顯示具有 以色列 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
顯示具有 以色列 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章



1. 萬國因亞伯拉罕蒙福   首先,以色列要將彌賽亞帶給以色列及世上列國。神向亞當及夏娃保證,女人的後裔會擊傷撒但的頭,並因而消除由於他們偏離神,以及他們破壞立約所引致的不順服、罪惡及腐敗。挪亞的子孫閃,確立為誕生那後裔的祖先(創九24-27)。然後,亞伯蘭/亞伯拉罕蒙神呼召及告知,萬國會因他而蒙福(創十二3)。透過亞伯拉罕的後裔(創十五5,十七1-8),神才會引進彌賽亞和救贖,以勝過撒但、罪惡及其影響。這後裔譜系收窄至以撒、雅各/以色列、猶大及大衛。同時,所有亞伯拉罕的後裔要成為世人的光(賽九2-7,四十二6,四十九6)。
2. 寫作及保存聖經   第二,與各目的之首的第一點不可分割的,乃是以色列要承擔產生、持定及保存舊約和新約的神聖角色。這成文的話乃確實無誤的紀錄,記載神怎樣創造宇宙,以及祂如何救贖和更新這宇宙及其居民。欠缺了這成文的話語,我們就沒有關於神的作為、應許的紀錄。以色列人曾是摩西領導下的子民,這話語的首部分由摩西所寫,其他部分則由以色列的作者、歷史家、詩人、聖賢及先知添上。故此,以色列的神聖使命乃是將那永活的道──耶穌基督(約一1-3),以及神所默示、無謬誤的話語,帶給世上所有國家──包括他們自己。
3. 中介角色   第三,藉神的旨意,以色列擔起一群中介子民的獨特角色。神從世界的一個角落呼召亞伯拉罕,將他放置在列國的中心。在那裏,有敘利亞、亞捫、摩押、以東、非利士、推羅、西頓等較小的國家為鄰,並有較遠較大的亞拉伯、埃及、赫、亞述及巴比倫等,而以色列卻成為特殊的珍寶──一個國度、一群祭司子民及聖潔的國家(出十九4-6)。這個多面體角色不單為了以色列的緣故;以色列蒙揀選、加力,在位於中心地區的迦南,在神及列國之間作中保。要做好中保的工作,以色列必須按著神所賜的話語而行,讓列國注意及渴望參與,在祂仁慈的統治下得享福氣、奇妙的生命和榮耀(賽二1-5;彌四1-5)。以色列的原先目的並非用說話作見證,而是去展現立約生命的豐盛福氣。外邦人應受到以色列的吸引,渴望去學習及順服神的啟示。這就是喇合(書二9-13)、路得(得一16-18)和烏利亞(撒下十一611)的故事;他們並非希伯來人或猶太人,卻成為以色列的真正公民──神的立約子民。
4. 神國的子民  第四,神呼召、揀選及宣告,要以色列成為國度的子民(出十九6)。摩西強調,他們蒙揀選,非因他們本身的優點;神揀選以色列成為立約的國度子民,是因為祂以恩慈的愛去愛他們(申七7)。然而,以色列卻有以下的責任:他們要在整體生活上,確認及展示神為他們唯一的君王;沒有其他神是他們的主、生命的來源和祝福。以色列人要知道他們是有神統治的神權政體(theocracy);他們被召成為忠心、敬愛、順服、事奉神的子民。
5. 實踐神的旨意  第五,神揀選以色列成為祂立約的僕人,在罪惡世界中實踐神的旨意。他們要藉信心而活,以此展示給列國看。挪亞、亞伯拉罕和眾人憑信而活(來十一)。這信心包括認識耶和華,信靠祂,活出勇敢及盼望的生命。透過順服,以色列會向子孫及鄰舍展示事奉神的面貌。事實上,信心的生活、順服及事奉,可以成就神心目中及向他們啟示的目的。按這方向,以色列是一群彌賽亞子民,在時候滿足時帶進彌賽亞的國度,把從神而來的話語傳予世界,見證神的國所包涵的一切生命活動及關係。
列祖時代  聖經啟示和記錄以色列怎樣回應,怎樣相信、順服及滿足神對雅各後裔的呼召,以及所賜予的特權。有人在各樣方式中忠信、順服及事奉;大多數人卻不信、不順服及不事奉。然而,神在實行祂的國度、立約及中保計劃上,仍然是信實及不變的。祂藉賜福、收回祝福,以及有限度地執行立約的咒詛而工作。以色列作為一個群體,從未被完全消滅,縱然無人理會摩西警告之話(申二十八至二十九)時,她會受到重災。神以饑荒、困苦、軍事失敗、外邦壓迫及最終被擄,使以色列降卑。
出埃及後  以色列有了會幕、亞倫的祭司職任,以及祭牲和節日的規例。人民有充分機會成為一個相信、順服、敬拜、事奉的群體及神權政體國家。但他們卻埋怨和反叛(民十一1,十二1-2,十四1-4,十六1-3,二十一4-5);十二探子中有兩個信靠及尊敬神(民十三),其餘的探子和整體國家卻不。當摩西及約書亞領導進佔約但時,神藉摩西向子民啟示祂自己;那立約的天地主宰呼召並要求百姓要敬虔,像立約的子民般去愛、順服、敬拜及事奉祂。約書亞乃神任命的一位優秀的軍事領袖。以色列作為一個國家,成功獲取那已開墾、蓋滿建築物及豐饒的應許之地。
王國時期  神的信實顯在彌賽亞的計劃上,這在大衛及所羅門時代戲劇性地啟示出來。大衛──猶大的後裔,屬亞伯拉罕及閃的族系──被膏立為王。詩人及先知大衛縱然有罪,但仍是一個合神心意的人。他征服及統治神所應許亞伯拉罕的整遍領土(撒下八1-14)。他的統治被描述為「秉公行義」(撒下八15)。那約得到確認,立約子孫及王朝的永久性獲得肯定(撒下七1-28)。兒子所羅門執行大衛對聖殿及敬拜的計劃。所羅門顯出智慧(王上十1-13),那神治君主政體的光彩是無與倫比的(王上十14-29)。詩篇七十二篇表達出彌賽亞國度的榮耀,那在大衛及所羅門時代首先實現,並將在耶穌基督裏得著最圓滿及最終的實現。
新約時期  被擄之後,雅各的後裔──往往稱為猶太人,而非以色列人──組成一個社會及宗教群體。由於律法主義及祭司活動,以及各種未能成功建立主權國家的狂熱運動,削弱了他們蒙召出來敬拜神的努力。故此,以色列不再成國,只能作為一個社會及宗教群體。在那環境中,以色列的呼召及存在之最終目的,乃在耶穌裏得到完全實現,正如神所定意的。在耶穌升天後40年(與以色列在曠野飄流的時間相同),以色列社群、聖殿及獻祭系統消失。神與亞當及夏娃所立,關乎女人那得勝及統治的後裔,並向亞伯拉罕、猶大及大衛所重申的應許,卻得到完全成就。以色列縱然不信、不順服及反叛,她卻成就了神呼召她及要她承擔的目的。
以色列的宗教起源  以色列與聖經的關係是明確的。舊約及新約均由屬以色列血統的人寫成。整本聖經是神藉以色列人給予世界的禮物,不管我們稱之為希伯來(舊約)或猶太人(新約)聖經。事實上,整本聖經乃神透過那信仰、順服及事奉的立約群體所賜下。五經以及歷史書、詩歌書、智慧書和先知書的作者乃立約的僕人;新約的福音書、歷史書信及啟示文學作者亦然。然而,分別乃圍繞整本聖經的性質:它是否以色列國的起源及發展之記載?換言之,聖經只是一本人間書籍,抑或是神默示之書──蘊含神聖創造、人類墮落、神救贖及更新計劃,以及祂向以色列並初步藉以色列去實現之永存國度的信息?聖經的記述是清楚及明確的:以色列是神藉以將聖經賜給世界的媒介。
以色列與土地  也有很多討論圍繞以色列與土地之關係。神應許亞伯拉罕及他的子孫,有一塊土地賜給他們為業,這是不容置疑的。但這地是否永恆的產業?神的應許是否無條件的呢?很多福音派基督徒相信它是。他們基於對論到巴勒斯坦之約的申命記二十八章作出這樣的解釋。其他同樣嚴謹的福音派學者,指出五個重要的斟酌因素。首先,摩西強調,順服乃承繼那地及維持福氣的基本要求(申四25-31,二十八15-68)。第二,譯作「永遠」的詞彙,可以解作「一段長久的日子」。這詞彙不能指永不結束,因為在末日主再來時,將會引進新天地的秩序。第三,神在大衛及所羅門時代,已成就了祂關乎土地及其範圍的應許(撒下八1-4;代上十八1-13;王上四20-21;詩七十二8)。第四,有關被擄歸回的先知應許,在餘民返回時已應驗了(拉二)。第五,新約並未將以色列視為一個永久擁有那地的國家;反而,亞伯拉罕的立約子孫所承繼的乃是這世界(羅四13)。
以色列與新約教會  另一個問題乃是以色列與新約教會的關係。有些人(誠之按:指時代論者)過於以字面解釋有關以色列的舊約預言,並認為「以色列」三個字在新約作品裏皆指政治性的國家實體,而非信仰的立約群體。這種做法的結果是:以色列民族與非猶太人的新約立約群體──教會,被嚴格區分;他們相信神心目中有兩組不同的子民,對每組也有不同的計劃。很多聖經學者對這種區分存異議。我們當謹記上一段的要點。再者,耶穌講論時從不把以色列看為一個政治獨立而宗教虔誠的國家;祂的主題是神包羅萬有的國度。雖然保羅說他的族人為「以色列人」(羅九3-5),但他亦說所有在耶穌基督裏的真信徒為亞伯拉罕的子孫,並按照給亞伯拉罕後裔的應許成為後嗣(加三28)。他亦將所有相信耶穌基督的信徒,不論是外邦人還是猶太人,均寫為「以色列民」(加六16)。故此一般相信當保羅論及他本族的信徒──不是很多猶太人接受耶穌為所應許的彌賽亞──以及很多相信的外邦人時,這個包括所有信徒的群體,不論猶太人或外邦人,組成了「以色列全家」,即那合一的身體,信徒的立約群體(羅十一25-32)。
Gerard Van Groningen
F. F. Bruce, Israel and the Nation; L. A. De-Caro, Israel Today: Fulfillment of Prophecy; A. Gileadi, ed., Israel’s Apostasy and Restoration; W. Hendrikson, Israel in Prophecy; A. W. Kac, The Rebirth of the State of Israel; M. Karlberg, JETS 31/3 (1988): 257-69; G. E. Ladd, The Last Things; H. K. LaRondelle, The Israel of God in Prophecy; J.B. Payne, Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy; P. Richardson, Israel in the Apostolic Church; J. F. Walvoord, Israel in Prophecy; M. J. Wyngaarden, The Future of the Kingdom.




作者: Michael Horton    唐興譯/誠之編校
本文首刊於「當代宗教改革」(Modern Reformation)雜誌總第33月號(May/June 1994
預言家林西(Hal Lindsey)宣稱:「全部先知預言的中心就是以色列國。」1948514日,以色列再次獨立建國,林西寫到:「基於這個理由,我確信我們現在正處於希伯來先知所清楚和準確預言的一個特殊時代。因此,所有的先知預言,都要在這一代當中實現。」
The center of the entire prophetic forecast is the State of Israel," declares prophetic pontiff, Hal Lindsey. On May 14, 1948, Israel became a nation again and, writes Lindsey, "For this reason I am convinced that we are now in the unique time so clearly and precisely forecast by the Hebrew prophets. Thus, all the various prophecies will come to pass during this generation."
時代主義論者(Dispensationalists)認為,1948年以色列的復國,已經應驗了以西結書和但以理書所預言的,以色列未來的復興。這該怎麼說呢?難道這就是先知們心中所想的嗎?我們必須進一步追問:上帝對亞伯拉罕的應許是在猶太復國主義運動(Zionist movement)中應驗的,還是在耶穌基督的福音中應驗的?但是,我們首先要思考的是:1948年。
The Dispensationalists have maintained that the prophecies of Ezekiel and Daniel regarding a future restoration of Israel are fulfilled in the recreation of that state in 1948. What about this? Is that what the prophets had in mind? A further question must then be asked: Are the promises God made to Abraham fulfilled in the Zionist movement or in the Gospel of Jesus Christ? But first things first: 1948.
Ezekiel prophesies, "I will now bring Jacob back from captivity and will have compassion on all the people of Israel, and I will be zealous for my holy name" (39:25). Daniel's prophecies are delivered in 530 BC, just fifty-five years after Ezekiel's and also point to a future restoration of a now destroyed nation of Israel. During Ezekiel's ministry, the nation is dismantled and carried off into Babylonian captivity and both prophets are offering the people hope in the midst of tragedy. One hundred years later, the promises made through these two prophets are fulfilled as Nehemiah and Ezra are allowed to return to rebuild Jerusalem with released exiles. The walls are rebuilt, God's people return, and although they are an imperial satellite, Babylon's rulers empty their own treasuries to assist in the rebuilding. This is all in line with the prediction that God will bring His people out of exile back to Jerusalem is finally fulfilled. A new temple is even built with the assistance of the Persian king.
這一切都在先知預言的一個世紀內得到了應驗:聖殿的重建,獻祭的更新,城市的重建,被擄的人重回家園。 1948年的復國,也不過如此。
All of this was fulfilled within a century of the prophecy. The temple was rebuilt, sacrifices were renewed, the city was rebuilt, and the exiles came home. So much for 1948.
當然,有些預言,例如但以理所做的預言,必須在尼希米帶領下的歸回重建之後才能得到應驗。其中一個例子就是四個國度的異象——巴比倫和瑪代·波斯帝國(兩個帝國在但以理有生之年就存在了),以及希臘(主前2世紀)和羅馬帝國(主前1世紀到主後1世紀)。所有這些世上的帝國都將衰頹;前面兩個是但以理親身經歷到的,後面兩個則是在主後1世紀才應驗的。這些地上帝國的壽命,都無法超越那一位將要來的君王的國度;祂將要把祂分散在各處的百姓(猶太人和外邦人)帶回家中:「我必立一牧人照管他們,牧養他們,就是我的僕人大衛。祂必牧養他們,作他們的牧人」(結卅四23)。在約翰福音第十章,當耶穌宣告祂自己為好牧人時,正應驗了這個預言。因此,以西結書中的預言,不是關於1948年的猶太復國主義運動(Jewish Zionism),而是關於主前440年的歸回重建,而且最終是關於作為大衛子孫的耶穌基督。
Of course, there are predictions made, by Daniel, for instance, which require fulfillment beyond the return under Nehemiah. One example is the vision of the four kingdoms--Babylon and Medo-Persia (two empires which existed during Daniel's own lifetime), and Greece (second century, BC) and Rome (first century, BC through first century AD). All of these world empires will collapse, two of which Daniel knew first-hand, while the latter two were fulfilled as late as the first century AD. These earthly empires would never outlast the empire of the coming One who will finally bring all of His scattered tribe (Jew and Gentile alike) home: "I will place over them one shepherd, my servant David, and he will tend them; he will tend them and be their shepherd" (Ez 34:23). It was just this prophecy which Jesus proclaimed Himself to be fulfilling in His self-designation as the Good Shepherd in John chapter ten. Thus, Ezekiel is not about Jewish Zionism in 1948, but about the return of the exiles in 440 BC and ultimately about Jesus Christ as the Son of David.
那麼,聖殿被毀又怎麼說呢?新約聖經中不是預言聖殿和聖城最後要被拆毀嗎?確有此事。 「耶穌出了聖殿,正走的時候,門徒進前來,把殿宇指給他們看。耶穌對他們說:『你們不是看見這殿宇嗎?我實在告訴你們:將來在這裏,沒有一塊石頭留在石頭上不被拆毀了』」(太廿四1-2)。這段經文常被認為是指在我們時代中的應驗。然而,當門徒問到這個應驗的預兆時,耶穌說:「那時,人要把你們陷在患難裏,也要殺害你們。」這聽起來不就是耶穌正在預備他們,去面對一個即將來臨的應驗嗎?事實上,這個預言在主後70年,聖城被羅馬帝國破壞、猶太人和基督徒被殺害分散、聖殿被拆毀沒有留下一塊石頭時,就已經應驗了。羅馬皇帝宣稱他自己為神,坐在至聖所,這乃是應驗了但以理書中所預言的:「那行毀壞可憎的」(abomination of desolation)。多年以來,時代主義論者教導這事發生於大災難時期,這樣的解釋很難被接受。只要看一看主所說的:「你們看見先知但以理所說的『那行毀壞可憎的』站在聖地(讀這經的人須要會意)。那時,在猶太的,應當逃到山上…… 」。難道當初的聽眾不明白,耶穌是要預備他們,面對即將要發生的事嗎? 「當你們看見……站在聖地……。」
What about the destruction of the temple? Was it not predicted in the New Testament that there would be a final destruction of the temple and the city? Indeed, it was. "Jesus left the temple and was walking away when His disciples came up to Him to call His attention to its buildings. 'Do you see all these things?' He asked. 'I tell you the truth, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.'" This is often taken to refer to a fulfillment in our own lifetime, and yet, when the disciples wanted to know what the signs of this would be, He said, "You will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death." Doesn't it sound like Jesus was preparing them for an immediate fulfillment? The fact is, this was fulfilled in AD 70, when the city was destroyed by the Romans, Jews and Christians were slaughtered and scattered, and the temple was destroyed to the extent that "not one stone" was "left on another." The Roman emperor, proclaiming himself God, sat in the Holy of Holies, fulfilling the "abomination of desolation" predicted in Daniel. And if, after years of Dispensational teaching on the "abomination of desolation," taking place during the tribulation, it is difficult to accept this interpretation, just look at our Lord's own remark: "So when you see standing in the holy place 'the abomination that causes desolation,' spoken through the prophet Daniel--let the reader understand--then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains." Would the original audience not have clearly understood Jesus to be preparing them for events which were right around the corner? "So when you see standing in the holy place..."
Therefore, the prophecies of Daniel and Ezekiel do not have to find their fulfillment in 1948 or in any other period which coincides with remarkable current events.
然而,第二個問題是我們更關注的核心問題:現代的以色列國和猶太復國主義運動,是否是上帝對亞伯拉罕的應許的應驗?傳統時代主義論認為,救恩計劃有一種「徹底的中斷」(radical discontinuity),儘管最近的修正已經淡化了這種看法。傳統時代主義論認為,上帝最終的計劃牽涉到以色列國;相對於上帝拯救以色列民族國家的主要使命,教會只是一個「括號」(薛福Chafer所提倡的觀念),有點像是一個腳註或旁枝(編按:只是一個插曲)。
The second question, however, is of more central concern: Is the modern state of Israel and Zionism in general the fulfillment of God's promises to Abraham? Classical Dispensationalism presents to programs of salvation, though recent revisions have toned down on the radical discontinuity. In classical Dispensationalism, God's ultimate program involves the nation Israel. The Church is a "parenthesis" (Chafer), a sort of footnote or sidetrack in contrast to God's main mission to save ethnic, national Israel.
我們認為,這種觀念嚴重地誤解了上帝的計劃,以及聖經中清楚的教導。這樣做,等於是冒險給予現代猶太人一個虛假的盼望,提出一個不需要世界唯一救主作為中保的救恩計劃(至少在現世的事物上是如此)。如果你認為這是對此立場的一種諷刺,只要去參加每年在華盛頓首府地區所舉辦的,為以色列禱告的全國早餐禱告會(National Prayer Breakfast in Honor of Israel),就立見分曉。有一年我參加了,我還記得許多基要派的傳道人和發先知預言的「專家」,領導群聚一堂的猶太基督徒這樣地禱告說:「我們共同的天父——亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各的神……」。如果現在有另一群基督徒在同一條街上,舉行基督徒和穆斯林教或基督徒和印度教的禱告會,這樣的禱告,基本上等於否認了基督的獨特性,以及祂的中保工作。但是,對這些人而言,猶太人很明顯地不需要福音,因為他們根本連福音都沒有提到。沒有一個禱告在結束時提到基督的名。
We believe that this position gravely misunderstands the plan of God and the clear teaching of the Scriptures. In so doing, it risks offering false hopes to modern Jews of a plan of redemption which, at least in temporal matters, does not require the mediation of the world's only Savior. If you think this is a caricature of the position, just attend the annual National Prayer Breakfast in Honor of Israel in Washington, DC. I did that one year and I remember fundamentalist preachers and prophecy "experts" leading the Jewish-Christian gathering in prayer "to our common Father--the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob." Now, if another group of Christians down the street had a prayer service of Christians and Moslems or Christians and Hindus, it would be considered a basic denial of the uniqueness of Christ and His mediatorial work, but for these people, Jews evidently did not need the Gospel, for there was no reference to it even in passing. Not one prayer ended with the name of Christ.
使徒保羅會把這種教導稱為是加拉太教會的異端。 「正如『亞伯拉罕信上帝,這就算為他的義』。所以,你們要知道:那以信為本的人,就是亞伯拉罕的子孫。並且聖經既然預先看明,上帝要叫外邦人因信稱義,就早已傳福音給亞伯拉罕,說:『萬國都必因你得福。」可見那以信為本的人和有信心的亞伯拉罕一同得福。凡以行律法為本的,都是被咒詛的;因為經上記著:『凡不常照律法書上所記一切之事去行的,就被咒詛』」(加三6-10)。所以,沒有兩種不同的救恩計劃。猶太人和外邦人一樣,都是「被咒詛的」,唯有藉著信心,才能接近上帝、得著祂在基督裏的應許。認為上帝不是藉著基督,來實現祂對以色列民族的應許,這種觀念肯定是近乎異端了。
The Apostle Paul would call this the Galatian heresy. "Understand that those who believe are children of Abraham. The Scripture predicted that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: 'All nations will be blessed through you.' So those who have faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith. All who rely on observing the law are under a curse" (Gal 3:6-10). Thus, there are not two programs. Jews and Gentiles alike are "under a curse" and can only approach God and receive His promises by faith in Jesus Christ. To suggest that God is fulfilling promises to national Israel apart from Christ surely borders on heresy.
但是,上帝並非在履行對以色列國族(national Israel)的應許。發生於主後70年「那行毀壞可憎的」,實際上確實使聖殿荒涼了。儘管我們與世界上受逼迫的猶太人在他們的家園一同歡欣鼓舞,但1948年並不具有任何先知預言上的意義。
But God is not fulfilling promises to national Israel. The abomination that makes desolate in AD 70 did, in fact, make the temple desolate. While we rejoice with the persecuted Jews of the world in their homeland, there is no prophetic significance to the year 1948.
如果我們仔細查看上帝對亞伯拉罕的應許(創十二2-3),以及貫穿舊約聖經的許多警告,都提到得著應許之地的條件,在於以色列人的順服。然而,得著那最終應許之地的條件,則單單在於信心(by faith alone)。所以,舊約聖經裏的先祖們,並不像現代的時代主義論者,對這塊土地有這麼大的興趣。 「他(亞伯拉罕)因著信,就在所應許之地作客,好像在異地居住帳棚,與那同蒙一個應許的以撒、雅各一樣。因為他等候那座有根基的城,就是上帝所經營所建造的。因著信,連撒拉自己,雖然過了生育的歲數,還能懷孕,因她以為那應許她的是可信的。所以從一個仿佛已死的人就生出子孫,如同天上的星那樣眾多,海邊的沙那樣無數。這些人都是存著信心死的,並沒有得著所應許的」(來十一8-13)。什麼?他們並沒有得著所應許的?他們不就在那塊土地上,不是嗎?但是,聖經告訴我們,那不是最終極的應許。 「他們……承認自己在世上是客旅,是寄居的[甚至寄居在應許之地]。說這樣話的人是表明自己要找一個家鄉。他們若想念所離開的家鄉,還有可以回去的機會。他們卻羡慕一個更美的家鄉,就是在天上的。」(來十一14-16)。
If we look very carefully at the promises made to Abraham (Gn 12:2-3), and the many warnings which follow throughout the Old Testament, the promise of the land is conditional upon Israel's obedience. The promise of a final Promised Land and resting place, however, is by faith alone. Thus, the Old Testament patriarchs were not as interested in a plot of land as modern Dispensationalists. "By faith, Abraham made his home in the promised land like a stranger in a foreign country, for he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars of the sky. All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised" (Heb 11:8-13). What? They didn't receive the things promised? They were in the land, weren't they? But the Bible says that this was not the ultimate promise. "They admitted they were strangers on earth [even in the promised land]. People who say such things who that they are looking for a country of their own." But they had a country of their own! "If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were looking for a better country--a heavenly one" (Heb 11:14-16).
So, you see, the promises made to Abraham are fulfilled in Christ and passed along to all those who belong to Christ by faith. Whether Jew or Gentile, all who are relying on the works of the law are still under a curse and apart from the Messiah there is no promise of anything but judgment.
"I ask then: Did God reject His people? By no means!," writes the Apostle Paul, citing his own conversion to Christ as a Jew. "So too, at this present time (not some future time) there is a remnant chosen by grace" (Rom 11:1,5). In this present age, God is grafting in with Israel branches from alien, Gentile trees and forming one single family in which "there is neither Jew nor Gentile....For all are one in Christ" (Gal 3:28).



None Dare Call It Confused: USA is Not Israel

作者:Scott Clark  誠之譯自:
顯然,基督教右派計劃在201051日,即2010年的勞工節開一場大會。按照2010年五一節網站(http://mayday2010.org/ 的說法,這場大會是「為一個陷於困境中的國家向上帝呼喊」。他們呼籲「愛神的各宗派基督教領袖要謙卑自己,禱告,尋求神的面,並轉離我們的惡行,無論個人還是國家」。在這方面,他們引用了《詩篇》一〇六篇44-45節:
Apparently the Christian right has planned an event for May 1, 2010—May Day 2010 (HT: Allan Bledsoe). According to the May Day 2010 site this event is “a cry to God for a nation in distress.” They call “Christian leaders of all denominations who love God to humble ourselves, pray, seek the face of God, and turn from our wicked ways—individually and as a nation.” In this context, they quote Psalm 106:44-45,
But he took note of their distress when he heard their cry; for their sake he remembered his covenant and out of his great love he relented.
The event is cast in terms of a national covenant. I was a little surprised and disappointed not to see a quotation from 2 Chron 7:14 until I looked at the bulletin insert (for churches):
“If My people who are called by My name will humble them-selves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin
The great difficulty here is that while God has people in the USA the USA, as such is not “my people.” From the moment Jesus was nailed to the cross there could never be another “my people.” Indeed, in important ways, long before the cross national Israel was “not my people.” When he came, Jesus was God’s “my people.” Jesus is the Israel of God. There has been no covenant between God and a national people since national Israel.
Now, I’m in favor of prayer. Christians should gather in congregations to pray and it is appropriate for Reformed Christians to gather in congregations to pray. We are commanded in Scripture to pray for those in authority over us (1 Tim 2:1-2) and it is the practice of Reformed congregations to do so. It is appropriate for Christians to be involved in civil society, to seek to bring to bear in that sphere the moral, creational, natural law. They ought to call on the magistrate to fulfill his duty to uphold righteousness (Rom 13) but we do so submissively (Titus 3:1).
We Christians have a dual citizenship. According to Paul, our “citizenship is in heaven” (Phil 3:20). Of course, we are also citizens here, in this world. Our dual citizenship means that we must prioritize our loyalties. We must be good citizens of the earthly polities in which we live but clearly, the biblical priority is upon our heavenly citizenship. I can’t imagine the Apostle countenancing a mass demonstration by Philippian Christians against the Roman dictatorship. The quiet assertion of legal rights, yes. Paul did so when he asked for a trial—which was his right under Roman law.
The modifier “quiet” is significant here. To live quietly is not quietism. Before anyone calls me a pietist, be careful. God’s Word says:
......又要立志做安靜人,辦自己的事」 (帖前四11
“…and to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs” (1 Thess 4:11)
“…and to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs” (1 Thess 4:11)
I can imagine someone objecting, “But Paul wants only a certain class of people to be quiet in 2 Thess.” True, Paul is addressing a specific problem among the Thessalonians, but it’s not as if he wants them only to live quietly. We’ve seen that already. So I go back to the rest of 1 Tim 2:12. We are to pray for those in authority over us
“…that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” (1 Tim 2:2)
In other words, Paul’s hope is that we Christians will be left alone to live out our faith, in this world, with “real-world” (what, heaven isn’t “real”? Hebrews 11 says it is!) consequences yes, but with our eyes fixed on that city whose architect and builder is God (Heb 11:10). Our eyes are to be focused on the “city of the living God” (Heb 12:22) because “here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come” (Heb 13:14).
是的,要為國家禱告,但要舉行大規模示威?五一節網站上說,這不是給媒體或政客看的?真是這樣嗎?從什麼時候開始,聚集在華盛頓的人,有誰不希望媒體或政客的關注?難怪人們會對教會抱著懷疑態度!在世人看來,這場集會如果不是為了爭奪權力和影響力,那就什麼都不是。如果這真的只是為了禱告,就不必在華盛頓聚集,而是在教會中安靜地聚集。是的,要為國家禱告,但不要把美國人民當成上帝的約民。我們不是。祂在這裏有約民,但祂給以色列國的應許已經應驗了。在出埃及記第二十四章3節,作為上帝的國民,以色列民起誓立約說:「耶和華所吩咐的,我們都必遵行。」 然後,根據聖經的記載,「摩西將血灑在百姓身上,說:『你看,這是立約的血,是耶和華按這一切話與你們立約的憑據』。」
Yes, pray for the nation but in mass demonstration? The May Day website says that this is not for the media or the politicians? Really? Since when did anyone gather in DC who did not want the attention of the media or the politicians? No wonder folks are cynical about the church! To the world this will look like nothing if not a grab for power and influence. If this was really and only about prayer there would not gathering in DC but rather there would be quiet gatherings in congregations. Yes, pray for the nation, but not as if Americans are God’s covenant people. We aren’t. He has covenant people here but national promises have been fulfilled. In Exodus 24, as God’s national people, Israel swore a covenant saying, “‘All the words that the LORD has spoken we will do.'” Then, according to Scripture, “Moses took the blood and threw it on the people and said, ‘Behold the blood of the covenant that the LORD has made with you in accordance with all these words.'”
Have you read the major prophets? Have you read the minor prophets? Do you know the history of Israel? Israel did not keep her covenant with Yahweh, but Jesus did. He kept all the words of the law for all the people his Father gave to him from all eternity. What this country needs is not another prayer rally in DC but heartfelt prayer in divine services, confessing the sins of the church and calling out to the Lord of the church for forgiveness. Chief among those sins is failing to reckon with God’s holy law for what it is and for failing to see ourselves in light of that law for what we are. Concomitant with those sins is the sin of our ministers of failing to preach the gospel of Christ’s glorious law keeping, death, and resurrection for his people.

The Savior we preach will come in glory, yes, but now is not that time. The Savior we preach came in humiliation and suffering. Now is not a time for a theology of triumph and glory. It’s too soon for that. We’ll know when that time is, when the King of the Nations comes in glory and power. Now all we have to offer to sinners is God’s righteous law and his stumbling-block foolishness, the gospel of a crucified Savior raised on the third day.


舊約中的教會和以色列TheChurch and Israel in the Old Testament

作者:Iain Duguid  譯者:駱鴻銘

In the beginning, God created Adam and Eve to be a worshipping community: He would be their God and they would be His people. The fall, however, shattered their fellowship with one another as well as with God, a division that was deepened even further in the next generation when Cain murdered his brother. The trajectory away from God begun by Cain’s line ended with a counterfeit worshipping community in Babel (Gen. 11). At the same time, a line of true worshippers ran through Seth to Abram—Abraham—whom God promised to make a great nation and through whom He promised to bless all nations of the earth (Gen. 12:1–3).

上帝應許亞伯拉罕的孫兒雅各,祂要使他的十二個兒子成為一個和諧的「萬民組成的群體(community of nations)」(創廿八3;和合本作:萬族),敬拜上帝,這個群體要其新名「以色列」而聞名。重要的是,這裏用於「群體」的希伯來文是qāhāl,其中舊約的希臘文譯本經常被譯為ekklēsia,「教會」。「崇拜群體」的這個目標,在以色列百姓出埃及之後、來到西奈山時達成了。在那裏,上帝宣佈以色列民是祂寶貴的產業,一個祭司的國度、聖潔的國度(出十九56)。耶和華應許要住在他們中間,作他們的上帝(出廿九45)。但是百姓在承諾與耶和華立約後不久,立刻就離棄了祂。當摩西在山頂接受耶和華的指示時,百姓卻在山腳下製造假神。從一開始就很清楚,「聖潔的國民」沒有能力堅守它的呼召。
God promised Abraham’s grandson Jacob that He would make his twelve sons into a harmonious worshipping “community of nations” (Gen. 28:3) that would be known by his new name, “Israel.” Significantly, the Hebrew word used here for “community” is qāhāl, which the Greek translation of the Old Testament often renders as ekklēsia, “church.” This goal of a worshipping community was reached after the exodus from Egypt when the people came to Mount Sinai. There God declared the Israelites to be His treasured possession, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation (Ex. 19:5–6). The Lord promised to dwell among them as their God (Ex. 29:45). But the people had no sooner committed themselves to this covenant relationship with the Lord than they abandoned Him. While Moses was at the top of the mountain receiving instruction from the Lord, the people were at the bottom fashioning false gods. It was clear from the outset that the “holy nation” had no power to live up to its calling.

The prophets unfold for us the rest of Israel’s history: in spite of God’s faithfulness to them, they were corrupt and rebellious children (Isa. 1:2) and an adulterous wife (Hos. 1–3). This heritage of unfaithfulness belonged equally to the northern and southern kingdoms: Israel and Judah were two twisted sisters from the same family (Ezek. 16; 23) who would each face the punishment of destruction and exile (Ezek. 4:4–6). The Lord could not dwell in the midst of such an unholy people. He abandoned His chosen dwelling place in Jerusalem, leaving His people at the mercy of their Babylonian enemies (Ezek. 8–11).

Yet the destruction of Israel in the exile could not be the end of the story. Because the Lord had attached His name to Israel, the nation would have to be restored lest His holy name be profaned among the nations (Ezek. 20:14). The promises made at Mount Sinai had to be fulfilled (Jer. 33:20–21), so the two nations of Israel and Judah would be restored by the Lord into a single, reunited body made up of all of the clans of Israel (Jer. 31:1) under a single king (Ezek. 37:16–22). The most important promise was the spiritual transformation of Israel into a new people whose unresponsive hearts would be changed into new hearts under a new covenant (Jer. 31:31–33) by an outpouring of God’s Spirit (Ezek. 36:22–28). The new Israel would become the Lord’s servant, a light for the Gentiles, bringing healing to all nations (Isa. 42:6, 10). However, the new Israel depicted in Isaiah 40–48 continued to be a struggling and weak people who needed constant exhortation to pursue obedience as well as encouragement to trust in God’s faithful love for them. To fulfill God’s purposes, another, better Israel would be required, a servant who would take Israel’s place, doing what Israel was unable to do, fulfilling her calling to bring light to the nations (Isa. 49:6).

This servant “Israel” took flesh in the person of Jesus Christ. From the moment of His birth, He reenacted Israel’s history, going down to Egypt so that He could be the true son whom God called out of Egypt (Matt. 2:15, quoting Hos. 11:1). Just as Israel passed through the Red Sea, Jesus passed through the waters of baptism (Matt. 3) before being led out into the wilderness, where He successfully faced the same temptations that Israel had failed to endure (Matt. 4). At the beginning of His ministry, Jesus read aloud Isaiah 61:1–2, declaring that the Scripture had been fulfilled in His hearers’ presence (Luke 4:18–19): He was Himself the promised Servant upon whom God’s Spirit rested. As the new Israel, Jesus perfectly fulfilled the demands of the law. The new covenant that Jeremiah anticipated was established in His blood (Luke 22:20). Jesus fulfilled God’s original design for human holiness, thereby personally embodying the new Israel for which the prophets looked.

Since Jesus Christ is Himself the new Israel, all those united to Him by faith are also incorporated into the Israel of God (Gal. 6:16). He is the true vine, the classic Old Testament image for Israel, and we are His branches (John 15). Because Christ is the living cornerstone of God’s house, those who are joined to Him become living stones in that house (1 Peter 2:4–5) and can be described by the same terminology that described Israel in the Old Testament: in Christ, we are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation” (1 Peter 2:9–10).

Being part of this new covenant Israel is, thus, not a matter of physical descent from Abraham, but rather sharing Abraham’s repentance and faith (Luke 3:8). The new people of God includes Jews and Gentiles together (Gal 3:28), as both are grafted into the new olive tree, Christ/ Israel (Rom. 11:17–24). That does not mean that God has forgotten His promises to those physically descended from Abraham (Rom. 11:1). Certainly not. But not everyone who is descended physically from Israel is part of the new Israel (Rom. 9:6). The restoration of Israel promised in the prophets is accomplished as the gospel is preached to Jerusalem and Judea (the southern kingdom), Samaria (the northern kingdom), and to the ends of the earth, thereby finally bringing God’s light to the Gentiles (Acts 1:8).

In the book of Revelation, John heard God’s people described as a group of 144,000 made up of the twelve tribes of Israel (Rev. 7:4–8). Yet when he looked again, he discovered that the same group was an innumerable crowd from every tribe and nation (Rev. 7:9–12). The Lord’s bride, the image used in the Old Testament for Israel, is the church and will one day be defiled by her sin no longer but beautifully adorned for her husband (Rev. 21:2). In that day, God’s original purpose and plan for Israel—to have a united, holy people belonging to Himself—will finally be fulfilled in the marriage of Christ and His church.

Dr. Iain Duguid is professor of Old Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia and founding pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Glenside, Pa. He is author of Is Jesus in the Old Testament?


教会和以色列The Church and Israel: The Issue

作者:Cornelis Venema翻译:  骆鸿铭

Throughout the history of the Christian church, the question of Israel’s place within God’s redemptive purposes has been of special importance. In modern history, with the emergence of dispensationalism as a popular eschatological viewpoint and the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, the theological question of God’s intention for Israel has become even more pressing. After the Holocaust, the Nazi attempt to exterminate the Jews throughout Europe during World War II, the issue of the relation between the church and Israel has also been affected anew by the sad reality of anti- Semitism, which some allege belongs to any Christian theology that insists upon one way of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, whether for Jews or Gentiles.

In order to orient the discussion of this critical issue, we need to begin with a clear understanding of the major views on this question that are represented today within the church. These views illustrate not only the importance of the question, but the wide diversity of positions.


Although premillennial dispensationalism is a relatively new viewpoint in the history of Christian theology, its position on God’s special purpose for Israel has shaped, even dominated, recent debates among evangelical Christians on the relationship between the church and Israel.

「古典时代论」主张,上帝有两群独特的百姓:一群地上的百姓,以色列;以及一群天上的百姓,教会。根据这种时代论的看法,上帝乃是透过七个连续的时代(dispensations)或救赎的安排(redemptive economies),来施行救赎的历史过程。在每个时代中,上帝都透过启示祂独特的旨意,来测验人。在这七个时代中,最重要的三个时代是律法时代,福音时代,以及国度时代。虽然在这篇短文中,我们不可能描绘这些时代所有的特色,但是最重要的是时代论的坚持,是上帝对祂在地上的百姓,有一个分开的、不同的计划,上帝是以各自不同、独特的方式来对待他们的。在当前的时代,即教会时代中,上帝已然暂时地「悬置」(suspended)祂对以色列的特殊计划,而把祂的注意力转向教会,也就是透过对列国宣讲耶稣基督的福音来召聚外邦信徒。不过,当基督回来,在大灾难的七年时期之前,「提取」教会时,祂会恢复上帝对以色列的特殊规划。这个大灾难时期只是一个序奏,会开启未来在地上的千年国度时代。对时代论来说,这个千年国度会标记出一个时期,在这个时期中,上帝对祂地上的百姓(以色列)的应许会得到一个特殊的、字面上的应验。只有到这个千禧年国度时代的末了,基督才会最终征服祂所有的敌人,引进最后的状态。
In classic dispensationalism, God has two distinct peoples: an earthly people, Israel, and a heavenly people, the church. According to dispensationalism, God administers the course of the history of redemption by means of seven successive dispensations or redemptive economies. During each dispensation, God tests human beings by a distinct revelation of His will. Among these seven dispensations, the three most important are the dispensation of law, the dispensation of the gospel, and the dispensation of the kingdom. While it is not possible in a short essay like this to describe all the distinctives of these dispensations, what is important is dispensationalism’s insistence that God has a separate purpose and a distinct manner of dealing with His earthly people, Israel. During the present era, the dispensation of the church, God has “suspended” His special purposes for Israel and turned His attention, in a manner of speaking, to the gathering of the Gentile peoples through the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the nations. However, when Christ returns at any moment to “rapture” the church prior to a seven-year period of great tribulation, He will resume God’s special program for Israel. This tribulation period will be a prelude to the commencement of the future dispensation of a one thousand-year kingdom upon the earth. For dispensationalism, the millennium marks the period during which God’s promises to Israel, His earthly people, will receive a distinct, literal fulfillment. Only at the end of the dispensation of the millennial kingdom will Christ finally vanquish all of His enemies and introduce the final state.

Though dispensationalism acknowledges that all people, whether Jews or Gentiles, are saved by faith in the one Mediator, Jesus Christ, it maintains a clear and permanent distinction between Israel and the church within the purposes of God. The promises of the Old Testament are not fulfilled through the gathering of the church of Jesus Christ from among all the peoples of the earth. These promises are given to an earthly, ethnically distinct people, Israel, and they will be fulfilled in a literal manner only during the dispensation of the kingdom that follows the present dispensation of the gospel.


Contrary to dispensationalism’s sharp demarcation between God’s two peoples, Israel and the church, historic Reformed theology insists on the unity of God’s redemptive program throughout history. When Adam, the covenant head and representative of the human race, fell into sin, all human beings as his posterity became liable to condemnation and death (Rom. 5:12–21). By virtue of Adam’s sin and its implications for the entire human race, all people became subject to the curse of the law and heirs of a sinfully corrupt nature.

According to the traditional Reformed interpretation of Scripture, God initiated the covenant of grace after the fall in order to restore His chosen people to communion and fellowship with Himself. While the covenant of grace is administered diversely throughout the course of the history of redemption, it remains one in substance from the time of its formal ratification with Abraham until the coming of Christ in the fullness of time. In all of the various administrations of the covenant of grace, God redeems His people through faith in Jesus Christ, the one Mediator of the covenant of grace, through whom believers receive the gift of eternal life and restored communion with the living God (see Berkhof, Systematic Theology, pp. 293–5).

In the Reformed understanding of the history of redemption, therefore, there is no ultimate separation between Israel and the church. The promise God made to Abraham in the formal ratification of the covenant of grace (Gen. 12; 15; 17), namely, that he would be the father of many nations and that in his “seed” all the families of the earth would be blessed, finds its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. The seed promised to Abraham in the covenant of grace is Jesus Christ, the true Israel, and all who through faith are united to Him and, thus, heirs of the covenant promises (Gal. 3:16, 29). In the Reformed view, the gospel of Jesus Christ directly fulfills the promises of the covenant of grace for all believers, whether Jews or Gentiles. Israel and the church are not two distinct peoples; rather, the church is the true Israel of God, “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession” (1 Peter 2:9).


对以色列和教会的议题所作的反思在近代历史上出现了一个新的、更极端的立场。这个立场经常和一个人的名字连在一起那就是Franz Rosenzweig。他是一位犹太作家在第一次世界大战后写了一本书书名是《救赎之星》The Star of Redemption。「两约神学」的教导是:圣经里有两个独立的约,一个约是上帝和以色列立的,另一个约是上帝和耶稣基督的教会立的。与其说对犹太信徒和外邦信徒一样,都只有一条透过相信耶稣基督的救赎之路,这个观念认为,上帝与以色列百姓所拥有的原始的圣约关系,与祂和借着主耶稣基督和外邦人建立的新的圣约的关系,是截然不同、完全分离的。
In the recent history of reflection upon the issue of Israel and the church, a new and more radical position has emerged. Often linked with the name of Franz Rosenzweig, a Jewish author of a work written shortly after World War I entitled The Star of Redemption, two-covenant theology teaches that there are two separate covenants, one between God and Israel and the other between God and the church of Jesus Christ. Rather than there being one way of redemption through faith in Jesus Christ for Jew and Gentile believers alike, God’s original covenant relationship with His ancestral people, Israel, remains separate from His new covenant relationship with the Gentile nations through the Lord Jesus Christ.

在二战后的处境里,对基督教会内所遗留下的对反犹主义的关注,使得「两约神学」在主流的基督新教教会内,变得越来越受欢迎。即使在罗马天主教会内,有些神学家也诉诸第二次梵蒂冈会议和教皇约翰保禄二世的Redemptoris Missio (1991)的宣告。这两个宣告都提倡基督徒和犹太人进行对话,以便阻挠不断向犹太人传福音的努力。在两约神学的观点中,基督徒有关基督的位格和工作的信仰告白,即基督是唯一的中保或救赎主的告白,只有在上帝与教会立的约的这个骨架里,才算是真理。然而,既然上帝和以色列所立的约是另一个不同的约,而这个约并没有在耶稣基督的降生当中得着应验,基督徒就不应当把上帝与教会所立的约的条件强加在以色列身上。
Within the setting of a post-World War II concern over the legacy of anti-Semitism in the Christian church, the two-covenant-theology position has become increasingly popular among many mainline Protestant churches. Even within the Roman Catholic Church, some theologians have appealed to the pronouncements of the Second Vatican Council and Pope John Paul II’s Redemptoris Missio (1991), which advocate dialogue between Christians and Jews, in order to oppose continued efforts to evangelize Jews. In the two-covenant viewpoint, the Christian confession regarding the person and work of Christ as the only Mediator or Redeemer holds true within the framework of God’s covenant with the church. However, since God’s covenant with Israel is a separate covenant, which is not fulfilled in the coming of Jesus Christ in the fullness of time, Christians may not impose upon Israel the terms of God’s covenant with the church.


最后一个有关以色列和教会的议题的立场是需要我们加以批注的我们姑且称之为「极端替代神学」。虽然时代论者坚持说传统的改革宗神学肯定上帝的百姓只有一群是由犹太信徒和外邦信徒所组成的是一种「替代」神学的形式但是改革宗神学并不认为福音「取代」了上帝与以色列古老的圣约治理covenant economy),而是「应验」了这个治理。极端替代神学的教导是:因为许多犹太人不承认耶稣基督是应许的弥赛亚,上帝就用外邦人教会取代了以色列。耶稣基督的福音呼召世上的万国和民族相信和悔改,但是福音否认上帝对救赎祂古老的百姓,以色列,还有特别的关注。既然教会是真正的、属灵的以色列,探讨上帝对以色列的得救是否还有特殊的意念这个议题,就不再有必要的。
The final position on the issue of Israel and the church that requires comment is what we might term “extreme replacement theology.” While dispensationalists often insist that the traditional Reformed affirmation of one people of God comprised of Jewish and Gentile believers in Christ is a form of “replacement” theology, the Reformed view does not regard the gospel as “replacing” the older covenant economy with Israel but “fulfilling” it. Extreme replacement theology is the teaching that, because many of the Jews did not acknowledge Jesus Christ to be the Messiah of promise, God replaced Israel with the Gentile church. The gospel of Jesus Christ calls all nations and peoples to faith and repentance, but it leaves no room for any particular focus upon God’s redemptive purpose for His ancestral people, Israel. Because the church is the true, spiritual Israel, any peculiar focus upon the question of God’s saving intention for Israel is no longer permitted.

Extreme replacement theology represents the opposite end of the spectrum from the two-covenant position. Rather than speaking of a distinct covenant relationship between God and Israel that continues even after the coming of Christ and the proclamation of the gospel to the nations, replacement theology maintains that God’s program for and interest in Israel has ended.


The diversity among these various positions on the issue of Israel and the church testifies to the importance of this issue. Does God have a separate purpose and redemptive program for Israel and the church? Or, does the gospel of Jesus Christ fulfill God’s purpose to gather a people from every tribe, tongue, and nation, Jews and Gentiles alike, into one worldwide family? When the Apostle Paul declares in Romans 1 that the gospel is the “power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Gentile” (Rom. 1:16), he declares that there is one way of salvation for all who believe in Jesus Christ. Yet he simultaneously affirms that this salvation does not displace or supersede God’s redemptive purpose for the Jews but, rather, fulfills it. The ongoing debate about Israel and the church needs to maintain the Apostle’s balance, neither separating Israel and the church nor displacing Israel with the church.