加倍的臨到眾人嗎?因一人犯罪就定罪,也不如恩賜,原來審判是由一人而定罪,恩賜乃是由許多過犯而稱義。若因一人的過犯死就因這一人作了王何況那些受洪恩又蒙所賜之義的豈不更要因耶穌基督一人在生命中作王嗎?(羅五1217Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned.But the free gift is not like the trespass. For if many died through one mans trespass, much more have the grace of God and the free gift by the grace of that one man Jesus Christ abounded for many. And the free gift is not like the result of that one man’s sin. For the judgment following one trespass brought condemnation, but the free gift following many trespasses brought justification. For if, because of one man’s trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ. (Rom. 5:12–17)

 2.不完美的順服2. Imperfect Obedience

人類一直以來都想要靠不斷獻上不完美的順服來尋求上帝。基督成為人的樣式順服祂的父神以至於死Mankind has sought to reach out to God by continually offering imperfect obedience. Yet, God reached down to humans because there was no other way they might be saved. Christ took on the likeness of men in humility, being obedient to his Father even to the point of death:

你們當以基督耶穌的心為心祂本有神的形像不以自己與神同等為強奪的反倒虛己取了奴僕的形像成為人的樣式既有人的樣子就自己卑微存心順服以至於死且死在十字架上。所以,神將祂升為至高,又賜給祂那超乎萬名之上的名,叫一切在天上的、地上的,和地底下的,因耶穌的名無不屈膝,無不口稱「耶穌基督為主」,使榮耀歸與父神。腓二511Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore, God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Phil. 2:5–11)

 3. 不完美的人性3. Imperfect Humanity

在亞當的罪裏人是必死的沒有人可以得到上帝所應許的永生。隨著基督的道成肉身人的本性不只是得到了恢復而且更藉著祂的復活被帶進到上帝所應許的永生當中。Mans mortality was sealed in the sin of Adam, and none could reach the immortal life God promised. With the incarnation of Christ, mans nature was not only restored but also brought to the immortality promised him by the resurrection:

因此經上記著說「首先的人亞當成了賜有靈的活人末後的亞當成了叫人活的靈但屬靈的不在先屬血氣的在先以後才有屬靈的。頭一個人是出於地,乃屬土;第二個人是出於天。那屬土的怎樣,凡屬土的也就怎樣;屬天的怎樣,凡屬天的也就怎樣。我們既有屬土的形狀,將來也必有屬天的形狀。Thus it is written, The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit. But it is not the spiritual that is first but the natural, and then the spiritual. The first man was from the earth, a man of dust; the second man is from heaven. As was the man of dust, so also are those who are of the dust, and as is the man of heaven, so also are those who are of heaven. Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven.

弟兄們我告訴你們說血肉之體不能承受神的國必朽壞的不能承受不朽壞的。我如今把一件奧秘的事告訴你們:我們不是都要睡覺,乃是都要改變,就在一霎時,眨眼之間,號筒末次吹響的時候。因號筒要響,死人要復活成為不朽壞的,我們也要改變。這必朽壞的總要變成不朽壞的,這必死的總要變成不死的。這必朽壞的既變成不朽壞的,這必死的既變成不死的,那時經上所記「死被得勝吞滅」的話就應驗了。死啊!你得勝的權勢在那裡?死啊!你的毒鉤在那裡?死的毒鉤就是罪,罪的權勢就是律法。感謝神使我們藉著我們的主耶穌基督得勝。林前十五4547I tell you this, brothers: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality. When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written:“Death is swallowed up in victory.” “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Cor. 15:45–57)

4. 不完美的獻祭4. Imperfect Sacrifice

自從亞當墮落之後人類就努力想要透過獻祭的宗教來平息上帝的震怒。在基督的道成肉身當中我們找到了完全甘心樂意的祭叫一切相信的人得到完全Ever since the fall, mankind has endeavored to appease God through sacrificial religion. In the incarnation of Christ, we find the perfectly willing sacrifice that perfects all who believe in him:

因為公牛和山羊的血斷不能除罪。所以基督到世上來的時候就說神啊祭物和禮物是你不願意的你曾給我預備了身體。燔祭和贖罪祭是你不喜歡的。那時我說:神啊,我來了,為要照你的旨意行;我的事在經卷上已經記載了。以上說:「祭物和禮物,燔祭和贖罪祭,是你不願意的,也是你不喜歡的(這都是按著律法獻的)」;後又說:「我來了為要照你的旨意行」;可見祂是除去在先的,為要立定在後的。我們憑這旨意靠耶穌基督只一次獻上祂的身體就得以成聖。It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. Consequently, when Christ came into the world, he said, “Sacrifices and offerings you have not desired, but a body have you prepared for me; in burnt offerings and sin offerings you have taken no pleasure. Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come to do your will, O God, as it is written of me in the scroll of the book. . .’” And by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

凡祭司天天站著事奉神屢次獻上一樣的祭物這祭物永不能除罪。但基督獻了一次永遠的贖罪祭,就在神的右邊坐下了。從此,等候祂仇敵成了祂的腳凳。因為祂一次獻祭便叫那得以成聖的人永遠完全。來十414And every priest stands daily at his service, offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, waiting from that time until his enemies should be made a footstool for his feet. For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified. (Heb. 10:4–14)

The 3 Most Important Words for the Christian Life
作者Nicholas Davis 譯者 駱鴻銘

The three most important words for the Christian life begin with a “g”: guilt, grace, and gratitude.

罪咎1. Guilt

The Law of God exposes our guilt, and it shows us where exactly we have broken God’s commandments (Rom. 3:20). Without hearing the Law, we will continue to go on in our lives thinking that we’re doing just fine. We will inevitably create standards (a.k.a. “laws”) by which we can live and others will never really measure up to—avoiding the reality that all of us have fallen short of the glory of God. We need to hear a message of guilt, so that we will wake up to the message of grace.

恩典2. Grace

The Gospel of God is all about God’s grace to lawbreakers (Rom. 3:21–25). In his Son, God has taken upon himself the judgment and punishment we deserved for breaking the law, and he has also perfectly obeyed all of the law for us. Jesus Christ measured up so we wouldn’t have to. The message of grace is what God has done for us—not what we can do for God.

感恩3. Gratitude

Our only response to hearing this message of grace is heartfelt gratitude to God and loving service to our neighbors (Eph. 2:10; John 15:5). When someone gives us a gift that we weren’t expecting, our usual response is gratitude. The gospel does this to us a hundredfold and causes us to rejoice and praise God (Rom. 11:33)! We are filled with faith, hope, and love; and even good works spill over onto others because of this great work that God has done for us—and is doing in us.