

The nations (v. 24) represent redeemed humanity in all its cultural divisions. The distinctiveness of different cultures and peoples is not simply wiped out, but redeemed, in harmony with the picture in 1 Corinthians 12 of the unity and diversity in the body of Christ. (See Isa. 60:3-12 and Rev. 5:9.) The nations bring in their splendor, all the diversity of riches both material and intellectual and artistic and spiritual, as in Isaiah 60:3-5; Haggai 2:7-9.

摘錄自《再臨君王》──幫你讀懂啟示錄The Returning King: A Guide to The Book of Revelation, 226, 溥偉恩(Vern S. Poythress)著/詹益龍譯,改革宗出版社 , 台北。