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顯示具有 John Murray 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章



摘自《再思救贖奇恩》Redemption Accomplished and Applied,第一部 救贖的成就,第四章 代贖的範圍,约翰·慕理(John Murray)著/陳妙玲譯,天道書樓。

簡言之,代贖的範圍的問題是:基督為誰作成代贖?以更簡單的話來說是:基督為誰死?聖經表現上似乎作了個不是模棱兩可的答覆:基督是為所有人死。我們讀到:「我們都如羊走迷,各人偏行己路,耶和華使我們眾人的罪孽都歸在他身上」( 53:6)。我們亦以為末句的「眾人」所指的人數是與「走迷、各人偏行己路」的人數同樣廣闊。若然如此,結論應該是主神把眾人的罪都歸到他兒子身上。他成為為眾人的罪而獻的祭。我們又讀到:「惟獨見那成為比天使小一點的耶穌,因為受死的苦,就得了尊貴榮耀為冠冕,叫他因著神的恩,為人人嘗了死味」( 2:9)。約翰說:「他為我們的罪作了挽回祭,不是單為我們的罪,也是為普天下人的罪」(約壹 2:2)。有人說約翰的話已將問題澄清,不容爭辯。

然而,我們卻不相信單靠上述類似等經文便可解決問題。聖經自始自終均用暜世性形式的措辭,但卻不能解作普世和概括所有人類的意思。「世人(world)、「眾人」(all)、「每一個人」(every one)、「所有人」(all men)等字或詞的意思在聖經往往並不是指人類的每一個人。例如:保羅論及以色列的不信時說:「若他們的過失,為天下的富足……何況他們的豐滿呢!」( 11:12) 。我們是否要以為保羅意謂以色列的過失將論及的富足帶給過去、現在、將來的每一個世人呢?這樣的解釋簡直是荒謬,因為「天下」(world)一詞也要包括以色列了,而「以色列」在此是與「天下」成對比。況且,人類的每一成員也沒有因以色列的過失而富足。保羅在此用「天下」一字是指那與以色列成對比的外邦天下。上下文充分證明此點。因此,我們找到一個例子,就是「天下」一字並不指普天下所有的人。而是有較狹小的意思。再者,保羅說:「因一次的過犯,眾人都被定罪;照樣,因一次的義行,眾人也就被稱義得生命了」( 5:18)。我們曾否以為稱義已臨到所有的人呢?這不可能是保羅的意思。他所談論的是實在的稱義,即在基督裡,引至永生的稱義(比較:1161721)。我們不可能相信如此稱義會臨到人類的每一分子,除非先相信每一分子至終都會得救,但這又與保羅在別處的教訓和聖經一貫的教訓相違。因此,雖然保羅在經文的前部用「眾人」指普世的眾人,但是他在經文的後部是指狹窄的意義,就是所有將實在被稱義的人。再舉一例,保羅說:他「凡事都可行」(林前6121023),他不是說但凡想到的東西對他都可行,對他來說,違反神的誡命是不可行的;他所說的「凡事」受上下文的意義限制。如此例子,可述無數,證明措辭縱有普世性的形態,實在卻取狹窄之意義,並非指人類的每一分子。


自然而然,我們亦可舉類同的經文希伯來書29節表明這推理的錯誤(譯注:即「惟獨見那成為比天使小一點的耶穌,,因為受死的苦,就得了尊貴榮耀為冠冕,叫他因著上帝的恩,為人人嘗了死味」)。這節有困難的句子是「為人人嘗了死味」。「人人」是指誰毫無疑問,是指上下文所論及的人。作者又在本文論到那些人?是論到那要進入榮耀裡的許多兒子(10);言之意謂:那使人成聖的,和那得以成聖的,都是同出於一(11)。「人人」即指那稱為基督的弟兄者(12),也指神給 予基督的兒女(13)。這上下文所示成了基督代贖嘗死味的「人人」的範圍和引證。基督實在為每一個將進入榮耀的兒子和所有神賜給他的兒女嘗了死味。但是,這段經文沒有解釋基督代死的「人人」的範圍是超出經文最明顯指示的範圍,這是言無根據的。這顯示隨意引用經文是可以看似順情順理的,但此卻對支持「普世代贖」(universal atonement)這教義缺乏根據。

要繼續分析贖罪範圍的教義,我們要辯清那些是主題之外的東西。主題不是分析是否拿掉稱義和救恩時,基督的死仍帶給人許多好處。這世界的不信墮落者享受無數因基督死而復活所帶來的好處。基督在神和人之間的中保統治權(mediatorial dominion)是普世性的。他在萬有之上,神賜他天上地下所有的權柄。人享受的一切福祉都源自這中保統治者的分配。但基督執行這種統治,是根據他完成的救贖之工,這統治權也是完成此工的報酬。「既有人的樣子,就自己卑微,存心順服,以至於死,且死在十字架上。所以神將他升為至高,又賜給他那超乎萬名之上的名」(289)。既因一切福祉都是在基督統治的範圍內,又因這統治是基於他完成的代贖之工,所以,眾人不分彼此所享受的無數福祉皆與基督的死有關,皆殊途同歸地與基督的死有關。基督的死若帶來福祉,那就是神所命定計劃的。因此,我們可名正言順地說:有一些不被揀選、遺棄者所享受的好處皆源自那叫基督死的計畫。普世性代贖論的否定並不同時否定眾人所享受的好處皆來自基督之死的關係。「代贖的範圍」一主題論及截然不同的內容。

這主題是:基督為誰獻己為祭?他為誰挽回神的忿怒?他的肉身經歷死亡是使誰與神複和?他拯救誰脫離律法的咒詛、罪的內咎和權勢、並撒但的奴役捆綁?他為了誰的好處而順服至死,且死在十字架上?要正視代贖範圍的主題時,這些問題正是我們必須發問和誠實面對的。主題不是基督的死與那些至終滅亡者今生享用的無數福祉的關係,儘管這問題本身在合宜的位置是何等重要。主題正是基督的死若解作替代的死,其內容為何?內容就是替代的順從、代獻的祭與贖罪、有效的抵償、複和與救贖。一言蔽之,「替死」(died for)的精確含義是我們要時常面對的。當保羅說:基督「替我們死」(帖前 5:10)或「基督為我們的罪死了」(林前 15:3)時,他並非想到因基督之死所加的福祉,而是想到我們必將被剝奪而喪失這些福祉。他正在想到一個偉大的真理:基督愛他,為他舍己( 2:20);基督站在他的立場和好處上代他死,因此我們可以透過他的血得救贖。

我們深思救贖的意義,就會不難察覺普世化的代贖(atonement)是不可能的。救贖的意義是什麼?這不能解成「救贖的可能性」(redeemability)(即處於一個可蒙救贖的地位),而應解成「基督已經買贖(purchased)並取得(procured)救贖」。這是新約聖經每論及救贖時所奏的凱歌!基督用自己的血把我們救贖歸神( 5:9);他獲得永遠的救贖( 9:12)。「他為我們舍了自己,又贖我們脫離一切罪惡,又潔淨我們,特作自己的子民,熱心為善」( 2:14)。任何把救贖解作以代價和能力去達成有效的釋放,而不是把它解作完成蒙救者可確保救恩之大工的,都是貶低了救贖的意義。基督不是為要把人放在一個可救的地位而來,乃是要救贖子民歸他自己。我們若正確地分析贖罪 (expiation) 、挽回(propitiation)及複和(reconciliation)的意義時,也必得到同樣結論。基督來,不是要使罪成為可補償的,他來是為了贖罪(expiate sins)——「他洗淨了人的罪,就坐在高天至大者的右邊」(13)。基督不是為使神能與人複和而來,他自己的血使我們與神複和。

這個主題涉及一事,即有關基督的使命和成就的真正性質。基督是否為普世人類的救恩而來?是否為除去救恩之路的障礙而來?是否單為救恩作準備而來?抑或他要來為拯救他的子民?要使萬人進入可得救恩的狀態?又或他是為所有註定得永生者獲得救恩而來?他來,是否為了使人成為可救贖的?或他是否有效地、無誤地施行救贖?若然代贖是同樣關係著至終滅亡者和承受永生者的話,那麼代贖這一教義便需徹底修正了, 如此必然削弱聖經用以解釋代贖的意義,刪除其至珍貴的含義與光輝。我們卻不能這樣做,因為拯救的效能在代贖、挽回、複和與救贖是如此根深蒂固,我們不敢將這效能刪除之。我們按理應默想主自己的話:「因為我從天上降下來,不是要按自己的意思行,乃是要按那差我來者的意思行。差我來者的意思,就是他所賜給我的,叫我一個也不失落,在末日卻叫他復活」(63839)。固存於基督所成就的救贖的是「保障」(security)。言之意謂:按著代贖的範圍而論,其設計、成就和最後的應用都是相同的。

這教義被名為「有限度代贖」(limited atonement)。這可能是或不是一個好或公正的名稱,但用辭並不重要,重要的是用辭表達的意思。我們很容易因在某教義上附加了一個惡性錯誤的形容詞而對這教義存偏見。不論「有限度代贖」的用辭恰當與否,我們必須認定一事實:除非相信萬人至終得救,不然就不可能有無限度的代贖。使代贖的範圍普世化,就限制了代贖的功效。若然某些經代贖和救贖的人永遠滅亡,那末代贖本身就不是有功效。此乃宣導普世代贖論者所必須面對的問題所在。他們主張一個「有限度」的代贖;這「有限度」的解釋卻侵犯了代贖的不可或缺的特性;我們絲毫不接納此說。我們主張「有限度代贖」的教義,即代贖是只局限於那些被揀選為永生的承繼者。如此限制確保代贖的功能,又保存其不可或缺的特性,就是有效而實際的救贖。



() 第一個證明出自羅馬書831-39




我們繼續看33節。有限度的範圍變得無可置疑地明顯清皙。因為保羅說:「誰能控告神所揀選的人呢?有神稱他們為義了,誰能定他們的罪呢?」思想全部圍繞著揀選(election)和稱義(justification)的軸心。而揀選和稱義的意義卻回到28-31節的內容,在那裡證明了預定 (predestination) 和稱義的範圍是一致的。

保羅在34節再次論及基督的死。他採用的方法對我們現今的研究在兩方面很重要。首先,他對「基督的死」的引證相等於「神是稱義者」的事實。這樣解說的目的,是為何對神的揀選的人控告辯護,又支持他的挑戰:「誰能控告神所揀選的人呢?」保羅引證基督的死,在此言談所指是蒙揀選者和稱義者。因此,我們尋證基督犧牲的死的範圍時,是沒有理由超出蒙揀選和稱義的範圍的。其次,他引證基督的死時,是按著復活、在神右邊相會、為我們代求等相繼事件的意義而解釋之。保羅再次說到「替我們」(for us)這措辭,這在此的用意是代求——「他也替我們祈求」。對於我們的討論主題,這措辭具有兩重意義:第一,「替我們」在這裡必須解為如31節的有限度的意思,把這解成普世性的意思是不可能的,不單整個上下文均同聲一曲地主張「有限度」的解法,且更因代求的必須性質是有益的和有效的。第二,因著基督的受死、復活,代求在經文內的編排組合,我們缺乏根據給基督之死下一個比他代求的範圍更概括的解釋。保羅在此說:「基督已經死了」,他的意思當然是指「基督為我們死了」,正如他在32節說父「把他為我們眾人舍了」一樣。我們不能給在「基督已經死了」一句子的「替我們」下一個大過「他也替我們祈求」一句子的「替我們」的範圍。因此,我們看到普世性的解釋只會導入不可能的假設。


() 第二個支持有限度代贖的聖經根據


無論如何,保羅的教訓對我們現今的討論的要點是:所有在基督裡死去的人都與他一同復活。保羅亦顯著地申明:「我們若是與基督同死,就信必與他同活。因為知道基督既從死裡復活,就不再死,死也不再作他的主了」(68-9)。正如基督死而復活 ,所有在基督裡死去的人也必在他裡面復活。這在基督裡復活的結果為何?保羅毫不隱瞞地說——就是復活得新生命。「所以我們藉著洗禮歸入死,和他一同埋葬,原是叫我們一舉一動有新生的樣式,像基督藉著父的榮耀,從死裡復活一樣。我們若在他死的形狀上與他聯合,也要在他復活的形狀與他聯合」(64-5)。「原來基督的愛激勵我們,因我們想一人既替眾人死,眾人就都死了。並且他替眾人死,是叫那些活著的人,不再為自己活,乃為替他們死而復活的主活」(林後514-15)。「因為你們已經死了,你們的生命與基督一同藏在神裡面」(西 3:3)


為代贖的範圍作一結論,我們宜思考一兩段經常被用作支持普世代贖論的決定性經文。經文之一是哥林多後書514-15節。保羅再度提及基督「替眾人死」(died for all)。按照保羅在此章的教訓,「替眾人死」是不能誤解作普世的人。剛才已經看到,保羅的教訓是說:凡是基督為之代死的人都在基督裡死了。他在此有力是簡釋這真理——「一人既替眾人死,眾人就都死了」。他又在別處直言不諱地說:「若與基督同死,就必與他同活」。在別處他全然剖白的表明那些在基督裡死了的人,也必與他同復活( 6:8)。雖然「與基督同死」的真理在此段經文未有詳盡解釋,但其意義誠然包含在以下的話語中:「他(基督)替眾人死,是叫那活著的人,不再為自己活,乃為替他們死而復活的主活」。如果我們假設「活著的人」是指有限度的範圍,與基督替之代死的「眾人」範圍不同,那末就與保羅在羅馬書65-8節的明確斷言衝突。衝突在乎那些在基督死的形象上死的人,也必在他復活的形象上復活;與他同死的人,也必與他同活。羅馬書64-8節的教訓類推必須應用在哥林多後書514-5節的教訓。「那些活著的人」與其上的「他為眾人死」的「眾人」必須具有相同的範圍。因著「那些活著的人」不包括整個人類,又「他為眾人死」的「眾人」也不包括全人類,確證的事實來自15節的結語:「乃為替他們死而復活的主活」。基督的死和復活在此是聯合的。而保羅在類同經文的類推說:領受基督之死的受惠者,也同是領受他復活並復活生命的受惠者。所以當保羅在此說把「替他們死而復活」時,其言中意是指基督替之代死的人,也是基督為之復活的人,而基督為之復活的人,也是活向新生命的人。根據保羅的教訓,特別是林後514-15節的說明,我們不可能「替他們」解作普世的人。這段經文對支持普世代贖論的教義,恰得其反。


(1) 約翰必須解釋耶穌的挽回祭的範圍——挽回祭的效力和功能不是只限於耶穌的隨身門徒,就是那真正目睹、耳聞並經歷主寄住在地上的行事的 (比較:約壹11-3),也不限於那親自經門徒教誨的信徒(比較:約壹134)。耶穌自己成了挽回祭。這挽回祭的效力、功能和意旨普及萬國萬人,包括每一個接受使徒見證而與聖父、聖子相交的人(比較:約壹15-7)。各邦各族的人都是在如此意義內分享挽回祭,好比新約其他作者和主自己一樣。約翰當務之急是高舉福音的種族普救法(ethnic universalism),因此,耶穌的挽回祭是那福音的中心資訊。為了宣揚福音恩典的普救法,約翰需要這樣說:「不是單為我們的罪,也是為普天下人的罪」。

(2) 約翰必須強調「耶穌是挽回祭」的獨一性。這挽回祭是惟一的除罪之法。經文所示,約翰正力證罪的的嚴重性和除去縱罪自滿的必須。為此,他必須提醒信徒,除了耶穌的挽回祭外,罪再無別的潔淨法——我們再沒有別的除罪祭。人類需要的極限和神聖恩典的極限再沒有別的挽回祭——它乃是為普天下人而設的。

(3) 約翰必須提醒讀者有關耶穌的挽回祭的永久性。這挽回祭經年累月仍然常存—-它的功能永不減弱、它的效力也從不消失。挽回祭的功能不但永久長存,它更是不止息地除去信徒屢犯不止的罪——他們無需再另求一個挽回祭去免除重犯之罪責,好比他們不用求父另賜一位中保,為他們重犯的罪求赦一樣。


值得一提的,約翰在此經文說:「耶穌就是挽回祭」——即「他為我們的罪作了挽回祭」。這種敘述的意思極可能是:「義者耶穌基督」不但一次藉十字架的獻祭作成挽回祭,他是這挽回祭的這三重作用對撫慰神的子民深具意義,因神的子民最大的需要是解決因犯罪而來的後果,也即神的不悅。基督是常在的挽回,他們因此可存全備的信心就近他,知道基督的挽回祭和不止息的挽回是除去神忿怒的保證。上述如此複雜的思想,使我們連建立「普世挽回祭」(universal propitiation)架構都有困難。在這裡,好比在不少別例一樣,我們發覺有一個確實的連接,把代贖的功效和代贖連接起來。聯合上一節經文的意思,即耶穌基督是在父那裡的中保,我們必須認定「耶穌為中保」和「他是挽回祭」是互相對稱的。正因耶穌作成了挽回祭,他又是常在的挽回,所以他成為在父那裡的中保。若我們立挽回祭的範圍遠超出基督中保工作的範圍,那就是加插了幾乎不可兩立的因素在這個對稱之上。



摘錄自《羅馬書註釋》The Epistle to the Romans,  約翰慕理John Murray/林慈信譯

Excerpt from: John Murray, The Epistle to the Romans, 3:21-23a

 21  但如今上帝的義在律法以外已經顯明出來有律法和先知為證。
22  就是上帝的義因信耶穌基督加給一切相信的人並沒有分別。
23  因為世人都犯了罪虧缺了上帝的榮耀。

「現在」 - 時間上的意思連續性與改變﹕

保羅不單強調靠律法的行為稱義和沒有律法的稱義後者指沒有律法的行為的稱義之間的對照。他也同時強調後者的顯明﹕不靠律法(律法以外)的稱義,在耶穌基督的啟示顯明了。「現在」是與過去對照﹕這個「上帝的義」現在被顯明了;完全敞開,讓人能看見。… 保羅在這裏並不意味著﹕不靠律法(律法以外)的稱義現在是第一次被啟示;先前的時期,人類只知道靠律法的行為稱義。事實完全相反。保羅為了避免把兩者對立起來,他明言提醒我們,這個「上帝的義」,現在顯明的義,是有律法和先知見證的。保羅在這裏,好像在其他事上,都竭力堅持新舊約之間的連續性 (continuity)。可是,舊約與新約在「顯明」 (manifestation) 上卻有空前的改變﹕這與新舊約之間的連續性是一致的。因此,我們可以承認「現在」是指時間方面的,而同時不損害兩種關係(兩種的稱義)的對照,或新舊約兩個時期之間的連續性。108-109
Paul is emphasizing not only the contrast between justification through the works of the law and justification without the law, that is, without works of law, but he is also emphasizing the manifestation of the latter which came with the revelation of Jesus Christ.  Now, in contrast with the past, this righteousness of God is manifested; it has come to lie open to full view …  This does not mean for Paul that justification without the law was now for the first time revealed and that in the earlier period all that men knew was justification by works of the law.  It is far otherwise.  To obviate any such discrepancy between the past and the present Paul expressly reminds us that this righteousness of God now manifested was witnessed by the law and the prophets.  He is jealous to maintain in this matter as in other respects the continuity between the two Testaments.  But consistently with this continuity there can still be distinct emphasis upon the momentous change in the New Testament in respect of manifestation.  The temporal force of the “now” can therefore be recognized without impairing either the contrast of relations or the continuity of the two periods contrasted. (108-109)


當保羅說「律法以外」 (without the law) 我們不可沖淡這種「絕對否定」的語氣。羅馬書這段的主題是上帝稱義的「義」;這「義」是律法以外的,保羅的宣告是毫無保留,毫不猶疑的。這裏意味著說﹕在上帝稱義的事上,律法的行為,不論是為稱義預備,從旁協助,或屬它之下,都毫無貢獻。這裏的用字,和字詞在句裏的地位,都說明這事實。保羅在羅馬書中不斷的爭辯,也支持這點。若忽略這方面的強調,就忽略整卷羅馬書的中心信息。若在這點上猶疑等於歪曲本書明顯地、貫徹地宣告的真理。109
When Paul says “without the law” the absoluteness of this negation must not be toned down.  He means this without any reservation or equivocation in reference to the justifying righteousness which is the theme of this part of the epistle.  This implies that in justification there is no contribution, preparatory, accessory, or subsidiary, that is given by works of law.  This fact is set forth here both by the expression itself and by its emphatic position in the sentence.  And it is borne out by the sustained polemic of the epistle as a whole.  To overlook this accent is to miss the central message of the epistle.  To equivocate here is to distort what could not be more plainly and consistently stated.


「律法以外」的「律法」不是指律法正典canon, 聖經),頁不是指上帝救贖計劃的律法時期 (dispensation)。這裏不是說﹕上帝的義現在的顯明,是與舊約聖經分隔,或於舊約時期分隔的。保羅說的剛好相反﹕「有律法與先知為證」,意思是說,律法與先知為這「義」作見證。「在律法以外」中的「律法」的意思是「律法的行為」(見20節,中文聖經譯作「行律法」);這裏的意思就是﹕律法吩咐我們、激勵我們作出行為,都不能對我們的稱義作什麼貢獻。這裏正好教導我們認清,使徒保羅很自如地使用「律法」這字,每次的定義不一樣。完全不靠律法、在律法以外的「義」(這裏「律法」是一種的意思),卻是律法(這裏「律法」是另外一種意思)所宣告的。從一種意義來說,律法所宣告的,與「稱義」相反,可是從另外一種意義來說,律法宣告上帝的稱義。因此我們看見,每次使徒保羅用「律」一字的時候,我們必須認清他在那裏的意思是什麼;不可隨便以為每次「律」的定義和涵義都是一樣的。解經因在忽略了這方面的變化,因此受了損害。
The expression, “without the law” is not to be understood in the canonical sense nor in the sense of dispensation.  It is not said that the righteousness of God now manifested was apart from the Old Testament viewed either as canon or as period.  Paul says the opposite – “it was witnessed by the law and the prophets” in the sense that the law and the prophets bore witness to it.  In the expression “apart from the law” the term “law” is used in the sense of “works of law” (vs. 20) and the thought is simply that law as commandment or as constraining to and producing works contributes nothing to our justification.  We have here an instructive example of the ease with which the apostle can turn from one denotation of the word “law” to another.  The righteousness that is unreservedly without law in one sense of the word “law” is, nevertheless, witnessed to and therefore proclaimed by the law in another sense of that term.  Law in one sense pronounces the opposite of justification, the law in another sense preaches justification.  This illustrates the necessity in each case of determining the precise sense in which the term “law” is used by the apostle and we must not suppose that the term has always the same denotation and connotation.  Exposition has suffered from failure to recognize this variation.  Here the variation is exemplified in two consecutive clauses.   (109-110)

「因信」﹕基督是信的對象 (object)不是主體 (subject)

「因信耶穌基督加給一切相信的人」與117「這義是本於信以至於信」有同樣的意思。讀者可以參考該處的注釋。可是我們要注意,117所暗示的一些因素,在這裏明顯地突出。使徒保羅謹慎地指出,這「信」乃是「信耶穌基督」 (faith in Jesus Christ, 中文直譯﹕「在耶穌基督裏的信」) 。我們其實不需要解釋﹕耶穌基督乃是信心的對象、客體 (object),而不是這裏所指「信心」的主體(耶穌不是拿出「信心」的那位)。若以為保羅在這裏指一個以耶穌基督為模範的「信心」,是違背使徒保羅所有的教訓;若說我們是靠耶穌自己的信心,即耶穌自己拿出的「信心」稱義,則與保羅的教導差的更遠。雖然,若說「耶穌的誠信在以經解經的原則看,並不完全離題」,並不完全無理,可是,在這節或在117這樣解釋「信」,毫無支持的理由。請讀者參考這方面的附注363ff110-111
 “The righteousness of God” of verse 22 is the same as that of verse 21 and 1:17 and the words “through faith of Jesus Christ unto all who believe” have the same force as “from faith to faith” of 1:17.  To the exposition at that point the reader is again referred.  It is necessary, however, to note the additional elements, implied in 1:17, but set forth here overtly.  The apostle is careful to define this faith as faith in Jesus Christ.  It is hardly necessary to show that Jesus Christ is the object and not the subject of the faith spoken of.  It would be alien to the whole teaching of the apostle to suppose that what he has in mind is a faith that is patterned after the faith which Jesus himself exemplified, far less that we are justified by Jesus’ own faith, that is to say, by the faith which he exercised.  Although the notion that the faithfulness of Christ is in view would not be contrary to the analogy of Scripture in general, yet there is not good warrant for this interpretation here any more than in 1:17.  The reader is again referred to the appendix on this subject (pp. 363 ff.).


In representing Jesus Christ as the object of faith the apostle brings to the forefront a consideration which had not been expressly stated so far in this epistle.  The faith that is brought into relation to justification is not a general faith in God; far less is it faith without well-defined and intelligible content.  It is faith directed to Christ, and when he is denominated “Jesus Christ” these titles are redolent of all that Jesus was and is personally, historically, officially.  It is Jesus Christ in terms of Romans 1;3, 4 who is the object of justifying faith.  In terms of verse 21, 22, it is this faith that places us in effectual relation to the righteousness of God.  In the succeeding verses the apostle defines the accomplishment of Christ by which he is constituted the appropriate object of this faith, an accomplishment defined as redemption, propitiation, and the vindication of justice.  It is Jesus Christ in the efficacy that belongs to him as redeemer and propitiator who is the proper object of faith.  Faith is focused upon him in the specific character that is his as Saviour, Redeemer, and Lord.  (111)


羅馬書 三章23b-24
23 因為世人都犯了罪虧缺了上帝的榮耀。
24  如今卻蒙上帝的恩典因基督耶穌的救贖就白白的稱義。

 In view of these implications of the expression “through the faith of Jesus Christ’ we may wonder why there is the addition, “unto all who believe.”  It is admitted that it is difficult to arrive at certainly respecting the precise thought intended.  But the most reasonable interpretation would appear to be (cf. comments on 1:17) that not only is the righteousness of God brought into effectual relation to men through faith in Christ but it is brought into this effectual relation to all believers.[16]   Faith is not only effectual to this end; it is invariably effective whoever the person believing is.  It was not superfluous for the apostle to emphasize this truth.  He had proved that all, both Jews and Gentiles, were under sin.  In respect of the penal judgment of God there is no difference.  The glory of the gospel is that there is no discrimination in the favourable judgment of God when faith comes into operation.  There is no discrimination among believers – the righteousness of God comes upon them all without distinction.

This interpretation receives confirmation from the immediately succeeding clauses: “for there is no difference: for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”   As all are sinners, so all believers are justified freely by God’s grace.  There are thus two distinct shades of thought in the two elements of the clause.  “Through faith of Jesus Christ” stresses the fact that it is only through faith in Christ that this righteousness of God is operative unto justification.  “Unto all who believe” stresses the fact that this righteousness is always operative when there is faith.

「因為世人都犯了罪」視每一個人的罪為「過去歷史的事實」 Meyer 注釋。這裏動詞的時間性,可是指人類罪性的每一個層面;因此我們沒有理由認為這句話只是是指亞當的罪,和後人在他的罪中的參與(參﹕羅512)。使徒保羅要指出的乃是﹕人類雖然在使自己的罪性和後果越發複雜上因人而異,可是所有的人都在「罪人」的範圍裏,沒有例外,也沒有被偏待(參﹕39-10)。
 The clause, “all have sinned” (vs. 23), views the sin of every man “as a historical fact of the past” (Meyer, ad loc.).   The tense used is one that can do service for every aspect from which the sinfulness of the human race may be viewed, and it would not be defensible to restrict the reference to the sin of Adam and the involvement of posterity therein (cf. 5:12).  The interest of the apostle here is to affirm that, whatever differences may obtain among members of the race in respect of the aggravations by which sinfulness is intensified, all without exception or discrimination are in the category of sinners (cf. vss. 9, 10).

與此句配搭的「虧缺了上帝的榮耀」的意思並不明顯有幾個可能性。這個動詞的意思是﹕「缺乏」、「沒有」、「貧乏」(參﹕太1920 1514;林前17881224;腓412)。所指的是一種狀況,不是一項行動,雖然這種狀況可能從某一個行動(或缺乏這行動)而來;若有這行動,則可以補救這種狀況。困擾解經家的是﹕我們所虧缺的榮耀(就是我們在這方面貧乏)是指什麼?有四個可能。(一)在歸榮耀給上帝,榮耀他,作稱讚他榮耀的事上失敗(這種用法參﹕路1718 1223 420;林前1031;林後415819;腓111 211;帖前26 49111113147169)。(二)領不到上帝所此的榮耀、尊貴、讚賞(參﹕約541448501243;羅2710;來33;彼前17;彼後117)(三)在反映上帝的榮耀,效法他的形象上有虧欠(參﹕林前117;林後318823)。(四)得不到在基督再來時,上帝賜祂子民的最後榮耀(參﹕羅5281821;林前271543;林後417;西12734;帖後214;提後210;來210;彼前514)。
The import of the coordinate clause, “and come short of the glory of God” is not immediately apparent; there are several possibilities.  The verb means “to lack,” “to want,” “to be destitute of” (cf. Matt. 19:20; Luke 15:14; I Cor. 1:7; 8:8; 12:24; Phil. 4:12).  It refers to a condition, not to an action, though, of course, the condition may arise from the absence of action which would have remedied or prevented the condition.  The question that raises some difficulty and on which commentators differ is: what is the glory of God of which we come short and are destitute?  There are four possibilities: (1) to fail to render to God the glory, to fail to glorify him or do what is to the praise of his glory (cf. for this use of the word “glory” Luke 17:18; Acts 12:23; Rom. 4:20; I Cor. 10:31; II Cor. 4:15; 8:19; Phil. 1:11; 2:11; I Thess. 2:6; Rev. 4:9, 11; 11:13; 14:7; 16:9); (2) to fail of receiving the glory, honour, or approbation which God bestows (cf. John 5:41, 44; 8:50; 12:43; Rom. 2:7, 10; Heb. 3:3; I Pet. 1:7; II Pet. 1:17); (3) to come short of reflecting the glory of God, that is, of conformity to his image (cf. I Cor. 11:7; II Cor. 3:18; 8:23); (4) to fail of the consummated glory that will be dispensed to the people of God at the coming of Christ (cf. Rom. 5:2; 8:18, 21; I Cor. 2:7; 15:43; II Cor. 4:17; Col. 1:27; 3:4; II Thess. 2:14; II Tim. 2:10; Heb. 2:10; I Pet. 5:1, 4). 

 The difficulty is not a little accentuated by the fact that there is no precise parallel to this expression in the New Testament and a good case might be made for each of the four interpretations.  One can only indicate a slight balance of considerations in favour of interpretation (3).

保羅用的動詞是現在式形容一種狀態。因此我們應推論,保羅在這裏想到人類因罪的事實而陷入的狀況;這與「世人都犯了罪」相對稱。這樣考慮,減低了第四種解釋的說服力。(二)保羅的意思若根據第一種解釋,他大可以另加一個字,如「歸」(giving)榮耀;這的確是新約聖經,特別是保羅書信的作法。或者他可以加  unto 一字,這樣 unto the glory of God (歸榮耀給上帝)就很清楚(參第一種解釋的經文)。(三)雖然根據新約的用法,「上帝的榮耀」可指從上帝而來的榮耀(參﹕約1243),可是比較清楚表達這意思的方法是「從上帝來的榮耀」 (glory from God)。(四)保羅典型的作法是,將救贖為我們得來的福份,和罪帶來的後果對照,如﹕我們被改變,成為上帝的樣式(林後318)。而形容我們目前的狀況,沒有比「虧缺榮耀」的貧乏更貼切、更生動。我們沒有反映上帝的完美 (perfection)、祂的榮耀;我們在這方面的完美性非常貧乏。
 (a) Paul uses the present tense of a verb which is descriptive of a state or condition.  We should infer therefore that he is reflecting on a present condition of all men arising from the fact of sin; it is coordinate with the fact that all have sinned.  This consideration would tend to make (4) less tenable.  (b) If (1) were intended by the apostle it is reasonable to suppose that he would have inserted some other term such as that of “giving” glory to God after the pattern of the usage of the New Testament in general and of him in particular, or he would have used the preposition “unto” and have adapted the whole expression so as to read “unto the glory of God”, as in passages cited above under (1).  (c) Although the phrase “the glory of God” could, in terms of New Testament usage, be applied to the praise that comes from God (cf. John 12:43), yet the more perspicuous in this regard would be “glory from God”.[17]   (d) It is quite Pauline to represent that which redemption secures, in contrast with that which sin has brought, as transformation into the image of God (cf. II Cor. 3:18).  In describing our present condition nothing would be more pertinent or descriptive than to define it in terms of our destitution in this regard.  We are destitute of that perfection which is the reflection of the divine perfection and therefore of the glory of God.

24Verse 24

解經家對24節上的造句感到困惑。「(被)稱義」的分詞 (participle) 如何與上文關聯?答案並不明顯。最有理的觀點是﹕22節下和23節﹕「並沒有分別﹕因為眾人都犯了罪,虧缺了上帝的榮耀」是整段思路的一個括弧。至於造句和作者原意,「被稱義」 (being justified) 就與22節上連起來﹕「就是上帝的義,因信耶穌基督加給一切相信的人」。我們須提出﹕整卷羅馬書中,「稱義」這動詞,也就是整卷書的主題,是在本節第一次直接地、正面地被使用。他在上文纔為主題(上帝的義)訂了定義﹕上帝的義,乃是藉著信靠耶穌基督生效的。現在保羅再解釋﹕這「稱義」是出於上帝的恩典,白白賜下。因此「稱義」分詞 (being justified) 背後有兩個理念﹕(一)「上帝的義」是我們的稱義,與「律法的行為不可能成就稱義」成了強烈的對照(20節)。(二)「稱義」是因為(蒙)上帝恩典白白所賜的。造種造句法比較不尋常,不過也沒有帶來什太大困難。就算我們不接受,22節下和23節是一個括弧,也不應該因造句而感到困難。因為「被稱義」 (being justified) 也與「並沒有分別,因為世人都犯了罪,虧缺了上帝的榮耀」有關。我們上面已經看到,罪性的普遍性(人類都是罪人)影響另外一件事實﹕信耶穌的人並沒有分別﹕他們都是「上帝的義」的受惠者。因此保羅為「稱義」這個主題清楚訂下定義的時候,除了說明「稱義」是什麼以外,再強調稱義是「白白」得來、是「蒙上帝的恩典」,是非常合宜的。換言之,22節下、23節與上文的關係非常密切,與下文也非常有關;24節接著22節上,說明定義,再加發揮。
Verse 24.  Commentators have encountered difficulty with the construction at the beginning of verse 24.  The participle “being justified” does not appear to stand in relation to what precedes in a way that is easily intelligible.  The most tenable view is that of those interpreters who regard what immediately precedes in verses 22b, 23, “for there is no difference: for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”, as parenthetical to that which is the main subject of this paragraph.  As regards construction and intent, therefore, “being justified” is to be construed in direct sequence with “a righteousness of God through faith of Jesus Christ, unto all who believe” (vs. 22a).  It is perhaps not irrelevant to observe that this is the first time in this epistle that Paul uses this verb directly and positively in reference to what is the leading theme of this epistle.[18]  He had just defined his theme in terms of the righteousness of God operative through faith in Christ and now he is giving explication in express terms of justification freely by the grace of God.  These two thoughts, namely, that this righteousness of God is our justification in contrast with the impossibility of the works of the law (vs. 20) and that this justification is the free gift of God by grace are sufficient ground for the defining participle, “being justified.”  And there is no reason for hesitating at what may appear to us as unusual construction.  Even if we do not allow that the immediately preceding clauses are parenthetical to the main thought of this passage – a position that has much to commend it – there should be no difficulty with the construction.  For the fact that there is no difference and that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God has close bearing upon the thought expressed in the participle “being justified.”  As we have found already, the fact of universal sinfulness bears directly upon the other fact that there is no discrimination among believers – they all are beneficiaries of the righteousness of God.  So now in defining this theme in the express terms of justification the universality of sin is equally pertinent to the freeness and graciousness of justification as well as to that which justification itself connotes.  In other words, verses 22b, 23 stand in the most significant relation both to what precedes and to what follows and verse 24 resumes the theme of verse 22a in terms that define and expand the latter.

「蒙上帝的恩典」 與「白白地」合起來的效果是強調﹕上帝稱義的作為人完全不能用功勞賺回來。上帝作為的白白、主權性,乃是20節所宣稱的﹕「凡有血氣的,沒有一個因行律法能在神面前稱義」正面的對稱。保羅的「稱義的教義」裏最重要的因素乃是﹕上帝稱義的作為完全不被人性 (anything we are) 或人的行為 (anything we do)左右﹕我們所作的不可能影響上帝、推動祂稱人為義。我們所是、我們所作的不單不能影響上帝稱義,我們裏面的一切,剛好導致相反的判斷﹕在上帝面前全人類都 被定罪(參3919)。因此,上帝稱義的作為的動機,解釋,和一切決定因素,都來自上帝自己的本性和祂的作為;祂所作的,盡都出自祂白白的,主權的恩典。人若試圖獻陳任何功德來賺得稱義,就完全違背保羅「稱義的教義」,完全違背他的福音。基督福音的榮耀就是﹕福音是白白恩典的福音。
 The combination of the terms “freely” and “by his grace” has the effect of emphasizing the completely unmerited character of God’s justifying act.  The free and sovereign graciousness of the act is the positive complement to that which had been asserted in verse 20 that “from the works of the law no flesh will be justified” in God’s sight.  No element in Paul’s doctrine of justification is more central than this – God’s justifying act is not constrained to any extent or degree by anything that we are or do which could be esteemed as predisposing God to this act.  And not only is it the case that nothing in us or done by us constrains to this act, but all that is ours compels the opposite judgment – the whole world is brought in guilty before God (cf. vvs. 9, 19).  This action on God’s part derives its whole motivation, explanation, and determination from what God himself is and does in the exercise of free and sovereign grace.  Merit of any kind on the part of man, when brought into relation to justification, contradicts the first article of the Pauline doctrine and therefore of his gospel.  It is the glory of the gospel of Christ that it is one of free grace.

我們必須正視稱義是白白的、完全是恩典這「恩典」的真理是自顯的、自我解釋的。可是我們也不要忽略上下文,和上下文帶來的教訓。稱義是來自恩典,但這並不排除恩典透過什麼方法 (medium) 運作。保羅馬上加一句﹕「因基督耶穌的救贖」,就是這個意思。稱義是藉著救贖的方法,說明「稱義的恩典」的兩件事﹕(一)稱義是透過怎樣的重價買來的。(二)救贖是重價買來,並不違背稱義的「恩典性」;其實更顯出這「恩典性」。「因恩典稱義」和「藉救贖稱義」這樣優美的配搭,正好糾正了錯誤的論調﹕「稱義若是白白的,其中就不可能有任何代價;若是用代價買回來的,就不可能是白白的。」不;兩者都是!重價使白白的恩典顯的更偉大!稱義,是藉著基督耶穌的救贖而來的;不是透過我們所付的任何代價;乃是藉著基督所付的重價,好叫白白的恩典流出,使不虔的人得稱為義。
 The accent placed here on the freeness and graciousness of the justifying act must be noted on its own account.  But a contextual consideration and the lessons derived from it must not be overlooked.  The accent upon free grace does not eliminate the medium through which this free grace has come into operation.  That is the lesson of what Paul immediately adds: “through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus.”  This mediation shows two things in reference to the grace of justification: (1) the costly price at which this justification was procured; (2) the price at which it was procured does not negate but enhances the gracious character of the act.  How eloquent is this collocation of justification by grace and justification through redemption in the correction of all argument to the effect that if justification is free it cannot be through price and if through price it cannot be free.  It is both, and the price magnifies the marvel of the free grace.  Justification is through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus; it is not through any price of ours; it is the costly price that Christ paid in order that free grace might flow unto the justification of the ungodly.

「救贖」最根本的意思,是用贖價買贖 (ransom)。我們不可能將新約聖經「救贖」的教義約化為「釋放」而已。主耶穌的話(太2028;路1045)明顯地指買贖的贖價,與祂自己捨命﹕後者是祂「寶血」的同義詞。祂的寶血就是這救贖的贖價。保羅在這裏和他書信其他地方所用的「救贖」一字,也是這個意思。(參﹕弗17;多214;還有末世性的救贖,參﹕羅823;林前130;弗114430;其他新約的作者,參﹕路1682382441;來91215;彼前118。)保羅另外用一個字(加31344;參;林前620;彼後21;啟591434)也是同義。因此,「因基督耶穌的救贖」就是藉基督流血、捨命所付的買贖代價;我們不可能刪除這意義的任何部份。再者,我們必須注意保羅心目中的救贖是永遠「住在」基督裏的;是「在基督耶穌裏的救贖」。救贖不只是我們在基督裏所擁有的(弗17),救贖,是基督生上所彰顯的。基督是救贖的「道成肉身」 (embodiment)。基督不單成就了救恩;救贖住在救贖主裏,一切救贖的功勞(virtue)和功效 (efficacy) 都在基督裏。這樣理解救贖纔能顯出上帝白白、恩典的稱義是藉著什麼方法施行。

The root meaning of “redemption” is to ransom by the payment of a price.  It is impossible to reduce the New Testament concept of redemption to the mere notion of liberation.  Our Lord’s saying (Matt. 20:28; Mark 10:45) is expressly in terms of substitutive ransom and the giving of his life, which in the New Testament is the same as the shedding of his blood, the price of this redemption.  It is this same concept that appears in the term Paul uses here as also elsewhere in other epistles (cf. Eph. 1:7; Titus 2:14 and in an eschatological sense in Rom. 8:23; I Cor. 1:30; Eph. 1:14; 4:30; see also in other New Testament writers Luke 1:68; 2:38; 24:41; Heb. 9;12, 15; I Pet. 1:18).  Another term used by Paul (Gal. 3:13; 4:5; cf. also I Cor. 6:20; II Pet. 2:1; Rev. 5:9; 14:3, 4) conveys the same thought.  Hence “the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” cannot be reduced to lower terms than the ransom secured by Christ in the shedding of his blood and the giving of his life.[19]  It should be noted in addition that the apostle conceives of this redemption as something that has its permanent and abiding tenancy in Christ; it is “the redemption that is in Christ Jesus”.  The redemption is not simply that which we have in Christ (Eph. 1:7) but it is the redemption of which Christ is the embodiment.  Redemption has not only been wrought by Christ but in the Redeemer this redemption resides in its unabbreviated virtue and efficacy.  And it is redemption thus conceived that provides the mediacy through which justification by God’s free grace is applied.