

 (Isaac Ambrose, Works (1701), p. 201; quoted in Packer, Quest For Godliness, p. 103.)

 1.  Christ is the truth and substance of all the types and shadows.

2.  Christ is the substance and matter of the Covenant of Grace, and all administrations thereof; under the Old Testament Christ is veiled, under the New Covenant revealed.
基督是恩典之約﹐和恩典之約所有的安排 (制度﹐儀式等)的實質﹐實體。在舊約裡﹐基督不明顯﹔在新約時﹐基督明顯地啟示。

3.  Christ is the center and meeting place of all the promises; for in him the promises of God are yea and Amen.
基督是《聖經》所有應許的中心﹐所有應許都在祂身上匯合。在祂裡﹐所有神的應許都是 “是” ﹐都是 “阿們”

4.  Christ is the thing signified, sealed and exhibited in the Sacraments of the Old and New Testament.

5.  Scripture genealogies use to lead us on to the true line of Christ.

6.  Scripture chronologies are to discover to us the times and seasons of Christ.

7.  Scripture-laws are our schoolmasters to bring us to Christ, the moral by correcting, the ceremonial by directing.

8.  Scripture-gospel is Christ’s light, whereby we hear and follow him; Christ’s cords of love, whereby we are drawn into sweet union and communion with him; yea it is the very power of God unto salvation unto them that believe in Christ Jesus; and therefore think of Christ as the very substance, marrow, soul and scope of the whole Scriptures.